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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mindre modemärkens öden : i branschens händer? / The destiny of small fashion brands : Does it relies on the external non-customer relations?

Drott, Manda, Makowsky, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
Den svenska modebranschen är en hårt konkurrensutsatt bransch och för mindre modeföretagi tillväxtfas är ett starkt varumärke och image en viktig del i att särskilja sig och sinaprodukter från mängden. I ett mindre modeföretag kan varumärkesfrågor lätt komma attbortprioriteras med främsta motivet att budgeten inte ger utrymme för den typen av satsningarsamt att kompetensen inom företaget ofta brister på just dessa punkter. Som alternativ har denexterna varumärkesprocessen presenterats som ett mer realistiskt alternativ för det mindremodeföretaget då det går ut på att låta sitt kringliggande externa nätverk i större utsträckningstyra och påverka varumärket. Detta branschnätverk kan bestå av allt från media, regering ochintresseorganisationer till mer närliggande aktörer som återförsäljare, PR-byrå ochleverantörer.Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån ett varumärkesperspektiv, beskriva vilket inflytandeexterna branschaktörer har på ett mindre modeföretags tillväxt. För att exemplifiera problemethar en enkel fallstudie på det svenska modeföretaget Stylein genomförts, som med sinpositionering i det svenska medelprissegmentet och tillväxtfas befinner sig inom ramen förden problematik som beskrivs. För att belysa alla aspekter av de externa aktörernas påverkanpå varumärket och dess utveckling och tillväxt har en triangulerande forskningsstrategianvänts bestående av metoder som intervjuer med återförsäljare och branschexperter samt endokumentanalys och mailenkät till medieaktörer.Resultatet av undersökningarna har lett till att tre huvudsakliga effekter av de externaaktörernas påverkan har identifierats; direkt försäljning, ökad varumärkeskännedom ochimageskapande. Vilken effekt som erhålls beror i sin tur på vilken image varumärket lyckasetablera i medvetandet på de olika inflytelserika aktörerna i det externa branschnätverket.The Swedish fashion industry is highly competitive and it is important for smaller fashionbrands in the phase of growth to have a strong brand and image in order to better distinguishthe brand and the products from the mainstream. In a smaller fashion company, issuesregarding the brand might easily be overlooked or not prioritized at all due to limitations inbudget or competence missing in the company for this type of activities. The external brandprocess has been presented as a realistic alternative for the small fashion brand to strengthentheir image by letting their surrounding external industry network influence the brand andgetting greater control in its growth. The industry network includes media, government andnon-government organizations to closer actors such as retailers, PR-agencies and suppliers.The purpose of this thesis project is, from a branding perspective; to describe what power theexternal actors has on SMEs opportunities to grow. Through a case study on the small fashioncompany Stylein the problem is exemplified and highlighted in a clearer context. In order toillustrate all aspects of the external actors' influence on the brand, its development andgrowth, a triangulated research method has been chosen as strategy consisting of a mix ofinterviews with retail wholesalers and industry experts, a document analysis and mail surveyto media actors.The result of the external actors' impact has been identified to three main effects: directincreased sales, increased brand awareness and image creation. Which of the three effects thatthe company will receive depends on the image the brand succeed to establish in the minds ofthe various powerful actors in the external network. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Vägen till den virtuella butiken : en studie om Gina Tricots möjligheter att marknadsföra sig online / The road to the virtual shop : a study regarding the possibilities for Gina Tricot to market the brand online

Andrén, Caroline, Hermansson, Mariel Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Internet når idag över 8 miljoner människor i Sverige och är en naturlig del av vardagen för många. För företag betyder detta en viktig marknadsföringskanal som inte bör underskattas. Genom att kommunicera med målgruppen via plattformer såsom sociala nätverk, bloggar och mikrobloggar kan företag erbjuda mervärde och bygga relationer online. Genom att utnyttja rätt marknadsföringskanal kan onlinemarknadsföring undvika att uppfattas som påträngande för konsumenten och istället inspirera på ett hjälpfullt sätt.Syftet med studien är att med en kartläggning av fast-fashionkonsumenters nätbeteende och attityder fastställa hur modeföretaget Gina Tricot som har flera försäljningskanaler kan öka besöksfrekvensen till den virtuella butiken genom marknadsföring online. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudiedesign. De insamlade empiriska data är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ natur då både en bredd och ett djup har eftersträvats. Datamaterialet består av en webbenkät med 181 respondenter, strukturerade intervjuer på stan med 120 respondenter, två gruppintervjuer samt en personlig intervju med en marknadskoordinator.Det empiriska materialet har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen bestående av teorier om onlinemarknadsföring, konsumentbeteende samt multi-channel-återförsäljning. Studien har visat att bloggar är en stark marknadsföringskanal för modeföretag då konsumenterna känner en stor tillit till bloggare samt då det hjälper dem att förkorta köpprocessen. Analysen visar även att det genom sociala nätverk är viktigt för modeföretag att bygga relationer samt aktivt kommunicera med målgruppen för att skapa lojalitet. Andra starka kanaler har visat sig vara nyhetsbrev samt banners. För att stärka Gina Tricots webbutik har ett behov observerats av att uppmärksamma det breda sortiment som finns representerat på Internet då större utbud visat sig vara det starkaste motivet till onlineshopping i studien. Resultatet visade även att webbutiken behöver erbjuda en högre visuell upplevelse då exponeringen av produkterna på ginatricot.com idag inte överkommer den stora riskuppfattning som köp av kläder online innebär för konsumenten. Sett utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv kan denna förändring ha en positiv word of mouth effekt samt kan till fördel användas vid exponering av produkter på sociala nätverk.Internet reaches today over 8 million people in Sweden and has become a natural part of the everyday life. For companies this means a marketing channel too important to ignore. By communicating with the target group via social networks, blogs and micro blogs the company is able to offer an added value and to build relationships online. By choosing the right marketing channel and strategy the online marketing is able to avoid being seen as intrusive and the consumer could instead perceive the marketing as inspiring and helpful. When using a multichannel perspective offering e-commerce, marketing online becomes important to manage increased awareness and generate more traffic to the web site.The purpose of the study is by the identification of fast fashion consumer’s behavior and attitudes determine how the fashion company Gina Tricot is able to increase the traffic to their virtual store through marketing online. The paper has a case study design with a qualitative approach. The empirical data are both qualitative and quantitative to ensure a depth and a width to the thesis. The gathering of the data has been made through a web survey which consists of 181 respondents, 120 structured interviews, two group interviews and one interview with a market coordinator. The gathered empirics have been analyzed according to the theoretical framework which consists of theories regarding online marketing, consumer behavior and multi-channel retailing.The findings made in the thesis show that blogs are a strong marketing channel because of the great trust consumers feel towards bloggers and since blogs also help consumers to abbreviate the buying process. The analysis also shows that it is important to build relationships on social networks and to actively keep a two-way communication in order to create loyalty. Other effective marketing channels are companies’ newsletters and banner ads. To strengthen the image of the online store of Gina Tricot we have observed a need to inform the consumer of the wide and more unique assortment they offer online since a larger assortment and uniqueness has shown being the strongest reason for online shopping in this thesis. The result also showed that the web shop needs to provide a higher visual experience since the exposure of today’s products on ginatricot.com do not overcome the consumer’s risk perception of buying clothes online. From a marketing perspective this change can have a positive word of mouth effect among consumers and can be used positively when displaying products on social networks. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Nation branding : The role of tourism from a managerial perspective

Blomgren, Elin, Ljungström, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Although tourism has been recognised as an important subfield in nation branding little research have focused on its role in the nation branding process. A managerial perspective was assumed to examine what role tourism has in nation branding. This study adopts a deductive approach reviewing existing literature on nation branding, brand management strategies and tourism stakeholders. A case study on how tourism is integrated in nation branding strategies and how stakeholders operating in the tourism sector perceive their own influence on the nation-brand was conducted in Sweden using a qualitative method. Data was collected through interviews with managers in organisations that directly or indirectly work with tourism while being involved in the strategic nation branding of Sweden. A conceptual framework was developed to illustrate how the nation-brand is created and communicated through tourism. The study concludes that tourism can have a significant role in nation branding and affect other subfields if the right circumstances are given. Strong collaborations are a prerequisite for effective nation branding and strategies should incorporate national identity and country-of-origin for authenticity. Future research could focus on comparing the role of tourism in nation branding with other subfields as well as comparing how organisations on the same level work with nation branding strategies.

Does the ethnic consumer consider the relevance of the retailer in their decision to buy wine in Christchurch?

Li, Shuo January 2009 (has links)
The value of secondary brand associations has been discussed in the literature for decades. Companies are transferring their brand building to retailers (Bruwer, Li et al. 2002 ), therefore, it is very important to understand the impact of retailers on the product brand and consumers’ decision making processes when considering other relevant sources of brand associations. However, in the wine environment, few published studies have been carried out to examine the association with retailers. Thus, the primary aim of this study is to examine whether this association transfers value to the image of wine brand and influences consumers’ behaviour. Also, the impact of ethnicity on the consumer’s decision making process will be taken into account. This research specifically provides insight into Christchurch’s wine retailing industry. Owing to the limited time and resources, the wine drinking community in Christchurch has been divided into two groups (European and Non-European). Europeans (150) and Non-Europeans (50) were recruited for the sample. Two research models and six main hypotheses were established to analyze the relationships between brand associations, perceived brand image and consumer behaviour. Research was conducted to collect quantitative data by using questionnaires, including rating scales and multiple choice questions. Face to face interviews and self-administered methods were employed. Participants were recruited by using a combination of convenience sampling, quota sampling and random sampling. A statistical programme called the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data. From the results it was found that associations including the packaging, characteristics, quality, country of origin, producer of the wine, retailer or staff qualities have a positive impact on the spending on wine. In particular, the kinds of retailers make differences to consumers’ expected wine budgets. The results also suggested that the evaluation patterns and perceptions of wine are different in the two ethnic groups.

企業參與公益活動與公益行銷之研究 / The research of corporate philanthropy and cause-related marketing

游舒惠 Unknown Date (has links)
企業參與公益活動在台已日漸普及,形式上也趨於多元,如公益行銷便逐漸為實務界採用。企業在公益活動參與上有不同面貌之原因以及其決策過程,企業界及消費者對公益行銷之觀感等皆為本研究重點。 本研究分為兩部分,一為以企業訪談深入了解企業公益參與之決策過程;次為對明□電腦公司與兒童福利聯盟之公益行銷活動進行量化之消費者調查,以評估效果。 參考過去文獻後,本研究將企業參與公益活動之動機區分為企業自利與社會責任,影響企業參與公益活動之因素分為組織因素與活動因素探討,過去參與經驗則全面影響企業決策過程;公益參與之行動決策分為活動類型、受益對象與參與形式三構面。本研究以質化方式進行,選取八家企業進行深度訪談,輔以次級資料收集補強。 於訪談後本研究將參與動機進一步區分為短期企業自利、長期企業自利與社會責任,並針對參與動機與行動決策之關係發展出五項命題:企業公益參與動機偏向長期企業自利時,傾向由公關部門負責且自行主辦公益活動、長期參與,其選擇參與之議題或參與形式較不考量與企業相關程度;企業公益參與動機偏向短期企業自利,傾向由行銷或業務部門負責,多選擇與企業相關性高之議題或形式參與;企業進行公益行銷時,參與動機較偏向短期企業自利。 根據訪談結果,將影響因素中之活動因素進一步區分為議題因素與非營利組織因素,針對影響因素與行動決策之關係發展六項命題:高階主管個人偏好或經驗,影響企業公益參與之議題選擇,且高階主管對公益參與越支持,公益參與之資源分配越充分,越有成立獨立部門專責之傾向,且部門層級與自主性皆較高;企業若隸屬某集團之一部份,母公司在公益活動參與之經驗,將影響集團內其他公司對企業參與公益之理念、態度、議題選擇以及負責部門。另外,研究發現在公益參與資源分配較少之企業中,傾向由業務或行銷部門兼職負責,且認為公益行銷為較討喜之參與方式,且採主辦方式。隨著參與經驗累積,專責部門有由行銷部門轉向公關部門之傾向。 本研究亦修正將公益活動進一步區分為議題與非營利組織兩者,研究發現議題因素對企業公益參與決策之影響主要為參與形式與負責部門:企業進行公益行銷時,極注重議題之社會顯著性及議題與企業之關連性;此外,議題之急迫性影響企業公益參與之形式與負責組織。 針對效果評估、過去經驗與參與決策之關係發展三項命題,概述如下:動機偏向長期自利之企業,效果評估以大眾傳播媒體報導情形為主;過去經驗對企業參與公益活動決策之影響主要為專責部門及效果評估能力。 公益行銷之量化研究顯示,該活動對明□電腦公司之企業形象確有提升效果,且在公益形象方面尤為顯著,但該活動對消費者之購買決策影響有限,綜合受訪者對該活動之感覺以及受訪者推測明□電腦公司舉辦該活動之原因大多傾向正面回答,且有參與活動之消費者又更為正面,顯示受訪者對於企業以公益行銷從事公益活動之模式並不排斥,且態度越正面者,參與可能性越高。 本研究最大貢獻在發展出較完整之企業參與公益決策模式,對公益行銷活動進行實證研究,亦較過去研究更能真實評估其成效。建議有心從事公益活動之企業,除公益行銷活動可由行銷或業務部門主導外,應成立專責單位負責,如此在公益參與較為專業有序;在公益行銷部分,建議企業應注重宣傳、突破窠臼且注意產品之適用性。

品牌形象與知覺價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係研究-以iPhone為例 / Research of the Relationship among Brand Image,Perceived Value,Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:An Empirical Study of iPhone

趙興國 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以全球知名品牌 – 蘋果電腦(Apple)中之「iPhone」產品為例,探討「品牌形象」、「知覺價值」對「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」之關係研究,希望可以找出該產品成功關鍵因素及有待改善之地方,做為日後開發類似產品的參考及提供蘋果電腦在後續產品規劃、行銷策略與品牌形象經營之參考。 本研究主要採用量化-「問卷調查法」並以質化-「焦點團體訪談法」輔助之方式進行研究;問卷方面,共取得400 份有效問卷,先進行因素分析,擷取適合本研究之因素構面,再進行信度與效度檢測,確定問卷的可信度及可靠度,並運用敘述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Pearson 相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析及假設檢定;質化方面,採用焦點團體訪談法,藉由訪談iPhone的使用者,了解他們對iPhone的使用經驗及建議,經過整理再與量化統計結果相互對應,用以佐證及彌補量化統計結果的可能性偏差,使本研究之結果更為完整。 本研究之結論:  顧客滿意度為3.8 (以五點量表評估,5表示最高)  顧客忠誠度為3.6 (以五點量表評估,5表示最高) iPhone的主要顧客群為年輕、單身、男性,以20-40歲的使用者最多。 對使用者而言,iPhone的產品價值以社交價值最為重要,產品特性則以實用性最為重要,社交價值及實用性對於顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度影響也最大,滿意度則以服務滿意度仍有改善空間,包含銷售服務及維修服務。 產品定價方面可繼續維持高定價策略,以維持iPhone在顧客心中的價值感。 顧客最滿意iPhone的原因包含:  iPhone的使用者介面  iPhone的智慧型功能、軟體支援與更新  使用iPhone帶來的樂趣  iPhone的外觀設計與質感優  iPhone產品的創新形象 顧客最不滿意iPhone的原因包含:  銷售服務  維修服務 / This research is base the global famous brand – the iPhone of the Apple. Discovery for the relationship of Brand Image、 Perceived Value、Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty are the main stream research. Hope this research can distinguish the key successful factor and the improvement points. It could be the reference for the new model for developing and providing the model design planning of new product for the Apple and reference for the sale strategy and brand image. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 400 effective questionnaires are obtained for statisticalanalysis where a few statistical methodologies such as Factor analysis, Descriptive statistic, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, Regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. For the qualitative approach which adopt the Focus Group. Hope to know customer’s using experience and suggestion through iPhone user. We analysis the data and contribute the account result with each other to complete this research. The research conclusion are :  The score for the customer satisfaction is 3.8. ( Base on Likert 5 points for evaluation, 5 means the highest)  The score for the customer loyalty is 3.6. ( Base on Likert 5 points for evaluation, 5 means the highest) The iPhone main stream customers are younger, single, male and majority are between 20~40 years. From the user point of view, the most important value of iPhone are societal value and practical value. The societal value and practical value are tremendous effect for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. There is space to improve in service include sale service and after sale service. The product price strategy can keep the higher range price to matain the iPhone’s value for customer. Customer satisfied reason for iPhone include:  The user interface of iPhone  The software support and update of iPhone  Fun from the iPhone  The ID design and elegant with valuable of iPhone  The creative image of iPhone Customer unsatisfied reason for iPhone include:  Sale service  After sale service

<em>French luxury companies: Challenge to design E-Commerce without affecting their brand image</em>

LASSALLE, Paul, LEMAIRE, Clément January 2010 (has links)
<p>Title: French luxury companies: Challenge to do E-Commerce withoutaffecting their brand image</p><p>Authors: Clément LEMAIRE and Paul LASSALLE</p><p>Supervisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire</p><p>Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, Marketing</p><p>Key words: Marketing, E-commerce, E-merchandising, E-CRM, Louis Vuitton, Luxury market, French market, Website, Brand and Reputation</p><p>Purpose: How French luxury companies, in a context of changing demand, use the e-commerce without affecting the image of their brand?</p><p>Method: In the method we explain that we decide to use a descriptive method of research. We collect secondary data from our University Library and primary data from our observation of Louis Vuitton website. We also explain why we choose this company and what the limits of our study are.</p><p>Theoretical framework: In a first part, we have written all the definitions and information about definitions that we have used in the empirical part. It means E-Commerce, E-Merchandising, Marketing mix and ECRM. Then, we have given some information about website elements as the first page, the graphic website, buying process, electronic payment and website security. Finally, we have defined all the information about the brand and its different powers on the market: We start by a “brand awareness” explication, then we have defined “how is build a brand” to finish by the topic “band and reputation”.</p><p>Conclusions: We present the answer of our purpose. French Luxury companies use marketing tools in order to protect the image of their brand when they do e-commerce. We also bring some suggestions to Louis Vuitton and give some critics concerning our study. Finally we open our reflexion to related studies that could be interesting to do.</p>

Athlete Endorsements and Brand Image : A Study of Consumer Attitudes toward Nike in Light of the Brand’s Association with Tiger Woods

Ginman, Carole January 2010 (has links)
<p>Many brands are using celebrities as spokespeople, to enhance the brand image. This investigation aims to research the effects of athlete endorsements on brand image, in particular, whether Nike has been affected by the change in Tiger Woods’ image due to his recent personal life difficulties. Firstly, whether the perceived brand image is concurrent with the brand’s identity, and if not then if the image gap could be caused by the brand’s association to Tiger Woods. The topic is very current as the number of athletes who drastically deviate from their image has increased, at the same time as athlete endorsements are very popular. If changes in the image of an endorser come to affect consumer perception of the brand, then one could assume that there would be a decline in such endorsements.</p><p>In investigating the research question, literature and articles regarding endorsements and brand associations was consulted to gain a deeper understanding of how associations work. Data regarding Nike was collected from secondary sources in order to form an accurate view of the company identity. This would be compared to data collected on consumer attitudes toward Nike and Tiger Woods using a questionnaire sent out to participants with a variety of characteristics so as to be able to see if there were differences in attitudes between segments.</p><p>It was found that there is an image gap between Nike’s desired image and its perceived image. However, the low number of respondents who claimed that their opinions of Nike had changed because of Tiger Woods suggests that his association to Nike is not to blame for the gap. Reasons discussed for the low level of transferability of Tiger Woods’ ‘new’ characteristics to Nike are that the fit between the brand and the athlete is good in the relevant categories, whereas they are irrelevant to the collaboration. Furthermore, the strength of the associations is seen as a factor – it is not strong enough to or too connected to Tiger Woods to transfer – as well as the respondent attributes and background. Finally, the attachment to Nike is seen as possibly a contributing factor, as people who own Nike seem to stay loyal to the brand despite the so called ‘<em>Tigergate’.</em></p>

Consumers' perceptions when evaluating brand extensions in relation to the original brand

Chuma Diniso January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study examines how consumers perceive the overall quality and similarity/fit of the brand extensions (Nike camera, Nike socks, and Nike golf balls) in relation to the original brand (Nike athletic shoes) and how these perceptions influence their attitudes towards the extensions. The researcher proposes that the perceived overall quality of the brand extensions will be congruent to that of the original brand and that the attitude towards the brand extensions will be favourable only when there is a perceived similarity/fit between the brand extensions and the original brand. In order to get these insights, the study surveyed 147 undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University of the Western Cape across all faculties. A non-probability convenience sampling method was used to access respondents. To collect data, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed using a questionnaire which consisted of open-ended and closed-ended questions in the form of free associations technique and 5-point Likert scales. The data gathered was analysed by means of descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation coefficient. The findings indicate two things. (1) respondents only perceived Nike socks&rsquo / overall quality to be congruent to the original brand, Nike athletic shoes. (2) respondents only perceived Nike socks to be strongly similar to the original brand, Nike athletic shoes.</p>

Athlete Endorsements and Brand Image : A Study of Consumer Attitudes toward Nike in Light of the Brand’s Association with Tiger Woods

Ginman, Carole January 2010 (has links)
Many brands are using celebrities as spokespeople, to enhance the brand image. This investigation aims to research the effects of athlete endorsements on brand image, in particular, whether Nike has been affected by the change in Tiger Woods’ image due to his recent personal life difficulties. Firstly, whether the perceived brand image is concurrent with the brand’s identity, and if not then if the image gap could be caused by the brand’s association to Tiger Woods. The topic is very current as the number of athletes who drastically deviate from their image has increased, at the same time as athlete endorsements are very popular. If changes in the image of an endorser come to affect consumer perception of the brand, then one could assume that there would be a decline in such endorsements. In investigating the research question, literature and articles regarding endorsements and brand associations was consulted to gain a deeper understanding of how associations work. Data regarding Nike was collected from secondary sources in order to form an accurate view of the company identity. This would be compared to data collected on consumer attitudes toward Nike and Tiger Woods using a questionnaire sent out to participants with a variety of characteristics so as to be able to see if there were differences in attitudes between segments. It was found that there is an image gap between Nike’s desired image and its perceived image. However, the low number of respondents who claimed that their opinions of Nike had changed because of Tiger Woods suggests that his association to Nike is not to blame for the gap. Reasons discussed for the low level of transferability of Tiger Woods’ ‘new’ characteristics to Nike are that the fit between the brand and the athlete is good in the relevant categories, whereas they are irrelevant to the collaboration. Furthermore, the strength of the associations is seen as a factor – it is not strong enough to or too connected to Tiger Woods to transfer – as well as the respondent attributes and background. Finally, the attachment to Nike is seen as possibly a contributing factor, as people who own Nike seem to stay loyal to the brand despite the so called ‘Tigergate’.

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