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Incidence of Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes Among Obstructive Sleep Apnea PatientsMcArthur, Dedria 13 May 2016 (has links)
Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a chronic breathing disorder that is estimated to affect 20% of the US adult population. Intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmentation caused by OSA likely affects cardiometabolic function. Individuals with OSA might be at risk of developing hypertension and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), with a dose-response relationship related to OSA severity. The objective of this study was to estimate the association between severity of OSA at diagnosis with 1) incidence of hypertension incidence of hypertension and 2) incidence of T2DM.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of Kaiser Permanente members diagnosed with OSA during 2000-2005. Adults without baseline hypertension or T2DM were eligible. Patients were excluded if hypertension or T2DM was diagnosed within one year prior to OSA diagnosis, and right censored at the end of follow-up or at the time Kaiser Permanente membership ended. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox Proportional Hazard models were used to estimate the association between OSA severity and incident hypertension and incident diabetes.
Results: Overall 719 patients were diagnosed with OSA during the study periods; 614 were included as those at risk of developing either hypertension (N=265) or T2DM (N=489). Overall, 261 had severe OSA at diagnosis. Those with severe OSA were more likely to be middle aged, overweight, and have prevalent hypertension or T2DM. Among those without prevalent hypertension at OSA diagnosis, 47.4% (126/266) were subsequently diagnosed with hypertension. Among those without prevalent T2DM at OSA diagnosis, 16.3% (80/491) were subsequently diagnosed with T2DM. After adjusting for BMI and prevalent T2DM, the hazard rate of incident hypertension among patients with severe OSA was 1.35 (95%CI: 0.88-2.06) compared to the rate among patients with mild OSA. The hazard rate of incident T2DM among patients with severe OSA was 1.49 (95%CI: 0.83-2.67) compared to the rate among patients with mild OSA after adjusting for BMI and prevalent hypertension.
Discussion: We found high incidence rates of hypertension and T2DM among adults diagnosed with OSA. Severe OSA at diagnosis was associated with increased risk of either incident hypertension or T2DM, but not significantly (for p≤0.05).
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Reductive functionalisation of the uranyl dicationPecharman, Anne-Frederique January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the synthesis and reactivity studies of the actinyl dications [AnO2]2+ in a variety of oxidation states. Chapter one introduces the importance of the chemistry of actinyl cations in nuclear technology and in the environment, and in particular the chemistry of uranyl dication, which is very stable in the higher oxidation state and considered to be chemically-inert. In Chapter two, on the synthesis of the new macrocyclic Pacman complex [UO2(S)(H2L)] is reported and its reactivity with differing amounts of lithium bases evaluated, so providing insight into the single electron reduction of the uranyl dication. Chapter three is focused on the reactions of the lithiated complexes generated in Chapter two towards acid and silyl sources to obtain complexes in which the oxogroup is further functionalised and to provide mechanistic insight into uranyl immobilisation. Chapter four evaluates the reactivity of the uranyl(VI) Pacman complex [UO2(S)(H2L)] with [Zn{N(SiMe3)2}Cl] to obtain another routes to form the complex [(Me3SiO)UO(THF)(ZnCl)2(L)] and the reactivity with different sources of potassium base, and provides a comparison to the analogues Li-base reactions described in Chapter two. The reactivity of the potassiated and lithiated complexes towards a variety of transition metals are described. Chapter five contains a summary and conclusions on this work. Chapter six presents full experimental details and analytical data.
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Aktierelaterade ersättningar : Har företagen blivit mer transparenta avseende upplysningskraven som anges i IFRS 2?Janet, Ayia, Mirow, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Frågan om att redovisa aktierelaterade ersättningar som en kostnad har varit mycket omdebatterad, speciellt redovisning av personaloptioner, som är en av det mest diskutabla redovisningsfrågorna i vår nutidshistoria. Från och med 1 januari, år 2005 måste alla börsnoterade bolag i Sverige föra olika optionsprogram som en kostnad i sin resultaträkning. Det har även blivit allt vanligare att börsbolagen byter från optionsprogram till aktieprogram, visade en undersökning från revisions- och en konsultbolaget KPMG under år 2010. Vidare utförde NASDAX OMX Stockholm 2011 en granskning där de såg tendenser till att den finansiella informationen och efterlevnaden av IFRS hade förbättrats de senaste åren. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur de börsnoterade företagen på den svenska marknaden upplyst om aktierelaterad ersättning år 2014 och om de blivit mer transparenta sedan år 2007. Ett ytterligare syfte är att ta reda på hur företagens användning av incitamentsprogram har förändrats. För att besvara vår problemformulering, det vill säga om de börsnoterade företagen i Sverige har blivit mer transparenta sedan år 2007 och följer upplysningskraven som anges i IFRS 2, granskade vi de 73 företagens årsredovisningar som var noterade på Large Cap år 2014, samt samma 73 företag år 2007, det vill säga totalt 146 årsredovisningar. Resultatet visade att användningen av optionsprogrammen har minskat från år 2007 till år 2014, vi såg även en markant ökning av användandet av aktieprogram till år 2014. Skillnaderna på vilket av åren som företagen var mer transparent skiljde sig åt beroende på vilket av upplysningskraven vi undersökte, men totalt sett kunde vi se att företagen år 2014 har blivit en aning mer transparent sedan år 2007. Något som skulle vara intressant att bygga vidare denna studie på är att undersöka hur det ser ut i ett annat land avseende transparens och upplysningskrav, och jämföra med Sverige. Då Sverige i genomsnitt är mer transparenta än andra länder kunde det vara spännande att se en jämförelse med ett annat land som anses vara transparent.
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Εκτίμηση καρδιακού ρυθμού με επεξεργασία σημάτων video σε λειτουργικό σύστημα AndroidΧρόνης, Δημήτριος 17 July 2014 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής για λειτουργικό σύστημα Android, τη μέτρηση του καρδιακού ρυθμού.
Αρχικά μελετάται ο καρδιακός ρυθμός σαν λειτουργία του σώματος μας, παθήσεις που οφείλονται ή μπορούν να ανιχνευτούν από αυτόν. Γίνεται αναφορά στις φορητές ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές για τη μέτρηση και τις διαφορετικές τεχνολογίες που χρησιμοποιούν προκειμένου να την πραγματοποιήσουν. Τελικά, αναλύεται η τεχνική της φωτοπληθυσμογραφίας.
Έπειτα παρουσιάζεται το λειτουργικό σύστημα Android, αναλύεται η αρχιτεκτονική του καθώς και η αρχιτεκτονική των εφαρμογών που αναπτύσσονται για αυτό το λογισμικό. Παρουσιάζεται η πλατφόρμα ανάπτυξης Eclipse καθώς και οι επιπρόσθετες δυνατότητες που αποκτά με την προσθήκη του πακέτου Android SDK.
Τέλος παρουσιάζεται βασικό παράδειγμα εφαρμογής ώστε να μπορεί ο αναγνώστης να εξοικειωθεί με βασικές δομές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την ανάπτυξη της παρούσας εφαρμογής. Παρουσιάζεται επίσης η λογική της εφαρμογής που αναπτύχθηκε. Βασικές αρχές για την ψηφιακή επεξεργασία σήματος όπως αυτές χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την επεξεργασία του σήματος του καρδιακού ρυθμού αναλύεται αυτόματα από την εφαρμογή και τέλος προβάλλεται ο μηχανισμός εξαγωγής του τελικού συμπεράσματος, δηλαδή ο τρόπος με τον οποίο η εφαρμογή πραγματοποιεί την τελική της μέτρηση. / The subject of the thesis under consideration is the development of an application on the operating system Android,for the heart rate measurement.
Initially I studied the heart rate as a function of the human body ailments caused or potentially detected by it.I made reference to any portable electronic devices to measure as well as various technologies used in order to accomplish it. At the last part I analyze the technique of photoplethysmography.
I later present the operating system Android and I analyze the general logic and the architecture of the applications developed for this software.I presented the Eclipse development platform and the additional possibilities obtained by adding the packet Android SDK.
Finally, I demonstated an example of a user friendly application with basic structures used in the development of this application. I also presented the application logic developed. Basic principles of digital signal processing such as those used for signal processing of heart rate are analyzed automatically by the mechanism and finally the final conclusion, that is the way the application performs the final measurement,is exported.
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The asymmetric total synthesis of (+)-geniposide via phosphine-catalyzed [3+2] cycloadditionJones, Regan Andrew 03 September 2009 (has links)
The iridoids are a large family of monoterpenoid natural products that possess a wide range of biological activities. A great deal of research has already been done in the field of iridoid total synthesis, but limitations still remain. Specifically, few syntheses of iridoid β-glycosides have been reported. This work describes the 14 step asymmetric total synthesis of the iridoid β-glycoside (+)-geniposide utilizing a phosphine-catalyzed [3+2] cycloaddition as the key step. Other noteworthy steps in the synthesis include a palladium-catalyzed kinetic resolution and a previously unutilized method for iridoid glycosidation. In addition to describing the synthesis of (+)-geniposide, this dissertation will also review 1) phosphine-catalyzed cycloaddition reactions and 2) previous enantioselective total syntheses of iridoid glycosides. / text
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Culture and food practices of African-American women with type 2 diabetesSumlin, Lisa LaNell 22 September 2014 (has links)
African-American women (AAW) have had the largest increase in diagnosed diabetes in the US. Few studies have focused solely on dietary changes (one of the foundations for diabetes self-care), particularly in the context of family and the role of AAW. The purpose of this descriptive ethnographic study was to explicate cultural influences on food practices of AAW with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in order to inform the health care community as well as future development of culturally-tailored interventions. Specific aims were to describe typical daily food practices and identify cultural influences on food practices of AAW with T2DM. Symbolic Interactionism, a sensitizing framework for viewing AAW with T2DM as a subculture, guided this study. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit 20 AAW who: were between 35 and 70 years of age, had been diagnosed with T2DM, shopped and prepared meals for their families, and attended church functions where food was served . Data collection consisted of one-one-one interviews and participant observation of church fellowship dinners, grocery shopping, and food preparation. A social anthropological approach to content analysis was used to describe behavioral regularities in food practices. Trustworthiness was maintained by an audit trail. Findings indicate that for informants in this study, who had diabetes ranging from 2 to 30+ years, there is a constant struggle between cultural food practices and eating healthier because of diabetes, particularly within the home setting where a majority of daily food practices take place. Difficulties in making dietary modifications result from conflicts between the need to change dietary practices to control diabetes and personal food preferences, as well as the preferences of people within the participants' social network. In addition, difficulties derive from AAW's emotional dedication to the symbolism of food and traditional cultural food practices. AAW are the gatekeepers for family food practices and are the keys to healthy dietary practices. This study begins to fill the research gap regarding cultural dietary food practices of this population. With increased knowledge, researchers and health care providers will be better able to improve AAW food practices, and ultimately improve diabetes control in this high-risk population. / text
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25 Hydroxycholesterol inhibits adipogenesis and expression of adipogenic transcripts in C3H10T1/2 mouse stem cells independent of hedgehog signalling mechanismMoseti, Dorothy 15 June 2015 (has links)
This study was conducted to assess the effects of specific oxysterols on the adipogenic differentiation and expression of adipogenic transcripts in C3H10T1/2 mouse stem cells. In the first study, four oxysterols namely; 20S, 22R, 22S and 25 hydroxycholesterol (25-HC) were tested to determine which one best inhibits adipogenesis in C3H10T1/2 mouse stem cells. Adipogenic differentiation was induced using an adipogenic media (DMITro) consisting of dexamethasone (DEX), 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX), insulin and troglitazone (Tro). Inhibition of adipogenesis was assessed by treatment of cells with DMITro+20S, 22R, 22S or 25-HC for six days. Oil red O pictures and gene expression analysis showed that 25-HC was more effective in inhibiting the expression of adipogenic genes compared to the other oxysterols. Further investigation of the mechanisms of action of 25-HC showed that the inhibitory effects of 25-HC on adipogenesis are not mediated by hedgehog signalling. / October 2015
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Omvårdnadsåtgärder för viktminskning hos överviktiga patienter med typ 2 diabetes : En litteraturstudie / Nursing interventions for weight reduction in obese type 2 diabetes patients : A literature studyLindahl, Annahanna, Tindefjord, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>Övervikt hos patienter med typ 2 diabetes är en riskfaktor för att utveckla komplikationer. Komplikationer kan drabba ögon, njurar, nerver och blodkärl. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i arbetet med att hjälpa överviktiga typ 2 diabetiker att minska sin vikt. Viktminskning hos överviktiga typ 2 diabetiker kan leda till ökat välbefinnande och minska risken för komplikationer. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att patienter med övervikt och typ 2 diabetes ska sänka sin vikt. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie, där tio vetenskapliga artiklar har sammanställts i resultatet. Tre huvudkategorier med tillhörande underkategorier identifierades. Dessa huvudkategorier har sin grund i Socialstyrelsens definition av omvårdnadsåtgärder (SOSFS 1993:17). Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att stödja, informera och även samordna vården för att underlätta en viktminskning hos patienter med övervikt och typ 2 diabetes. Stöd innebär bland annat att hjälpa patienten att finna motivation för att genomföra en viktminskning. Stöd innebär även att underlätta för patienten att lösa problem som dyker upp under viktminskningen. Bedömning, planering och målsättning bör göras individuellt och i samråd med patienten och andra involverade vårdgivare. För att lyckas med en viktminskning bör patienten utbildas i vikten av goda kostvanor och regelbunden motion.</p>
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Objective markers to identify higher fertility individuals are needed to maximize livestock breeding success. Two heparin-binding proteins, which are reflective of fertility in bulls, have been biochemically identified as fertility-associated antigen (FAA) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2). These four studies were designed to examine the importance of those proteins in relation to reproduction in bulls and other livestock species. In the first study, indirect immuno-fluorescent microscopy was performed to localize FAA and TIMP-2 to livestock sperm. FAA was localized on spermatozoal acrosomes of bulls and rams, but no cross-reactivity was observed for stallions. TIMP-2 labeling was observed on acrosomes and posterior heads, which was species dependent. Localization patterns for FAA and TIMP-2 were further investigated during heparin-induced capacitation and acrosome reactions of bovine sperm. In study two, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to determine concentrations of FAA in bovine seminal plasma (SP). A commercially available TIMP-2 ELISA was utilized to quantify TIMP-2. Respective mean concentrations of FAA and TIMP-2 in SP were 6.661.487 ug/ml and 1.180.045 mg/ml. Concentrations of FAA in SP did not correspond to bull fertility potential, however, older bulls with higher concentrations of TIMP-2 in SP sired more calves. The third study evaluated utility of an amplified fragment length polymorphism with bovine TIMP-2 gene specific primers to amplify a 700 bp genomic DNA (gDNA) product from sperm. From 53 bulls screened, 22.6% were negative for the 700 bp amplicon. There was a three-fold likelihood for 700 bp negative bulls to not sire a calf compared to 700 bp positive bulls. The product was cloned and sequenced, but no homology to TIMP-2 was detected. Therefore, the product represented novel bovine gDNA sequence. The fourth study identified an equine homologue to the bovine FAA gene. Immuno-based diagnostics had not detected FAA in stallion semen. The equine DNA homologue was 88.5% identical in nucleotide and 86% in amino acid sequences to bovine FAA. Subtle differences in the amino acid sequence are likely responsible for the inability to detect FAA in stallion semen with FAA antibodies to bovine FAA.
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The Inactivation of Pathogens in Aquaculture SystemsGonzalez-Alanis, Pablo January 2007 (has links)
As aquaculture has become a significant provider of the human diet, the interest to have better quality of sea and fresh products has been increasing. However the potential hazards associated with pathogenic agents resulting in losses to the industry are major concerns that provided the motivation for this study.The use of ultraviolet irradiation is an alternative to disinfect water in inlet and outlet water sources. However the ultraviolet disinfection method has some drawbacks including no disinfectant residuals and high cost of lamp fouling and replacement. The ultraviolet system needs to be calibrated according with the life time of the ultraviolet lamps.The MS-2 coliphage in this study is an approach to determine a good indicator for determining if an ultraviolet system can be effective in an aquaculture recirculation system. The susceptibility of this system can provide an indication if WSSV can be inactivated and possible other pathogenic agents.The WSSV experiment was successful in reducing mortality. Further studies have to be completed and analyzed before recommending for control of other pathogens.
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