Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONVERSATION ANALYSIS"" "subject:"[enn] CONVERSATION ANALYSIS""
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Intervention vid afasi : En samtalsanalytisk studie / Aphasia Intervention : A Conversation Analytic StudyGranberg, Elsa, Karlsson, Marie January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka interaktion vid logopedisk intervention för personer med afasi. Interaktionen utspelade sig i en institutionell kontext där undersökningen syftade till att påvisa om interaktionen skiljer sig åt beroende på interventionens form. Bakom studien finns antagandet att afasi påverkar förmågan att kommunicera. Språkliga svårigheter, såsom ordmobiliseringsproblem samt språkförståelseproblem, kan leda till pragmatiska svårigheter, och intervention syftar ofta till att öka förmågan att använda språket i olika vardagliga aktiviteter. Metoden för analysen i studien är inspirerad av Conversation Analysis (CA) då det är en metod för att systematiskt analysera interaktion. Sex interventionssamtal mellan logopeder och personer med afasi spelades in och analyserades med hjälp av CA. Fem logopeder och sex patienter med afasi medverkade i studien. Analysen resulterade i identifikation av fyra, för syftet, relevanta fenomen: riktning i samtalet, gemensamt mål, avslut av samtalsämne samt avdramatiserande uttryck. Efter analysen kunde följande tendenser konstateras: Logopeden tar ansvaret för samtalet, men det framkom en antydan till att patienten tar mer initiativ att påverka riktningen i samtalet vid friare delar, såsom icke-uppgiftsinriktade delar av interventionen. Oftast satte logopeden målet i samtalet och tog därmed ansvar för att ett gemensamt mål skapades. I interventionssamtalen var det logopeden som oftast stod för ämnesbyten och avslut. Det framkom i analysen att patienten oftare avslutade samtalsämnet i icke-uppgiftsinriktade än i uppgiftsinriktade delar av interventionen. Avdramatiserande uttryck i samtalet användes ofta för att undvika att hota patientens ansikte, oavsett vem som avdramatiserade situationen.
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Finns inte på kartan : Att nå fram till ord som inte finns med på bliss standardkarta med hjälp av enbart bliss standardkarta / Out of Reach : To Reach Words that are not on the Bliss Standard Chart, by Using Only Bliss Standard ChartWimnell, Rebecca, Ölmestig, Carin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vilka ordtyper som är lätta respektive svåraatt nå fram till med bliss standardkarta och vilka strategier som är mer respektive mindreeffektiva. Deltagarna, 24 kvinnliga studenter utan funktionshinder, delades upp i par. Den enai paret fick i uppgift att förklara 12 målord, som inte finns med på bliss standardkarta, enbartgenom att använda bliss standardkarta. Den andra i paret fick i uppgift att gissa vilkamålorden var. Eftersom tidigare studier indikerat att ordklass, frekvensnivå ochabstraktionsnivå kan påverka ords svårighetsgrad, valdes målorden i föreliggande studieutifrån dessa variabler. Resultatet visade att målordens ordklass inte påverkade derassvårighetsgrad. Målordens frekvensnivå påverkade svårighetsgraden i viss utsträckning.Abstraktionsnivå var den variabel som påverkade svårighetsgraden mest. Eftersom deabstrakta och ovanliga målorden var svårast, kan det vara klokt att inkludera de ordtyperna påblisskartan. Några strategier som gynnade kommunikationen var när blissaren använde syntaxoch syntaktiskt prompting samt när gissaren gav blissaren tid att avsluta sina fraser. Dessastrategier kan vara lämpliga att rekommendera till blissanvändare och deras samtalspartners. / The aim of this study was to investigate which types of words that are easy and difficult toreach with Bliss Swedish standard chart and also which strategies that is more and lessefficient. The participants, 24 female students with no functional limitations, were grouped inpairs. One in each pair was given the task to explain 12 target words that is not present onBliss standard chart, by using only Bliss standard chart. The other person in each pair wasgiven the task to guess which words that were asked for. Since former studies have indicatedthat word class, level of frequency and level of abstraction can affect words' degree ofdifficulty, the target words in this study were chosen based upon those factors. The resultsdemonstrated that the word class of the target words did not affect their degree of difficulty.The frequency of the target words affected their degree of difficulty in some ways. The levelof abstraction of the target words was the factor that affected the degree of difficulty the most.Since the abstract and infrequent target words were most difficult, it may be a good idea toinclude those types of words on the Bliss chart. Some of the strategies that were beneficial forcommunication were the blisser’s use of syntax and syntactic prompting. Another strategy thatwas beneficial for the communication was giving the blisser enough time to finish herphrases. It may be appropriate to recommend those strategies to Bliss users and theircommunication partners.
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Interaktion och intervention : En undersökning av kommunikativa behov hos personer med afasi och dysartri i vardagliga och kliniska samtal / Interaction and Intervention : A Study of Communicative Needs of People with Aphasia and Dysarhtria in Everyday and Clinical ConversationsWeström, Sarah, Örneholm, Isabelle January 2012 (has links)
In speech and language intervention, the ability to interact is seldom evaluated; rather intervention is evaluated in terms of improved testresults. If goal-setting in intervention also is based on everyday communicative needs, the relevance of the treatment may be increased and intervention outcome may be implemented in the patient’s natural environment. The present study, as part of a research-project, is based on analyses of interaction and interviews to examine everyday conversations and speech and language intervention. The aim was to explore if there is a relation between everyday communication needs and goal-setting in speech and language intervention for people with aphasia. A further aim was to investigate if there are everyday communicative needs that may form goals for speech and language intervention. Two individuals with aphasia and one individual with both dysarhtria and aphasia participated in the study. Three speech and language pathologists and two relatives also participated in the study. Everyday interaction and intervention sessions were recorded and transcribed according to Conversation Analysis principles and analysed from an interactional perspective. Interviews regarding intervention and everyday communication were carried out with all participants. Recordings were presented and discussed with all participants, in so called retrospections. Four phenomena that illustrate communication needs of the participating patients were identified: repair, alternative and augmentative communication, co-construction and feedback. Analysis, interviews and retrospections have revealed that communication needs can form the basis of goal-setting in speech and language intervention. It is also demonstrated that intervention mainly is based on the everyday communication needs of the patient. Retrospections were also shown to be useful in order to observe communication needs in everyday life and in order to evaluate speech and language intervention. The retrospections were found to be beneficial to an open dialogue between speech and language pathologist, patient and relatives regarding the content and aim of the intervention.
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Att skapa gemensam förståelse : en komparativ fallstudie av två samtal mellan blissande och talande ungdomarPalmén, Ylva, Hägg, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
Kommunikation och interaktion är viktigt för att utveckla både språklig och social kompetens. Barn som använder alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK) får dock inte alltid samma möjligheter som talande barn att kommunicera. Speciellt svårt kan det vara att interagera och därigenom skapa relationer med jämnåriga. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att studera samtal mellan jämnåriga, speciellt hur de bygger upp och upprätthåller gemensam förståelse i samtal. Studien innefattade två unga pojkar som på grund av cerebral pares (CP) saknade talförmåga och därför använde bliss som AKK. De filmades under ett samtal med varsin klasskamrat. En samtalsanalytisk metod (conversation analysis, CA) användes för att identifiera mönster i interaktionen och analysera deltagarnas strategier för att etablera gemensam förståelse. De strategier som användes visade sig vara tolkningsförslag, följdfrågor, formuleringar och reparationer. Strategierna användes främst vid responspunkter efter blissyttranden, men reparationer förekom även under konstruktionen av yttranden. Analysen visade också att förståelsestrategier ibland saknades i det ena samtalet vilket då ledde till att samtalet stannade av. De talande tog större delen av ansvaret för förståelsearbetet i båda samtalen, men även de blissande pojkarna var delaktiga. Sammantaget visade analysen att samtal med AKK kan se mycket olika ut. Vilka strategier deltagarna använde sig av för att etablera gemensam förståelse var av stor betydelse i båda samtalen. Det krävdes att alla samtalsdeltagare var engagerade i förståelsearbetet för att samtalet inte skulle avstanna. / Communication and interaction are important parts in developing both linguistic and social skills. Children who uses augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) may not always have the same opportunities as talking children to communicate. It can be especially difficult to interact and thereby create relationships with peers. The aim of this study was to explore conversations between peers, more specifically in which ways they establish and maintain common understanding in the conversation. Participants in the study were two young boys with cerebral palsy (CP) causing non-intelligible speech, and therefore using blissymbolics as their AAC. The boys were videotaped during a conversation with a classmate. A Conversation Analysis method (CA) were used to identify patterns in the interaction, and to analyze the participants' strategies to establish common understanding. Strategies used were suggestions of interpretation, following up-questions, formulations and reparations. The strategies were most used in transition-relevance places, but reparations could also be found during the creation of blissymbolic utterances. The analysis also found that understanding-oriented strategies sometimes were missing in one of the conversations, which led to breakdown in the conversation. The talking individuals were responsible for establishing common understanding in the major part of both conversations, but the boys using blissymbolics did not leave the responsibility entirely to them. In total the analysis showed that conversations with AAC can differ in many ways. Which strategies the participants used to establish common understanding were of great importance in both conversations. Every participant in the conversation were obliged to engage in creating common understanding in order to not lead the conversation to a breakdown.
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The effects of a course in classroom text and discourse on oracy in high school classroomsTichapondwa, Stanslaus Modesto 08 1900 (has links)
The study investigates the potential of teacher talk in enhancing learner capacity to negotiate learning, premised on a view of classroom interaction as guided construction of knowledge. It examines the extent to which levels of oracy - essentially, awareness of the language of instruction, and the ability to use it more effectively - can be raised by exposing teachers to an in-service distance education language-based course. The main research questions are:
a. What are the effects of the course in classroom text and discourse on oracy in the high school classroom?
b. How can the quality of classroom discourse be assessed in a relatively systematic and objective manner?
With regard to the second question, an analytical framework was developed that defined three key constructs in terms of discourse acts, namely teacher dominance, teacher effectiveness and learner initiative, and these constructs formed the basis of the three hypotheses. Patterns of interaction in English, mathematics and geography classes during the first year of high school in Harare, Zimbabwe (main study) and Zomba, Malawi (supplementary study) were analysed. The Zimbabwe study used a pretest-posttest control group design, with six teachers in the experimental group and three as controls, while the Malawi study used a posttest-only control group design with three teachers in each group. The experimental groups took part in an intervention programme known as the Litraid Project, a course on classroom text and discourse. The findings, interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively, showed that after intervention the experimental group teachers dominated classrooms less and used discourse input more consciously and effectively. Similarly, their learners showed improved ability to negotiate learning, as reflected in their heightened levels of initiative and discourse output, both in class and group discussion. Hence the conclusion that classroom praxis, specifically in English second language situations, benefits from a conscious enhancement of oracy, leading to more effective teaching and learning. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
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Kom det kvitto på min betalning eller? : En samtalsanalytisk studie av användningen av frågor med finalt eller i sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska servicesamtalFörell, Sara January 2021 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur frågor med finalt eller används i sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska servicesamtal vid biljettkassor. Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den här typen av frågor fungerar i sina interaktionella sammanhang och att på så sätt få reda på vad det finala eller bidrar med i interaktionen. I uppsatsen undersöks också likheter och skillnader gällande användningen av frågor med finalt eller i de sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska samtalen. Målet med detta är att bidra till forskningen om svenska som pluricentriskt språk. Teoretiskt och metodiskt utgår undersökningen från den samtalsanalytiska metoden Conversation analysis (CA). Särskilt fokus i undersökningen läggs vid frågornas förhållande till samtalens preferensstruktur. Analysen av samtalen identifierar tre återkommande användningsområden för frågorna: att ge sig in på den andra partens område, att skynda på samtalet och att hantera känsliga ämnen. Dessa användningsområden återfinns i både de sverigesvenska och de finlandssvenska samtalen. Undersökningen visar att frågor med finalt eller i det undersökta materialet används oftare i de sverigesvenska samtalen än i de finlandssvenska, men att de förekommer regelbundet i båda de språkliga varieteterna. Det finala eller konstateras öppna upp frågornas preferensstruktur och göra det lättare för respondenten att ge svar som utan det finala eller skulle ha kunnat uppfattas som interaktionellt oönskade. Genom det finala eller positionerar sig frågeställaren som mindre säker och frågorna framstår som mer förbehållslösa, försiktiga och garderande. Tillägget av eller gör preferensorganisationen i samtalen mer flexibel, och i samtalen används frågorna som en metod för att utföra potentiellt problematiska handlingar och beröra känsliga områden på ett interaktionellt smidigt sätt.
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Oskarp filmdialog : En språkanalys av filmdialogens förmåga att styra publikperspektivetLindbom, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om oskarp filmdialog: filmdialog där orden inte kan uttydas auditivt. Sådan dialog kan konstruera ett publikperspektiv genom att antingen ge eller neka tillgång till filmens fiktiva händelser (se bl.a. Kozloff 2000, Horton 2013). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur filmdialog görs oskarp och hur denna filmdialog styr publikperspektivet. I och med detta ansluter sig denna studie till tidigare forskning som undersöker filmpublikens förhållande till filmdialog (se bl.a. Bubel 2008, Alvarez-Pereyre 2011, Dynel 2011). Teori och metod tillhörande forskningsdisciplinen conversation analysis används selektivt för att undersöka detta ur ett publikperspektiv. Erving Goffmans ramverk för deltagande (1981) används även som förklaringsmodell. Forskningsmaterialet består av 56 excerperingar ur 11 svenska spelfilmer, utgivna mellan år 2008 och 2020. Resultaten visar att den existerande typologin över oskarp filmdialog behöver utökas med en ny kategori (primad oskärpa) samt att en och samma filmscen kan innehålla ett dynamiskt och föränderligt publikperspektiv som en konsekvens av hur filmdialogen är konstruerad. Filmdialog demonstreras därmed vara fullt kapabel till att styra publikperspektiv självständigt från övriga cineastiska resurser. Utöver detta uppmärksammar studien hur språkvetenskap arbetar tvärvetenskapligt och hur CA-verktyg kan användas för att representera icke-ratifierade deltagares perspektiv.
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Läsning som identitetsskapande handling. : Gemenskapande och utbrytningsförsök i fordonspojkars litteratursamtal. / Reading as Identity Construction. : Practices and processes of building a sense of community in literature discussions among male Vehicle Engineering students.Asplund, Stig-Börje January 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation literature discussions which include students of Vehicle Engineering at a Swedish upper secondary school will be discussed. The students are all boys. The study is focused on these boys’ small-group literature discussions, and the aim of the study is to describe what happens when they discuss four of the novels that form an integral part in the context of their Swedish studies. Principal fields of interest are the readings and the reception that the boys give utterance to in the literature discussions, as well as the identity-constructing processes which set in when they interact in the light of what they have read. The empirical material consists of eleven video recorded small-group discussions, and a conversational analytic perspective is combined with a reception theory perspective in the dissertation. The study shows that a sense of community is vital to the core of the boys’ literature discussions, and this has an influence on the reception and the readings that come up in the discussions. The boys are anxious to come to an agreement and voices which threaten to shatter the sense of community that has been constructed in the discussions are opposed in different ways. The literature discussions are not only arenas where the boys construct themselves as readers but are also considered as a forum where various identity-constructing practices take place. As readers these boys are bound to what can be read, and what cannot be read, in literary texts, but it is possible to see a certain development in their readings towards a more complex attitude, such as they find expression in the discussions. The boys also carry out the literature discussions, and the constructed sense of community is based on the reading of the novel to be discussed in a small-group discussion. Thus the boys take on the responsibility for their own learning as well. Many of the processes in which the boys are involved during the literature discussions could be described as processes of social reproduction, but various dividing lines which could be identified in the study also show that there are openings for other directions of the discussions.
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中文交談中修復之社會語言學分析 / Socio-pragmatic Analysis of Repair in Mandarin Conversation魏詩婷, Sze-ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
指導教授:詹惠珍 博士
在交談情境中,當說話者(Interlocutor)無法清楚表達其訊息時就必須進行修復(Repair)。修復的種類不僅止於句法結構,在說話者發現語意不足時,就有做語意修復的必要性。而修復的種類也會依其所行使的語用功能(Pragmatic Function)而有所不同。修復的方式更有可能因交談者雙方的年齡差距大小而改變。因此,本研究針對說話者行使的語用功能及交談者的年齡差距來探討修復的語言形式與使用情形。
語料又根據修復的方式分為句法層次(Syntactic Level)及語意層次(Semantic Level)。其中句法層次又包含刪除(Deletion與添加(Addition)兩重種策略;語意層次則包括替換(Replacement)及添加(Addition)兩個策略。語用功能則分為釐清(Clarification)、確認(Confirmation)、解釋(Explanation)、贊成(Agreement)、強調(Emphasis)及弱化(Alleviation)六種。
關鍵字:社會語言學,交談分析,語用學,修復 / Abstract
Perfect utterances do not occur all the time during the conversation. An unclear message is usually repaired to maintain the clarity of meaning. Repair forms at Syntactic and Semantic levels are examined in this study. Also, it is proposed that formal distribution of repair forms are conditioned by pragmatic and social factors. On pragmatic aspect, the principles of Clarity and Expressivity are conformed. For social constraint on repair forms, the influence of interlocutors’ age is suggested.
Data analyzed in this study are collected from ten dyadic, face-to-face daily conversations, with each lasting more than 30 minutes. Subjects in the ten conversations share the same ethnic background—Taiwanese. In addition, they are from two different age groups, with half of them at the age between 20 to 30 and the other half between 40 to 55. Among the ten conversations: three of them are conducted by both interlocutors being old, three by both interlocutors being young, and four by interlocutors from different age groups.
Repair forms found in the data are categorized into two linguistic categories. In Syntactic aspect, repairs are derived from Deletion and Addition strategies, the former consists of Word-Deletion, Ellipsis, and Marker Deletion, and the latter Modal Addition, Addition of Marker for Focus Changing, and Addition of Marker for Attitudinal Adjustment. As for Semantic repairs, they are those resulted from strategies of Replacement and Addition. The former includes Synonyms, Substantializatoin, Hyponymy, and Hypernymy; while the latter is composed of Narrowing.
Results of quantitative analysis yield several patterns. First, repair forms at Semantic level score significantly higher than those on Syntactic level. Moreover, within the Semantic realm, Narrowing is the strategy most frequently used. Second, there seems to be a significantly stronger preference for repairs to conform Clarity principle than to comply Expressivity principle. Among pragmatic functions under Clarity principle, Clarification is the pragmatic function that recieves first priority. Interlocutors’ age is only partially influential to a speaker’s choice of repair forms with interlocutors from younger age group being noticed to be putting more emphasis on the importance of hearers’ age than those from older age group.
Follow-up interviews suggest that interlocutors manifest repair differently for certain purposes. However, most interviewees point out that the consideration of both interlocutors’ age does not influence the choice of repair forms. Instead, it is hearers’ age, solely, that lay significant effects on the use of repairs for pragmatic functions.
Key Words: Sociolinguistics, Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics, Repair
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Seeing Segregation Happen : The Assembling of Normative Space and Attribution of Normative-Spatial-IdentitiesRosman, Emilie January 2017 (has links)
In view of the augmenting spatial, socio-economic and ethnic segregation in Sweden over the last 30 years, the purpose of this study is to examine, illustrate and enhance the understanding of mundane segregation processes by studying how social actors collaboratively interact in Swedish online forums regarding in which areas it is “good” or “bad” to live in. The theoretical and methodological framework used to guide the collection, coding and analysis of empirical data is based on ethnomethodology and its applied methods conversation analysis, discursive psychology and membership categorization analysis. This implies a data-driven approach in which the analysis is solely based on the observable-and-reportable understandings of the interactants themselves. The results of the study show that the participants collaboratively orient to and assemble normative spatial categories by connecting these with spatial identities. Simply put, “good places” are treated as inherently linked to “good people”, and vice versa. Because of the way in which interactants treat these spatial-social categories as both inherently and normatively linked, the thesis introduces the concept normative-spatial-identities, in order to facilitate the investigation of how social actors collaboratively make sense of, orient to and assemble normative spatial boundaries and in this fashion, contribute to enhancing the understanding of everyday inclusion-and-exclusion practices.
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