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Improving the VANET Vehicles' Localizatoin Accuracy using GPS Receiver in Multipath EnvironmentsDrawil, Nabil 25 September 2007 (has links)
The Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) has been studied in many fields since it
has the ability to provide a variety of services, such as detecting oncoming collisions
and providing warning signals to alert the driver. The services provided by
VANET are often based on collaboration among vehicles that are equipped with
relatively simple motion sensors and GPS units. Awareness of its precise location
is vital to every vehicle in VANET so that it can provide accurate data to its
peers. Currently, typical localization techniques integrate GPS receiver data and
measurements of the vehicle’s motion. However, when the vehicle passes through
an environment that creates a multipath effect, these techniques fail to produce the
high localization accuracy that they attain in open environments. Unfortunately,
vehicles often travel in environments that cause a multipath effect, such as areas
with high buildings, trees, or tunnels. The goal of this research is to minimize the
multipath effect with respect to the localization accuracy of vehicles in VANET.
The proposed technique first detects whether there is a noise in the vehicle location
estimate that is caused by the multipath effect using neural network technique. It
next takes advantage of the communications among the VANET vehicles in order
to obtain more information from the vehicle’s neighbours, such as distances from
target vehicle and their location estimates. The proposed technique integrates all
these pieces of information with the vehicle’s own data and applies optimization
techniques in order to minimize the location estimate error.
The new techniques presented in this thesis decrease the error in the location estimate
by 53% in the best cases, and in the worst case produce almost the same
error in the location estimate as the traditional technique. Moreover, the simulation
results show that 60% of the vehicles in VANET decrease the error in their
location estimates by more than 13.8%.
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Κατανεμημένος έλεγχος κυκλοφορίας με σκοπό τη βελτιστοποίηση των συνθηκών ασφάλειαςΘεοδοσίου, Ιωάννης, Μπάλλας, Κωνσταντίνος 15 December 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να αναπτυχθεί ένα μοντέλο αποφυγής συγκρόυσεων μεταξύ των οχημάτων μέσω της επικοινωνίας αυτών. Το σύστημα αυτό θα πρέπει να αναγνωρίζει τις περιπτώσεις που εγκυμονούν κίνδυνο μέσω της ανταλλαγής μηνυμάτων από τα οχήματα κάθε χρονική στιγμή και μέσα από διάφορους μηχανισμούς που επιτελούνται από αυτό, τελικά, να επεμβαίνει και να αποτρέπει τη σύγκρουση ή να ειδοποιεί τον οδηγό ώστε αυτός να αντιδράσει εγκαίρως. Για να το πετύχουμε αυτό ακολουθήσαμε τα εξής βήματα:
1. Προσομοιώσαμε τη λειτουργία μίας συσκευής GPS.
2. Σχεδιάσαμε λεκτικά και γραφικά τα μοντέλα κίνησης στα οποία θα τρέχει το σύστημά μας.
3. Ορίσαμε ένα πρωτόκολλο ανταλλαγής μηνυμάτων και προειδοποίησης σε περίπτωση συγκρουσης για αυτά τα μοντέλα κίνησης.
4. Αναπτύξαμε το σύστημα μέσω της matlab, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν το πρωτόκολλο και τα σενάρια κίνησης των προηγούμενων βημάτων.
5. Κατασκευάσαμε μία διεπαφή εποπτίας και ελέγχου όλου του συστήματος.
6. Τέλος, κατασκευάσαμε ένα GUI ειδοποίησης του οδηγού σε περιπτώσεις κινδύνου. / Distributed traffic Control for Optimisation of the Safety Conditions.
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Modélisation et étude de performances dans les réseaux VANETAit Ali, Kahina 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les réseaux véhiculaires sont des systèmes de communication basés sur un échange d'informations de véhicules à infrastructures fixes installées au bord des routes, on parle alors de mode V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure), ou de véhicules à véhicules dit mode V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) ou VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network). L'objectif est de fournir aux conducteurs et aux opérateurs de transport des informations sur le trafic routier permettant d'améliorer l'efficacité des systèmes de transport, la sécurité et le confort des usagers. Depuis leur apparition, les VANET ont connu un très grand essor, de nombreux standards, applications et mécanismes de routage ont été proposés pour répondre aux spécificités de cette nouvelle classe de réseaux. Les défis à relever pour leur conception découlent principalement de la forte mobilité des véhicules, de la diversité spatio-temporelle de la densité du trafic et de la propagation des ondes radio en environnement extérieur défavorable à l'établissement des communications sans fil. La difficulté, aussi bien économique que logistique, de la mise en œuvre réelle des réseaux véhiculaires fait de la simulation le moyen le plus largement utilisé pour la conception et l'évaluation des solutions proposées. Cependant la validité des résultats de simulation dépend fortement de la capacité des modèles utilisés à reproduire le plus fidèlement possible les situations réelles. Deux aspects sont essentiellement importants dans les VANET : la mobilité des véhicules et la propagation des ondes radio. Nous proposons dans cette thèse un nouveau modèle de mobilité et un nouveau modèle de propagation d'ondes radio pour réseaux de véhicules en environnement urbain et suburbain. Pour définir des schémas réalistes, ces deux modèles se basent sur des données statiques et dynamiques réelles sur les caractéristiques topographiques et socio-économiques de l'environnement. Ces données décrivent particulièrement la distribution spatio-temporelle des véhicules et les infrastructures présentes dans l'environnement. Trois cas d'études sont présentés dans la thèse pour la validation des modèles développés ; un environnement théorique, urbain ou suburbain, défini par l'utilisateur, notamment le cas Manhattan très utilisé, et deux environnements réels qui représentent des agglomérations de taille moyenne. Une autre contribution de cette thèse est l'étude de la connectivité radio et des performances des protocoles de routage dans les VANET. A partir de graphes dynamiques de connexions représentant la variation des liens radio entre véhicules en déplacement, nous avons analysé et déterminé les propriétés de la topologie des liaisons radio des réseaux véhiculaires. Pour étudier les protocoles de routage, nous avons utilisé le modèle de mobilité et le modèle de propagation radio que nous avons développés en association avec le simulateur de réseaux ns-2. Nous avons comparé les performances des protocoles de routage les plus répandus et déterminé les mécanismes de routage les plus adaptés aux réseaux véhiculaires.
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BSM Message and Video Streaming Quality Comparative Analysis Using Wave Short Message Protocol (WSMP)Win, Htoo Aung 08 1900 (has links)
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are used for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. The IEEE 802.11p/WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) and with WAVE Short Messaging Protocol (WSMP) has been proposed as the standard protocol for designing applications for VANETs. This communication protocol must be thoroughly tested before reliable and efficient applications can be built using its protocols. In this paper, we perform on-road experiments in a variety of scenarios to evaluate the performance of the standard. We use commercial VANET devices with 802.11p/WAVE compliant chipsets for both BSM (basic safety messages) as well as video streaming applications using WSMP as a communication protocol. We show that while the standard performs well for BSM application in lightly loaded conditions, the performance becomes inferior when traffic and other performance metric increases. Furthermore, we also show that the standard is not suitable for video streaming due to the bursty nature of traffic and the bandwidth throttling, which is a major shortcoming for V2X applications.
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Efficient Secure Communication in VANETs under the Presence of new Requirements Emerging from Advanced AttacksBittl, Sebastian 29 September 2017 (has links)
Drahtlose ad-hoc Netzwerke zwischen Fahrzeugen, sog. Vehicular ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), bilden einen Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit, indem sie zukünftige kooperative Fahrerassistenzsysteme ermöglichen. Diese Netzwerke erfordern ein hohes Sicherheitsniveau, sowohl in Bezug auf Datenintegrität und -authentizität als auch im Bereich Datenschutz. Aktuell verfügbare Technologien können diese Anforderungen nicht vollständig erfüllen. Etliche Nachteile aktueller VANET-Ansätze werden in dieser Arbeit aufgezeigt.
In dieser Arbeit werden drei Schachpunkte von ETSI ITS bzw. WAVE basierten VANETs identifiziert, welche Angriffe auf Teilnehmer dieser Netzwerke ermöglichen. Diese ergeben sich aus
1. konstanten und für Teilnehmer charakteristischen Datensätzen innerhalb der zyklisch versandten Statusnachrichten, welche den Datenschutz der Fahrzeuge und damit auch ihrer Fahrer gefährden,
2. die Strategie zur Verteilung von digitalen Zertifikaten von Zertifizierungsstellen erlaubt es selbst Angreifern mit minimalen Fähigkeiten (einzelner, statischer Angreifer von außerhalb des Netzwerkes) die Kanallast in einem großen Teilgebiet des Netzwerkes massiv zu erhöhen,
3. GNSS Manipulation durch sog. spoofing erlaubt Angriffe auf zeit- und ortsbasiere Informationen in Fahrzeugen, wodurch sich folgende Gefährdungen ergeben:
a. Der Grundanforderung Teilnehmer durch Nichtabstreitbarkeit der gesendeten Daten für ihr Verhalten zur Rechenschaft ziehen zu können wird die Grundlage entzogen, da der Zeitpunkt des Sendens der Daten nicht mehr sicher festgestellt werden kann.
b. Die Zugangskontrolle zum System wird gefährdet, da angegriffene Teilnehmer veraltete Nachrichten und digitale Zertifikate akzeptieren.
c. Angreifer können einen sog. Sybil Angriff durchführen.
Es ist notwendig die identifizierten Sicherheitsprobleme zu beheben um eine sichere Verwendung von VANETs für zukünftige kooperative Fahrerassistenzsysteme zu ermöglichen.
Weiterhin werden einige Designprobleme in ETSI ITS Protokollen identifiziert. Die bisherige Art der Nachrichtenzusammensetzung auf den einzelnen Protokollschichten führt häufig zu Gesamtnachrichten, welche die zulässige maximale Gesamtlänge auf niedrigen Protokollschichten überschreitet. Da solche Nachrichten nicht versandt werden könne, können diverse wichtige Datensätze nicht im Netzwerk verteilt werden. Außerdem ist keine verschlüsselte Ende-zu-Ende Kommunikation über eine Multi-Hop Verbindung möglich, da die notwendigen Routing-Informationen den weiterleitenden Teilnehmern nicht zur Verfügung stehen. Es werden Vorschläge diskutiert, wie diese Probleme gelöst werden können.
Zur Adressierung der genannten Probleme werden u.a. folgende Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen:
1. Eine sichere Zeitsynchronisierung in VANETs ist notwendig.
2. Das Speichern von mehreren Fahrzeug-Zertifikaten mit gleicher Laufzeit ist zu vermeiden.
3. Das Speichern von Fahrzeug-Zertifikaten mit zukünftiger Laufzeit ist auf ein Minimum zu begrenzen.
4. Konstante und gleichzeitig für Teilnehmer charakteristische Datensätze sind nicht zu versenden.
5. Weitere Mechanismen zur Minimierung der Kanallast durch Zertifikatsverteilung sind notwendig, u.a.
a. nach einem Pseudonymwechsel sollte dieser explizit signalisiert werden um das Versenden aller Zertifikate in der Umgebung durch die Detektion eines neuen Nachbarn zu verhindern.
b. es sollte keine Verteilung von Zertifikatsketten erfolgen, da einzelne Zertifikate ausreichen.
c. die Anzahl der Übermittlungen von Zertifikaten von Zertifizierungsstellen ist zu minimieren.
Die Anwendung der genannten Verbesserungen überwindet die meisten Sicherheitsprobleme (1,2, und 3c). Für die weiteren Probleme kann der notwendige Aufwand für einen erfolgreichen Angriff deutlich erhöht werden. / Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are an important approach to increase future safety of driving by enabling cooperative advanced driver assistance systems. However, rigid security and privacy requirements employed to conducted wireless data exchange still pose significant challenges for VANET approaches. Several weaknesses of the current state of the art of VANET approaches from ETSI ITS as well as WAVE standard frameworks have been identified in this work.
Three main attack surfaces of ETSI ITS or WAVE based VANETs are identified in this thesis, which are
1. constant and distinctive content in data fields within frequently sent VANET messages highly endanger privacy of vehicles, and thereby also their drivers,
2. the distribution strategy of certificate authority (CA) certificates allows even a simple static outsider attacker to massively increase the channel load within a large area around the attacker, which significantly exceeds his own communication range, and
3. GNSS spoofing modifying time and position information inside nodes
a. endangers the basic system requirement of accountability by circumventing the nonrepudiation feature of the employed digital signature scheme,
b. endangers the access control system by forcing the acceptance of outdated messages and certificates, and
c. enables an attacker to perform a Sybil attack.
The identified security problems need to be overcome to re-enable secure usage of VANETs and ADASs, which are based on the information obtained via VANETs.
Several protocol design weaknesses of the ETSI ITS approach have been identified. It is found that the standardized way of cross layer message assembly leads to frequent violation of low layers’ maximum packet size restrictions. This causes inabilities to distribute important data sets from the application layer. Furthermore, confidential end-to-end encrypted communication over a multi-hop connection is impossible, as forwarders cannot access required routing information. This is caused by incorrect data encryption rules. Approaches to overcome the found shortcomings are proposed and evaluated.
To overcome the outlined security issues, several improvements have been proposed. These include,
1. secure time synchronization among nodes, but current mechanisms can hardly provide it,
2. caching of multiple pseudonym certificates being valid during the same time span is to be avoided,
3. pre-caching of pseudonym certificates valid in the future is to be limited to a minimum,
4. presence of constant but distinctive data sets within VANET messages has to be avoided to enable privacy conserving pseudonym changes,
5. mechanisms for limiting the channel load caused by certificate distribution are required, especially
a. after a pseudonym change the number of superficial pseudonym certificate distributions due to new neighbor detection should be limited by using explicit signaling of the change,
b. sending of certificate chains should be removed altogether, instead individual dissemination should be used for CA certificates, and
c. the number of CA certificate deliveries after a request for such a kind of certificate should be limited to a minimum by using targeted requests.
By employing the given improvements most of the found security weaknesses can be overcome (issues 1, 2 and 3c). For the remaining weaknesses the required capabilities for a successful attack can be made significantly more challenging.
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On the use of WiMAX and Wi-Fi in a VANET to provide in-vehicle connectivity and media distributionMojela, Lerotholi Solomon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent emergence of ubiquitous wireless connectivity and the increasing
computational capacity of modern vehicles have triggered immense interest in the
possibilities of vehicular connectivity. A plethora of potential applications for vehicular
networks have been proposed in the areas of safety, traffic infrastructure management,
information, and entertainment. The broad range of applications requires creative utilisation
of the available wireless medium, using a combination of existing and novel wireless
technologies. In this research the evaluation of one such configuration is performed.
Dedicated short range communication for safety applications is assumed, and the use of Wi-
Fi and WiMAX for non-safety applications is evaluated. Little is known about the media
streaming performance of these wireless technologies in realistic vehicular ad-hoc network
(VANET) scenarios. Due to the extreme mobility and unpredictable environmental aspects in
a real road environment, an empirical evaluation is performed and presented. Evaluation of a
multi-vehicle to infrastructure (V2V2I) VANET, using Wi-Fi for the vehicle-to-vehicle
communication and WiMAX for the vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication is
experimented. It is observed that Wi-Fi is unaffected by the vehicle speed; whenever nodes
are within communication range, data gets transferred normally. A detailed characterisation
of the network architecture is presented and the results show that a multitude of applications
can be supported with this proposed network architecture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende beskikbaarheid en digtheid van koordlose netwerke en die verhoogde
verwerkingsvermoëns van moderne voertuie het die afgelope paar jaar aansienlike
belangstelling gewek in die moontlikhede wat voertuig-kommunikasie bied. ʼn Magdom
moontlike toepassings is voorgestel in ʼn wye verskeidenheid van velde insluitende veiligheid,
verkeersinfrastruktuur, informasie en vermaak. Hierdie voorstelle vereis die kreatiewe
benutting van die beskikbare en nuwe koordlose tegnologieë. Hierdie tesis evalueer een
voorbeeld van so ‘n opstelling. ʼn Toegewyde kortafstand kommunikasie modus vir
veiligheidstoepassings word aangeneem, terwyl Wi-Fi en WiMAX vir ander toepassings
evalueer word. Daar is min navorsing oor die kapasiteit en seinsterkte van hierdie beskikbare
netwerke onder realistiese voertuig netwerk (VANET) scenario‘s. Weens die hoë mobiliteit
van voertuie en ook die onvoorspelbaarheid van hierdie omgewing word ʼn empiriese
evaluasie beskou as die mees gepaste metode. Die navorsing ondersoek ʼn multi-voertuig-totinfrastruktuur-
netwerk wat Wi-Fi gebruik vir voertuig-tot-voertuig (V2V) kommunikasie en
WiMAX vir voertuig-tot-infrastruktuur (V2I) kommunikasie. Die navorsing bevind dat Wi-Fi
nie beïnvloed word deur die spoed van die voertuig nie: wanneer die nodes binne die bereik is
van die netwerk word data normaal oorgedra. ‗n Gedetailleerde karakterisering van dié
netwerk word gedoen en die resultate dui aan dat ‗n groot hoeveelheid toepassings
ondersteun kan word deur dié opstelling.
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Fusion distribuée de données échangées dans un réseau de véhicules / Distributed data fusion in VANETSEl Zoghby, Nicole 19 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des techniques de fusion de données réparties et incertaines au sein d’un réseau de véhicules pour gérer la confiance dans les autres véhicules ou dans les données reçues. L'algorithme de fusion distribuée proposé est basé sur les fonctions de croyance et est appliqué par chaque nœud à la réception des messages. In se base sur la gestion d'une connaissance directe, locale à chaque nœud et d'une connaissance distribuée diffusée dans le réseau. Cette dernière résulte de la fusion des messages par un opérateur adapté prenant en compte les cycles éventuels et limitant l'effet de "data incest". Chaque nœud peut être autonome pour estimer la confiance mais la coopération entre les véhicules permet d'améliorer et de rendre plus robuste cette estimation. L'algorithme peut être adapté au cas d'étude en considérant un ou plusieurs éléments d'observation et en prenant en compte l'obsolescence des données. Lorsqu'il y a plusieurs éléments d'observation, se pose le problème de l'association de données nécessaire avant l'étape de combinaison. Un nouvel algorithme d'association a été formalisé dans le cadre des fonctions de croyance. Il a été démontré que ce problème est équivalent à un problème d'affectation linéaire, qui peut être résolu en temps polynomial. Cette solution est à la fois optimale et beaucoup plus efficace que d'autres approches développées dans ce formalisme. La gestion de la confiance dans les nœuds et dans les données échangées ont été illustrées par la mise en œuvre de deux applications : la détection de faux nœuds dans une attaque Sybil et la gestion de la confiance dans les cartes dynamiques pour la perception augmentée. / This thesis focuses on the study of fusion techniques for distributed and uncertain data in a vehicle network in order to manage the confidence in other vehicles or in received data. The proposed distributed fusion algorithm is based on belief functions and is applied by each node when it receives messages. It is based on the management of direct knowledge, local for each node, and the management of a distributed knowledge broadcasted over the network. The distributed knowledge is the result of the fusion of messages by a suitable operator taking into account the possible cycles and limiting the effect of "data incest". Each node can be autonomous to estimate confidence but cooperation between vehicles can improve and make more robust this estimation. The algorithm can be adapted to the case of study by considering one or more elements of observation and taking into account the data obsolescence. When there are multiple elements of observation, the data association is necessary before the combination step. A new association algorithm was formalized in the framework of belief functions.It has been shown that this problem is equivalent to a linear assignment problem which can be solved in polynomial time. This solution is both optimal and more effective than other approaches developed in this formalism. The confidence management in the nodes and in the received data were illustrated by the implementation of two applications : the detection of false nodes in a Sybil attack and the distributed dynamic maps for enhanced perception
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QoE and QoS-aware handover for vídeo transmission in heterogeneous vehicular networks / Handover QoE e QoS para transmissão de vídeo em redes veiculares heterogêneasMEDEIROS, Iago Lins de 19 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-06-19T14:40:37Z
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Dissertacao_QoEQoS-aware handover.pdf: 1499962 bytes, checksum: ed812ca7ffc3e9d7992b1cbabb2f943d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-06-19T14:41:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_QoEQoS-aware handover.pdf: 1499962 bytes, checksum: ed812ca7ffc3e9d7992b1cbabb2f943d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-19T14:41:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_QoEQoS-aware handover.pdf: 1499962 bytes, checksum: ed812ca7ffc3e9d7992b1cbabb2f943d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-19 / Redes Veiculares (VANETs) oferecem uma ampla gama de serviços multimídia que vão desde alertas de segurança a vídeos de entretenimento e publicidade. Neste contexto, os usuários podem acessar o conteúdo através da comunicação Veículo-para-Infraestrutura
(V2I), que pode considerar diferentes redes sem fio, tais como LTE, Wi-Fi, etc. No entanto, transmissão de vídeo em uma VANET com qualidade de Experiência (QoE) e Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) é uma tarefa desafiadora, devido à alta mobilidade do veículo que causa falhas de comunicação com a infraestrutura. Para mitigar tais fatores, esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um algoritmo de handover que considera QoE, QoS e qualidade do canal em redes heterogêneas, chamado de handover ciente de Qualidade de Serviço, Experiência e Rádio (SER). O algoritmo proposto considera o Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) para ajustar o grau de importância de cada critério
na escolha da esta¸cão rádio base apropriada que o nó móvel deve se conectar, permitindo uma decisão de handover mais eficiente para transmissão de vídeo com suporte a QoE. Resultados de simulação constatam que o handover SER entregou vídeos com QoE 15%
melhor comparado aos algoritmos encontrados na literatura. / Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) offer a wide range of multimedia services
ranging from safety and traffic warnings to entertainment and advertising videos. In this
context, users can access content through vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication,
which may consider different wireless networks, such as, LTE, Wi-Fi, etc. However, video
streaming at a VANET with Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS)
is a challenging task, due to the high vehicle’s mobility that causes communication failure
with the infrastructure. To mitigate such factors, this master’s dissertation presents a
handover algorithm that considers QoE, Quality of Service (QoS) and channel quality in
heterogeneous networks, known as handover aware of Quality of Service, Experience and
Radio (SER). The proposed algorithm considers the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
to adjust the degree of importance of each criteria in choosing the appropriate radio base
station that the mobile node must connect to, allowing a more efficient handover decision
for video transmission with QoE support. Simulation results show that SER handover
delivered videos with QoE 15 % better compared to the algorithms found in the literature.
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Reliable Real-Time Communication for Future ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) using HWA (Heterogeneous Wireless Access)AFGHANI, AHMAD January 2011 (has links)
In this research oriented master’s thesis we have proposed a future vision of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) by utilizing the novel concept of HWA (Heterogeneous Wireless Access). Our proposal is backed by the investigation of the results of experiments conducted at CERES (Centre for Research on Embedded Systems), Halmstad University, Sweden to evaluate the quality of communication for V2V and V2I by using the IEEE 802.11p standard. We have also identified the expected scenarios with need of any other communication technology in replacement of IEEE 802.11p for V2V and V2I communication. We have also investigated the relevant research projects, experiments and their results on the basis of predefined constraints. In the investigated research projects the concept of HWA has been correlated with our proposal of HWA for ITS. We have identified that for smooth integration of any communication technology with IEEE 802.11p, an efficient and smart vertical handover protocol or method will be required. We have presented a blue print of a custom designed vertical handover technique which can be implemented for future ITS with further enhancements and experimental evaluations. We have also evaluated the worst case scenarios to assess the suitability of the HWA for the ITS. We proposed few solutions based on the evaluation of communication scenarios for the integration of IEEE 802.11p with other wireless communication technologies. Finally we have provided some conclusions and suggested future researches which must be conducted to realize the dream of ITS with support of HWA.
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Evaluation of the influence of channel conditions on Car2X CommunicationMinack, Enrico 23 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The C2X Communication is of high interest to the automotive industry. Ongoing research on this topic mainly bases on the simulation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In order to estimate the necessary level of simulation details their impact on the results needs to be examined. This thesis focuses on different channel models as the freespace, shadowing, and Ricean model, along with varying parameters.
For these simulations the network simulator ns-2 is extended to provide IEEE 802.11p compliance. However, the WAVE mode is not considered since it is still under development and not finally approved. Besides a more sophisticated packet error model than the existing implementation, as well as a link adaptation algorithm, is added.
In this thesis several simulations examine specific details of wireless communication systems such as fairness of multiple access, interferences, throughput, and variability. Furthermore, the simulation points out some unexpected phenomena as starving nodes and saturation effects in multi hop networks. Those led to the conclusion that the IEEE 802.11 draft amendment does not solve known problems of the original IEEE 802.11 standard.
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