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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'EMPATIA NELL'ESPERIENZA FILMICA / Empathy and the Film Experience

D'ALOIA, ADRIANO 03 May 2010 (has links)
Negli ultimi decenni i film studies stanno spostando la propria attenzione sul livello corporeo e affettivo dell’esperienza filmica. Adottando un approccio fenomenologico e focalizzandosi sulla nozione di empatia, la tesi studia le strategie del coinvolgimento dello spettatore cinematografico nei film di successo contemporanei. Il capitolo 1 rintraccia le diverse accezioni di empatia in filosofia, estetica, psicologia e nelle neuroscienze cognitive. Il capitolo 2 traccia una genealogia dell’empatia nelle teorie psicologiche ed estetiche del film. Il capitolo 3 esplora la rilevanza della teoria dell'atto empatico di Edith Stein per la filmologia e ne propone un'applicazione allo studio dell’esperienza filmica contemporanea. Il capitolo 4 analizza un ampio corpus di film contemporanei individuando quattro “figure aree” del coinvolgimento filmico: l’acrobazia, la caduta, il volo e il movimento in assenza di gravità. Attraverso la simulazione empatica dei movimenti nel film e del film, lo spettatore esperisce inavvertitamente l’intenzionalità implicata nelle forme e negli oggetti della rappresentazione, cogliendo con la propria sensibilità il senso di un’esperienza che trascende l’immanenza del film e contribuisce al processo di attribuzione di senso al Mondo, all’Altro e al Sé. / In recent decades film studies have shifted their focus to the emotional and bodily level of film experience. By adopting a phenomenological approach, this dissertation deals with the strategies of the film spectator’s involvement in contemporary mainstream narrative films. Chapter 1 reconstructs the meanings of the notion of empathy in philosophy, aesthetics, psychology and neurocognitive research. Chapter 2 traces a genealogy of empathy in film theories, from Bergsonism to Cognitivism, and evaluates the relevance of Simulation-Theory to film studies. Chapter 3 explores the relevance of Edith Stein’s phenomenological theory of empathy to film theory and assumes it is a theoretical model to investigate the “intensified” nature of both film design style and film reception style. A film is constructed and experienced on the basis of the “circuit of empathy”, a stratified system of different species of empathetic interaction, acting at senso-motorial, perceptual, cognitive and emotional levels with the aim of generating both an aesthetic and an inter-subjective experience. Chapter 4 analyses a vast corpus of contemporary films and focuses on four “aerial figures” of involvement and their combination: acrobatics, falling, flying, and non-gravitational movements, both of the actor’s human body and of the film’s anthropomorphic body. In the Conclusions, it is argued that the spectator internally imitates these “double” movements and inadvertently experiences the intentionality implied in the figures. Contemporary film spectators empathetically “get”, with their own sensibility, the senses of an experience that transcends the immanence of the film and contributes to the process of “giving” sense to the World, the Other, and the Self.

Orationes Consultatorias De Luxu In Vestitu, Cum annexa Valedictoria, in Lyceo Schwartzburgico Arnstadiensi, D. 2. Aprilis, A.R.S. M.DC.XCIV. H.L.Q.C. habendas Intimat M. Joh. Fridericus Treiber. Rector.

Treiber, Johann Friedrich. Treiber, Johannes Fridericus. Unknown Date (has links)
Schlüsselseiten aus Exemplar 4 Diss. 483 (BSB München). / Programmschrift für Johann Andreas Emmerling, Johann Elias Treiber, Christian Friedrich Ruhe, Johann Peter Kreiß, Johann Willibald Vetter, Johann Jacob Kühr, Andreas Christian Rhetius, Georg Heinrich Rambach und Andreas Wendelin Göbser. Inhaltsangabe nach dem BSB-AK: praefatus de filiis filiabusque principum naturalibus, in genealogiae studio, diligenter notandis.

BIOI. Tradicions biogràfiques dels poetes mítics grecs

Ginard Puigserver, Maria 23 July 2015 (has links)
La construcció de les tradicions biogràfiques dels poetes mítics grecs va començar a gestar-se des de les primeres manifestacions literàries gregues i es va prolongar durant segles. Al llarg d’aquest període, aquestes figures van ser adoptades amb finalitats diverses i van encaixar en els usos i les necessitats individuals o col·lectius d’autors literaris, grups de culte o interessos polítics. A més a més, la construcció biogràfica d’aquests poetes comparteix processos i mecanismes de caracterització similars als que van fer servir les tradicions dels poetes històrics i d’altres operadors culturals com els filòsofs. Així doncs, la tesi analitza els motius biogràfics principals que s’incorporaren a les figures dels poetes mítics, per blocs temàtics, i el procés com es generaren i s’aprofitaren els t pics i els motius biogràfics en els poetes considerats sovint iniciadors de la poesia grega. Les anàlisis d’aquesta recerca s’organitzen principalment al voltant de figures com Tàmiris, Orfeu, Museu, Eumolp, Epimènides, Linos, Olè, Filammó i Amfíon, entre d’altres, i s’estructuren seguint uns eixos temàtics com són els orígens (genealogia i pàtria), les relacions de magisteri i d’iniciació i altres motius típics de la biografia heroica (el viatge, els enfrontaments poètics i amb el poder, les invencions, la institució de cultes, la mort i la integració en la condició heroica). L’estudi dels motius biogràfics ha comportat la identificació d’una funció d’equivalència entre alguns d’aquests motius i s’hi ha detectat també una voluntat de jerarquització i competència, molt lligada al context cultual en què molts d’aquests poetes tenien presència. De manera similar, els biografemes han contribuït a assignar als poetes analitzats una funció instauradora per a la tradició literària i religiosa que els prenia com a referent, com a conseqüència de la relació constant i privilegiada amb la divinitat. / The development of the biographical traditions of the Greek mythical poets started with the first Greek literary works and it lasted for centuries. Throughout this period these figures were adapted for different uses and they suited literary, cultic or political interests either particularly or collectively. Furthermore, the shaping of the traditions of these poets, generally considered previous to Homer, has similarities with the historical poets, philosophers, sages and others. So, the thesis analyses the main sets of biographical formulaic themes and the process in which these formulaic motifs were elaborated and reshaped. The poets studied are Thamyris, Orpheus, Musaeus, Eumolpus, Linus, Epimenides, Olen, Philammon and Amphion among others, and the topics are their genealogy and origin, poetic initiation and other traditional topics of the heroic biography (teacher-pupil relationship, travel, song contests, quarrel with authorities, inventions, establishment of new cults, death, heroization). The study of these biographical traditions has led to identify the equivalence among some formulaic themes and the intention to set up a hierarchy, tied to cultic context where these poets were used. Similarly, the biographemes contributed to assign them an authoritative role for the literary and religious tradition which took them as a referent, thanks to the constant and privileged relationship with deities.

Emmaus as a transnational imagined community language, interdiscursivity and stratification in a social movement

Garrido Sardà, Maria Rosa 04 December 2014 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és una etnografia sociolingüística crítica d’un moviment social transnacional. Investiga la construcció discursiva i lingüística d’una identitat comuna així com de la diferència social dintre del moviment Emmaús des del punt de vista de dues comunitats de pràctica. Emmaús és un moviment de solidaritat fundat per l’Abbé Pierre durant la post-guerra que (re)insereix persones marginades que viuen i treballen amb d’altres en “comunitats” de vida que es dediquen al reciclatge i als projectes socials. La meva etnografia en múltiples contextos se centra en dues comunitats Emmaús, una en l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona i una altra a Londres. Aquest estudi contribueix a la sociolingüística de la globalització (Blommaert, 2010) i a l’antropologia lingüística des d’una perspectiva etnogràfica crítica (Heller, 2011). La metodologia combina l’etnografia tradicional basada en l’observació-participació amb l’anàlisi narratiu de les interaccions observades i la genealogia discursiva dels dos contextos estudiats. L’anàlisi es basa en notes de camp, entrevistes, enregistraments d’assemblees, textos institucionals i materials audiovisuals. A partir del concepte de la comunitat imaginada transnacional (Anderson, 1983), aquesta tesi investiga processos sociolingüístics més enllà, en tensió i dintre de diferents estats-nació. Més concretament, investiga (a) l’articulació transnacional de moviment Emmaús a través de recursos narratius, semiòtics, discursius i comunicatius, (b) la localització dels textos, símbols i narratives comuns en diferents règims discursius i socioeconòmics, i (c) les pràctiques situades de socialització en i a través de la llengua que impliquen estratificació social. La primera troballa és que les comunitats Emmaús estudiades s’articulen a través de la història fundacional d’Emmaús (Linde, 2009). Aquesta història donava forma a les històries que explicaven, amb clars elements intertextuals i cronotòpics (Bakhtin, 1981), i a la disposició dels membres a recrear aquesta narrativa diàriament (Agha, 2007). Malgrat el diferent pes discursiu en les seves construccions d’Emmaús, les dues comunitats compartien un tipus de persona marcat per l’auto-transformació, el valor moral de la solidaritat, i trobar “raons per viure” en la trobada amb l’altre. Quan la història fundacional d’Emmaús es trasllada en el temps i l’espai, es recontextualitza i es corda (Gal, 2007) amb altres discursos situats en comunitats locals a diferents estats. La segona troballa mostra que Emmaús permet un ampli ventall de pràctiques discursives (Foucault, 1972) en comunitats locals. Emmaús Barcelona se centrava en la trobada amb l’altre dintre de la comunitat encarnada en l’icona del fundador, que s’articulava amb els discursos polititzats de l’altermundialisme i de l’alliberament cristià. Emmaús Londres, en canvi, emfatitzava el valor de la solidaritat amb l’altre en connexió amb una ètica individualista del treball, que promovia el voluntariat en l’estat britànic. Les dues comunitats Emmaús (re)produïen les corrents discursives centrípetes i centrífugues dintre del moviment (Brodiez-Dolino, 2008) que han localitzat la missió de solidaritat de manera diferent durant dècades. La tercera troballa qüestiona la connexió naturalitzada entre els moviments socials transnacionals i el multilingüisme, així com la participació horitzontal. La socialització en el moviment Emmaús en comunitats de pràctica (Wenger, 2008) inclou discursos i narratives comuns que conformen identitats comunicatives legítimes que alhora estratifiquen els membres. Les ideologies lingüístiques modernistes feien de l’anglès a Londres, i del català i el castellà a Barcelona, requisits per a la plena participació local. En contrast amb la invisibilització nacionalista del multilingüisme a Emmaús Londres, Emmaús Barcelona acceptava les pràctiques híbrides català-castellà en interaccions quotidianes i l’ús de llengües franques com el castellà, el francès i l’anglès. En conclusió, l’entramat dels moviments socials és la intertextualitat entre les apropiacions locals que fan diferents connexions discursives amb altres àmbits i adopten pràctiques lingüístiques diverses, que alhora creen heterogeneïtat de base i una pertinença transnacional en una comunitat de pràctica estratificada. / This thesis is a critical sociolinguistic ethnography of a transnational social movement. It investigates the situated discursive and linguistic construction of a common identity as well as social difference within the Emmaus movement from the viewpoint of two communities of practice. Emmaus is a post-war transnational movement of solidarity founded by the Abbé Pierre that (re)inserts formerly marginalised people who live and work with other privileged people in live-in “communities” dedicated to recycling and social projects. My multi-sited ethnography mainly explores two Emmaus communities, one located in the Barcelona metropolitan area and another one in Greater London. This study contributes to the fields of the sociolinguistics of globalisation (Blommaert, 2010) and linguistic anthropology from a critical ethnographic perspective (Heller, 2011). The methodological design combines traditional ethnography, retaining participant-observation as the core, with narrative inquiry emerging from observed interactions and discursive genealogy of the two focal sites. The analysis draws on fieldnotes, interview data, assembly recordings, institutional texts and audiovisual materials. Departing from the concept of a transnational imagined community (Anderson, 1983), this thesis explores sociolinguistic processes beyond, in tension and within different nation-states. In particular, it investigates (a) the transnational articulation of the Emmaus movement through narrative, semiotic, discursive and communicative resources, (b) the localisation of common texts, symbols and narratives in different discursive and socioeconomic regimes, and (c) the situated practices of socialisation through and into language resulting in social stratification. My first finding is that the two Emmaus communities investigated were articulated through the movement’s founding story (Linde, 2009). This common story shaped not only the stories told, with recognisable intertextual and chronotopic elements (Bakhtin, 1981), but also the members’ dispositions to reenact this narrative in the local communities daily (Agha, 2007). The two communities shared the person-types marked by self-transformation, the moral worth of solidarity, and finding “reasons to live” in the encounter with others. These chronotopic elements had different weight in local constructions of the movement. When the shared Emmaus founding story gets transposed across time and space, it is recontextualised, recycled and clasped (Gal, 2007) with other situated discourses in local communities in different nation-states. My second finding is that Emmaus allows for a wide range of discursive practices (Foucault, 1972) in multiple communities of practice. Emmaus Barcelona centered on the encounter with others in the community epitomised by the Abbé Pierre icon, clasped with politicised altermondialiste and Liberationist Christian discourses. Emmaus London, by contrast, emphasised the value of solidarity with others in connection to individualist work ethics, which promoted voluntary work in top-down charities in the British state. The two Emmaus communities (re)produced centrifugal and centripetal discursive trends within Emmaus (Brodiez-Dolino, 2008) that have localised the shared transnational mission of solidarity differently for decades. My third main finding is a denaturalisation of the commonsensical connection between transnational social movements and multilingualism, on the one hand, and horizontal participation, on the other. Socialisation into the Emmaus movement in communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) encompassed shared discourses and narratives to craft legitimate communicative identities that stratified members. In addition, modernist language ideologies positioned English in London, and Catalan and Spanish in Barcelona, as requisites for full participation in local communities. In contrast with the nationalist erasure of multilingualism in Emmaus London, Emmaus Barcelona accepted Catalan-Spanish hybrid practices in daily interactions and the use of Spanish, French and, to a lesser extent, English as linguae francae. In conclusion, the everyday fabric of social movements is intertextuality between local appropriations that have different discursive clasps with other social arenas and linguistic practices, which simultaneously creates grassroots heterogeneity and a common transnational belonging within a stratified community of practice.

Optimització de l’avaluació genètica de la raça bovina Bruna dels Pirineus

Fina i Pla, Marta 16 September 2013 (has links)
La raça bovina Bruna dels Pirineus és una raça càrnia autòctona de les àrees muntanyoses de Catalunya. Els treballs que conformen la present tesi doctoral pretenen optimitzar l’avaluació genètica que actualment es duu a terme en aquesta raça. Les anàlisis s'han realitzat a partir de 8.130 registres de pes al naixement i 1.245 registres de pes al deslletament de vedells nascuts entre els anys 1986 i 2010, i procedents de 12 i dos explotacions, respectivament. En aquest sentit, el primer dels treballs investiga dues fonts noves de variació genètica d'origen patern en els caràcters pes al naixement i pes al deslletament. En concret, la influència dels gens localitzats a la regió no autosòmica del cromosoma Y i la contribució de l'imprinting patern. S’ha determinat que la regió no autosòmica del cromosoma Y aporta un 2 % de la variància fenotípica del pes al naixement i un 6 % del pes al deslletament. A més, l’imprinting patern repercuteix en un 13 % de la variabilitat en el cas del pes al deslletament, però sense afectar al pes al naixement. El segon treball explora la presència d’efectes genètics additius que influeixen la variabilitat residual en el pes al naixement, i caracteritza la tendència genètica dels diferents ramats després d'anys de selecció estabilitzadora per a aquest caràcter. El model de variàncies heterogènies amb els efectes sistemàtics del tipus de part i del ramat-any-estació, també contribuint al terme residual, ha obtingut el millor ajust estadístic, detectant-se variància genètica residual amb una correlació moderada i positiva de 0,44 respecte la variabilitat genètica directa. Es van observar tendències genètiques tant positives, com negatives i nul·les per als valors millorants directes, fet que suggereix l’aplicació real de criteris heterogenis de selecció per a aquest caràcter per part dels ramaders de la raça Bruna dels Pirineus. Per als efectes genètics residuals no es van detectar tendències genètiques rellevants a excepció d'un ramat que incrementava sistemàticament la variabilitat durant els darrers anys. Finalment, a l’últim treball es descriu la presència de purga de la depressió endogàmica tenint en compte la contribució combinada de coeficients parcials de consanguinitat i del nombre de generacions transcorregudes entre l’individu consanguini i l’ancestre que origina la consanguinitat (de 1,5 a 7,5 generacions en aquestes anàlisis). En el cas de la Bruna dels Pirineus s'ha determinat un 14,6 % de vedells consanguinis amb una consanguinitat mitjana lleugerament inferior al 10 %. Aquests han representat el punt de partida per identificar un efecte decreixent de la depressió endogàmica sobre el pes al naixement a mesura que augmentava la distància generacional entre l'individu consanguini i l'ancestre que originava la consanguinitat. A tall d'exemple, un coeficient de consanguinitat parcial del 15% originaria una reducció en el pes al naixement de més de mig quilogram si el seu origen es situa 1,5 generacions enrere, mentre que es reduiria a poc més de cent grams si l'ancestre responsable es troba a l'inici de la genealogia, a 7,5 generacions de distància. En conjunt, aquests estudis aporten noves parametritzacions per capturar fonts de variabilitat genètica additiva que actualment escapen dels procediments sistemàtics d'avaluació genètica de la raça, així com modelen detalladament la contribució de la depressió endogàmica, la qual no s'acostuma a considerar en els models d'avaluació genètica. A més de la importància específica per a la Bruna dels Pirineus, les contribucions científiques derivades d'aquesta tesi doctoral representen un punt de partida molt destacable per a la indústria bovina càrnia d’arreu del món, optimitzant procediments d'avaluació que poden ser adaptats a la majoria de races. / The Bruna dels Pirineus beef cattle breed is an autochthonous breed located in the mountainous regions of Catalonia. The researches involved in this dissertation aimed to optimize the genetic evaluation procedures currently used in this cattle breed. All analyses were performed on 8,130 records of birth weight and 1,245 records of weaning weight from calves born between years 1986 and 2010 from 12 and two herds, respectively. The first research studied two new sources of sire-specific genetic variance on birth and weaning weight. More specifically, this accounted for the contribution of loci located in the non-autosomal region of Y-chromosome and paternal imprinting. It has been demonstrated that the non-autosomal region of Y-chromosome contributed 2 % of the phenotypic variance of birth weight, whereas this percentage rose up to 6 % for weaning weight. Additionally, paternal imprinting accounted 13 % of the phenotypic variability of weaning weight, although without contributing on birth weight. The second research evaluated the presence of additive genetic effects influencing residual variability of birth weight; moreover, this also characterized the within-herd genetic trend after several years of stabilizing selection. The model accounting for heterogeneous residual variance included two systematic effects in the residual term (birth type and herd-year-season) and obtained the best goodness-of-fit. This model detected a relevant source of residual additive genetic variability, that being moderately and positively correlated with direct additive genetic variability (genetic correlation: 0.44). Positive, negative and even null within-herd genetic trends were described for direct genetic effects, these suggesting heterogeneous selection criteria across herds. Focusing on residual genetic effects, there were not relevant within-herd genetic trends with the only exception of one herd that systematically increased residual variability during last years. The last research described the purge of inbreeding depression on birth weight in the Bruna dels Pirineus, after accounting for the combined contribution of partial inbreeding coefficients and the number of generations between the inbred calf and the ancestor originating identity-by-descent (from 1.5 to 7.5 generations in our case). The data set included a moderate percentage of inbred calves (14.6 %), with the average inbreeding coefficient being slightly smaller than 10 %. The effect of inbreeding depression on birth weight decreased when increasing the number of generations between the inbred calf and the ancestor originating identity-by-descent. As a representative example, a 15% partial inbreeding coefficient reduced birth weight in ~500 g or ~100 g, depending on the number of generations elapsed (1.5 and 7.5 generations, respectively). As a whole, these studies contribute novel parameterizations capturing new sources of additive genetic variability; note that they currently escape from systematic procedures of genetic evaluation in the Bruna dels Pirineus beef cattle breed. Moreover, inbreeding depression has been modeled in detail, and this parameterization can be updated in a broad range of genetic evaluation models. It is important to note that in addition to the relevance for the Bruna dels Pirineus itself, scientific developments and results from this dissertation must be viewed as a very appealing starting point for the beef industry worldwide, optimizing genetic evaluation procedures that could be applied to the majority of breeds.

Avaliação de genes nucleares como marcadores filogenéticos em duas linhagens recentes de carnívoros neotropicais

Simão, Taiz Leonor Lopes January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-07T18:41:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000432629-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 1205132 bytes, checksum: 285a03123ae11a282e2fd8cb75c42095 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / The Neotropical region holds approximately 30% of the current species diversity in the carnivoran families Felidae (subordem Feliformia) and Canidae (subordem Caniformia), which migrated to South America after the closure of the Panamanian Isthmus, ca. 3 million years ago. Due to the recent speciation process that characterizes each of these groups, some aspects of their phylogenetic structure remain controversial, especially those related to the evolutionary relationships among species belonging to two lineages, the genus Leopardus (Felidae) and the genus Lycalopex (Canidae). The objective of the present study was to perform a comparative characterization of the evolutionary history of these genera, using sequences of multiple independent nuclear gene loci and multiple individuals per species to investigate the occurrence of genealogical discordance, as well as to infer a ‘species tree’ for each lineage using the program *BEAST. We observed both intra-specific and interspecific variation for all the surveyed segments. Genealogical discordance was identified among segments, highlighting the complexity of the task of reconstructing the phylogeny of such groups by employing nuclear markers. The estimated genealogies demonstrated that species were often not monophyletic, while there were several cases of inter-specific haplotype sharing. Nevertheless, the species tree reconstructed for Leopardus was highly resolved and supported, indicating that our data set contained sufficient genealogical information to retrieve this phylogeny. However, in the case of Lycalopex, most of the internal nodes received low support, indicating that a larger number of genes will likely be necessary to consistently resolve its phylogenetic structure using this type of approach. Overall, our results have empirically demonstrated the occurrence of genealogical discordance in both lineages, and illustrated the potential of multi-locus analyses to resolve phylogenies underlying recent diversification processes. / A região Neotropical abriga aproximadamente 30% da diversidade de espécies das famílias Felidae (subordem Feliformia) e Canidae (subordem Caniformia) (Eisenberg & Redford 1999), as quais migraram para a América do Sul após a formação do istmo do Panamá, há cerca de 3 milhões de anos. Devido ao recente processo de especiação que caracteriza estes grupos, alguns aspectos de sua estrutura filogenética permanecem controversos, especialmente no que tange às relações evolutivas entre espécies pertencentes a duas linhagens, o gênero Leopardus (Feliformia, Felidae) e o gênero Lycalopex (Caniformia, Canidae). O objetivo do presente estudo é caracterizar de forma comparativa a história evolutiva dos gêneros Leopardus e Lycalopex, empregando seqüências de múltiplos segmentos nucleares e múltiplos indivíduos por espécie, avaliando a eficácia deste tipo abordagem para a resolução de processos recentes de diversificação através do programa *BEAST. Para cada um dos genes analisados, observamos a ocorrência de variação interespecífica e intra-específica em ambas as linhagens. Discrepâncias genealógicas consideráveis foram constatadas entre os segmentos, evidenciando a complexidade da tarefa de reconstruir a filogenia destes grupos com marcadores nucleares. As genealogias estimadas demonstraram que em muitos casos as espécies não se apresentam monofiléticas, o que ocorre em paralelo com o compartilhamento de haplótipos entre espécies. Não obstante, para Leopardus, obtivemos uma species tree com alta resolução. Para Lycalopex, entretanto, a maior parte dos nós internos permaneceu com baixo suporte, indicando que um número maior de genes será provavelmente necessário para que se busque uma resolução consistente da filogenia deste grupo empregando estratégias multi-locus. De forma geral, nossos resultados demonstraram de forma empírica a ocorrência de discordância genealógica em ambas as linhagens, e ilustraram o potencial de análises multi-locus na resolução de filogenias que envolvam processos recentes de diversificação.

O Sistema de Ensino Belas-Artes no Curso de Arquitetura da Ècole des Beaux-Arts de Paris em sua tradição e ruptura: legado de saber e de poder

Malacrida, Sérgio Augusto 31 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3043.pdf: 13472377 bytes, checksum: 643372ef6a8710eaf7b934def17e7b5e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-31 / The Fine-Arts Teaching System, founded by the École des Beaux-Arts of Paris in its Architecture Course, which lasted from 1671 to 1968, is considered to be a supreme asset of cultural and symbolic importance in which the traditional school, related to the French capitalist state, was expressed. Furthermore, it is also understood to be cultural capital which merits preservation. The history of the École, the world's most famous institution for the teaching of art and which has influenced the installation of ramifications of its model in various countries, reveals a series of crises which culminated with the final catastrophe in 1968, when the Architecture Course was closed and the competition for the Great Prize of Rome was discontinued. Throughout its history the École always maintained its base in relationships with powerful groups related to the nobility and influenced by prestige, status, pleasure and knowlege. These facts serve to explain the political and cultural processes which have preserved the important relevance of the Fine-Arts Teaching System. Power is an intrinsic factor of art and of the understanding of its essence, originality and knowledgepower, and this is evident and explicit in the formation of the systematised enlightenment of Graeco-Roman classicism conceived in the neoclassic style and practised rightly by the famous French school. The "rigid"classic rules, on being systematised, became powerknowledge to benefit primarily the aristocracy, the monarchical State and afterwards the interests of an authoritarian State regime. The closure of the Architecture Course and the extinction of the Great Prize of Rome Competition , while confirming the phenomenon of genealogical power, exposes the problem of non-flexibilisation of Education in the political and cultural areas in order to defend, above all, the knowledge-power of art in the classic model of Fine-Arts. The industrialisation and growth of the cities and the emergence of new social and political structures, together with their "utopias", are facts which have changed the positive power of classic works to that of technology and of engineering, thus giving origin to modern archtecture. These developments were not considered in relation to the principles of Graeco-Roman culture, which were founded in humanism as represented in the poetry of expression of sensitivity and of emotion. In this respect research indicates defence of the educational principles of a school interested in art and archtecture and focused on the potential it has for the communication of knowledge. In such connection, it should be remembered that schools in general, obsessed as they are by the spirit of commercial objectivity, tend to favour the power-knowledge attitude. Nevertheless, the knowledge-power of the Fine-Arts Teaching System can be saved and should be appreciated as the basic teaching value of a school disinterested in power without knowledge, which is to say power that is not intrinsically art. / O Sistema de Ensino Belas-Artes, instituído pela École des Beaux-Arts de Paris no Curso de Arquitetura de 1671 a 1968, é compreendido como um capital simbólico e cultural valioso, no qual a tradicional escola, relacionado ao Estado capitalista francês, se expressou. A história da École a mais famosa instituição de ensino da arte do mundo, que influenciou a criação de ramificações de seu modelo em vários países revela um processo de crises que culminaram no abalo fatal de 1968, no qual aconteceu o fechamento do Curso de Arquitetura e a extinção do concurso O Grande Prêmio de Roma. Essa história teve sempre como base as relações de poder, vinculado à nobreza, ao prestigio, ao status, ao prazer e ao saber, e serve para explicar os processos políticos e culturais que operaram a pertinência do Sistema de Ensino Belas- Artes. O poder intrínseco à arte, do saber na sua essência e originalidade, saber-poder, evidencia-se e explica-se na construção do conhecimento sistematizado do classicismo grecoromano, concebido no estilo neoclássico, operado justamente pela famosa escola francesa. Os rígidos cânones clássicos, ao serem sistematizados, tornaram-se poder-saber para servir primeiramente à aristocracia, os quais compunham o Estado monárquico, e depois aos interesses de um Estado autoritário. O fechamento do Curso de Arquitetura e a extinção do concurso O Grande Prêmio de Roma, ao confirmarem o fenômeno do poder na sua genealogia, expõem o caráter do problema da não flexibilização do Ensino no campo político e cultural, a fim de defender, sobretudo, o saber-poder da arte no modelo clássico das Belas- Artes. A industrialização e o crescimento das cidades, o surgimento de novas estruturas sociais e políticas, bem como suas utopias, são fatos que deslocaram o poder de construção de obras clássicas para o da tecnologia e da engenharia, dando assim origem a arquitetura moderna. Esses acontecimentos, não foram refletidos e relacionados aos princípios da cultura greco-romana, fundados no humanismo e implicados na poética da expressão do sensível e na emoção. Assim, a pesquisa aponta a defesa do processo educacional de uma escola interessada na arte e na arquitetura no sentido do potencial que elas tem de instaurar o saber, considerando que as escolas, de modo geral, tendem a ser interessadas no poder-saber, envolvidas, como são, pelo espírito da objetividade mercantilista. Todavia, o saber-poder no Sistema de Ensino Belas-Artes pode ser resgatado e deve ser prezado como base, em uma escola de um ensino desinteressado do poder que não seja saber, isto é, que não seja da arte intrinsecamente.

Do microfone à academia: trajetórias do rap carioca / Microphone to the academy: trajectories of Rio Rap

Alexandre de Castro 22 June 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O presente trabalho busca, numa forma bastante pessoal de pesquisa participativa, fazer a genealogia do hip-hop no Rio de Janeiro, priorizando o elemento rap. Procura mostrar o impacto das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação entre os que vivenciam o hip-hop, seja produzindo, baixando músicas, participando das redes temáticas, etc... Como as novas tecnologias fazem parte da história e da vida do hip-hop, aliadas ao trabalho cooperativo e colaborativo dos produtores dessa arte, é algo pensado com base nas teorias do trabalho imaterial / This work intends - in a very personal way of participative research to design a genealogy of hip hop in Rio de Janeiro, emphasizing the approach of rap music. It tries to show the impact of the new technologies of information and communication over those who produce, consume and live on the hip hop nets. The presence of NICs as well as the cooperative and collaborative ways of hip hop production are approached with the theoretical basis of immaterial work.

A ordem das disciplinas

Veiga-Neto, Alfredo José da January 1996 (has links)
Esta Tese apresenta um estudo sobre a disciplinaridade, principalmente em relação ao que denomino eixo corporal das disciplinas. O trabalho desenvolve-se a partir de uma perspectiva foucaultiana e compreende dois momentos. No primeiro momento, inspirado na arqueologia de Michel Foucault, faço uma leitura dos discursos contradisciplinares que se articulam ao longo das últimas três décadas em nosso País. Aí identifico e descrevo duas séries discursivas — uma família de acento epistemológico e outra de acento pedagógico. A primeira funciona como sustentação argumentativa da segunda, pelo menos quando essa última irrompeu nos anos setenta. Em ambos os casos identifico alguns topoi que revelam o compromisso iluminista desses discursos, e procuro assinalar as continuidades e as rupturas de série para série. Nessa leitura arqueológica, ainda descrevo mais alguns discursos que, mesmo marcando descompassos e contrapontos, se situam bastante juntos às duas primeiras famílias. Além desses, há outros discursos, talvez ainda meio dispersos, que se colocam claramente em dissonância e na contramão de tudo isso. Fazendo uma ponte entre o primeiro e o segundo momento, discuto as razões por que adoto uma perspectiva foucaultiana e os problemas metodológicos que advêm dessa escolha. Para isso, faço um apanhado do pensamento do filósofo e procuro articulá-lo com outros; e, tanto quanto possível, especialmente com o pensamento de Norbert Elias. No segundo momento, tomando a genealogia como techné de investigação, desenvolvo uma discussão em torno da disciplinaridade enquanto constrangimento físico — no eixo corporal — e enquanto mecanismo interno de controle e delimitação dos discursos — no eixo cognitivo. De ambos os casos resultam formas particulares tanto de estar no mundo, quanto de cada um conhecer o mundo e nele se situar. Nesse sentido, analiso o que denomino virada disciplinar, a saber, a substituição da disciplinaridade da Antigüidade Clássica (as novem disciplinæ) e da Idade Média (as artes liberalis ou disciplinæ liberalis do trívio e quadrívio) pela disciplinaridade moderna, agora destinada a representar a ordem do mundo natural e social. A partir daí, discuto a participação das disciplinas na fabricação do sujeito moderno, com ênfase em algumas práticas discursivas e não-discursivas que se articulam na escola e fazem dela a principal maquinaria envolvida nessa fabricação. No percurso dessa genealogia, vão aparecendo os diferentes topoi identificados no primeiro momento, quando fiz a leitura arqueológica dos discursos contradisciplinares. Entre outras coisas, isso revela os nexos profundos que existem não apenas entre a disciplinaridade e a episteme moderna, como, também, entre a disciplinaridade e os próprios discursos que pretendem extingui-la. / This thesis is a study on disciplinarity, focused on what I call the cognitive axis of disciplines. The analysis, developed from a Foucauldian perspective, has two moments. In the first moment, inspired on Michel Foucault’s archeology, I do a reading of the antidisciplinary discourses that have been articulated in Brazil in the last three decades. Here I identify and describe two discoursive series — one family has an epistemological emphasis; the other one has a pedagogic accent. The epistemological family works as an argumentative basis for the pedagogical one, at least when the latter emerged in the seventies. In both cases I identify some topoi that show the commitment of these discourses with the Enlightment heritage; I also try to point out the continuities and ruptures from series to series. In this archeological reading, I describe some additional discourses that, even if they present some differences and countertendencies, are very close to the mentioned families. Besides all these, it is still possible to identify other discourses (perhaps as yet somewhat dispersed) that are clearly in opposition to the ones previously described. Linking the first and the second moments, I discuss the reason why I adopt a Foucauldian perspective, and the methodological problems that come about because of this choice. In order to do this, I make a brief description of the philosophical thought of Michel Foucault and try to articulate it with others thinkers’ thought, especially, as much as it is possible, with Norbert Elias’ thinking. In the second moment, using the genealogy as an investigation techné, I develop a discussion on the disciplinarity both as a physical constraint — the body axis — and as an internal mechanism of control and delimitation of discourses — the cognitive axis. The outcomes arising from both dimensions are: a) specific forms of being in the world, b) of knowing the world and c) of being situated in the world. In this way, I analyze what I call a disciplinary turn, that is, the shift from the Classic Antiquity disciplinarity (novem disciplinæ) and Middle Age disciplinarity (artes liberalis or disciplinæ liberalis: trivium and quadrivium) to the Modern disciplinarity, now supposed to represent both the natural and the social order of the world. Thereafter, I discuss the contribution of the disciplines for the making of the modern subject, emphasizing both the discoursive and the non-discoursive practices that are articulated at the school, practices which make this institution the main machinery in this process. As this genealogy is developed, the different topoi (identified in the archeological discussions of the antidisciplinary discourses) start to emerge. Among other things, it shows the deep conections that exist not only between the disciplinarity and the modern episteme but also between the disciplinarity and those same discourses that claim to extinguish it.

Redes de comunicação pública, visibilidade e permanência do acontecimento público Tragédia Kiss (Santa Maria, Brasil, 2013) / Public communication networks, visibility and permanence of the kiss nightclub tragedy public event (Santa Maria, Brazil, 2013)

Kegler, Bruno January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo tem como temas centrais as noções de acontecimento público e de comunicação pública. O problema de pesquisa destina-se à análise da configuração das redes de comunicação que constituem o acontecimento público, formadas a partir do acionamento de temas limítrofes entre interesses públicos e privados. A hipótese que norteia esta investigação é de que a visibilidade e a permanência do acontecimento público Tragédia Kiss são sustentadas por Redes de Comunicação Pública, pois estas potencializam o debate sobre a responsabilidade, o julgamento, a legislação e a assistência do Estado aos sobreviventes e familiares das vítimas da tragédia. Entre visibilidades desejadas e indesejadas, são estabelecidos pactos e disputas nos pontos nodais em que as subjetividades dos interlocutores encontram-se. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral de pesquisa é: analisar a configuração das Redes de Comunicação Pública sobre a Tragédia Kiss. Os objetivos específicos são: a) identificar as principais instituições e atores do acontecimento a partir da sua vinculação/ modo como foram atingidos/responsabilizados; b) identificar os processos de visibilidade constitutivos do acontecimento público Tragédia Kiss; c) identificar a dinâmica dos processos comunicacionais sediados em torno de temas de interesse público relacionados à Tragédia Kiss; d) identificar episódios estruturantes do acontecimento, dos quais derivam os temas acionados pelos atores nos processos comunicacionais em rede; e) definir eixos\categorias estruturais que permitam a análise da configuração do acontecimento público a partir das Redes de Comunicação Pública. A tese está estruturada em três partes: primeiramente, é realizada a descrição do objeto de pesquisa, com a descriminação da Tragédia Kiss, a cronologia do acontecimento, a relação com tragédias similares e os processos judiciais em curso. A segunda parte, com o referencial teórico, é dividida em três capítulos. No primeiro, estão diferentes acepções do público - na oposição dicotômica com o privado -, que visam delinear normativamente o horizonte tensional entre os termos, nos processos comunicacionais estabelecidos entre os atores. No segundo capítulo, estão as noções de esfera pública, esfera de visibilidade e de discussão pública, de opinião pública, de públicos – sociabilidade; de comunicação pública e de Redes de Comunicação Pública. O último capítulo teórico é dedicado à compreensão de acontecimento público; e sobre o impacto da morte coletiva. Na terceira parte, estão as referências metodológicas, formadas por pesquisa histórico-descritiva, com base na genealogia, e a técnica de pesquisa documental, de onde resultou o acervo de dados que serviram à análise; em seguida, a análise do funcionamento das redes do acontecimento público Tragédia Kiss, a partir das categorias visibilidade e permanência. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a confirmação da hipótese, pois mostram a manutenção do debate por intermédio da atividade das redes, em mídias tradicionais e alternativas. / This study has as central themes the public event notions and the public communication. The research problem is intended to analyze the communication networks configuration that make up the public event, formed from the actuation borderline issues between public and private interests. The hypothesis that guides this research is that the visibility and permanence of Kiss Nightclub Tragedy public event are supported by Networks of Public Communication, as they potentiate the debate on responsibility, judgment, legislation and State assistance to survivors and families of the victims from the tragedy. Between desired and unwanted visibilities, pacts and disputes are laid down in the nodal points where the subjectivities of the interlocutors are inserted. In this sense, the overall research objective is: to analyze the Public Communication Networks configuration on the Kiss Nightclub Tragedy. The specific objectives are: a) identify the main institutions and actors of the event from their own connection/ how they have been affected / accountable; b) identify the constituent visibility process of the public event Kiss Nightclub Tragedy; c) identify the dynamics of communication processes based around issues of public interest related to Kiss Nightclub Tragedy; d) identify structuring episodes of the event, of which derive from the issues triggered by the actors in network communication processes; e) define axes\ structural categories that allow the analysis of the public event configuration from the Public Communication Networks. The thesis is structured in three parts: first, the description of the research object is carried out with discrimination of the Kiss Nightclub Tragedy, the event chronology, the relationship with similar tragedies and legal proceedings in course. The second part, with the theoretical framework, is divided into three chapters. In the first, there are different meanings of public - in dichotomous opposition with the private -, aimed at delineating normatively the horizon tension between the terms, in the communication processes established between the actors. In the second chapter, there are the public sphere notions, visibility sphere and public discussion, public opinion, public - sociability; public communication and public communication networks. The last theoretical chapter is devoted to understanding the public event; and the impact of collective death. In the third part, there are the methodological references, formed by historical and descriptive research, based on genealogy, and documentary research technique, which resulted in the data collection that served the analysis; then the analysis of the functioning of the Kiss Nightclub Tragedy public event networks, from the visibility and permanence categories. The results point to the confirmation of the hypothesis, because they show the maintenance of the debate through the networks' activity, in traditional and alternative media.

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