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Política sanitària i social de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya (1914-1924)Sabaté i Casellas, Ferran 16 April 1993 (has links)
La Mancomunitat fou el primer pas en la recuperació de l'autogovern de Catalunya, a l'època contemporània. Això es produeix en un període de profunda transformació de les societats industrials europees, i en rebé l'influéncia. Inspirat en les teories organicistes, la seva acció de govern s’estructura en tres àrees: cultural, econòmica i social. Les dues primeres ja han estat estudiades; la darrera constitueix l'àmbit de la nostra recerca.
La Beneficència tradicional es transforma en la Seguretat Social, amb la participació dels poders públics. La Mancomunitat convertí els antics manicomis i incuses en moderns hospitals psiquiàtrics i tocoginecològics, amb funcions assistencials, docents i investigadores. Establí la regionalització dels serveis sanitaris i la comarcalització hospitalària. Relligà l'atenció social amb la sanitària. Definí els tres nivells de l'assistència: primari, secundari i terciari. En aquest àmbit, es palesa l'influencia francesa.
La Sanitat Pública, inspirada en el model anglosaxó, passa de l'actitud defensiva a l'ofensiva, com a instrument de lluita contra els flagells predominants: pal.ludisme, tuberculosi, malalties de transmissió hídrica, goll endèmic, mortalitat infantil, etc. Es descobreix el valor econòmic de la salut. S'estableix la separació entre el finançament i la provisió de l'atenció sanitària.
La Mancomunitat tingué un paper actiu en la formació sanitària de la població i dels professionals, així com en la recerca biològica. Cal assenyalar entre d’altres, l’educació sanitària, la promoció esportiva, la formació d'infermeres o el suport a la recerca en psicologia o fisiologia. També foren pioners en l'estudi de la salut laboral i de la higiene i la seguretat en el treball.
En el camp social, s'inclinaren pel model germànic, de tipus mixt, és a dir, amb responsabilitat compartida entre les administracions públiques, les forces del treball i les organitzacions professionals. Aquest sistema es basava en la llibertat individual, l'autonomia professional i la solidaritat social, cosa que diferia del centralisme, el burocratisme i l’estatisme predominants a l’Espanya de llavors.
En resum, la Mancomunitat representà un avenç qualitatiu i quantitatiu molt important en la incorporació de Catalunya al grup de pobles més civilitzats i la seva influència s'estén fins als nostres dies. / The “Mancomunitat” (1914-1924), was the first step in the recovery of the self-government in Catalonia at the Contemporary age. This happened in a period of deep changes in the European industrial societies, and it got their influx. Influenced by the organicist social theories, the Catalan government was structured in three major areas: cultural, economical and social. The last has be en the object of our study.
The traditional charity was transformed in the modern Social Security with the participation of public administrations. The “Mancomunitat” transformed the old and insane asylum and foundling hospitals in modern and open centres, with teaching and research functions. Also has established a regional health division, connected the social and sanitary care, and established three levels of care (primary, secondary and tertiary). In these subjects, it is manifest the influence of French "public assistance”.
The public health, inspired by the English model, moved from the cure to the prevention, in the field of malaria, tuberculosis, water-born diseases, infant mortality, etc., was discovered the economical value of health. Then, was established the separation between financing and provision of care.
The “Mancomunitat” became very active in the field of health education, addressed to the citizens but also to the professionals, as well as in the biological research. In this area, were significant the efforts in physiology, psychology, etc., and some important contributions were made in the field of medicine and labour hygiene.
The German model was chosen for the social security system. It has shared the accountability between the public administration, the labour and the professional organizations. It was based on the individual liberty, professional autonomy and social solidarity. Our study shows the positive social impact of regional self-government, because it was very near to the real needs of the people.
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El pintor Antoni Viladomat i Manalt (1678-1755): Biografia i Catàleg críticMiralpeix i Vilamala, Francesc 15 February 2005 (has links)
La tesi és un estudi integral de la figura i l'obra del pintor Antoni Viladomat i Manalt (1678-1755), un dels artífexs més destacats del panorama artístic català del Set-cents. El primer volum aborda la revisió de la seva biografia partint de les aportacions de la historiografia i de les noves dades inèdites d'arxiu. S'hi fa també un anàlisi de la seva cultura visual i figurativa, una panoràmica sobre la relació del pintor amb el seu ambient artístic més proper i immediat, i un estudi de l'encaix de la seva personalitat artística en el context de la pintura precedent i contemporània peninsular i europea. El primer volum inclou, també, un epíleg on s'aborden temes com els detonants i les conseqüències de la seva extraordinària fortuna crítica. El segon volum és un catàleg crític de la seva obra, organitzat a partir de fitxes individuals de cadascuna de les obres. L'autor considera que dues-centes cinquanta obres conservades, comptant dibuixos i pintures, són autògrafes, quaranta-una de les quals són inèdites. El catàleg també te recull i classifica les obres descartades i les perdudes.Les principals aportacions de la tesi, a banda de l'actualització del coneixement de la seva biografia i de l'elaboració per primera vegada d'un catàleg crític complet de la seva obra, són la localització del testament del pintor, la revisió de la relació de Viladomat amb els artistes de la cort de l'Arxiduc Carles d'Àustria, la proposta d'una nova cronologia per als treballs dels anys vint del segle XVIII, una interpretació nova dels plets contra el col·legi de pintors de Barcelona, la revisió de la seva intervenció a la Capella dels Dolors de Santa Maria de Mataró, bona part de la qual l'autor d'aquesta Tesi atribueix al pintor Joan Gallart; la definició dels usos que el pintor fa amb l'estampa de traducció, la relació amb la pintura siscentista dels Juncosa o la importància de l'aprenentatge en un context tradicional, etcètera. / The thesis is a complete study on the painter Antoni Viladomat Manalt (1678-1755). He is one of the most famous spanish painters in the eighteenth-century. The first volume is a biographic revision related to the historiography and the previously unknown information of the historical archives. Includes also an analysis of his visual and figurative culture, and an study on the relationship between the painter and his nearer artistical environment and a study on his artistical personality in relation with the spanish and european painting. In the first volume, there is a chapter about his critical opinions. The second volume is a critical catalogue of his works. It is organized in individual reports, one for each one of the works.The writer considers that two hundred and fifty kept works, including drawings and paintings, are from the artist, and forty-one of them are previous by unknown. The catalogue also classifies the ruled out and lost works.The main contributions of the thesis, a part from the updating of the biography and the creation of the critical catalogue, are the location of his will, the revision of the relation ships between Viladomat and the artists of Carles d'Àustria court, the proposal of a new chronology for the second decade of the XVIII century, a new interpretation of the lawsuit against the painters association of Barcelona, the revision of his interventions in Capella dels Dolors of Santa Maria de Mataró (the writer thinks that it belong to the painter Joan Gallart), the relationship with paintings of Juncosa family of the seventeenth-century or the importance of the learning in a traditional context.
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La difusió de l'arqueologia mitjançant els museus arqueològics: avaluació dels visitants dels museus arqueològics de Catalunya i anàlisi dels conceptes que aquests museus transmeten al públicAlcalde, Gabriel 17 March 1993 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to present the visitors knowledge from Archaeology museums in Catalonia, based on the Archaeology museums of Catalonia. In Catalonia there are no studies about the public of these museums. Lack objective data about the public from which they rise to raise our hypotheses regarding the impact of archaeological museums on the population. From a methodological and systematic analysis we can get closer to the knowledge of the general characteristics of the public of these museums. We focus on the visitors through interviews and surveys with observation and indirect functions of museums related to public exposure of their content, and assessing the impact of exposure and whether it has achieved their goals. From there you hire the evolution that has taken Archaeology in our country and if museums are analyzing whether a meeting between researchers and the public. The evaluation presented on visitors and the exhibition halls aims to provide information about museums and approach to the dissemination of knowledge in reference to the archeology in museums in Catalonia. / Los objetivos de la tesis son identificar en el panorama turístico actual cuales son las tipologías turísticas capaces de garantizar un adecuado nivel de sostenibilidad, es decir las que tienen en cuenta la necesidad de establecer eficaces alianzas entre los principales actores del sector turístico: 1. Buscando ejemplos prácticos de modalidades turísticas más responsables con los recursos. 2. Destacando el rol desempeñado por el ecoturismo, aquella modalidad turística según la qual el visitante realiza sus vacaciones relacionándose de manera más consciente y directa con los aspectos medioambientales y socioculturales presentes en el lugar elegido. 3. identificando las acciones dirigidas a garantizar la salvaguarda del medio ambiente y el despegue económico de áreas tradicionalmente deprimidas por el hecho de haber estado ajenas a la práctica de actividades productivas y económicamente rentables. 4. identificando objetos dirigidos a estimular el consumo turístico de un área natural protegida interpretada como espacio auténtico según ideales postfordistas e identificar los perfiles de los turistas característicos de las áreas protegidas. Tambien si los productos turísticos ligados a la naturaleza, cultura y gastronomía pueden contribuir a revitalizar el turismo costero de Liguria 5. Verificando si el sistema regional de espacios protegidos ha producido resultados en protección medioambiental y a la vez desarrollo endógeno a través del turismo. 6. Cuantificando la oferta real de las áreas estudiadas. 7. Verificando si los tres parques estudiados han identificado y desarrollado objetos específicos de consumo turístico.
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Schutzgedanke und Landesherrschaft im östlichen Pyrenäenraum (9.-13. Jahrhundert).Engels, Odilo. January 1970 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Munich. / Bibliography: p. [318]-336.
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Die byzantinisch-katalanischen Beziehungen im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chronik Jakobs I. von Katalonien-AragonHierro, Ernest Marcos. January 1996 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Inaugural-Dissertation--Universität München, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-lxix) and indexes.
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Die byzantinisch-katalanischen Beziehungen im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chronik Jakobs I. von Katalonien-AragonHierro, Ernest Marcos. January 1996 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Inaugural-Dissertation--Universität München, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-lxix) and indexes.
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Immigration policy paradoxes in Catalonia, Spain, 1985-2011 : a political economy approachStobart, Luke January 2017 (has links)
Before the crisis Catalonia and the rest of Spain received high volumes of immigration - of which much was 'illegal'. This was despite formally strict controls - EU policy - and different governments in Madrid claiming to operate a legal model of migration - leading to identification of a 'policy paradox'. In the same period immigration became problematized, which in Catalonia allowed xenophobic politics to gain popular support - despite being a territory proactive at integrating newcomers. This research aimed to identify the undercurrents of these contradictions and respond to questions on the relative impact of business, state, national and electoral factors. It surveys literature on migration paradoxes and theories, develops an original conceptual framework by critically assessing a range of radical writing, performs quantitative and secondary study of the Catalan, Spanish and European economic and policy contexts (in general and regarding immigration), and analyses findings from interviews with privileged 'insiders' and observers (employers, union leaders, migrant activists and policy advisors). Policy contradictions and the problematization of immigration were identified as rooted firstly in the inherent contradictions of the capitalist state. States must ensure availability of new reserves of labour to guarantee accumulation and make savings by not having to 'socially reproduce' 'imported' labour power. Yet their abstract national and bounded character propels constant nationcraft - a process best performed invisibly and negatively by symbolically and practically excluding migrants from territory, rights and citizenship. Dynamics are further driven by the desire to be seen to preserve the 'rule of law' and guarantee the exclusivity of national 'social contracts'. Nation-building in policymaking was detected by uncovering the national-linguistic considerations behind the controversial drive to devolve immigration powers to Catalonia. Mushrooming irregularity was a result of migrant agency and the restrictive tendencies of the Aznar administration and EU. Despite the Popular Party (and EU) being notably pro-business, tensions emerged with employers who lobbied alongside unions to bring about the liberalisations introduced by the Zapatero government (2004-2011). Employers benefit from the (continued) institutional conditioning of migrant labour and irregular hiring has been tolerated - aided by a relatively informal and insecure labour market. Yet it is a mistake to see high levels irregularity simply as labour policy. The unequal and instrumental nature of European integration meant the Spanish State played a border policing role that threatened its labour needs before the crisis. This led to political 'fudge' based on varying models of irregularity-amnesty-irregularity, and reinforced pro-European and Hispanist migrant recruitment tendencies. Changes in government have reshaped policymaking (and increased or decreased related tensions) but less-democratic influences were identified in interviews and a clear political economy of immigration can be identified.
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Folkomröstningar : En förstärkning eller försvagning av demokratin? / Referendums : Making democracy stronger or weaker?Runesson, Nelly January 2018 (has links)
This study is testing referendums and how democratic they are by studying the pros and cons. To help analysing my pros and cons I am doing a case study on the referendum in Catalonia 2017. The reason why I decided on this case is because it is the second time in a three years that the region is holding a referendum on independence, and to say the result has not been controversial would be equally controversial. To answer my questions What are the pros and cons with referendums? and In which ways are these visible in the referendum in Catalonia 2017? I have done a quick study on democratic theory and the possible ways of participation, the focus being on participatory democracy, in particular referendums. Referendums are a great way of letting the public decide on matters that will affect them. However the public’s lack of knowledge on politics and democracy may effect their ability to make wise decisions. For them to make the wisest decision it is necessary that the politicians educate the public on the alternatives and their consequences. There is no way of saying that a referendum is or isn’t democratic, it all depends on how it is executed.
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Peruvian women in Catalonia : A Study on the social position of Peruvian female migrants in the labour marketvon Unge, Agnes January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative research investigates the social positions of Peruvian female migrants in the Catalan labour market in Spain. It questions how social categories interactin order to determine the social positions of individuals, a nd how the positions can be related to a global world structure. Four unstructured life story interviews with Peruvian women resident in Catalonia were realized in December 2014. The interviews and two previously made studies have then been reviewed by a narrative analysis. The research formed a theoretical framework of intersectionality interpreted by Nina Yuval-Davis, and a globalization and female migration theory by Saskia Sassen. The analysis with the implementation of theories showed that nationality has a particularly strong influence in the intersection of social categories, though one must understand how all the identifications lay imbedded in each other in order to determine the social position of each individual. It was also concluded that an intersection of the identifications of the individuals interacts with global structures in order to determine the social positions of the study participants in the Catalan labour market.The city of Barcelona could through the lives of the four Peruvian females be seen as an economic centre that demands cheap labour by migrants, and where the social positions in the labour market can show a division of core and peripheral countries.
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Sub-constitutional dialogues of national recognition: a comparative study of Quebec-Canada and Catalonia-SpainGunn, Alexander 02 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of two recent sub-constitutional acts of recognition extended by the Canadian and Spanish governments towards Quebec and Catalonia, respectively. Specifically, the thesis examines a 2006 resolution by the Canadian House of Commons recognizing “that the Québécois form a nation within a united Canada” and the 2006 Catalan Statute of Autonomy, an act that contained similarly ambiguous language regarding nationhood and wider state unity. Both acts are conceptualized as the by-products of an ongoing tension that characterize the Quebec-Canada and Catalonia-Spain relationships, between a rigid and monistic interpretation of the Canadian and Spanish states that operates at the constitutional level, and a more open and multinational interpretation that operates at the sub-constitutional level. The thesis concludes that both the Canadian and Spanish states could benefit from reconceptualising national recognition struggles as an ongoing and necessary feature of free and democratic multinational societies.
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