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Competitive Intelligence Expenses: Organization Characteristics and Environmental Contingencies

Comai, Alessandro 15 January 2016 (has links)
Aquest projecte de recerca se centra en el mesurament de diverses característiques de la organització i de l'entorn amb la vinculació d'aquestes variables als esforços de la companyia; la qual va invertir en intel·ligència competitiva (IC). Aquest estudi té per objecte comprovar si nou característiques organitzatives i vuit condicions ambientals tenen un impacte positiu en les despeses d’IC. A més, s'estudien els efectes de les característiques de l'entorn sobre la relació entre despeses d'organització i IC. Es van estudiar les organitzacions centrades en una Unitat Estratègica de Negoci (UEN). Es va utilitzar una metodologia quantitativa. Es van recollir dades de 225 professionals d’IC per tal de provar les hipòtesis. Els resultats mostra que una variable de la organització “la innovació tecnològica d’una UEN” és significativa y i té un impacte positiu en les despeses d’IC, tot i que l'anàlisi descriptiva mostra que altres quatre variables estan relacionades amb les despeses d’IC. A més, s rebutgen tres variables d'organització. En quant a les vuit variables de l'entorn, dos són significatives i tenen un impacte positiu en les despeses d’IC . Aquests són "la innovació tecnològica de la indústria" i "restriccions regulatòries". L'anàlisi descriptiva mostra que només un dels sis variables de l'entorn, és rebutjada. Pel que fa a l'efecte de contingència de les vuit característiques ambientals sobre la relació entre les nou variables de l'organització i les despeses d’IC, no és possible demostrar l'efecte moderador encara que l'anàlisi descriptiva si mostra alguns efectes. Els resultats de l'estudi permet a qualsevol empresa determinar si hi ha la necessitat de dedicar recursos a IC en base a les condicions organitzatives i de l'entorn de cada empresa. Aquelles empreses que tenen condicions similars a les que es mostren a ser significatiu, poden tenir una necessitat d'establir una funció de IC. / Este proyecto de investigación se concentra en medir varias características de la organización y del entrono y enlazar estas variables con los recursos invertidos por la empresa en inteligencia competitiva (IC). Este estudio comprueba empíricamente si nueve características de la organización y ochos condiciones del entorno tienen un impacto positivo en los gastos en la IC. Adicionalmente, se estudia el efecto de las ochos condiciones del entorno sobre la relación entre la organización y los gastos de IC. Las organizaciones se analizan centrándose en sus unidades estratégicas de negocio (UENs). El método aplicado es cuantitativo. Para poder testear las hipótesis se emplearon datos obtenidos de 225 profesionales de IC. Los resultados mostraron que una variable de la organización, “innovación tecnológica de una UEN”, es significativa y tiene un impacto positivo en el gasto en IC, aunque el análisis descriptivo de otras cuatro variables de la organización muestra que están relacionadas con los gastos de IC. Adicionalmente, tres variables de la organización no están positivamente relacionadas con los gastos de IC. En cuanto a las ocho variables de entorno, dos son significativas y tienen un impacto positivo en los gastos de IC. Estas son: “innovación tecnológica de la industria” y “restricciones regulatorias”. El análisis descriptivo muestra que solamente una de las otras seis variables del entorno no están positivamente relacionadas con los gastos de IC. Respecto a los factores de contingencia de las ocho características del entorno y que afectan a la relación entre la organización y los gastos de CI, no es posible probar el efecto moderador aunque el análisis descriptivo muestra algunos efectos. Los resultados del estudio permiten a cualquier empresa determinar si existe la necesidad de dedicar recursos a la CI en base a las condiciones de la organización y del entorno de cada empresa. Aquellas empresas que tienen condiciones similares a las que se demuestra que son significativas, pueden tener una necesidad de establecer una función de CI. / This research project focuses on measuring several organizational and environmental characteristics and linking these variables to the company’s efforts invested in competitive intelligence (CI). This study sets out to test empirically if nine organizational characteristics and eight environmental conditions have positive impact on CI expenses. In addition, the effects of the eight environment characteristics on the relationship between organization and CI expenses are studied. Organizations are analyzed focusing on their Strategic Business Units (SBUs). A quantitative methodology is used. Data was collected from 223 CI practitioners in order to test the hypotheses. The results show that one organizational variable “SBU technology innovation” is significant and has a positive impact on CI expenses, although descriptive analysis shows that another four variables are related to CI expenses. In addition, three organizational variables are not positive related to CI expenses. Regarding the eight environmental variables, two are significant and have a positive impact on CI expenses. These are “industry technology innovation” and “regulatory constraints”. Descriptive analysis shows that only one of the other six variables of the environment, is not positive related to CI expenses. With regard to the contingency effect of the eight environmental characteristics on the relationship between the nine organization variables and the CI expenses, it has not been possible to prove the moderating effect although descriptive analysis does show some effects. The results of the study allows any company to establish whether there is a need to devote resources to CI based on the organizational and environmental conditions of each firm. Those firms which have similar conditions to the ones shown to be significant, may have a need to establish a CI function.

Implantation de pratiques et d'outils d'intelligence d'affaires pour supporter la prise de décision dans le sport compétitif : deux exemples venant du football universitaire

Bourdon, Adrien January 2017 (has links)
Depuis les 10 dernières années, l’intelligence d’affaires et l’analytique (IA&A) sont devenues des sujets d’intérêts pour la recherche en systèmes d’information (SI) ainsi que pour les professionnels du domaine. Les initiatives en IA&A ont généré des bénéfices pour de nombreuses organisations dans plusieurs secteurs tels que la finance, les assurances, le divertissement ou encore les communications. Un domaine relativement nouveau où l’IA&A a fait son apparition est le sport compétitif. Les institutions, organisations sportives et athlètes d’élite tentent de mettre à profit l’utilisation des données et des technologies pour améliorer leurs performances, et ce, à différents niveaux. Alors que l’utilisation d’outils en IA&A dans les sports compétitifs a joui d’une médiatisation plus importante ces derniers temps, la recherche académique dans le domaine reste encore à un stade primaire. Dans cette étude, nous utiliserons deux situations dans le football universitaire pour mettre en évidence les composantes d’un cadre conceptuel de création de valeur dans les sports compétitifs. Nous présenterons une méthodologie afin d’optimiser le processus de recrutement collégial d’une organisation universitaire, ainsi qu’une autre méthodologie afin d’optimiser la prise de décision dans une situation de match précise.

Towards a Universal Test of Social Intelligence

Insa Cabrera, Javier 17 June 2016 (has links)
[EN] Under the view of artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent is an autonomous entity which interacts in an environment through observations and actions, trying to achieve one or more goals with the aid of several signals called rewards. The creation of intelligent agents is proliferating during the last decades, and the evaluation of their intelligence is a fundamental issue for their understanding, construction and improvement. Social intelligence is recently obtaining special attention in the creation of intelligent agents due to the current view of human intelligence as highly social. Social intelligence in natural and artificial systems is usually measured by the evaluation of associated traits or tasks that are deemed to represent some facets of social behaviour. The amalgamation of these traits or tasks is then used to configure an operative notion of social intelligence. However, this operative notion does not truly represent what social intelligence is and a definition following this principle will not be precise. Instead, in this thesis we investigate the evaluation of social intelligence in a more formal and general way, by actually considering the evaluee's interaction with other agents. In this thesis we analyse the implications of evaluating social intelligence using a test that evaluates general intelligence. For this purpose, we include other agents into an initially single-agent environment to figure out the issues that appear when evaluating an agent in the context of other agents. From this analysis we obtain useful information for the evaluation of social intelligence. From the lessons learned, we identify the components that should be considered in order to measure social intelligence, and we provide a formal and parametrised definition of social intelligence. This definition calculates an agent's social intelligence as its expected performance in a set of environments with a set of other agents arranged in teams and participating in line-ups, with rewards being re-understood appropriately. This is conceived as a tool to define social intelligence testbeds where we can generate several degrees of competitive and cooperative behaviours. We test this definition by experimentally analysing the influence of teams and agent line-ups for several multi-agent systems with variants of Q-learning agents. However, not all testbeds are appropriate for the evaluation of social intelligence. To facilitate the analysis of a social intelligence testbed, we provide some formal property models about social intelligence in order to characterise the testbed and thus assess its suitability. Finally, we use the presented properties to characterise some social games and multi-agent environments, we make a comparison between them and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in order to evaluate social intelligence. / [ES] Bajo la visión de la inteligencia artificial, un agente inteligente es una entidad autónoma la cual interactúa en un entorno a través de observaciones y acciones, tratando de lograr uno o más objetivos con la ayuda de varias señales llamadas recompensas. La creación de agentes inteligentes está proliferando durante las últimas décadas, y la evaluación de su inteligencia es un asunto fundamental para su entendimiento, construcción y mejora. Recientemente la inteligencia social está obteniendo especial atención en la creación de agentes inteligentes debido a la visión actual de la inteligencia humana como altamente social. Normalmente la inteligencia social en sistemas naturales y artificiales se mide mediante la evaluación de rasgos asociados o tareas que se consideran que representan algunas facetas del comportamiento social. La agrupación de estos rasgos o tareas se utiliza entonces para configurar una noción operacional de inteligencia social. Sin embargo, esta noción operacional no representa fielmente a la inteligencia social y no sería posible una definición siguiendo este principio. En su lugar, en esta tesis investigamos la evaluación de la inteligencia social de un modo más formal y general, considerando la interacción del agente a evaluar con otros agentes. En esta tesis analizamos las implicaciones de evaluar la inteligencia social utilizando un test que evalúe la inteligencia general. Con este objetivo incluimos otros agentes en un entorno inicialmente diseñado para un único agente con el fin de averiguar qué cuestiones aparecen cuando evaluamos a un agente en un contexto con otros agentes. A partir de este análisis obtenemos información útil para la evaluación de la inteligencia social. A partir de las lecciones aprendidas identificamos los componentes que deberían considerarse al medir la inteligencia social y proporcionamos una definición formal y parametrizada de esta inteligencia social. Esta definición calcula la inteligencia social de un agente como su rendimiento esperado en un conjunto de entornos y con un conjunto de otros agentes organizados en equipos y distribuidos en alineaciones, reinterpretando apropiadamente las recompensas. Esto se concibe como una herramienta para definir bancos de prueba de inteligencia social donde podamos generar varios grados de comportamientos competitivos y cooperativos. Probamos esta definición analizando experimentalmente la influencia de los equipos y las alineaciones de agentes en varios sistemas multiagente con variantes de agentes Q-learning. Sin embargo, no todos los bancos de prueba son apropiados para la evaluación de la inteligencia social. Para facilitar el análisis de un banco de pruebas de inteligencia social, proporcionamos algunos modelos de propiedades formales sobre la inteligencia social con el objetivo de caracterizar el banco de pruebas y así valorar su idoneidad. Finalmente, usamos las propiedades presentadas para caracterizar algunos juegos sociales y entornos multiagente, hacemos una comparación entre ellos y discutimos sus puntos fuertes y débiles para ser usados en la evaluación de la inteligencia social. / [CAT] Davall la visió de la intel·ligència artificial, un agent intel·ligent és una entitat autònoma la qual interactua en un entorn a través d'observacions i accions, tractant d'aconseguir un o més objectius amb l'ajuda de diverses senyals anomenades recompenses. La creació d'agents intel·ligents està proliferant durant les últimes dècades, i l'avaluació de la seua intel·ligència és un assumpte fonamental per al seu enteniment, construcció i millora. Recentment la intel·ligència social està obtenint especial atenció en la creació d'agents intel·ligents a causa de la visió actual de la intel·ligència humana com altament social. Normalment la intel·ligència social en sistemes naturals i artificials es mesura per mitjà de l'avaluació de trets associats o tasques que es consideren que representen algunes facetes del comportament social. L'agrupació d'aquests trets o tasques s'utilitza llavors per a configurar una noció operacional d'intel·ligència social. No obstant això, aquesta noció operacional no representa fidelment a la intel·ligència social i no seria possible una definició seguint aquest principi. En el seu lloc, en aquesta tesi investiguem l'avaluació de la intel·ligència social d'una manera més formal i general, considerant la interacció de l'agent a avaluar amb altres agents. En aquesta tesi analitzem les implicacions d'avaluar la intel·ligència social utilitzant un test que avalue la intel·ligència general. Amb aquest objectiu incloem altres agents en un entorn inicialment dissenyat per a un únic agent amb la finalitat d'esbrinar quines qüestions apareixen quan avaluem un agent en un context amb altres agents. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi obtenim informació útil per a l'avaluació de la intel·ligència social. A partir de les lliçons apreses identifiquem els components que haurien de considerar-se al mesurar la intel·ligència social i proporcionem una definició formal i parametrizada d'aquesta intel·ligència social. Aquesta definició calcula la intel·ligència social d'un agent com el seu rendiment esperat en un conjunt d'entorns i amb un conjunt d'altres agents organitzats en equips i distribuïts en alineacions, reinterpretant apropiadament les recompenses. Açò es concep com una ferramenta per a definir bancs de prova d'intel·ligència social on podem generar diversos graus de comportaments competitius i cooperatius. Provem aquesta definició analitzant experimentalment la influència dels equips i les alineacions d'agents en diversos sistemes multiagent amb variants d'agents Q-learning. No obstant això, no tots els bancs de prova són apropiats per a l'avaluació de la intel·ligència social. Per a facilitar l'anàlisi d'un banc de proves d'intel·ligència social, proporcionem alguns models de propietats formals sobre la intel·ligència social amb l'objectiu de caracteritzar el banc de proves i així valorar la seua idoneïtat. Finalment, usem les propietats presentades per a caracteritzar alguns jocs socials i entorns multiagent, fem una comparació entre ells i discutim els seus punts forts i dèbils per a ser usats en l'avaluació de la intel·ligència social. / Insa Cabrera, J. (2016). Towards a Universal Test of Social Intelligence [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/66080 / TESIS

L'intelligence économique en contexte hostile : l'information brevet et l'innovation frugale, outils de promotion de l'innovation. / Competitive intelligence in hostile context : patent information and frugal innovation, as tools to promote innovation

Seck, Mohamadou 13 December 2016 (has links)
: Les PED dans leur globalité et l’Afrique en particulier ont accusé un retard technologique par rapport aux pays développés. Cet écart s’est renforcé avec les différentes révolutions industrielles qui ont permis au bloc occidental de s’émanciper et de renforcer sa domination sur les pays du tiers monde. Cette hégémonie se manifeste aujourd’hui par le nombre impressionnant de brevets déposés par ces pays, pendant que la plupart des Etats africains peinent à dépasser la barre des 100 brevets par pays et par an. Pour les pays les moins avancés, continuer à appliquer les mêmes modèles que les occidentaux ne fera que renforcer leur dépendance vis-à-vis de ces pays. Il s’agit alors de penser de nouveaux modèles qui collent mieux avec les réalités des ces pays dont les milieux sont souvent hostiles.Cette thèse vise à montrer dans quel cadre l’information contenue dans les documents brevets peut être utilisée pour le développement de solutions technologiques adaptées aux contextes hostiles des pays en développement. Il s’agit surtout de l’information sur les inventions dont les brevets sont tombés dans le domaine public et qui sont donc légalement réutilisables même dans une optique commerciale, mais aussi de toutes les autres informations contenues dans les bases de données brevets. Ainsi, ce travail met en exergue, dans une première partie, les techniques d’exploitation des bases de données brevets, les méthodes pour compléter l’information recueillie ainsi que les possibilités de transformation de cette information en solutions technologiques grâce à la reverse engineering et à la cartographie des brevets notamment. La deuxième partie fait un benchmark des meilleures pratiques en matière d’innovation développées par des pays en développement. Une étude approfondie d’une vingtaine d’innovations frugales a permis de différencier cette forme de créativité avec les techniques traditionnelles, ses caractéristiques ainsi que les conditions de sa mise en œuvre. Elle a été l’occasion de démontrer comment des zones, qui étaient jusque là considérées comme des lieux de « non innovation », étaient devenues des nids de créativités qui se confrontaient souvent aux défis de la valorisation. Ces deux premières parties ont permis de proposer dans une troisième partie un modèle d’organisation adapté aux contextes hostiles. Il consiste d’une part à rompre la chaine traditionnelle de l’innovation caractérisée par les normes et conventions, à penser différemment d’où la notion d’Ethical Non Practicing Entities et à réorganiser les systèmes nationaux d’innovation. / Developing countries as a whole and Africa in particular continue to lag behind industrialized nations in their technological advances. The technologies invented during and since the Industrial Revolution reinforced the West’s domination over developing countries.This hegemony is manifested today by the majority of patents currently being filed by industrialized nations, while most African countries do not exceed 100 patents per year. For developing nations continuing to apply Western models that Western reinforces their dependence on the West. Developing countries need new models that accommodate the reality of their often-hostile physical and political environment.This thesis aims to demonstrate how the contextual information contained in patent documents can be used to develop technological solutions adapted to the harsh environments in developing countries.This thesis focuses on the patents of innovations that fall into the public domain which makes them legally reusable, even commercially, and includes all the other information contained in patent databases.This work highlights the operation of technical patent databases, the methods employed to supplement the information gathered, and thus the possibilities for transformation through reverse engineering solutions, patents mapping and the frugal innovation in particular.The second part is a benchmark for innovative practices from developing countries. A thorough study of twenty frugal- and reverse-innovations helped differentiate this form of creativity from the traditional techniques by its characteristics and the harsh conditions for which these innovations are created.This study offered an opportunity to demonstrate that areas previously considered places of "non-innovation" have become nests of creativity that confront the challenges of recovery.This suggests an organizational model suitable for patents in hostile environments. It breaks the traditional chain of innovation characterized by Western norms and conventions, to think differently about the notion of Ethical Non Practicing Entities and the organization of national systems of innovation.

Teoria dos Jogos aplicada à inteligência competitiva organizacional no âmbito da Ciência da Informação / Game Theory applied to organizational competitive intelligence within the Information Science

Souza, Juliete Susann Ferreira de [UNESP] 02 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JULIETE SUSANN FERREIRA DE SOUZA null (jubsusann@gmail.com) on 2016-03-10T12:03:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Última Versão [2].pdf: 2707466 bytes, checksum: f89e43901a11e989acf7a7a955b3d300 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-10T20:42:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_jsf_me_mar.pdf: 2707466 bytes, checksum: f89e43901a11e989acf7a7a955b3d300 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-10T20:42:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_jsf_me_mar.pdf: 2707466 bytes, checksum: f89e43901a11e989acf7a7a955b3d300 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O foco desta pesquisa centra-se nos processos e atividades de cooperação e competição [coopetição] que as organizações contemporâneas desenvolvem visando estratégias de ação de curto, médio e longo prazo, no intuito de obter melhoria contínua em seus processos organizacionais, em especial o processo decisório. As ações voltadas à cooperação e à competição realizadas pelas organizações instigam o compartilhamento de informação e de conhecimento que, por sua vez, impulsionam a criação de alianças estratégias entre as organizações envolvidas. No entanto, evidencia-se que cooperar para competir ainda é um dilema para as organizações, uma vez que, ainda, não possuem a percepção de que ao criarem alianças estratégicas e estabelecerem acordos de cooperação, geram benefícios que contribuem significativamente para uma melhor atuação frente ao mercado altamente competitivo em que atuam. Nessa perspectiva, buscou-se a Teoria dos Jogos para compreender a evolução do comportamento cooperativo e competitivo entre diferentes agentes, como uma maneira de gerar benefícios para as organizações envolvidas. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é propor um modelo baseado na Teoria dos Jogos contemplando o comportamento informacional e a competência em informação essencial para o ambiente de coopetição. No que tange aos procedimentos metodológicos, a pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, do tipo descritivo e exploratória, cuja pesquisa de campo foi realizada no Centro Incubador “Miguel Silva”, pois vem contribuindo efetivamente para a economia local e regional. Para realização da coleta e análise dos dados da pesquisa de campo optou-se pela entrevista semiestruturada e pelo método „Análise Textual Discursiva‟. Como resultado acredita-se que houve a contribuição efetiva para o avanço dos estudos relacionados ao processo de inteligência competitiva organizacional, mais especificamente nos aspectos relativos à cultura informacional, ao comportamento informacional e à competência em informação. Foi possível evidenciar a partir da análise dos dados que, as organizações incubadas ainda não cooperam entre si para competir. Os sujeitos de pesquisa possuem a percepção da importância de tal ação para gerar compartilhamento, aprendizagem, inovação e desenvolvimento mútuo. No entanto, ainda necessitam reconhecer as próprias competências existentes, bem como as existentes nas outras empresas, para alcançar o equilíbrio entre cooperar e competir, de modo a agir coletivamente quando necessário e, assim, gerar diferenciais competitivos e obter vantagem competitiva no mercado em que atuam. / The focus of this research is centered on processes and activities of cooperation and competition [coopetition] that contemporary organizations aiming to develop action strategies the short, medium and long term in order to achieve continuous improvement in their organizational processes, particularly decision-making process. The actions aimed at cooperation and competition of the organizations instigate the information and knowledge sharing that, in turn, boost the creation of strategic alliances between the organizations involved. However, it is evident that cooperate to compete is still a dilemma for organizations, because do not yet have the perception that by creating strategic alliances and establish cooperation agreements, generate benefits that contribute significantly to a better performance front of highly competitive market in which they operate. From this perspective, we sought to Game Theory to understand the evolution of cooperative and competitive behavior between different agents, as a way to generate benefits for the organizations involved. The objective of this research is to propose a model based on game theory contemplating the information behavior and competence in essential information for coopetition environment. Regarding the methodological procedures, the research is qualitative, descriptive and exploratory, of which field research will be held at the Incubator Center „Miguel Silva‟, that has contributed effectively to the local and regional economy. As a result it is believed that there was the effective contribution to the advancement of studies related to organizational competitive intelligence process, specifically on aspects relating to information culture, the information behavior and information literacy. It became clear from the analysis of the data, the incubated organizations not cooperate to compete. Research individuals have the awareness of the importance for such action to generate sharing, learning, innovation and mutual development. However, still need to recognize their own existing skills as well as the existing in other companies to reach equilibrium between cooperation and competition in order to act collectively when needed and thus generate competitive differentiators and gain competitive advantage in the market in which act.

Inteligencia competitiva para la innovación en PYMEs : identificación de factores clave

Gallardo Rodríguez, Javier 04 December 2015 (has links)
The study focuses on SMEs in the industrial sector in Catalonia, with the aim of identifying competitive intelligence systems suitable for SMEs, the areas with the greatest potential impact with the implementation of a system IC for innovation, and 3 main key to the success of Competitive Intelligence for Innovation in SMEs factors. This requires a review of the particularities of SMEs was conducted, he analyzed Innovation as competitive strategy and the IC as a strategic tool for innovation. The uniqueness of innovation and SMEs IC in order to determine the key to the success of the IC for innovation in SMEs studied factors. These factors were checked empirically a pragmatic approach to joint research and qualitative study design - quantitative. To this end, 15 semi-structured SMEs validating the factors identified in the literature and key elements surfacing new interviews. Based on the results of this first phase, a quantitative survey that was sent to the industrial SMEs of Catalonia, of which 193 surveys were obtained completely answered designed. The absence of specific models of IC adapted to the reality of SMEs was confirmed, and while a number of empirical studies practices IC were identified in different countries of the world, in every country there are few studies and appear disconnected from each would bring together the other without knowledge of each. It also concluded that the companies in the survey conducted monitoring considered key areas and therefore has greater involvement in performance and result. Virtually all of the factors and variables identified in the literature review and semi-structured interviews have moderate or strong correlations with variable Effective realization of HF, except human factors Quality and Market Orientation Factor ( with correlations. but weak) Awareness and information (no significant correlation). The main key factors most influence were identified structure IC function in the organization, the integration of information technology in the enterprise, the level of visibility and return of function of IC, and the availability of resources. Also significant were corroborated as key factors in this case moderate wood, the level of competition and information behavior in the organization, the ability to share information, the intensity of exposure to information, and organizational culture / El estudio se centró en PYMEs del sector industrial en Catalunya, con el objetivo de identificar sistemas de Inteligencia Competitiva adecuados para pequeñas y medianas empresas, las áreas con mayor potencial de impacto con la implantación de un sistema de IC para la innovación, y 3 los principales factores clave para el éxito de la Inteligencia Competitiva para la Innovación en PYMES. Para ello se realizó una revisión de las particularidades de las PYMEs, analizó la Innovación como estrategia competitiva y la IC como herramienta estratégica y para la innovación. Se estudió la singularidad de la innovación y la IC en las PYMES con el fin de determinar los factores clave para el éxito de la IC para la innovación en PYMEs. Dichos factores fueron chequeados de manera empírica con un enfoque de a investigación pragmático y un diseño metodológico mixto cualitativo ¿ cuantitativo. A tal efecto se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a 15 PYMEs validando los factores identificados en la literatura y aflorando nuevos elementos clave. En base a los resultados de esta primera fase se diseñó una encuesta cuantitativa que se envió a las PYMEs industriales de Catalunya, de las que se obtuvieron 193 encuestas respondidas completamente. Se confirmó la no existencia de modelos específicos de IC adaptados a la realidad de las PYMES, y si bien se identificaron varios estudios empíricos de las prácticas de IC en diferentes países del mundo, en cada país son pocos los estudios y aparecen desconectados los unos de los otros sin aglutinase el conocimiento de cada uno de ellos. Asimismo se concluyó que las empresas de la encuesta realizan la monitorización de las áreas que consideran claves y que por tanto tiene mayor afectación en su desempeño y resultado. Prácticamente la totalidad de los factores y variables identificados en la revisión de la literatura y en las entrevistas semiestructuradas tienen correlaciones moderadas o fuertes con la variable de Realización efectiva de la IC, a excepción de los Factores de Calidad del Factor humano y Orientación al mercado (con correlaciones existentes. pero débiles) y Conciencia de la información (sin correlación significativa). Los principales factores clave con mayor influencia identificados fueron la estructura de la función de IC en la organización, la integración de las tecnologías de la información en la empresa, el nivel de visibilidad y retorno de la función de IC, y la disponibilidad de recursos. También fueron corroborados como factores clave significativos, en este caso de madera moderada, el nivel de competencia y comportamiento informacional en la organización, la capacidad de compartición de la información, la intensidad de exposición a la información, y la cultura organizativa. Finalmente la investigación identificó las relaciones entre las actividades clave de las PYMEs industriales (en función de su valor competitivo y como parte del núcleo de actividad de su negocio) y el grado de utilización de informaciones externas para la toma de decisiones e introducción de innovaciones en cada una de dichas actividades clave

Gerontological Intelligence Test

Gobbi, Erika Beatriz 18 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Competitive intelligence in a multinational consulting engineering company: A case study

Prinsloo, Yolandi January 2016 (has links)
Intelligence is not a new concept and dates back to over 5000 years of Chinese history. The concept of competitive intelligence is, however, still an evolving field and consists of three main streams, i.e. military intelligence, national security and political science and business intelligence. The modern-day business interpretation of competitive intelligence has been changed and refined by various researchers, but the essence of these interpretations is the same and lies in the ethical gathering and interpretation of information to drive innovation and inform strategic decision-making. If successful, this assists companies in gaining a competitive advantage. The consulting engineering industry is experiencing major disruptions, such as rapid advancement in technology, the global economic downturn and changes in the traditional business arena. To combat these disruptions and gain long-lasting competitive advantage and growth, competitive intelligence must not only be embedded in the culture of a company, but also form the cornerstone of innovation and inform strategic business decisions. The aim of this study was to determine how competitive intelligence is implemented in an anonymous multinational consulting engineering company. To establish this aim, the nature of competitive intelligence was firstly investigated by defining the competitive intelligence process, identifying the influencers and attributes of useful information, studying the need for and challenges of competitive intelligence implementation and exploring some of the competitive intelligence tools/techniques. Secondly, the need for establishing a competitive intelligence culture was examined by explaining the concept of corporate culture and exploring the ways to foster a competitive intelligence culture and community. The challenges relating to the implementation of competitive intelligence across borders were also examined. Thirdly, the relationship between competitive intelligence and innovation and competitive intelligence and business strategy were studied. Lastly, the types of information gathered, stored and distributed within the company as part of competitive intelligence activities and its importance to employees were investigated. The research method of the study was a survey, the results of which were combined in 11 conclusive findings: • The existing information function of the company is not used as part of competitive intelligence activities • The business strategy is client-centric and the company views information on clients as most important • The company relies heavily on people as sources of information • War gaming is not seen as an important competitive intelligence tool, even though the industry is experiencing numerous disruptions • The company has a weak knowledge-sharing culture, resulting in a silo effect complicated by the multinational nature of the company • There is a need for a more formalised process, information repository/system and/or tools that will support information-sharing within the company • There is insufficient awareness, support and use of intelligence by the senior and top management of the company to drive a knowledge-sharing culture and support competitive intelligence efforts • The company views competitive intelligence as essential for gaining a competitive advantage, but is average when it comes to responding to changes in the business environment • The company believes competitive intelligence has a positive influence on decision-making and strategies are updated regularly based on intelligence received • Innovation is viewed as essential to the survival of the company and current initiatives to cultivate innovation should be expanded • The multinational nature of the company significantly increases the need for a more disciplined focus on competitive intelligence. Based on the findings, it was established that competitive intelligence is applied with relative success in some areas of the company, but that a more formalised approach will be beneficial. In conclusion, several actions the company could consider were recommended to enhance its current competitive intelligence activities. / Intelligence is not a new concept and dates back to over 5000 years of Chinese history. The concept of competitive intelligence is, however, still an evolving field and consists of three main streams, i.e. military intelligence, national security and political science and business intelligence. The modern-day business interpretation of competitive intelligence has been changed and refined by various researchers, but the essence of these interpretations is the same and lies in the ethical gathering and interpretation of information to drive innovation and inform strategic decision-making. If successful, this assists companies in gaining a competitive advantage. The consulting engineering industry is experiencing major disruptions, such as rapid advancement in technology, the global economic downturn and changes in the traditional business arena. To combat these disruptions and gain long-lasting competitive advantage and growth, competitive intelligence must not only be embedded in the culture of a company, but also form the cornerstone of innovation and inform strategic business decisions. The aim of this study was to determine how competitive intelligence is implemented in an anonymous multinational consulting engineering company. To establish this aim, the nature of competitive intelligence was firstly investigated by defining the competitive intelligence process, identifying the influencers and attributes of useful information, studying the need for and challenges of competitive intelligence implementation and exploring some of the competitive intelligence tools/techniques. Secondly, the need for establishing a competitive intelligence culture was examined by explaining the concept of corporate culture and exploring the ways to foster a competitive intelligence culture and community. The challenges relating to the implementation of competitive intelligence across borders were also examined. Thirdly, the relationship between competitive intelligence and innovation and competitive intelligence and business strategy were studied. Lastly, the types of information gathered, stored and distributed within the company as part of competitive intelligence activities and its importance to employees were investigated. The research method of the study was a survey, the results of which were combined in 11 conclusive findings: • The existing information function of the company is not used as part of competitive intelligence activities • The business strategy is client-centric and the company views information on clients as most important • The company relies heavily on people as sources of information • War gaming is not seen as an important competitive intelligence tool, even though the industry is experiencing numerous disruptions • The company has a weak knowledge-sharing culture, resulting in a silo effect complicated by the multinational nature of the company • There is a need for a more formalised process, information repository/system and/or tools that will support information-sharing within the company • There is insufficient awareness, support and use of intelligence by the senior and top management of the company to drive a knowledge-sharing culture and support competitive intelligence efforts • The company views competitive intelligence as essential for gaining a competitive advantage, but is average when it comes to responding to changes in the business environment • The company believes competitive intelligence has a positive influence on decision-making and strategies are updated regularly based on intelligence received • Innovation is viewed as essential to the survival of the company and current initiatives to cultivate innovation should be expanded • The multinational nature of the company significantly increases the need for a more disciplined focus on competitive intelligence. Based on the findings, it was established that competitive intelligence is applied with relative success in some areas of the company, but that a more formalised approach will be beneficial. In conclusion, several actions the company could consider were recommended to enhance its current competitive intelligence activities. / Dissertation (MIS) --University of Pretoria, 2016. / Information Science / MIS / Restricted

Synergie du triptyque : Knowledge Management, Intelligence Economique et Business Intelligence. Contribution à la réduction des riques liés aux décisions stratégiques dans les nouveaux environnements concurrentiels incertains : Cas des Entreprises Publiques Algériennes / Synergy triptich : Knowledge management, competitive intelligence § business intelligence contribution to reduce risks related to strategic decisions inthe new uncertain environments : Case of algerian state-owned firms

Baaziz, Abdelkader 09 April 2015 (has links)
Depuis 1988, l’Algérie a initié des réformes économiques profondes appuyées par un arsenal législatif et des accords internationaux. L’Etat Algérien a abandonné son rôle de protecteur sans maîtriser son rôle de régulateur. Le passage de l’économie planifiée basée sur le monopole de l’Etat à une économie de marché, est caractérisé par l’émergence du secteur privé et des changements radicaux sur le plan institutionnel en ce qui concerne l’Etat, et sur le plan organisationnel, stratégique et technologique concernant les EPA. Dans ce contexte incertain, ces EPA ne peuvent plus compter uniquement sur leurs capacités internes. Elles doivent s'ouvrir pour créer des partenariats avec leurs fournisseurs, les universités et même leurs concurrents. D’où nécessité de :- Mutation vers de nouvelles formes adaptées aux événements imprévus et résilientes pour faire face aux environnements incertains- Un Systèmes d’Information d’Intelligence Stratégique, capables d’orienter la décision en réduisant les risques dus aux incertitudes inhérents aux choix stratégiques- Rechercher les moyens de rendre réversibles les choix lorsque des événements inattendus surviennent.L'objectif de cette thèse est de montrer la complexité des environnements politique, juridique, social et économique où les EPA opèrent et pourquoi il est nécessaire de gérer les risques liés à cet environnement, à savoir : Inertie durant le processus de transformation organisationnelle, mauvaise compréhension des signaux captés et la mauvaise réaction du décideur face aux signaux et aux événements. Ici interviennent les concepts de KM, d’IE et de BI, à différents niveaux du management : du stratégique à l’opérationnel. / Since 1988, Algeria has initiated deeper economic reforms supported by significant legislation and international agreements. The algerian government has abandoned its protector role without providing a required regulatory role. The transition from a planned economy based on state monopole to a market economy based, is characterized by the emergence of local and foreign private sector implies radical changes both politically and institutionally (regarding Algerian State) on the organizational, strategic and technological plans for State-Owned Firms. In this uncertain environment, Algerian State-Owned Firm cannot rely only on their internal capabilities. They should, create partnerships, both with suppliers, subcontractors, universities and even competitors. There is a need for these firms to: - Transform their organization to a new form improved for unexpected events and enough resilience to adapt to uncertain environments- Build a Strategic Intelligence Information System able to facilitate decision-making and reduce risks inherent to the strategic choices- Find ways to reverse choice when unexpected events occur.The aim of this thesis is to show the complexity of the political, legal, social and economic environments where the Algerian State-Owned Firms operate. Also, we show why it's necessary to handle the following risks: inertia against the process of organizational transformation, wrong understanding of the received signals from the environment and poor reaction of the decision-maker to signals and events in the environment. Here, the concepts of KM, CI and BI operate at different levels of management: from strategic to operational.

Competitive intelligence ve farmaceutickém průmyslu / Competitive Intelligence in pharmaceutical industry

Hubálková, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes and analyzes an area of competitive intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry. The work is divided into five parts. The first part deals with competitive intelligence and related aspects, the second part is dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry, with all specifics. The third part deals with competitive intelligence in the intersection with the pharmaceutical industry, the fourth part contains the classification and description of information resources appropriate for the activities of CI and a fifth part presents research, which consists of a questionnaire survey among pharmaceutical companies on the state of competitive intelligence and semi-structured interview with an expert in the area of CI in pharmaceutical company. The survey results represent a certain sub-probe, which demonstrates the strong position of CI as a common standard of pharmaceutical companies. Keywords competitive intelligence, pharmaceutical industry, information needs, drugs, pharmacovigilance, patents, information resources

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