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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

第三人侵害債權制度研究 / 第3人侵害債權制度研究

徐斌 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

論第三人侵害債權 = Discussion about damage of credit committed by third party / Discussion about damage of credit committed by third party

鍾小瑜 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal : när binder avtalet konkursboet?

Persson, Emilia, Larsson, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att beskriva gällande rätt kring om och när en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo samt konsekvenserna av detta. I dagsläget är rättsområdet osäkert och enbart grundat på praxis, uppsatsen utreder därför även om lagstiftning eller annan utveckling på området är erforderlig. Det har i praxis konstaterats att en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo då tvister gäller obligationsrättsliga anspråk och bevakningsförfaranden är aktuella. I praxis kan vidare konstateras att i tvister av sak- och föreningsrättslig karaktär är ett konkursbo inte bundet av konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal. Tvister avgörs då i enlighet med konkursrättens tvistlösningsmetoder. Juridisk metod används för att beskriva gällande rätt och för att bringa klarhet i de grundläggande bestämmelserna på området används en deskriptiv metod. En problemorienterad metod används för att analysera rättsläget. Konsekvenserna av att ett konkursbo är bundet av konkursgäldenärens skiljeavtal är att en borgenär kan, genom sin skiljeklausul, komma att tillgodogöra sig mer ur konkursboets egendomsmassa än övriga borgenärer med bevakade fordringar i konkursen som inte avtalat om skiljeförfarande. Att konkursboet i obligationsrättsliga fall är bundet att tvista i ett skiljeförfarande, trots att boet inte existerat vid skiljeavtalets uppkomst, innebär att en kollision mellan offentlig- och civilrätt uppstår. Författarna anser avslutningsvis att konkursgäldenärs skiljeklausul inte ska binda dess konkursbo. De sak- och föreningsrättsliga rättsfallen är mer klara i sina argument och utveckling av rättsläget bör därför, enligt författarna, ske i samförstånd med dessa bedömningar. / The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate current law whether if and when a bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankrupt’s estate and the consequences of this. The legal position is in the current situation uncertain and is solely based on legal cases; the thesis investigates therefore whether legislation or other development within the area is required.  It has been stated through legal cases that bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankruptcy estate when the conflict refers to claims on law of obligations and when monitoring procedures are in question. Case law furthermore state that the bankruptcy estate is not bound by its bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement in conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association. A traditional legal method has been used in order to investigate current law and a descriptive method has been used to clarify the fundamental provisions in the area. A problem-oriented method has been used in order to analyze the legal position. The consequences of the binding effect of the arbitration agreement towards the bankruptcy’s estate is that a creditor can, through its arbitration clause, utilize more from the bankruptcy’s estate property than the rest of the creditors, whom have not agreed on an arbitration clause. That the bankruptcy’s estate is considered forced to dispute in arbitration, even though the bankruptcy’s estate did not exist when the arbitration agreement occurred, implies that an impact between public- and civil law arises. The authors consider that the bankruptcy’s debtor arbitration clause should not be binding towards its bankruptcy’s estate. The authors is of the opinion that the case law conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association are more clear in their argument’s and development of the legal position should take guidance from these legal cases.

Die internationale Forderungspfändung nach schweizerischem Recht /

Audétat, Thomas. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss--Bern, 2006.

Die kumulative Schuldübernahme in der Rechtsprechung des Reichsgerichts und in der zeitgenössischen Literatur /

Schlicht, Christian Rainer, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Kiel, 2004. / Literaturverz. S. 173 - 183.

Oddlužení podnikajících fyzických osob - možné dopady na ekonomiku / Discharge from debts by individuals doing business - the possible effects on the economy

BLÁHOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Discharge from debts by individuals doing business - the possible effects on the economy. The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce and to evaluate the discharge from debts of individuals-businessmen as one of the rehabilitative solutions of insolvency. In the first part, we get acquainted with development of legislative adjustment of insolvency law, course of the insolvency proceedings and process subjects. The thesis follows with introducing methods of solving the insolvency of a debtor. The main part of the thesis discusses the issue of discharge from debts of businessmen in detail including formulation of calculation of repayment and evaluation of suitability of this approach to solution of business debts based on data from publicly available sources. In the last part, we focus on assessing the degree of burden on borrowers and creditors and possible impacts on the economy. In the conclusion there are summarized all learned facts.

Právní aspekty reorganizace jako způsobu řešení úpadku / Legal aspects of reorganization as way of resolving insolvency

GÁLIKOVÁ, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on legislation of reorganization and using informations from theoretical part in example from practice. Analysis of statistics of insolvency proceedings is embodied in practical part.

Die aard en werking van retensieregte : 'n regsvergelykende studie

Wiese, Mitzi 14 December 2012 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This thesis deals with the nature and operation of liens in South African law. Whereas enrichment liens are classified as real rights, debtor creditor liens are not (sometimes they are referred to as personal rights). The South African law of lien is principally founded on Roman Dutch law and is similar to Dutch law before the enactment of the current Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW). In Dutch law the BW specifies which persons have a lien and under what circumstances. In South African law a creditor can establish a lien against an owner who has a duty to perform in terms of an agreement between the parties or, in the absence of such an agreement, on the basis of unjustified enrichment. My research has shown that a lien is not a subjective right but a capacity vested in a creditor by operation of law. It empowers him to retain an owner’s (debtor) thing until the creditor’s claim against him has been discharged. Extra-judicially the lien holder can rely on his lien or he can raise it as a defence against the owner’s rei vindicatio. The categorisation of liens as either enrichment liens, or debtor creditor liens is at the most an indication of the different sources of the creditor’s right to which the lien is accessory. In Dutch law liens are classified as verhaalsrechten on the owner’s estate. These rights (verhaalsrechten) are further classified as specific opschortingsrechten. A lien is therefore a capacity granted to certain creditors by law to retain an owner’s (debtor) thing. Regarding the operation of liens against third parties (derdenwerking), Dutch law distinguishes between a third party with an older right to the thing and a third party with a later right to the thing. In South African case law derdewerking (real operation) of liens is often used to explain the fact that the lienholder may, in the absence of an agreement with the owner, retain the owner’s thing until his claim against the owner has been discharged. In South African law a lien is a defence to the owner’s rei vindicatio. Reliance on real operation (derdewerking) is often a means of explaining that a lien exists against an owner with whom the creditor had no agreement. Real operation, however, refers to the question against whom other than the owner the lien may be enforced once its existence has been established. A lien can be enforced against the creditors of the owner (debtor), the curator of the debtor’s insolvent estate, heirs, mortgagees and servitude holders. In Dutch law the BW grants preference to liens. Owing to the particular provisions of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 liens in South African law enjoy preference above other secured creditors of the insolvent owner (debtor). / Hierdie proefskrif handel oor die aard en werking van retensieregte in die Suid- Afrikaanse reg. Verrykingsretensieregte word algemeen as saaklike regte bestempel en skuldeiser-skuldenaar-retensieregte nie. Laasgenoemde word soms as persoonlike regte tipeer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg insake retensieregte is hoofsaaklik op die Romeins-Hollandse reg geskoei en stem in ‘n groot mate ooreen met die posisie in die Nederlandse reg voor die inwerkingtreding van die huidige Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW). In die Nederlandse reg bepaal die BW uitdruklik watter persone in watter omstandighede ‘n retensiereg het. In die Suid-Afrikaanse reg kan ‘n skuldeiser ‘n retensiereg vestig teen ‘n eienaar wat prestasiepligtig is op grond van ‘n ooreenkoms met die skuldeiser of, in die afwesigheid van ‘n ooreenkoms, op grond van verryking. My navorsing toon dat ‘n retensiereg nie ‘n subjektiewe reg is nie, maar ‘n terughoudingsbevoegdheid wat deur regswerking totstandkom. Dit stel die skuldeiser in staat om die eienaar (skuldenaar) se saak te hou totdat die eienaar voldoen aan die vorderingsreg wat die skuldeiser teen hom het. Die retensiereghouer kan buitegeregtelik daarop steun, of dit as ‘n verweer teen die eienaar se rei vindicatio aanwend. Die kategorisering van retensieregte in skuldeiser-skuldenaar-retensieregte en verrykingsretensieregte is hoogstens aanduidend van die verskillende ontstaansbronne van die vorderingsreg waartoe die retensiereg aksessoor is. In die Nederlandse reg word retensieregte in die BW as verhaalsregte op die eienaar se boedel geklassifiseer. Hierdie verhaalsregte word uitdruklik as besondere opskortingsregte getipeer. ‘n Retensiereg is dus ‘n terughoudingsbevoegdheid wat deur die objektiewe reg aan sekere skuldeisers verleen word. Ten aansien van die derdewerking van retensieregte tref die Nederlandse reg ‘n onderskeid tussen ‘n derde met ‘n later reg op die saak en ‘n derde met ‘n ouer reg op die saak. In die Suid-Afrikaanse regspraak word “derdewerking” dikwels aangewend om te verklaar waarom die retensiereghouer ‘n eienaar se saak mag terughou totdat hy vergoed is vir uitgawes wat hy aan die eienaar se saak aangebring het, terwyl hy geen ooreenkoms met die eienaar gehad het nie. In die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is ‘n retensiereg ‘n verweer wat teen die eienaar se rei vindicatio geopper kan word. Die beroep op “derdewerking” is dus dikwels die kapstok om te bepaal of ‘n retensiereg teen die eienaar geopper kan word, terwyl dit eintlik verwys na die afdwingbaarheid van ‘n bestaande retensiereg teen ander persone as die eienaar. ‘n Retensiereg kan teen skuldeisers van die skuldenaar, die kurator van die skuldenaar se insolvente boedel, erfgename, verbandhouers en serwituutgeregtigdes afgedwing word. In die Nederlandse reg verleen die BW voorkeur aan retensieregte. Vanweë die besondere bepalings in die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936 geniet retensieregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg ook voorkeur bo ander versekerde skuldeisers van die insolvente eienaar (skuldenaar). / Private Law / LL.D.

Les sûretés et garanties réelles dans les procédures collectives : étude comparée du droit français et du droit OHODA / The real security and guarantees in the collective proceedings : a comparative study of French and OHADA laws

Diallo, Yaya 18 March 2016 (has links)
En France comme dans l'espace OHADA, le droit des procédures collectives renvoie aux procédures judiciaires spéciales et dérogatoires par rapport au droit commun réservées au traitement curatif des difficultés des entreprises. Essentiel à la protection du crédit et à la bonne santé du tissu économique dont il garantit l'assainissement, ce droit d'ordre public est constitué d'un corps de règles impératives destinées à s'appliquer, dès le jugement d'ouverture d'une procédure collective, aussi bien à l'entreprise débitrice qu'à ses créanciers. Conformément aux objectifs poursuivis, les droits et sûretés des derniers créanciers, chirographaires ou titulaires de sûretés réelles préférentielles, subissent des atteintes et des restrictions. Mais cette emprise naturelle du droit des procédures collectives sur les sûretés des créanciers est remise en cause par le recours aux nouveaux mécanismes de garantie de créance. Ces mécanismes nouveaux basés sur la propriété retenue, cédée ou réservée à des fins de garanties ont été différenciés des sûretés réelles classiques pour asseoir la légitimité de leur caractère dérogatoire aux règles constitutives de la discipline collective du droit des procédures collectives. Il en résulte une incohérence entre le droit des sûretés et le droit des procédures collectives. Ce dernier, appliqué selon deux poids deux mesures crée une rupture d'égalité entre les créanciers du débiteur commun. Pour remédier à ce déséquilibre la thèse présentée propose l'extension de l'emprise du droit des procédures collectives aux propriétés-­sûretés. / In France as in OHADA, the insolvency law refers to the special and exceptional judicial proceedings in relation to common law reserved for the curative treatment of business difficulties. Essential to the credit protection and the health of the economic fabric which guarantees the sanitation, this public order law consists of a body of mandatory rules intended to apply, from the judgment of opening collective proceedings, both the debtor to its creditors. In accordance with the objectives, rights and security of the last creditors, unsecured or holders of preferred collateral, suffer abuses and restrictions. But this natural grip of bankruptcy law on secured creditors is undermined by the use of new debt guarantee mechanisms. These new mechanisms based on the chosen property, assigned or reserved for the purpose of safeguards have been differentiated from conventional collateral to establish the legitimacy of their exceptional nature to the constitutive rules of the collective discipline of the insolvency law. This results in a mismatch between the security law and insolvency law. The latter, as applied double standards creates a breach of equality among the creditors of the joint debtor. To address this imbalance presented the thesis proposes the extension of the right of bankruptcy law to property-collateral.

Řízení pohledávek v obchodní korporaci / Receivables Management in the Business Corporation

Kolářová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis has been involved in the receivables management in a selected business corporation, namely management of trade account receivables. Measures, the application of which should improve the situation in the selected company, are proposed with regard to the development and status of receivables at the reporting period.

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