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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Působení reklamních sdělení na cílovou skupinu / The influence of advertising messages on the target audience

Lejčková, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence which the advertising messages have on the target audience. In the theoretical part I analyze the way in which people are deciding. I emphasize the growing role of emotions. Furthermore I describe recommendations how to create textual and visual parts of the advertising messages. In the practical part I verify how these recommendations actually influence the selected group. For this purpose I use the group interview. In addition I make interviews with professionals to clarify if the early mentioned recommendations are applicable in practise.

Aspectos acústicos da fala na representação teatral das emoções / Acoustic aspects of speech in the theatrical representation of emotions

Aline Mara de Oliveira Vassoler 10 June 2011 (has links)
Este estudo investigou a diferenciação das emoções por meio dos aspectos acústicos da fala na representação teatral das emoções no Português Brasileiro (PB), sobretudo o comportamento da frequência fundamental (F0) e os aspectos entonacionais das quatro emoções: alegria, raiva, medo e tristeza, e da fala neutra. Embora o conceito de emoções seja de difícil definição, buscaram-se subsídios teóricos em consagrados autores como SCHERER (1985), EKMAN (1984), DESCARTES (1998), e alguns representantes da Semiótica da Paixão como GREIMAS; Fontanille (1993). Os primeiros relatos sobre as emoções trazidas por Descartes (1998), conhecidas como paixões, mostravam inferências fisiológicas ainda imaturas, no entanto de grande valor descritivo. A F0, a intensidade de voz, a velocidade de fala (LAUKKA, 1994) e a energia espectral (BANSE; SCHERER (1996) são os parâmetros mais relacionados com as emoções, já que são valores que expressam as mudanças respiratórias, fonatórias e articulatórias do indivíduo. A entonação da fala, representada acusticamente pela variação da F0, é também utilizada frequentemente na diferenciação das emoções, pois está relacionada com a expressão vocal do falante. A amostra de fala foi produzida por três atrizes profissionais com idade entre 40 e 50 anos, com média de 20 anos de profissão. As vozes foram gravadas no laboratório Estúdio Multimeios do Centro de Computação Eletrônica da Universidade de São Paulo (CCE-USP), captadas pelo software de edição de som Sound Forge 9. As atrizes leram o texto (corpus) com fala neutra e interpretando as emoções alegria, raiva, medo e tristeza, com repetição de cinco vezes para cada interpretação e para a fala neutra, totalizando 25 gravações para cada atriz. Buscou-se apoio na teoria dos simulacros, sustentada pela Semiótica das Paixões, para fundamentar a escolha da emoção representada por atores, em vez da fala espontânea e da emoção evocada. O corpus - texto escolhido para ser lido pelas atrizes nessa pesquisa - já fora utilizado por FIGUEIREDO (1993), e uma das motivações da escolha se deve ao fato de se tratar de um texto árido, que não evoca emoções apenas com a sua leitura. Foi necessário segmentar o texto para unidades linguísticas menores (três sentenças) com a finalidade de analisar os dados de forma mais eficaz. O embasamento teórico para essa etapa da pesquisa, a segmentação do texto, é a Fonologia Prosódica proposta por Nespor e Vogel (1986). A fim de obtermos os valores de F0, as sentenças foram segmentadas como unidades ainda menores (sílabas). Para obtenção dos valores da F0 e da curva entonacional, utilizou-se o software Praat. 5.1.23 e seus scripts correlacionados. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística descritiva. As atrizes SL e KK interpretaram a alegria na faixa de frequência mais alta, em seguida, a raiva. Apenas a atriz AA interpretou o medo com valores de média de F0 mais altos e depois a alegria. Em geral, a tristeza manteve-se com valores de F0 mais baixos que todas as emoções, inclusive da fala neutra. O comportamento da F0 corrobora a literatura pesquisada. Por meio do estudo da entonação das sentenças nas quatro emoções e na fala neutra, foi possível identificar a interferência da emoção nos aspectos linguísticos da sentença, principalmente no medo, já que o esperado para as sentenças declarativas do português brasileiro seriam curvas descendentes e não ascendentes como ocorreu nesta emoção. Os resultados destes estudos contribuíram para a diferenciação das emoções, no entanto é necessário incluir mais sujeitos e analisá-los, detalhadamente, do ponto de vista estatístico. / This study investigated emotional differences by means of acoustical aspects of speech in theatrical representations of emotions in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), above all the behavior of the fundamental frequency (F0 ) and the aspects of intonation of the four emotions: happiness, anger, fear and sadness and of neutral speech. Although the concept of emotion is difficult to define, supporting theories have been sought in consecrated authors such as SCHERER (1985) EKMAN (1984), DESCARTES (1988) and other representatives of Semiotic Passion such as GREIMAS; FONTANILLE (1998) who are still known as passions showing immature physiological inference although of a great descriptive value. The F0, the intensity of the voice, the rate of speech (LAUKKA, 1994) and spectral energy (BANSE; SCHERER, 1996) are the parameters most closely related to emotions as they are values that express the changes in breathing, phonetics and articulations of the individual. Intonation, represented acoustically by the variation of F0 is also frequently used to differentiate emotions as these are related to the vocal expression of the speaker. A speech sample was produced by three professional actresses aged between 40 and 50 with an average of 20 years in the profession. The voices were recorded in the laboratory of Studio Multimeios in the Electronic Computation Center of the University of São Paulo (CCE-USP) using Sound Forge 9 software for sound editing. The actresses read the text (corpus) in a neutral voice and then interpreted the emotions of happiness, anger, fear and sadness, repeating them five times for each interpretation including the neutral speech, making a total of 25 recordings for each actress. Support was sought for similarities sustained by Semiotic Passion, to justify the choice of emotion presented by the actors instead of spontaneous speech and the emotion evoked. The corpus used in this research was a text already used in FIGUEIREDO (1993), one of the reasons for this choice being the fact that it is an arid text which does not evoke emotions when reading. It was necessary to divide the text into smaller linguistic units (three sentences) in order to analyze the data more efficiently. The theoretical basis for this stage of research of dividing up the text is prosodic phonology as proposed by Nespor and Vogel (1986). In order to obtain the values of F0, the sentences were divided into still smaller units (syllables). In order to obtain the values of F0 and an intonation curve, the software Praat.5.1.23 was used and the scripts correlated. The data was submitted to a descriptive statistic. The actresses SL and KK interpreted happiness at a higher frequency range, followed by anger. Only the actress AA interpreted fear with average F0 values, lower than all the other emotions including neutral speech. The behavior of F0 corroborates the researched literature. By means of the study of intonation of the four emotional sentences and the neutral speech, it was possible to identify the interference of emotion in the linguistic aspects of the sentence, mainly fear as the declarative sentences of Brazilian Portuguese were expected to be descending curves and not ascending as was the case for this emotion. The results of these studies contribute to the differentiation of emotions; however it is necessary to include more subjects and to analyze them with more detail from a statistical point of view.

Svåra bedömningar : Hur förvåning samverkar med konjunktionsfelslutet

Dovärn, Magnus January 2018 (has links)
Studien undersökte konjunktionsfelslutet och hur det påverkas av förvåning och en konjunktions komponentlängd. En konjunktion (A&B) kan enligt sannolikhetslärans konjunktionsregler endast vara mindre eller lika sannolik som någon av dess komponenter (A eller B). Bryts denna regel begås ett konjunktionsfelslut. 227 deltagare (142 män och 86 kvinnor) randomiserades till 2 olika betingelser och fick utifrån olika långa konjunktioner av fotbollsrelaterade matchresultat antingen bedöma resultatens sannolikhet eller hur förvånade de blev av utfallet. Konjunktionerna var varierande långa och innehöll upp till 3 matchresultat som var utformade för att upplevas som mycket sannolika samt 1 matchresultat som utformats för att upplevas som mycket osannolik. Inga signifikanta resultat erhölls för att antalet konjunktionsfelslut förändras tillsammans med konjunktionens komponentlängd. Ju fler sannolika komponenter en konjunktion hade desto sannolikare (η2part=0,145) och mindre förvånande (η2part=0,336) bedömdes den däremot vara. Korrelationen mellan sannolikhet och upplevd förvåning utifrån varje konjunktions medelvärden var r=-0.985. Resultatet tyder på antalen konjunktionsfelslut inte påverkas av komponentlängden men däremot att konjunktionens utformning kan influera bedömningen av olika valalternativ samt att förvåning har ett mycket starkt samband med sannolikhetsbedömningar.

Using a Social Communication Intervention to Increase Emotion Word Use in Children with Language Impairment

Bell, Breeana Lee 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of an intervention to increase the production of emotion words in five children with language impairment. Participants were between the ages of 5;11 (years; months) and 11;3 (at the onset of enrollment in treatment) and had been identified with language impairment. Each participant completed between three and six baseline sessions, 20 twenty-minute intervention sessions, and three follow-up sessions. Tasks included story reading, story enactment, and journaling. Each session was recorded and then coded for emotion category (sadness, anger, fear, and surprise), errors made, type of production, and valence agreement. Total emotion word production per category is reported along with percentage of non-overlapping data calculations to determine the effectiveness of treatment for each participant for each emotion word category. Based on percentage of non-overlapping data calculations, treatment was moderately effective for four of the five participants in at least one or more emotion word category. Treatment was mildly effective for all five participants in at least one emotion category. Each participant was observed to make between one and five valence errors throughout the intervention. The errors made by participants often involved the substitution of a simple emotion word category for a more complex emotion word category. Participants were more successful with intervention tasks when provided increased support from the clinician, as seen by most productions being made in response to a question or in response to a cue. While results from this intervention were variable, participants generally made improvements from their participation in this intervention. Utilization of a similar intervention framework with a few alterations based on the limitations observed would be beneficial in future research.

The Impact of Procedural Injustice During Police-Citizen Encounters: The Role of Officer Gender

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: This study examined the effects of procedural injustice during hypothetical police-citizen encounters. Specifically, the main effects of procedural injustice on emotional responses to police treatment, components of police legitimacy, and willingness to cooperate with the police were assessed. Importantly, this study also tested whether the effect of procedural injustice was invariant across officer gender. A factorial vignette survey that consisted of two different police encounter scenarios (i.e., potential stalking incident and traffic accident) was administered to a university-based sample (N = 525). Results showed that the effect of procedural injustice during such encounters had a powerful and significant influence on participants’ emotional responses (e.g., anger), legitimacy perceptions, and the willingness to cooperate. These effects appeared to be consistent regardless of whether the treatment was doled out by a male or female police officer. Implications of the findings in terms of theory and future research are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Criminology and Criminal Justice 2019

Examining Parents of Adolescents Attitudes About Emotions: A Cultural Perspective

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Emotions help shape prosocial behavior from early childhood through adulthood (Rivera & Dunsmore, 2011). Thus, it is important to further our understanding of how emotions are perceived and expressed during adolescence, a time where individuals are establishing their independence, solidifying their individuality, and expanding their understanding of expectations. In this context, it is necessary to consider what influences how emotions are socialized in adolescents. Parents play a central role in the development of children’s understanding of emotions, but less is known about how this influence may extend into adolescence (Feldman & Klien, 2003; Cassidy et al., 1992; Cohn & Tronick, 1987). Indeed, previous literature has found that culture and social support may influence how emotions are expressed and perceived and how they impact mental health (Crockett, et.al., 2007; Torres and Rollock, 2007; Torres, 2010; Padilla et. al., 1988). This study aims to bridge these factors to create a more comprehensive understanding of parent attitudes toward adolescents’ emotions by comparing White and Hispanic parents of adolescents. Specifically, this study examines whether parent gender (mothers versus fathers) and greater acculturation enhance these relationships and whether more positive attitudes about emotions and adolescents’ emotion expression influence parents’ own mental health. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2019

Emotions in Teaching: Self-Compassion

Freeman, Stacey 01 June 2016 (has links)
It has been hypothesized that negative emotions, left unresolved, contribute to feelings of burnout experienced by teachers. Self-compassion offers a kind, mindful way of approaching difficult emotions. The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers experience self-compassion by qualitative means. In semi-structured interviews, four elementary school teachers shared critical incidents of self-doubt or disappointment in their teaching. They also completed Neff's (2003a) Self Compassion Survey. Through intra-case and cross case analysis the findings revealed how teachers' lived experiences include episodes of conflict, reflection, resolution, and self-compassion, but in differing orders. Also, participants experienced self-compassion in ways that align with previous work on self-compassion, however an additional element of support seeking emerged. This study provided a context to understand the common ways in which self-compassion was lived out in the classroom while highlighting the differences in participants' experiences. This additional insight into the lived experience of the teachers adds to the body of knowledge regarding emotionality in the classroom and positive ways that teachers can and do regulate emotion through self-compassion. Additionally, participants' drive to seek support from others exposed a social side of self-compassion that Neff's (2003a) definition or a simple dictionary definition did not include.

Performance on Natural Dissemblance Tasks in 7-11 Year-Old, Language-Impaired and Typically Developing Children

Quist, Noel 24 June 2008 (has links)
Studies over the past several years have shown that children with language impairment (LI) have greater difficulty in social situations than typically developing children. More specifically, studies have shown that children with LI have more difficulty with dissemblance. This study was conducted to assess whether these children are less likely to dissemble in real-life situations. Forty-four children aged 7 to 11 years (22 LI and 22 typically developing) were presented with four situations designed to elicit dissemblance. Their reactions were scored and compared. The results of this study showed subtle differences between children with LI and typically developing children. Children with LI were more likely to display emotions, and the typically developing children were more likely to have non-committal and dissembled responses. These tasks were pilots, and further research is suggested.

Aerobic Fitness, Executive Control, and Emotion Regulation in Preadolescent Children

Lott, Mark A 01 June 2015 (has links)
The present study evaluated direct and indirect associations between aerobic fitness, executive control, and emotion regulation among a sample of children aged 8-12 years. To evaluate these associations, the study employed a cross-sectional design and full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) structural equation modeling. Although the hypothesized factor analytic model failed to converge, an alternative exploratory model allowed for the evaluation of associations between primary study variables. Results supported a moderate direct association between childhood aerobic fitness and executive control, a strong direct negative association between executive control and emotion regulation, and a moderate indirect association between aerobic fitness and emotion regulation through executive control. These findings provide preliminary evidence that executive control functions as a mediator between aerobic fitness and emotion regulation and may help explain the means by which aerobic exercise exerts its influence on emotional wellbeing among preadolescent children.

The Emotional Effects of Life Experience on Bilingual Speakers' Nonverbal Communications

Webb, Sarah Marie 01 March 2018 (has links)
This research is intended to demonstrate that bilingual speakers exhibit nonverbal behavior and emotional expressions that affect their ability to communicate in their intended manner. I argue that these changes are linked to the emotional ties to experiences in those languages. The nonverbal traits that appear when bilingual speakers share personal narratives in different languages are measured through facial recognition and emotion sensory software for evidentiary support in establishing intent versus actual self-presentation. New methods of self-analysis are discussed and utilized to determine if the speakers are inherently aware of these changes or can notice them through cross linguistic self-analyses.

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