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Analysis of chemical signals from complex oceanic gas hydrate ecosystems with infrared spectroscopyDobbs, Gary T. 30 October 2007 (has links)
Substantial amounts of methane are sequestered in naturally occurring ice-like formations known as gas hydrates. In particular, oceanic gas hydrates are globally distributed in complex heterogeneous ecosystems that typically occur at depths exceeding 300 m. Gas hydrates have received attention for their potential as an alternative energy resource, as marine geohazards, and their role in cycling of greenhouse gases. In addition, chemosynthetic communities often play a vital role in the cycling and sequestration of carbon emanating from cold hydrocarbon seeps surrounding hydrate sites. Research efforts are presently striving to better understand the significance and complexity of these ecosystems through the establishment of seafloor observatories capable of long-term monitoring with integrated sensor networks. In this thesis, infrared (IR) spectroscopy has been implemented for the investigation of molecular-specific signatures to monitor gas hydrate growth dynamics and evaluate carbonate minerals, which are intimately connected with complex chemosynthetic processes occurring in these harsh environments.
The first fundamental principles and data evaluation strategies for monitoring and quantifying gas hydrate growth dynamics utilizing mid-infrared (MIR) fiber-optic evanescent field spectroscopy have been established by exploiting the state-responsive IR absorption behavior of water. This has been achieved by peak area evaluation of the O-H stretch, H-O-H bend, and libration modes and assessing peak shifts in the 3rd libration overtone and libration bands during the formation and dissociation of simple clathrate hydrates of methane, ethane, and propane formed from aqueous solution. Hydrate growth and monitoring was facilitated with a customized pressure cell enabling operation up to ~5.9 MPa with spectroscopic, temperature, pressure, and video monitoring capabilities.
Furthermore, the initial feasibility for extending the developed IR spectroscopic hydrate monitoring strategies into oceanic gas hydrate ecosystems has been demonstrated through the evaluation of potential spectroscopic interferences from sediment matrices in samples collected from two hydrate sites in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). With exception of the libration band, the primary IR absorption features of water are readily accessed within hydrated sediment samples. Additional consideration for potential long-term hydrate monitoring applications revealed that the collection of approx. 2 IR spectra per day should enable direct insight into the temporal dynamics of hydrates...
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Etude du transfert de protons dans les systèmes moléculaires / Proton transfer along molecular wiresEsteves López, Natalia 06 July 2017 (has links)
Une des meilleures sources d’énergie verte serait d’être capable de casser une molécule d’eau à partir du rayonnement visible fourni par le soleil, afin de générer du H$_2$. L’eau présente le don d’ubiquité sur terre puisqu’elle est présente, sous ses trois phases, dans les océans, la terre et l’atmosphère. Cependant, une énergie de 6.66 eV (VUV) est nécessaire pour rompre directement une des liaisons covalentes de l’eau. Dans ce travail, nous montrons qu’il est possible de dissocier l’eau si celle-ci est associée à un catalyseur photosensible de nature organique, dont les prototypes absorbent dans l’UV, comme la Pyridine (Py). Un récent travail théorique prédit que la Py peut jouer le rôle de ce photocatalyseur, suivant la réaction : Py-H$_2$O + h$\nu_1 \to$ Py*-H$_2$O $\to$ PyH$\bullet$ + OH$\bullet$Pour tester ce modèle théorique nous avons étudié le complexe Py-eau isolé dans un cluster moléculaire froid. Nous avons caractérisé la spectroscopie électronique du PyH$\bullet$ en phase gazeuse et nous avons mis en évidence cette réaction de photodissociation par irradiation UV de clusters Py-(H$_2$O)$_n$. Nous avons aussi testé ce système en matrices cryogéniques pour évaluer l’effet de la solvatation solide. La dernière étape du processus, la régénération du photocatalyseur par absorption d’un deuxième photon UV (PyH$\bullet$ + h$\nu \to$ Py + H$\bullet$) à été aussi prouvé. Il semblerait que seuls les radicaux PyH$\bullet$ chauds soient capables d’engendrer cette dernière réaction.A l’heure actuelle, nous explorons de nouveaux systèmes moléculaires prototypes susceptibles de conduire au même phénomène. / A major challenge to generate green energy from sunlight would be to split water which is a ubiquitous molecule to produce H$_2$. However VUV light (6.66 eV) is needed to dissociate the H-OH covalent bond. In this work we will show that it is possible to dissociate water via photo-sensitisation with UVC light, using a simple organic catalyst.Recently, ab-initio calculations predict that pyridine (Py) can act as a photo-catalyst to split water by absorption of a UV photon, following the reaction:Py-H$_2$O + h$\nu_1 \to$ Py*-H$_2$O $\to$ PyH$\bullet$ + OH$\bullet$ To test this prediction, we studied the Py-H$_2$O complex in isolated cold molecular cluster and the system trapped in cryogenic matrices. We characterized the electronic spectroscopy of the PyH$\bullet$ in the gas phase and we evidenced the reaction through UV excitation of Py-(H$_2$O) $_n$ clusters. We have evidenced that the reaction leads PyH$\bullet$ as photoproduct of the reaction. We also evidenced that the surrounding conditions play an important role in the reaction.We have demonstrated that the UV excitation of Py-water clusters leads to the formation of PyH$\bullet$, thus we have evidenced the water splitting reaction. The last step of the process, that is the regeneration of the catalyst by absorption of a second UV photon (PyH$\bullet$ + h$\nu \to$ Py + H$\bullet$) has been studied and it seems that only hot PyH$\bullet$ molecules are able to follow this channel. In the present, we are studying other aromatic molecules which are expected to lead the photochemical dissociation of water.
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Folkrättsliga problem vid användandet av adaptivt kamouflage / International legal problems concerning the use of Adaptive CamouflageMolén Eskhult, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
Adaptivt kamouflage är en signaturanpassningsteknik som ger stridsfordon förmågan att anpassa sin värmesignatur utefter omgivningen eller imitera andra objekts signatur, i syfte att undgå upptäckt eller identifiering.I denna studie genomförs en analys om vilka folkrättsliga problem som kan uppstå vid användandet av adaptivt kamouflage.Studiens resultat visar att de folkrättsliga problem som kan uppstå vid användningen av adaptivt kamouflage är distinktionsproblem, då tekniken möjliggör för stridsfordon att imitera signaturen av civila personbilar. Denna användning av adaptivt kamouflage kan anses som brott mot distinktionsprincipen. / Adaptiv camouflage is a camouflage system which gives combat vehicles the ability to mimic the heat signature of its surroundings or copy the signature of other objects, to avoid detection or identification.This study conducts an analysis concerning the international legal problems that may arise from the use of adaptive camouflage.The result of the study show that the international legal problems that may arise from the use of adaptive camouflage are; distinction problems, when a combat vehicle can copy the heat signature of a civilian car. This use of adaptive camouflage can be seen as a violation against the principle of distinction.
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Native simulation of MPSoC : instrumentation and modeling of non-functional aspects / Simulation native des MPSoC : instrumentation et modélisation des aspects non fonctionnelsMatoussi, Oumaima 30 November 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes embarqués modernes intègrent des dizaines, voire des centaines, de cœurs sur une même puce communiquant à travers des réseaux sur puce, afin de répondre aux exigences de performances édictées par le marché. On parle de systèmes massivement multi-cœurs ou systèmes many-cœurs. La complexité de ces systèmes fait de l’exploration de l’espace de conception architecturale, de la co-vérification du matériel et du logiciel, ainsi que de l’estimation de performance, un vrai défi. Cette complexité est généralement com-pensée par la flexibilité du logiciel embarqué. La dominance du logiciel dans ces architectures nécessite de commencer le développement et la vérification du matériel et du logiciel dès les premières étapes du flot de conception, bien avant d’avoir accès à un prototype matériel.Ainsi, il faut disposer d’un modèle abstrait qui reproduit le comportement de la puce cible en un temps raisonnable. Un tel modèle est connu sous le nom de plateforme virtuelle ou de simulation. L’exécution du logiciel sur une telle plateforme est couramment effectuée au moyen d’un simulateur de jeu d’instruction (ISS). Ce type de simulateur, basé sur l’interprétation des instructions une à une, est malheureusement caractérisé par une vitesse de simulation très lente, qui ne fait qu’empirer par l’augmentation du nombre de cœurs.La simulation native est considérée comme une candidate adéquate pour réduire le temps de simulation des systèmes many-cœurs. Le principe de la simulation native est de compiler puis exécuter la quasi totalité de la pile logicielle directement sur la machine hôte tout en communiquant avec des modèles réalistes des composants matériels de l’architecture cible, permettant ainsi de raccourcir les temps de simulation. La simulation native est beau-coup plus rapide qu’un ISS mais elle ne prend pas en compte les aspects non-fonctionnels,tel que le temps d’exécution, dépendant de l’architecture matérielle réelle, ce qui empêche de faire des estimations de performance du logiciel.Ceci dresse le contexte des travaux menés dans cette thèse qui se focalisent sur la simulation native et s’articulent autour de deux contributions majeures. La première s’attaque à l’introduction d’informations non-fonctionnelles dans la représentation intermédiaire (IR)du compilateur. L’insertion précise de telles informations dans le modèle fonctionnel est réalisée grâce à un algorithme dont l’objectif est de trouver des correspondances entre le code binaire cible et le code IR tout en tenant compte des optimisations faites par le compilateur. La deuxième contribution s’intéresse à la modélisation d’un cache d’instruction et d’un tampon d’instruction d’une architecture VLIW pour générer des estimations de performance précises.Ainsi, la plateforme de simulation native associée à des modèles de performance précis et à une technique d’annotation efficace permet, malgré son haut niveau d’abstraction, non seulement de vérifier le bon fonctionnement du logiciel mais aussi de fournir des estimations de performances précises en des temps de simulation raisonnables. / Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capabilities as they integrate hundreds of cores on a single chip communicatingthrough network on chip. The complexity of these systems and their dedicated softwareshould not be an excuse for long design cycles, even though the design space is enormousand the underlying design decisions are critical. Thus, design space exploration, hard-ware/software co-verification and performance estimation need to be conducted within areasonable amount of time and early enough in the design process to avoid any tardy de-tection of functional or performance deficiencies.Co-simulation platforms are becoming an increasingly important part in design and ver-ification steps. With instruction interpretation-based software simulation platforms beingtoo slow as they model low-level details of the target system, an alternative software sim-ulation approach known as native simulation or host-compiled simulation has gained mo-mentum this past decade. Native simulation consists of compiling the embedded softwareto the host binary format and executing it directly on the host machine. However, this tech-nique fails to reflect the performance of the embedded software and its actual interactionwith the target hardware. So, the speedup gained by native simulation comes at a price,which is the absence of non-functional information (such as time and energy) needed for es-timating the performance of the entire system and ensuring its proper functioning. Withoutsuch information, native simulation approaches are limited to functional validation.Yielding accurate estimates entails the integration of high-level abstract models thatmimic the behavior of target-specific micro-architectural components in the simulation plat-form and the accurate placement of the obtained non-functional information in the high-level code. Back-annotating non-functional information at the right place requires a map-ping between the binary instructions and the high-level code statements, which can be chal-lenging particularly when compiler optimizations are enabled.In this thesis, we propose an annotation framework working at the compiler interme-diate representation level to accurately annotate performance metrics extracted from thebinary code, thanks to a dedicated mapping algorithm. This mapping algorithm is furtherenhanced to deal with aggressive compiler optimizations, such as loop unrolling, that radi-cally alter the structure of the code. Our target architecture being a VLIW processor, we alsomodel at a high level its instruction buffer to faithfully reproduce its timing behavior.The experiments we conducted to validate our mapping algorithm and component mod-els yielded accurate results and high simulation speed compared to a cycle accurate ISS ofthe target platform.
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Le système binaire aluminium-iridium, du diagramme de phases aux surfaces atomiques / The Al-Ir binary system, from the phase diagram to atomic surfacesKadok, Joris 16 November 2016 (has links)
Un alliage métallique complexe (CMA) est un composé intermétallique dont la maille élémentaire est constituée d’un nombre important d’atomes formant bien souvent des aggrégats de haute symmétrie. De la complexité de ces composés peuvent découler des propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes pour divers domaines d’application. Le système binaire aluminium-iridium est un système qui présente de nombreux composés intermétalliques dont la moitié sont des CMA. Malgré l’étude approfondie dont ce système a fait l’objet dans la littérature, certaines incertitudes demeuraient irrésolues, nous amenant ainsi à réexaminer le diagramme de phase Al-Ir. Nous avons également exploré les systèmes ternaires dits "push-pull" Al-Au-Ir et Al-Ag-Ir, propices à la formation de phases CMA selon certains auteurs. Au total, une centaine d’échantillons ont été préparés par fusion à l’arc puis analysés par diverses techniques de caractérisations: diffraction des rayons X (XRD), microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM), analyse dispersive en énergie (EDS) et analyse thermique différentielle (DTA). Quatre nouveaux composés intermétalliques ont ainsi été identifiés: Al2.4Ir, Al72Au2.5Ir29.5, Al3AuIr et Al11SiIr6, ce dernier étant issu d’une manipulation accidentelle. La structure cristallographique de chacun de ces composés a été résolue, révélant Al2.4Ir et Al72Au2.5Ir29.5 comme étant des CMA possédant une centaine d’atomes dans la maille. Des calculs basés sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) sont venus apporter des précisions concernant la stabilité des composés Al3AuIr et Al11SiIr6. Pour le système Al-Ir, une variante structurale de deux CMA déjà connus de la littérature a également pu être mise en évidence. Les structures cristallographiques de la variante de Al2.75Ir et de celle de Al28Ir9 ont ainsi été approchées, présentant 240 et 444 atomes dans leur maille respective. Les propriétés de surface comptent parmi les aspects les plus intéressants des CMA, par exemple pour la catalyse hétérogène. En l’absence de monocristaux de taille macroscopique, nous avons étudié la possibilité de former des composés de surface par dépôt de Ir sur une surface Al(100) suivi de recuits. Des caractérisations par diffraction d’électrons lents (LEED), spectroscopie de photoélectrons excités par rayons X (XPS) et microscopie à effet tunnel (STM) supportés par ces calculs ab initio ont révélé qu’à partir de 320°C, le composé Al9Ir2 se formait en surface mais également dans une partie du volume du substrat / A complex metallic alloy (CMA) is an intermetallic compound whose unit cell contains a large number of atoms oftenly forming highly-symmetric clusters. From the complexity of these compounds can arise physical and chemical properties interesting for various fields of application. The aluminium-iridium binary system exhibits numerous intermetallic compounds of which half of them are actually CMAs. Despite this system being extensively studied in the literature, some uncertainies remained unsolved, leading us to reinvestigate the Al-Ir phase diagram. In addition, the "push-pull" systems Al-Au-Ir and Al-Ag-Ir, favorable for the formation of CMA according to the literature, have been explored. Thus, near a hundred of samples have been prepared by arc-melting before being analyzed with different characterizations techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). From this study, 4 new intermetallic compounds could be identified: Al2.4Ir, Al72Au2.5Ir29.5, Al3AuIr and Al11SiIr6, the latter being the result of a fortuitous manipulation. The crystallographic structure of each of these compounds has been solved, revealing Al2.4Ir and Al72Au2.5Ir29.5 to be two CMAs with around one hundred of atoms in their unit cell. Calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) brought further details about the stability of the two other Al3AuIr and Al11SiIr6 compounds. In the Al-Ir binary system, a structural variant of two well-known CMAs has been also unveiled. The crystallographic structures of the Al2.75Ir and Al28Ir9 variant have been approached, revealing 240 and 444 atoms in their respective unit cell. The CMAs oftently exhibit interesting surface properties. In order to study the Al-Ir compound surfaces, iridium adsorption on Al(100) surface followed by annealing has been investigated. The characterizations by lowenergy electrons diffraction (LEED), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning tunneling miscoscopy (STM) supported by ab initio calculations revealed that, from 320 C, the Al9Ir2 compound is formed at the surface but also in the substrate bulk
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Characteristics and mechanisms of phosphate removal by calcium-iron layered double hydroxides and their hydrolysis products / Synthèse et transformations minéralogiques des hydroxydes doubles lamellaires calcium-fer pour l'élimination des phosphates en milieu aqueuxAl-Jaberi, Muayad 23 June 2016 (has links)
La mise au point de nouveaux matériaux pour piéger les anions phosphate présents dans les eaux usées est une des clés pour lutter contre le phénomène d’eutrophisation des eaux de surface. Au cours de cette étude, les hydroxydes doubles lamellaires contenant des ions CaII et FeIII dans les feuillets cationiques et des anions chlorure et nitrate au sein de l’espace inter-feuillets (CaFe-HDL-Cl et CaFe-HDL-NO3) ont été utilisés pour piéger les phosphates. Ces deux variantes d’HDL ont été synthétisées par trois méthodes simples de co-précipitation. La capacité de piégeage de ces matériaux a été évaluée par des expériences de sorption en « batch » à l’équilibre et des mesures de cinétique dans une gamme de pH comprise entre 4 et 12. La cinétique de piégeage du phosphate par les HDL obéit à une loi du pseudo-second ordre. Les isothermes révèlent que les HDL synthétisés avec un rapport CaII : FeIII de 2 : 1 sont les plus efficaces pour piéger les phosphates. On mesure des capacités de piégeage très élevées de l’ordre de 385 et 402 mg g-1 pour les composés CaFe-HDL-Cl et CaFe-HDL-NO3, respectivement. Les données obtenues à l’équilibre ont pu être ajustées par des isothermes de type Langmuir et/ou Freundlich. Pour des concentrations en phosphate élevées ([PO43-] ≥ 100 mg L-1), la caractérisation des solides et des liquides par diverses techniques révèlent que la HDL se dissout et libèrent des cations solubles Ca2+ qui précipitent avec les phosphates pour former l’hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3OH. A ce mécanisme principal s’ajoute un mécanisme de piégeage secondaire qui est l’adsorption des phosphates par un gel ferrique dopé en ions calcium qui est lui aussi issu de la transformation minéralogique de l’HDL. A faible concentration en phosphate ([PO43-] ≥ 100 mg L-1), l’hydroxyapatite ne se forme pas et l’adsorption des phosphates par ce gel ferrique dopé en ions calcium devient le mécanisme de piégeage principal. / The development of an efficient removal material for phosphate from wastewater to prevent the eutrophication in surface waters is very important. In this study, CaIIFeIII layered double hydroxide containing chloride and nitrate as intercalated anions (CaFe-LDH-Cl and CaFe-LDH-NO3) were used as removal materials for phosphate. Both forms were designed and synthesized at different CaII: FeIII molar ratios (2:1, 3:1, and 4:1) following three simple co-precipitation methods. The materials were evaluated for the removal of phosphate by batch equilibrium sorption experiments and kinetic measurements. The efficiency of the phosphate removal from aqueous solution was investigated in the range pH 4-12. As a result, it was found that pseudo-second-order kinetic model described well the phosphate removal. The isotherms of adsorption of PO43- ions showed that CaFe-LDH-Cl and CaFe-LDH-NO3 at CaII: FeIII molar ratio of 2:1 revealed the highest rate of phosphate uptake of 385 and 402 mg g-1, respectively, comparing to other CaII: FeIII molar ratios. Equilibrium data were well fitted with Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. In the case of high phosphate concentration ([PO43-] ≥ 100 mg L-1), the comprehensive analysis of the phosphate-uptake products with different techniques revealed that CaFe-LDH dissolve first and then released Ca2+ ions reacting with PO43- anions to form Ca5(PO4)3OH (hydroxyapatite) which is the main mechanism for phosphate removal. Also, phosphate was removed partially via a subsidiary process other than precipitation of hydroxyapatite. The excess in phosphate removal was attributed to the formation of a disordered Ca doped ferrihydrite which removed phosphate via simple surface adsorption. In the case of initial low phosphate concentration ([PO43-] < 100 mg L-1), the analysis showed that PO43- removed mainly via simple surface adsorption over disordered Ca doped ferrihydrite which was the main component in the residual solid after partial Ca2+ releasing from LDH
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Um estudo sobre a teoria de campos no espaço-tempo não comutativo / Field theory study on the non-commutative space-timeDaniel Guimarães Tedesco 15 April 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os aspectos quânticos de teorias de campo formuladas no espaço-tempo não comutativo têm sido amplamente estudados ao longo dos anos. Um dos principais aspectos é o que na literatura ficou conhecido como mixing IR/UV. Trata-se de uma mistura das divergências, que foi vista pela primeira vez no trabalho de Minwalla et al [28], onde num estudo do campo escalar não comutativo com interação quártica vemos já a 1 loop
que o tadpole tem uma divergência UV associada a sua parte planar e, junto com ela, temos uma divergência IR associada com um gráfico não planar. Essa mistura torna a teoria não renormalizável. Dado tal problema, houve então uma busca por mecanismos que separassem essas divergências a fim de termos teorias renormalizáveis. Um mecanismo proposto foi a adição de um termo não local na ação U*(1) para que esta seja estável.Neste trabalho, estudamos através da renormalização algébrica a estabilidade deste modelo. Para tal, precisamos localizar o operador não local através de campos auxiliares
e seus respectivos ghosts (metodo de Zwanziger) na intenção de retirar os graus de liberdade indesejados que surgem. Usamos o approachda quebra soft de BRST para analisar o termo que quebra BRST, que consiste em reescrevermos tal termo com o auxílio de fontes externas que num determinado limite físico voltam ao termo original.Como resultado, vimos que a teoria com a adição deste termo na ação só é renormalizável se
tivermos que introduzir novos termos, sendo alguns deles quárticos. Porém, estes termos mudam a forma do propagador, que não desacopla as divergências. Um outro aspecto que podemos salientar é que, dependendo da escolha de alguns parâmetros, o propagador dá indícios de termos um fótonconfinante, seguindo o critério de Wilson e o critério da
perda da positividade do propagador. / The quantum aspects of field theory formulated in concommutative spacetime has been widely studied along years. A key aspect is what is known as IR/UV mixing of divergences,which was first observed by Minwalla et al [28], who studied the non-commutative scalar field with quartic interaction. In this work, at 1 loop analisys, the mixing was seen in the tadpole, which has 2 contributions: nonplanar graph carries the IR divergence and the planar graph carries the UV divergence. This fact makes the theory nonrenormalizable. Due to this problem, mechanisms have been proposed to decouple both regimes to
end up with renormalizable theories. One of these mechanisms is the addition of a nonlocal term on the U*(1) action to be stable. In this work we study, following the approach of algebraic renormalization, the stability of this model. We therefore need to localize the nonlocal operator through auxiliary fields and its ghosts (Zwanzigers method) intending to withdraw the spurious degrees of freedom. We use the soft breaking approach to analize the term that breaks the BRST symmetry rewriting it with a set of external sources in a BRST doublet in such a way that the original term is obtained when we set the sources to their physical values. As a result, we have seen that the theory with the addition of this term in the action is only renormalizable if we introduce new terms, some of them being quartic, but these terms change the form of the propagator so that they dont decouple the regimes. Another aspect that we noticed is that, depending on the choice of some parameters, the propagator gives clues of a confining photon, following the criterion of
Wilson and the criterion of loss of positivity of the propagator.
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Melhoria do cetano em óleo diesel : abertura do ciclo da decalina sobre catalisadores de Pt, Ir ou Rh suportados em zeólitas FAU e BEAMonteiro, Carlos Alberto de Araujo 08 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-08 / Environmental laws and stricter quality specifications have driven the development of technologies for improving the cetane number in diesel fuel. In addition to the saturation of (poly)aromatic compounds, responsible for limited gains, ring opening of at least one ring of (poly)cycloalkane, without loss of yield by cracking, is a promising strategy to maximize this property. Numerous studies have demonstrated the significant performance of Pt, Rh and Ir supported on zeolites for naphthenic ring opening in the hydroconversion of model compounds (naphthalene, tetralin and decalin). This study aimed to systematically assess the role of acid and hydrogenating functions for hydroconversion of decalin. It was also evaluated the effect of activation conditions (calcination and reduction), type of zeolite (Faujasite, FAU, or Beta, BEA), the content and type of metal (Pt, Ir or Rh). The influence of Pt-Ir and Pt-Rh bimetallic systems, as well as the inhibition by H2S, were studied in terms of the performance of these catalysts. For the catalytic precursors prepared, better activity and selectivity to ringopening products were obtained from calcination at 573 K and reduction at 713 K. This performance was consistent with a more homogeneous distribution of metallic particles on the support, and thus greater dispersion of the metallic phase. The reaction steps of ring contraction, ring opening and cracking were consecutive for the hydroconversion of decalin. It is noteworthy that the catalytic systems studied, under the operating conditions employed, yielded up to 45 mol% ring opening products and less than 15 mol% cracking products, at decalin conversions as high as 90 %. The Pt/BEA catalyst presented the best performance, thiotolerance (lower production of cracking products) and thioresistence (selectivity recovery after removal of H2S), followed by the Pt-It/BEA and Ir/BEA catalysts. This study allowed to highlight some peculiarities of the hydroconversion of decalin on noble metal/zeolite catalysts. Although decalin is a saturated molecule, his naphthenic character and probably the presence of a tertiary carbon in its structure, facilitates activation of the molecule directly on the strong acid sites of zeolite, even at relatively moderate temperatures. Thus, it is not necessary to form an olefin on a metal site and undergo subsequent protonation, as in a classical bifunctional mechanism, such as in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking of n-paraffins. However, the hydrogenation component of the catalyst influences the selectivity of the reaction, controlling the process of desorption/adsorption of any intermediate olefins formed. Greater hydrogenation activity implies lower availability of adsorbed carbocations that can be converted to cracking products. This proposition is consistent with the results obtained by varying the type and content of metal, support acidity and poisoning of the hydrogenation sites in the catalysts. / Legislações ambientais e especificações de qualidade mais restritivas têm impulsionado o desenvolvimento de tecnologias visando melhoria de cetano em óleo diesel. Adicionalmente à saturação de (poli)aromáticos, responsável por ganhos limitados, à abertura de pelo menos um anel do (poli)cicloalcano, sem perda de rendimento por craqueamento, consiste em estratégia potencial para maximização desta propriedade. Inúmeros trabalhos vêm demonstrando desempenho significante de catalisadores de Pt, Rh e Ir suportados em zeólitas para abertura de anel naftênico na hidroconversão de compostos-modelo (naftaleno, tetralina e decalina). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar sistematicamente o papel das funções ácidas e hidrogenantes para a hidroconversão de decalina. Foram abordados os efeitos das condições de ativação (calcinação e redução), do tipo de zeólita (Beta, BEA, ou Faujasita, FAU), do teor e do tipo de metal (Pt, Ir ou Rh). Também foi analisado o efeito de sistemas bimetálicos Pt-Ir e Pt-Rh, bem como a influência da inibição por H2S, no desempenho destes catalisadores. Para os precursores catalíticos preparados, melhores atividade e seletividade aos produtos de abertura de ciclo foram obtidas a partir da calcinação a 573 K e redução em 713 K. Este desempenho foi compatível com uma distribuição mais homogênea de partículas metálicas no suporte e, portanto, maior dispersão da fase metálica. As etapas reacionais de contração, abertura de ciclo e craqueamento são consecutivas para a hidroconversão de decalina. Destacam-se para os sistemas catalíticos estudados e condições operacionais empregadas, rendimentos de produtos de abertura de ciclo de até 45 %mol e craqueamento inferior a 15 %mol, obtidos para conversões de decalina tão elevadas quanto 90 %. O catalisador Pt/BEA apresentou melhores desempenho, tiotolerância (menor seletividade a craqueados na presença de H2S) e recuperação da seletividade após remoção do H2S, seguido pelo bimetálico de Pt-Ir/BEA e monometálico de Ir/BEA. O presente estudo permitiu colocar em evidência algumas peculiaridades da hidroconversão da decalina sobre catalisadores metal nobre/zeólita. Apesar de se tratar de uma molécula saturada, seu caráter naftênico e, provavelmente, a presença de um carbono terciário na sua estrutura, facilita a ativação da molécula diretamente sobre os sítios ácidos fortes da zeólita, mesmo em temperatura relativamente moderadas. Dessa forma, não necessita a formação de uma olefina num sítio metálico para posterior protonação, como num mecanismo bifuncional clássico de hidroisomerização e hidrocraqueamento de n-parafinas. A componente de hidrogenação do catalisador influencia, no entanto, a seletividade da reação, controlando o processo de dessorção/adsorção e hidrogenação das olefinas intermediárias formadas. Quanto maior a atividade hidrogenante, menor a disponibilidade de carbocátions adsorvidos que podem ser convertidos a produtos de craqueamento. Esta proposição é consistente com os resultados obtidos ao se variar o tipo e o teor de metal, a acidez do suporte e pelo envenenamento dos sítios de hidrogenação dos catalisadores.
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Um estudo sobre a teoria de campos no espaço-tempo não comutativo / Field theory study on the non-commutative space-timeDaniel Guimarães Tedesco 15 April 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os aspectos quânticos de teorias de campo formuladas no espaço-tempo não comutativo têm sido amplamente estudados ao longo dos anos. Um dos principais aspectos é o que na literatura ficou conhecido como mixing IR/UV. Trata-se de uma mistura das divergências, que foi vista pela primeira vez no trabalho de Minwalla et al [28], onde num estudo do campo escalar não comutativo com interação quártica vemos já a 1 loop
que o tadpole tem uma divergência UV associada a sua parte planar e, junto com ela, temos uma divergência IR associada com um gráfico não planar. Essa mistura torna a teoria não renormalizável. Dado tal problema, houve então uma busca por mecanismos que separassem essas divergências a fim de termos teorias renormalizáveis. Um mecanismo proposto foi a adição de um termo não local na ação U*(1) para que esta seja estável.Neste trabalho, estudamos através da renormalização algébrica a estabilidade deste modelo. Para tal, precisamos localizar o operador não local através de campos auxiliares
e seus respectivos ghosts (metodo de Zwanziger) na intenção de retirar os graus de liberdade indesejados que surgem. Usamos o approachda quebra soft de BRST para analisar o termo que quebra BRST, que consiste em reescrevermos tal termo com o auxílio de fontes externas que num determinado limite físico voltam ao termo original.Como resultado, vimos que a teoria com a adição deste termo na ação só é renormalizável se
tivermos que introduzir novos termos, sendo alguns deles quárticos. Porém, estes termos mudam a forma do propagador, que não desacopla as divergências. Um outro aspecto que podemos salientar é que, dependendo da escolha de alguns parâmetros, o propagador dá indícios de termos um fótonconfinante, seguindo o critério de Wilson e o critério da
perda da positividade do propagador. / The quantum aspects of field theory formulated in concommutative spacetime has been widely studied along years. A key aspect is what is known as IR/UV mixing of divergences,which was first observed by Minwalla et al [28], who studied the non-commutative scalar field with quartic interaction. In this work, at 1 loop analisys, the mixing was seen in the tadpole, which has 2 contributions: nonplanar graph carries the IR divergence and the planar graph carries the UV divergence. This fact makes the theory nonrenormalizable. Due to this problem, mechanisms have been proposed to decouple both regimes to
end up with renormalizable theories. One of these mechanisms is the addition of a nonlocal term on the U*(1) action to be stable. In this work we study, following the approach of algebraic renormalization, the stability of this model. We therefore need to localize the nonlocal operator through auxiliary fields and its ghosts (Zwanzigers method) intending to withdraw the spurious degrees of freedom. We use the soft breaking approach to analize the term that breaks the BRST symmetry rewriting it with a set of external sources in a BRST doublet in such a way that the original term is obtained when we set the sources to their physical values. As a result, we have seen that the theory with the addition of this term in the action is only renormalizable if we introduce new terms, some of them being quartic, but these terms change the form of the propagator so that they dont decouple the regimes. Another aspect that we noticed is that, depending on the choice of some parameters, the propagator gives clues of a confining photon, following the criterion of
Wilson and the criterion of loss of positivity of the propagator.
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Avaliação da microdureza Knoop e do grau de conversão de dois cimentos de ionômero de vidro modificados por resina em função do tipo de polimerização e do tempo / Evaluation of the Knoop microhardness and the degree of conversion of two resin-modified glass ionomer in function of the type of polymerization and the timeLeandro de Moura Martins 21 May 2007 (has links)
Os ionômeros de vidro vêm sendo utilizados largamente na odontologia com diversas funções. Suas formulações sofreram alterações durante os anos, como a incorporação de componentes resinosos, para a melhoria de suas propriedades físicas e aumento do tempo de trabalho. Com isso, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o grau de conversão e a microdureza Knoop dos cimentos de ionômero de vidro modificados por resina (Rely X Luting e Vitremer, ambos da 3M ESPE) de acordo a forma de polimerização (química ou fotopolimerável por lâmpada halógena Ultralux EL ? Gnatus e LED LEC 1000 ? MMOptics) e o tempo de armazenagem. Três espécimes de cada material, autopolimerizável e fotopolimerizável, e tipo de fotopolimerização (por luz halógena e LED) foram confeccionados para cada tempo experimental de 6 horas, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ,11 e 14 dias (n=72). Os espécimes foram armazenados em ambiente escuro a 37°C durante esses períodos. Os 72 espécimes foram analisados pela espectroscopia FT-IR para a medição do grau de conversão (GC). Três espécimes de cada material e tipo de polimerização (n=9) foram confeccionados para a medição da microdureza, com um penetrador diamantado piramidal, tipo Knoop, carga estática de 50 gramas por 30 segundos. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que o material fotopolimerizado com LED apresentou os maiores valores do grau de conversão e da microdureza. O grau de conversão aumentou com o tempo de armazenagem enquanto a microdureza obteve os maiores resultados entre 24-48 horas. Os resultados permitiram concluir que para os cimentos de ionômero de vidro modificados por resina, Vitremer e Rely X Luting, o material fotopolimerizável onde se utilizou o LED apresentou os melhores resultados e que a microdureza Knoop foi ineficaz para predizer o grau de conversão. / Glass ionomer cement have been widely used for many functions. Over the years, some alterations have been made to improve some physico-mechanical properties and to prolong working time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relation of the degree of conversion (DC) and Knoop microhardness of resin modified glass ionomer cements (Rely X Luting and Vitremer - 3M ESPE) with polymerization type (chemical curing and light curing reactions, using halogen light or LED) and time of storage. Three specimens of each material, self-cured and light-cured, and light-curing type (halogen light or LED) were prepared for each period of time (n=72). Specimens were stored in dark and dry conditions, at 37oC, during 6 hours, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 14 days. All the specimens were analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy to measure the DC. Three specimens of each material and polimeryzation type (n=9) were prepared for the microhardness determination, equipped with a Knoop indenter, 50g load for 30 seconds. Results showed that higher values of DC and Knoop microhardness were found on the LED light-cured material. DC values increased with storage time while the Knoop microhardness achieved its higher values between 24-48 hours. Results showed that the LED light-curing unit used to polymerize the resin modified glass ionomer cement Vitremer achieved better values of DC, between light and self-cured materials, and that the Knoop microhardness could not predict the DC.
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