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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimisation de la récupération d'énergie dans les applications de rectenna

Adami, Salah-Eddine 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les progrès réalisés durant ces dernières années dans le domaine de la microélectronique et notamment vis-à-vis de l’augmentation exponentielle de la densité d’intégration des composants et des systèmes a participé activement à l’apparition et au développement de systèmes portables communicants de plus en plus performants et polyvalents. La R&D dans les technologies de stockage d’énergie n’a pas suivi cette tendance d’évolution très rapide ; ce qui constitue un handicap majeur dans les évolutions futures des systèmes portables. La transmission d’énergie sans fils sur des distances considérables (plusieurs dizaines de mètres) grâce aux microondes constitue une solution très prometteuse pour pallier aux problèmes d’autonomie dans le cas des systèmes sans fils communicants. De plus, du fait de l’omniprésence des ondes électromagnétiques dans notre environnement avec des niveaux plus ou moins importants, la récupération et l’exploitation de cette énergie libre est également possible. La rectenna (Rectifying Antenna) est le dispositif permettant de capter et de convertir une onde électromagnétique en une tension continue. Plusieurs travaux de thèse axés sur l’étude et l’optimisation de la rectenna ont été réalisés au sein du laboratoire. Ces travaux avaient montré que pour des faibles niveaux de champs les tensions délivrées par la rectenna sont généralement très faibles et inexploitables. Aussi, comme la majorité des micro-sources d’énergie et à cause de son impédance interne, les performances de la rectenna dépendent fortement de sa charge de sortie. Ainsi, le développement d’un système d’interfaçage de la rectenna est nécessaire afin de pallier ces manquements inhérents du convertisseur RF/DC. Ce genre de système d’interfaçage est généralement absent dans la littérature à cause des faibles niveaux de puissance exploités. Par conséquent, la rectenna est très souvent utilisée tel quelle ; ce qui limite fortement le champ applicatif. Dans ce projet de recherche, un système de gestion énergétique de la rectenna complètement autonome a été conçu, développé et optimisé afin de garantir les performances optimales de la rectenna quelques soient les fluctuations de la puissance d’entrée et celles de la charge de sortie. Le circuit d’interfaçage permet également de fournir à la charge des niveaux de tension utilisables. Le système réalisé est basé tout d’abord sur l’utilisation d’un convertisseur DC/DC résonant pouvant fonctionner d’une manière complètement autonome à partir de niveaux très bas de la tension et de la puissance de la source. Ce convertisseur permet donc de garantir l’autonomie du système en éliminant la nécessité d’une source d’énergie auxiliaire. A cause de ses faibles performances énergétiques, ce convertisseur ne sera utilisé que durant la phase de démarrage. L’efficacité du système en termes de rendement énergétique et d’adaptation d’impédance est garantie grâce à l’utilisation d’un convertisseur Flyback fonctionnant dans son régime de conduction discontinu. Ainsi, une adaptation d’impédance très efficace est réalisée entre la rectenna et la charge de sortie. Ce convertisseur principal fonctionnera durant le régime permanent. Les deux convertisseurs ont été optimisés pour des niveaux de tension et de puissance aussi bas que quelques centaines de mV et quelques μW respectivement. Des mesures expérimentales réalisées sur plusieurs prototypes ont démontré le bon fonctionnement et les excellentes performances prédites par la procédure de conception ; ce qui nous permet de valider notre approche. De plus, les performances obtenues se distinguent parfaitement vis-à-vis de l’état de l’art. Enfin, en fonction de l’application désirée, plusieurs synoptiques d’association des deux structures sont proposés. Ceci inclut également la gestion énergétique de la charge de sortie. / Latest advancements in microelectronic technologies and especially with the exponential increase of components and devices integration density have yield novel high technology and polyvalent portable systems. Such polyvalent communication devices need more and more available energy. Nonetheless, research in energy storage technology did not evolve with a similar speed. This constitutes a substantial handicap for the future evolution of portable devices. Wireless energy transfer through large distances such as tens of meters using microwaves is a very promising solution in order to deal with the autonomy problem in portable devices. In addition, since electromagnetic waves are ubiquitous in our environment, harvesting and using this free and available energy is also possible. Rectenna (Rectifying Antenna) is the device that allows to collect and to convert an electromagnetic wave into DC power. Several thesis research projects focusing on studying and optimizing the rectenna was carried-out into the Ampere laboratory. It has been shown that for a low level of the electromagnetic field the voltage provided by the rectenna is ultra-low and thus impractical. Further, as it is the case for the majority of energy harvesting micro-sources, the performances of the rectenna depend highly with the loading conditions. So, the development of an interfacing circuit for the rectenna is a necessary task in order to relieve the RF/DC converter inherent flaws. As it is pointed out into the literature, such power management circuit is in most cases absent due to the ultra-low power levels. In most cases, the rectenna is used as it; which reduces strongly the applications area. Within this research project, an ultra-low power and fully-autonomous power management system dedicated to rectennas was developed and optimized. It allows to guarantee highest performances of the rectenna whatever are the fluctuation of the input power level and the output load conditions. In addition, this power management system allows to provide a conventional voltage level to the load. The first part of the developed system is composed by a resonant DC/DC converter which plays the role of start-up circuit. In this case, no external energy source is required even with low voltage and ultra-low power source conditions. Because of its general poor energetic performances, this resonant converter will be used only during the start-up phase. The second part of the developed system is composed by a Flyback converter operating in its discontinuous conduction mode. Using this mode, the converter realizes static and very effective impedance matching with the rectenna in order to extract the maximum available power whatever are the input and the output conditions. Furthermore, thanks to the optimization procedure, the converter shows excellent efficiency performances even for μW power levels based on a discrete demonstrator. Finally, the converter provides conventional voltage levels allowing to power standard electronics. Experimental tests based on discrete prototypes for the both converters show distinguish results for the start-up voltage, the impedance matching effectiveness and the efficiency as regard to the state of the art.

Controlling guided elastic waves using adaptive gradient-index structures

Yi, Kaijun 14 November 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux à gradient d'indice de réfraction (GRIN) présentent des propriétés mécaniques variant en temps ou/et en espace. Ils ont été testés pour des applications prometteuses dans de nombreuses applications d'ingénierie, comme pour le contrôle santé structurale ou la surveillance de structure (SHM), le contrôle des vibrations et bruit, la récupération d'énergie, etc. D'un autre côté, les matériaux piézoélectriques offrent la possibilité de réaliser des cellules composites dont les propriétés mécaniques peuvent être contrôlées en ligne. Motivé par ces deux approches, cette thèse étudie la mise en œuvre de structures GRIN adaptatifs pour le contrôle des ondes élastiques. Deux types de structures GRIN adaptatifs sont étudiés dans ce travail. Le premier exemple concerne la mise en œuvre d'une lentille piézoélectrique dans une plaque. Il est composé de patchs piézoélectriques shuntés, collés périodiquement en surface du guide d'ondes. Les circuits de shunt utilisés permettent d'émuler une capacité négative (NC). En accordant les valeurs de NC on peut ajuster l'indices de réfraction du milieu à l'intérieur de la lentille piézoélectrique et pour satisfaire une fonction sécante hyperbolique. Les résultats numériques montrent que les lentilles piézoélectriques peuvent alors focaliser les ondes de flexion de la plaque sur les points focaux. La lentille piézoélectrique est efficace dans une grande bande de fréquences et efficace dans une grande plage de fonctionnement. Ainsi elle peut focaliser des ondes sur différent points par simple ajustement des valeurs de NC réalisés par le circuit. Cette focalisation adaptative la rend très intéressante pour de nombreuses applications comme la récupération d'énergie ou le SHM. La mise en œuvre de ces techniques pour la récupération d'énergie est discutée dans cette thèse. Le second exemple concerne l'étude d'une structure dont les propriétés mécaniques sont contrôlées en temps et en espace. En particulier, une modulation périodique permet de créer une onde artificielle se propageant dans la structure. L'interaction avec des ondes mécaniques entraîne une rupture de réciprocité visible dans un diagramme de bande non symétrique. De nombreux phénomènes inhabituels sont observés dans ce type de structures variables : fractionnement des fréquences, conversion d'ondes et transmission unidirectionnelles. Deux types de conversion fréquentielle sont démontrés et expliqués. Le premier est induit par la transmission d'énergie entre les différents modes Bloch et le second type est dû à la diffusion de Bragg dans les structures modulées. La transmission unidirectionnelle des ondes pourrait être exploitée pour réaliser des diodes dans des systèmes infinis ou semi-infinis. Cependant, la transmission unidirectionnelle n'existe pas dans les systèmes finis en raison des phénomènes de conversion de fréquence. / GRadient INdex (GRIN) media are those whose properties smoothly vary in space or/and time. They have shown promising effects in many engineering applications, such as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), vibration and noise control, energy harvesting, etc. On the other hand, piezoelectric materials provide the possibility to build unit cells, whose mechanical properties can be controlled on-line. Motivated by these two facts, adaptive GRIN structures, which can be realized using shunted piezoelectric materials, are explored in this dissertation to control guided elastic waves. Two types of adaptive GRIN structures are studied in this work. The first type is a piezo-lens. It is composed of shunted piezoelectric patches bonded on the surfaces of plates. To control the mechanical properties of the piezoelectric composite, the piezoelectric patches are shunted with Negative Capacitance (NC). By tuning the shunting NC values, refractive indexes inside the piezo-lens are designed to satisfy a hyperbolic secant function in space. Numerical results show that the piezo-lens can focus waves by smoothly bending them toward the designated focal point. The piezo-lens is effective in a large frequency band and is efficient in many different working conditions. Also the same piezo-lens can focus waves at different locations by tuning the shunting NC values. The focusing effect and tunable feature of piezo-lens make it useful in many applications like energy harvesting and SHM. The former application is fully discussed in this thesis. The focusing effect at the focal point results in a known point with high energy density, therefore harvesting at the focal point can yield more energy. Besides, the tunable ability makes the harvesting system adaptive to environment changes. The second type is the time-space modulated structure. Its properties are modulated periodically both in time and space. Particularly, the modulation works like a traveling wave in the structure. Due to the time-varying feature, time-space modulated structures break the reciprocity theorem, i.e., the wave propagation in them is nonreciprocal. Many unusual phenomena are observed during the interaction between waves and time-space modulated structures: frequency splitting, frequency conversion and one-way wave transmission. Two types of frequency conversion are demonstrated and explained. The first type is caused by energy transmission between different orders Bloch modes. The second type is due to the Bragg scattering effect inside the modulated structures. The one-way wave transmission could be exploited to realize one-way energy insulation in equivalent infinite or semi-inffnite systems. However, the one-way energy insulation fails in finite systems due to the frequency conversion phenomenon.

Study Of Relaxor Ferroelectric PMN-PT Thin Films For Energy Harvesting Applications

Saranya, D 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The present research work mainly focuses on the fabrication of 0.85PMN-0.15PT thin film relaxor ferroelectrics for energy harvesting applications. Chapter 1 gives a brief review about why energy harvesting is required and the different ways it can be scavenged. An introduction to relaxor ferroelectrics and their characteristics structural features are discussed. A brief introduction is given about charge storage, electrocaloric effect , DC-EFM and integration over Si substrate is discussed. Finally, the specific objectives of the current research are outlined. Chapter 2 deals with the various experimental studies carried out in this research work. It gives the details of the experimental set up and the basic operation principles of various structural and physical characterizations of the materials prepared. A brief explanation of material fabrication, Microstructural and physical property measurements is discussed. Chapter3 involves the optimization process carried out to contain a phase pure PMN-PT structure without any pyrochlore phase. The optimization process is an important step in the fabrication of a thin film as the quality of any device is determined by their structural and Microstructural features. XRD, SEM, AFM were used to characterize the observed phase formation in these films. The optimizing domain images of polycrystalline 0.85PMN-0.15PT thin films on La0.5Sr0.5CoO3/ (111) Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates deposited at different oxygen partial pressures are presented. The oxygen pressure has a drastic influence on the film growth and grain morphology which are revealed through XRD and SEM characterization techniques. The presence of oxygen vacancies have found to influence the distribution of polar nanoregions and their dynamics which are visualized using domain images acquired by DC-EFM In Chapter 7 the piezoelectric response of 0.85PMN-0.15PT thin films are studied due to the electric field induced bias. From this the d33 value is calculated. d33 value is an important parameter which determines whether a material is suitable for device application (PZT). But, for a device fabrication it is important to integrate them with Si wafer which is not a straightforward work .Hence, buffer layers are used to obtain a pure perovskite PMN-PT film. We have deposited 0.85PMN-0.15PT thin films of 500 nm on a SOI wafer and tried to investigate their piezoelectric application. Chapter 8 summarizes the present study and discusses about the future work that could give more insight into the understanding of the0.85PMN-0.15 PT relaxor ferroelectric thin film.

Feature Adaptation Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning with Applications to Wireless Sensor Networks And Road Traffic Control

Prabuchandran, K J January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Many sequential decision making problems under uncertainty arising in engineering, science and economics are often modelled as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). In the setting of MDPs, the goal is to and a state dependent optimal sequence of actions that minimizes a certain long-term performance criterion. The standard dynamic programming approach to solve an MDP for the optimal decisions requires a complete model of the MDP and is computationally feasible only for small state-action MDPs. Reinforcement learning (RL) methods, on the other hand, are model-free simulation based approaches for solving MDPs. In many real world applications, one is often faced with MDPs that have large state-action spaces whose model is unknown, however, whose outcomes can be simulated. In order to solve such (large) MDPs, one either resorts to the technique of function approximation in conjunction with RL methods or develops application specific RL methods. A solution based on RL methods with function approximation comes with the associated problem of choosing the right features for approximation and a solution based on application specific RL methods primarily relies on utilizing the problem structure. In this thesis, we investigate the problem of choosing the right features for RL methods based on function approximation as well as develop novel RL algorithms that adaptively obtain best features for approximation. Subsequently, we also develop problem specie RL methods for applications arising in the areas of wireless sensor networks and road traffic control. In the first part of the thesis, we consider the problem of finding the best features for value function approximation in reinforcement learning for the long-run discounted cost objective. We quantify the error in the approximation for any given feature and the approximation parameter by the mean square Bellman error (MSBE) objective and develop an online algorithm to optimize MSBE. Subsequently, we propose the first online actor-critic scheme with adaptive bases to find a locally optimal (control) policy for an MDP under the weighted discounted cost objective. The actor performs gradient search in the space of policy parameters using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) gradient estimates. This gradient computation however requires estimates of the value function of the policy. The value function is approximated using a linear architecture and its estimate is obtained from the critic. The error in approximation of the value function, however, results in sub-optimal policies. Thus, we obtain the best features by performing a gradient descent on the Grassmannian of features to minimize a MSBE objective. We provide a proof of convergence of our control algorithm to a locally optimal policy and show numerical results illustrating the performance of our algorithm. In our next work, we develop an online actor-critic control algorithm with adaptive feature tuning for MDPs under the long-run average cost objective. In this setting, a gradient search in the policy parameters is performed using policy gradient estimates to improve the performance of the actor. The computation of the aforementioned gradient however requires estimates of the differential value function of the policy. In order to obtain good estimates of the differential value function, the critic adaptively tunes the features to obtain the best representation of the value function using gradient search in the Grassmannian of features. We prove that our actor-critic algorithm converges to a locally optimal policy. Experiments on two different MDP settings show performance improvements resulting from our feature adaptation scheme. In the second part of the thesis, we develop problem specific RL solution methods for the two aforementioned applications. In both the applications, the size of the state-action space in the formulated MDPs is large. However, by utilizing the problem structure we develop scalable RL algorithms. In the wireless sensor networks application, we develop RL algorithms to find optimal energy management policies (EMPs) for energy harvesting (EH) sensor nodes. First, we consider the case of a single EH sensor node and formulate the problem of finding an optimal EMP in the discounted cost MDP setting. We then propose two RL algorithms to maximize network performance. Through simulations, our algorithms are seen to outperform the algorithms in the literature. Our RL algorithms for the single EH sensor node do not scale when there are multiple sensor nodes. In our second work, we consider the problem of finding optimal energy sharing policies that maximize the network performance of a system comprising of multiple sensor nodes and a single energy harvesting (EH) source. We develop efficient energy sharing algorithms, namely Q-learning algorithm with exploration mechanisms based on the -greedy method as well as upper confidence bound (UCB). We extend these algorithms by incorporating state and action space aggregation to tackle state-action space explosion in the MDP. We also develop a cross entropy based method that incorporates policy parameterization in order to find near optimal energy sharing policies. Through numerical experiments, we show that our algorithms yield energy sharing policies that outperform the heuristic greedy method. In the context of road traffic control, optimal control of traffic lights at junctions or traffic signal control (TSC) is essential for reducing the average delay experienced by the road users. This problem is hard to solve when simultaneously considering all the junctions in the road network. So, we propose a decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithm for solving this problem by considering each junction in the road network as a separate agent (controller) to obtain dynamic TSC policies. We propose two approaches to minimize the average delay. In the first approach, each agent decides the signal duration of its phases in a round-robin (RR) manner using the multi-agent Q-learning algorithm. We show through simulations over VISSIM (microscopic traffic simulator) that our round-robin MARL algorithms perform significantly better than both the standard fixed signal timing (FST) algorithm and the saturation balancing (SAT) algorithm over two real road networks. In the second approach, instead of optimizing green light duration, each agent optimizes the order of the phase sequence. We then employ our MARL algorithms by suitably changing the state-action space and cost structure of the MDP. We show through simulations over VISSIM that our non-round robin MARL algorithms perform significantly better than the FST, SAT and the round-robin MARL algorithms based on the first approach. However, on the other hand, our round-robin MARL algorithms are more practically viable as they conform with the psychology of road users.

Large Area Electronics with Fluids : Field Effect on 2-D Fluid Ribbons for Desalination And Energy Harvesting

Kodali, Prakash January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This work studies the influence of field effect on large area 2 dimensional ribbons of fluids. A fluid of choice is confined in the channel of a metal-insulator-channel-insulator-metal architecture and is subjected to constant (d.c) or alternating (a.c) fields (de-pending on the application) along with a pressure drive flow. A general fluid would be composed of molecules having certain polarizability and be a dispersion of non-ionic and ionic particulates. The field effect response under pressure driven flow for this fluid would result in electrophoresis, electro osmosis, dielectrophoresis, dipole-dipole interaction and inverse electro osmosis phenomena. Using some of these phenomena we study applications related to desalination and energy harvesting with saline water as the ex-ample fluid for the former case, and solution processed poly vinyldene fluoride (PVDF) for the latter case. The geometrical features of \large area" and the \ribbon shape" can be taken advantage of to influence the design and performance for both applications. With regards to desalination, it is shown via experiments and theoretical models that the presence of alternating electric fields aid in ion separation along the flow when the saline water is subjected to laminar flow. Moreover, the power consumption is low due to the presence of the insulator. An average of 30% ion removal efficiency and 15% throughput is observed in the systems fabricated. Both performance parameters are discussion can be improved upon with larger channel lengths. The \2-D ribbon" and alternating field effect aid in achieving this by patterning the randomly distributed ions in the bulk into a smooth sheet charge and then repelling this sheet charge back into the bulk. The electric field exhibited by this sheet charge helps trap more ion sheets near the interface, thereby converting a surface ion trapping phenomena (when d.c is used) to a bulk phenomena and thereby improving efficiency. With regards to energy harvesting, a solution of PVDF in methyl ethyl ketone and 1-methyl-2-pyrollidone is confined to the \2-D ribbon" geometry and subject to high d.c fields. This aids in combining the fabrication, patterning and poling process for PVDF into one setup. Since the shape of the ribbon is defined by the shape of the channel, the ribbons (straight or serrated) can be used to sense forces of various magnitudes. More importantly experiments and theoretical models are studied for energy harvesting. Since the ribbon geometry defines the resonant frequency, large PVDF ribbon can be used to harvest energy from low frequency vibrations. Experiments show that up to 60 microwatt power can be harvested at 200 Hz and is sufficient to supplement the power for ICs.

Systèmes multisources de récupération d'énergie dans l'environnement humain : modélisation et optimisation du dimensionnement / Multisource systems for harvesting energy in the human environment : modeling and sizing optimization

Lossec, Marianne 07 July 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans la problématique de l'alimentation autonome de systèmes électroniques communicants fondée sur la récupération de l'énergie disponible dans l'environnement humain. Cette thèse traite du dimensionnement d'un générateur multisource (thermique, photovoltaïque et cinétique) avec stockage d'énergie. Afin d'optimiser le dimensionnement d'un tel système dans un contexte de ressources paramétrables, des modèles génériques, adaptés à une large plage de dimensions, ont été établis, à partir de technologies déjà existantes, et validés expérimentalement. L'approche système a permis d'étudier les nombreux couplages multiphysiques existants et de mieux dimensionner le système. Ainsi, il a été montré qu'optimiser le rendement global de toute la chaîne de conversion d'énergie conduit à des solutions différentes de celles résultant d'une optimisation du dimensionnement de chaque organe pris séparément. Enfin, dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, une étude a été menée sur l'impact du profil de consommation sur le dimensionnement du système. Cette étude a permis, sur le cas particulier d'une application réelle, de mettre en évidence le potentiel d'une gestion d'énergie en cas de ressources faibles notamment par l'adaptation des profils de consommation. / This work deals with the problematic of self-powered communicating electronic systems based onenergy harvesting in the human environment. This thesis addresses the sizing of a multisource generator(thermal, photovoltaic and kinetic) with energy storage. To optimize the sizing of such a systemin the context of configurable resources, generic models, adapted to a wide range of dimensions, wereestablished from existing technology, and validated experimentally. The system-level approach wasused to study the many existing multiphysics couplings to better size the system. Thus, it was shownthat optimizing the global efficiency of the whole energy conversion chain leads to solutions differentfrom those resulting from sizing optimization of each component separately. Finally, in the latter partof this thesis, a study was conducted on the impact of load profil on the sizing of the system. Thisstudy, on the particular case of a real application, highlight the potential for energy management inthe case of poor ressources, notably by adapting the load profils.

Subthreshold Leakage Voltage Supervisor für den wartungsfreien Betrieb umgebungsenergieversorgter Sensorknoten

Götz, Martin 30 April 2020 (has links)
Die Nutzung von Umgebungsenergie ermöglicht bei einer zunehmenden Anzahl von Anwendungen drahtloser Sensorknoten eine autarke Energieversorgung. Wartungseingriffe sowie unvorhergesehene Energieengpässe begrenzen den autarken Einsatz derartiger Sensorknoten oder erfordern eine deutliche Überdimensionierung der Energy Harvester und Energiespeicher. Anwendungen, wie der Einsatz in unzugänglichen Bereichen, Sensornetzwerken mit einer großen Anzahl von Knoten oder sehr kleinen Knoten / Smart Dust, können unwirtschaftlich werden, wenn kein wartungsfreier Betrieb gewährleistet werden kann. Erreicht ein drahtloser Sensorknoten einen energetisch niedrigen Zustand, ist es für einen erneuten Start erforderlich, dass zusätzlich zu einer ausreichenden Spannung genügend Energie für den Startvorgang zur Verfügung steht. Bei zu zeitiger Aktivierung wird der Startvorgang aufgrund der einbrechenden Spannung nicht abgeschlossen und verhindert die Aufnahme des Betriebs. Ein Voltage Supervisor wird benötigt, um den Startvorgang so lange zu verzögern, bis ausreichend Energie für diesen zur Verfügung steht. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Voltage Supervisor für das Energiemanagement umgebungsenergieversorgter Sensorknoten vorgeschlagen. Die Herausforderungen liegen in der Realisierung einer definierten Abschalt- und Startcharakteristik, auch bei langsamen oder variablen Spannungsanstiegen, in der Implementierung einer Kaltstartfähigkeit und im zuverlässigen Schaltverhalten unter widrigen Umgebungsbedingungen oder niedrigem Energieeintrag. Für eine hohe Effizienz wird bei jeder Spannung ein geringer Eigenleistungsverbrauch gefordert. Im Ergebnis wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, welches einen zuverlässigen wartungsfreien Betrieb ermöglicht. Funktionen, wie die Abschaltung des Mikrocontrollers nach Erledigung der Aufgabe, ermöglichen darüber hinaus, weniger Energie als im Schlafmodus zu verbrauchen. Mit dieser Methode kann ein intermittierender Betrieb in Abhängigkeit der verfügbaren Energie realisiert werden. Simulation, experimentelle Untersuchung und die Einbettung in einen umgebungsversorgten drahtlosen Sensorknoten validieren die Funktionsfähigkeit unter allen gestellten Anforderungen. Der mittlere Eigenleistungsverbrauch der vorgeschlagenen Schaltung liegt bei 5,58 µW. Bei niedrigen Spannungen von 0 V – 1,4 V werden lediglich 568 nW benötigt. / The use of ambient energy enables an autonomous energy supply for an increasing number of wireless sensor node applications. Maintenance interventions or unforeseen energy input drops limit the autonomous use of such sensor nodes or require significantly oversized energy harvesters and energy storages. Applications such as the use in inaccessible areas, sensor networks with a large number of nodes or very small nodes / Smart Dust can become uneconomical, if no maintenance-free operation can be guaranteed. If a wireless sensor node reaches an energetically low state, it is necessary for a restart, that sufficient voltage and in addition sufficient energy is available for the starting process. In the case of too early activation, the starting process will not be completed due to the voltage drop and will prevent the start of operation. A Voltage Supervisor is required to delay the start until sufficient energy is available. Within the scope of this thesis, a voltage supervisor for the energy management of environmental-powered wireless sensor nodes is proposed. The challenges are in the realization of a defined switch-off and start characteristic even with slow or variable voltage slopes, a cold start capability and in reliable behaviour under adverse environmental conditions or low energy input. For high efficiency, a low power consumption is required at every voltage. As result, a concept is presented which enables reliable maintenance-free operation. In addition, the microcontroller can switch itself off completely after completion of the task and thus consume even less energy than in sleep mode. With this method, intermittent operation depending on the available energy, can be realized as well. Simulation, experimental investigation and inclusion in an energy harvesting supplied wireless sensor node validate the functionality under all given conditions. The average power consumption of the proposed circuit is 5.58 µW. At low voltages in the range 0 V - 1.4 V only 568 nW are required.

Systém pro správu bezdrátových zobrazovacích modulů s využitím technik získávání energie / System for Management of Wireless Display Modules Using Energy Harvesting Techniques

Veselý, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on smart display modules and their management. Attention is paid on analysis of the current state with focus on power supply and remote management. The goal of this master thesis is to design and develop a prototype of a wireless display module and management system on the base of gained knowledge. A substantial part of this thesis is also a base station which allows remote access to network with wireless display modules and management.

Alternativní zdroj elektrické energie na železniční trati / Energy harvesting generator for train track side

Pribulla, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce bolo navrhnúť alternatívny zdroj energie pre riadiacu jednotku, ktorú obsahujú komponenty traťového zabezpečovacieho zariadenia v rámci európskeho systému riadenia železničnej dopravy. V porovnaní s predchádzajúcimi harvestormi bola vďaka použitiu lineárneho elektrického generátora eliminovaná mechanická väzba, ako napr. prevodovka. To by malo zvýšiť životnosť a spoľahlivosť zariadenia. S pomocou analógie magnetických obvodov a softvéru využívajúceho metódu konečných prvkov FEMM a Ansys Maxwell, boli navrhnuté tri rôzne synchrónne generátory s permanentnými magnetmi. Simulácia v prostredí Matlab Simulink dokázala, že výsledný návrh generátora je schopný dodávať priemerný výkon 5 W počas prechodu vlaku zo stlačenia pražca väčšieho ako 2 mm.

Energy Harvesting Power Supply for MEMS Applications / Energy Harvesting Power Supply for MEMS Applications

Smilek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá vývojem nezávislého elektrického zdroje pro moderní nízkopříkonové elektrické aplikace. Protože tradiční řešení napájení drobných spotřebičů s využitím baterií či akumulátorů snižuje uživatelský komfort kvůli potřebě pravidelné údržby, navrhovaný zdroj využívá principu energy harvesting. Tento princip spočívá v získávání energie přímo z okolního prostředí napájené aplikace a její přeměně na energii elektrickou, která je dále využita pro na-pájení moderních MEMS (mikroelektromechanických) zařízení. Potenciální aplikací vyvíjeného zdroje je především moderní nositelná elektronika a biomedicínské senzory. Tato oblast využití ovšem klade zvýšené nároky na parametry generátoru, který musí zajistit dostatečný generovaný výkon z energie, dostupné v okolí lidského těla, a to při zachování prakticky využitelné velikosti a hmotnosti. Po stanovení předběžných požadavků a provedení analýz vhodnosti dostupných zdrojů energie ke konverzi byla k využití vybrána kinetická energie lidských aktivit. Byla provedena série měření zrychlení na lidském těle, především v místě předpokládaného umístění generátoru, aby bylo možno analyzovat a generalizovat hodnoty energie dostupné ke konverzi v daném umístění. V návaznosti na tato měření a analýzy byl vyvinut inovativní kinetický energy harvester, který byl následně vyroben jako funkční vzorek. Tento vzorek byl pak testován v reálných podmínkách pro verifikaci simulačního modelu a vyhodnocení reálné použitelnosti takového zařízení. Kromě samotného vývoje generátoru je v práci popsán i originální způsob zvýšení generovaného výkonu pro kinetické energy harvestery a jsou prezentována statistická data a modely pro predikci využitelnosti kinetických harvesterů pro získávání energie z lidské aktivity.

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