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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educar é eugenizar : racialismo, eugenia e educação no Brasil (1870-1940)

Kern, Gustavo da Silva January 2016 (has links)
Cette Thèse de Doctorat a comme but développer une analyse de quelques idées formulées dans le cadre du discours racialiste et du discours eugéniste produits au Brésil pendant le période que s’étend entre 1870 et 1940. L’enquête, bien que ne pas exclusivement, suivi le sentier des théorisations du philosophe Michel Foucault. La généalogie foucaldienne est utilisé comme perspectif historique d’analyse pour soutenir que les théories racialistes et les théories eugénistes produits ici ont été institués et, de même façon, ont institué des effets relatifs à ce que Foucault a appelé comme biopouvoir : pouvoir qui a par objet la vie l’homme. Je cherche de problématiser, en premier lieu, l’émergence du discours eugéniste produit au Brésil pendant le début du XXème siècle, compte tenu ses liens généalogiques avec les théories raciales produits au fin du XIXème siècle ; en deuxième lieu, la façon comme ce tipe spécifique de discours scientifique a cherché de définir l’éducation comme élément essentiale pour le succès de son projet de amélioration de la population brésilienne. / A presente Tese de Doutorado tem como propósito analisar algumas das ideias formuladas no âmbito do discurso racialista e do discurso eugenista produzidos no Brasil durante o período que se estende entre 1870 e 1940. A investigação, embora não exclusivamente, se coloca na trilha das teorizações do filósofo francês Michel Foucault. A genealogia foucaultiana é tomada como perspectiva de análise histórica para sustentar a ideia de que as teorias racialistas e eugenistas por aqui produzidas foram instituídas e instituíram efeitos relativos ao funcionamento do que Foucault chamou de biopoder: poder que tem por objeto a vida do homem. Procura-se problematizar, em primeiro lugar, a emergência do discurso eugenista produzido no Brasil durante as primeiras décadas do século XX, tendo em vista seus vínculos genealógicos com as teorias raciais produzidas nas últimas décadas do século XIX; em segundo lugar, a forma como esse discurso científico formulado pelos teóricos eugenistas locais procurou definir a educação como elemento essencial para o sucesso de seu projeto de melhoramento racial da população brasileira. / This doctoral dissertation aims to analyze some ideas formulated in the light of racialist and eugenicist discourse which was produced in Brazil during the period extending from 1870 to 1940. The investigation, though not solely, is based on the theories proposed by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. Foucault's genealogy is taken as the historical analytical perspective to support the claim that the racialist theories and the eugenicist theories, produced here, were determined and determined effects on the operation of what Foucault called biopower, namely, a kind of power which has man's life as its object. The present work aims to discuss, first, the emergence of eugenicist discourse produced in Brazil during the first decades of the twentieth century in the light of their connections with racial theories produced in the last decades of the nineteenth century; secondly, how this scientific discourse formulated by local eugenicist theoreticians tried to define education as a crucial element for the success of the racial improvement project which was conceived for the Brazilian population.

La Poétique de la mémoire dans l'oeuvre de Sylvie Germain / The poetic of memory in Sylvie Germain's production

Bello, Anne-Claire 04 December 2015 (has links)
Une démarche herméneutique, inspirée notamment par les travaux de Paul Ricoeur, nous permet de montrer dans cette thèse que l'œuvre romanesque de Sylvie Germain se fonde en profondeur sur une poétique de la mémoire. Elle procède en effet elle-même à une herméneutique de la mémoire, cherchant à déconstruire les mémoires fabriquées dont se nourrissent, parfois inconsciemment, les individus. Notre première partie analyse la manière dont, en procédant à une archéologie de la mémoire historique, Sylvie Germain décrypte son historicité en mettant à nu les processus d'élaboration et de manipulations trompeurs pour l'humanité. La deuxième partie montre comment la généalogie germanienne appréhende la mémoire phénoménologique comme un pharmakon. La troisième partie développe l'idée d'un testament germanien ancré dans une phénoménologie de l'altérité, seule garante d'une mémoire heureuse et apaisée.Notre analyse se place aussi sous l'angle de la critique de l'imaginaire telle qu'elle s'est constituée, dans le sillage du « cogito rêveur » de Bachelard, puis autour de Jean-Pierre Richard. Prenant appui sur une analyse transversale de tropismes récurrents, elle montre que la « poétique » germanienne se construit non seulement de thèmes mais aussi de l'opération narrative pour dire l'expérience temporelle de la mémoire. Les très nombreux textes qui ont nourri l'imaginaire germanien sont inventoriés et convoqués dans notre étude comme soubassement philosophique, historique et éthique de la création de la romancière et inhérents à celle-ci. / This research structured in three parts seeks to highlight, from a hermeneutics point of view, how the opus germanien to erect around a “poetics of memory”.A hermeneutics approach, especially inspired by Paul Ricoeur's work, allows to demonstrate in this thesis that the Sylvie Germain's fictional work has a deep basis for a poetic memory. Indeed she proceeds herself to a hermeneutics of the memory, searching to deconstruct the built memories whose the individuals thrive on. By proceeding to an archeology of historic memory, my first part analyses how Sylvie Germain figures out her historicity, by showing its misleading creation and manipulation process for the humanity. The second part deals with the way which the Sylvie German's genealogy comprehends the phenomenological memory from the angle of pharmakon. A third part develops the idea of a Sylvie Germain's legacy settled in a phenomenology alterity, only responsible for a happy and pacified memory.My analysis is placed in the light of the imaginary criticism as it established itself, in the wake of Bachelard's “dreamy cogito”, then around Jean-Pierre Richard. Leaning on cross-disciplinary analysis of recurrent tropism, it seeks to demonstrate the Sylvie Germain's poetic is built up on themes but also on narrative operation to tell the time-related experience of the memory. The numerous text which fed the Sylvie Germain's imagination are inventoried in my study as philosophical, historical and ethical foundations of the novelist's creation.

A teoria do poder constituinte : uma análise das críticas da comunidade jurídica às propostas de reforma excepcional da constituição

Araújo, Eduardo Borges 09 September 2015 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito, 2015. / Submitted by Raquel Viana (raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2015-11-24T16:34:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_EduardoBorgesAraújo.pdf: 1384792 bytes, checksum: 08aabbe46df1039599d51e36f283f7fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marília Freitas(marilia@bce.unb.br) on 2016-01-25T13:27:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_EduardoBorgesAraújo.pdf: 1384792 bytes, checksum: 08aabbe46df1039599d51e36f283f7fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T13:27:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_EduardoBorgesAraújo.pdf: 1384792 bytes, checksum: 08aabbe46df1039599d51e36f283f7fa (MD5) / A presente dissertação ocupa-se de analisar a limitação operada pelo constitucionalismo moderno – liberal por excelência – sobre a originariamente revolucionária categoria do poder constituinte, que voltaria ao epicentro da discussão público brasileira em razão da proposta da Presidência da República de, como resposta às manifestações populares do mês de julho de 2013, instalar uma assembleia constituinte específica para a reforma do sistema político brasileiro. Somente uma entre várias outras propostas em igual sentido, a proposta de 2014 recorreria a procedimentos excepcionais de reforma constitucional a fim de contornar os impasses políticos que, tornando quase impossível chegar à maioria qualificada exigida no parágrafo segundo do artigo 60 da Constituição Federal de 1988, atravancam a realização da reforma política por décadas. Novamente, assim como fizera nas ocasiões anteriores, a comunidade jurídica não tardaria para manifestar suas críticas à proposta nos mais variados veículos de comunicação. Analisar as declarações emitidas por advogados, magistrados e acadêmicos traria à tona uma série de argumentos básicos que, reiteradamente empregados para afastar as propostas de convocação de assembleias exclusivas, evidenciaria a influência do constitucionalismo na compreensão dos juristas em torno do fenômeno político e, sobretudo, da categoria do poder constituinte. Pensado inicialmente como elemento de legitimação da quebra da ordem vigente através da ação legiferante de uma assembleia soberana, a categoria seria esvaziada até poder prestar-se como elemento legitimador da manutenção da ordem. No que o poder constituinte seria confinado no direito, que passaria a regular os modos, meios e tempos de sua expressão, seu potencial criador tornar-se-ia simplesmente reformador, devendo observar os limites que o texto constitucional lhe imporia. Em vez de estimular a discussão efetiva em torno da legitimidade e conveniência de inovações constitucionais, o discurso jurídico calcado na teoria liberal do poder constituinte consagraria a primazia do princípio liberal sobre o princípio democrático. Observados os itinerários da genealogia do poder constituinte, da criação do constitucionalismo liberal e da naturalização do discurso jurídico, evidenciar-se-ia uma cultura jurídica cuja filiação à doutrina liberal conduziria à submissão, em vez da articulação, do direito à política mediante fetichização, naturalização e neutralização de conceitos jurídicos situados no projeto antidemocrático do liberalismo. / The present dissertation deals with analyzing the current limitation operated by modern constitutionalism – liberal by excellence – on the originally revolutionary category of constituent power, which would return to the epicenter of Brazilian public debate since the Presidency of the Republic's proposal, in response to popular demonstrations in July of 2013, to convene a constituent assembly to promote political reform in Brazil's system. Another one amongst several other proposals in the same sense, the 2014 proposal resorts to exceptional procedures for a constitutional reform in order to circumvent such political impasses that, making it nearly impossible to reach the qualified majority required in the second paragraph of Article 60 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, have been hindering the achievement of a political reform for decades. Once again, just as it had done on previous occasions, the legal community soon expressed severe criticism regarding the proposal in various means of communication. Analysis of statements issued by lawyers, judges and academics would bring to the fore a number of basic arguments, which are repeatedly used to fend off calls for exclusive assemblies, indicates the influence of constitutionalism in the understanding of lawyers concerning the political phenomenon and, above all, the category of constituent power. Initially seen as an element to legitimate the shattering of the current order through the legislating action of sovereign assembly, the category would be emptied until it is able to render itself as a legitimizing element of maintaining order. With the confinement of the constituent power to the law, regulating ways, means and times of expression, its creating potential would become simply reforming, watching for the limits that the Constitution would impose. Rather than stimulating an effective discussion on the legitimacy and convenience of constitutional innovations, the legal discourse, underpinned by the liberal theory of the constituent power, would enshrine the primacy of the liberal principle over the democratic principle. Subject to the itineraries of the genealogy of constituent power, the creation of liberal constitutionalism and the naturalization of legal discourse would evidence a legal culture whose membership in the liberal doctrine would lead to the submission, rather than the liaison, of the law to the politics, by fetishization, naturalization and neutralization of legal concepts located in the antidemocratic project of liberalism.

The political economy of reproduction : motherhood, work and the home in neoliberal Britain

Barbagallo, Camille January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the processes and practices of reproduction have been transformed not only by the ascendant political rationality of neoliberalism but also by women’s struggles that have reconfigured motherhood, the domestic home and the gendered organisation of employment. Through exploring both the 1970s feminist demand for “free 24- hour nurseries” and the contemporary provision of extended, overnight and flexible childcare, care that is often referred to as “24-hour childcare”, the research contributes to feminist understandings of the gendered and racialised class dynamics inside and outside the home and the wage. The research repositions the ‘Woman Question’ as, yet again unavoidable and necessary for comprehending and intervening in the brutalising consequences of capitalist accumulation. Situated within the Marxist feminist tradition, the work of reproduction is understood as a cluster of tasks, affective relations and employment that have historically been constructed and experienced as ‘women’s work’. The interrelation between the subjectivity of motherhood and the political economy of reproduction is analysed through a feminist genealogy of 24-hour childcare in Britain. Using ethnographic encounters, archival research and interview data with mothers and childcare workers, the research tells a story about the women who have worked both inside and outside the home, raised children, cooked and cleaned, and who, both historically and in the present, continue to create an immense amount of wealth and value. As women's labour market participation has steadily increased over the last 40 years, the discourse of reproduction has shifted to one in which motherhood is increasingly constructed as a choice. Within neoliberal discourse the decision to have a child is constructed as a private matter for which individuals bear the costs and responsibility. The thesis argues that, as a result of motherhood being constructed more and more as something that is chosen, the spaces of resistance and opposition towards motherhood have been limited and resistance has been individuated and privatised.

Pedagogia, instrução, disciplina, governo : a Educação sob a luz da obra de Michel Foucault /

Rodrigues, Rafael de Oliveira. January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Elizabeth Maria Freire De Araújo Lima / Banca: Hélio Rebello Cardoso Junior / Banca: Adriana Marcondes Machado / Banca: Maria Cristina Gonçalves Vicentin / Banca: Silvio José Benelli / Resumo: Este trabalho visa enfrentar o problema da crise da Educação no presente à luz do pensamento de Michel Foucault, utilizando-se, para tanto, de alguns dos conceitos criados pelo autor para problematizar o conjunto de práticas pelas quais, na atualidade, se estabeleceu o Estado moderno, o liberalismo e a lógica capitalista. Segundo uma perspectiva de pesquisa de embasamento genealógico (cuja estratégia por um lado recusa uma história que busca as origens, a verdade pretensamente universal e que, por outro, nos ensina a olhar os acidentes, os percalços, os desvios, as recorrências e as dispersões dos acontecimentos), fizemos um levantamento das obras de Foucault atualmente publicadas e buscamos nelas os pontos em que havia referências ao tema da Educação, utilizando-nos de mecanismos de pesquisa para documentos digitais. A partir dos dados coletados, emergiram as categorias de análise por meio das quais realizamos, nos capítulos subsequentes, uma análise quantitativa e uma análise de conteúdo. A ideia de Educação associada à cura e à Educação como arte de governar, quando cotejadas com a obra foucaultiana, nos permitiu compreender a Educação segundo uma problematização das práticas pedagógicas (discursivas e não-discursivas) que a sustentam. Após essa etapa, realizamos um levantamento bibliográfico para encontrar os comentadores no Brasil que utilizaram a perspectiva foucaultiana para pensar a Educação e buscamos compreender como alguns dos conceitos de Foucault foram utilizados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work aims to address an overview on Education crisis problem currently established through Michel Foucault's thinking. To do so, some concepts conceived by the author are used in order to discuss the set of practices through which, presently, the modern Estate, liberalism and the capitalistic ideal have settled. According to a research based on a genealogical view (which initiative, in one hand, refuses a kind of history that seeks the beginnings and a supposedly universal truth and that, in other hand, show us how to look at the events casualties, incidents, deviations, recurrences and dispersions), we proceeded to map out Foucault's actual published works and localized on them via digital data searching mechanisms each passage in which there were references on Education. From this gathered data, the analysis categories through we made, in the further chapters, a quantitative and a content analysis have arisen. The notion of education related to the cure and the government art, when contrasted to foucauldian works, have allowed us to perceive the Education from questioning pedagogical practices (discursive and non-discursive) that sustain them. After that, we made a bibliographical research in order to find the Brazilian Foucault's commentators that have written from his overview on Education to find out how some of his concepts were used to them in their critical works. Lastly, we discussed some educational practices that we find innovative and that, although are not d... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Numerals in early Greek New Testament manuscripts : text-critical, scribal and theological studies

Cole, Zachary John January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the phenomenon of numerals as they were written by early New Testament scribes. Chapter 1 briefly introduces the two basic ways that early scribes wrote numerals, either as longhand words or in alphabetic shorthand (e.g., δύο or β̅), and summarizes the fundamental research question: how did early Christian scribes write numerals and why? The need for such a study is described in chapter 2, which reviews past discussions of the phenomenon of scribal number-writing in New Testament manuscripts. While scholars are aware of the feature and have been eager to draw it into a variety of important discussions, this has been done without any systematic or thorough study of the phenomenon itself. After these introductory chapters, the thesis proceeds in two basic parts: the first isolates the relevant data in question and the second aims to examine those data more fully and from several different angles. Part one is a systematic examination of all numerals, both cardinal and ordinal, that are extant in New Testament manuscripts dated up through the fifth century CE (II–V/VI). The principal concern is when and where numerical shorthand occurs in these manuscripts. Can we discern a Christian style of number-writing that can be distinguished from contemporary scribal customs, and, if so, what is the nature of that style? One aim is to discern the function of number-writing within individual codices, and so its relation to other codicological and scribal features is also considered. Chapter 3 examines numerals in papyrus witnesses and chapter 4 examines them in majuscules written on parchment. Part two then comprises a more thorough investigation of some important issues that arose in part one. Chapter 5 approaches the feature of number-writing from the angle of textual genealogy. Did scribes ever mimic the particular numberforms as they were written in their exemplars or did they choose between them at their own leisure? In either case, what implications does this have for our understanding of textual relationships? Chapter 6 takes a brief detour to evaluate a commonly repeated axiom: that, in Greek copies of the Old Testament scriptures, Jewish scribes consistently used longhand numerals and avoided numerical shorthand. I argue that this idea is invalid and has distorted our understanding of the provenance of some early manuscripts. Chapter 7 then considers whether theological reflection ever influenced a scribe’s decision to employ numerical shorthand. In the same way that devotional practice seems to lie at the origin of the nomina sacra, the group of scribal contractions for divine names and titles, can we detect similar patterns of number-writing that relate to theologically significant concepts and/or referents? I argue that, aside from a handful of isolated yet intriguing examples, no coherent system similar to the nomina sacra can be detected—a conclusion that nonetheless sheds a great deal of light on devotional practices among early Christians. In chapter 8, I describe a hypothesis that seeks to make sense of much of the data observed in part one. In our examination of the numerals in the early manuscripts, four curious features are identified that distinguish Christian scribal practice from that found in other corpora, all relating to numerals (or kinds of numerals) that Christian scribes, as a rule, wrote longhand rather than in shorthand. I argue that this unique adaptation of numerical abbreviation in New Testament manuscripts reflects an awareness and intentional policy to avoid forms that were potentially ambiguous in the reading of those texts, and especially in their public reading. The final portion, chapter 9, then summarizes the thesis, draws out some implications of the study, and suggests areas in which more research would be potentially fruitful.

« Communication communautaire » : pratiques médiatiques des communautés indigènes du nord-ouest argentin / “Community communication” : media practices of indigenous communities in Northwest Argentina

Toulemont, Herlène 02 July 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le champ de la « communication communautaire ». Apparue dans les années 1970, cette notion a évolué sur des controverses, donnant ainsi naissance à des définitions plurielles voire contradictoires. Elle est tantôt associée à la communication pour le développement, tantôt à la communication citoyenne, alternative et populaire. Malgré cette polysémie, la quantité de médias qui se rangent sous cette appellation est en forte expansion. L’objectif est donc d’avancer dans la compréhension de la notion de communication communautaire au prisme des pratiques médiatiques de communautés indigènes. D’abord, d’un point de vue théorique, je réalise une revue critique de la genèse de cette notion et des controverses scientifiques sur lesquelles elle s’est construite, en fonction d’aires culturelles et de positions idéologiques. Ensuite, d’un point de vue empirique, j’analyse des pratiques médiatiques communautaires à partir d’un travail de terrain de type ethnographique réalisé dans sept communautés indigènes situées dans le nord-ouest argentin. Je démontre que leurs pratiques s’élaborent sur trois niveaux : a) intracommunautaire : vers la communauté elle-même, b) intercommunautaire : vers les autres communautés, et c) extracommunautaire : vers « l’extérieur », c’est-à-dire le reste de la société. Elles utilisent et combinent tous les moyens de communication qu’elles ont à disposition (radios VHF, radios FM et Internet) afin de se ré-approprier leur culture et leur identité, porter leurs revendications, développer leur territoire et nouer un dialogue avec l'opinion publique. Finalement, la démarche dialectique, théorique et empirique, m’amène à proposer un nouveau concept : la « communication communautaire indigène ». / The research is about “community communication”. Born in the 1970’s, this notion was developed from controversies, creating various definitions, sometimes even contradictory ones. It is sometimes associated to communication for development, communication for citizens, alternative or popular communications. Despite the polysemy, an increasing number of media refered themselves as “community media”. My aim is to make a better understanding of the notion of community communication, through indigenous communities’ media practices. First, from a theoretical perspective, I executed a critical genealogy of this notion and scientific controversies on which it was built, based on cultural areas and ideological positions. Then, from an empiric perspective, I analyzed media practices from an ethnographic field work carried out in seven different indigenous communities in Northwest Argentina. I demonstrated that their practices are developed on three levels: a) intra community: towards the community itself, b) inter community: towards other communities, and c) extra community: towards the “outside”, meaning the rest of the society. Communities use and combine all communication tools available (VHF radio, FM radio, and the Internet) in order to re-appropriate their culture and identity, express their claims, develop their territories and create a dialogue with the public opinion. At last, this dialectic approach, theoretical and empirical, leads me to introduce a new concept: “the indigenous community communication”.


ANTONIA COSTA DE THUIN 11 December 2015 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação se organiza a partir de três ensaios – A Língua como intraduzível, Os Rios que Comunicam e O Futuro do Pretérito – que focalizam questões relevantes na obra do escritor José Luandino Vieira. O objetivo é identificar, em alguns de seus livros, as formas com que a linguagem é trabalhada pelo autor em sua ficção, de modo a criar espaços de utopia política; dos tempos de luta pela independência angolana, na segunda metade do século XX, às primeiras décadas do século XXI. Pretende-se mostrar ainda como sua busca por uma utopia permanece ao longo do tempo, não tendo cessado com o fim da guerra de independência nacional. A busca por justiça e por inclusão social materializam-se como utopias, expressas sobretudo na linguagem adotada pelo escritor. No primeiro capítulo desta dissertação, discuto seu investimento na linguagem, e como isso é radical – no sentido de estar na raiz – de sua literatura e projeto de mundo. No segundo, falo mais amplamente como o rio – que flui e que segue, que some e volta a existir – é tema existente em Guimarães Rosa e Luandino, que seguem uma genealogia de criadores com a língua, mas que têm mais em comum do que ela. No terceiro, aprofundo-me nas questões políticas levantadas por seus textos e nas suas intenções. / [en] This thesis is organized from three essays – Language as untranslatable, Rivers that communicate and Future of the Past – that focus in relevant questions of the writer José Luandino Vieira work. The aim is to identify, in some of his books, how language is used by the author in his fiction, as a tool to create political utopian spaces; beginning during the time of fighting for Angola s independence, in the second half of the twentieth century, till the first decades of the twenty first century. It intends also to show how his search for utopia continues through time, and has not stopped with the end of the national independence war. The search for justice and social inclusion gain life as utopias, expressed above all in the language adopted by the author. In the first chapter of this dissertation, I talk about his investment in language and how is this crucial for his literature and his world Project. In the second, I talk more broadly about how the river – that comes and goes, disappears and reaches back to existence – is a subject presente in both, Guimarães Rosa and Luandino, following a genealogy of language creators, but with more in common than just that. In the third, I talk in-depth about the political issues raised in his texts and his intentions.

Exhibiting connections, connecting exhibitions : constructing trans-Pacific relationships through museum displays in Oceania (2006-2016)

Christophe, Alice January 2016 (has links)
This research explores the correlation between exhibitions and networks in the context of the 21st century Pacific. Firstly, exhibitions are envisioned as relational and connective practices that trigger interactions through their making. Secondly, exhibition-­‐products are regarded as the result of these relationships, which bring together a wide range of agents including makers, things, spaces and epistemologies. Applying the Actor-­‐Network-­‐Theory to the field of exhibition studies, this thesis follows the path of six trans-­‐Pacific museum displays. These case studies were developed between 2006 and 2016 by three major institutions of Oceania, located in Aotearoa New Zealand (Auckland Museum), Hawai‘i (Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum) and Taiwan (Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts). After a theoretical and methodological introduction, Chapter 2 dwells on the history of the institutions included in this research and pieces together the genealogical grounds for each exhibition case study. Short-­‐term exhibitions and their capacity to open new museum routes are explored in Chapter 3. Long-­‐term displays and the musealisation of temporary pathways are presented in Chapter 4. While reassembling the trajectories of each exhibition in Chapter 3 and 4 and connecting their genealogies, this study examines the existence of parallels, translations and echoes amongst the case studies in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 further emphasises these relationships and equally dwells on the limitations and impacts of connective narratives by analysing the Pacific maps displayed in these trans-­‐Pacific exhibitions. By and large, this research explores the increasing development of a trans-­‐Pacific culture of display in Oceania, which is examined through the lens of exhibitions developed and presented in this region at the dawn of the 21st century.

Etymologie als mögliche Motivationskomponente im DaF / Etymology as a Possible Motivation Component in the Teaching German as a Foreign Language

FRAŇKOVÁ, Eva January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the integration of etymology as one of the possible motivational component in language learning at the second stage of primary schools with regard to German as a foreign language after English. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with etymology as one of the linguistic disciplines, genealogical relation of English and German language and the issue of motivation in learning a foreign language. The practical part concentrates on creation of the author´s own didactical materials and the application of the discovered relations within these two languages. The aim of these materials is to motivate the pupils at the primary schools to multilingualism.

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