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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Libres de couleur face au préjugé : franchir la barrière à la Martinique aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles / Free colored people confronted with prejudice : crossing lines in Martinique in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Pierre-Louis, Jessica 20 June 2015 (has links)
À la Martinique au XVIIIe siècle, les « libres de couleur », qu’ils soient nés libres ou affranchis, noirs ou métis, forment une catégorie juridique distincte des Blancs et des esclaves. L’étude comparée, avec les territoires espagnols ou anglais, montre qu’aucune réglementation légale n’a officialisé un passage de la catégorie Libre de couleur à celle de Blanc dans les colonies françaises de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la Révolution française. Aussi, cette thèse se propose de montrer les processus officieux qui ont permis à certaines personnes – les « assimilés » – de franchir la barrière de couleur. Une réflexion a été menée sur le préjugé de couleur, système raciste dont l’idéologie, soutenue par la réglementation locale, a légitimé la construction collective d’un ordre public et social. Puis, on a examiné l’élaboration de la barrière de couleur. Les libres de couleur ont été les premiers à faire les frais de l’imperméabilisation de la ligne de démarcation et des problèmes posés par la pureté de sang ; mais les Blancs mésalliés, dans le cadre d’unions interraciales, et les Amérindiens ont aussi été visés. Enfin nous avons réfléchi à ce qui faisait la blancheur et aux stratégies adoptées pour réussir ce changement de statut. Le notariat et les 33 000 actes des registres paroissiaux traités ont donné lieu à la reconstitution de généalogies pour examiner des individus et des familles sur plusieurs générations ; on a ainsi observé l’importance du phénotype, le blanchiment, la légitimité des relations, les conjoints privilégiés, le choix des réseaux, les niveaux de fortune et l’usage de l’espace. / In Martinique in the eighteenth century, the "free people of color", both those free by birth and freedmen, black or mixed race, form a legal category, which was distinct from those of whites and slaves. Comparative studies with Spanish or English territories show that no legal regulation formalized a shift - from the category of free colored people to that of White - in the French colonies between the late seventeenth century and the French Revolution. Also, this thesis proposes to show the informal process that enabled some people - the "assimilated" - to cross the color barrier. I analysed the color prejudice, a racist system, whose ideology, supported by local regulations, legitimized the collective construction of a public and social order. In a second step, I examined the development of the color bar. The free colored people were the first to bear the brunt of the impermeability of the demarcation line and of the problems posed by the purity of blood; but some whites, through interracial unions, and Native Americans have also been targeted. Finally I thought about what made the whiteness, and the strategies to achieve whiteness, change in status. Notarial acts and 33,000 acts of parish registers treaties led to the reconstitution of genealogies, in order to examine individuals and families over generations; I observed the importance of the phenotype, whitening, legitimacy relations, privileged partners, choice of networks, wealth levels and the use of space.

From subjectivity to agency : Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt on "refugees", "problems" and "solutions"

Saunders, Natasha E. G. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis makes a historically grounded theoretical contribution to an emerging “critical” approach to refugee studies. Utilising the insights of Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt, it seeks to reconceptualise academic and policy understandings of what has come to be known as “the refugee problem" through an examination and critique of its (implicit) conceptual foundations. The thesis proceeds through a series of historically-informed moves oriented by the relationship between power, subjectivity, and agency, and argues that the key to reconceptualising the refugee problem lies in understanding how these three concepts rely upon and reinforce one another in a particular historically contingent configuration. The objectives of this thesis are threefold and connected. First, it unpacks a deceptively unproblematic term, “the refugee problem” to reveal the complicity of understanding the “refugee (as) problem” in perpetuating the plight of increasing numbers of the world's population, despite the alleviation of the difficulties these people face being the professed goal of the refugee regime. Second, in so doing it contributes to a growing body of literature seeking to counter the voicelessness and abjection into which refugees and asylum seekers are cast. And third, on the basis of this, to begin a conversation about rethinking the nature of the “solutions” we seek to a reframed “refugee problem.” Engaging in a (Foucaultian) genealogical analysis of “the refugee problem”, the first half of the thesis charts the historically-contingent development of a distinct “refugee problem discourse”, revealing that the construction of refugees as passive victims of political forces is the effect both of such discourse and of the international refugee regime as a classificatory regime of truth and subjectivity, rather than an expression of any essential nature of “the refugee.” The thesis then turns to Hannah Arendt's work as a theoretical lens through which to reframe our understanding of the “refugee problem” and to investigate how to identify and open up creative forces for re-subjectification processes and “solutions” not tied to the classificatory and subjectivising logic of the refugee regime or sovereign state system.  Practices of rights claiming, and the City of Sanctuary movement in the UK are examined as two such processes, with the potential of posing “counter-narratives” of problems and solutions which challenge the technocratic, or population-management, approach of the refugee regime.

The Island Race : geopolitics and identity in British foreign policy discourse since 1949

Whittaker, Nicholas James January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines Britain's foreign policy identity by analysing the use of geopolitical tropes in discursive practices of ontological security-seeking in the British House of Commons since 1949, a period of great change for Britain as it lost its empire and joined NATO and the EC. The Empire was narrated according to a series of geopolitical tropes that I call Island Race identity: insularity from Europe and a universal aspect on world affairs, maintenance of Lines of Communication, antipathy towards Land Powers and the Greater Britain metacommunity. The aim of this thesis is to genealogically historicise and contextualise these tropes through interpretivist analysis of Commons debates concerning a series of events and issues from the establishment of NATO to the current parliament. By conceptualising parliamentary discourse as a social practice involving the fixing of ontologically secure subject positions, it presents a new reading of modern British foreign policy that addresses the traditional neglect of geopolitics and identity in approaches depicting a materially declining state engaging in the pragmatic pursuit of realist national interests. The analysis shows how Britain's foreign policy identity continues to be reliant on the geopolitical constitutions of islandness that discursively defined the empire. This is not indicative of imperial nostalgia so much as it is evidence of how discursive practices of ontological security-seeking in a political environment with a shared debating culture tend to mobilise established identity tropes that have retained relevance even without their imperial underpinnings. Narrations of the Cold War and NATO, relations with the rest of Europe and globalisation are shown to be reliant on Island Race tropes that, through contextual interactions, fix Britain in subject positions of relevance according to how British values, forged by insular geography, are of universal relevance to a world in which Britain is in a pivotal geopolitical position.

A didática das ciências no Brasil : um olhar sobre uma década (2003-2012)

Alves, Karla dos Santos Guterres January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por escopo aferir sobre a genealogia, a caracterização e as influências internas e externas da Didática das Ciências no Brasil através de sua pertença ao campo científico de Educação em Ciências e sua articulação com o Ensino de Ciências. Com um estudo teórico baseado em Pierre Bourdieu, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica e análise documental através da metodologia de análise de conteúdo sobre o tema. Foi identificado que o campo científico da Educação em Ciências, a partir de agora EeC, é constituído em seu núcleo interno por dois subcampos, a Didática das Ciências, doravante DdC e o Ensino de Ciências, de agora em diante EC, que interagem dialeticamente a fim de propiciar a práxis pedagógica. Além disso, o campo também tem em seu microcosmo as instituições de pesquisa e seus pares-concorrentes que se organizam dialogicamente para, através de disputas, decidirem quem irá arbitrar sobre o conhecimento produzido. O subcampo de DdC realiza estudos teóricos e epistemológicos; e o subcampo de EC, os estudos antropológicos e praxiológicos sobre o ensino, a aprendizagem e a formação de professores de ciências experimentais. Os resultados da pesquisa nos indicam que o ensino não é objeto de estudo da DdC. A produtividade é grande e cresce de forma contínua garantindo a coerência e a cientificidade das pesquisas. O fomento à pesquisa deveria ser maior evitando a concentração no eixo Sudeste-Sul e a colaboração nas pesquisas precisa ser estimulada, pois a produção ocorre muito em duplas. A palavra-chave “ensino” e a expressão “ensino de ciências” são as mais citadas e revelam a confusão conceitual do campo em relação aos subcampos DdC e EC. A visão instrumental é muito presente no campo científico de EeC. O campo possui leis implícitas que garantem seu funcionamento e disciplinam as ações nas lutas do campo. A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES exerce um poder institucional muito grande sobre o campo, comprometendo sua autonomia. A pesquisa contribui teoricamente para o campo científico de EeC, propondo uma nova forma de pensar sua estrutura constitutiva e o papel dos seus subcampos, e de forma prática mapeando a estrutura do subcampo de DdC para sua reorganização e emergência no campo universitário. / This work aims to assess on the genealogy, the characterization and the internal and external influences of the Didactics of Sciences in Brazil through its belonging to the scientific field of Science education and its articulation with the teaching of science. With a theoretical study based and Pierre Bourdieu, a literature review and document analysis through the methodology of analysis of information on the topic. It was identified that the scientific field of Science education comprises in its inner core by two subfields, the Didactics of science and science education and that interact dialectically to provide pedagogical praxis. In addition, the country also has in its microcosm research institutions and their peers-competitors who organize dialogicamente to, through disputes, decide who will harbitrar on the knowledge produced. The subfield Didactics of Sciences carries out theoretical and epistemological studies and the subfield of science education anthropological and praxiológicos studies on teaching, learning and the training of teachers of Sciences. The survey results tell us that teaching is not object of study the Didactics of Sciences, productivity is large and grows continuously ensuring the coherence and scientific theories of research, promote research should be greater than avoiding the concentration in the Southeast-South axis, the collaboration in the polls needs to be stimulated because the production occurs very double , the keyword "teaching" and the expression "teaching science" are the most cited reveal the conceptual confusion from the field compared to DdC and EC subfields, the instrumental vision is still present and the country has laws implied that guarantee its functioning and govern the actions in the field, the CAPES has an institutional power over the field. The research contributes to the scientific field of Education theory science proposing a new way of thinking the constitutive structure for this and the role of its subfields in their estrurante structure, and in a practical way by mapping the structure of the subfield of Didactics of the sciences for its reorganization and emergence in the field.

Etude de la diversité structurale et fonctionnelle au sein de l'espèce Penicillium roqueforti / Study of the structural and functional diversity within Penicillium roqueforti species

Gillot, Guillaume 07 December 2015 (has links)
Plusieurs espèces fongiques dites « technologiques » jouent un rôle primordial, via leurs activités métaboliques, dans le développement des caractéristiques organoleptiques et la typicité des fromages. Cependant, malgré une utilisation et une consommation ancestrale, un manque de connaissances persiste que ce soit aux niveaux génétique ou fonctionnel concernant certaines de ces espèces, notamment Penicillium roqueforti. Principalement utilisé dans la production de fromages à pâte persillée, c’est lors de l’affinage que P. roqueforti participe au développement des qualités organoleptiques typiques de ces fromages via, entre autres, ses activités lipolytiques et protéolytiques. Cette espèce est également caractérisée par une diversité morphologique importante, largement révélée au cours de ces travaux, et ayant donné lieu à certaines dénominations technologiques distinctes par le passé conduisant à une interrogation sur la possible existence de plusieurs espèces au sein de l’entité P. roqueforti. Dans ce contexte, une étude phylogénétique basée sur le principe de concordance généalogique (GC-PSR) a été menée sur une vaste collection mondiale de P. roqueforti en utilisant 8 loci. Cette étude a montré l’existence d’une espèce unique. La diversité intraspécifique des isolats de P. roqueforti a ensuite été évaluée en utilisant 4 marqueurs microsatellites qui ont permis de révéler l’existence de 28 haplotypes répartis en 3 populations génétiquement différenciées et corrélées à différents types de fromages à pâte persillée. Sur la base de ces résultats, 55 isolats représentatifs ont par la suite été criblés afin d’évaluer la possible existence d’un caractère haplotype-dépendant concernant les activités protéolytiques, lipolytiques et la production de métabolites secondaires volatils et non-volatils. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence une diversité fonctionnelle relativement importante avec, entre autres, l’identification de 52 molécules volatiles, les méthyl-cétones étant majoritaires dans le volatilome des cultures de P. roqueforti, et des profils de production de mycotoxines parfois contrastés. Cependant, une bonne corrélation a été observée entre les groupes d’isolats issus de fromages AOP ou IGP et les métabolites produits. Suite à l’observation de niveaux de productions contrastées d’acide mycophénolique retrouvées chez P. roqueforti, le cluster de gènes impliqué dans sa biosynthèse a été identifié in silico chez P. roqueforti avant que des expériences d'ARN interférence ne soient réalisées sur le gène mpaC codant une polycétide synthase. La fonctionnalité de l’ensemble du cluster a pu être confirmée par différentes approches et des comparaisons de séquences entre différentes souches ayant des productions d’acide mycophénolique contrastées ont permis de mettre en évidence une délétion de 174 pb au niveau du gène mpaC limitant cette production à des niveaux non détectables chez certaines souches. Ce dernier résultat a ainsi apporté un premier élément de réponse quant à la nature a priori souche-dépendante de la production de ce métabolite. / Several « technological » fungal species play an important role in the development of organoleptic properties and typicity of cheeses via their metabolic activities. However, despite an ancestral use and consumption of cheeses, there is still a lack of knowledge about both genetic and functional traits of certain mold species, in particular Penicillium roqueforti. This species, mainly used in blue-veined cheese production, largely contributes to the specific organoleptic properties in the final product via its intense lipolytic and proteolytic activities during ripening. P. roqueforti is characterized by high morphological diversity, largely revealed during this study, and has been associated with different technological names in the past raising the question about several species within P. roqueforti. Consequently, a phylogenetic study based on genealogical concordance principle (GC-PSR) was performed using eight loci on a large worldwide P. roqueforti collection and confirmed the presence of one single species. Taking into account this result, P. roqueforti intraspecific diversity was then assessed using 4 microsatellite markers and 28 haplotypes were identified and distributed in three genetically differentiated populations linked to blue-veined cheese types. Based on these results, 55 representative isolates were further screened to determine potential haplotype-dependent traits related to proteolytic and lipolytic activities and volatile and non-volatile secondary metabolite production. This study highlighted the outstanding functional diversity among strains with, among others, 52 volatile molecules identified, mainly methyl-ketones, and contrasted mycotoxin production profiles. Noteworthy, a clear relationship between PDO/PGI group isolates and produced metabolites was observed. Following the contrasted production of mycophenolic acid among isolates, the mycophenolic acid biosynthetic gene cluster was identified in silico in P. roqueforti and RNA interference experiments targeting the mpaC gene, encoding a polyketide synthase, were performed. The cluster was shown to be fully functional in this species. Moreover, the entire mycophenolic acid cluster was compared between three strains characterized by contrasted mycophenolic acid production and a 174 bp deletion was detected in the mpaC gene of non-producing strains. This last result provided first insight into the a priori strain-dependent character for production.

Wo waren die Langobarden in den italienischen Urkunden?

Fruscione, Daniela 21 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Where are the Lombards in the Italian Charters? Identity, Kinship and Name-giving. — Questions of identity, kinship and name-giving arise in the Italian charters of the early Middle Ages. Beginning in the 1990’s, the group “Nomen et Gens” has intensively engaged in the question of a relationship between ethnic identity and the choice of a personal name in Late Antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Owing to their nature the Italian private charters are a great source for a micro-history of personal names. Even if it is not always possible to determine that personal names are a marker of ethnic identity, the charters show that their historical significance is not only based on their ethnic relevance. The Lombard and Latin names give evidence to other forms of identity. The original private charters were entrenched in the place where they originated and they are therefore a source into inquiry of local identities. For instance, local features in personal names emerge in the comparison of the name of a bishop of Luni, Teudilascius (*theudho- + *laika-z), which is typical in Tuscanian charters, and the name Teudelais from Piacenza in the North of Italy. The Italian charters are “family charters” and this allows us to draw conclusions about name-giving. On the basis of the genealogy of Bishop Peredeo of Lucca this contribution analyses also the use of traditional forms of name-​giving (allitteration, repitition, variation) showing that such rules are applied not only to Lombard names but also to Latin-Christian names. Moreover, the semantics of Peredeo’s genealogy lead back to the vocation of his family. It is the vocation of a Lombard family to ecclesiastic power.

Sozialer Wandel und die Zweinamigkeit im 11. Jahrhundert – eine französische Perspektive1

Kohl, Thomas 22 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Social Change and Binominality in the Eleventh Century – a French perspective. – The paper treats the spread of second names in the eleventh century France and its underlying causes on the basis of sources from the counties of Anjou and Maine in Western. Previous research has focused mostly on toponymical surnames of nobles and seen them as a part of the “mutation féodale” and connected changes in noble family structure. An examination of the sources, however, reveals the importance of the urban population in the development of surnames. After the presentation of some examples of naming in charters and a section on sobriquets, individual variations and the inheritance of surnames are discussed. The second part of the papers treats the sobriquets of the counts of Anjou and Maine in the tenth and eleventh century and the discussion of their meaning in near contemporary texts. It is shown that the sobriquets appear only in the course of the eleventh century and are only contemporary for the counts after 1060. The increasing use of surnames appears to be the result of two coinciding developments of densification: The first is the growth of the (urban) population, the second is an increasing genealogical interest in the families of princes, leading to the creation of genealogies and historiography centered on princely families. Both of these changes resulted in an increasing desire to differentiate individuals bearing the same (first) name.

Die Namen Ansegis(el), Anschis(us) und Anchises im Kontext der Karolingergenealogien und der fränkischen Geschichtsschreibung

Lubich, Gerhard 23 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ansegis(el), Anschis(us) and Anchises – A name and its uses in early carolingian genealogies and frankish historiography. – The first Carolingian genealogy Commemoratio Karoli names one Anschisus as father of Pepin (“of Herstal”), thus connecting the Carolingians with the antique myth of Troy – Aeneas’ father was named Anschises and Rome. In a later version of the same genealogy, Commemoratio Arnulfi, this same person is mentioned with his germanic spelling Ansegis(el) as the son of Arnulf of Metz, with whom the genealogy begins, placing the family in the context of the Frankish aristocracy. The article focusses on these mechanisms as well as on their relations to Carolingian self-perception and their perception in 9th century historiography.

Namen und Geschichte in der Zeit der Einnamigkeit (ca. 400–1100)

Patzold, Steffen 23 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction. – This contribution lays out the core questions that connect the following papers read at a conference in Tübingen in 2014 and briefly summarizes their main arguments. These contributions address two major problems: They offer a foundation for productively overcoming the „genealogisch-besitzgeschichtliche Methode“ (a method based on similarities of names and proximity of property for analyzing family connections) which was widely used by historians of the middle ages until the 1980s for analyzing questions of social history with the aid of personal names. The papers also show how far secondary names (of very different types) influenced the practices of naming already in the so-called single-name period.

Modèles probabilistes de populations : branchement avec catastrophes et signature génétique de la sélection / Probabilistic population models : branching with catastrophes and genetic signature of selection

Smadi, Charline 05 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude probabiliste des réponses démographique et génétique de populations à certains événements ponctuels. Dans une première partie, nous étudions l'impact de catastrophes tuant une fraction de la population et survenant de manière répétée, sur le comportement en temps long d'une population modélisée par un processus de branchement. Dans un premier temps nous construisons une nouvelle classe de processus, les processus de branchement à états continus avec catastrophes, en les réalisant comme l'unique solution forte d'une équation différentielle stochastique. Nous déterminons ensuite les conditions d'extinction de la population. Enfin, dans les cas d'absorption presque sûre nous calculons la vitesse d'absorption asymptotique du processus. Ce dernier résultat a une application directe à la détermination du nombre de cellules infectées dans un modèle d'infection de cellules par des parasites. En effet, la quantité de parasites dans une lignée cellulaire suit dans ce modèle un processus de branchement, et les "catastrophes" surviennent lorsque la quantité de parasites est partagée entre les deux cellules filles lors des divisions cellulaires. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à la signature génétique laissée par un balayage sélectif. Le matériel génétique d'un individu détermine (pour une grande partie) son phénotype et en particulier certains traits quantitatifs comme les taux de naissance et de mort intrinsèque, ou sa capacité d'interaction avec les autres individus. Mais son génotype seul ne détermine pas son ``adaptation'' dans le milieu dans lequel il vit : l'espérance de vie d'un humain par exemple est très dépendante de l'environnement dans lequel il vit (accès à l'eau potable, à des infrastructures médicales,...). L'approche éco-évolutive cherche à prendre en compte l'environnement en modélisant les interactions entre les individus. Lorsqu'une mutation ou une modification de l'environnement survient, des allèles peuvent envahir la population au détriment des autres allèles : c'est le phénomène de balayage sélectif. Ces événements évolutifs laissent des traces dans la diversité neutre au voisinage du locus auquel l'allèle s'est fixé. En effet ce dernier ``emmène'' avec lui des allèles qui se trouvent sur les loci physiquement liés au locus sous sélection. La seule possibilité pour un locus de ne pas être ``emmené'' est l'occurence d'une recombination génétique, qui l'associe à un autre haplotype dans la population. Nous quantifions la signature laissée par un tel balayage sélectif sur la diversité neutre. Nous nous concentrons dans un premier temps sur la variation des proportions neutres dans les loci voisins du locus sous sélection sous différents scénarios de balayages. Nous montrons que ces différents scenari évolutifs laissent des traces bien distinctes sur la diversité neutre, qui peuvent permettre de les discriminer. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous intéressons aux généalogies jointes de deux loci neutres au voisinage du locus sous sélection. Cela nous permet en particulier de quantifier des statistiques attendues sous certains scenari de sélection, qui sont utilisées à l'heure actuelle pour détecter des événements de sélection dans l'histoire évolutive de populations à partir de données génétiques actuelles. Dans ces travaux, la population évolue suivant un processus de naissance et mort multitype avec compétition. Si un tel modèle est plus réaliste que les processus de branchement, la non-linéarité introduite par les compétitions entre individus en rend l'étude plus complexe / This thesis is devoted to the probabilistic study of demographic and genetical responses of a population to some point wise events. In a first part, we are interested in the effect of random catastrophes, which kill a fraction of the population and occur repeatedly, in populations modeled by branching processes. First we construct a new class of processes, the continuous state branching processes with catastrophes, as the unique strong solution of a stochastic differential equation. Then we describe the conditions for the population extinction. Finally, in the case of almost sure absorption, we state the asymptotical rate of absorption. This last result has a direct application to the determination of the number of infected cells in a model of cell infection by parasites. Indeed, the parasite population size in a lineage follows in this model a branching process, and catastrophes correspond to the sharing of the parasites between the two daughter cells when a division occurs. In a second part, we focus on the genetic signature of selective sweeps. The genetic material of an individual (mostly) determines its phenotype and in particular some quantitative traits, as birth and intrinsic death rates, and interactions with others individuals. But genotype is not sufficient to determine "adaptation" in a given environment: for example the life expectancy of a human being is very dependent on his environment (access to drinking water, to medical infrastructures,...). The eco-evolutive approach aims at taking into account the environment by modeling interactions between individuals. When a mutation or an environmental modification occurs, some alleles can invade the population to the detriment of other alleles: this phenomenon is called a selective sweep and leaves signatures in the neutral diversity in the vicinity of the locus where the allele fixates. Indeed, this latter "hitchhiking” alleles situated on loci linked to the selected locus. The only possibility for an allele to escape this "hitchhiking" is the occurrence of a genetical recombination, which associates it to another haplotype in the population. We quantify the signature left by such a selective sweep on the neutral diversity. We first focus on neutral proportion variation in loci partially linked with the selected locus, under different scenari of selective sweeps. We prove that these different scenari leave distinct signatures on neutral diversity, which can allow to discriminate them. Then we focus on the linked genealogies of two neutral alleles situated in the vicinity of the selected locus. In particular, we quantify some statistics under different scenari of selective sweeps, which are currently used to detect recent selective events in current population genetic data. In these works the population evolves as a multitype birth and death process with competition. If such a model is more realistic than branching processes, the non-linearity caused by competitions makes its study more complex

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