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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Evaluating resilience in the governing process of the food strategy for StockholmCounty : Resilience from theory to practice in a qualitativestudy / En resiliensutvärdering av styrningen i processen att ta fram Stockholms länslivsmedelsstrategi

Lundgren, Elin January 2019 (has links)
To meet global challenges in food provision and to counteract environmental issues derivingfrom the food system, improved governance is necessary. Resilience is presented as a tool formanaging ecosystem services and for understanding what is required to achieve food security.In Sweden there is a national food strategy describing the continued development needed formeeting challenges in the food system. Several regional food strategies have been producedand an additional food strategy for Stockholm County is in the process of being developed byStockholm County Administrative Board. This food strategy could be of especial interest toevaluate due to Stockholm County being highly populated while having a low degree ofprimary food production. Assessing the governance system for the food strategy was ofinterests due to the large groups of stakeholders to consider in the process. The aim of thestudy was to add further knowledge on how resilience can be applied in practice by exploringthe extent of which the governance system for developing the food strategy promotesresilience. The research questions were formulated to investigate the governance system bymapping what stakeholders were involved in the process, what their responsibilities were andwhat relations existed between them. An additional research question was to test how thegovernance system promoted resilience by applying a set of principles for doing so. For collecting data, several stakeholders involved in developing the food strategy at the timeof the data collection were interviewed. Complementary data was also collected from journalarticles, books, documents provided by Stockholm County Administrative Board, websites,governmental publications and different kinds of reports. Quotes were selected to explain thefindings from the interviews, and a social network analysis was constructed to illustrate thestructure of the governance system. Another tool in the data analysis, which was also thepoint of the departure for constructing the research questions, was the resilience frameworkconsisting of a set of principles. Among these principles, five where applied for evaluating thegovernance system of the food strategy. The results were divided in two parts. The first section presents the results from performinginterviews by describing the governance system; identified stakeholders, their functions aswell as their relations. Two other themes identified from the interviews that were concludedto be important for the resulting governance system and also for the resilience evaluation were“collaboration” and “context”. Several stakeholders were identified, a few were concluded tobe more key than others as they belong to either the management group or the draftingcommittee. The stakeholders had national, regional and local responsibilities and were bothgovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The functions of the stakeholders werefor example to represent a certain part of the food system or contributing with national,regional or local knowledge about the food system. The relations among stakeholders in thegovernance system occurred between stakeholders working within the same geographicalscales and also between national, regional and local scales. In the center of the governancestructure were the management group that are to jointly decide on goals for the final strategydocument. The second part of the results constitutes the resilience evaluation, which was accomplishedby testing the results regarding the governance system (from part I) against the framework forresilience using the selected principles. These principles included maintain diversity andredundancy, manage connectivity, encourage learning, broaden participation and promotepolycentric governance. It was concluded that the governance system did follow all of theseprinciples in several aspects, but critical points were also identified. Among the positive  aspect were the positive attitude for learning among stakeholders in the governance system,the involvement of heterogenous groups interacting with one another and also themanagement group as a strong centre for decision-making. One of the main critical pointsidentified from performing the resilience evaluation suggests a few stakeholders to be lackingin the present governance system. The governance system for the food strategy had a large group of stakeholders, representingdifferent parts of the food system, including national/regional/local and governmental/nongovernmentalorganizations, interacting both within and across geographical scales. Theseaspects are important for promoting resilience according to the principles selected in thisstudy. By adding the suggested stakeholders, for example a few representatives from differentparts of the food system that was not involved in the process at the time of data collection, thegovernance system could promote resilience even more. / För att bemöta de globala problemen inom matförsörjning och miljöförstörelse som vi idagstår inför behövs styrningssystem som lämpar sig för detta. Resiliens är ett koncept som ärnära besläktat med hantering av ekosystemtjänster och som även kan bidra till ökad förståelseför vad som krävs för att uppnå en säker matförsörjning. I Sverige finns en nationelllivsmedelsstrategi som pekar ut en generell riktning för att hantera problemen inomlivsmedelssystemet. Det har även tagits fram flera regionala strategier i Sverige, ytterligare enstrategi tas nu fram av Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm. Denna strategi kommer att omfattaStockholms län och kan vara av särskild betydelse att granska då detta tätbefolkade län har enlåg försörjningsgrad av livsmedel. Styrningssystemet för strategin är relevant att granska i ochmed den stora gruppen aktörer som berörs av livsmedelsstrategin. Syftet med studien var attbidra med ytterligare kunskap om hur resiliensbegreppet kan användas i praktiken genom atttillämpa detta i livsmedelsstrategin för Stockholms län för att undersöka hur välstyrningssystemet bidrar till resiliens. Frågeställningen formulerades således för att undersökastrukturen av styrningssystemet genom att besvara vilka aktörer som ingick i styrningen, vilkaderas ansvarsområden var och vilka relationer som fanns emellan dem. Den sista delfrågan ifrågeställning handlade om att testa livsmedelsstrategins styrningssystem mot olika principersom föreslås gynna resiliens. För att samla in data genomfördes flera intervjuer med aktörer som var inblandade iframtagandet av livsmedelsstrategin under den tid då datainsamlingen ägde rum. Denna datahar även kompletterats med annat material så som vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker, dokumentsom Länsstyrelsen Stockholm bistått med, hemsidor, publiceringar från myndigheter ocholika slags rapporter. Citat användes för att understödja resultaten och en nätverksanalysgjordes för att illustrera styrningssystemets struktur. En ytterligare metod som användes föratt analysera data var ett ramverk för resiliens bestående av flera principer som bistår iutformningen av styrningssystem som gynnar resiliens. Resultaten i denna rapport har delats upp i två avsnitt. Det första avsnittet presenterarresultaten från intervjuerna och visar uppbyggnaden av styrningssystemet förlivsmedelsstrategin: vilka aktörer som var inblandade, vilka ansvarsområden de hade ochvilka relationer som fanns emellan dem. Ytterligare två teman framkom från intervjuerna,dessa ansågs relevanta för att beskriva styrningssystemet och även för resiliensanalysen.Dessa teman kategoriserades som ”samarbetet” och ”kontexten”. Flera aktörer ingick istyrningssystemet, av dessa ansågs några ha mer påverkan på styrningen genom sinmedverkan antingen i styrningsgruppen eller beredningsgruppen. I styrningssystemet fannsbåde nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer, från myndigheter såväl som från andraorganisationstyper. Aktörernas ansvarområdens grundade sig huvudsakligen i vilken del avlivsmedelssystemet de representerade och om de bistod med nationella, regionala eller lokalakompetenser. Relationerna mellan de olika aktörerna skedde både mellan aktörer som verkadeinom samma geografiska skala, men även mellan nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer. Icentrum av styrningssystemet fanns styrningsgruppen som tillsammans ska besluta om måleni strategidokumentet. Den andra delen av resultaten består av en resiliensutvärdering som testar det resulterandestyrningssystemet (del I) mot ett ramverk för resiliens genom att tillämpa några utvaldaprinciper. Dessa principer var ”bibehåll diversitet och överskott”, ”hanterasammankopplingar”, ”uppmuntra lärande”, ”bredda deltagande” och ”uppmuntrapolycentriska styrningssystem”. Styrningssystemet följde dessa principer i flera avseenden,  men det fanns också utrymme för förbättring. Bland aktörerna som ingick i styrningssystemetfanns en inställning som uppmuntrade lärande i enlighet med principerna. Gruppen aktörerbestod av olika slags organisationer som interagerade med varandra, vilket också uppmuntrasav resiliensprinciperna. Utöver detta var också kärnan av styrningssystemet, bestående avstyrningsgruppen med beslutanderätt, en annan egenskap hos styrningssystemet som gynnarresiliens. Det framgick också av resiliens-utvärderingen att ytterligare inblandning av ett antalaktörer kan vara önskvärt. Detta är en av de viktigare slutsatserna om vad som kan ändras föratt förbättra resiliensen i den nuvarande styrningen. Styrningssystemet av livsmedelsstrategin består av en stor grupp aktörer som representerarolika delar av livsmedelssystemet. Dessa är nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer, bådemyndigheter och andra slags organisationer. Relationer finns också mellan aktörer som verkarbåde inom samma geografiska område likväl som över sådana gränser. Dessa egenskaper ärviktiga för ett styrningssystem som gynnar resiliens enligt de principer som har använts i denhär studien. Genom att involvera ytterligare några aktörer, exempelvis från några delar avlivsmedelssystemet som inte fanns representerade i strategin vid datainsamlingen, kanstyrningssystemet till en ännu högre grad bidra till att stödja resiliens.

Invisible Chains: Exploring Survivors’ of Sex Trafficking Experiences of Trauma Bonding in a Human Trafficking Court in a Midwestern State

Casassa, Kaitlin January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Naturen i 1950-talets Stockholm : En studie av gröna värden i en tid innan hållbar utveckling

Wahl, Jenny, Fernlund, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Vision Valhallavägen

Folke, Vendela January 2023 (has links)
Valhallavägen is a large boulevard in Stockholm spanning from Roslagstull to Gärdet. It’s 3.5 km long, making it the longest street in the inner city of Stockholm. It acts as a border between the stone city and the free landscape of Nationalstadsparken and the institution belt. The middle strip was planned to be a park, but is today dominated by parking lots. This project aims to develop Valhallavägen to an efficient main street, a green oasis and an attractive place in Stockholm with a clear identity.

Urban living in Wood CLT housing in Slakthusområdet

Horber, Fadri January 2023 (has links)
This project aims to investigate a sustainable approach to housing construction by utilizing CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) as a fundamental structural element. Emphasizing the significance of pedestrian and bicycle accessibility, this aspect was integrated into the design proposal. The housing units are designed to cater to the varying needs of prospective residents, offering 1, 2, and 4 rok options. As Slakthusområdet undergoes a transformation into a vibrant district within the city, the proposal places great emphasis on sustainability and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The overall design and shape of the proposed buildings were heavily influenced by both the existing and planned architectural fabric of the surrounding structures.

Creating a sense of home

Lennartsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The project is an investigation in how architecture can support the sense of home and the spatial understanding in care homes for people with dementia.Many of the existing care homes from the mid-20th century need to be renovated and often have a more institutional design. In the project a typical care home from the 1970s, with long corridors, a complex layout and environments with little variety is being renovated to became more suitable for people with dementia. The building’s flexible structure of columns and beams is used as a great asset as it can open for different apartment types and a varied environment. The focus in the project has been to transform the building from being institutional to homely. During the 1970s care homes were usually built with a rational structure with a focus on individual apartments, but often with a lack of social spaces. The interventions in the building have been to open up the building and to create a more easily layout with more social areas. To enhance the feeling of accessibility in the building, and to better include the building in its surrounding context, the middle part of the building has been opened to the public.

Creating a sense of home

Lennartsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The project is an investigation in how architecture can support the sense of home and the spatial understanding in care homes for people with dementia.Many of the existing care homes from the mid-20th century need to be renovated and often have a more institutional design. In the project a typical care home from the 1970s, with long corridors, a complex layout and environments with little variety is being renovated to became more suitable for people with dementia. The building’s flexible structure of columns and beams is used as a great asset as it can open for different apartment types and a varied environment. The focus in the project has been to transform the building from being institutional to homely. During the 1970s care homes were usually built with a rational structure with a focus on individual apartments, but often with a lack of social spaces. The interventions in the building have been to open up the building and to create a more easily layout with more social areas. To enhance the feeling of accessibility in the building, and to better include the building in its surrounding context, the middle part of the building has been opened to the public.

An analysis of Bike Lanes in Stockholm City : With Geographic Information System / En analys av cykelvägar i Stockholm stad : Med geografisk informationssystem

Zhang, Elina January 2023 (has links)
Cities today typically have goals for sustainability and accessibility, with improving cycling accessibility being one of the most emphasized objectives. Cities can achieve their goals by having a well-built infrastructure for cycling. This study focuses on the cycling infrastructure in Stockholm city and conducts an analysis based on the city's various accessibility objectives. The purpose of the study is to examine if the city has a high accessibility through bike lanes, also, how far cyclists can travel on the existing cycling infrastructure and which areas in the city have the best accessibility via bike paths. To perform the analysis, bike path data is imported into the ArcMap program. Various functions of the program are used to analyze both the efficiency of cyclists in reaching their destinations and whether it is possible for cyclists to reach their desired destinations. The results show that Stockholm city has a well-functioning cycling infrastructure, allowing cyclists to travel in different directions and to various locations, even over longer distances. The analysis also reveals that areas with primary schools have a higher coverage of bike lanes, indicating that areas including services generally have better accessibility through bike lanes.

Egen vilja och eget driv : En intervjustudie om polisers perspektiv på förutsättningar för implementering av förbudet mot köp av sexuella tjänster

Freidenvall, Wilma January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att analysera gatubyråkraters uppfattning om hur förbudet mot köp av sexuella tjänster har implementerats. Fokus ligger på hur poliser arbetar för att moteverka prostitution och lagföra sexköpare i Sverige. Med hjälp av intervjuer med poliser och teorier om implementering besvaras följande frågeställningar: Hur ser verksamma poliser, gatubyråkrater, på implementeringen av förbudet mot köp av sexuella tjänster? Vilka förutsättningar finns för verksamma poliser, gatubyråkrater, att implementera förbudet? Analyser visar att det finns ett implementationsgap. Det brister i samtliga implementeringskriterier- förstå, kunna och vilja. Att verksamheten ändå tycks fungera, kan sannolikt bero på det stora individuella intresset och engagemnaget bland gatubyråkraterna.

Studenthuset \ Garnisonen – A Student Housing Project

Sanning, Alexander, Sanning, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Envisioning an inner-city student housing project, adding life to an office-dominated area, and offering a publicly accessible roof terrace and open landscape park. We are proposing a student housing complex, composed of two 355-metres-long buildings with two and three floor levels, respectively, lifted up on pilotis, with corridor rooms and student apartments accomodating a total of 336 students and thus creating a bustling hub of human interactivity. For the proposal, we claim a large strip of land in the southern part of the property “Kvarteret Garnisonen 3” in Östermalm, Stockholm; the southern-most 15 % of the 84 000-square-metre property, previously used as a launching space for ceremonial marches, but currently used mostly for parking spaces and dog walking. Designing the large-scale structure to house many students, with each contributing to the added life to the space, and encouraging human interactions architecturally, by retaining the accessibility of the ground level by way of pilotis, as well as making the roof terrace open to the public, and offering several alternative routes between the levels of the buildings.

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