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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svetimkraščių medžių medynų būklė ir struktūra Druskininkų miškų urėdijos miškuose / Condition and structure of forest stands of foreign trees in the forests of Druskininkai state forest enterprise

Janulevičiūtė, Joana 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe nustatyta svetimkraščių medžių medynų būklė ir struktūra Druskininkų miškų urėdijos mškuose. Darbo objektas: Svetimkraščių medžių medynai Druskininkų miškų urėdijos miškuose. Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti svetimkraščių medžių medynų būklę ir struktūrą Druskininkų miškų urėdijos miškuose. Darbo metodai: Tyrimai atlikti Druskininkų miškų urėdijos miškuose 2011 m. rugpjūčio mėnesį pagal monitoringo (stebėsenos) metodiką (UN/ECE, 1994; 1998). Bankso pušies būklės vertinimo duomenys buvo surinkti pagal I-jo miškų monitoringo programos metodiką. Svetimkraščių medžių medynų sanitarinės būklė ir pomiškis vertintas laikinuose bareliuose, kiekviename sklype buvo parinktos 3x50m arba 3x25m juostos, kurios tolygiai išdėstytos sklype. Buvo skaičiuojama Bankso pušies savaiminukų skaičius, taip pat buvo įvertinta medžių sanitarinė būklė. Bankso pušies paplitimas nuo motininio medyno pasaulio šalių atžvilgiu vertintas 20 sklypų. Pasaulio šalių atžvilgiu išorinėse sklypo ribose matavimo juosta atmatuota 20 metrų atkarpa, kurioje 2 m. plotyje suskaičiuota Bankso pušies paplitimas už motininio sklypo ribų. Darbo rezultatai: Druskininkų miškų urėdijos teritorijoje Bankso pušies medynų plotas per 10 metų sumažėjo 45 %, tūris sumažėjo 33 %, kalninės pušies medynų plotas per 10 metų sumažėjo 79 %, tūris sumažėjo 85 %, europinio maumedžio medynų plotas per 10 metų išliko nepakitęs, tūris padidėjo 35 %, didžiausias prieaugis buvo Nbl augavietėje – 71 m3/ha dešimties metų laikotarpiu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Master thesis the condition and structure of forest stands of foreign trees in the forests of Druskininkai state forest enterprise has been determined. Thesis object: Forest stands of foreign trees in the forests of Druskininkai state forest enterprise. Thesis goal: To establish the condition and structure of forest stands of foreign trees in the forests of Druskininkai state forest enterprise. Thesis methods: Research was performed in the forests of Druskininkai state forest enterprise on August 2011 in accordance with monitoring (observation) methodology (UN/ECE, 1994; 1998). Assessment data on the Banksian pine conditions has been gathered in compliance with the 1st forest monitoring program methodology. Sanitary condition and undergrowth of forest stands of foreign trees was assessed in temporary barrels, in each lot 3x50 or 3x25 meter zones were selected, gradually situated in the lot. The number of the Banksian pine saplings was counted, and the sanitary condition of the trees was assessed likewise. The prevalence of the Banksian pine from ortet forest stand with regard to the countries of the world was assessed by 20 lots. With regard to the countries of the world, in the outer borderlines of the lot the measuring line was measured by a 20 meter section, where within 2 meter span the prevalence of the Banksian pine behind the border of the ortet lot was calculated. Thesis results: In the territory of Druskininkai state forest enterprise the area of the Banksian... [to full text]

Accurate Surveillance of Diabetes Mellitus in Nova Scotia within the General Population and the Five First Nations of Cape Breton

Clark, Roderick 03 October 2011 (has links)
Administrative data is one of the most commonly used data sources for diagnosed diabetes surveillance within Canada. Despite their widespread use, administrative case definitions have not been validated in many minority populations on which they are commonly used. Additionally, previous validation work has not evaluated the effect of conditional covariance between data sources, which has been widely shown to significantly bias parameter (sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence) estimation. Using administrative data and data sources which contained gold standard cases of diabetes, this thesis examined (1) the validity of commonly used administrative case definitions for identifying cases of diagnosed diabetes within an Aboriginal population at the sub-provincial level, and (2) the effect of conditional covariance on parameter estimates of an administrative case definition used to identify cases of diagnoses diabetes within the general population of Nova Scotia. We found significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of a commonly used administrative case when applied to an Aboriginal population at the sub-provincial level. For the general population of Nova Scotia, we found that including a parameter to estimate conditional covariance between data sources resulted in significant variation in sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence estimates as compared to a study which did not consider this parameter. We conclude that work must continue to validate administrative case definitions both within minority populations and for the general population to enhance diabetes surveillance systems in Canada. / Validation study for administrative case definitions to identify cases of diagnosed diabetes in Canada

Patyčių mokykloje raiška, paplitimas ir prevencija: Šiaulių ir Dublino miestų lyginamoji analizė / Expression, prevalence and prevention of bullying at school: the comparison analysis of Šiauliai and Dublin schools

Kazlauskienė, Renata 03 November 2011 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo drabo tema yra aktuali, nes Lietuvos mokyklose patyčios yra opi problema, patyčias patiriančių ir iš kitų besityčiojančių mokinių dažnis Lietuvos mokyklose yra didesnis nei kitose Europos šalyse. Naujumas - apie patyčias mokykloje yra parašyta nemažai mokslinių darbų, tačiau nėra pakankamai tyrimų, kuriuose būtų lyginamas patyčiu paplitimas, prevencija skirtingose šalyse, todėl savo darbe siekiu nustatyti ir palyginti patyčių raišką, paplitimą bei prevenciją tarp dviejų šalių. Darbe iškelta problema - kokie egzistuoja patyčių raiškos, paplitimo bei prevencijos panašumai ir skirtumai? Kas galėtų lemti šiuos skirtumus? Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir palyginti patyčių raišką, paplitimą bei prevenciją tarp 7-8 klasės mokinių. Tyrimo objektas – mokinių patyčių raiška, paplitimas ir prevencija Šiaulių ir Dublino vidurinėse mokyklose. Darbe naudotasi mokslinės literatūros analizės, anketinė apklausos metodais, statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta kompiuterine programa SPSS (version 17). Darbe pateiktiems paveikslams sudaryti naudota Windows Microsoft Exel programa. Tyrimas atliktas 2011 metų kovo – balandžio mėnesiais. Buvo apklausti Šiaulių ir Dublino miestų vidurinių mokyklų 7- 8 klasių mokiniai ir mokytojai. Mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė dominuojančias mokykloje patyčių formas, priežastis, pasekmes, paplitimą Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse, patyčių prevencijos aspektus. Aprašomojo kiekybinio tyrimo instrumentas – anketinė apklausa taikyta norint... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The final Master work is very relevant, because the problem of bullying in Lithuanian schools appears to be very burning, the number and prevalence of bullied and bullying students in Lithuanian schools is larger than in other European. Novelty – there are many scientific works of bullying at school, but there are not enough works comparing prevalence and prevention of bullying in different countries. Therefore, in my work I try to identify and analyse expression, prevalence and prevention of byllying at schools in two countries - Šiauliai and Dublin. The problem of the work – What are the similarities and differences of expression, prevalence and prevention of bullying at schools? What could influence the differences? The goal of the research – to identify and compare the expression, prevalence and prevention of byllying at school among students of 7-8 forms. The object of the research – expression, prevalence and prevention of students‘ bullying at schools. The analysis of scientific literature and questionnaire methods were applied in the work, as well as the software SPSS (version 17) for storing the gathered statistic data. The illustrations of the work are provided applying Windows Microsoft Exel software. The research was completed in March-April, 2011. Students of 7-8 forms and teachers were questioned. The analysis of scientific literature relealed the prevailing forms, reasons, results and prevalence of bullying at schools in Lithuania and other countries, and the... [to full text]

Sukčiavimo sporto srityje paplitimas ir prevencijos problemos / Cheating in sports: prevalence and prevention problems

Zaksaitė, Salomėja 31 January 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje skirtingų teisinių ir kriminologinių paradigmų kontekste tiriama sukčiavimo sporto srityje samprata ir požymiai; teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių atsakomybę už dvi vienas iš pavojingiausių sukčiavimo sporto srityje formų – manipuliacijas sporto varžybų rezultatais ir dopingo vartojimą, – kūrimo ir taikymo praktika tarptautiniu ir nacionaliniu mastu. Taip pat atskleidžiama sukčiavimo sporto srityje prevencijos samprata ir prevencijos lygmenys. Analizuojamas dviejų pavojingiausių sukčiavimo sporto srityje formų paplitimas Lietuvoje, atitinkami empirinio tyrimo duomenys lyginami su kitose šalyse atliktų tyrimų duomenimis bei moksline literatūra. Kriminologinių-sociologinių teorijų kontekste atskleidžiami veiksniai, sąlygojantys sukčiavimą sporto srityje, ir pasiūlomos prevencinės strategijos, kuriomis būtų siekiama tokius veiksnius neutralizuoti. Disertacijos paskutinė dalis skirta sukčiavimo sporto srityje kriminalizavimo problemoms – jos pabaigoje siūloma kriminalizuoti neteisėtą disponavimą sporte draudžiamomis medžiagomis ir metodais bei manipuliacijas sporto varžybų rezultatais. / In the dissertation the concept and attributes of cheating in sports are analyzed from the context of various legal and criminological paradigms; also the legal liability for illegal possession of doping and match-fixing is studied and how such liability might be applied in Lithuania and abroad. Moreover, the concept of prevention of cheating in sports is unfolded and the levels of prevention are introduced. The prevalence of two most dangerous forms of cheating in sports is analyzed; accordingly the data of empirical research are compared with foreign empirical data and scientific literature. The factors that contribute to cheating in sports are explained on the basis of various criminological-sociological theories and concrete recommendations that curb such factors are offered. The last part of dissertation is devoted for criminalization problems – in the end of thesis it is offered to criminalize illegal possession of prohibited substances and methods and manipulations of sports results.

Cheating in sports: prevalence and prevention problems / Sukčiavimo sporto srityje paplitimas ir prevencijos problemos

Zaksaitė, Salomėja 31 January 2012 (has links)
In the dissertation the concept and attributes of cheating in sports are analyzed from the context of various legal and criminological paradigms; also the legal liability for illegal possession of doping and match-fixing is studied and how such liability might be applied in Lithuania and abroad. Moreover, the concept of prevention of cheating in sports is unfolded and the levels of prevention are introduced. The prevalence of two most dangerous forms of cheating in sports is analyzed; accordingly the data of empirical research are compared with foreign empirical data and scientific literature. The factors that contribute to cheating in sports are explained on the basis of various criminological-sociological theories and concrete recommendations that curb such factors are offered. The last part of dissertation is devoted for criminalization problems – in the end of thesis it is offered to criminalize illegal possession of prohibited substances and methods and manipulations of sports results. / Disertacijoje skirtingų teisinių ir kriminologinių paradigmų kontekste tiriama sukčiavimo sporto srityje samprata ir požymiai; teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių atsakomybę už dvi vienas iš pavojingiausių sukčiavimo sporto srityje formų – manipuliacijas sporto varžybų rezultatais ir dopingo vartojimą, – kūrimo ir taikymo praktika tarptautiniu ir nacionaliniu mastu. Taip pat atskleidžiama sukčiavimo sporto srityje prevencijos samprata ir prevencijos lygmenys. Analizuojamas dviejų pavojingiausių sukčiavimo sporto srityje formų paplitimas Lietuvoje, atitinkami empirinio tyrimo duomenys lyginami su kitose šalyse atliktų tyrimų duomenimis bei moksline literatūra. Kriminologinių-sociologinių teorijų kontekste atskleidžiami veiksniai, sąlygojantys sukčiavimą sporto srityje, ir pasiūlomos konkrečios prevencijos strategijos, kuriomis būtų siekiama tokius veiksnius neutralizuoti. Disertacijos paskutinė dalis skirta sukčiavimo sporto srityje kriminalizavimo problemoms – jos pabaigoje siūloma kriminalizuoti neteisėtą disponavimą sporte draudžiamomis medžiagomis ir metodais bei manipuliacijas sporto varžybų rezultatais.


Reitsma, Michelle 07 August 2010 (has links)
Background: Chronic pain is prevalent worldwide and is estimated to range from 2% to 55% in the general population. There is a limited understanding of the prevalence and incidence of chronic pain in Canada. Furthermore, our understanding of the sociodemographic predictors of chronic pain is limited; thus we are poorly positioned to identify potential populations at risk. Objectives: The primary objectives for this study included: 1) to determine the prevalence and incidence of chronic pain and pain-related interference in Canada over time and, 2) to determine the influence of sociodemographic predictors on the development of chronic pain by sex in the Canadian adult population over 12 years. Methods: Using data from the cross-sectional components of the National Population Health Survey (NPHS) (1994/95, 1996/97, 1998/99) and the Canadian Community Health Survey (2000/01, 2003, 2005, 2007/08), we examined the prevalence and interference of chronic pain. The longitudinal component of the NPHS was used to determine the incidence and sociodemographic predictors of chronic pain. Chronic pain was defined as the presence of “usual pain”. Results: The prevalence in the cross-sectional samples ranged from 15.1% to 18.9%. In the longitudinal sample, the incidence ranged from 5.4% to 7.8% and the prevalence ranged from 15.3% to 19.5%. Women, compared to men, had a higher prevalence, but not incidence of chronic pain each year. Of those individuals reporting chronic pain, the majority reported at least a few activities prevented. Women who were older, with lower education, and widowed, separated, or divorced were more likely to develop chronic pain. There were no sociodemographic risk factors for chronic pain in men. Conclusion/Implications: This population-based study supports previous research findings indicating that chronic pain affects daily activities of many Canadians. Furthermore, this is the first population-based prospective study examining the incidence and sociodemographic predictors of chronic pain in Canadians. Further study with more detailed definitions of pain and pain-related interference is warranted. Moreover, our findings suggest that older women are more likely to develop chronic pain and that men and women may have different risk factors for chronic pain, suggesting the need for gender-based preventative interventions. / Thesis (Master, Nursing) -- Queen's University, 2010-07-20 13:38:13.996

An epidemiological investigation of neck pain in the white population in the greater Durban area

Slabbert, Warren Neville January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for neck pain in the white population in the greater Durban area. The rational for this study was that there have been few epidemiological studies done on neck pain and even less when concerning different population groups. Discrepancies between population groups have been found in various pain related studies. The present epidemiological study eliminated any possible variables between population groups by studying only the white population in a specific geographical area (Durban). Therefore, physicians treating people with neck pain should use the risk factors that were established in this and other studies and integrate them in their treatment protocol. The study was conducted at three shopping centres around Durban that were randomly selected. Each shopping centre was grouped by the socio-economic status of the surrounding suburbs. There were 900 participants surveyed at three shopping centres by means of a questionnaire. The data were then statistically analysed using SPSS version 15. It was found that the overall prevalence of neck pain was 45%. The participants in this study that had neck pain were more likely to be females that were married or previously married, had a job that caused their heads to turn or to work with their arms above their heads. Lifestyle factors included one or a combination of the following: lead a stressful lifestyle, were emotional, had perceived bad posture, had previously experienced neck or head trauma, slept in awkward positions, watched television, required glasses and did not play squash.

Validation of the English-Language Pelvic Floor Inventories Leiden (PelFIs) Administered Questionnaire

Berzuk, Kelli 09 February 2010 (has links)
Purpose: To accurately and precisely evaluate the validity and reliability of the English-language Pelvic Floor Inventories (PelFIs) administered questionnaire. Participants: Fifty female patient volunteers (ages 24 to 82 years) plus fifty female control volunteers (ages 21 to 83 years) completed the 149-item questionnaire. Results: Construct validity of the English-language PelFIs was established by quantifying the differences in prevalence of pfm dysfunction between the patient population and the control population. Very significant findings of F=10.83, p<0.0001 were found for the document as a whole. Content validity was attained by experts, and additional information gathered for further improvement of this tool. Test-retest reliability for all domains was established with ICC=0.905 and no significant differences were found between time-one and time-two. Internal consistency was obtained with significant Pearson's Correlation noted between the domains. The prevalence of co-occurrence of pfm disorders with patients presenting for treatment of a single pfm dysfunction was quantified and 100% of the patients reported symptoms in domains additional to the domain they sought treatment for. The presence of pfm dysfunction was also quantified in the control population and 94% were found to display symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. Conclusions: The English-language PelFIs was shown to be valid and reliable. Co-occurrence of pfm dysfunction was found to be highly prevalent.

The Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders in Fibromyalgia Patients Compared to That of Failed Back Syndrome Patients: A Blinded Prospective Study

Balasubramaniam, Ramesh 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in fibromyalgia (FM) patients compared to failed back syndrome (FBS) patients. In addition, the FM and FBS patients were assessed and compared with regard to their psychosocial dysfunction. The study included 51 adult patients (FM = 32, FBS = 19) recruited from a physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic and a FM workshop. Questionnaires included an orofacial pain questionnaire and a battery of psychological questionnaires that included the Symptom Check List-90-Revised, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Multi-dimensional Pain Inventory, the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian Version, and Multidimensional Fatigue Symptoms Inventoryshort form. Each patient underwent a clinical examination by a dentist who was blind to the diagnostic category and if applicable was diagnosed with TMD based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD. Fifty three percent of the FM patients reported having face pain compared to 11% of the FBS patients (P=0.002). Of those FM patients who reported face pain, 71% fulfilled the criteria for TMD. The psychometric data revealed that the FM patients had higher scores for somatization (P=0.02) and obsessive-compulsive (P=0.009) subscales compared to the FBS patients. The mean score of medication used to sleep was higher among the FM patients compared to FBS patients (P=0.002). Eighty seven percent of the FM patients reported a stressful event (P=0.036). Of those FM patients who reported a stressful event 42.3% were deemed post-traumatic stress disorder positive. FM patient also had higher scores for general fatigue (Pandlt;0.0001), emotional fatigue (P=0.008), physical fatigue (Pandlt;0.0001) and mental fatigue (Pandlt;0.0001) as compared to FBS patients. The high prevalence of TMD and psychosocial dysfunction among FM patients suggests a dysfunctional hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and dysregulated autonomic nervous system.

Towards explaining the Swedish epidemic of celiac disease : an epidemiological approach

Myléus, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Background: Celiac disease occurs worldwide in approximately 1% of the population, whereof the majority of cases are undiagnosed. Sweden experienced an epidemic (1984-1996) of clinically detected celiac disease in children below 2 years of age, partly attributed to changes in infant feeding. Whether the epidemic constituted a change in disease occurrence and/or a shift in the proportion of diagnosed cases remains unknown. Moreover, the cause of the epidemic is not fully understood. Objective: To increase the knowledge regarding the occurrence of celiac disease in Sweden, with focus on the epidemic period and thereafter, as well as the etiology of celiac disease in general, by investigating the Swedish epidemic and its potential causes. Methods: We performed a two-phased cross-sectional multicenter screening study investigating the total prevalence, including both clinically- and screening-detected cases, of celiac disease in 2 birth cohorts of 12-year-olds (n=13 279): 1 of the epidemic period (1993) and 1 of the post-epidemic period (1997). The screening strategy entailed serological markers analyses, with subsequent small intestinal biopsy when values were positive. Diagnosis was ascertained in clinical cases detected prior to screening. Infant feeding practices in the cohorts were ascertained via questionnaires. An ecological approach combined with an incident case-referent study (475 cases, 950 referents) performed during the epidemic were used for investigating environmental- and lifestyle factors other than infant feeding. Exposure information was obtained via register data, a questionnaire, and child health clinic records. All studies utilized the National Swedish Childhood Celiac Disease Register. Results: The total prevalences of celiac disease were 2.9% and 2.2% for the 1993 and 1997 cohorts, respectively, with 2/3 cases unrecognized prior to screening. Children born in 1997 had a significantly lower celiac disease prevalence compared to those born in 1993 (prevalence ratio, 0.75; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60-0.93). The cohorts differed in infant feeding; more specifically in the proportion of infants introduced to dietary gluten in small amounts during ongoing breastfeeding. Of the environmental and lifestyle factors investigated, no additional changes over time coincided with the epidemic. Early vaccinations within the Swedish program were not risk factors for celiac disease. Early infections (≥3 parental-reported episodes) were associated with increased risk for celiac disease (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1-2.0), a risk that increased synergistically if, in addition to having ≥3 infectious episodes, the child was introduced to gluten in large amounts, compared to small or medium amounts, after breastfeeding was discontinued (OR 5.6; 95% CI, 3.1-10). Early infections probably made a minor contribution to the Swedish epidemic through the synergistic effect with gluten, which changed concurrently. In total, approximately 48% of the epidemic could be explained by infant feeding and early infections. Conclusion: Celiac disease is both unexpectedly prevalent and mainly undiagnosed in Swedish children. Although the cause of the epidemic is still not fully understood, the significant difference in prevalence between the 2 cohorts indicates that the epidemic constituted a change in disease occurrence, and importantly, corroborates that celiac disease can be avoided in some children, at least up to 12 years of age. Our findings suggest that infant feeding and early infections, but not early vaccinations, have a causal role in the celiac disease etiology and that the infant feeding practice – gradually introducing gluten-containing foods from 4 months of age, preferably during ongoing breastfeeding – is favorable.

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