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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What makes the difference? : a study of the purchase process from a buyer's perspective

Kjelin, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The changing dynamics of the fashion retailing industry has progressed and become a global multibillion industry, (Solomon & Rabolt, 2007). It has put a lot of pressure on the fast fashion retailers were key strategies in order to maintain a strong position in market, must be established, (Doyle, Moore & Morgan, 2006). As the increasing number of new fashion retailing companies have emerged and established, the fashion segment has become a market leader, (Mehrjoo & Pasek, 2014). Fashion consumers expect and thrive on continuous change were new fashion products always have to be available in store on an everyday basis, (Bruce & Daly, 2006). Most companies aim to ensure the speed to market as a competitive strategy by offering rapidly fashion trends. Fast fashion companies need to deliver their product offer to the customers before their competitors do and the choice of supply chain strategy gets critical, (Porter 1996). Gadde and Håkansson (2009), argue that a company's purchase process is the answer of this matter. The importance of the purchase process has therefore become of great focus. The issue of defining what it is that actually makes the difference when working with the purchase process is complex, with several aspects to take in consideration. The aim of this report is to present the most significant activities within the purchase process that makes a company competitive in the market. As buyers carry the main responsibility over their department groups it became essential to answer the research questions from their perspective. The buyers’ sees a general problematic in how to influence the purchase chain in a larger scale. However, they claim that the most essential factors, that makes a difference for a company to be successful within the fast fashion industry was concluded to be: short-term and long-term solutions within the daily work primary within the team. The buyers’ solutions are presented in the form of clear goals within the process work, and tools for how to reach the set goals. There must be a clarity through the organization which generates an 80/20 mindset were all actors are focusing on what it is that makes the difference. Communication is a key tool one should work with further on, both at an internal and an external level and as it creates the right conditions for the workflow in a more efficient way. This is for everyone to share a clearer understanding of and be able to work effectively towards the rapid changes that are performed over the season. Lastly, the buyers appear to have an ambiguous picture of how the fashion industry will progress. They are proud of how far Sweden has come with its identity in the fashion industry and the prominent clothing brands. But on the other hand, they are concerned for the how much further the fashion industry can be pushed, taking the environmental and sustainable viewpoint in consideration.

Design de lojas de moda: um estudo dos padrões utilizados nas lojas fast fashion / Fashion store design: a study of patterns used in fast fashion stores

Marcia Machado França 18 September 2017 (has links)
Este estudo analisa os aspectos do design de lojas de varejo de moda por meio de variáveis tangíveis presentes nos espaços da rede de varejo do vestuário do modelo fast fashion. O modelo fast fashion vem consolidando sua presença no mercado de vestuário de moda por meio de um modelo inovador no ciclo de desenvolvimento de produtos, no abastecimento das lojas e na própria distribuição por meio de lojas próprias que atendem o modelo. A questão do estudo investigou se as características do modelo se refletem no design das lojas fast fashion contribuindo para a comunicação e o modelo de oferecimento dos produtos. Na pesquisa de campo em lojas fast fashion buscou-se por meio do modelo de investigação qualitativa utilizar o método de observação direta em quatro cadeias de lojas em shopping centers e lojas em rua e sua correspondência com as características da literatura relacionada ao modelo fast fashion. Alguns resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa propõem, por exemplo, a comunicação da vitrina em conjunto com os manequins de acesso a loja comunicam lançamentos de produtos de moda para os consumidores e deste modo demonstram correspondência com fast fashion. Neste sentido, as variáveis do design presentes nas lojas de varejo, importantes elementos do ambiente que atuam individualmente ou em conjunto e assim oferecem funcionalidade para este modelo fast fashion. Este estudo aponta para abertura de novas oportunidades de investigação do design de lojas nos segmentos de varejo de moda, por meio dos levantamentos obtidos nesta pesquisa / This study analyzes the design aspects of fashion retail stores through tangible variables present in the garment retail chain of fast fashion model. The fast fashion model has consolidated its presence in the fashion apparel market through an innovative model in the product development cycle, in the supply of stores and own distribution through stores that meet the model. The study question investigated whether the characteristics of the model are reflected in the design of fast fashion stores contributing to communication and the model of offering the products. In field research in fast fashion stores sought by means of qualitative research model using the method of direct observation in four chain stores in shopping malls and stores in the street and your correspondence with the characteristics of the literature related to the fast fashion model. Some results obtained in this research, propose, for example, the communication from the showcase in conjunction with the dummies store, access communicate product sets to consumers and thus demonstrate correspondence with fast fashion. In this sense, the design variables present in retail stores, important elements of the environment that act individually or together and thus offer functionality for this fast fashion model. This study points to the opening of new opportunities for research on store design in fashion retail segments by means of surveys obtained in this research

As diferenças do supply chain de moda entre as coleções tradicionais e o fast fashion: um estudo dos desafios e ações empreendidas pelas empresas têxteis que atuam no início da cadeia produtiva de moda / The supply chain differences between traditional collections and the Fast Fashion: a study from the challenges and the undertaken actions by textile companies that act in the beginning of fashion productive chain.

Ricardo Brito Almeida 22 February 2016 (has links)
O estudo consiste em analisar as diferenças do supply chain de moda entre as coleções tradicionais e o fast fashion, identificando os desafios e ações empreendidas pelas empresas têxteis que atuam no início da cadeia produtiva de moda. Tomando como base a literatura sobre as gestões da cadeia produtiva de moda e as mudanças ocorridas no mercado, identificou-se a contradição no tempo de aprovisionamento no que diz respeito às etapas de produção entre a moda tradicional e o fast fashion, termo em inglês, traduzido como moda rápida. As análises e comparações entre as gestões da cadeia produtiva de moda compreendem como esses dois sistemas atuam no mercado. Por um lado, existem as empresas de moda programada tradicional que pelo conceito e o tempo utilizado para o desenvolvimento de suas coleções funcionam como uma forma de imposição do consumo de seus produtos, já o modelo fast fashion pode ser interpretado como uma resposta do mercado consumidor. Com isso, a necessidade de diminuir o time to market para reduzir o risco exige encontrar soluções produtivas adequadas. A partir de uma revisão de literatura e de uma pesquisa exploratória, foi possível identificar como o setor têxtil, que atua no início da cadeia produtiva de moda, corresponde às diferenças de supply chain entre as coleções tradicionais e o fast fashion / This study consists on analyzing the supply chain differences between the traditional collections and the fast fashion, identifying the challenges and the undertaken actions by textile companies that act in the beginning of fashion productive chain. Taking as a base the literature on fashion productive chain management and the market changes, the contradiction on provision time was identified about the production levels between the traditional fashion and the fast fashion. The analysis and comparisons between fashion productive chain management comprehend on how theses both methods act on market. On the one hand there are the scheduled traditional fashion companies that through conception and the used time to develop their collection, it works as imposition consumption for their products, whereas the fast fashion way can be seen as the customer reply. Therewith, there is a need to reduce the time to market to decrease the risk new productive solutions must be found. From a literature review and a deep research, it was possible to identify how the textile sector, which operates at the beginning of the production chain fashion, corresponds to the supply chain differences between traditional collections and the fast fashion

O cross-branding e a cocriação no âmbito do varejo de moda / The cross-branding and co-creation in fashion retail.

Carolina Carpinelli Caetano 06 June 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo em torno do cross-branding, parceria entre duas ou mais marcas a fim de lançarem um produto e/ou serviço, e da cocriação de coleções no varejo de moda brasileiro. O cross-branding vem sendo bastante utilizado no mercado e é uma das ferramentas de marketing em evidência. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é identificar - a partir de uma discussão em torno do fast-fashion e da moda como resultado da expressão contemporânea - como se dá a estratégia do cross-branding, bem como suas influências no desenvolvimento de coleções. O trabalho é realizado a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica em torno da história da indústria da moda, conceitos em desenvolvimento de produtos, reflexões sobre inovação, cocriação e o varejo atual. Foi possível discutir não só como se dá o cross-branding, como também os reflexos advindos da utilização da estratégia no varejo de moda. Foram realizados estudos de casos das coleções cápsulas das lojas de departamento C&A e Riachuelo, frutos de cross-brandings com marcas e estilistas brasileiros. / This research presents a study about the cross-branding, partnership between two or more brands willing to launch a product and / or service, and the co-creation of collections in brazilian fashion retail. The cross-branding has been often used in the fashion market and is one of the marketing strategies in evidence. The goal is to identify, from a discussion about fast-fashion and fashion as a result of contemporary expression, how is the strategy of cross-branding as well as their influences on the development of fashion collections. The work is done from a literature review about the history of the fashion industry, product development concepts, reflections on innovation, co-creation and nowadays retail. It was possible to discuss how the crossbranding works, as well as the reflections arising from the use of strategy in fashion retail. Case studies of capsule collections of department stores, as Riachuelo and C&A, the result of cross-brandings with Brazilian designers and brands, have been conducted.

From Trend to Trash : En marknadsanalys av den svenska marknaden för "fast fashion" / From Trend to Trash : A Market Analysis of the Fast Fashion Industry in Sweden

Nilsson, Elinda, Dahlgren, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Konsumtionen av fast fashion-kläder har ökat och bidrar till en negativ påverkan på klimatet. EU-kommissionen har därför lagt fram strategin hållbara och cirkulära textilier som syftar till att göra fast fashion omodernt fram tills 2030. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga och analysera den svenska marknaden för fast fashion genom Structure-Conduct-Performance-modellen, samt att analysera marknadens framtid med och utan EU:s strategi i åtanke. Uppsatsen tillämpar en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. En viktig aspekt av metoden är att samla in empirisk data genom att utnyttja relevant information, statistik, akademiska rapporter och andra analyser från sekundära källor. Dessa metoder används för att beskriva fast fashion-marknaden och uppnå uppsatsens syfte. Marknadsanalysen utifrån SCP-modellen visar att marknaden har få regleringar som påverkar den direkt. Majoriteten av konsumenterna på marknaden är yngre kvinnor. På marknaden finns företag med både stabila och volatila samt positiva såväl som negativa vinstmarginaler. Samtliga företag strävar efter att effektivisera sitt produktionsled för att kunna anpassa sig till de senaste modetrenderna.  Sammantaget kommer implementeringen av EU:s strategi att ha en betydande påverkan på framtiden för fast fashion-marknaden. Det är viktigt att notera att vinstmarginalen är den enda variabeln som inte kommer att förändras oavsett om EU:s strategi implementeras eller inte. Däremot kommer övriga aspekter av marknaden att se annorlunda ut beroende på strategins införande. / The consumption of fast fashion-clothing has increased and contributes to a negative impact on the climate. The European Commission has presented the Sustainable and Circular Textiles Strategy, which aims to make fast fashion obsolete by 2030. The purpose of the paper is to map and analyze the Swedish market for fast fashion through the Structure-Conduct-Performance model, and to analyze the future of the market with and without the EU strategy in mind. The paper applies a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology. An important aspect of the methodology is to collect empirical data by utilizing relevant information, statistics, academic reports and other analysis from secondary sources. These methods are used to describe the fast fashion market and achieve the purpose of the thesis.  The market analysis based on the SCP model shows that the market has few regulations that affect it directly. The market includes companies with profit margins that can be both stable and volatile. All companies strive to streamline their production process in order to adapt to the latest fashion trends in time.  Overall, the implementation of the EU strategy will have a significant impact on the future of the fast fashion-market. It is important to note that the profit margin is the only variable that will not change whether the EU strategy is implemented or not. However, other aspects of the market will look different depending on the implementation of the strategy.

Slow fashion : the answer for a sustainable fashion industry?

JOHANSSON, ELEONOR January 2010 (has links)
The fashion industry is today a global industry and has huge effect on our environment as well as on people. It is dominated by fast fashion and just-in-time production that has lead to increased seasons and mini-collections in season, which generate new low price items in store every week and even every day. This in turn has lead to an escalation in fashion trends that spris our desires for new experiences and leads to overconsumption where consumers buy more than they need, which in the end results in fashion waste. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Applied Textile Management

Consumer Behavior Characteristics in Fast Fashion

YINYIN, WANG January 2011 (has links)
Currently there is a lack of research in fast fashion consumer behaviors both in academicand marketing aspects. This research addresses the fast fashion consumer behaviorcharacteristics, and analyzes the how general consumer behavior theories apply to fastfashion consumer behavior, and what the underlying causes that form the behaviors. Theanalyses are based on combination and comparison of conventional consumer behaviortheories, empirical basis that is found from questionnaires conducted in Sweden, and brandsstudies on H&M, Ginatricot and Zara. The main results from the analyses are respectivelyobtained in 3 main terms: Decision making process and involvement, Individual differences,and Group influences. The three aspects try to cover the main topics according to generalconsumer behavior theories. And the outcome is further developed into marketingimplication, also offering ideas for further research. / Program: Magisterutbildning i fashion management med inriktning modemarknadsföring

Ett fast-fashion företag. Att kommunicera miljö och hållbarhet

MOLIN, JOSEFINE, ANDERSSON, SOFIE January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie har vi har valt att undersöka och analysera ett enskilt fast fashion-företag kring ämnet miljö och hållbarhet, nämligen Gina Tricot. Valet av företag grundar sig i intresset av att undersöka hur ett förhållandevis ungt fast fashion-företag engagerar sig inom miljö och hållbarhet. Denna uppsats skrivs med mål om att ge alla intresserade en inblick i hur ett växande modeföretag tänker kring mode kopplat till miljö och hållbarhet, och om deras målgrupp verkligen lägger vikt vid dessa aspekter när de handlar kläder. Syftet med studien är att granska hur och varför ett fast fashion-företag arbetar med och kommunicerar miljö och hållbarhet, samt undersöka hur kunderna uppfattar och påverkas av företagets arbete och kommunikation. Hur viktigt är hållbarhet för företaget och hur viktigt är det för deras målgrupp och kunder? Begreppen som behandlas, för att kunna besvara syftet i uppsatsen, är CSR och hållbarhet. CSR står för Corporate Social Responsibility och begreppet hållbarhet kan definieras som ”en utveckling som tillgodoser våra behov idag utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjligheter att tillgodose sina”. Gina Tricot arbetar på flera olika sätt med miljö och hållbarhet. För att ta del av det arbete har använt oss av sekundärdata, i form av information på deras egen hemsida. Vi har också använt oss av primärdata i form av en intervju med Gina Tricots hållbarhetschef Marcus Bergman. För att besvara syftet har vi även gjort två undersökningar på Gina Tricots kunder, en webbenkät och en besöksenkät. För att kunna analysera informationen på ett bra sätt tar vi i teorin upp olika modeller, som till exempel PESTEL och Kommunikations-modellen. I analysen dras paralleller mellan vår teori och empiri. Hur arbetar och kommunicerar Gina Tricot i förhållande till de olika modellerna? Vi analyserar även kring varför Gina Tricot har valt att arbeta som de gör. Hur mycket styrs de av media? Hur kommer framtiden att se ut? Vår sammanfattade slutsats är att Gina Tricot arbetar mycket med miljö och hållbarhet även om vi inte kan sätta det i förhållande till hur mycket andra företag arbetar inom området. Vi drar slutsatsen att de arbetar inom och med området för att det är en pågående trend, för att undvika skandaler, samt för att kunderna förväntar sig det av dem. Gina Tricot har hittills valt, av flera anledningar, att inte kommunicera sitt engagemang, mer än på internet, och når därför inte kunderna i så stor utsträckning. Av undersökningen kan vi dra slutsatsen att kunderna idag förväntar sig att Gina Tricot tar ansvar, men att kunderna inte vet hur stort det är eller hur de gör det, eftersom de inte ser någon kommunikation. Vi kan också dra slutsatsen att kunderna idag efterfrågar att få veta mer kring Gina Tricots miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete. Enkäterna visar också att kunderna skulle påverkas i sitt val av butik vid en eventuell skandal kring företaget. / Program: Butikschef, textil och mode

Exploring the Circularity of Fast Fashion Using Goal Framing Theory

Wilbourne, Kathy 08 1900 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged fast fashion to circular products to prevent excessive overstock in responding to consumers' shift toward less consumption. These shifts are worth studying as consumers are willing to partake in pro-environmental behaviors, leading to a circular business model for fast fashion. This study explores how sustainable knowledge and consumer goals toward circularity can influence behavior toward circular consumption based on the goal framing theory. An online survey employing the Prolific survey platform was conducted with 300 fast-fashion consumer panels. The quantitative approach (ANOVA, cluster, factor, multiple regressions analyses) supported that consumers' framed-goals toward circularity significantly influence their intention to purchase fast fashion products. Fast-fashion consumers have prioritized reliable communication and pro-environmental goals to respectfully purchase circular products and 5Rs behaviors. They perceived circular economy and environmental knowledge as deciding factors in their pursuits of circularity. It corresponds to the benefits of lucrative circular business applications for fast fashion.

Socialt ansvarstagande i klädindustrin : En kvantitativ studie om konsumenters medvetenhet om och förväntningar på CSR samt deras identitetsskapande med företag i klädindustrin

Swartling, Samuel, Moberg Edenbäck, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Hållbarhet och ett etiskt förhållningssätt har de senaste decennierna blivit allt viktigare i klädindustrin, vars allt snabbare produktion av varor till låga priser för att möta efterfrågan från konsumenter är ohållbar för samhälle och miljö, exemplifierat i Fast fashion. Men en ökande medvetenhet om sociala och etiska problem hos konsumenter har gett företag anledning att arbeta med socialt ansvarstagande, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), en möjlighet både för ökad lönsamhet och en bättre omvärld. Men trots att klädkonsumenters medvetenhet om sociala och etiska problem ökat, realiseras inte alltid dessa värderingar i handling, där valet av att följa rådande sociala normer och mode inte sällan står i kontrast mot en hållbar konsumtion. I syfte att undersöka CSR i en kontext för klädkonsumtion, har denna studie undersökt konsumenters medvetenhet om, förväntningar på och identitetsskapande med klädföretags CSR. Fortsatt undersöktes samband mellan medvetenhet och förväntningar, inställning samt identitetsskapande i en kontext för CSR. 151 konsumenter av kläder undersöktes i Sverige med en webbenkät, där resultaten visar på en relativt låg medvetenhet om sociala problem och CSR i klädindustrin och en låg grad av konsumenters identitetsskapande med företagen. I linje med den låga medvetenheten visade det sig finnas en stor skillnad i hur mycket information konsumenter får om CSR och hur mycket de önskar få, där konsumenterna önskade få mer information om företags sociala ansvarstagande. I kontrast mot medvetenheten om CSR var förväntningarna på företagens arbete med CSR relativt höga. Konsumenters önskan efter mer information om CSR och deras höga förväntningar ger företag anledning att kommunicera sitt socialt ansvarstagande arbete. Om den låga medvetenheten beror på att företag inte kommunicerar sitt CSR-arbete nog, ett lågt engagemang från konsumenter eller andra faktorer är värt att studera ytterligare, för att identifiera hur marknadsföring kan utvecklas i en kontext för CSR. Denna studie ger insikt i marknadsföring i en kontext för CSR och ämnar utöka forskningen om företags sociala ansvarstagande och kommunikationen av den till konsumenter.

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