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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generování zdrojových kódů aplikací pomocí návrhových vzorů / Code Generation Using Design Patterns

Hanák, František January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes code generation using design patterns. It deals with questions of specification of design patterns and their usage in code generation. The main part of thesis follows describtions of design patterns, their categorization, usage purpose and main ways of design patterns definitions. It describes the most often used formal design patterns specifications, their possible usage in code generation and design of algorithm for searching similar structures of patterns in source code in detail.

Programová podpora definování projektu s využitím LFM (Logical Frame Method) / Software Support for Project Definition Using Logical Frame Method

Danczi, Dávid January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is realization of program support for project definition with usage of logical frame method. First chapters of this thesis summarize the theoretical basis necessary for application design and its realization. Next parts deal with system design and implementation. The conclusion of thesis discusses program usage in real environment and further upgrades possibility.

Erkenntnistheoretische und begriffliche Grundlagen der objektorientierten Datenmodellierung

Thanh Hai, Nguyen 20 November 2017 (has links)
Ausgangsphase für die Entwicklung eines Softwaresystems sind die Modellierungen eines Wirklichkeitsausschnitts. Der Wirklichkeitsausschnitt muß zunächst erklärt, analysiert, strukturiert und modelliert werden, bevor ein brauchbares Informationssystem erstellt werden kann. Das Ergebnis dieser Modellierung bezeichnet man als Datenmodell. Der Schlüssel der Datenmodellierung liegt darin, einen Wirklichkeitsausschnitt genau zu erfassen und in adäquater Weise abzubilden, d.h. den Ausschnitt widerspruchsfrei, vollständig, formal richtig und möglichst ohne Redundanz zu beschreiben. Zwei Grundtypen der Datenmodelle sind satzorientierte und objektorientierte Datenmodelle. Im satzorientierten Datenmodell werden Informationen über einen Wirklichkeitsausschnitt als Sätze dargestellt, im objektorientierten Datenmodell als Objekte. Objekte sind Ausprägungen der Klassen. Klassen sind formalisierte Begriffe, die wir durch Abstraktionen von Gegenständen der Wirklichkeit gewonnen haben. Der objektorientierte Ansatz bietet mehrere Vorteile: adäquate einfache Modellierung (Entsprechung der menschlichen Denkweise); Wiederverwendbarkeit, Wartbarkeit, Erweiterbarkeit, Änderbarkeit von Programmen; Lokalisieren von Änderungen; Modellierbarkeit der komplexen Objekte, schneller Zugriff auf Objekte; Reduzierung der Entwicklungszeit und des Entwicklungskostens des Programms; Reduzierung der Komplexität des Problems; zentrales Konzept vieler Anwendungen; drahtloser Übergang zwischen Phasen der Softwareentwicklung usw. Alle diese Vorteile ergeben sich aus dem Klassenkonzept. Trotz der Vorzüge, die das objektorientierte Datenmodell aufweist, bereitet die Umsetzung objektorientierter Konzepte Schwierigkeiten. Die Ursachen sind verschiedener Art. Zum einen ist die Theorie aufgrund ihrer Komplexität eher verwirrend als wegweisend. Es gibt noch keinen klaren theoretischen Hintergrund. Zum anderen resultiert aus einer komplexen Sicht auf den Objektbegriff eine Reihe von Forderungen und Möglichkeiten, die derzeit nicht berücksichtigt wer den. Die Grundbegriffe der Objektorientierung sind nicht genug scharf definiert. Sie enthalten Unklarheiten und sollen deshalb präzisiert werden. Diese Arbeit befaßt sich mit den Grundbegriffen der objektorientierten Datenmodellierung. Das Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, diese Grundbegriffe zu präzisieren, zu klären und zu begründen und damit ein besseres Verständnis des objektorientierten Ansatzes zu ermöglichen. Diese Begriffe sind nicht nur aus der Sicht der Informatik, der Logik, sondern auch aus der ontologischen Sicht zu untersuchen. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der ontologischen Untersuchung solcher Begriffe.

Identifikace respondenta jako člena gangu v ISRD-2: Česká repulika v evropském kontextu / Identification of a respondent as a gang member in ISRD-2: Czech republic in the European context

Moravcová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problems with identification of respondent as a gang member from the standpoint of process of operationalisation, which give a selection of adequate indicators, in international survey International Self-Report Delinquency Study 2. Its objective is to propose a revision of existing definition of Eurogang for selected European countries and evaluate the possibility of creating one universal definition of a gang across Europe. The thesis is separated into three parts: theoretical, methodological and empirical. In the first part we particularly pay attention to the basic conceptions of juvenile delinquency. Subsequently, we discuss different types of definitions and the way of their formation. Finally, we mention important definitions of a gang that are often used in many surveys which focus on gangs or delinquent groups in general. In methodological part of the thesis we present the most important indicators of juvenile delinquency: official statistics and self-report studies. One of them is also the international survey ISRD-2. We concentrate not only on techniques of data collection and definition of the gang and its operationalisation according to Eurogang group, which were used in this survey, but also on basic information about sample for all analyzed countries and limit...

Jednoduchá kategorizace matematických objektů: zkoumání rozhodování žáků a studentů / Simple categorization of mathematical objects: Examining students' decisions

Janda, David January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the decision making process of students in the so-called simple categorization, i.e., decision whether a particular object is or is not an element of a category. This process is examined in the context of categories of mathematical objects. The theoretical part of the thesis presents arguments why the study of simple categorization of mathematical objects is important for mathematics education. These arguments are not only based on the available literature in mathematics education, but also partly draw on historical, mathematical and psychological literature. The practical chapters of the thesis describe the design and piloting of a research tool suitable for this research. The dominant elements of this tool are the measurement of the binary answers (yes / no) of the respondent and of his/her reaction time. This tool is then used in the Main study based on mixed, qualitative-quantitative methodology. It was found that with the help of the proposed tool, while adhering to appropriate methodological rules, it is possible to distinguish different approaches of respondents to categorization. In addition, the basic patterns in the decision-making process of the respondents were described. These are, for instance, differences in the categorization of examples and non-...

Think tanks and the construction of authority in the UK : Ideological representations of private sector knowledge producers in broadcast television news

Graham, Minenor-Matheson January 2020 (has links)
Private sector knowledge producers, more commonly known as think tanks or research institutes, are used as authoritative sources in Western media either as interview guests or their research quoted by journalists.  Most studies have focused on their ability to influence government policy, but very little has focused on their role in the public sphere, particularly their visibility in media.  This study will explore how often think representatives appear as authoritative sources or experts in broadcast media during the 2015, 2017 and 2019 UK General Elections.  This will be done through a quantitative content analysis and thematic analysis investigating whether such representatives are accorded preferential access and ascribed primary authority to define narratives.  Additionally, a theoretical model has been designed to detect whether a marketplace of ideas can be detected or whether television news is a site of Habermassian rational-critical public sphere.  Inspired by the work of Anstead and Chadwick, and taking this vital work further, this study investigates whether authority signalling, and primary definition is still a relevant theory by analysing broadcast news coverage across three general elections.

Civil dispute cases and property definitions that concerneasements. A comparison of time and cost. / Tvistemål och fastighetsbestämningar som berör servitut. Enjämförelse av tid och kostnad

Krönmark, Petter January 2013 (has links)
An easement is a right for a real property unit to use another real property unit in a specific way. There are two types of easements: agreement-based easements and official easements. Agreement easements are created by agreements between property owners and official easements are created through, for example, a cadastral pro- cedure by the local cadastral office. Sometimes there may be ambiguities and disputes about the meaning and extent of an easement. In order to establish what an easement mean and extent, the property owners can sub- mit a written application to a local cadastral office or a plaint to a district court. The local cadastral office will then start a property definition procedure and the local court will start a civil dispute case. The two processes handle similar issues and problems, but in different ways. The property defini- tion procedure is mainly regulated by the provisions in the Property Formation Act. The civil dispute case is mainly regulated by the provisions in the Swedish code of judicial procedure. The aim of this work is to de- scribe and to make a comparison of the property definition procedure and the civil dispute case from a time and cost perspective. In this thesis five civil dispute cases concerning easements and 10 property definitions concerning easements have been studied. For the civil dispute cases, the time and costs have been assessed and then compared with the time and costs for the property definitions. The study shows that the civil dispute cases are more time consuming than the property definitions and that the parties’ costs are much higher in the civil dispute cases than in the property definitions. An important rea- son for that the civil dispute cases are more time consuming is that the number of persons involved in the han- dling are more in a civil dispute case. One reason for that the parties' costs are higher in the civil dispute cases is that the parties have legal representatives, which are costly. In a property definition the parties usually just pay the cost of the property definition and legal representatives are less common. / Ett servitut är en rätt för en fastighet att på ett visst bestämt sätt utnyttja en annan fastighet. Det finns två typer av servitut; avtalsservitut och officialservitut. Avtalsservitut bildas genom avtal mellan berörda fastighetsägare och officialservitut bildas vid t.ex. lantmäteriförrättning hos Lantmäterimyndigheten. Ibland kan det uppstå oklarheter och tvister om vad ett servitut omfattar och innebär. För att få fastställt vad ett servitut omfattar och innebär kan fastighetsägarna ansöka om fastighetsbestämning hos Lantmäterimyndigheten eller ansöka om stämning hos en tingsrätt. Hos Lantmäterimyndigheten inleds då en fastighetsbestämningsförrättning och hos tingsrätten inleds en tvis- temålsprocess. Två processer där liknande frågor och problem hanteras, men på olika sätt. Vid en fastighetsbe- stämning används förrättningsförfarandet som främst regleras av bestämmelserna i fastighetsbildningslagen. Vid en tvistemålsprocess används rättegångsförfarandet som främst regleras av bestämmelserna i rättegångs- balken. Syftet med detta arbete är att redogöra för och göra en jämförelse av rättegångsförfarandet och förrätt- ningsförfarandet utifrån ett tids- och kostnadsperspektiv. I arbetet har fem tvistemål som berör servitut och 10 fastighetsbestämningar som berör servitut studerats. För domstolsmålen har tidsåtgången och kostnaderna uppskattats och sedan jämförts med tidsåtgången och kostnaderna för fastighetsbestämningarna. Studien visar att domstolsmålen är mer tidskrävande än fastighetsbestämningarna och parternas kostnader vid domstolsmål är mycket högre än vid fastighetsbestämningar. En viktig orsak till att domstolsmålen är mer tidskrävande är att antalet personer som är involverade i handläggningen är fler i ett domstolsmål. En orsak till att parternas kostnader är högre vid domstolsmål är att parterna har ombud, vilka är kostsamma. Vid en fastig- hetsbestämning betalar parterna normalt bara kostnaden för fastighetsbestämningen och ombud är mindre van- ligt.

Utility of High-Definition Fiber Tractography and Eye-Tracking for Measuring Outcome in Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Lindsey, Hannah M. 03 August 2020 (has links)
A complete understanding of the functional and structural impairments driving persistent post-concussive symptom (PCS) expression in approximately one-third of those who suffer from mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is essential for the development of effective treatment strategies and improving quality of life. While traditional outcome measures, such as neuropsychological testing and structural magnetic resonance imaging, are sensitive to the severe functional impairments and widespread tissue damage frequently seen after moderate-to-severe injuries, more advanced measures that are sensitive to the subtle changes in cognitive function and tissue microstructure that may underlie persistent PCS are necessary for the assessment of recovery from mTBI. Toward this end, the current study investigates the utility of eye-tracking analysis and high-definition fiber tractography (HDFT) as advanced measures of functional and microstructural outcome in 11 adults with chronic mTBI and varying levels of PCS (ages 20-60; mean time post-injury = 9.53 ± 6.74 years) in comparison to 10 healthy adults (ages 20-54). Performance on neuropsychological and eye-tracking tasks of processing speed, attention, and working memory, and HDFT-derived quantitative measures of the microstructural integrity of the forceps major, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, middle longitudinal fasciculus, and superior longitudinal fasciculus were compared between groups, and the results were used to define discriminatory functions for mTBI classification. The relationships between neuropsychological and eye-tracking measures of cognitive function and HDFT-derived measures of tract integrity were explored, as was the utility of these functional and structural measures for predicting persistent PCS in chronic mTBI. The results suggest that eye-tracking analysis may be more specific to cognitive impairments resulting from mTBI than neuropsychological testing, and HDFT is highly sensitive and specific to the subtle microstructural changes that persist chronically in this population. Furthermore, white matter integrity assessed using HDFT is more strongly associated with impairments in processing speed, attention, and memory indicated through eye-tracking analysis relative to performance on neuropsychological tests. Finally, although the predictive utility of eye-tracking and HDFT for the experience of persistent PCS was not demonstrated in the present sample, the possibility that these data are confounded by symptom exaggeration, comorbid mental health impairment, or lack of self-awareness for functional deficits cannot be ruled out, and future research using large, homogenous sample of mTBI is necessary to validate the present findings.

Äquivalenz in der Übersetzungswissenschaft : Mit Schwerpunkt auf ENG-DE Übersetzung / Equivalence in translation science (ENG-GER)

Cacia, Eleonora January 2020 (has links)
The term equivalence comes from the Latin word "aequivalentia" and means equivalence. "Aequus" stands for equal and "valere" for worth. So two objects are equivalent if they have the same value. Equivalence plays an important role in translation science. "Translation science deals with the process of translation, i.e. the process that leads from a written source language text (ST text) to a written target language text (TL text), the translation Therefore, a TL (target language) text must be equivalent to the original ST (source language) text. However, a perfect equivalent transmission of the message in the target language is not always so easy to achieve, because languages differ at different levels. The languages reflect your own culture, way of seeing, expression, grammar and syntax. When you try to adapt these elements to a new language, it often happens that the equivalence is not achieved due to this heterogeneity and diversity. If you don't achieve them, it is not a translation but a text reproduction or text production that is not the same is worth to the original text. That is why the search for real equivalence has occupied various translators and scientists for years. They have defined various equivalence criteria that can be helpful for an accurate translation. For all these reasons, it is essential to achieve the correct equivalence when translating. This thesis researches the concept of equivalence in order to better understand it and then use it in practice, namely when translating.

Klastrová definice umění Denise Duttona / Denis Dutton's cluster definition of art

Kyjacová, Natália January 2022 (has links)
The thesis focuses on Denis Dutton's cluster definition of art, its critique and possible defence in the context of evolutionary aesthetics. The main theme that accompanies the thesis is the connection between the evolutionary origins of art and its definition today. After an introductory presentation of evolutionary aesthetics' approaches to the search for the origin and definition of art, the central section is devoted to Dutton's cluster theory. This is presented from two perspectives - against the background of his understanding of the Darwinian-inspired concept of art, that is, based on natural and sexual selection, and against the background of Berys Gaut's original cluster theory. Dutton's theory has faced criticisms of the normative universalism that his evolutionary theory has the potential to set up, the subjectivity regarding antipathy to modern art, and the over-openness of the cluster. The thesis will attempt to evaluate the critique and to clarify whether Dutton succeeds in advocating a link between the origins of art and its modern definition. Keywords: Denis Dutton, evolutionary aesthetics, darwinism, adaptation, cluster theory, definition of art.

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