Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONVERSATION ANALYSIS"" "subject:"[enn] CONVERSATION ANALYSIS""
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Weibliche Diskurskulturen : privat, beruflich, medial /Macur, Franziska. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Bonn, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-173).
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從動腦會議的對話看權力展現 / Power of Conversation in Brainstorming郭瀧億, Kuo, Lung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,當創意遇見權力時,權力關係與以下幾個面向有關。第一,引導人角色鮮明,發言次數全場最多,並控制著整場動腦會議的進行。第二,參與者的資歷、經歷影響其表現。第三,透過主動表達、正面誘引、相互堆疊使創意浮現。四,引導人利用意識框架彰顯權力。第五,語對中的打斷或插話乃是確保資訊平等以及創意延續。第六,開玩笑與講笑話可拉近與會人員的距離以及緩和氣氛。第七,善於鼓勵促進創意發展及否決創意背後均蘊含權力關係。第八,清楚闡釋乃是掌握會議當下權力的最佳利器。第九,延續他人創意及說服他人妥協以壯大權力地位。 / Brainstorming is a common meeting type in media agencies in order to collect ideas qualitatively and quantitatively in a short time. However, there are usually only a few participants dominating the meeting, impeding the process of brainstorming. Language is the most important tool for brainstorming process, and there is power relationship due to society structure.
Through conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis, this thesis takes conversation records of brainstorming of a media agency as study materials, analyzes dialogues of brainstorming, and structure and change of power.
First of all, the role of the facilitator is significant and competent, he dominates the brainstorming process and progress. Second, past work experience of participants matters. Third, ideas come from expression, guidance, and extension. Fourth, the facilitator utilizes ideology to show his power. Fifth, participants disrupt others to secure ideas or ensure everyone gets equal amount of information. Sixth, participants can relax a tense atmosphere with humorous jokes. Seventh, power is shown when encouragements or denials occur. Eighth, to own power, one needs clear interpretation. Lastly, a person strengthens power by elaborating on others’ ideas or persuading others.
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Conversações online nos comentários de blogs : interações dialógicas nos blogs Melhores do Mundo, Interney e Pensar EnlouqueceConsoni, Gilberto Balbela January 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação observo a experiência conversacional dos interagentes nos comentários dos blogs Melhores do Mundo, Interney e Pensar Enlouquece. A organização da conversa nos três ambientes foi feita e representada graficamente para auxílio na observação de como os interagentes conversam nos blogs. Entrevistas com os autores dos blogs e a Análise da Conversação nos comentários de suas postagens serviram de instrumento de análise. A interação mediada por computador foi contrastada com a face a face para se tomar conhecimento das transformações no virtual em relação ao presencial. Os resultados apontam que as práticas dos blogueiros ao lidarem com os comentários interferem na forma como se dá a conversação online nesse ambiente. O controle dos comentários ou a falta dele por parte do blogueiro ora orienta à interação um-um, ora orienta à interação todos-todos. O resultado mostra práticas de como são as conversas nos espaços de comentários desses blogs e oferece indícios para o estudo da conversação online. / On this essay I observe the conversational experience of the interacting on the comments of blogs Melhores do Mundo, Interney and Pensar Enlouquece. The arrangement of the conversation in all three environments was done and represented graphically to help the observation of how he interacting talk on the blogs. Interviews with the blogs' writers and the Conversation Analysis on the comments to their postings served as instruments of analysis. The computer-mediated interaction was contrasted with the face-to-face interaction, in order to acknowledge the transformations in the virtual, in relation to presential. The results point that the practice of the bloggers while dealing with comments interferes on the way the conversation is held in given environment. The control over the comments, or the lack of it by the blogger, sometimes orients to one-to-one interaction, while other times orients to all-to-all interaction. The result shows practices of how the conversations on these blogs' comment areas are, and offers indication to the studies of online conversation.
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Budskapspostinskott, budskapsinbäddningar och övergångsfraser : En teorigenererande konversationsanalys av politikers strategier för att utöva makt över innehållet i partiledarintervjuer. / Message Post-Expansions, Message Embeddings and Transitional Phrases : A theory generating conversation analysis of Swedish party leaders’ strategies to take power in pre-election interviews.Palm, Eva-Lotta January 2019 (has links)
This study examines Swedish party leaders’ strategies in political campaign interviews to both answer the journalist’s question and deliver own messages. The material studied consists of eight fifty minutes long interviews, each with one Swedish party leader, broadcast in the channels of the Swedish public service company Sveriges television in a series of episodes called “Val 2014 #dinröst” in the weeks before the 2014 elections. The answering turns, where the politicians both answer the question given by the journalist and give messages which the question has not explicitly asked for, were analyzed using conversation analysis. Two main findings are the “message post-expansion” and the “message embedding”, two features of the politicians’ answering turns in which they deliver own messages, sometimes with help of a “transitional phrase”. The study is theory generating in the sense that it contributes with these features. The study indicates that the Swedish party leader interview format gives the politicians possibilities to express themselves rather freely. Questions asked by the journalists set the topics but journalists seem to expect the politicians to do more than answering the question, as well as the politicians themselves seem to feel expected to present their positions after answering the question. A conclusion is also that the party leader considers her or his task in the party leader interview as two-sided: she or he shall both follow the Q-A turn-taking organization and deliver own messages. At a macro level, the study suggests that media logic has made party leaders develop strategies to maximize their usage of the party leader interview as a communication channel, and that the features of the “budskapspostinskott” and the “budskapsinbäddning” indicate that mediatization of politics is advanced. In addition, the results make it reasonable to suggest that the journalist and the party leader, from an institutionalistic perspective of mediatization of politics, can have different logics but at the same time have at least one common aim: to provide as many people as possible with a basis to take a stand on the day of the election. With this view, the journalist and the party leader co-work to contribute to a sustainable democracy. The profession dimension of media logic can, thus, in addition to scrutinizing the party leader, include helping the party leader reach the audience with understandable and clear messages. Finally, the actions of the party leaders in “Val 2014 #dinröst” can be understood as indicating that mediatization of politics has reached so far that message construction has become a natural part of the politics dimension of political logic. The construction of political messages can be said to have been triggered by media logic but, in the light of this study, have become included into the dimension of political logic which embraces the work of winning voters and gaining support for political ideas. / Den här studien undersöker svenska partiledares strategier för att i partiledarintervjuer både svara på journalistens fråga och föra fram egna budskap som journalisten inte explicit bett om att få. Empirin består av de åtta knappt femtio minuter långa partiledarintervjuerna i Sveriges televisions program ”Val 2014 #dinröst” som direktsändes under valrörelsen inför de allmänna valen i Sverige den 17 september 2014. De svarsturer i vilka politikerna både svarar på frågan och utnyttjar sin tur till att leverera egna budskap analyserades med hjälp av konversationsanalys. Studien är teorigenererande så till vida att den presenterar budskapspostinskott och budskapsinbäddningar, två konstruktioner i politikernas svarsturer som de använder för att leverera egna budskap, ibland med hjälp av en övergångsfras. Studiens slutsatser är att partiledarna i det programformat som studerats får tala relativt fritt – partiledarna kan sägas ta sig en proaktiv roll, och deras budskapspostinskott och budskapsinbäddningar tycks för både journalist och politiker ingå som en naturlig del i programformatet. En slutsats är också att partiledaren ser sig ha ett tudelat uppdrag i partiledarintervjun – att både följa frågasvarturtagningsordningen och föra fram egna budskap. På en makronivå anför studien att det är medielogiken som har gjort att partiledarna har utvecklat strategier för att maximalt kunna nyttja partiledarintervjun som kanal, och att studiens budskapspostsinskott och budskapsinbäddningar kan ses som ett indicium på att mediatization av politiken är mycket långtgående. Därutöver konstateras att journalist och partiledare utifrån ett institutionalistiskt mediatization-perspektiv kan utgå från olika logik och samtidigt ha åtminstone ett gemensamt mål: att hålla ett begripligt och levande samtal för att så många tittare som möjligt ska tillhandahållas underlag för att ta ställning på valdagen. På så sätt kan de sägas tillsammans bidra till en hållbar demokrati. Professionsdimensionen av medielogiken kan utifrån det förda resonemanget gå ut på att journalisten, utöver att granska politikern kritiskt, ska hjälpa politikern att nå ut med sina budskap på ett lättfattligt sätt. Det föreslår den här studien. Till sist kan partiledarnas ageranden i ”Val 2014 #dinröst” sägas tyda på att mediatization av politiken har gått så långt att budskapsformulering har blivit en naturlig del i politics-dimensionen av politiken. Budskapsformulering kan sägas ha triggats av medielogiken men bör i ljuset av den här studien inte längre ses som en effekt av medielogiken som står vid sidan av politikens politics-dimension utan som en numera naturlig och självklar införlivad del av den dimension av politiken som handlar om att få väljarstöd och vinna gehör för olika frågor.
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Under ordningsamma former : En samtalsanalytisk studie av hur lärare och elever konstruerar daglig ordning och agenda i klassrummet / In an orderly manner : A conversation analysis into how teachers and students construct daily order and agenda in the classroomKirwan, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Att etablera och upprätthålla ordning i klassrummet är en komplex uppgift för lärare, särskilt för oerfarna lärare som ännu inte har etablerat egna framgångsrika metoder. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur lärare och elever konstruerar lokal ordning och agenda, genom empiriska observationer av daglig klassrumsinteraktion. En genomgång av tidigare forskning visar att klassrumsordning kan studeras från olika perspektiv, inklusive historiska, moraliska, kulturella och konstruktivistiska perspektiv. Denna studie utgår från ett etnometodologiskt perspektiv och teoretiska begrepp som direktiv, tillsägelser, sanktionering, mitigering, uppgradering, intersubjektivitet och ansvarsskyldighet utgör verktyg för analys av interaktionen. Observationerna dokumenterades genom videoinspelningar och fältanteckningar under lektioner i två mellanstadieklasser från två åtskilda skolor. Datamaterialet består huvudsakligen av transkriberad interaktion från 735 minuters lektionstid. Interaktionerna har analyserats med samtalsanalys och vissa inslag av etnografiska metoder. Resultaten visar att både lärare och elever kan observeras konstruera ordning genom att adressera oönskat eller störande beteende. Lärare använder många olika strategier för att ge direktiv eller korrigera elever, medan eleverna verkar imitera vissa av dessa strategier när de saktionerar sina kamrater. Lärare tenderar att mitigera sina tillsägelser på olika sätt, medan elever interagerar på ett mer omitigerat sätt gentemot varandra. De flesta korrigeringar handlade om oönskade ljud eller prat, med det fanns även andra exempel, bland annat ouppmärksamhet (enligt lärare) och handlingar som ansågs vara fusk (enligt elever). Lärare använde även förebyggande strategier för att undvika potentiella problem innan de uppstod. När elever utmanade den rådande maktstrukturen kunde det leda till uppgraderade tillsägelser från lärarens sida, eller till agendakonflikter som inte alltid hade en självklar lösning. Denna studie ger empiriska exempel på strategier som implementerats av lärare och elever vid lokal konstruktion av ordning och agenda, vilket kan vara både till praktisk hjälp för verksamma lärare och en vetenskaplig utgångspunkt för vidare studier på området. / Establishing and maintaining classroom order among students is a complex task for any teacher, especially for inexperienced teachers who have not yet established their own successful methods. The aim of this study is to analyse how teachers and students construct local order and agenda through empirical observations of everyday classroom interaction. A review of previous research reveals that classroom order can be studied from different perspectives including historical, moral, cultural and constructionist perspectives. This study uses an ethnomethodological perspective and theoretical terms such as directives, reproaches, sanctions, mitigations, upgrades, intersubjectivity and accountability as tools for analysis of interaction. Observations were documented through video recordings and field notes during lessons in two middle school classrooms, from two different schools. The data consists mainly of transcribed interaction from 735 minutes of lesson time. Data has been analysed using Conversations Analysis conventions as well as some aspects of ethnographic methods. Results show that both teachers and students can be observed to construct order by addressing unwanted or disruptive behaviour. Teachers use many different strategies to direct or reproach students, while students appear to mimic some of these when sanctioning their peers. Teachers tend to mitigate their reproaches in various ways, while peers interact in a more unmitigated manner. The main cause for reproach was unwanted noises or talking, along with a variety of other examples such as inattention (addressed by teachers) or cheating (addressed by peers). Teachers also used preventative strategies in anticipation of potential problems. When students attempt to challenge the teacher’s position of power, it can lead to upgraded reproaches or to agenda conflicts which sometimes have no simple solution. This study provides examples of strategies implemented by teachers and students when constructing order and agenda, offering a source of empirical data for practicing educators and a foundation for further research.
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Ontwikkeling van alternatiewe konstruksies in 'n terapeutiese gesprek : 'n gevallestudieVoges, Aletta Maria 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study a description of the development of meaningful alternative constructions has been
provided. The development of meaningful alternative descriptions of a painful situation within
which people find themselves could create the possibility of movement taking place. ·
The development of alternative descriptions was discussed by means of the following
components of a therapeutic conversation:
The therapist uses the different punctuations of the family in their description of
the problem and takes complementary descriptions into consideration.
In the description of alternative realities the therapist uses a language that
creates hope for change. (Reframing.)
The therapist listens to the family with respect and endeavours to hear the
family's themes, to understand and to use them. (Language.)
The therapist, by asking questions of which the answers facilitate further
questions, accepts the responsibility to facilitate discussions that encourage
participation in the therapeutic process. (Participation/questions leading to
further questions.)
The discussion was based on a constructivist approach.
A case history was described to illustrate how meaningful alternative descriptions were
developed in a therapeutic conversation. / In hierdie studie is 'n beskrywing van die ontwikkeling van betekenisvolle alternatiewe
konstruksies gegee. Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe beskrywings vir 'n pynlike situasie
waarin mense hulle bevind kan die moontlikheid skep dat beweging plaasvind.
Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe beskrywings word bespreek aan die hand van die volgende
vier komponente van 'n terapeutiese gesprek:
Die terapeut gebruik die verskillende punktuasies van die gesin in hulle
beskrywing van die probleem en neem komplementerende beskrywings in ag.
In die beskrywing van alternatiewe realiteite gebruik die terapeut 'n taal wat die
hoop op verandering skep. (Herformulering.)
Die terapeut luister met respek na die gesin, en poog om die gesin se temas aan
te hoor, te verstaan en te gebruik. (Taal.)
Die terapeut neem, deur vrae te vra waarvan die antwoorde tot verdere vrae
aanleiding gee, die verantwoordelikheid op hom om gesprekvoering te fasiliteer
wat deelname aan die terapeutiese proses aanmoedig. (Deelname/vrae wat
aanleiding gee tot verdere vrae.)
Die bespreking is gebaseer op 'n konstruktivistiese benadering.
'n Gevallestudie word beskryf om te illustreer hoe betekenisvolle alternatiewe beskrywings in
'n terapeutiese gesprek ontwikkel is. / M.A. (Social Work)
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Conversações online nos comentários de blogs : interações dialógicas nos blogs Melhores do Mundo, Interney e Pensar EnlouqueceConsoni, Gilberto Balbela January 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação observo a experiência conversacional dos interagentes nos comentários dos blogs Melhores do Mundo, Interney e Pensar Enlouquece. A organização da conversa nos três ambientes foi feita e representada graficamente para auxílio na observação de como os interagentes conversam nos blogs. Entrevistas com os autores dos blogs e a Análise da Conversação nos comentários de suas postagens serviram de instrumento de análise. A interação mediada por computador foi contrastada com a face a face para se tomar conhecimento das transformações no virtual em relação ao presencial. Os resultados apontam que as práticas dos blogueiros ao lidarem com os comentários interferem na forma como se dá a conversação online nesse ambiente. O controle dos comentários ou a falta dele por parte do blogueiro ora orienta à interação um-um, ora orienta à interação todos-todos. O resultado mostra práticas de como são as conversas nos espaços de comentários desses blogs e oferece indícios para o estudo da conversação online. / On this essay I observe the conversational experience of the interacting on the comments of blogs Melhores do Mundo, Interney and Pensar Enlouquece. The arrangement of the conversation in all three environments was done and represented graphically to help the observation of how he interacting talk on the blogs. Interviews with the blogs' writers and the Conversation Analysis on the comments to their postings served as instruments of analysis. The computer-mediated interaction was contrasted with the face-to-face interaction, in order to acknowledge the transformations in the virtual, in relation to presential. The results point that the practice of the bloggers while dealing with comments interferes on the way the conversation is held in given environment. The control over the comments, or the lack of it by the blogger, sometimes orients to one-to-one interaction, while other times orients to all-to-all interaction. The result shows practices of how the conversations on these blogs' comment areas are, and offers indication to the studies of online conversation.
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Língua e diversidade: o olhar dos alunos / Language and diversity: the view of studentsSilva, Elaine Luzia da 25 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-25 / The present research, based on theories of Conversation Analysis, Interactional Sociolinguistics, Membership Categorization Devices and Sociolinguistics, investigates talk-in-interaction during the occurrence of focus groups in order to discover, mainly through the analysis of the emergence of categories (Sacks, 1972), what students in the 9th grade of an Elementary School think about the Portuguese language. Data was collected in a public school, located in Minas Gerais, from the realization of three focus groups which occurred at this same school. The recordings amounted to a total of one hundred and thirteen minutes and ninety-two seconds of interaction and, after data collection, they were transcribed and analyzed from the perspective of Conversation Analysis. The data analysis was divided into five parts, according to the main topics discussed during the interactions: i) The language that I speak; ii) The rural speak: a stigmatized variety; iii) The role assigned to the teacher; iv) Language adequacy to speech situation and v) Linguistic insecurity. The data showed that participants have a very reductionist view of language and they consider it a set of predefined rules by traditional grammar. Linguistic diversity is disregarded once the natural changes in the language are understood as errors. Thus, as the participants do not master all of the rules imposed by the traditional grammar, they believe that they are not able to speak their mother tongue proficiently. / Esta pesquisa, fundamentada nas teorias da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, Sociolinguística Interacional, Categorização de Membros e Sociolinguística, investiga a fala em interação durante a ocorrência de grupos focais a fim de desvendar, principalmente através da análise da emergência de categorias (Sacks, 1972), o olhar de alunos do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental em relação à língua portuguesa. Os dados foram gerados em uma escola pública localizada na Zona da Mata mineira, a partir da realização de três grupos focais, os quais ocorreram na própria escola. As gravações somaram um total de cento e treze minutos e noventa e dois segundos de interação e, após a coleta de dados, as gravações foram transcritas e analisadas a partir da perspectiva da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica. A análise dos dados foi dividida em cinco partes, de acordo com os principais tópicos discutidos nas interações: i) A língua que eu falo; ii) O falar rural: uma variedade estigmatizada; iii) O papel atribuído ao professor; iv) Adequação da linguagem à situação de fala e v) Insegurança linguística. Os dados demonstraram que os participantes têm uma visão muito reducionista de língua, considerando-a como um conjunto de regras préestabelecidas pela gramática normativa. A diversidade linguística é desconsiderada, pois as mudanças naturais da língua são compreendidas como erros. Assim, como os participantes não têm domínio de todas as normas impostas pela gramática tradicional, eles acreditam que não sabem falar sua língua materna.
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As construções e as negociações das identidades profissionais de uma professora de inglês na fala em interação em sala de aula / The constructions and negotiations of professional identities of an English teacher in talk in interaction in classroomRodrigues, Renata Miranda 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:44:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
texto completo.pdf: 1074779 bytes, checksum: d749dff25abaad6c40ca95955b681609 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / This study was conducted in a public school in Minas Gerais and aimed to investigate the construction and negotiation of identity of an English teacher in talk in interaction in the classroom. Sharing a sociointeractionist view of language, we believe that participants continuously negotiate what is being said or done, i.e., how they express what they say and how they deal with a given situation. In talk in interaction, teachers and students negotiate not only the senses but also identities, since the participants position themselves, they project to each other images of self (Goffman, 1998). This linguistic-discursive study was theoretical and methodological grounded in the theories of Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis (ECA), studies of Discursive Psychology, the Interactional Sociolinguistic and Applied Linguistic. We aim to study the construction of the professional identity of an English teacher in talk in interaction in its natural context of production. Therefore, we use as data collection instruments the audio recordings and their transcripts, participant observation, questionnaire in addition to document analysis. The analysis of positions taken by participants and shown by conventions of contextualization has revealed that there is a hierarchical relationship between the teacher and the students researched, in which the teacher assumes a position of authority, since she projects herself into the discourse as participant who owns all the rights of the turn taking and controls students‟ behavior. The positioning analysis also reveals that the teacher searched assumes the discursive identity of counselor, quality controller of the language used in classroom, valuer, planner and friend. The positioning taken by teacher (except for friend positioning) show a construction of an identity strongly influenced by traditional method of teaching (Grammar-Translation Method), in which predominates the teacher-centered teaching with strong classroom control. The results also show the challenges of teaching in a large classroom. / Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma escola pública do interior de Minas Gerais e teve como objetivo principal investigar a construção e a negociação da identidade de uma professora de língua inglesa na fala-em-interação em sala de aula. Compartilhando de uma visão sociointeracionista da linguagem, acreditamos que os participantes negociam continuamente o que está sendo dito ou feito, isto é, a maneira como eles expressam o que dizem e a forma como eles lidam com uma dada situação. Em uma interação, professores e alunos negociam não só sentidos, como também identidades, uma vez que os participantes, ao se posicionarem, projetam uns para os outros, imagens do self (GOFFMAN, 1998). Este estudo linguístico-discursivo teve como pressupostos teórico-metodológicos as teorias da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica (ACE), os estudos da Psicologia Discursiva, da Sociolinguística Interacional e da Linguística Aplicada. Buscamos estudar a construção da identidade de uma professora de língua inglesa na fala-em-interação em seu contexto natural de produção. Logo, utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados as gravações em áudio e suas transcrições, a observação participante e o questionário. A análise dos posicionamentos assumidos pelos participantes e explicitados pelas convenções de contextualização demonstrou que há uma relação hierárquica entre a professora pesquisada e os alunos, na qual a professora assume uma posição de autoridade, uma vez que ela se projeta no discurso como uma participante que detêm todos os direitos sob a tomada dos turnos, bem como assume uma posição de controladora do comportamento dos discentes. A análise dos posicionamentos revela, ainda, que a professora pesquisada assume as identidades discursivas de conselheira, controladora da qualidade, avaliadora, planejadora e amiga. Os posicionamentos assumidos pela professora (exceto o posicionamento de amiga) revelam uma construção de uma identidade profissional fortemente influenciada pelo método tradicional de ensino (Método Gramática e Tradução), no qual predomina um ensino centrado no professor com forte controle da sala de aula. Os resultados mostram, ainda, os desafios de se lecionar em sala de aula numerosa.
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Entrevista de primeira vez entre psicóloga e usuários de álcool e/ou outras drogas: a ordem interacional e a agenda: um estudo de caso / The first time interview between a pshycologist and an alcohol and or other drugs addict: interactional order and agenda -a case studyMárcio da Silva Bandeira 29 June 2010 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever a estrutura global de entrevistas de primeira vez entre uma psicóloga e usuários de álcool e/ou outras drogas, tomando como recurso os movimentos interacionais e as ações sequenciais neles realizadas, a partir do instrumental teórico-analítico da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, com foco nos conceitos de organização seqüencial e de agenda conversacional. O trabalho explora e problematiza o uso da ficha, espécie de roteiro disponibilizado pela instituição, e da agenda da profissional no processo investigativo em curso. Os dados indicaram que a ficha apresenta-se como instrumento de avaliação limitado. A psicóloga, então, necessita ampliar as questões e utilizar recursos sobressalentes para suprir a falta na execução da tarefa proposta. A análise revelou que a disposição dos movimentos interacionais orienta-se fortemente para a avaliação, permitindo-se que se visualize a agenda deste encontro. As entrevistas organizam-se em sete movimentos interacionais: identificar o usuário de álcool e outras drogas, investigar o histórico familiar, constituir a dinâmica da drogadição, etc. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e colaborativa e destina-se a contribuir para a reflexão a respeito da prática profissional psicológica na área da saúde / This study seeks to describe the overall structure of a group of ten first-time interviews between a pshycologist and an alcohol and/or other drugs users, through both the interactional movements and the sequentional actions taken in each movement, based on the theorethical and analytical tools comprised in the Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis, with a focus on the concepts of sequentional organization and conversational agenda. The research explore and criticizes the use of patients file, a kind of script kept by the institution, and the psychologist `s agenda in the investigative process. The results of this study showed the patients file was presented as a limited instrument of assessment. Then, it is necessary for psychologist to enlarge the issues and use all spare resources to solve the difficult in performing the proposal task. The analysis showed the arrangement of interactional movements are strongly conducted for evaluation, allowing it to visualize the agenda in this interview. The interviews are organized in seven interactional movements: identify the alcohol and others drugs users, investigate the familiar history, constitute the dynamics of the drug addiction, etc. The research is a qualitative and collaborative nature and intends to contribute for a reflection about the psycologist`s professional practice in healthy
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