Spelling suggestions: "subject:" agogics"" "subject:" biogics""
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Waiting for Locks: How Long Does It Usually Take?Baier, Christel, Daum, Marcus, Engel, Benjamin, Härtig, Hermann, Klein, Joachim, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Tews, Hendrik, Völp, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Reliability of low-level operating-system (OS) code is an indispensable requirement. This includes functional properties from the safety-liveness spectrum, but also quantitative properties stating, e.g., that the average waiting time on locks is sufficiently small or that the energy requirement of a certain system call is below a given threshold with a high probability. This paper reports on our experiences made in a running project where the goal is to apply probabilistic model checking techniques and to align the results of the model checker with measurements to predict quantitative properties of low-level OS code.
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Att implementera med hjälp av samverkan : En studie av implementering av ett stödboende med samverkan som metodHansson, Max January 2021 (has links)
In this licentiate thesis studies how a systematic work of implementing a supported housing develops from idea to practice with the purpose to analyze collaboration and its impact on the development of the implementation. The study followed how the four organizations created a collaboration to implement a supported housing.; the social services in Kalmar municipality, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service in the form of the local probation service in Kalmar, the association KRIS (Kriminellas Revansch I Samhället, [Criminals' Revenge In Society]) in Kalmar and Kalmarhem AB a housing company, The starting point for the study consists of a process evaluation of an implementation process, how collaboration established between the organizations, how collaboration as a way of working affects the process and finally the split-up of the project. The study conducted in two parts: partly during the years 2006-2008 when implementation studied, partly during the years 2014-2015 when the split-up of the project studied. The methods used was interviews, participatory observations and document studies. The empirical evidence collected during the two periods forms the basis for the analysis. The results indicate that collaboration created between the actors of the implementation is of crucial importance. That is, how the actors confronted and solved the problems that arose during the implementation and that both time and various forms of resources are required to create a comprehensive collaboration. The concluding part of the study describes how a split-up of collaboration takes place. The change can attributed to a new arrangement with clear operational management in accordance with the impact of New Public Management [NPM]. A consequence for the supported housing, in line with this logic, was a separation and division of clients and contractors and division between businesses in accordance with a competitive mindset. At the time of writing, the supported housing remains, albeit in a different form. One explanation is that during the implementation, a close and sustainable collaboration was developed that could withstand some of the threats created through changed forms of governance. This indicates that the collaboration that developed between the four organizations can still provide some space if it is able to find forms that can fit into new control logics.
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Den komiska ungdomspolitiken : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys av politiska ungdomsförbunds kommunikation på TikTok / Comic youth politics : A quantitative and qualitative analysis of political youth associations communication' on TikTokHunesjö, Saga, Paulsson, Alice January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of political party organizations' digital communication by investigating what and how Swedish political youth associations communicate on TikTok. The purpose is realized through a case study of two youth associations, Moderata Ungdomsförbundet (MUF) and Sveriges Socialdemokratiska ungdomsförbund (SSU). The material is collected from a three-month period (November 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024) and the method of the thesis is a combination of quantitative multimodal content analysis and thematic analysis. The theoretical framework provides an understanding of the youth associations' conditions and expectations as an organization, as well as the media logics and norms that they need to adhere to in their communication. In the result it became clear that what the youth associations communicate differs. The most frequently communicated content from SSU consisted of entertainment content, closely followed by political content. MUF mostly focused on political content, but entertainment was also seen. Like previous research, only a small part of the material consisted of personal content. In terms of how the youth associations communicate, there was a similarity in that both associations used a comic style frequently, something that is typical for the platform and thus becomes a way for the youth associations to adopt the current style on TikTok. Similar to previous research, however, there was a lack of interactive tendencies on the part of MUF, which the platform invites. SSU appeared to use the interactive style in about half of the material. Similar to previous studies, we found that both SSU and MUF were diligent users of affordances such as music, audio, text, hashtag and location features. Tendencies we could see in how the youth associations communicated were also that they use platform trends and vernaculars frequently, which differs from previous research. We could thus state that both youth associations showed an adaptation to the platform dynamics.
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Representing and Reasoning on Conceptual Queries Over Image DatabasesRigotti, Christophe, Hacid, Mohand-Saïd 20 May 2022 (has links)
The problem of content management of multimedia data types (e.g., image, video, graphics) is becoming increasingly important with the development of advanced multimedia applications. Traditional database management systems are inadequate for the handling of such data types. They require new techniques for query formulation, retrieval, evaluation, and navigation. In this paper we develop a knowledge-based framework for modeling and retrieving image data by content. To represent the various aspects of an image object's characteristics, we propose a model which consists of three layers:
(1) Feature and Content Layer, intended to contain image visual features such as contours, shapes,etc.; (2) Object Layer, which provides the (conceptual) content dimension of images; and (3) Schema Layer, which contains the structured abstractions of images, i.e., a general schema about the classes of objects represented in the object layer. We propose two abstract languages on the basis of description logics: one for describing knowledge of the object and schema layers, and the other, more expressive, for making queries. Queries can refer to the form dimension (i.e., information of the Feature and Content Layer) or to the content dimension (i.e., information of the Object Layer). These languages employ a variable free notation, and they are well suited for the design, verification and complexity analysis of algorithms. As the amount of information contained in the previous layers may be huge and operations performed at the Feature and Content Layer are time-consuming, resorting to the use of materialized views to process and optimize queries may be extremely useful. For that, we propose a formal framework for testing containment of a query in a view expressed in our query language. The
algorithm we propose is sound and complete and relatively efficient. / This is an extended version of the article in: Eleventh International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Warsaw, Poland, 1999.
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Om idrottsrörelsens områdesbaserade insatser : Vilka ”problem” och institutionella logiker framträder i insatserna Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan? / About the sports movement's area-based initiative : What "problems" and institutional logics emerge in the initiatives Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan?Bornlinder Thiborg, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Samhällsutmaningar som handlar om segregation, integration och ojämlikhet har aktualiserats och ligger högt upp på den politiska agendan. Det har blivit vanligare med att staten använder idrotten som verktyg för att möta dessa utmaningar. På senare tid har idrotten kommit att genomföra områdesbaserade insatser i utsatta områden. I uppsatsen intresserar jag mig för dessa. Syftet är att synliggöra de ”problem” och institutionella logiker som framträder i organiseringen av de områdesbaserade insatser, Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan. Inspiration har hämtats från Bacchis metod What’s the “problem” represented to be?” och teoretisk utgångspunkt tas även från institutionell teori. För att nå syftet och besvara frågeställningarna har jag använt mig av intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och representanter för idrottsrörelsen, politiker, tjänsteperson från Regeringskansliet, utredare, utvärderare och andra forskare. Dessutom har en enkät skickats ut till representanter för Hemmaplan. Utöver detta har jag analyserat ansökningshandlingar, pressmeddelande och andra relevanta dokument. Resultaten visar på att de problem de områdesbaserade insatserna Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan är tänkta att lösa handlar främst om avsaknad av föreningsliv och lägre idrottsdeltagande bland barn och unga i dessa områden. Dessutom är förhoppningen att insatserna ska bidra till samhälleliga värden som handlar om ökad trygghet, mindre kriminalitet och förbättrad folkhälsa, men även att motverka segregation och förbättra integrationen. I analysen av insatserna framträder olika institutionella logiker hos de involverade aktörerna. De centrala logikerna kan hänföras till idrottsrörelsen ”handlingsutrymme” och politikens ”handlingskraft”. Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att de ”problem” som Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan är tänkta att lösa, liksom de institutionella logikerna som återfinns hos de involverade aktörerna, har betydelse för organiseringen av de områdesbaserade insatserna. / Societal challenges that deal with segregation, integration and inequality have been brought up to date and are on the political agenda. It has become more common for the state to use sport as a tool to meet these challenges. In recent times, sport has come to implement area-based initiatives in vulnerable areas. In the essay, I am interested in these. The purpose is to make visible the "problems" and institutional logics that appear in the organization of the area-based initiative, Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan. Inspiration has been taken from Bacchi's method “What's the “problem” represented to be?” and theoretical starting point is taken from institutional theory, as well. In order to reach the purpose and answer my research questions, I have used interviews with officials and representatives of the sports movement, politicians, officials from the Government Office, investigators, evaluators and other researchers. In addition, a survey has been sent out to representatives of Hemmaplan. Furthermore, I have analysed application documents, press releases and other relevant documents. The results show that the “problems” that the area-based initiatives Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan are supposed to solve mainly concern the lack of sport associations and lower participation in sport among children and young people in these areas. In addition, the hope is that the efforts will contribute to societal values that deal with increased security, less crime and improved public health, but also to counter segregation and improve integration. In the analysis of the interventions, different institutional logics have emerged. The central logics can be attributed to the sports movement's “room for action” and politics “action power of”. The conclusion of the essay is that the "problems" that Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan are supposed to solve, as well as the institutional logics, are important for the organisation of the area-based initiative.
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Symbolizing Institutional Change: Media Representations and Legality in the Payday Loan and Medical Marijuana IndustriesSchnackenberg, Andrew K. 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A lógica iALC é uma lógica de descrição de caráter intuicionista,
criada para lidar com textos jurídicos como alternativa à mais comumente
utilizada lógica deôntica, por conseguir contornar problemas que se encontra
ao utilizar esta última. Nesta dissertação, introduzimos os principais conceitos
que formam iALC, argumentamos sobre sua utilização em vez de demais lógicas
para formalização de leis, implementamos suas provas de correção e completude
no assistente de provas L(existe algum)(para cada)N, e apresentamos uma proposta de formalização
de leis brasileiras em iALC. Além disso, mostramos um exemplo de aplicação
desta formalização para resolução de questões de múltipla escolha da primeira
fase do exame da OAB, que tem por objetivo avaliar a aptidão dos candidatos
para a prática da advocacia no Brasil. São vistos três exemplos de questões, cujas
características são discutidas e comparadas umas às outras. / [en] The logic iALC is a description logic with an intuitionistic aspect to
it, created to deal with legal texts as an alternative to the more common
deontic logic, by being able to avoid problems found when utilizing the latter.
In this dissertation, we introduce the core concepts which form iALC, debate
on its utilization instead of other logics for legal formalization, implement the
soundness and completeness proofs for it in the proof assistant L(there is some)(for each)N, and
present a proposal for formalization of Brazilian law in iALC. Furthermore,
we show an example of application of this formalization in order to reason
on multiple choice questions of the first part of the OAB Exam (the Brazilian
national Bar exam), which aims to test candidates for their aptitude to practice
the law in Brazil. We will show three examples, whose characteristics will be
discussed and then compared to the others.
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Sustainable Decision-Making in the Fashion Industry : How to influence the fashion industry to adopt more sustainable packaging solutions / Hållbart beslutsfattande i modeindustrin : Möjligheten att influera modeindustrin till att använda mer hållbara förpackningslösningarEnlund, Elin, Nilsson, Jennie January 2021 (has links)
Today, the fashion industry is responsible for 4 per cent of the global greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and 20-35 per cent of the microplastics in the ocean. It is thereby a highly debated industry when it comes to environmental sustainability. Different actors in the sector are stressing how reducing the ecological impact of the business is a matter of staying competitive forward. Many actors in the industry are trying to change towards reducing its effects on the environment. Still, complex global supply chains and business models such as ‘fast fashion’, i.e. fashion produced under short cycles, make it difficult. For an industry that wants to reduce its impacts on the environment, including a worldwide complex supply chain, and customer demand for ecommerce is increasing every day, adopting sustainable decision packaging suctions is essential. Our research shows that the investigated companies have prioritised sustainability aspects for their garments; however, sustainability focus on packaging can sometimes fall behind, and external guidance is sometimes needed. This research will investigate how an incumbent packaging firm can influence its customers in the fashion industry to make more sustainable decisions regarding packaging. It will be done by a digital platform that performs lifecycle assessments (LCA) in the early stage of the development process. Our research will investigate how this platform can create maximum value for its customers in the fashion industry. Hence, this research includes interviews with and reviews of actors in the industry to explore what drives and institutional logics (parameters) affect how different actors in the fashion industry are approaching sustainability today. Findings show that there exist drivers and institutional logics in these company cases. The most extensive drivers are standards and regulations, consumer awareness, competitive advantage and top management. The study further suggests that larger actors seem to be more affected by external factors such as standards and regulations and public pressure. Smaller actors seem to be more affected by internal drivers, such as top management and originality. This research proposes that some influential institutional logics affect how companies are approaching sustainability. The results reveal that companies with prices in the mid-market segment, headquarter location in Europe, product type sportswear, and high revenue are working more than other actors in the industry when it comes to sustainability today. During this research, it was possible to see that some barriers exist to become more sustainable. These include uncertainty and lack of knowledge, lack of transparency, increased costs, complex supply chain, packaging being less prioritised in working with sustainability, the functionality of sustainable packaging being rarely something that could be compromised. After the data collection, conclusions regarding the platform’s ability to influence customers in the fashion industry to make more sustainable decisions regarding their packaging solutions could be made. These include that the platform should be transparent, the magnitude of data, and well incorporated in the upcoming sales- and design process. However, it is shown that using LCA in a platform like this is helpful as a guiding tool and as a first initial conversation when developing a product. Further earlier scholars agree that sustainability aspects should be included in such an early stage as possible in the development process to ensure the most sustainable product during its lifetime possible. Furthermore, those companies without any person responsible for sustainable packaging or key performance indicators (KPIs) focusing on this specific area might be more interested in such a platform. This study will contribute to research by serving as a foundation for other actors looking into the possibilities of implementing a platform to guide and influence their customers to make more sustainable decisions, indicating what functional applications should be included and whatcustomers to target in such platform. Further research should investigate this topic on a broader scale, looking into a more extensive and more diverse sample and a possible application of this study in other industries. / Modeindustrin står idag för 4 procent av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser i atmosfären och 20–35 procent av mikroplaster i haven. Det är därför en högt debatterad bransch när det kommer till just hållbarhet. Flera aktörer i sektorn, trycker på att företag i branschen måste förändras för att kunna vara konkurrenskraftig framåt. Därför arbetar många företag just nu med att reducera sitt klimatavtryck. Trots det, har branschen ofta en global och komplex leverantörskedja med affärsmodeller som inkluderar vad som på engelska benämns ’fast fashion’, mode som produceras under korta cykler, vilket gör det svårt för företag inom branschen att verkligen bli hållbara. Modeindustrin har många gånger viljan och intentionerna att minska sin klimat påverkan, men tillsammans med en komplex leverantörskedja och ökad efterfrågan på e-handel, är det extra viktigt att kunna ta hållbara beslut när det gäller förpackningar. Denna studie visar att de undersökta företagen i modeindustrin har prioriterat arbetet med hållbarhet främst i delar som tillhör produktionen av kläder. Emellertid kan hållbarhetsfokuset gällande förpackningar falla i skymundan, då kan en extern konsultering vara till hjälp. I denna studie kommer vi att undersöka hur ett etablerat företag inom pappersförpackningsindustrin kan uppmuntra och influera sina kunder inom modeindustrin att ta mer hållbara beslut gällande förpackningar. Det kommer att göras möjligt genom en digital plattform som erbjuder livscykelanalys (LCA) i en tidig del av produktutvecklingsprocessen. Vår studie kommer vidare att undersöka hur denna plattform kan skapa maximalt värde för dess användare. Därför innehåller denna studie intervjuer med, och undersökning av, företag i modeindustrin för att kunna förstå vad som driver dem till att vara mer hållbara samt vilka institutionella parametrar som påverkar hur hållbara olika företag i branschen är. Resultatet visar att det finns drivkrafter och institutionella parametrar när det kommer tillhållbarhet hos dessa företag. De funna drivkrafterna är standarder och regelverk, konsumentmedvetenhet, konkurrenskraft, offentliga påtryckningar, företagsledning, originalitet och övriga externa intressenter, så som aktieägare och kundinflytande. Studien antyder vidare att större aktörer verkar vara mer påverkade av externa faktorer som standarder och regelverk och offentliga påtryckningar. Medan mindre aktörer verkar vara mer påverkade av interna drivkrafter, såsom företagsledning och originalitet. Denna forskning föreslår att det finns vissa inflytelserika parametrar som påverkar hur företag arbetar med hållbarhet. Resultatet visar att företag med priser i mellansegmentet, med huvudkontor i Europa, med sportkläder och med hög omsättning arbetar mer med hållbarhet än andra aktörer i branschen. Det visade sig även under denna studie att det finns vissa hinder för företag att vara mer hållbara. Dessa inkluderar osäkerhet och brist på kunskap, brist på transparens, ökade kostnader, komplex leverantörskedja, att förpackningar är mindre prioriterat i hållbarhetsarbetet samt att funktionalitet av förpackningar sällan är något som kan tummas på. Efter datainsamlingen kunde slutsatser om plattformens förmåga att influera kunder inom modebranschen att fatta mer hållbara beslut om deras förpackningslösningar göras. Dessa inkluderar att plattformen ska vara transparent, inneha stor mängd data av produktbibliotektet och vara väl införlivad i den kommande försäljnings- och designprocessen. Det visades dock att användning av LCA i en sådan plattform är främst till hjälp som ett vägledande verktyg och vid ett första inledande samtal vid produktutvecklingen. Vidare, är tidigare forskning överens om att hållbarhetsaspekter bör ingå i ett så tidigt skede som möjligt i utvecklingsprocessen för att säkerställa en så hållbar produkt som möjligt under hela dess livstid. Dessutom kan de företag som saknar en profession som är ansvarig för hållbara förpackningar eller saknar nyckeltal (KPI) som fokuserar på detta specifika område vara mer intresserade av en sådan plattform. Denna studie bidrar till forskningen genom att fungera som en god grund för andra organisationer som ser på möjligheterna med att implementera en plattform för att vägleda och uppmuntra sina kunder att fatta mer hållbara beslut, vilket visar vilka funktionella applikationer som ska inkluderas och vilka kunder att rikta in sig på en sådan plattform. Ytterligare forskning bör undersöka detta ämne i bredare skala, undersöka ett mer omfattande och mer varierande urval och en eventuell applicering av studien inom andra branscher.
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LTCS-ReportTechnische Universität Dresden 17 March 2022 (has links)
This series consists of technical reports produced by the members of the Chair for Automata Theory at TU Dresden. The purpose of these reports is to provide detailed
information (e.g., formal proofs, worked out examples, experimental results, etc.) for articles published in conference proceedings with page limits. The topics of these reports
lie in different areas of the overall research agenda of the chair, which includes Logic in Computer Science, symbolic AI, Knowledge Representation, Description Logics, Automated Deduction, and Automata Theory and its applications in the other fields.
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Integración de argumentación rebatible y ontologías en el contexto de la web semántica : formalización y aplicacionesGómez, Sergio Alejandro 25 June 2009 (has links)
La World Wide Web actual está compuesta principalmente por documentos escritos para su presentación visual para usuarios humanos. Sin embargo, para obtener todo el
potencial de la web es necesario que los programas de computadoras o agentes sean capaces de comprender la información presente en la web. En este sentido, la Web Semántica es una visión futura de la web donde la información tiene significado exacto, permitiendo así que las computadoras entiendan y razonen en base a la información hallada en la web. La Web Semántica propone resolver el problema de la asignación de semántica a los recursos web por medio de metadatos cuyo significado es dado a través de definiciones de ontologías, que son formalizaciones del conocimiento de un dominio de aplicación. El estándar del World Wide Web Consortium propone que las ontologías sean definidas en el lenguaje OWL, el cual se halla basado en las Lógicas para la Descripción. A pesar de que las definiciones de ontologías expresadas en Lógicas para la Descripción pueden
ser procesadas por razonadores estándar, tales razonadores son incapaces de lidiar con ontologías inconsistentes.
Los sistemas argumentativos constituyen una formalización del razonamiento rebatible donde se pone especial enfasis en la noción de argumento. Así, la construcción de argumentos
permite que un agente obtenga conclusiones en presencia de información incompleta y potencialmente contradictoria. En particular, la Programación en Lógica Rebatible es un formalismo basado en la argumentación rebatible y la Programación en Lógica. En esta Disertación, la importancia de la definición de ontologías para poder llevar a cabo la realización de la iniciativa de la Web Semántica junto con la presencia de ontologías incompletas y potencialmente contradictorias motivó el desarrollo de un marco de razonamiento con las llamadas -ontologías. Investigaciones previas de otros autores, determinaron que un subconjunto de las Lógicas para la Descripción pueden ser traducidas
efectivamente a un conjunto de la Programación en Lógica. Nuestra propuesta involucra asignar semántica a ontologías expresadas en Lógicas para la Descripción por medio de
Programas Lógicos Rebatibles para lidiar con definiciones de ontologías inconsistentes en la Web Semántica. Esto es, dada una ontología OWL expresada en el lenguaje OWLDL,
es posible construir una ontología DL equivalente expresada en las Lógicas para la Descripción. En el caso en que DL satisfaga ciertas restricciones, esta puede ser expresada
como un programa DeLP P. Por lo tanto, dada una consulta acerca de la pertenencia de una instancia a a un cierto concepto C expresada con respecto a OWL, se realiza un
análisis dialectico con respecto a P para determinar todas las razones a favor y en contra de la plausibilidad de la afirmación C(a). Por otro lado, la integración de datos es el problema de combinar datos residiendo en diferentes fuentes y el de proveer al usuario con una vista unificada de dichos datos. El problema de diseñar sistemas de integración de datos es particularmente importante en el contexto de aplicaciones en la Web Semántica donde las ontologías son desarrolladas independientemente unas de otras, y por esta razón pueden ser mutuamente inconsistentes.
Dada una ontología, nos interesa conocer en que condiciones un individuo es una instancia de un cierto concepto. Como cuando se tienen varias ontologías, los mismos conceptos pueden tener nombres distintos para un mismo significado o aún nombres iguales para significados diferentes, para relacionar los conceptos entre dos ontologías diferentes se utilizaron reglas puente o de articulación. De esta manera, un concepto se corresponde a una vista sobre otros conceptos de otra ontología. Mostramos también bajo que condiciones la propuesta del razonamiento con -ontologías puede ser adaptada a los dos tipos de integración de ontologías global-as-view y local-as-view considerados en la literatura especializada. Además, analizamos las propiedades formales que se desprenden de este acercamiento
novedoso al tratamiento de ontologías inconsistentes en la Web Semántica. Los principales resultados obtenidos son que, como la interpretación de -ontologías como Programas
Lógicos Rebatibles es realizada a través de una función de transformación que preserva la semántica de las ontologías involucradas, los resultados obtenidos al realizar consultas
son sensatos. También, mostramos que el operador presentado es además consistente y significativo. El acercamiento al razonamiento en presencia de ontologías inconsistentes brinda la posibilidad de abordar de una manera ecaz ciertos problemas de aplicacion del ámbito del comercio electrónico, donde el modelo de reglas de negocio puede ser especificado en términos de ontologías. Entonces, la capacidad de razonar frente a ontologías inconsistentes
permite abordajes alternativos conceptualmente más claros, ya que es posible automatizar ciertas decisiones de negocios tomadas a la luz de un conjunto de reglas de negocio posiblemente inconsistentes expresadas como una o varias ontologías y tener un sistema capaz de brindar una explicación del porque se arribo a una conclusión determinada.
En consecuencia, presentamos entonces una aplicación del razonamiento sobre ontologías inconsistentes por medio de la argumentación rebatible al modelado de formularios
en la World Wide Web. La noción de los formularios como una manera de organizar y presentar datos ha sido utilizada desde el comienzo de la World Wide Web. Los formularios
Web han evolucionado junto con el desarrollo de nuevos lenguajes de marcado, en los cuales es posible proveer guiones de validación como parte del código del formulario
para verificar que el signifiado pretendido del formulario es correcto. Sin embargo, para el diseñador del formulario, parte de este significado pretendido frecuentemente involucra
otras características que no son restricciones por sí mismas, sino más bien atributos emergentes del formulario, los cuales brindan conclusiones plausibles en el contexto de
información incompleta y potencialmente contradictoria. Como el valor de tales atributos puede cambiar en presencia de nuevo conocimiento, los llamamos atributos rebatibles.
Propusimos entonces extender los formularios web para incorporar atributos rebatibles como parte del conocimiento que puede ser codifiado por el diseñador del formulario, por
medio de los llamados -formularios; dicho conocimiento puede ser especificado mediante un programa DeLP, y posteriormente, como una ontología expresada en Lógicas para la Descripción.
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