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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Begreppet barn i behov av särskilt stöd : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning inom det specialpedagogiska området om hur förskolepersonals identifikation och beskrivning av barn i behov av särskilt stöd kan påverka det enskilda barnet / The concept of children in need of special support : A qualitative interview survey in the field of special education about how preschool employees identification and description of children in need of special support can affect the individual child

Karlström, Emma, Dahlén, Magdalena January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att inom det specialpedagogiska området undersöka hur barn i behov av särskilt stöd identifieras och beskrivs inom förskoleverksamheten samt hur detta kan påverka det enskilda barnet. Forskningsfrågorna innefattade om variationer i tolkningen av begreppet ’barn i behov av särskilt stöd’ framkommer mellan olika yrkeskategorier samt hur personal i förskolan avgör om ett barn är i behov av särskilt stöd. Arbetet baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med det kategoriska och relationella perspektivet som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Genom en kvalitativ ansats har tre förskollärare, två rektorer och en specialpedagog intervjuats. Resultatet visar att det övergripande teoretiska perspektiv som framkom var det relationella perspektivet, trots detta kunde spår av det kategoriska perspektivet urskiljas. Resultatet visade att samtliga informanter ansåg att begreppet ’barn i behov av särskilt stöd’ handlar om anpassningar i förskolan samt att hur barnen identifieras att vara i behov av särskilt stöd varierar från person till person. Samtliga informanter belyste miljöns påverkan på barnet och det egna förhållningssättet i arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd.

When Relationships Threaten Quality of Life: The Role of Romantic Self-Construal

Cochran, Karly A. 05 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Netzintegration von Elektromobilität – Basis für eine erfolgreiche Sektorkopplung: Eine Definition: Arbeitsgruppe 5: Verknüpfung der Verkehrs- und Energienetze, Sektorkopplung

Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur 24 May 2023 (has links)
Eine erfolgreiche Netzintegration stellt einen zentralen Bestandteil für den zukünftigen Hochlauf der Elektromobilität und die Sektorkopplung dar. Dabei findet derzeit eine vielstimmige Diskussion statt, wie das Zusammenspiel zwischen dem Netz und der genutzten Kapazität organisiert werden kann. Dieser Bericht liefert eine stakeholderübergreifende Definition von Netzintegration, um eine gemeinsame Grundlage für die Diskussion bereitzustellen und eine Basis zur Einordnung neuer Themen beziehungsweise Ansätze (beispielsweise „Vehicle2Grid“) zu liefern. Netzintegration von Elektromobilität wird derart definiert, dass sie sich immer auf das konkrete lokale Netz bezieht, an das die jeweilige Ladeeinrichtung angeschlossen ist, dass der Netzbetreiber Kenntnis von der Installation hat und dass das Zusammenspiel zwischen dem Netz und der genutzten Kapazität organisiert werden kann. Letzteres kann sowohl allein kundenseitig zur Einhaltung der mit dem Netzbetreiber vertraglichen vereinbarten Verpflichtungen stattfinden (d. h. „netzverträglich“) als auch durch eine Beeinflussung des Lastverhaltens des Anschlussnehmers durch den Netzbetreiber z. B. mit Hilfe von Zeit-/ Lastfenstern, ad-hoc Steuerungssignalen und finanziellen Anreizen (d. h. „netzdienlich“).:Executive Summary 1 Motivation – Bedarf für ein gemeinsames Verständnis von Netzintegration 2 Definition von Netzintegration, Netzverträglichkeit und Netzdienlichkeit 3 Netzverträglichkeit und Netzdienlichkeit – Einordnung des Status Quo 4 Überblick über weiterführende Literatur 5 Anhang Abkürzungsverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Impressum


James-Boone, Tangi, 0009-0002-9527-2684 January 2023 (has links)
Professional coaching has extended from the C-Suite's upper echelons to the mainstream and emerged as a viable customizable human capital management initiative democratizing professional coaching (Colletta, 2020; Joo, 2005; Kampa-Kokesch & Anderson, 2001). Experienced professional coaches often refer to "coachability," which is a component of a successful coaching engagement. However, the term needs to be researched and expanded upon in the current professional coaching literature. Current research on coachability follows within sports, sales performance, entrepreneurship, and workplace/employee.This mixed-method (survey and semi-structured interviews) exploratory study identified that professional development coachability exists and possesses identified specific associated attributes. This understanding was essential in establishing a professional development coachability construct, definition, and profile. Professional development coachability (PDC) is a complex system or construct that intersects in personal traits, coach and coachee dynamics, and social, environmental, and psychological components. PDC has been defined as an amalgamation of external and internal factors that align at a specific moment under specific circumstances. It is complex, malleable, and impacted by the circumstances and conditions in and around the coaching engagement. Study 1 (survey, n=209) identified the internal/intrinsic behavioral factors that influenced professional development coachability through the eyes of experienced professional coaches. This study resulted in a five-item coachability profile established by quantitative [(N of Items=5) Cronbach's Alpha .75, Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items of 0.76 and a valid n=40] and supported qualitatively. Study 2 (semi-structured interviews/mini survey, n=44) was conducted with experienced professional coaches, a subset of the survey participants, almost one year after the initial Study 1. Based on the results of the five-item survey in Study 2, the five-attributes profile from Study 1 was supported quantitatively by Study 2 [(N of Items=5) Cronbach's Alpha .70, Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items of .70 and a valid n=44]. The profile presents critical attributes or factors that a client/coachee intrinsically brings (perception of coachability) to support the coaching process. Subsequently, the five attributes/factors profile and identified external factors inductively derived from Study 2 set the foundation for an initial definition and theoretical framework for professional development coachability. Keywords: coachability, executive coaching, professional coaches, leadership development, definition, personal and professional development, internal and external factors, theoretical framework, exploratory mixed-method / Business Administration/Human Resource Management

Property definition - An investigation of occurrence and use during the years 1973-2013 / Fastighetsbestämningar - En undersökning av förekomst och användning under åren 1973-2013

Faming,, Linnéa, Karlsson, Emma January 2014 (has links)
A clearly defined ownership of real property is of great importance in order to support economic prosperity in society. An incentive grows for property owners to increase the value of their property and allow free transactions through investments. Property owners need to rely on property boundaries and respect their markings for the secur-ity of the property rights system not to be undermined. In Sweden it is therefore prohibited by law to move or destroy boundary markers. To for example find out where an uncertain boundary lies, a property definition can be used. With a decision of property definition the property boundaries become legally binding and registered in the Real Property Register. A property definition measure can also be used for other uncertainties surrounding properties, such as whether an easement exists and the extent to which joint facilities have. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of property definitions and how they appear. Questions, such as which type of property definition that are most com-mon, who initiates the proceeding in general, and how often Real Property Formation Act ch. 14 sect. 5 and 6 applies, were examined. Interesting problems and results were also discussed. The results of the survey show that there are both areas that have not changed much at all since the Real Property Formation Act entered into force, and those who have. Results which have not changed were that, boundaries were most common to deter-mine, that property definition usually occur with another measure and that technical adjustments rarely were applied. Areas that however have been changed were that procedure costs agreements have increased and that the number of clearly docu-mented official initiative has decreased. / En klart definierad äganderätt till fast egendom är av stor vikt för att kunna skapa ekonomiskt välstånd i samhället. Det skapar incitament för fastighetsägare att genom investeringar öka värdet på sin fastighet och möjliggör fria transaktioner. För att tryggheten i äganderättssystemet inte ska urholkas måste fastighetsägarna ha förtro-ende för fastighetsgränser och respektera dess markeringar. I Sverige är det således enligt lag förbjudet att flytta eller ta bort gränsmarkeringar. För att ta reda på var, bland annat, en oklar gräns ligger används institutet fastighets-bestämning. Genom ett fastighetsbestämningsbeslut blir gränsen juridiskt bindande och registreras i fastighetsregistret. En fastighetsbestämningsåtgärd kan också använ-das för att reda ut andra oklarheter kring fastigheter, till exempel huruvida servitut finns och vilken omfattning gemensamhetsanläggningar har. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att öka kunskapsnivån om fastighetsbestämnings-förrättningar och hur de oftast ser ut i praktiken. I arbetet undersöks exempelvis frågor som vilken typ av fastighetsbestämning som är vanligast, vem som tar initiativ till förrättningen samt hur ofta åtgärderna i FBL 14:5 och 14:6 tillämpas. I uppsatsen förs också diskussioner kring intressanta problem och resultat. Resultaten av undersökningen visar att det både finns områden som inte har föränd-rats mycket alls sedan fastighetsbildningslagen trädde ikraft och sådana som har det. Exempel på några som inte förändrats är att det var vanligast att bestämma gränser, att fastighetsbestämning oftast sker i samband med en annan åtgärd och att FBL 14:6, teknisk jämkning sällan tillämpas. Områden som däremot har förändrats är att andelen överenskommelser om förrättningskostnader har ökat och att antalet officialinitiativ som tydligt redovisats i förrättningsakten har minskat.

Mälardalskeramik : En definitionsstudie av udda neolitisk keramik i Mälardalen. / Mälardal ceramics : A definition study of odd ceramics in the Mälardalen valley.

Asp, Dennis January 2022 (has links)
During the Middle and Late Neolithic, especially in south-eastern Sweden, the archaeological material sometimes reveals a type of hybrid ceramic that was previously classified as a Battle-axe ceramic. But as recent as the latter part of the 1990s, this hybrid pottery was again noticed by researchers in a compilation of Neolithic pottery. In this compilation, the name Third Group is used as a collective name for the hybrid ceramics. Further studies have since resulted in a relatively restrictive template with several subgroups where the material has been defined as the Third Group. This work is a type of definition analysis with an element of comparative analysis where the use of the term Third Group is analyzed, as well as the definition behind the term. The main goal of the study is that during the relatively short period the term has been in use, be able to follow and gain a deeper understanding of how words and definitions in technical language are used, developed, and discussed. The aim of the study is to show that communication and language use within one's own profession is extremely relevant for further research.

A comparative study of manually and remote-controlled valves in Dar es Salaam : Efficiency of remote-controlled water valves in water supply systems

Nilsson, Viktor, Serck, Ola January 2019 (has links)
Water is an essential resource for basic human survival, but today several cities and people lack access to both reliable and clean water. Dar es Salaam in Tanzania is undergoing a rapid population growth and need to improve their current water delivery system in order to provide water to the city’s inhabitants. This report’s objective is to examine if Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA) manual water valve operation is improved with the usage of remote-controlled valves instead. The remote-controlled system will consequently be evaluated and compared against the manually controlled valves. In order to obtain necessary data for this study interviews and field trips were conducted at DAWASA as well as at the local market at Kariakoo. Additionally, information has also been gathered from the collaboration partners at College of Information and Communication Technologies (CoICT). The results provided information that a remote-controlled system could, in the measured reference area of 52 km of water pipes, save up to 900 U.S dollar monthly and 46 m3 of water daily for DAWASA. These savings would consequently contribute to an increase in resources which leads to further improvements to the current water distribution system. Because, today’s system is in need of a development in order to sufficiently provide potable water to the city. The remote-controlled system could also help to reduce the spread of waterborne diseases, destruction of roads and create a more reliable source of water since the water valves would be regulated more efficiently. A remote-controlled system would however need a sufficient amount of funding in order to be installed, but is both simpler to install and a more feasible solution compared to other alternatives. For these reasons, the designed system is concluded to be a more effective, sustainable and economical feasible solution for handling and managing the outdated valves.

Teacher Definitions of Integration in Primary Grades

Prestwich, Jeanne Sperry 02 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
One obstacle that challenges the implementation of effective curriculum integration practices is the confusion caused by the existence of numerous definitions of this construct in the literature. This concern is further compounded by the potential disconnect between the varied definitions proposed by scholars and classroom teachers' acceptance and use of curriculum integration. The purpose of this study was to analyze K-3 grade teachers' self-reported definitions of curriculum integration. Teachers responded to an Internet survey in which they provided their personal definition of curriculum integration, described integrated teaching examples from their own classroom, and rated six teaching scenarios for quality of integration. Results suggest that teachers may not share the wide variety of definitions of integration described in the literature. Teachers in this study seemed to generally share one definition of integration, as measured by their explanation of the term integration and by the teaching examples they provided. In addition, the majority of the teachers' definitions aligned with their teaching examples, suggesting that the teachers both define and practice integration in similar ways. Finally, when teachers ranked teaching scenarios written to illustrate different levels of quality of curriculum integration, the majority of the teachers again appeared to agree on a shared definition. There were no statistical differences based on grade level, years of experience and education level. In addition to presentation of results, implications for future research and practice are discussed.

An Automated Methodology For A Comprehensive Definition Of The Supply Chain Using Generic Ontological Components

Fayez, Mohamed 01 January 2005 (has links)
Today, worldwide business communities are in the era of the Supply Chains. A Supply Chain is a collection of several independent enterprises that partner together to achieve specific goals. These enterprises may plan, source, produce, deliver, or transport materials to satisfy an immediate or projected market demand, and may provide the after sales support, warranty services, and returns. Each enterprise in the Supply Chain has roles and elements. The roles include supplier, customer, or carrier and the elements include functional units, processes, information, information resources, materials, objects, decisions, practices, and performance measures. Each enterprise, individually, manages these elements in addition to their flows, their interdependencies, and their complex interactions. Since a Supply Chain brings several enterprises together to complement each other to achieve a unified goal, the elements in each enterprise have to complement each other and have to be managed together as one unit to achieve the unified goal efficiently. Moreover, since there are a large number of elements to be defined and managed in a single enterprise, then the number of elements to be defined and managed when considering the whole Supply Chain is massive. The supply chain community is using the Supply Chain Operations Reference model (SCOR model) to define their supply chains. However, the SCOR model methodology is limited in defining the supply chain. The SCOR model defines the supply chain in terms of processes, performance metrics, and best practices. In fact, the supply chain community, SCOR users in particular, exerts massive effort to render an adequate supply chain definition that includes the other elements besides the elements covered in the SCOR model. Also, the SCOR model is delivered to the user in a document, which puts a tremendous burden on the user to use the model and makes it difficult to share the definition within the enterprise or across the supply chain. This research is directed towards overcoming the limitations and shortcomings of the current supply chain definition methodology. This research proposes a methodology and a tool that will enable an automated and comprehensive definition of the Supply Chain at any level of details. The proposed comprehensive definition methodology captures all the constituent parts of the Supply Chain at four different levels which are, the supply chain level, the enterprise level, the elements level, and the interaction level. At the Supply Chain level, the various enterprises that constitute the supply chain are defined. At the enterprise level, the enterprise elements are identified. At the enterprises' elements level, each element in the enterprise is explicitly defined. At the interaction level, the flows, interdependence, and interactions that exist between and within the other three levels are identified and defined. The methodology utilized several modeling techniques to generate generic explicit views and models that represents the four levels. The developed views and models were transformed to a series of questions and answers, where the questions correspond to what a view provides and the answers are the knowledge captured and generated from the view. The questions and answers were integrated to render a generic multi-view of the supply chain. The methodology and the multi-view were implemented in an ontology-based tool. The ontology includes sets of generic supply chain ontological components that represent the supply chain elements and a set of automated procedures that can be utilized to define a specific supply chain. A specific supply chain can be defined by re-using the generic components and customizing them to the supply chain specifics. The ontology-based tool was developed to function in the supply chain dynamic, information intensive, geographically dispersed, and heterogeneous environment. To that end, the tool was developed to be generic, sharable, automated, customizable, extensible, and scalable.

Changing the City Landscape: from Garages to Second Residential Units

Robidoux, Scott Andrew 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The City of Santa Maria, located between San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara in California, is experiencing rapid population growth, cultural transformation, and growth in household size. The growth rate of the city has been a consistent 20% for the past 20 years. Culturally, more than 70% of the almost 100,000 city residents predominantly identified as Hispanic or Latino in the 2010 census. The household size has consistently increased for the past 20 years; currently it is 3.52 people per household. An issue which is becoming a growing problem for the city is the prevalence of illegal housing in the form of garage conversions. Motivations for illegally converting are primarily centered on actual economic gain for the homeowner and affordable rent for the participant. Few cities allow for the construction of additional residential units on parcels which are zoned for single family, the majority prohibit additional units. The most prominent of these cities which allow for second units is Santa Cruz. The second unit program in the City of Santa Cruz allows for garage conversions and detached second units but on-site parking must be provided for the additional unit. Santa Cruz argues the second unit program provides affordable housing, prevents sprawl, and is a form of in-fill development. The Santa Cruz second unit program is utilized as the framework for developing a second unit program for the City of Santa Maria which allows for garage conversions to occur. City records from 2000-2010 indicate that more than 1% of the total housing units were found to have an illegal garage conversion. The actual rate of active garage conversion is likely to be higher, more than likely in the neighborhood of 3% to 5%.The proposed ordinance is influenced at the Federal and State level by respective decisions by the Supreme Court and California Court on definition of what constitutes a family. California‘s Second Unit Law and legislative amendments establishing ministerial approval for affordable housing provides for legal options to increase the present housing supply.

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