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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fabricating the teacher as researcher:a genealogy of academic teacher education in Finland

Sitomaniemi-San, J. (Johanna) 10 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract The Finnish notion of academic, scientific, research-based teacher education has become a frequently referred to idea within the Finnish educational discourses of research, policy, curriculum and practice. This study examines the current discourse of research based teacher education since its emergence during the 1970s reform that ‘scientized’ teacher education. Drawing on Foucauldian approaches of genealogy and governmentality studies, the purpose of this study is to explore the current presence of ‘research’ in Finnish teacher education and consider the effects of the ways in which the notion of research is mobilised in the discourse. The research questions are: 1. How are teacher subjectivities and notions of research constructed, assembled and mobilised in the discourse of research-based teacher education in Finland? 2. What social ideals circumscribe the aspirations for teachers as researchers and research-based teacher education in Finland? The analysis is carried out on academic publications that have been published on Finnish research-based teacher education. The findings, first, point to the discursive insertion of research into Finnish teacher education as a strategy through which to fabricate the teacher as autonomous and as emancipated from tradition. Secondly, the analysis addresses how an array of different significations of research are mobilised in the governing of the teacher as researcher. Thirdly, the analysis draws attention to the Lutheran Protestant legacy of the tradition of Bildung that has influenced the weak incentive for social and political orientations in Finnish teacher education. The effects of a scientific approach to teacher education are visible in the ways research-based teacher education comes to evoke specific teacher inner qualities and dispositions that are aligned with humanist aspirations and ideals for education and social progress. The study provides an alternative way for perceiving of and problematizing research-based teacher education as well as of the often uneasy relationship between teacher training and the university. In this way, the study attempts to complicate conversations and open up alternative ways of engaging with academic knowledge and practices in teacher education curriculum and research. / Tiivistelmä Suomalaista kasvatusta koskevissa tutkimuksen, poliittisten linjausten, opetussuunnitelmien ja käytänteiden diskursseissa viitataan usein akateemiseen, tieteelliseen, tutkimusperustaiseen opettajankoulutukseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 1970-luvun tieteellistämisuudistuksen käynnistämää, nykymuotoisen tutkimusperustaisen opettajankoulutuksen diskurssia. Tutkimus ammentaa foucault’laisista genealogian ja hallinnan tutkimuksen lähestymistavoista. Tutkimustehtävänä on tarkastella “tutkimuksen” ilmenemismuotoja nykyisessä suomalaisessa opettajankoulutuksessa sekä näiden diskursiivisia vaikutuksia. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1. Millä tavoin opettajasubjektiviteetit ja käsitykset “tutkimuksesta” rakentuvat, mobilisoituvat ja asettuvat toisiinsa nähden tutkimusperustaisen opettajankoulutuksen diskurssissa Suomessa? 2. Millaiset yhteiskunnalliset ihanteet määrittävät suomalaisen opettajankoulutuksen pyrkimyksiä kohti tutkivaa opettajuutta ja tutkimusperustaista opettajankoulutusta? Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan akateemisia julkaisuja suomalaisesta tutkimusperustaisesta opettajankoulutuksesta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat “tutkimuksen” ilmentymisen suomalaisessa opettajankoulutuksessa strategiana, jonka kautta tuotetaan autonomisia opettajasubjekteja ja emansipoidaan opettaja tradition vallasta. Toiseksi analyysi tuo näkyviin, millä tavoin “tutkimuksen” eri merkitykset tulevat valjastetuiksi tutkivan opettajan hallinnassa. Kolmanneksi analyysi kiinnittää huomiota luterilaisen protestantismin vaikutuksiin sivistysajattelussa, mikä selittää suomalaisen opettajankoulutuksen heikkoa yhteiskunnallista ja poliittista orientaatiota. Tieteellisen lähestymistavan vaikutukset opettajankoulutukseen ilmenevät siinä, miten tutkimusperustainen opettajankoulutus tulee herättäneeksi opettajan sisäisiä ominaisuuksia ja mielenlaatuja, joita määrittävät humanistiset ideaalit kasvatuksesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta edistyksestä. Tutkimus tarjoaa vaihtoehtoisen tavan hahmottaa ja kyseenalaistaa tutkimusperustaista opettajankoulutusta sekä opettajankoulutuksen ja yliopiston usein ongelmallista suhdetta. Näinollen tutkimus pyrkii syventämään keskusteluja ja avaamaan vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tarkastella akateemista tietoa ja käytänteitä niin opettajankoulutuksen opetussuunnitelman kuin tutkimuksen osalta.

Les voies de la singularité : pour une généalogie des oeuvres d'art / The roots of singularity : for a genealogy of artworks

Liucci-Goutnikov, Nicolas 18 November 2015 (has links)
S’il n’existe pas d’« objet esthétique », comme l’ont soutenu Genette et Schaeffer, mais simplement des « relations esthétiques », comment définir ce que sont ou ce que font les œuvres d’art ? Un concept élémentaire, présent de façon diffuse dans de nombreux écrits sur l’art, se révèle opératoire : le concept de singularité. La singularité peut expliquer nombre des qualités attribuées aux œuvres d’art, notamment leur capacité maintes fois relevée à arrêter l’attention. Comme l’ont souligné de nombreux penseurs, de Kant à Goodman, l’œuvre d’art tient l’esprit en éveil : dans la relation aux œuvres d’art, écrit ce dernier, « le moteur est la curiosité et le but est d’obtenir des lumières » [Nelson Goodman, Langages de l’art (1968), trad. J. Morizot]. Exigeant que l’attention se porte sur l’objet en tant qu’individu, la singularité met à mal les généralités formulées sur les œuvres d’art, tout en inscrivant chacune d’entre elles dans l’histoire. Pour percevoir et comprendre une singularité, il est nécessaire de connaître le « monde de l’art » contre lequel elle s’affirme : l’établissement d’une généalogie se révèle indispensable. Renversant la logique de l’origine, l’identification de la parenté immédiate d’une œuvre d’art permet de saisir des relations d’identité entrelacées, croisées, mais aussi et surtout ces différences déterminantes grâce auxquelles l’œuvre peut affirmer sa propre singularité… et peut-être de susciter à son tour une descendance. Plusieurs études de cas s’attachent à le montrer - textes sur l’art de Greenberg, Rosenberg ou Judd, et œuvres d’art de Warhol, Levine ou Sehgal –, cherchant à tracer ainsi, de façon généalogique, les voies de la singularité. / If there is no such object as an “aesthetic object”, as Genette and Schaeffer have argued, but only “aesthetic relations”, how to define what an artwork is or does? An elementary concept, present in a pervasive manner in many writings about art, appears to be operative: the concept of singularity. Singularity can explain a lot of the qualities, which are usually assigned to artworks, in particular their ability to draw attention on them. As many authors have emphasized, from Kant to Goodman, an artwork keeps the mind active: in our relation to artworks, writes the latter, “the drive is curiosity and the aim enlightenment”.Given that this sort of attention requires to focus on the object as an individual, singularity jeopardizes the generalities, which are usually stated about artworks, though inscribing each of them in history. In order to perceive and to understand a singularity, it is necessary to know against which “artworld” this singularity asserts itself: an indispensable step seems the establishment of a genealogy. Through reversing the logic of origin, the identification of the immediate relationship of an artwork allows to embrace intertwined identity links, but also, and above all, these decisive differences, which allow the artwork to assert its singularity… and maybe to arouse some descendants. Different case studies make every effort to show it – texts about art written by Greenberg, Rosenberg or Judd, artworks from Warhol, Levine or Sehgal –, trying to trace, along a genealogical path, the roots of singularity.

L’action publique en faveur des quartiers défavorisés au Chili (2006-2010) : généalogie et développement des nouvelles approches territoriale et participative / La acción pública en favor de barrios vulnerables en Chile (2006-2010) : genealogía y desarrollo de los nuevos enfoques territorial y participativo / The public action for disadvantages neighborhoods in Chile (2006-2010) : enealogy and development of the new territorial and participatory approaches

Ulriksen Moretti, Constanza 05 December 2015 (has links)
Une des priorités des gouvernements chiliens entre 1990 et 2005 était la réduction du déficit de logements. Les progrès ont été significatifs sur le plan quantitatif mais pas sur le qualitatif. Dans ce contexte, la première administration Bachelet a mis en place la Nouvelle politique du logement et d’amélioration de la qualité et l'intégration sociale, qui comprend le premier programme de réhabilitation des quartiers vulnérables, Quiero mi Barrio (PQMB). Une première étape d’étude reconstruit la généalogie et formulation du PQMB et une deuxième examine le développement, notamment à partir d’une étude de cas de deux quartiers. Les résultats indiquent qu’une intégration sociale à l’intérieur des territoires a primé sur une intégration sociale urbaine des quartiers par rapport au reste de la ville. PQMB apparaît comme un programme participatif d’amélioration d’espaces publiques, résultat qui renferme un processus dialectique provenant des décisions et des pratiques de tous les acteurs impliqués. PQMB a toutefois réussi à changer le référentiel des politiques de logement, de la satisfaction de la quantité à la considération de standards de qualité, ainsi qu’à introduire la participation comme un processus indispensable. Plutôt qu’une approche territoriale globale on observe une territorialisation des dépenses publiques, n’étant jamais suffisante pour répondre à la complexité du problème. Nous identifions ainsi trois impératifs pour la réhabilitation chilienne des quartiers défavorisés : le développement d’un système d’appui institutionnel collaboratif, riche et varié, un véritable travail interdisciplinaire, et une pratique d’échanges permanents entre chercheurs et praticiens. / One of the Chilean governments priorities between 1990 and 2005 was the reduction of the housing deficit. Progress has been significant quantitatively, but not qualitatively. In this context, the first Bachelet administration has implemented New housing policy of quality improvement and social integration, which includes the first rehabilitation program for distressed neighborhoods, Quiero mi Barrio (PQMB). A first research stage reconstructs the genealogy and formulation of the PQMB, and a second examines its development, in particular through a case study of two neighborhoods. The results show that a social integration within the territories took precedence over an urban social integration of the neighborhoods in relation to the rest of the city. PQMB appears as a participatory program to improve public spaces, which contains a dialectical process coming from the decisions and practices of all actors involved. However, PQMB has achieved a paradigm shift from quantity to quality in terms of Chilean housing policies, as well as the introduction of citizen participation as an indispensable process. Rather than a comprehensive territorial approach, a territorialization of public spending is observed, which is nonetheless never sufficient to tackle the complexity of the problem. We thus identify three imperatives for the Chilean rehabilitation of disadvantaged neighborhoods: the development of a collaborative institutional support system, rich and varied; a real interdisciplinary work; and a permanent exchange between researchers and practitioners. / Una de las prioridades de los gobiernos chilenos entre 1990 y 2005 fue la reducción del déficit habitacional. Los progresos han sido significativos en el plano cuantitativo, pero no así en el cualitativo. En este contexto, la primera administración de Bachelet implementó la Nueva Política Habitacional de Mejoramiento de la Calidad y la Integración Social, que incluye el primer programa de recuperación de barrios vulnerables, Quiero mi Barrio (PQMB). Una primera etapa de investigación reconstruye la genealogía y formulación del PQMB, y una segunda examina su desarrollo, particularmente a partir de un estudio de caso de dos barrios. Los resultados indican que una integración social al interior de los territorios primó por sobre una integración social urbana de los barrios respecto al resto de la ciudad. El PQMB aparece como un programa participativo de mejoramiento de espacios públicos, resultado que encierra un proceso dialéctico derivado de las decisiones y prácticas de todos los actores implicados. No obstante, el PQMB logró cambiar el referencial de las políticas habitacionales, de la satisfacción de la cantidad a la consideración de estándares de calidad, así como también introducir la participación como un proceso indispensable. En lugar de un enfoque territorial integral, se observa una territorialización del gasto público que nunca es suficiente para satisfacer la complejidad del problema. La tesis identifica tres imperativos para la recuperación de barrios vulnerables en Chile: el desarrollo de un sistema de apoyo institucional y de colaboración, rico y variado, un auténtico trabajo interdisciplinario, y una práctica de intercambio permanente entre investigadores y profesionales ejecutores.

The Genealogy of "Wen" / 文的系譜

Lin, Shu-Juan, 林淑娟 January 2016 (has links)
博士 / 國立清華大學 / 中國文學系 / 104 / The main concern of this thesis is that how does the change of the manner of thinking deeply influence the way that one thinks and feels about himself/herself and the relationship with nature? “Manner of thinking” may seems abstract, but it often reflects on essential concepts. Therefore, by analyzing these essential concepts, we could realize the pattern of manner of thinking and its historical evolution. And undoubtedly, “Wen” is an crucial and important concept in Chinese world. By analyzing the genealogy of “Wen” — including “Wen-xue,” (文學, literature), “Wen-ming” (文明, civilization), “Wen-hua” (文化 culture), and “Ren-wen” (人文, culture), we could find that after 20th century, the Chinses users tremendously changed their realization about civilization , culture, nature, and human beings. This thesis constructs the genealogy of “Wen,” just in order to deconstruct the accustomed manner of thinking, and try to offer an alternative way of thinking — the way that could properly treat nature as well as human beings.

Les territoires du cinéma art et essai, généalogie et mutations d'un modèle d'exploitation en Midi-Pyrénées / Art et essai territories : genealogy and mutations of an oerating/business model in Midi Pyrénées

Poulanges, Mariane 03 September 2015 (has links)
En France, la majorité des salles de cinéma est constituée par des cinémas "Art et essai". Comment rendre compte de l'identité de ces lieux de diffusion dans une perspective communicationnelle ? Outil des politiques d'aménagement et ressource possible pour le développement des territoires, la plupart des salles Art et essai en Midi-Pyrénées se présente sous la forme d'équipements dits "de proximité". Or, la "salle de proximité" représente un point aveugle des recherches universitaires qui portent sur le modèle Art et essai. Sur la base de ce constat, trois étapes structurent l'investigation. La mise en question des représentations de l'histoire du mouvement Art et essai permet d'abord de caractériser cette exploitation comme un modèle hybride, qui relève à la fois d'une politique culturelle nationale et de l'activité située des professionnels de la diffusion qui sont confrontés aux singularités du territoire dans lequel ils exercent. L'analyse diachronique du parc Art et essai en Midi-Pyrénées permet ensuite de présenter l'organisation des acteurs, de pointer leur rôle dans la structuration d'un modèle de diffusion alternatif en région, puis d'exposer le renouvellement récent des rapports de force. Cette approche généalogique, qui suppose d'intégrer les évolutions liées à la décentralisation, dessine une ligne de partage, au sein du parc Art et essai actuel, entre une logique de service, d'une part, et une logique de projet, d'autre part. Cette distinction elle-même est enfin mise à l'épreuve des résultats obtenus à travers deux enquêtes, la première portant sur les contenus offerts sur les écrans Art et essai de la région et la seconde sur la place de la subvention Art et essai dans l'économie des structures. En définitive, la représentation convenue d'un territoire symbolique de l'Art et essai doit être reconsidérée au profit d'une définition de la salle de cinéma Art et essai dont l'identité se construit, sur le temps long, en fonction de l'ancrage territorial des établissements. Par ancrage territorial, il ne s'agit pas de désigner la seule " zone de chalandise " mais l'enchevêtrement de plusieurs dimensions (économique, politique, sociale et géographique) qui forment un espace signifiant et opératoire, co-construit par les spectateurs, les diffuseurs et les acteurs publics locaux. / In France, most movie exptheaters are classified as Art et essai. How is it possible to account for the identity of these screening rooms within a communications framework ? As both a means to implement town and country planning policy and a potential resource for economic growth, the vast majority of Art et essai theaters in Midi-Pyrénées are viewed as local, convenience features. Yet, the convenience Art et essai theater has so far never been dealt with as such within academic analyses. The present research therefore offers a three-step approach to addressing this issue. Appraising the representations construed by the history of Art et essai as a movement allows first to characterize how theaters are run, following a hybrid model combining national-scale arts policy and on-site management, the latter being directly confronted with the particular realities of the terrain on which they operate. A diachronic scrutiny of overall Midi-Pyrénées Art et essai theater stock then allows to a) present how the partakers involved organize, b) point out their role in the setting up of a regional alternate approach to screening and c) exhibit the recent new deal within the power ratio. This genealogical approach which entails integrating evolutions linked with decentralization allows to draw a line amid today's Art et essai theaters, between service providers and project contributors. The results from two separate inquiries are then used to put this very distinction to the test. The first inquiry deals with regional Art et essai theaters' movie programming and the second with assessing the bearing of Art et essai public subsidies within their business model. Ultimately, the generally acknowledge representation of Art et essai's symbolic territory is to be reevaluated to allow for redefining the identity of Art et essai movie theaters as a long-term construct, whose evolution depends on their territorial foothold. Here, territorial foothold does not point merely to their marketing area but the intertwining of multiple dimensions (economic, political, social and geographic) that forms a meaningful and operating framework built both by viewers, theater management and local government.

Agresser le spectateur : généalogie d'une politique : Edward Bond, Rodrigo Garcia, Hanokh Levin / Assaulting the Spectator : genealogy of a Policy : Edward Bond, Rodrigo Garcia, Hanoch Levin

Krawczyk, Johanna 30 June 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche propose de construire la notion d’agression pour en faire un concept applicable à une poétique textuelle et scénique tout en tenant compte de sa dualité fondamentale. À la fois créée par l’auteur et reçue par le spectateur, elle peut être considérée comme une « action dramatisante » (Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux), c’est-à-dire comme un ensemble de procédés formels visant la production d’effets violents sur le spectateur. Elle a emprunté, au cours de l’histoire, différentes formes et significations que la méthodologie par « foyer de sens » (Frédéric Gros) permet de mettre en évidence. Trois variations de sens d’une même dimension du principe d’agression peuvent ainsi être identifiées : la première considère l’agression comme l’action d’introduire un désordre, un dérangement, renvoyant l’agression théâtrale à une stratégie ludique de mise en relation du spectateur avec le sacré. Elle est repérable dans le rejet platonicien de la poésie imitative de la cité, dans le Théâtre de la Cruauté d’Antonin Artaud, puis à l’ère postmoderne, dans certains spectacles usant de la performance, comme ceux de Rodrigo García. La deuxième envisage l’agression comme une action créant une instabilité éthique ou intime, assimilant l’agression théâtrale à une déstabilisation émotionnelle. Avec la Poétique d’Aristote, l’agression se pense comme un événement inattendu conditionné par un jeu de discordances et de surprises. Cette modalité est reconfigurée par Edward Bond dans les années 1960. La troisième considère l’agression comme l’action d’inciter quelqu’un à quelque chose par une attitude agressive ou une sorte de défi. L’agression théâtrale s’apparente dans ce cas à une stratégie politique dont Bertolt Brecht est l’un des grands représentants. Dialectiquement structurée, cette agression est singulièrement reconfigurée par Hanokh Levin dans les années 1970. Conditionnée par la surprise et l’inaccoutumance du spectateur, l’agression témoigne, quelle que soit sa forme, d’une abolition momentanée du cadre théâtral, d’une disparition du symbolique, dans une perspective sociale, éthique ou politique. / The purpose of my research is to construct the concept of aggression, making it applicable to textual and scenic poetics while accounting for its fundamental duality. This violence, both as created by the playwright and as received by the spectator, can be construed as a “dramatizing action” (Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux); in other words, as a set of formal processes aimed at producing violent effects upon the spectator. Over history, it has taken on a variety of forms and meanings that Frédéric Gros’s “foyer de sens” (“focus of meaning”) methodology makes apparent. We can thereby identify three variants in the meaning of the same dimension of the principle of aggression. The first considers aggression as the act of introducing a disorder or disruption, relating theatrical violence to a playful strategy of confronting the spectator with the sacred. It can be noted in the Plato’s rejection of poetry imitative of the city, in Antonin Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty and, in the post-modern era, in certain productions that use performance, like those of Rodrigo García. The second variant imagines aggression as an action that creates an ethical or intimate instability. It assimilates theatrical aggression with emotional destabilization. With Aristotle’s Poetics, aggression is thought of as an unexpected event contingent upon a series of discordances and surprises. This modality was reconfigured by Edward Bond in the 1960s. The third variant sees aggression as the act of inciting someone to do something, either by assuming a threatening attitude or by challenging him in some way. In this case, theatrical aggression is akin to a political strategy, and is exemplified by the plays of Bertolt Brecht. Structured dialectically, this aggression was reconfigured in a unique way by Hanoch Levin in the 1970s. Regardless of form, aggression relies upon surprise. As a jolt to the spectator, it attests to a momentary abolition of the theatrical framework: a disappearance of the symbolic, in a social, ethical, or political perspective.

Genealogia e spin-offs empreendedoras num cluster industrial de malharias no Brasil / Genealogy and entrepreneur spin-offs in industrial cluster of knitting companies in Brazil

Paula, Roberta Manfron de 18 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-06T20:18:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberta Manfron De Paula.pdf: 1643854 bytes, checksum: d93f309ade3f7e24170ba83cea16e858 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-06T20:18:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberta Manfron De Paula.pdf: 1643854 bytes, checksum: d93f309ade3f7e24170ba83cea16e858 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-18 / The main goal of this thesis was to understand the entrepreneur spin-offs phenomenon – that is, the new companies settled up by workers that drop of the companies where they worked previously in order to build up their own companies – as a start up to understand the impact of the genealogic effects in regional dynamics. This research describes a single scenario that can be very useful in an effort to understand what can cause people reasons to create new companies and so forth, identify the coming up of a cluster. In this direction, some research problems were settled: What is really known about spin-offs and what main books and theories have caused some impact on researches about spin-offs? Is it possible to observe what the genealogy features of a cluster not so sophisticated technologically saying and relatively recent in Brazil are? What are the features, on the settled industries, which are the so called mother companies that contribute to cause entrepreneur spin-offs? In order to do so, I performed three studies with distinct approaches. However, in the context, they explain and complement the goals and the research questions, consolidating the theories, contexts, genealogy and features of the mother firm in bringing up the entrepreneur spin-offs. The first study was about an analysis converging resources to bibliometric techniques and procedures about existing international literature. The sample about this study came up with 812 articles published in international journals. The analysis of citations and co-citations were used and complemented by a factorial analysis, providing a presentation of a structural and longitudinal component of the publications, which made easy to comprehend how the research has evolved among the years. The published studies allowed identifying the main theoretical frames that basis the spin-offs phenomenon, as well as, a group of interest variables to better understand the phenomenon. The second study aimed to identify the existence of entrepreneur spin-offs in a small Brazilian cluster – to which I focused on the knitting companies cluster in Monte Sião. This genealogy study came up with a sample of 232 companies, with data gathered through structured questionnaire. The third study, a statistical empiric one, was supported on data gathered through questionnaire, and came up with a sample of 103 companies. This study aimed to identify a group of features of the settled companies in order to verify which are the mother firms features able to generate new entrepreneur spin-offs. The main results of the three studies show that research on spin-offs phenomenon has evolved over the years to different scenarios, the analysis of cocitações have highlighted the theoretical ties that consolidate authors in certain research environments. It has been strongly highlighted the academic context favoring the generation of spin-offs through knowledge transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship. It was also identified the way was the seed companies, recognizing six different types of undertakings contained in the cluster, active mothers firms, inactive mothers firms, formal spin-offs, spin-offs of several mothers, informal spin-offs and traditional firms, complementing the results also confirm that it is possible by the attributes of mothers firms generate spin-offs entrepreneurs, thus validating the model.This thesis contributing in causing a global literature perspective about spin-offs, with special emphasis to the Theory of Cost Transaction, Theory of Agency, Resources Based View and its variant Knowledge based View. It also contributes to better understanding the entrepreneur spin-offs and the genealogic effects that provide nuances about the located concentrations of the companies. Presenting the genealogic tree of a cluster can inspire researchers to try to understand the relations among mother-companies and spin-offs to create new companies, so empowering a specific cluster. Finally, it contributes to identify the main factors to generate entrepreneur spin-offs through the attributes of the mother-firms. It is mainly interesting the fact that environments presenting low technologic resources and a small and medium companies dimension can also be prone to entrepreneur dynamics. / O propósito central desta tese foi entender o fenômeno de spin-offs empreendedoras – ou seja, das novas empresas que são criadas por trabalhadores que saem das empresas onde trabalham para constituir a sua própria empresa – sendo um ponto de partida para entender o impacto dos efeitos genealógicos nas dinâmicas regionais. Este estudo descreve um quadro singular, que pode ser útil no esforço para entender as motivações para criação de novas empresas e assim, identificar o surgimento de um cluster. A tese foi, assim, orientada pelos seguintes problemas de pesquisa. Qual o estoque de conhecimento acumulado sobre spin-offs e quais as principais obras e teorias utilizadas têm impactado nas pesquisas sobre spin-offs? Podemos observar como se caracteriza a genealogia de um cluster tecnologicamente pouco sofisticado e relativamente recente no Brasil? Quais os atributos, ou características, ao nível das empresas estabelecidas, que designamos por empresas-mães, que contribuem para a geração de spin-offs empreendedoras? Para o efeito realizei três estudos com abordagens distintas, mas que conjuntamente explicam e complementam os objetivos e a problemática de pesquisa, consolidando assim as teorias, contextos, genealogia e características das empresas mães na geração de spin-offs empreendedoras. O primeiro estudo consistiu numa análise, com recursos a técnicas e procedimentos bibliométricos, da literatura internacional existente. A amostra do estudo bibliométrico elucidou 812 artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais. As análises de citações e co-citações foram utilizadas e complementadas por análise fatorial, possibilitando assim apresentar um componente estrutural e longitudinal das publicações facilitando a compreensão de como a pesquisa evoluiu ao longo dos anos. Os estudos publicados proporcionaram identificar as principais correntes teóricas que sustentam o fenômeno spin-offs e um conjunto de variáveis de interesse para melhor entender o fenômeno. O segundo estudo buscou identificar a existência de spin-offs de carácter empreendedor num pequeno cluster brasileiro – recorri ao caso do cluster de malharias de Monte Sião. Este estudo de genealogia obteve uma amostra de 232 malharias, com dados coletados por questionário estruturado. O terceiro estudo, de natureza empírica estatística, foi sustentado em dados coletados por questionário, e alcançou uma amostra de 103 malharias. Este estudo visou identificar um conjunto de características das empresas estabelecidas de modo a aferir quais as características das empresas-mãe que potencializam a geração de novas spin-offs empreendedoras. Os principais resultados dos três estudos apontam que a pesquisa sobre o fenômeno spin-offs tem evoluído ao longo dos anos para cenários distintos, as análises de cocitações permitiram evidenciar os laços teóricos que consolidam autores em determinados ambientes de pesquisa. Tem-se fortemente evidenciado o contexto acadêmico favorecendo a geração de spin-offs por meio de transferência de conhecimento, inovação e empreendedorismo. Identificou-se também à forma como ocorreu a descendência das empresas, reconhecendo seis tipos diferentes de empresas constantes no cluster, empresas mães ativas, empresas mães inativas, spin-offs formais, spin-offs de várias mães, spin-offs informais e empresas tradicionais, complementando, os resultados também confirmam que é possível pelos atributos das empresas mães gerarem spin-offs empreendedoras, validando assim o modelo proposto. Esta tese contribui para proporcionar uma perspectiva global da literatura de spin-offs, onde se destacaram a Teoria dos Custos de Transação, Teoria da Agência, Visão Baseada em Recursos e sua variante Visão Baseada no Conhecimento. Também contribui para entender melhor as spin-offs empreendedoras e os efeitos genealógicos que matizam as concentrações localizadas de empresas. Apresentar a árvore genealógica de um cluster inspira pesquisadores buscar entender as relações entre empresas-mães e spin-offs para criação de novas empresas fortalecendo assim um determinado cluster. Finalmente, contribui para identificar os fatores relevantes para geração de spin-offs empreendedora a partir dos atributos das empresas-mães. É particularmente interessante à revelação de que em ambientes de baixa intensidade tecnológica, matizados por um tecido empresarial de média e pequena dimensão também é propício para dinâmicas empreendedoras.

Christmas music in American public schools: a genealogical inquiry

Koperniak, Matthew Ryan 03 October 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how the regular practice of Christmas music in the American public schools came to be. If we understand the historical evolution of this practice, we can better understand our conditions of possibility for the future. Christmas in America is both a religious and cultural holiday. The sacred/secular binary, often used as a lens for analysis, is problematic due to the multitude of religious and cultural meanings that constitute the American Christmas. I utilize genealogical methods to trace the relationships between elements that have conditioned and constrained the practice of Christmas music in the public schools. These elements include the lack of established Christmas traditions and music at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the development of a regular canon of Christmas music in the churches, Sabbath school Christmas exhibitions, and public examinations as a technology of eighteenth century education. I contextualize these elements amongst the cultural history of the American Christmas, which includes a focus on the family, children, gift giving, goodwill, and community. This cultural history is set against a backdrop of nostalgia and ritual that frames Christmas practices. From this perspective, I trace varied examples of Christmas music in the public schools, starting with the nineteenth century end-of-term exercises. Into the twentieth century, I describe different practices, including Christmas music as worship service, variations on the sacred/secular binary, and public school music in the community. Based on this inquiry, I suggest reflexive questions for music teachers when considering Christmas music in the public schools. I also recommend suggestions in place of the current NAfME position statement. I propose that Christmas music be considered a postsecular genre in America. Applying a postsecular lens allows for acknowledgement of the persistence of the sacred/secular divide, in relation to the wide array of other elements that results in a blurriness of the dichotomy. Through application of this lens, the practice of Christmas music in the American public schools becomes both more difficult and more thoughtful.

Combination of a Probabilistic-Based and a Rule-Based Approach for Genealogical Record Linkage

Shah, Pooja P. 01 March 2015 (has links)
Record linkage is the task of identifying records within one or multiple databases that refer to the same entity. Currently, there exist many different approaches for record linkage. Some approaches incorporate the use of heuristic rules, mathematical models, Markov models, or machine learning. This thesis focuses on the application of record linkage to genealogical records within family trees. Today, large collections of genealogical records are stored in databases, which may contain multiple records that refer to a single individual. Resolving duplicate genealogical records can extend our knowledge on who has lived and more complete information can be constructed by combining all information referring to an individual. Simple string matching is not a feasible option for identifying duplicate records due to inconsistencies such as typographical errors, data entry errors, and missing data. Record linkage algorithms can be classified under two broad categories, a rule-based or heuristic approach, or a probabilistic-based approach. The Cocktail Approach, presented by Shirley Ong Ai Pei, combines a probabilistic-based approach with a rule-based approach for record linkage. This thesis discusses a re-implementation and adoption of the Cocktail Approach to genealogical records.

H. L. A. Hart y las sirenas cientificistas. Una genealogía de la tradición analítica de la filosofía del derecho de los siglos XX y XXI

López Pérez, Nicolás January 2016 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Esta tesis presenta una reflexión metateórica de la historia de la filosofía del derecho de los siglos XX y XXI al interior de la tradición analítica. Para dicho propósito se divide en tres ejes argumentativos. El primero presenta la elucidación de la noción de tradición analítica en filosofía, a partir de la distinción entre “tradiciones y concepciones filosóficas” propuesta por M. E. Orellana Benado, con el fin de dar cuenta de sus orígenes, rasgos distintivos y discusiones más relevantes. El segundo ofrece una comprensión iusfilosófica de la tradición analítica en el siglo XX. Sobre la base de: la Teoría Pura del Derecho (1934) de Hans Kelsen y El Concepto de Derecho (1961) de H. L. A. Hart. Analizando las dos aproximaciones metodológicas de este último (al derecho como sociología descriptiva y como teoría jurídica analítica) y sus puntos centrales. Finalmente, revisa las consecuencias que trajo la publicación de la segunda edición de El Concepto de Derecho (1994) con el Postscript, añadido por sus editores, texto en el que Hart responde a sus críticos. El tercer eje argumentativo muestra en dos partes el desarrollo de la filosofía jurídica analítica de los tres primeros lustros del siglo XXI. Una de ellas considera la importancia y actualidad de los proyectos de Kelsen y Hart, mientras que la otra indagará en el surgimiento de nuevas concepciones iusfilosóficas como el naturalismo jurídico, el pragmatismo jurídico, el Law & Economics y los estudios críticos del derecho

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