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Einsatz der FT-IR-Mikrospektroskopie und multivariater Auswertealgorithmen zur Identifizierung und Klassifizierung von TumorgewebenRichter, Tom 27 August 2002 (has links)
Das erste gestellte Ziel war es, die histologischen Strukturen eines Gewebedünnschnittes anhand der aufgenommenen FT-IR-Spektren sichtbar zu machen und diese mit dem konventionell gefärbten Schnitt und der autoradiographischen Aufnahme zu vergleichen. Dazu wurde ein Messsystem bestehend aus einem FT-IR-Spektrometer mit Mikroskop und einem computergesteuerten XY-Tisch aufgebaut und die notwendige Steuer- und Auswerte-Software entwickelt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die FT-IR-Spektren mit geeigneten Auswerteverfahren zur Darstellung der histologischen Strukturen nutzen lassen. Dazu wurden zwei verschiedene Methoden eingesetzt, die PCA und die Fuzzy-Clusterung (FCM). Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit sollte ein Klassifikations-Algorithmus gefunden werden, mit dessen Hilfe sich Spektren von unbekannten Gewebeproben vorher definierten Modellen zuordnen lassen. Dazu wurde eine Spektren-Datenbank aus mehr als einhundert Gewebeproben angelegt. Aus dieser Datenbank wurden einige zehntausend Spektren ausgewählt und zu Modell-Datensätzen für sechs verschiedene Gewebetypen zusammengefasst. Für die Zuordnung unbekannter Spektren zu diesen Modellen wurde ein SIMCA-Klassifikations-Algorithmus entwickelt sowie ein LDA-Algorithmus eingesetzt. Für beide Methoden wurde die Klassi-fikations-Leistung anhand der Spezifität und Sensitivität bestimmt. Beide Klassifikations-Algorithmen führten zu guten Ergebnissen. Der SIMCA-Algorithmus erreichte eine Spezifität zwischen 97 % und 100 %, sowie eine Sensitivität zwischen 62 % und 78 % (bei einem Vertrauensintervall von 97,5 %). Der LDA-Algorithmus ermöglichte eine etwas bessere Sensitivität von 72 % bis 90 %, auf Kosten der Spezifität, welche zwischen 90 % und 98 % lag. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass sich die FT-IR-Mikrospektroskopie und die vorgestellten Auswerte-Algorithmen sehr gut zur Klassifizierung von Gewebedünnschnitten eignen.
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Emitter - Material – A complex system / Strahler - Werkstoff – Ein komplexes SystemConstantinou, Marios, Gehde, Michael, Dietz, Ronald 26 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Der Vortrag zeigt die Komplexität der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Infrarotstrahler und Werkstoff beim Infrarotschweißen von Kunststoffen auf. Hierfür werden die Haupteinflüsse auf die Strahler-Werkstoff-Wechselwirkungen beschrieben. Diese sind das Emissionsverhalten des Infrarotstrahlers und das Absorptionsverhalten des Kunststoffs. Der Einfluss der Infrarotstrahlerart (Quarzglasstrahler, Metallfolienstrahler) und von Füllstoffen (Ruß, Glasfasern) im Kunststoff wird näher betrachtet. Zudem enthält der Vortrag eine Empfehlung für die Vorgehensweise beim Infrarotschweißen von Kunststoffen, die Vor- und Nachteile des Fügeverfahrens und einen Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten auf dem Gebiet des Infrarotschweißens von Kunststoffen.
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Lägesrapport för integrerad rapportering : En kartläggning av 14 stora svenska företagAndersen, Caroline, Eneqvist, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Tidigare hållbarhetsredovisning anses ha problem med frånkoppling av finansiella och icke-finansiella strategier, vilket IR avser att lösa. Studier som gjorts visar att IR implementerats oproportionerligt, samt att rapporter som benämns som integrerade, påvisat låg IR-nivå. En möjlig förklaring är dålig förståelse av detta förhållandevis nya begrepp. Stora skillnader i IR-nivå gör det svårt att få en tydlig bild av den faktiska implementeringen av IR. Syftet för denna studie är att kartlägga IR-nivån bland stora svenska företag som benämnt sina årsredovisningar som integrerade, samt att ge praktiska exempel utifrån IR-ramverket. Slutligen används legitimitetsteorin och greenwashing för att förklara resultatet. Metod: Studiens process har varit abduktiv, och en kvalititativ strategi har anammats. Designen för studien är tvärsnitt. Empirin har samlats in genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 14 svenska företags årsredovisningar, valda genom ett målstyrt urval. Därefter har data insamlats och analyserats med hjälp av ett kodningsschema som i sin tur har utgått från den normativa referensramen. Datan har sedan presenterats i tabell, samt narrativt. Resultat och slutsats: Studien har visat att de undersökta företagen påvisar en ojämn IR-nivå, där företagen lyckats bäst inom strategiskt fokus och framtidsorientering, medan en lägre nivå uppnås inom väsentlighet och kopplingar mellan information. Detta kan bero på otillräcklig spridning av IR-ramverket och/eller greenwashing. Kartläggningen visar därmed att de flesta rapporter snarare är blandade än integrerade. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att fånga upp huruvida omvandlingsfunktionen är en del av företagens IR, föreslås en kvalitativ fallstudie av enstaka företag. Vidare hade det varit intressant att göra en longitudinell studie för att se hur företagens IR-nivå förändras över tid. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens viktigaste bidrag är att genom kartläggningen ge praktiska exempel för företag att beakta, samt att fylla kunskapsgapet som finns kring implementering av IR i svenska företag. / Aim: Sustainability reporting is considered to have problems with a disconnection of financial and non-financial strategies, which IR intends to solve. Previous studies show that IR has been implemented disproportionately, and that the reports referred to as integrated, demonstrated a low IR-level. A possible explanation is a poor understanding of the relatively new concept. Large differences in the IR-level makes it difficult to get a clear picture of the actual implementation of IR. The purpose of this study is to identify the IR-level of large Swedish companies who self-declared their reports as integrated, and to provide practical examples on the basis of the IR framework. Finally, legitimacy theory and greenwashing is used to explain the results. Method: The process of the study has been abductive, and a qualitative strategy has been adopted. The design of the study is cross-sectional. The empirical data were collected through qualitative content analysis of 14 Swedish companies’ annual reports, selected through a purposive sample. Subsequently, data was acquired and analyzed using a coding frame, based on the normative framework. The data have been presented in tables and in narratives. Result & Conclusions: The study has shown that the companies indicate an uneven IR level, where companies have been most successful in strategic focus and future orientation, while a lower level is achieved within materiality and connectivity of information. This may be due to inadequate diffusion of the IR framework and/or due to greenwashing. The mapping thus shows that most reports are mixed rather than integrated. Suggestions for future research: To capture whether the transformation function is part of the companies’ IR, a qualitative case study of individual companies is proposed. Furthermore, a longitudinal study to see how the companies IR-level changes over time would be interesting. Contribution of the thesis: The most important contribution of the study is that the mapping provides practical examples for companies to consider, as well as filling the knowledge gap existing regarding the implementation of IR in Swedish companies.
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Från utfällning till utställning : Konservering av järnföremål från Svarta jordens hamnområde, Birka RAÄ 119. L.23:IIHeljeback, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose for this paper is to study iron artefacts excavated in the Black Earth harbour district of Birka. This locale, positioned on the island Björkö in Adelsö par. Sweden, is one of the mayor sites in regard to the Scandinavian Viking age. The how and why of the corrosive process will be touched upon. Specifically how archaeological iron interacts with the soil in which it is found, and what can be done to prevent unnecessary decay after excavation. This, in turn, leads to an observation of how methods have changed in regard to the conservation of archaeological iron, from the processes used in the early days of the field, to the more present day with the method utilized in this study. The conservation of said artefacts is for this study accomplished through the use of a conventional chemical method called EDTA. The usability of this method with waterlogged metallic artefacts is tested. The product of the conservation work revealed the objects to be mostly, iron rivets, bolts or nails. Not too surprising when the articles came from an area widely believed to be a harbour. This specific chemical solution proved not to be a sufficient conservation method for the waterlogged metal objects examined in this paper. This was due to the notably hard crust that covered the objects and the structural fragility of the artefacts. Specific analyses of some of the artefacts were undertaken due to the emergence of substantial amounts of depositions in the final steps of the process. Using XRD, XRF and IR-spectroscopy, the depositions were analysed and the result showed that the depositions most likely consists of a blend of non-water-soluble iron phosphates.
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Bröd vid död i Kalvshälla : Analys av förhistoriskt organiskt grav- och boplatsmaterial från Barkarby i Järfälla socken, UpplandSchierman, Christina January 2006 (has links)
<p>This paper deals with prehistoric charred organic material, interpreted as bread, found in graves and in the underlying settlement at Kalvshälla, Järfälla parish in Uppland. The aim was to categorize the organic material morphologically and with the help of Fourier transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to see whether it was bread or not. Material from 13 graves (dated to Late Roman Iron Age until Viking Age) and 3 finds from the settlement have been analysed. Differences were noted both in shape, porosity and structure. Some of the material has been interpreted as cereal based foodstuff instead of bread due to morphological discrepancies. No clear differences between material from the graves and the settlement can be seen. One find from a posthole can be dated to late Bronze Age, which is unusual. The bread in the graves was intentionally given to both adult females and males maybe as a symbol of their roles as the good householders. Several finds of root tubers of dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris) were identified in female graves from Early Iron Age, but also in two male graves with bread from Vendel period. The FT-IR method does not give a clear answer to whether the organic material can be bread or not. The method requires careful sampling procedures and several samples from each concretion to get good results.</p>
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Darbuotojų vertybinių orientacijų, darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveikos bei pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos / Relations of emploees‘value orientations, work and family interaction and job satisfactionŽilinskaitė, Dovilė 19 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti pozityvią ir negatyvią darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveiką bei jos ryšius su pasitenkinimu darbu ir vertybinėmis orientacijomis. Tyrime dalyvavo 208 tiriamieji iš Kauno, Vilniaus ir Prienų miestų bei rajonų organizacijų. Visi tiriamieji turėjo sutuoktinį/-ę (partnerį/-ę) ir/arba vaikų. Darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika buvo tiriama „Darbo-namų sąveikos klausimynu“ (SWING), pasitenkinimas darbu vertintas P.E. Spector „Pasitenkinimo darbu klausimynu“ (JSS), o vertybinės orientacijos - Rokičiaus „Vertybinių orientacijų tyrimo“ metodika. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika yra susijusi su pasitenkinimu darbu. Kuo dažniau patiriamas darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų konfliktas, tuo mažesnis darbuotojų pasitenkinimas darbu. Pozityvi darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika yra teigiamai susijusi tik su tam tikrais pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: bendradarbiais, paaukštinimo galimybėmis, vadovavimu ir darbo pobūdžiu. Darbo ir šeimos vertybinės orientacijos taip pat yra susijusios su darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveika. Kuo individui svarbesnė šeimos vertybinė orientacija, tuo rečiau jis patiria darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų konfliktą. Kuo jam svarbesnė darbo vertybinė orientacija, tuo dažniau jis patiria pozityvią darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveiką. Taip pat buvo analizuojama galima vertybinių orientacijų kaip moderatoriaus įtakata darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų konflikto bei pasitenkinimo darbu ryšiui, tačiau tyrimo rezultatai šios galimybės nepatvirtino. / The aim of the study was to evaluate positive and negative interaction of work and family domains and its’ relations with job satisfaction and value orientations.
The subjects of the study were 208 men and women from Kaunas, Vilnius and Prienai towns and districts. All participants were currently working and had a spouse/partner and/or children. Work anf family interaction was measured by „Survey Work-Home Interaction“ (SWING), job satisfaction was evaluated according to Spector‘s „Job Satisfaction Survey“ (JSS) and value orientations were measured using Rokeach‘s „Value Orientations Survey“.
Results of the study showed that work and family interaction is related to job satisfaction. The more often work and family conflict is experienced, the lower is emploees’ job satisfaction. Work and family facilitation is related to some aspects of job satisfaction aswell. The more often work and family facilitation is experienced, the higher is satisfaction of coworkers, management, nature of work and promotion possibilities. Value orientations are also related to work and family interaction. The more important is family value orientation to individual, the less work and family conflict is experienced. And the more important is work value orientation, the more work and family facilitation is experienced. Potential moderating effect of value orientatios on relation between work and family interaction and job satisfaction was also investigated but moderating effect was not comfirmed by... [to full text]
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"Revoliucijos sindromas" Gruzijos politikoje ir jo priežastys / "Revolutionary syndrome" in georgia's politics and its causesDačkutė, Aistė 25 November 2010 (has links)
2003-ųjų pab. šimtai tūkstančių gruzinų išėjo į gatves protestuoti prieš suklastotus prezidento rinkimų rezultatus. Prezidentas E.Ševarnadzė buvo priverstas atsistatydinti. Šis įvykis, vadinamas Rožių revoliucija, sukėlė politinio chaoso pabaigos viltį ir pristatė pasauliui dar vieną jauną demokratiją. Vis dėlto, po revoliucijos vykdytos politinės reformos atskleidė kiek kitokias tendencijas. Remiantis Freedomhouse reitingu, Gruzija vis dar priskiriama pusiau laisvų šalių kategorijai, kaip ir prieš revoliuciją. Paradoksaliai, praėjus vos keletui metų po to, kai Gruzijoje buvo pasodintos demokratijos rožės, opozicija vėl eina į gatves protestuoti prieš tą patį demokratijos trūkumą. Šiame kontekste kyla tyrimo klausimas, kodėl Rožių revoliucijos, laikytos demokratijos proveržiu, pasekmės buvo tokios netvarios. Ieškodama atsakymo, darbo autorė teigia, jog įvykio analizė turi būti atliekama kitokiame kontekste, nei siūlo dauguma mokslinių darbų. Nemažai autorių remiasi prielaida, kad Rožių revoliucija buvo neeilinis įvykis šalies kontekste. Vienas iš šio darbo tikslų - parodyti, kad ši prielaida nėra teisinga, o, turint omenyje "revoliucijos" termino nuvertėjimą šiandienos politikos moksluose, Gruzijai galima diagnozuoti "revoliucijos sindromą", kadangi panašiu būdu valdžia nepriklausombės laikotarpiu keitėsi keletą kartų iki revoliucijos. Taip pat, nesėkmingai bandyta pakartoti revoliuciją pastaruoju laikotarpiu. Teigiama, jog siekiant susidaryti išsamų revoliucijos priežasčių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the end of the year 2003, hundreds of thousands of Georgians went out to the streets in order to protest against the fraudulent presidential elections. Incumbent E.Shevarnadze was forced to resign. This event, called Rose Revolution, raised hope of the end of political chaos and brought a brand new democracy to the World. However, political reforms in the country revealed a different trend. According to the Freedomhouse ratings, Georgia still remains only a partly-free country as before the Revolution. Paradoxically, just a few years after the Roses of democracy were planted to the Georgian soil, the opposition again finds itself in the streets protesting against the lack of democracy. This situation raises a research question why the consequences of the Rose Revolution, which seemed a manifest of democracy in its essence, were so short-lasting. In search for the answer the author of this master thesis argues for an alternative context of analysis and theoretical background which differ from the ones prevailing in the scientific discourse on the issue. Many works rest on the premise that The Rose Revolution was an extraordinary event in the country. One of the main aims of this case study is to prove that it was not unique. Furthermore, taking into consideration „devaluation“ of the term revolution in nowadays political science Georgia is worth a diagnosis of entire “revolutionary syndrome” as a similar model of the government change has taken place already a few times... [to full text]
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Viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės (viešosios privačiosios partnerystės (VPP)) teisinės formos Lietuvos Respublikoje / Legal forms of public private partnership in republic of lithuaniaValančius, Mindaugas 09 July 2011 (has links)
Viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės pasaulyje plačiai ir sėkmingai taikoma bei teikia naudą jau ne vieną dešimtmetį, o Lietuvoje tampa vis svarbesnė dėl besikeičiančios valstybės politikos ir visuomenės poreikių gauti kokybiškas viešąsias paslaugas. Šių projektų sėkmei ypač svarbi tinkama teisinė aplinka ir teisinis tikrumas. Atsižvelgiant į tai Lietuvoje buvo reglamentuota partnerystės sąvoka, nauja jos teisinė forma, specialios projektų įgyvendinimo taisyklės. Nors Investicijų įstatyme pateiktoje sąvokoje įtvirtinta plačioji partnerystės samprata, į kurią patenka ir viešieji pirkimai, ir privatizavimo sutartys, siaurąją sampratą atspindi specialus teisinis reguliavimas, nustatantis, kad partnerystės projektų rengimo ir įgyvendinimo taisyklės taikomos tik koncesijai bei valdžios ir privataus subjektų partnerystei. Kartu su viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės sąvoka Investicijų įstatyme buvo nustatyta nauja teisinė forma - valdžios ir privataus subjektų partnerystė, kurios įgyvendinimas grindžiamas Viešųjų pirkimų įstatymo reglamentavimu. Valdžios ir privataus subjektų partnerystės sutartis atitinka viešojo pirkimo sutarties požymius, kurie dažniausiai yra platesni ir apima valdžios ir privataus subjektų partnerystės sutarties požymius. Valdžios ir privataus subjektų partnerystės sutartį nuo koncesijos sutarties leidžia atriboti du kriterijai – atlygio pobūdis ir didžiosios dalies rizikos perdavimas koncesininkui. Vertinant rizikos dydį turi būti atsižvelgiama į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Public-private partnership has been widely used in many countries for many years already. Due to changes in politics and increasing demand from the side of society for qualified public services, this model of cooperation is becoming increasingly important in Lithuania. One of the main prerequisites for success of this type of projects is a legal certainty. Seeking to assure that, Lithuania has established a concept of “partnership”, a new legal form thereof and special rules for implementation of projects. The broad definition of the partnership, established in the Law on Investments, includes contracts of public procurement and privatization, however, the narrow definition is reflected by the special legal regulation, which provides that the rules for preparation and implementation of the partnership projects are applicable to concession and the general partnership between the government and private entities only. Apart from the concept of the “public-private partnership”, the Law on Investments also provides for a new legal form, i.e. general partnership between government and private entities, implementation of which is based on the Law on Public Procurement. A contract of general partnership between government and private entities meets the characteristics of the public procurement contracts which, in general, are wider. A contract of general partnership between government and private entities may be distinguished from a concession contract by two criteria, i.e. nature of... [to full text]
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Etude expérimentale à haute pression et à haute température du stockage et de la distribution de l'eau dans le manteau supérieur terrestre / High pressure and high temperature experimental study on water storage capacity and distribution in the earth upper mantleFerot, Anaïs Nathalie 20 May 2011 (has links)
Les minéraux nominalement anhydres du manteau terrestre (NAMs) contiennent de l’eau en faible quantité, dissoute sous forme de défauts ponctuels, et qui affecte de manière drastique les propriétés physico-chimiques du manteau supérieur terrestre. Afin de mieux comprendre cet effet, il est nécessaire d’estimer la capacité de stockage de l’eau des phases mantelliques et les mécanismes de solubilité. De nombreuses données expérimentales sur la solubilité de l’eau dans les NAMs tels que l’olivine, le pyroxène et le grenat, sont disponibles dans la littérature. Toutefois, la majorité de ces études ont été réalisées en système simple, et à des températures ou des pressions trop basses pour être représentatives du manteau supérieur terrestre. L’objectif de cette étude était de contraindre les effets combinés de la pression, de la température et de la composition sur la solubilité de l’eau dans l’olivine et le pyroxène dans les conditions du manteau supérieur terrestre. Les expériences ont été réalisées en condition de saturation en eau dans le système MSH enrichi en fer et en fer et aluminium, à 2,5 ; 5 ; 7,5 et 9 GPa, entre 1175 et 1400°C, à l’aide d’une presse multi-enclumes. Les teneurs en eau ont été mesurées par spectroscopie infrarouge en mode polarisé, à partir d’échantillons finement double polis, sur des cristaux orientés de manière aléatoire. Al est incorporé dans l’olivine et le pyroxène selon la réaction de type Tschermak, et diminue avec la pression dans les deux phases. L’ajout d’Al3+ dans le système favorise l’incorporation de H+ dans l’olivine et surtout dans le pyroxène, mais cet effet disparaît à mesure que la pression et la température augmentent. Dans ces conditions, la solubilité de l’eau dans les deux phases est contrôlée par l’activité de l’eau dans le liquide qui se charge de plus en plus en silicates. Le mécanisme majeur de l’incorporation de l’eau dans l’olivine se fait via le remplacement de sites métalliques par 2H+, impliquant que la solubilité de l’eau dans l’olivine est directement proportionnelle à la fugacité de l’eau dans le liquide. Le partage de l’eau entre pyroxène et olivine est toujours inférieur à 1, sauf à basse pression et basse température, quand Al aide à l’incorporation de l’eau dans le pyroxène par rapport à l’olivine. Dans les conditions du manteau convectif profond, l’eau va préférentiellement dans l’olivine. L’effet de la température sur le partage de l’eau entre les deux phases est négligeable. Ces données ont permis de construire un modèle de stockage de l’eau dans l’olivine à toutes pressions et toutes températures, dans le système MFASH. En combinant ce modèle au partage de l’eau entre pyroxène et olivine calculé dans notre étude, et aux données disponibles dans la littérature sur la solubilité de l’eau dans le clinopyroxène et le grenat, nous avons pu modéliser la capacité de stockage de l’eau dans le manteau supérieur terrestre. Ce modèle prédit que la couche de faible vitesse sismique, détectée à 350 km de profondeur par les observations sismiques, peut être expliquée par la fusion partielle de matériel hydraté provenant de la zone de transition et contenant initialement 750 ppm pds H2O. / Trace amounts of hydrogen dissolved as defects in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) in the mantle are believed to play a key role in physical and chemical processes in the Earth’s upper mantle. Hence the estimation of water storage in mantle phases and solubility mechanisms are important in order to better understand the effect of water. Experimental data on water solubility in NAMs are available for upper mantle minerals such as olivine, pyroxenes and garnet. However, the majority of studies are based on single phases, and at temperatures or pressures that are too low for the Earth’s upper mantle. The aim of this study was to constrain the combined effects of pressure, temperature and composition on water solubility in olivine and pyroxene under upper mantle conditions. The solubility of water in coexisting pyroxene and olivine was investigated by simultaneously synthesising the two phases at high pressure and high temperature in a multi-anvil press. Experiments were performed under water-saturated conditions in the MSH systems with Fe and Al at 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 9 GPa and temperatures between 1175 and 1400°C. Integrated OH absorbances were determined using polarized infrared spectroscopy on doubly-polished thin sections of randomly-oriented crystals. Al is incorporated in pyroxene and olivine via the Tschermak substitution and decreases rapidly as pressure increases in both phases. Addition of Al3+ into the system enhances water solubility notably in pyroxene and also in olivine. However, this effect tends to vanish as pressure and temperature increase. Under these conditions, water solubility in both phases is controlled by water activity in the fluid due to dissolution of silicate component. The main mechanism responsible for water incorporation in olivine is 2H+ substituting for metal sites, which indicates that water solubility in olivine is directly proportional to water fugacity. Water partitioning between pyroxene and olivine is always lower than unity except at low pressure and temperature, in which case Al favours water incorporation into pyroxene rather than into olivine. In the conditions of the deep convective mantle, water preferentially goes into olivine. The effect of temperature on water partitioning between the two phases is negligible. The newly collected data allowed the construction of a water storage capacity model in olivine at all pressures and temperatures in the MFASH system. Combining this model with the newly measured partitioning of water between olivine and pyroxene, as well as previous data on solubility in clinopyroxene and garnet, we are able to build a model of the water saturation curve in the upper mantle. This model predicts that the low velocity layer reported by seismic observations at a depth of 350 km depth can be explained by partial melting triggered by the rise of a hydrated mantle-transition-zone material containing 750 wt ppm H2O.
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Comportement physicochimique des polymères pariétaux à l’échelle supramoléculaire dans des assemblages bioinspirés de la paroi végétale : application à la fibre native / Physicochemical behaviour at supramolecular scale of plant cell wall polymers in bioinspired assemblies : Application to native fibers.Muraille, Loïc 14 October 2014 (has links)
En raison des enjeux écologiques actuels, l'utilisation de ressources lignocellulosiques dans l'élaboration de matériaux composites suscite actuellement un intérêt grandissant. Au-delà des applications traditionnelles (papier, panneaux composites, textiles…), les ressources lignocellulosiques constituent une alternative durable aux ressources fossiles pour la production de biocarburant ou d'agrocomposites à base de fibres végétales. Ainsi, si l'on souhaite optimiser les performances de ces nouveaux composites, il est nécessaire de mieux connaitre les propriétés de la fibre et par conséquent réaliser une étude multi-échelle des propriétés physicochimiques et mécaniques des fibres, des polymères constitutifs et de leurs interactions. Dans ce cadre, le premier objectif de la thèse a été de mesurer à l'échelle nanométrique le gradient de propriétés mécaniques et physicochimiques de coupes de fibres végétales par l'intermédiaire de deux techniques utilisant le microscope à force atomique (AFM) visant à cartographier les propriétés nanomécaniques et les caractéristiques spectrales en IR. Puis, pour mieux comprendre le rôle des polymères et de leurs interactions sur les propriétés de la fibre, des systèmes bioinspirés, composés des trois principales classes de polymères pariétaux et de complexité croissante ont été élaborés en veillant à introduire des interactions covalentes et non covalentes entre les polymères, et plus particulièrement entre la lignine et les polysaccharides (cellulose, hémicelluloses). / Due to environmental context, the exploitation of lignocellulosic ressources in the elaboration of composite materials has currently a growing interest. Beside traditional uses (paper, textiles…), lignocellulosic ressources constitute a sustainable alternative to fossils ressources for the production of biofuels and fiber-based agrocomposites. However, optimization of the performance of fiber composites requires a multi-scale study of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and of their constitutive polymers and their interactions. To this end, the first goal of the thesis is to measure at nanometric scale, the gradient of the mechanical and physicochemical properties of plant fibers using two AFM-based techniques aiming at the mapping of nanomechanical and IR spectral properties. Then, in order to better understand the role of the polymers and of their interactions on the fibers' properties, bioinspired systems have been designed with three main lignocellulosic polymers while achieving in covalent and non-covalent interactions between the polymers (especially between polysaccharides and lignin).
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