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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relevante prediking in ‘n veranderende wêreld van relatiwiteit : ‘n ondersoek na deelname aan die erediens en die houding teenoor kerk en prediking onder gelowiges in die konteks van die Paarl (Afrikaans)

Barnard, Pieter Hendrik 30 July 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In ‘n veranderende wêreld van relatiwiteit blyk dit dat die preek al hoe meer in die spervuur is. Op elke gebied van die menslike onderneming beleef ons veranderinge. Dit maak dat prediking in die konteks van ‘n veranderende wêreld en kultuur al hoe meer kompleks word. Wat vyftig jaar gelede as homiletiese wysheid gesien is, geld nie meer nie. Die kritiese vraag is: Het die prediking nog ‘n toekoms? Het ons enige idee oor die effek en ontvangs van ‘n preek. In die huidige kritieke situasie waarin die kerk wêreldwyd verkeer, word veral ook die prediker aangespoor tot selfondersoek en herwaardering van sy prediking. In die ondersoek van die probleem en die soeke na moontlike oplossing word daar in hierdie studie aangesluit by die ‘prakties-teologiese metodologie’ waarvolgens die bestaande praktyk wetenskaplik ondersoek word. Dit geskied deur aandag te skenk aan die dinamiese wisselwerking tussen teorie en praktyk. Hierdie proses vind gestalte deur ‘n hermeneutiese interaksie tussen ‘n literatuurstudie en ‘n empiriese ondersoek wat uitmond in ‘n verstelde praktykteorie. In Hoofstuk 1 word die navorsings leemte, probleemstelling, vraagstelling en doelstelling van die studie vasgelê. Die navorsings leemte behels dat die meeste predikers ‘n persepsie het dat hulle in noue kontak met die hoorders is, en dat predikers dink dat direkte terugvoer vanaf die hoorders nie nodig is nie. Die leefwêreld en tydgees waarbinne die prediking plaasvind en die hoorder se behoeftes rondom die prediking is nog nie in die Paarl op ‘n grondige empiriese wyse ondersoek is nie. Prediking in die konteks van die Paarl is ‘n monologiese gebeurtenis, waar die hoorder passief is. Die kern van die probleemstelling is die gebrek aan deelname van gemeentelede aan die preek in die erediens. Die vraagstelling is of prediking nog relevant is en of prediking steeds moet gestalte vind op dieselfde wyse binne ons veranderende wêreld van relatiwiteit? Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om vas te stel wat die hoorders beskou as relevante prediking en of die preek nog steeds ‘n bestaansreg het. In Hoofstuk 2 word daar gekyk na die leefwêreld, kultuur en tydgees waarbinne die hoorders lewe. In Hoofstuk 3 word verskillende hermeneutiese benaderings uiteengesit om sodoende ‘n basis teorie vir relevante prediking te kan ontwikkel. Dit dien as ‘n konseptuele raamwerk vir die empiriese deel van die studie. In Hoofstuk 4 word die empiriese ondersoek onderneem. Dit geskied deur kwalitatiewe onderhoude wat fokus op individue uit verskillende gemeentes in die Paarl. Inligting is versamel deur middel van in-diepte onderhoude wat deur gestruktureerde onderhoudskedules voorafgegaan word. Daar is byvoorbeeld gevind dat die oorgrote meerderheid gelowiges die prediking sien as ‘n onvervangbare element. In Hoofstuk 5 is daar ‘n hermeneutiese interaksie tussen die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek en die voorafgaande teoretiese vertrekpunte. Hierdie gegewens wat op mekaar inspeel lei tot nuwe of verstelde konsepte vir ‘n relevante praktykteorie om die praktyk te rig en te stuur. Dit is ‘n regulatiewe aktiwiteit wat die bestaande praktyk wil bevestig en bewus maak van sekere aanpassings. In hierdie verstelde praktykteorie is daar gepleit vir nuwe klem op die kultuur en konteks waarbinne die prediking plaasvind. Daar sal meer gereeld na die hoorder se stem geluister moet word sodat meer inter aktiwiteit tussen prediker en hoorder kan plaasvind. Ook nuwe kommunikasietegniek sal aangeleer moet word vir die prediking wat in ‘n ontluikende digitalekultuur moet plaasvind. ENGLISH: In a changing world of relativism there are many critical voices against the preaching of a sermon. These critical voices put the sermon under attack. In all facets of human life we experience change. That makes the preaching of a sermon more complex in the context of a changing world. What looked like homiletic wisdom fifty years ago, doesn’t count today. The critical question is: Does preaching have a future? Do we have any idea of the effect and reception of a sermon? Because of the present critical situation of peoples’ perception about the church in general, the preacher is encouraged to introspection and revaluation of his sermons. In the research of the problem and the seeking for some possible solutions this study connects with the ‘practical theological methodology’ whereby the standing scientific praxis is researched. This is done by giving attention to the dynamic interaction between theory and praxis. This process is structured by a hermeneutical interaction between a literature study and a empirical research which results in an adjusted practical theory. In Chapter 1 the research problem is stated, followed by an explanation and formulation of the question under research as well as the purpose thereof. The deficiency in the research entails that most preachers think they are in close contact with the hearers to sermons and that direct feedback from the hearers is unnecessary. The world in which the spirit, the time the sermon is delivered and the hearers needs towards the sermon, haven’t been researched on a empirical basis in Paarl. Preaching within listeners in the context of the churches in Paarl is in the form of a monologue where the listener sits passively. The centre of the problem statement of this research is the shortage of involvement of congregation members towards the sermon during the worship service. The question under research is whether preaching is still relevant and whether preaching still must take place in the same way that we are familiar with. The purpose of this research is to find out what the hearer considers as relevant preaching and if preaching must still be that prominent in the worship service. In Chapter 2 we look at the world in which we live and the timeline wherein the hearer lives. In Chapter 3 we will look at different hermeneutical approaches to get to a base theory for relevant preaching. This will serve as a conceptual framework for the empirical part of the study. In Chapter 4 we undertake the empirical research. It takes place in the form qualitative interviews which focus on individuals from different churches in Paarl. Information was obtained by means of in-depth interviews preceded by structured interview schedules. As an example, the research found that the majority of believers regard the preaching of a sermon as an irreplaceable element of the church and of one’s Christians life. Chapter 5 reveals the results of a hermeneutical interaction between the imperical research and the preliminary theoretical assumptions. The results that play in towards each other will lead to new or adjusted concepts for a relevant practical theory to guide the praxis in a new direction. This is a regulative activity which confirms the existing praxis and makes us aware of certain adaptations. In this adjusted practical theory there is pleaded for a new emphasis towards the culture and context where preaching takes place. Therefore more often preachers must listen to the hearers voices to create interactivity between preacher and hearer. New communication techniques also need to be taught regarding preaching in a new digital culture. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Prevalence and predictors of intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in thirteen Latin American and Caribbean countries

Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás, Valencia, Pablo D., Vilca, Lindsey W., Carbajal-León, Carlos, Vivanco-Vidal, Andrea, Saroli-Araníbar, Daniela, Reyes-Bossio, Mario, White, Michel, Rojas-Jara, Claudio, Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto, Gallegos, Miguel, Cervigni, Mauricio, Martino, Pablo, Palacios, Diego Alejandro, Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo, Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio, Rivera, Marlon Elías Lobos, Ferrari, Ilka Franco, Flores-Mendoza, Carmen, Figares, Andrés Buschiazzo, Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena, Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique, Calderón, Raymundo, Tapia, Bismarck Pinto, Arias Gallegos, Walter L., Intimayta-Escalante, Claudio 01 January 2022 (has links)
The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negatively impact efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study sought to determine the prevalence of intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and associated sociodemographic and psychosocial factors in thirteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). A total of 5510 people from 13 LAC countries participated. Frequencies, percentages, bivariate analyses using chi-square tests, and Poisson regression analysis with robust variance were used. The countries with the highest prevalence of intention to be vaccinated were Brazil (96.94%), Cuba (89.59%), Chile (84.59%), and Mexico (78.33%). On the other hand, the countries with the lowest prevalence were El Salvador (54.01%), Paraguay (55.87%), and Uruguay (56.40%). Prevalence is also reported according to some sociodemographic and health variables. It was found that country, male sex, hours exposed to information about COVID-19, university education, living in an urban area, belief in the animal origin of the virus, perceived likelihood of contracting COVID-19, perceived severity of COVID-19, and concern about infecting others significantly predicted intention to be vaccinated in the 13 LAC countries. While most countries had a high prevalence of intention to be vaccinated, there are still subgroups that have levels of intention that may be insufficient to predict the presence of community immunity. In this sense, knowing the estimates of vaccination intention rates, as well as the associated sociodemographic and psychological factors, can be used to plan actions and interventions that will inform about the safety and benefits of vaccines, as well as strengthen trust in health authorities.

Shared Memory Abstractions for Heterogeneous Multicore Processors

Schneider, Scott 21 January 2011 (has links)
We are now seeing diminishing returns from classic single-core processor designs, yet the number of transistors available for a processor is still increasing. Processor architects are therefore experimenting with a variety of multicore processor designs. Heterogeneous multicore processors with Explicitly Managed Memory (EMM) hierarchies are one such experimental design which has the potential for high performance, but at the cost of great programmer effort. EMM processors have cores that are divorced from the normal memory hierarchy, thus the onus is on the programmer to manage locality and parallelism. This dissertation presents the Cellgen source-to-source compiler which moves some of this complexity back into the compiler. Cellgen offers a directive-based programming model with semantics similar to OpenMP for the Cell Broadband Engine, a general-purpose processor with EMM. The compiler implicitly handles locality and parallelism, schedules memory transfers for data parallel regions of code, and provides performance predictions which can be leveraged to make scheduling decisions. We compare this approach to using a software cache, to a different programming model which is task based with explicit data transfers, and to programming the Cell directly using the native SDK. We also present a case study which uses the Cellgen compiler in a comparison across multiple kinds of multicore architectures: heterogeneous, homogeneous and radically data-parallel graphics processors. / Ph. D.

A Conductor's Guide to Preparing and Performing Stephen Paulus and Michael Dennis Browne's Oratorio "To Be Certain of the Dawn" (2005)

McLean, William Morgan 05 1900 (has links)
The Pulitzer Prize-nominated To Be Certain of the Dawn is an hour-long, polystylistic oratorio written in 2005 by composer Stephen Paulus (1949–2014) with an interfaith libretto by Michael Dennis Browne (b. 1940). The work was commissioned by the Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis and was intended to be given as a gift to the Temple Israel - Minneapolis synagogue. The oratorio was written to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps in 1945 as well as the 40th anniversary of the 1965 Vatican document Nostra Aetate. In this study, I examine Paulus and Browne's prolific artistic partnership, situate To Be Certain of the Dawn within their respective catalogs, explore the genesis of the work, and analyze the oratorio's structure, harmony, and libretto. I then utilize this analysis to provide a thorough guide for teaching and preparing this concert-length oratorio. In addition to the analysis, I have created supplemental teaching aids and rehearsal suggestions for preparing this work. With each component of this document, I intend to provide context and resources that assist conductors and organizations who aspire to perform this modern major work.

Vyjadřování záhodnosti modálními slovesy "should", "shall" a "be supposed to" a jejich překladové protějšky v češtině / The weak obligation expressed by "should", "shall" and "be supposed to" and their Czech translational counterparts

Tomšová, Karolina January 2016 (has links)
The MA thesis focuses upon the meaning of weak obligation expressed by the modal verbs should, shall and be supposed to and their translation counterparts. The aim of the thesis is to describe the range of translation counterparts of the verbs should, shall and be supposed to and to specify the differences between these verbs in this particular use of weak obligation. The present thesis applies the method of bidirectional corpus-supported approach (Malá, 2013) which helps to determine the differences in meaning between the respective verbs. The most typical Czech counterpart, the verb mít, is further analysed according to its English correspondences. With the help of both directions, the differences in meaning of should, shall and be supposed to are defined. The empirical part of the MA thesis is based on the sample of 250 examples, comprising 50 examples of each modal verb as well as 100 examples of their typical Czech counterpart, the verb mít. The examples are drawn from the Parallel corpora InterCorp. Keywords: modality, weak obligation, should, shall, be supposed to

Extensão dos Be-ables de Bell e Competição Atenuação x Amplificação / Extended Bell´s Be-ables and Atenuattion × Amplification Competition.

Lorenzen, Felipe 16 February 2009 (has links)
Na primeira parte deste trabalho empregamos a equação estocástica de Itô para obter uma interpretação generazilada de be-ables, que engloba dissipação, decoerência e a transição da dinâmica quântica para clássica. Ao escolher uma fonte de estocasticidade que leva à correção dissipativa da dinâmica hamiltoniana na forma de Lindblad, obtemos uma nova classe de trajetórias que incorpora às trajetórias de Bohm o termo difusivo presente na formulação de Nelson. Utilizando nossa formulação extendida dos be-ables identificamos o processo de decoerência e verificamos que este encontra-se em concordância com o formalismo quântico usual. Na segunda parte deste trabalho analisamos a dinâmica de um sistema quântico sob a competição de dois sistemas multimodais contra-atuantes: um atenuador ou reservatório térmico e um amplificador de Glauber. Mapeamos o comportamento dinâmico deste sistema, identificando diferentes regimes de parâmetros. Calculamos o processo de decoerência emergente da ação dos sistemas multimodais e discutimos aplicações para o nosso sistema. Na terceira parte deste trabalho, usamos a abordagem de campo médio para a obtençãoo da equação mestra que descreve o problema da superradiância sob a ação de flutuações térmicas do reservatório. Desejamos com isso explorar a possibilidade de se verificar o processo de ressonância estocástica no âmbito da superradiância. / In the first part of this work we employ the Itô stochastic equation to extend Bells be-able interpretation of quantum mechanics to encompass dissipation, decoherence and quantum-to-classical transition through quantum trajectories. For a particular choice of the source of stochasticity, the one leading to a dissipative Lindblad type correction to the Hamiltonian dynamics, we verify that the diffusive term in Nelson´s formalism is naturally incorporated into Bohm´s one, rendering a unified Bohm-Nelson theory. Mainly, analyzing the intereference between quantum trajectories, we clearly identify the decoherence time, as estimated from the usual quantum formalism. We also observe the quantum-to-classical transition through the convergence of the infinite possible quantum trajectories to their associated classical counterparts. In the second part of this work we analyze the dynamical behavior of a quantum system under the actions of two counteracting baths: the inevitable energy draining reservoir and, oppositly, an enginereed Glauber amplifier feeding the system excitation. We trace the system dynamics towards equilibrium to mapp its distinct behaviors following from the attenuation × amplification interplay. The decoherence process emerging from the action of both counteracting baths is also computed and, finally, applications of such an attenuation × amplification competition is discussed. Finally, in the third part of this work we employ the mean field approximation to derive the master equation describing the process of superradiant emission under the presence of thermal fluctuation. We envisage to explore the possibility of observe stochastic resonance within the superradiant process.

Influência dos ciclos térmicos e do tratamento térmico de envelhecimento nas temperaturas de transformação de ligas Cu-Al-Be-Cr

Guedes, Nilmário Galdino 16 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-07-27T14:58:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2690635 bytes, checksum: 755347a9fe593fec9ee6de7af48d4375 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:58:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2690635 bytes, checksum: 755347a9fe593fec9ee6de7af48d4375 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-16 / Shape memory alloys are widely used to produce mechanical actuators which operate in a temperature range that are responsible for the shape recovery of the sensor element. Such applications are numerous engineering. In this case, the main aspect responsible for a good performance of the system is the stability of the characteristics temperature of the alloy, i.e., the start and finish temperatures of the austenitic and martensitic transformations. Cu-Al-Be alloys are very attractive from the commercial point of view and have low transformation temperatures, thus, attractive for various applications. However, the stability of the phases is still the subject of various investigations. In this work, a device for conducting thermal cycling experiments was constructed which is able to cycling the samples up to 10,000 times, enabling the investigation of the thermal stability of Cu-Al-Be alloy containing Cr, as grain refining element. Experimental results have shown that the thermal cycling over extended periods of times increases the temperatures of the martensitic phase reversion - stabilizing the martensite phase. On the other hand tests carried out during the aging heat treatments did not significantly alter these temperatures. It was concluded that the main mechanism for stabilization of the martensitic phase is related to the immobilization of the interface due to defects introduced during the thermocycling. / Ligas passíveis do efeito memória de forma são muito usadas para confecção de atuadores mecânicos os quais trabalham em uma faixa de temperatura as quais são responsáveis pela recuperação de forma do elemento sensor. Este tipo de aplicação é numeroso na engenharia. Neste caso, o principal aspecto responsável para um bom desempenho do sistema reside na estabilidade das temperaturas características da liga, ou seja, nas temperaturas de início e fim das transformações austenítica e martensítica. Ligas Cu-Al-Be são bastante atrativas do ponto de vista comercial e possuem temperaturas de transformação baixas, sendo assim, atrativas para diversas aplicações. Entretanto, a estabilidade das fases é ainda tema de diversas investigações. Nesse trabalho, foi construído um dispositivo para realização de ciclagem térmica por longos períodos, até 10.000 ciclos, de modo a possibilitar a investigação da estabilidade térmica de ligas Cu-Al-Be contendo Cr como elemento refinador de grão. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram que a ciclagem durante longos períodos aumenta as temperaturas de reversão da fase martensítica - estabilização da fase martensítica. Por outro lado, os testes realizados durante os tratamentos térmicos de envelhecimento não alteram de modo significativo estas temperaturas. Foi concluído que o principal mecanismo para estabilização da fase martensítica está relacionado com a imobilização da interfase devido à introdução de defeitos durante a ciclagem térmica.

Extensão dos Be-ables de Bell e Competição Atenuação x Amplificação / Extended Bell´s Be-ables and Atenuattion × Amplification Competition.

Felipe Lorenzen 16 February 2009 (has links)
Na primeira parte deste trabalho empregamos a equação estocástica de Itô para obter uma interpretação generazilada de be-ables, que engloba dissipação, decoerência e a transição da dinâmica quântica para clássica. Ao escolher uma fonte de estocasticidade que leva à correção dissipativa da dinâmica hamiltoniana na forma de Lindblad, obtemos uma nova classe de trajetórias que incorpora às trajetórias de Bohm o termo difusivo presente na formulação de Nelson. Utilizando nossa formulação extendida dos be-ables identificamos o processo de decoerência e verificamos que este encontra-se em concordância com o formalismo quântico usual. Na segunda parte deste trabalho analisamos a dinâmica de um sistema quântico sob a competição de dois sistemas multimodais contra-atuantes: um atenuador ou reservatório térmico e um amplificador de Glauber. Mapeamos o comportamento dinâmico deste sistema, identificando diferentes regimes de parâmetros. Calculamos o processo de decoerência emergente da ação dos sistemas multimodais e discutimos aplicações para o nosso sistema. Na terceira parte deste trabalho, usamos a abordagem de campo médio para a obtençãoo da equação mestra que descreve o problema da superradiância sob a ação de flutuações térmicas do reservatório. Desejamos com isso explorar a possibilidade de se verificar o processo de ressonância estocástica no âmbito da superradiância. / In the first part of this work we employ the Itô stochastic equation to extend Bells be-able interpretation of quantum mechanics to encompass dissipation, decoherence and quantum-to-classical transition through quantum trajectories. For a particular choice of the source of stochasticity, the one leading to a dissipative Lindblad type correction to the Hamiltonian dynamics, we verify that the diffusive term in Nelson´s formalism is naturally incorporated into Bohm´s one, rendering a unified Bohm-Nelson theory. Mainly, analyzing the intereference between quantum trajectories, we clearly identify the decoherence time, as estimated from the usual quantum formalism. We also observe the quantum-to-classical transition through the convergence of the infinite possible quantum trajectories to their associated classical counterparts. In the second part of this work we analyze the dynamical behavior of a quantum system under the actions of two counteracting baths: the inevitable energy draining reservoir and, oppositly, an enginereed Glauber amplifier feeding the system excitation. We trace the system dynamics towards equilibrium to mapp its distinct behaviors following from the attenuation × amplification interplay. The decoherence process emerging from the action of both counteracting baths is also computed and, finally, applications of such an attenuation × amplification competition is discussed. Finally, in the third part of this work we employ the mean field approximation to derive the master equation describing the process of superradiant emission under the presence of thermal fluctuation. We envisage to explore the possibility of observe stochastic resonance within the superradiant process.


林素珍, LIN, SU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
中國自古即有以書籍做為陪葬品的風俗.這些殉葬的書籍若被後世挖掘出來,除了可 據此對傳世古籍進行校對、勘誤外,更有助於學術思想的研究.由此,民國六十二年 湖南長沙馬王堆三號漢墓出土的《經法》、《十六經》、《稱》、《道原》等四篇古 佚書,自然具有珍貴的學術價值. 檢諸四篇佚書的思想,融合了儒、道、墨、法、名、陰陽等各家學說為一體.它們的 出現,不但對先秦至漢代學術的轉關提供了重要線索,更是研究漢初黃老治術的主要 參考文獻,因此對其思想作一整體性的研究,自有其必要性.然而,學界前輩或因研 究重點不同,而少有這方面的探討文字,故初作嘗試,期能對學者鮮為從事的範疇略 作補白. 本文之撰寫,以出土之文獻資料為主,並援引正史載記、參考諸子典籍、廣納學者各 方面的研究結果,從事論證、分析、歸納、比較等方式之研究.此外,亦採取學術流 變及歷史考證的觀點行文,力求說理立論之合乎邏輯,以存說備考,就教學界. 至於其章次內容,除第一章與第十章之緒論、結論之外,則分述如下: 第二章《經法》等佚書之簡介 第三章《經法》等佚書之時代背景 第四章《經法》等佚書之思想淵源 第五章《經法》等佚書之思想本質 第六章《經法》等佚書之思想體系 第七章《經法》等佚書之黃老學 第八章《經法》等佚書之影響 第九章《經法》等佚書之亡佚原因

Espectroscopia de Estrelas Be nos aglomerados NGC 4755 e NGC 6530

Carmo, Taiza Alissul Sauer do 08 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T19:25:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TAIZAALISSUL.pdf: 1898582 bytes, checksum: 83c6ea30230ef658e8eedb8018b6d20d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / One of the main theories to explain the Be phenomenon is that they are hot stars with rotation speed close to the critical limit, ejecting matter and forming a gaseous disk around. Its geometry and kinematics is still a controversial subject. Those objects present H® line in emission among other phenomena. In this work are present observations of hot stars in young open clusters and the detection of Be stars. The study of Be stars in open clusters is a matter of interest because these objects keep the initial signatures of their initial formation. Most of Be stars known in open clusters were identified inside the Milky Way Galaxy, but not all were observed. Most of the observations concentrate on seeking the characteristics lines in emission for stars with low magnitude. As a consequence the complete scenario of incidence of Be stars in open clusters is still uncertain, what incentives its observation. In this work, we studied thirty two stars of the spectral type B, from NGC 4755 and NGC 6530 stellar clusters. As a first step we accomplished an analysis of the stars that present the Be phenomenon. Than, we estimate physical parameters of B and Be stars using the lines of HeI 4471 and MgII 4481 Å. We also accomplished a comparison among the vseni values calculated by several methods including the AMOEBA algorithm and other two methods elaborated using the IDL platform. For high-speeds (» 300 Km/s), there is a superestimative of the FWHM method for both clusters. But for low-speeds, there is consistence between values of vseni obtained with the FWHM method and AMOEBA. / Uma das principais teorias para explicar o fenômeno Be é que são estrelas quentes com velocidade de rotação próxima da velocidade crítica, ejetando matéria formando um disco gasoso ao seu redor. Sua geometria e cinemática ainda é um assunto calorosamente discutido. Esses objetos apresentam emissões nas linhas de Balmer, entre outros fenômenos. Neste trabalho são apresentadas observações de estrelas quentes em aglomerados jovens abertos e a detecção de Be nestes. O estudo de estrelas Be em aglomerados abertos é de particular interesse porque estes objetos guardam as assinaturas das condições iniciais de sua formação. A maioria das estrelas Be conhecidas em aglomerados abertos foram identificadas na Via Láctea, a maioria das observações concentra-se em procurar as linhas em emissão características nas estrelas de baixa magnitude. Como conseqüência a completeza de incidência de estrelas Be em aglomerados abertos é incerta, o que leva a um estímulo para o seu estudo. Nesse trabalho, foram estudadas trinta e duas estrelas do tipo espectral B, selecionadas dos aglomerados NGC 4755 e NGC 6530. Em uma primeira etapa, foi realizada uma análise das estrelas que apresentam o fenômeno Be. Depois, foram determinados os parâmetros físicos de estrelas B e Be utilizando as linhas de HeI 4471 e MgII 4481 Å. Foi realizada, ainda, uma comparação entre os valores de vseni calculados com o algoritmo AMOEBA e os valores obtidos com os programas elaborados no IDL. Para altas velocidades (» 300 Km/s), há superestimativas do método FWHM, para ambos os aglomerados. Mas para baixas velocidades, há consistência entre os valores de vseni obtidos com o método FWHM e AMOEBA.

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