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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diversidade e adversidade na escola: queixas e conflitos de professores frente à educação inclusiva. / Diversity and adversity in the school - teachers complains and conflicts at inclusion education.

Prioste, Claudia Dias 10 April 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho, situado na linha de pesquisa Psicologia e Educação, teve como objetivo identificar as adversidades produzidas no ambiente escolar mediante as propostas textuais da educação inclusiva. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo que contou com vinte e seis professores de uma escola pública Estadual de São Paulo. Os professores foram convidados a participarem colaborativamente de dezesseis encontros que tiveram como proposta o debate sobre o tema da inclusão. Nestes debates, predominaram queixas e relatos de caso. Para a organização dos dados, agrupamos as reclamações produzindo tabelas e gráficos de freqüência, que, aliados aos casos relatados pelos professores, nos ofereceram um panorama do mal-estar e do descontentamento docente. O bloco de queixas mais enfáticas refere-se à falta de estrutura e suporte ao professor (58%); em seguidas, estão as reclamações que recaem sobre os alunos (29,3%) com destaque para os problemas de comportamento e de aprendizagem. No terceiro bloco foram reunidas as queixas sobre família, sociedade e imposição da lei (12,6%). Na análise qualitativa dos casos e queixas, utilizamos recursos teóricos da psicanálise que nos possibilitaram algumas reflexões sobre o teor das interações escolares e sua relação com o mal-estar docente. Os resultados apontam para dificuldades no estabelecimento de laços entre professores e alunos. Dificuldades intensificadas tanto pelas condições de trabalho desfavoráveis, quanto por crenças e estereotipias relacionadas às crianças consideradas diferentes. Portanto, face à angústia destes estranhamentos, tende-se a criar alteridades radicais que visam a exclusão da subjetividade do Outro considerado estranho. Assim, as crianças que não se enquadram nos padrões de normalidade socialmente construídos, quando freqüentam classes regulares, recebem o rótulo de \"incluídas\", ainda que, permaneçam à margem das interações e investimentos pedagógicos. / This study is included into Psychology and Education field. It had main objective to identify adversities produced by school environment due to education inclusive proposals. It was a qualitative research with twenty-six teachers of a public school in São Paulo city in Brazil. Teachers were invited to participate of sixteen meetings with proposal to debate about educational inclusion and their class experience. During those meetings, teachers complained about several problems with the students. To organize the data, it was grouped types of complains in tables and frequency graphics that aligned with teacher problems analysis showed teaching discomfort regarding current environment of inclusive education. The most common complains of teachers were lack of support and infrastructure at school (58%) followed by complains of student (29,3%) mainly problems related of behavior and difficulty of learning process. Research also grouped complains of student family, society and Brazilian law (12,6%) in the third place. Qualitative analysis of cases using theoretical psychoanalysis approach allowed some important insights about school interactions between teacher and students and discomfort teaching. The study indicated relationship problems between teachers and students. Problems intensified by unfavorable work conditions as well as beliefs and stereotypes about children who are considered different. Therefore, facing anguish caused by those differences, there is tendency to exclude subjectivity of those students considered strange from majority group. One of conclusions was children who does not fit at ordinary standards built by society when study at regular classes have received the label of \"included\" however continue out of social interactions and educational investments.

Patienters postoperativa upplevelse av i-gel supraglottic airway device versus endotrakeal intubation gällande smärta i hals, heshet, sväljsvårigheter och allmänt obehag.

Rosengren, Niklas January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka huruvida patienterna upplever det postoperativa förloppet avseende smärta i hals, heshet, smärta vid sväljning samt generellt obehag beroende på om endotrakealtub (ETT) eller i-gel supraglottic airway device (SAD) använts i samband med generell anestesi vid elektiv kirurgi. Metod: I denna kvantitativa tvärsnittsstudie samlades informationen in på formulär. Parametrarna skattades av patienterna med hjälp av visuell analog skala (VAS). 60 patienter tillfrågades konsekutivt till studien och 13 föll bort vilket resulterade i 47 patienter som fullföljde studien. Resultat: Gällande graden av smärta i hals, heshet, sväljsvårigheter och allmänt obehag postoperativt så skattade sammanlagt sju deltagare i grupperna med ETT och i-gel ett VAS värde över 3. Patienter som haft ETT upplevde signifikant mer heshet, och sväljsvårigheter än patienter som haft i-gel. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att patienter som får ETT eller i-gel skattar sina besvär avseende smärta i hals, heshet, sväljsvårigheter och allmänt obehag i en låg frekvens. Dessutom påvisas att majoriteten av de som skattar besvär gör detta i de lägre segmenten av VAS skalan. / Aim: To examine how patients perceive the postoperative recovery in regards of pain in the throat, hoarseness, dysphagia, and general discomfort due to the endotracheal tube (ETT) or the i-gel supraglottic airway device (SAD) used in general anaesthesia during elective surgery. Method: This quantitative cross-sectional study gathered information on forms. The parameters were estimated by patients using visual analogue scale (VAS). 60 patients were asked consecutively to the study and 47 patients completed. Results: The level of pain in the throat, hoarseness, dysphagia and general discomfort post-operatively were estimated by a total of seven participants in the group with ETT and i-gel as higher VAS values than 3. Patients with ETT perceived significantly more hoarseness and dysphagia than patients with i-gel. Conclusion: This study shows that patients with ETT or i-gel estimates their complaint regarding pain in the throat, hoarseness, dysphagia and general discomfort in a low frequency. It also demonstrates that the majority of those who estimate these parameters do so in the lower segments of the VAS scale.

Counselor Discomfort with Sexual Issues and Supervisory Role

LoFrisco, Barbara 01 January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT Sexual issues are common among the general population; therefore it is likely that clients suffer with them whether or not they are presenting issues. Because unresolved sexual issues may contribute to harm, counselors have an ethical obligation to ensure these issues are addressed during therapy. Yet, many fail to do so for a variety of reasons. Because clinical supervisors are in a unique position to nurture and mentor novice counselors, their influence is salient to this issue. Although some research has been done to address this issue, results are inconclusive and somewhat contradictory. This study attempts to fill in the missing data and to address some of the discrepancies by exploring how counselors perceive addressing sexual issues, identifying some of the influencing factors that allow this issue to persist, and exploring how clinical supervisors can be supportive. Sixty-three mental health professionals from the state of Florida participated in a survey where they were asked about both their experiences as clinicians and as interns under supervision. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, and descriptive statistics, as well as chi-square test of independence were calculated. The degree to which counselors reported being very comfortable with addressing clients' sexual issues did not align with the reported frequency of initiation of the topic nor the reported levels of discomfort on specific sexual topics. Comfort levels related to discussing sexual issues were found to be positively associated with frequency of initiation, and in couples cases, female counselors raised the topic significantly more often than male counselors. Other findings are analyzed and discussed, conclusions are drawn, and recommendations for future study and implications for the field are included.

Realizing vulvas : feminism, physiology and culture

Labuski, Christine Mary 28 April 2015 (has links)
Based on thirteen months of ethnographic fieldwork in a large research hospital in the U.S., this dissertation analyzes the experiences of eighty American women seeking relief for chronic genital pain. Through extended interviews with diagnosed women, and participant-observation in a vulvar speciality clinic, I investigate the barriers--linguistic, cultural and corporeal--faced by patients who must engender greater familiarity and comfort with their sexual and genital bodies in order to successfully recover from their symptoms. Written as a cultural analysis of the vulva, the dissertation examines the ambivalent relationships between female external genitalia, U.S. dominant culture, and an autonomous female sexuality. Attentive to the transgression, confusion and disorder evoked by the symptoms of vulvar pain, the dissertation redefines the clinical diagnostic phrase "other causes of genital discomfort" in sociolcultural terms. The concepts of "genital dis-ease" and "unwanted genital experience" are introduced and analyzed as corporeo-cultural phenomena that contribute to a profound sense of alienation between many diagnosed women and their genital bodies. In addition to an extended introduction and a description of both the clinical fieldsite and conditions under investigation, the dissertation uses four progressive chapters--Accumulation, Manifestation, Integration and Generation--to theorize the lived experience of vulvar pain. Through a critical dialogue with current clinical literature, through which vulvar pain is understood in increasingly physiological terms, the dissertation argues that an acknowledgment of collective and cultural genital "discomfort" must be included in the emerging diagnostic and treatment regimens for women with chronic and unexplained genital pain. / text

Musculoskeletal discomfort in veterinarians : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Ergonomics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Scuffham, Andrew Mark January 2009 (has links)
Content removed due to copyright restrictions: Appendix 6: Paper presented at the 15th New Zealand Ergonomics Society Conference: Ergonomics for the Ageing Population, Martinborough. Scuffham, A., Stevenson, M., Legg, S. & Firth, E. Prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort in New Zealand small animal veterinarians. In: 15th New Zealand Ergonomics Society Conference: Ergonomics for the Ageing Population. Eds R. G. Adank & L. Gardner Wood. Martinborough, New Zealand Ergonomics Society. 27-28 May, 2009, [CD-ROM]. Appendix 7: Paper presented at the Society of Diary Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 26th annual conference, Rotorua. Scuffham, A., Firth, E., Stevenson, M., & Legg, S. Musculoskeletal discomfort in New Zealand large animal veterinarians. In: Proceedings of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 26th annual conference. Ed. T. Parkinson. VetLearn, Palmerston North. 24-27 June 2009, pg 201-204. Appendix 8: Paper presented at the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association Annual Conference, Taupo. Scuffham, A., Firth, E., Stevenson, M. & Legg, S. Musculoskeletal discomfort in New Zealand equine veterinarians. In: Proceedings of the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association of the NZVA Annual Conference. Ed. M Leyland. VetLearn, Palmerston North. 24-27 June 2009, pg 163. Appendix 9: Paper presented at the 17th International Ergonomics Association World Congress on Ergonomics, Beijing. Musculoskeletal discomfort in New Zealand (non-clinical) veterinarians. Scuffham, A., Legg, S., Stevenson, M. & Firth, E. (9-14 August, 2009). [CD-ROM] / This thesis comprises three chapters about musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD) in veterinarians. Two of these chapters have been submitted to peer reviewed journals and one is in preparation for submission. The first chapter describes the prevalence and risk factors associated with MSD in New Zealand veterinarians. The second chapter is a paper on the tasks considered by veterinarians to cause MSD. The third chapter is a review of published literature on musculoskeletal problems (MSP) in veterinarians. The first chapter in this thesis describes a cross-sectional study of 867 New Zealand veterinarians. We used a modified Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire to enquire about the presence or absence of MSD, whether this affected normal activities and if MSD necessitated absenteeism from work. Additional questions enquired about work activities, psychosocial factors and workload. The overall period prevalence of MSD was 96%. Normal activities were affected in 67% and 18% of participants reported that they had been absent from work due to MSD. Factors associated with the presence of MSD requiring time off work for clinical veterinarians included 10 year increases in age (odds ratio (OR) 1.26, 95% CI 1.05 - 1.52), work involving awkward grip and hand movements 100% of time (OR 12.91, 95% CI 3.46 – 84.21) and those who were dissatisfied with the level and difficulty of their work (OR 2.72, 95% CI 1.11 - 6.56). In the second chapter in this thesis, veterinarians were asked to indicate tasks that they considered ‘most likely to lead to musculoskeletal aches and pains’ and ‘why these tasks were likely to be the most risky’. They were also asked to suggest ‘any solutions that they applied or knew of’ to reduce musculoskeletal aches and pains. They identified the following tasks: lifting, surgery, rectal palpations and animal handling. Their reasons were primarily related to physical risk factors. Few identified psychosocial risk factors. The most common suggested solutions involved training and selection strategies rather than redesign of tasks, activities or facilities. These findings are consistent with a participatory ergonomics approach for reducing the risk of MSD, which aims to enhance personal well-being and improved system performance. The third chapter in this thesis - a review of the literature - focuses on the prevalence and nature (discomfort, pain, injury and disorders) of MSP amongst veterinarians. Veterinarians are exposed to a range of physical and psychosocial occupational hazards that have been well documented and associated with MSP. The range of reported prevalence estimates in this review was 50% to 96%. This range may reflect real differences among the veterinary populations studied, or more likely be due to differences in MSP definitions, study methodologies, and response rates. The magnitude of the reported prevalence justifies further research to triangulate data and determine other factors associated with MSD. Most of the studies in the review focused on physical risk factors. The lack of studies into psychosocial risk factors for MSP needs to be addressed.

O desconforto no uso do vestuário íntimo : avaliação da percepção pelo público idoso feminino / Discomfort in the use of intimate apparel: assessment of the perception by the elderly women

Gruber, Crislaine 25 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:17:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 118437.pdf: 4864384 bytes, checksum: e2e8b0efa0e804da8b2b11a0b0a6821a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The growth of the elderly population demand studies concerned with the problems faced by such public in its interaction with the products. Ergonomic research may cover part of this gap. This work contributes using concepts of ergonomic field to investigate the relationship between the elderly and the bra. There are few studies about the perceived discomfort in the use of bras. During the development of this research, we found no studies about the interaction between bras and elderly women. The aim of this study is to investigate the elderly perception of discomfort when using bras. Therefore, we developed an instrument for conducting structured interviews with the women. Its development is a contribution to the field, since it was validated by experts and the characteristics of elderly was considered. In data analysis, participants were organized into two categories: one constituted by women that use only one type of bra, representing more than 60 per cent of the sample, and other constituted by women that use various models. We observed the followed habits of elderly women: using bra during all day, buying bras without trying them, using bras without wires and bulges. It was perceived a discomfort sensation related to leaving home without using a bra. Furthermore, strapless bras and demi-cup bras seem more uncomfortable for elderly women. The elderly have as needs when using bras: letting the form of the breasts more beautiful, the position of them more raised, and their movement smaller. The hypothesis of this work was supported because we noticed that bra design is inadequate to the characteristics, needs, habits and preferences of participants, generating a sense of discomfort. The results of the research can be used for design products that provide a less uncomfortable interaction between the elderly women and the bras. / O crescimento da população idosa demanda estudos acerca dos problemas enfrentados por esse público em sua interação com os produtos. A pesquisa em ergonomia pode suprir parte dessa lacuna. O presente trabalho colabora nesse sentido, utilizando-se dos conceitos da área para conhecer a relação existente entre o público idoso feminino e um artefato de uso cotidiano: o sutiã. São escassos os estudos sobre o desconforto percebido no uso dos sutiãs. Durante o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, não foram encontrados trabalhos que abordassem a interação entre esse artefato e o público idoso feminino. O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar a percepção das idosas quanto ao desconforto no uso dos sutiãs. Para isso, elaborouse um instrumento para a realização de entrevistas estruturadas junto ao público idoso feminino. Seu desenvolvimento é uma contribuição para a área de estudo, uma vez que foi validado por especialistas e considerou as características do público idoso. De posse dos dados coletados, procedeu-se a análise organizando as participantes em duas categorias: em uma tem-se idosas que usam apenas um modelo de sutiã, representando mais de 60% da amostra, em outra, mulheres que utilizam diversos modelos. Os principais hábitos observados foram: uso do sutiã durante todo o dia, compra dos sutiãs sem experimentá-los, uso de sutiãs sem bojos e aros. Notou-se uma percepção de desconforto relacionada a sair de casa sem sutiã e a modelos tomara que caia e meia taça. As principais necessidades percebidas são deixar a forma dos seios mais bonita, a posição mais levantada e o movimento menor. A hipótese do trabalho foi corroborada, pois notou-se que as condicionantes do projeto do sutiã são inadequadas às características, necessidades, hábitos e preferências das participantes, gerando uma percepção de desconforto. Os resultados da pesquisa podem ser utilizados no design de produtos que proporcionem uma interação menos desconfortável entre as idosas e o sutiã.

Contribuições do entretenimento a bordo no conforto e desconforto em voos comerciais

Rossi, Talita Naiara 09 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4051.pdf: 3034000 bytes, checksum: 6f4649d36355639c68e2f748d60b0a83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-09 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The growth of passengers air transport as well as the competitiveness of the aviation industry have made the comfort a noticeable item to be taken into account, which is characterized as a key variable for the cabin project and also for the differentiation in the market, once it is related to the passengers satisfaction and acceptance when it comes to this transportation modality. In this context, the in-flight entertainment has been considered one of the most relevant requisite in order to improve the comfort while in the cabin in a way that it enhances values of the airline companies, contributing for a more pleasant and also a rather positive air travel experience. Thereby the aim of this study is to understand the aspects of either comfort or discomfort in airplane cabins, exchanging views on the importance of entertainment activities on board as well as their influence on comfort and discomfort in the cabin. Firstly, based on the literature review it made possible to clearly understand the concepts of comfort and discomfort including the current possibilities of in-flight entertainment. Considering comfort as an outstanding and suitable point to be applied in the cabin, this study is grounded in the approach of the analysis of the activity. As such, the data collection was implemented in two contexts: survey of Brazilian commercial aviation (airports and domestic flights) and interviews with companies connected with the entertainment industry and air transport sector. The procedures adopted have permitted to identify the active travellers preferences and expectations when it comes to in-flight entertainment, what is more, the constraints during the activities occurred in the cabin and tendency of the industry in question. Some recommendations for the project were made, highlighting, mainly, the importance of the amenities in the aircraft cabin for the travelers to use their own devices during the flight. / O crescimento do transporte aéreo de passageiros, bem como da competitividade no setor, tem atraído a atenção da indústria para a questão do conforto, o qual se caracteriza como uma variável chave para projeto de cabines e para a diferenciação no mercado, uma vez que se relaciona a satisfação e aceitabilidade dos passageiros quanto esta modalidade de transporte. Neste contexto, o entretenimento a bordo tem sido visto pela indústria como um dos elementos mais importantes para melhoria do conforto na cabine, de modo que este é percebido enquanto uma solução que agrega valor à companhia aérea, garante vantagens na competitividade do mercado e amplia as possibilidades de ação durante a viagem tornando a experiência de voo mais positiva e agradável. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo é compreender os aspectos de conforto e desconforto em cabines de aeronaves, discutindo a importância das atividades de entretenimento a bordo e a influência destas nas questões de conforto e desconforto na cabine. Primeiramente foi realizada a revisão da literatura para entendimento dos conceitos de conforto e desconforto, bem como das possibilidades atuais de entretenimento a bordo. Tendo em vista a relevância da possibilidade de agir para o conforto na cabine, este estudo fundamenta-se na abordagem da análise da atividade. Assim sendo, a coleta de dados foi aplicada em dois contextos: survey na aviação comercial brasileira (aeroportos e voos domésticos) e entrevistas com empresas ligadas à indústria de entretenimento e ao setor aéreo. Os procedimentos adotados permitiram a identificação da importância e das expectativas dos passageiros participantes quanto ao entretenimento a bordo, bem como dos constrangimentos durante a realização de atividades na cabine e as tendências de tal indústria. Foram elaboradas algumas recomendações para projeto, destacando, principalmente, a relevância das facilidades na cabine para que os passageiros possam utilizar seus próprios dispositivos eletrônicos durante o voo.

Diversidade e adversidade na escola: queixas e conflitos de professores frente à educação inclusiva. / Diversity and adversity in the school - teachers complains and conflicts at inclusion education.

Claudia Dias Prioste 10 April 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho, situado na linha de pesquisa Psicologia e Educação, teve como objetivo identificar as adversidades produzidas no ambiente escolar mediante as propostas textuais da educação inclusiva. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo que contou com vinte e seis professores de uma escola pública Estadual de São Paulo. Os professores foram convidados a participarem colaborativamente de dezesseis encontros que tiveram como proposta o debate sobre o tema da inclusão. Nestes debates, predominaram queixas e relatos de caso. Para a organização dos dados, agrupamos as reclamações produzindo tabelas e gráficos de freqüência, que, aliados aos casos relatados pelos professores, nos ofereceram um panorama do mal-estar e do descontentamento docente. O bloco de queixas mais enfáticas refere-se à falta de estrutura e suporte ao professor (58%); em seguidas, estão as reclamações que recaem sobre os alunos (29,3%) com destaque para os problemas de comportamento e de aprendizagem. No terceiro bloco foram reunidas as queixas sobre família, sociedade e imposição da lei (12,6%). Na análise qualitativa dos casos e queixas, utilizamos recursos teóricos da psicanálise que nos possibilitaram algumas reflexões sobre o teor das interações escolares e sua relação com o mal-estar docente. Os resultados apontam para dificuldades no estabelecimento de laços entre professores e alunos. Dificuldades intensificadas tanto pelas condições de trabalho desfavoráveis, quanto por crenças e estereotipias relacionadas às crianças consideradas diferentes. Portanto, face à angústia destes estranhamentos, tende-se a criar alteridades radicais que visam a exclusão da subjetividade do Outro considerado estranho. Assim, as crianças que não se enquadram nos padrões de normalidade socialmente construídos, quando freqüentam classes regulares, recebem o rótulo de \"incluídas\", ainda que, permaneçam à margem das interações e investimentos pedagógicos. / This study is included into Psychology and Education field. It had main objective to identify adversities produced by school environment due to education inclusive proposals. It was a qualitative research with twenty-six teachers of a public school in São Paulo city in Brazil. Teachers were invited to participate of sixteen meetings with proposal to debate about educational inclusion and their class experience. During those meetings, teachers complained about several problems with the students. To organize the data, it was grouped types of complains in tables and frequency graphics that aligned with teacher problems analysis showed teaching discomfort regarding current environment of inclusive education. The most common complains of teachers were lack of support and infrastructure at school (58%) followed by complains of student (29,3%) mainly problems related of behavior and difficulty of learning process. Research also grouped complains of student family, society and Brazilian law (12,6%) in the third place. Qualitative analysis of cases using theoretical psychoanalysis approach allowed some important insights about school interactions between teacher and students and discomfort teaching. The study indicated relationship problems between teachers and students. Problems intensified by unfavorable work conditions as well as beliefs and stereotypes about children who are considered different. Therefore, facing anguish caused by those differences, there is tendency to exclude subjectivity of those students considered strange from majority group. One of conclusions was children who does not fit at ordinary standards built by society when study at regular classes have received the label of \"included\" however continue out of social interactions and educational investments.

Arquiteturas de distribuição de ar em cabines de aeronaves: análise experimental de desconforto térmico local. / Air distribution architectures in aircraft cabins: experimental analysis of local thermal discomfort.

Evandro Souza da Silva 18 October 2013 (has links)
O sistema de ventilação por mistura (MV), utilizado atualmente em cabines de aeronaves na distribuição do ar tratado, não tem propiciado condições adequadas de conforto térmico e pode, devido às suas características de mistura, propagar rapidamente doenças infecciosas na cabine. Sistemas de ventilação utilizados em ambientes de edificações, como o sistema de distribuição de ar por deslocamento (DV) e o sistema de distribuição de ar pelo piso (UFAD) e variantes destes sistemas, estão começando a ser propostos. Função disto, o presente trabalho comparou três arquiteturas de distribuição de ar: o sistema tradicional (MV), o sistema de insuflamento de ar pelo piso (UFAD) e uma variação do sistema UFAD, incluindo insuflamento lateral abaixo dos bagageiros, denominado de UFAD modificado. Os ensaios foram realizados em cabine de mock up de aeronave com 12 lugares, ocupados por manequins aquecidos simulando os passageiros, considerando duas temperaturas para o ar insuflado na cabine: 18°C e 22°C. Os resultados mostram influência significativa da temperatura de insuflamento do ar nas condições de desconforto térmico local, juntamente com resultados promissores para o sistema UFAD, com percentuais de desconforto devido às correntes de ar menores que 20%, com exceção da região de insuflamento do ar no corredor. / Mixing ventilation system (MV), currently used in aircraft cabins for treated air distribution, has not provided adequate conditions for thermal comfort and may, due to its mixing characteristics, spread quickly infectious diseases in the cabin. Ventilation systems used in buildings environments, such as displacement ventilation system (DV) and underfloor air distribution system (UFAD) and variants of these systems are beginning to be proposed. Due to that, the present study compared three air distribution architectures: the traditional system (MV), underfloor air distribution system (UFAD) and a variation of the UFAD system, including side air supply under bins, called UFAD modified. Tests were performed in aircraft cabin mock up with 12 seats, occupied by heated manikins simulating passengers, considering two air supply temperatures into the cabin: 18°C and 22°C. Results show significant influence of air supply temperature in conditions of local thermal discomfort, together with promising results for UFAD system, with percentages of discomfort due to draught less than 20%, except in the air insufflation area in aisle.

Study on Assessing QoE of 3DTV Using Subjective Methods

ananth, Indirajith Vijai January 2013 (has links)
The ever increasing popularity and enormous growth in 3D movie industry is the stimulating phenomenon for the penetration of 3D services into home entertainment systems. Providing a third dimension gives intense visual experience to the viewers. Being a new eld, there are several researches going on to measure the end user's viewing experience. Research groups including 3D TV manufacturers, service providers and standards organizations are interested to improve user experience. Recent research in 3D video quality measurements have revealed uncertain issues as well as more well known results. Measuring the perceptual stereoscopic video quality by subjective testing can provide practical results. This thesis studies and investigate three di erent rating scales (Video Quality, Visual Discomfort and Sense of Presence) and compares them by subjective testing, combined with two viewing distances at 3H and 5H, where H is the hight of display screen. This thesis work shows that single rating scale produces the same result as three di erent scales and viewing distance has very less or no impact on Quality of Experience (QoE) of 3DTV for 3H and 5H distances for symmetric coding impairments. / indirajithv@gmail.com

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