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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medarbetarperspektiv i digitaliseringsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie av digitaliseringen inom välfärdssektorn / An employee perspective of the digital transformation : A qualitative study of the digitalization in the welfare sector

Broberg, Ingrid, Linde, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige står inför en demografisk utmaning, vårdbehov förväntas öka och välfärdssektorernas tillgång till arbetskraft förväntas minska. Riksdagen har därför satt som mål att Sverige bör bli världsledande när det gäller att utnyttja möjligheterna med digitalisering, för att framgent uppnå en hållbar och kvalitativ välfärd. Den offentliga sektorn behöver således anta en bred digital strategi avseende kompetens, säkerhet, innovation, förvaltning, infrastruktur samt inkludera medarbetarna i processen. Syfte: Att undersöka kommunanställdas uppfattning om de egna förutsättningarna att vara en aktiv part i digitaliseringsprocessen i en kommunal verksamhet, med målsättning att digitaliseringen ska bidra till tryggad välfärd och folkhälsa för kommunens medborgare. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv metod användes. Femton semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med medarbetare inom omsorgssektorn i en mindre svensk kommun. Resultat: Resultatet bestod av ett övergripande tema, två teman, fyra kategorier och 13 underkategorier, som alla återspeglade förutsättningarna för delaktighet i digitaliseringsprocessen. Det övergripande temat belyste bristen på samt önskemålen om ett tydligare Medarbetarperspektiv i kommunens digitaliseringsprocess. Temat Kommunens digitala organisering påvisar vikten av inkludering och stöd, samt tillgången till utensilier. Temat Medarbetarskap i digitaliseringen åskådliggjorde de förutsättningar som inverkade på personalens egen inställning och möjlighet att vara aktiv. Slutsats: För att möjliggöra anställdas delaktighet och aktiva roll är det av stor vikt att ett medarbetarperspektiv beaktas i den digitala förändringsprocessen. Förutom inkludering och kommunikation krävs även tillgång till utensilier, stöd, vilja, kunskap och kompetensutveckling samt en medvetenhet om att digitaliseringsprocessen även påverkar medarbetarnas yrkesroller. / Background: Sweden faces a demographic challenge, care needs are expected to increase and the welfare sectors’ access to labor is expected to decrease. The Parliament stated that Sweden should become world leader at using the opportunities of digitalization to henceforth achieve sustainable and qualitative welfare. The public sector thus needs to adopt a broad digital approach regarding competence, security, innovation, management, infrastructure and including employees in the process. Aim: To investigate employees' perceptions of their prerequisites taking an active part in the digital transformation of the local council activity, with an objective that digitalization should contribute to ensure welfare and public health of their citizens. Method: A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was undertaken. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees in the care sector in a smaller Swedish municipality. Result: The result consists of an overarching theme, two themes, four categories and 13 subcategories all reflecting prerequisites for participation in the digitalization process. The overarching theme highlighted the lack and desideratum of an Employee perspective. The theme The municipality's digital organization demonstrated the importance of inclusion, support and access to utensils. The theme Employeeship in digitalization demonstrated the prerequisites that affected the staff's own attitude and possibility of being active. Conclusion: To enable employees’ active roles it is of great importance that an employee perspective is taken into account in the digital transformation. In addition to inclusion and communication, access to utensils, support, willingness, knowledge and competence development and an awareness that the digitization process also affects the employees' professional roles is required.

Hur kan en svensk organisation arbeta för att motverka digitalt utanförskap?

Lekanovic, Nemanja, Zubic, Ilma January 2020 (has links)
Allt fler samhällstjänster digitaliseras och människor måste anpassas efter samhällets digitala utveckling. Detta är en fallstudie där syftet är att undersöka hur verksamheten Skånetrafiken arbetar för att motverka digitalt utanförskap, samtidigt ge ökad förståelse för begreppet digitalt utanförskap. Teorin som använts i denna studie hämtades från litteratur inom digitalt utanförskap. Den bygger på forskaren Jan Van Dijks forskning om digitalt utanförskap, där teorin syftar till att förklara de olika nivåerna i digitalt utanförskap. Undersökningen bygger på en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fem intervjuer har utförts med anställda från Skånetrafiken. Utifrån detta har flera faktorer identifierats i Skånetrafikens arbetssätt som främjar digital inkludering. Vidare har ett teoretiskt bidrag utvecklats fram för hur organisationer bör arbeta för att motverka digitalt utanförskap. Det teoretiska bidraget är ett resultat framtaget utifrån det konceptuella ramverket och studien om Skånetrafiken. / More and more community services are being digitized and people must adapt to society's digital development. This is a case study in purpose to investigate how Skånetrafiken works to counter digital exclusion, while at the same time trying to increase understanding of the concept digital exclusion. The theory used in this study was derived from literature on digital exclusion. It is based on Jan Van Dijk's research on digital exclusion, where the theory aims to explain the different levels of digital exclusion. The case is based on a qualitative interview study where five interviews have been conducted with employees from Skånetrafiken. Based on this, several factors have been identified in Skånetrafiken's working methods that promote digital inclusion. Furthermore, a theoretical contribution has been developed for how organizations should work to counter digital exclusion. The theoretical contribution is a result derived from the conceptual framework and the study of Skånetrafiken.

Avlastande eller hämmande? : En analys av insatsen Unga IT-värdar på Stockholms stadsbibliotek / Unburdening or impeding? : A study of the Young IT-support project at Stockholm Public Library

Ericson, Signe January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to gain a greater understanding of Stockholm Public Library’s democratic role in a society that is increasingly digitalized. This is done by studying the Young IT-support project at the library, and how it aligns with the library’s mission for digital inclusion. Critical discourse analysis methods are used to understand for which “problem” the project was formulated as a solution. By using theories about digital inclusion the study also investigates if the Young IT-support project contributes to the library users’ digital competence, and how the project effects the library’s own mission of digital inclusion. The empirical material consists of policy documents connected to the Young IT-support project and interviews with young IT-supporters, librarians and administrators involved with the project. The results show that the project is formulated as a solution to two different types integration “problems”: social and digital. But the responsible authorities are only interested in whether or not the goals of social inclusion are achieved. The study shows that the project mainly contributes to increase the users’ operational skills rather than their information and strategic skills, and that it favours socioeconomically strong groups. The project does have an unburdening effect on the library’s heavy workload on digital issues. However, the study also shows that it has a potentially impeding effect on the library’s digital mission, as librarians are overlooking the deeper digital work. In conclusion, the project partially has a positive effect on the digital inclusion but that it isn’t enough to bridge the digital divide. I argue that the library needs to examine if these external collaborations are a long-term solution to social developments, or if they are a short-term solution in place until other authorities take responsibility for democratic needs and rights. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Community, Identity, and Agency in the Age of Big Social Data: A Place-based Study on Literacies, Perceptions, and Responses of Digital Engagement

Hayman, Bernard Akeem 26 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Design systems for accessibility : Creating a sustainable methodology for workplaces within web development

Berglund, Ingrid January 2023 (has links)
Although accessibility benefits all users of the web, irrespective of their abilities and disabilities, many web applications fail to fulfill basic accessibility requirements. Designers and developers need to improve their work with accessibility in order for digital inclusion to be possible. This thesis investigated how a design system can support them in producing accessible applications. It used a design approach to formulate an accessibility methodology for creating and maintaining a design system. Interviews and ideation workshops were held to understand the problem and generate solutions. A methodology was put together and evaluated through expert reviews, focus grouping, and user testing. The thesis resulted in 10 guidelines for how to promote accessibility through a design system. Central to the guidelines was that companies adapt the work with accessibility to their specific situation, by setting their own goals and creating tools for the different stages of the employees' work processes. The thesis concluded a design system can help designers and developers not feel overwhelmed by accessibility requirements, and focus on what is relevant to the task they are currently performing. A design system that is merely a storage for components can only assist designers and developers with a fraction of the accessibility requirements. Greater potential is held by a design system that is made into a platform for accessibility, by providing guidance on how to use components and being referenced in testing procedures. / Trots att tillgänglighet gynnar alla användare, oavsett förmåga eller funktionsnedsättning, uppfyller många webbapplikationer inte grundläggande tillgänglighetskrav. För att digital inkludering ska vara möjlig, behöver designers och utvecklare förbättra sitt arbete med tillgänglighet. Detta examensarbete undersökte hur ett designsystem kan stötta dem med att producera tillgängliga applikationer. Med ett angreppssätt vanligt för design, tog det fram en tillgänglighetsmetodik för att skapa och underhålla designsystem. Intervjuer och idéworkshops hölls för att förstå problemet och generera lösningar. En metodik sammanställdes och utvärderades genom expertutvärderingar, fokusgrupp och användartester. Examensarbetet resulterade i 10 riktlinjer kring att främja tillgänglighet genom ett designsystem. Centralt för riktlinjerna var att företag ska anpassa tillgängligh-etsarbetet till deras specifika situation, genom att sätta egna mål och skapa verktyg för de olika stadierna av medarbetarnas arbetsprocess. Examensarbetet kom till slutsatsen att ett designsystem kan hjälpa designers och utvecklare undvika att överväldigas av tillgänglighetskrav, och fokusera på vad som är relevant för den aktuella uppgiften de utför. Ett designsystem som enbart är ett förvar för komponenter kan bara stötta designers och utvecklare med en bråkdel av tillgänglighetskraven. Ett designsystem som blir en plattform för tillgänglighet, genom att ge handledning för hur komponenter ska användas och genom att refereras till i testrutiner, har högre potential.

Äldres digitala kompetens : är den bättre än vi tror? / Elderly people's digital competence : is it better than we think?

Malmgren, Isabell, Floding, Ella January 2024 (has links)
Alla som är en del av samhället blir på något vis påverkade av digitaliseringen och dess effekter. Äldre är en grupp som riskerar att hamna utanför denna utveckling om de saknar de väsentliga kunskaperna som krävs för att ta del av det digitaliserade samhället. Dessa kunskaper samlas ofta under begreppet digital kompetens. Denna studie ämnar att undersöka äldres digitala kompetens och ge en djupare förståelse för hur äldre själva upplever sin digitala kompetens, vilka faktorer som påverkar deras digitala kompetens och hur detta knyter an till digital inkludering och ålderism. De äldres digitala kompetens studeras i förhållande till smarta mobiltelefoner. För att svara på studiens syfte genomfördes intervjuer och en muntlig enkät. Den muntliga enkäten syftade till att få en bättre bild av äldres faktiska digitala kompetens medan intervjuerna gav en djupare insikt i hur äldre själva upplever sin digitala kompetens. Studiens resultat tyder på att många äldre har en nivå av digital kompetens som är tillräcklig för ett vardagligt användande av smarta mobiltelefoner. Äldre verkar ha en relativt god självinsikt om sina styrkor och svagheter när det kommer till digital kompetens och interaktion med smarta mobiler. Ett antal påverkande faktorer för digital kompetens identifierades i studien och det diskuteras hur dessa delvis kan bero på ålderism. Det upplevs som viktigt att påpeka vikten av ett fortsatt arbete för att inkludera äldre i digitaliseringen av samhället och se till att det finns forum där de som behöver kan få hjälp och stöd. / Everyone is in some way affected by today’s digitalization but for some it is more difficult than others. Elderly people tend to have a higher risk of being excluded if they lack the crucial skills to be a part of the digital society. These skills are often referred to with the word “digital competence”. This study aims to explore the digital competence of elderly people and give a deeper understanding for how they see and experience their digital competence, what factors affect it and how this can relate to digital inclusion and ageism. The study is done in the context of smartphones. Interviews and an in-person survey were conducted to help answer the study’s questions. The oral survey aimed to gain a better understanding of elderly people’s actual digital competence while the interviews focused on giving a deeper insight into how elderly people experience their own digital competence. The results of the study show that many elderly people have a level of digital competence that is high enough for an everyday use of smartphones. They also seem to have a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses related to digital competence and interaction with smartphones. A number of factors for digital competence were identified and discussed in regard to how they might partly be a result of ageism. It feels necessary to note the importance of continued efforts in including elderly in the digitalization and make sure there are places where those in need of help and support can receive it.

A informação dos telecentros do Vale do Jequitinhonha como aporte ao desenvolvimento social dos distritos de São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras e Milho Verde em Minas Gerais

Cajaiba Silva, Marina 24 October 2005 (has links)
A pesquisa traça o contexto mundializado dos dias atuais, onde as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) podem ser entendidas como oportunidades de cidadania a grupos excluídos que se encontram à margem do desenvolvimento humano local e global em plena era da informação, como as comunidades dos distritos de São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras e Milho Verde no Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais — uma das regiões mais pobres do país. Como principal objetivo, este estudo pretende identificar de que maneira a informação originada nos telecentros da Rede Rural de Telecentros Comunitários da ONG Gemas da Terra têm contribuído para o processo de inclusão social dessas comunidades, analisando o projeto de instalação do telecentro em relação a propostas de inclusão social e cidadania; avaliando o uso dos telecentros pelas comunidades analisadas; verificando a existência de ações que pretendam a integração dos freqüentadores dos telecentros às demais pessoas da comunidade, prevenindo uma possível concentração de opiniões e isolamento entre ambos; e apontando os resultados decorrentes das ações empreendidas pelas comunidades e sua conseqüente influência prática no cotidiano social local. A proposta metodológica inclui a análise documental do Guia Gemas da Terra de Telecentros Rurais, observação não-participante nos telecentros e entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos usuários, voluntários e representantes de entidades comunitárias das regiões pesquisadas, onde a disseminação e o uso das TICs são tidos pelas comunidades como apoiadores importantes para o estabelecimento de melhores condições de vida à população, ampliando as oportunidades de informação, trabalho, renda, educação e lazer. Entre as conclusões alcançadas por esta pesquisa, destaca-se que a maior contribuição social do projeto piloto da ONG Gemas da Terra é apresentar às comunidades envolvidas na proposta o potencial possível que a Internet pode proporcionar a esses distritos e, muito particularmente, às pessoas. Entretanto, a partir dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, tornou-se evidente o longo trajeto a ser percorrido pela inclusão digital para a contribuição efetiva das questões sociais em grupos marginalizados e integrados à era digital, não sendo tal vislumbrado em totalidade no âmbito pesquisado.This study delineates the globalized context of the present time, where Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can be understood as opportunities of citizenship for excluded groups who find themselves at the margins of local and global human development in the era of information, such as the communities in the districts of São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras and Milho Verde in the Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais — one of the poorest regions in the country. As a major goal, this study intended to identify how information originating from the telecenters of the Rede Rural de Telecentros Comunitários, of the NGO Gemas da Terra, has contributed to the social inclusion of these communities; to analyze the project for installing a telecenter for the communities studied; to verify any actions aimed at the integration of those who attend the telecenters with the other people of the community, to prevent a possible concentration of opinions and alienation between the two groups; and to point out results of the actions undertaken by the communities and their consequent practical influence on the daily life of local society. The methodology includes a document analysis of the Guia Gemas da Terra de Telecentros Rurais, non-participant observation at the telecenters, and semi-structured interviews with he users, volunteers, and representatives of the community organizations of the regions studied, where the dissemination and the use of the ICTs have been regarded by the communities as important supporters for improving conditions of life of the population by increasing opportunities for information, work, income, education, and leisure. Among the conclusions reached by this study, it was noted that the greatest social contribution of the pilot project of the NGO Gemas da Terra was to show the communities involved in the project the potential that the Internet offers to these districts, especially to the common people. Nevertheless, from the results obtained by this study, it became evident that the long way to be covered by informational inclusion toward the effective contribution of social questions in marginalized and integrated groups in the information era, was not totally explicit in the area studied. / on the social changes resulting from digital inclusion of poor communities in Brazil

Paving Future Pathway for Disconnected Voices to Unbalanced Digital World : An analysis of multi-stakeholder perspective on improving the digital support for digitally-disadvantaged languages

Rebin, Biyanto January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the current situation, challenges, and proposed recommendation of digitally-disadvantaged languages (DDL) in the social and digital context from six stakeholders' perspectives: academia, civil society organizations, for-profit corporations, government, language community, and language supporters, with additional language policy analysis in Indonesia and Sweden. Three interrelated theories - the digital divide, ecolinguistics, and digital justice - provide a framework for understanding digitally-disadvantaged languages' situations and challenges. The thesis employs semi-structured interviews for data collection and thematic analysis to analyze the collected data, and a comparative policy analysis accompanies it on digital language regulation in Indonesia and Sweden. Two established frameworks on general digital development issues, Principles for Digital Development (PDD) and Digital Justice Principles (DJP), were introduced to compare these languages’ challenges and propose recommendations for their future. Although the comparison demonstrates a strong connection between these established principles and these languages, there is still a need for a tailored framework focused explicitly on digitally-disadvantaged languages. The thesis concludes with the final result: collaborative efforts among stakeholders, especially the language community as the central actor and the government as the regulator, are the key to improving digital support and accommodating the need for digitally-disadvantaged languages.

O adolescente e a internet: laços e embaraços no mundo virtual / Adolescents and the Internet: connections and entanglements in the virtual world.

Prioste, Cláudia Dias 22 March 2013 (has links)
Tendo em vista o amplo acesso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) na sociedade contemporânea, com a promessa de um mundo virtual sem limites exercendo intenso poder de atração sobre os jovens, faz-se necessária a análise dos mecanismos ideológicos de manipulação psicológica postos em ação pela indústria cultural global no seio da subjetividade juvenil. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os hábitos e os interesses dos adolescentes no ciberespaço, buscando apreender os possíveis efeitos em sua constituição subjetiva. A pesquisa empírica foi dividida em duas etapas desenvolvidas simultaneamente: a primeira constou de um percurso etnográfico na cibercultura com o intuito de desvendar os interesses econômicos subjacentes aos sites frequentados pelos jovens; a segunda etapa foi realizada em uma escola pública e em uma escola privada, localizadas em um mesmo bairro de São Paulo, onde foram aplicados 108 questionários aos estudantes do último ano do Ensino Fundamental, com idade entre 13 e 16 anos, de ambos os sexos. Na escola pública, foram realizadas observações participativas nas aulas de Informática Educativa. Em ambas efetuaram-se entrevistas com alunos considerados por seus colegas como os mais conectados à internet, bem como entrevistas complementares com professores, coordenadores e diretores. A interpretação e a análise dos dados fundamentaram-se na filosofia da educação, teoria crítica e psicanálise. Constatou-se que as atividades preferidas dos adolescentes consistiam em frequentar as redes sociais, jogar, assistir a vídeos, visitar home pages de celebridades e de pornografia. Concluiu-se que os jovens são atraídos pelo ciberespaço principalmente pela possibilidade de exercitar fantasias virtuais e se sentirem aceitos pelo grupo. Entre os meninos, prevaleciam as fantasias onipotentes e sádicas, com as seguintes temáticas: o terrorista/policial, o herói/sobrenatural, o hacker/expert. Entre as meninas, eram frequentes as fantasias românticas, cujos temas principais envolviam: a amada/escolhida, a mãe/bebê, a celebridade. Observou-se que as fantasias virtuais são produzidas pela indústria audiovisual, geralmente, a partir de componentes perverso-polimórficos reeditados, identificados pelo que T. W. Adorno denominou de psicanálise às avessas. Ao se fixarem nas fantasias virtuais por meio das próteses digitais imagéticas, a capacidade dos jovens de apreensão das experiências de suas vidas sofrem alterações significativas, dificultando a reflexão sobre estas. O investimento libidinal nos dispositivos televisuais, reduzido às satisfações escopofílicas e à excitação constante dos sentidos, não contribui para a assunção epistemofílica, resultando no empobrecimento do imaginário e do simbólico. No ciberespaço os adolescentes têm seus direitos de proteção violados, uma vez que seus psiquismos ainda se encontram em desenvolvimento. Os interesses no lucro parecem prevalecer em relação a qualquer dimensão ética envolvida. Nesse contexto, a internet, ao invés de ser um importante instrumento de ampliação do conhecimento e de participação social, da maneira como tem sido utilizada, tem contribuído para a alienação e fixação em satisfações narcísicas. Assim, conclui-se ser importante não somente a inclusão digital, no sentido de apropriação das TICs nos ambientes escolares, mas também uma efetiva formação crítica dos jovens em relação às mídias, fornecendo-lhes condições para que possam refletir sobre as ficções nas quais estão inseridos. / In light of the wide access to the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the contemporary society, which by promising limitless virtual world exert strong power of attraction on the young people, we consider it is necessary to analyze the ideological mechanisms of psychological manipulation in action by the global culture industry in young subjectivity. Thus, the present study aimed to identify the adolescent habits and interests in cyberspace in order to understand the possible consequences in their subjective constitution. This empirical research was divided into two phases performed simultaneously: the first one was composed by an ethnographic journey through cyberculture, aiming to find out the economic interests behind the sites most visited by the adolescents; the second phase was carried out in one public and one private school placed in the same neighborhood in São Paulo, where 108 questionnaires were applied to the 13 to 16-year-old boys and girls students in the last year of Secondary School. In the public school, participant observation was the approach used in the Educational Computing classes. Interviews were done in both schools with the students known as the most connected to the internet as well as additional interviews with the teachers, coordinators, and principals. Data interpretation and analysis were based on philosophy of education, critical theory and psychoanalysis. We have found that the adolescent favorite activities consisted of frequently going to social networks, playing games, watching videos, visiting celebrities home pages and pornography. We concluded that the adolescents are mainly attracted to cyberspace for their possibility to exercise virtual fantasies and feel accepted by their group. Among the boys prevailed omnipotent and sadistic fantasies with the following thematic features: the terrorist/policeman, the hero/supernatural, the hacker/expert. Among the girls, romantic fantasies were usual and involved mainly these themes: the beloved/chosen, the mother/baby, the celebrity. We noticed that the virtual fantasies are produced by the audiovisual industry generally out of perverse-polymorphic components reedited, identified by T.W. Adorno as psychoanalysis in reverse. When the adolescents get fixed to virtual fantasies by means of imagetic digital prostheses, their capacity of apprehending their own experiences in life suffers significant changes, hindering their reflection about them. The libidinal investment in televisual devices, reduced to scopophiliac gratification and constant excitement of the senses, doesnt contribute to the epistemophilic assumption - which results in imaginary and symbolic impoverishing. In cyberspace the adolescents have their protection rights violated since their psychism are still in process of development. Interests in making money seem to prevail over any ethical dimension involved. In this context, rather than being an important instrument to expand knowledge and social participation, the way the internet has being used it has contributed to the alienation and fixation in narcissistic gratification. Therefore, we have concluded that digital inclusion is important - meaning ICTs appropriation in the school environment - but also young peoples effective critical thinking formation with regard to the media, in order to offer them conditions to reflect about the fictions where they are inserted in.

O computador no ensino-aprendizagem presencial de língua inglesa para professores em formação

França, Michel Marcelo de 25 April 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Michel M de Franca.pdf: 653688 bytes, checksum: d02e36ecda6e10bbb7ac5dec0a1532d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-04-25 / The present study describes and interprets an experience of teachinglearning English mediated by computer in a face-to-face environment, lived by undergraduate students of Languages. The study also focuses on the representations these students had about using computers for language teaching purposes, before and after the accomplishment of two sequenced communicative tasks. In order to reach the established goals, the research was methodologically grounded on the hermeneutic-phenomenological approach (van Manen, 1990), and theoretically based on issues related to learning mediated by computers (Warschauer, 2000), digital literacy (Tfouni,1988,1995; Kleiman,1995,1998; Sampaio and Leite,2000), representations (Moscovici,1984,1994; Freire and Lessa,2003), and communicative tasks (Nunan, 1989). The phenomenon on focus in this study was experienced throughout the accomplishment of two sequenced communicative tasks, undertaken as a twentyhour extracurricular activity. Data were collected through an initial questionnaire and two reflective guidelines applied after the accomplishment of each task. The outcomes are presented in two sections: the first regards the participants representations about using computers for English teaching-learning purposes, and reveals that the initial intuitive perceptions are confirmed; however, in the end, they were grounded on the experience lived. The second section addresses the experienced phenomenon, describing it and presenting the temes that provide its structure - knowledge, environment, and interaction - detailed in their respective subtemes. Besides describing and interpreting the phenomenon of living the experience of using computers for educational purposes, and identifying the representations of those who had experienced it, the research also contributes to enlarge the discussion about digital inclusion as a form to avoid social exclusion / O presente estudo descreve e interpreta uma vivência de ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa, mediada pelo computador, em contexto presencial, por professores de Letras em formação e as representações que estes possuem sobre a utilização do computador no ensino-aprendizagem de inglês, antes e depois de viver tal experiência. Para atingir esses objetivos, o estudo foi metodologicamente fundamentado na abordagem hermenêutico- fenomenológica (van Manen,1990), e teoricamente embasado em questões de aprendizagem mediada pelo computador (Warschauer,2000), alfabetização e letramento digital (Tfouni, 1988,1995; Kleiman,1995,1998; Sampaio e Leite,2000), representações (Moscovici, 1984, 1994; Freire e Lessa, 2003), e tarefas comunicativas (Nunan,1989). A vivência foi proporcionada pela realização de duas tarefas comunicativas seqüenciadas, propostas a alunos de Letras como atividade extracurricular, com a duração de 20 horas. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário inicial e dois roteiros reflexivos utilizados ao final de cada tarefa. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados em duas seções: a primeira diz respeito às representações dos participantes e revela que suas percepções iniciais, intuitivas, se confirmam, mostrando-se, ao final, fundamentadas na vivência proporcionada. A segunda destina-se ao fenômeno experienciado, descrevendo-o e apresentando os temas que compõem sua estrutura - conhecimento, ambientação e interação - detalhados em seus respectivos subtemas. A pesquisa, além de descrever e interpretar o fenômeno da vivência do uso do computador para finalidades instrucionais e identificar as representações de quem o experienciou, também contribui para fomentar a discussão sobre inclusão digital como uma forma de combate à exclusão social

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