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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Happy Boomer: Baby Boomer Life Satisfaction Through Affect and Feeling of Belonging

Massey, Brooke Christina-Marie 19 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The Sixth Sense of Investing: How Expertise Shapes Gut-Driven Financial Decisions

Herath, Ruwini, Morgan, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Background: This study investigates the role of gut feelings in early-stage venture investments, particularly in environments characterized by high uncertainty. By examining how both inexperienced and experienced investors utilize intuition, the research aims to uncover the cognitive and emotional foundations that influence investment decisions. Purpose: The research aims to understand how gut feelings impact investment decisions across different levels of investor experience. It compares the strategies of seasoned investors with those of novices, providing insights into how intuition and analytical reasoning are integrated. The objective is to offer practical guidance for investors on effectively combining gut feelings with analytical methods to navigate uncertain investment landscapes. Method: A multi-method qualitative approach was employed, combining semi-structured interviews and think-aloud protocols to capture real-time decision-making processes. Data were gathered from 11 investors, resulting in 14 hours of verbal protocols, which were subsequently analyzed using protocol analysis. A hypothetical investment scenario involving a fictional company, EcoPower Innovations, was used to elicit detailed responses from participants. Conclusion: The study finds significant differences in how gut feelings influence investment decisions based on the level of investor experience. Experienced investors skillfully blend intuition with data analysis, leveraging their expertise to manage uncertainty more effectively. In contrast, inexperienced investors tend to rely more on emotional impulses, demonstrating less integration of intuitive judgment with analytical reasoning. These findings highlight the importance of investor education in promoting the balanced use of gut feelings and analytical techniques, thereby improving decision-making in uncertain environments. Additionally, the research offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs on tailoring their approaches to potential investors based on their level of experience and expertise.

The Relationship between sense of coherence, learned resourcefulness and personality type among technical personnel

Du Toit, François Stephanus 30 September 2002 (has links)
This research study determined the relationship between personality, as measured by the Myers and Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and sense of coherence and learned resourcefulness. The study was conducted among one hundred technical workers within the context of organizational transformation and the ability to cope with resulting stress. Data was collected by means of the Myers and Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) and the Self-control Schedule (SCS). The research found that sense of coherence can be predicted at a 5% significance level, while learned resourcefulness cannot be predicted. Extraverts, sensers, thinkers and judgers seem to cope better with stress-provoking demands. The respective personality types probably make use of different coping mechanisms under the same circumstances. Personality type seems to predict sense of coherence, but factors other than personality type could have an Influence. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (industrial Psychology)


許勝懋, Hsu, Shen Mao Unknown Date (has links)
民主政治運作過程中,當主政者無法滿足選民需求時,選民理所當然會以選票表達其自主性,找一個更符合其需求的政黨作為治理國家的代理人(總統)。政黨輪替就成為選民選擇最佳代理人的手段。政黨輪替的本身,就是一種權力交替與權力制衡,特別是在執政黨交不出政績的時候,政黨輪替就是一個民主的制裁機制,更是一個國家走向民主政治的重要指標。 影響選民決定更換治國代理人的投票抉擇因素,主要有政黨因素、候選人因素,抑或是議題因素。無論在美國與其他西方國家,甚至在已開發或開發中國家都已經獲得印證。當選民利用參考標的進行投票,選民的總統選舉投票結果將會匯集成決定最後政權誰屬。把票投給執政黨的候選人,還是把票投給在野政黨的候選人,不僅攸關個別政黨與候選人的選舉成敗,而且還影響到統治權力歸屬,甚至會牽動政黨輪替執政的可能性,其重要性,不言而諭。也正因如此,政治學者亟思理出選舉各黨勢力消長的軌跡,試圖描繪出選民投票抉擇的決定如何影響政治權力的轉移。 本文的目的,是研究選民投票抉擇的一般原則應用到總統選舉結果「政權轉移」或「政黨輪替」這個重要的主題,針對可能造成多數選民由投票支持原有執政黨轉而投票支持原有最大在野黨取得執政權的成因進行討論。台灣與墨西哥這兩個長久以來一黨威權獨大的政權,卻同時在西元二○○○年發生政黨輪替的現象。有關選民選擇支持原有最大在野黨取得執政權的成因,主要從三個面向進行討論: 首先,政黨認同因素,選民政黨認同發生改變所引發的政黨認同重組現象,讓原本獲得多數選民支持的執政黨,因為政黨重組的因素變成僅吸引少數選民支持的在野黨;相反地,原本僅有少數選民支持的在野黨,因為政黨重組的關係變成吸引多數選民支持的執政黨。其次,候選人因素,候選人人格特質、能力與對候選人情感溫度等因素,讓多數選民受候選人這個短期因素所影響而選擇支持最大在野黨執政。最後,議題因素,選民的展望性評價與重大議題中的改革議題,因選民希冀更換原有執政黨,由最大反對黨執政,能夠改變趨於日益不振的經濟現況,並透過大幅改革能改變舊政府的缺失,期望新政府能夠振衰起弊。 / In the democratic operation process, when the director is unable meet the citizens need, the citizen would express their autonomy by votes. Looking for one (or political party) who could conform to the citizens demand takes the government (president) of this country. Party rotation is a democratic sanction mechanism. That is an important indicator for country achieving the democracy. There are some factors must be considered while establishing voting behavior models in the turnover elections. There mainly are the party identification or party preference, the candidate image, and policy orientation. My thesis finds that party realignment is the key variable for 2000 Mexican presidential election, but 2000 Taiwan presidential is not. Candidate image or candidate personality centers on competence, likeability, honesty, reliability, and understanding people’s needs. Candidate evaluation refers to an overall assessment of the candidates: it is measured by way of “feeling thermometers”. My study found that candidate image is an important factor in determining Mexican and Taiwan voters choosing the opposition party candidate for a new president. The results shows that the policy issues, including prospective economic voting and the salience issue of change influence people’s voting choices.

Předpojatost, střed kultur, role ženy, národ a národnost v románech Ying Chen / Prejudice, Cultural Clash, Female Role, Nation and Nationaly in the Novels of Ying Chen

Navrátilová, Leona January 2012 (has links)
Ying Chen is a Canadian writer of Chinese origin who writes in French. In her novels, she investigates immigration which is closely connected with displacement and the loss of one's original identity. Her literary work is primarily aimed at the North American readership so she includes a lot of details of historical events and social facts about China. Ying Chen belongs to the group of authors who are labelled as immigrant writers. The majority of her literary work centres around the recurring themes of nationalism, feminism, imagination and immigration, which can lead to a loss of original identity. Ying Chen investigates whether a person can exchange his identity, that which was given to him by his parents, with a new one. In her second published novel, L'Ingratitude, Ying Chen speaks through the character of the dominant mother and says: "A person without parents is miserable, like a people without history." With these words she indicates the impossibility of exchanging one's nationhood, national history, and identity. We need to accept who we are, and she emphasises this fact in her novel, Immobile, saying, "I am myself."

EPSA : Espace Projectif du Soi Archaïque : l’univers, miroir de soi / EPSA : Espace Projectif du Soi Archaïque (projective space of the archaic self) : the universe, mirror of oneself

Tuduri, Suzy 20 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse retrace les étapes de la création d’un dispositif projectif permettant d’explorer le soi-archaïque d’un sujet adulte. Son élaboration est le fruit de plusieurs recherches antérieures auprès de diverses populations : sujets adultes ne présentant pas de pathologie reconnue, jeunes adultes psychotiques et/ou états-limites, sujets adultes paraplégiques. Le dispositif créé pour ces recherches a évolué pour devenir un outil d’exploration et de médiation utilisé depuis plusieurs années dans le cadre de mes prises en charges thérapeutiques, auprès de patients souffrants majoritairement de troubles narcissiques identitaires.Des photographies de l’espace, pour la plupart prises par le CNRS ou la NASA avec différents télescopes sont utilisées comme support projectif. Avec ces photographies, l’impact esthétique est indéniable. « Que représente pour vous l’univers ? » : L'utilisation de photographies de divers objets célestes comme support projectif pour répondre à une question latente sur la subjectivité mobilise la pensée en images et vient questionner le sentiment de soi actuel et archaïque. Ces photographies offrent une figuration de vécus originaires, métaphores cosmiques déjà remarquées dans la littérature psychanalytique (Anzieu et les signifiants formels, Aulagnier et le trou noir de la psyché…), elles favorisent une mise en scène imagée des interactions précoces.Le dispositif de l’EPSA est un « attracteur » sollicitant la projection d’un "incréé", d’une expérience en souffrance de symbolisation. La malléabilité de l’EPSA permet au sujet de la mettre en forme, raconter l’histoire de ce qu’il ne connait pas de lui et qui le hante. Le sujet projette dans l’EPSA une ambiance psychique, trace d’un soi-émergent dans un fonctionnement parfois en souffrance, où apparaissent des « processus » de transformation.L’EPSA permet d’explorer les capacités réflexives du sujet : Capacités du sujet à élaborer ou non un conflit esthétique, la gestion et l’expression de ce conflit. Capacités à « raisonner » affectivement, à être en contact avec ses émotions, à les éprouver. Se sentir, se voir, « dire » ses émotions. (Trois « degrés » de symbolisation).La maturité du soi archaïque et son expression (maturité affective du sentiment de soi) peut se définir ainsi : la tolérance et l’acceptation des affects, émotions, sentiments… provoqués par les conflits à se penser sujet. La capacité à ne pas être « débordé » affectivement sans trop d’évitement et d’inhibition. L’élaboration psychique et verbale de ces conflits (le partage et la communication avec autrui).L’EPSA permet ainsi d’observer chez l’adulte des troubles liés aux premiers stades de développement : le traitement de l’affect, les interactions précoces, les troubles dus à des déficiences dans l’accordage… L’EPSA est un outil d’exploration de certains processus importants dans la construction de la subjectivité, et permet d’affiner notre regard clinique concernant les troubles identitaires narcissiques, état-limites, pathologies de la dépendance…La passation de l’EPSA, en proposant au sujet de rapporter ses impressions, favorise un travail de mise en forme et de mise en mots. C’est un espace créatif, de trouvé/créé. Un dispositif symbolisant et de partage et rencontre. Il est un objeu, un support thérapeutique. Finalement, l’EPSA est un miroir de soi, et aussi un outil de « transformation », de symbolisation. / This thesis traces the steps of creating a projective device for exploring the self-archaic of an adult subject. Its development is the result of several former studies from various groups: adult subjects with no pathology recognized, young psychotic adults and/or borderlines, and adult paraplegic subjects. The device created for this research has evolved into an exploration and mediation tool used for many years as part of my therapeutic group of patients, mostly suffering from identity narcissistic disorders.Photographs of space, mostly taken by the CNRS or NASA with different telescopes, are used a carrier. With these photographs, the visual impact is undeniable. "What does the Universe mean to you?": The use of photographs of various celestial objects as projective medium to respond to a latent question about subjectivity, mobilizes thinking in images and comes to question the sense of self, archaic and current. The photographs offer a representation of native experiences, cosmic metaphors already presented in the psychoanalytic literature (Anzieu and formal signifiers, Aulagnier and the black hole of the psyche... These favor an imaged scene of early interactions.The EPSA device is an "attractor" seeking the projection of an "uncreated" image, an experience in default of symbolization. The EPSA malleability allows the patient to put into shape the uncreated, to tell the story of what he does not know of himself and that haunts him. The subject projects into the EPSA a psychic atmosphere, a trace of an emerging self with an operation that is sometimes problematic, in which appears "processes" of transformation.EPSA explores the reflexive capacities of the subject: the subject ability to be able to develop or not an aesthetic conflict, management and expression of conflict. It is also explores the ability to "reason" emotionally, to be in touch with his emotions, to experience them, to feel oneself, to see oneself, and "to express" his emotions (Three "degrees" of symbolization).The maturity of the archaic self and its expression (emotional maturity of the sense of self) can be defined as the tolerance and acceptance of affects, emotions, and feelings... caused by conflicts to think about oneself. In this way, the subject avoids being "overwhelmed" emotionally and inhibition. The mental and verbal elaboration of conflicts provides for sharing and communication with others.EPSA allows us to observe in adults the relationship in the early stages of development disorders: treatment of affect, early interactions, and disorders due to deficiencies in the tuning... EPSA is an exploration of an important tool in the construction of subjectivity processes, and refines our clinical look on narcissistic identity disorders, borderline condition, and disease of addiction...The EPSA device, which proposes the patient to imagine his impressions, enables the patient to put words to his thoughts. It is a creative space in which we found and create. A symbolizing device which encourages sharing and meeting. It is an "objeu", a therapeutic carrier. Finally, EPSA is a mirror of oneself, and also a tool of "transformation" of symbolization.

”Hur ska jag kunna lära mig det här när jag inte förstår?” : Hur elever erfar lust och olust i skolmatematiken / ”How can I learn this when I don't understand?” : How students experience pleasure and pain in school mathematics

Eriksson, Ingela January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine factors influencing students’ feelings of pleasure or pain associated with school mathematics. Own experience of students’ frustration about mathematics and concern about students not reaching desired goals is the driving force in this study. It contributes with knowledge from the students' perspective. Hopefully the result can help others, teachers and parents, to strengthen pupils’ desire and ability to learn. Students’ emotions about mathematics are important for learning and mathematics can cause joy as well as anxiety. The students who are positive often need stimulation and challenge, but are usually not a problem for the adults. The negative emotions, especially fear, is something that adults should take into account and try to develop for the better. Anxiety can be described as "a lack of well-being". It can cause panic, paralysis and mental disorganization when students are required to solve math tasks. Math anxiety can also be defined as a combination of stress before the test, low self-esteem, fear of failure and negative attitudes towards learning mathematics. Symptoms can include avoidance of formal mathematics instruction, poor test results and that instructions will not have the expected effect. There is a phenomenological approach of the study. Phenomenology studies how the consciousness creates meaning. The focal point is trying to learn about the students’ experience of their 'Being-in-the-World'. How do students view school mathematics, and why? What can create desire for learning mathematics? What can create uneasiness in learning mathematics? In order to get a better view of this complex area four different data sources are used. Eight pupils are interviewed individually. 19 students participated in focus group interviews. 134 students, ages 11-13, answered questions in a web survey. One class observation was also made. The result was formed into three important factors, Student’s own view of capacity and attitude to mathematics, Importance of relations to others (teachers, class mates, parents) and Content and working forms. Three different themes came into focus – Understanding, Working atmosphere and Safety. The four main areas of importance, as seen in this study, are Interaction student-teacher, Understanding and feeling of success, Good atmosphere in the classroom and Awareness about the use of mathematics. The results show areas of importance for pupils who are feeling math anxiety. They are less aware of how mathematics can be of use for them also outside school and the importance of mathematics in their future lives. They need a much stronger support from adults, teachers and parents, in their math studies, than pupils without anxiety. The classroom environment can also cause problems, if students do not feel safe or feel stressed or disturbed by other pupils or teachers. There are also a few differences between the girls’ and the boys’ experiences, where girls seem to reflect more about their uneasiness when it comes to mathematics, sometimes caused by the boys. What can teachers learn from this study? In short: motivate, teach and let the pupils talk.

Nature, health and stress: a research-based approach to stress within our sensorial world.

Birkett, Allison 08 December 2014 (has links)
This practicum focuses on developing a deeper knowledge about stress and our external environments. It is directed towards the profession of Landscape Architecture, and healthcare facilities including professionals. It outlines critical information about stress: how stress affects people’s physical, emotional, mental health and well-being, and how landscape architects are able to mitigate different types of stress through the design and use of our exterior environments, offering respite and healing in times of great need. Stress reveals and manifests itself in numerous ways. It has become a major problem within our society, much bigger than people care to acknowledge or believe. Landscape Architects have the ability to help people reflect upon the stress that they are under by creating spaces that inevitably sooth their ‘selves’. Through the profession and subsequent work of Landscape Architects the awareness of stress can be addressed, helping bring respite and relieve tension and stress, whether large or small, which is extremely critical in today’s society. Through the use of gardens and exterior spaces designed with stress-relief in mind, we will be able to decrease hospital stays, drug use and the overall amount of money used by medical institutions and governments, while decreasing the progression and succession of illness and diseases related to and accentuated or propagated by, or due to stress. Through this document I will discuss ideas and theories that influence and/or are pertinent to Landscape Architecture and stress, as well as natural elements that should be taken into consideration when starting to design or when planning a design that will be situated within medical institutions and healthcare facilities, but not limited to, and including any other exterior environment (such as a backyard). It will also outline design elements which emphasize appropriate ways to design these spaces and places responsibly and sensitively. By understanding how people respond to stress, Landscape Architects may be able to design appropriate, beautiful spaces. Initially this practicum was directed towards designing beautiful, meaningful gardens for the sick and/or dying, as well as for the families, visitors, and employees within healthcare settings. It has evolved, to include how our brains and bodies are physiologically affected by spaces and places that we encounter, and how these spaces either reduce or increase stress responses within us, therefore, increasing or decreasing our ability to heal, be healthy, and feel well. Stress is a major condition that is often “down-played”, ignored, or not understood within society. It is in fact a very serious condition / illness that has the ability to dictate the outcome of our physical and mental performances, and especially our health and well-being. Landscape Architects have the ability and responsibility to contribute positively to people’s bodily reactions to spaces: exterior and interior.

La crise de la civilisation selon Raymond Aron à travers l'exemple européen / The crisis of civilization according to Raymond Aron through the European example

Lapparent, Olivier de 25 November 2016 (has links)
Le déclin de l'Europe au XXe siècle est un fait incontestable. Peut-on ou doit-on franchir le pas et affirmer que l'Europe, comme civilisation, est condamnée à la décadence? Raymond Aron a analysé durant plus de 50 ans l'évolution de l'Europe à travers ses différentes facettes : idée, construction institutionnelle, sentiment. Il affirme la crise de l'Europe, comme crise de civilisation, pour mieux la combattre. L'Europe a un avenir à condition de penser son Histoire. L'Histoire n'est ni la promesse d'un progrès certain ni la condamnation définitive à la décadence. Le réalisme aronien souhaite éviter deux extrêmes : le moralisme et le cynisme. La proposition de cette thèse est l'introduction du terme «oscillation» entre déclin et vitalité historique : de la décadence au déclin, du déclin à la crise, de la crise au conflit, du conflit à la vitalité, de la vitalité à la créativité et de la créativité à l'action. L'oscillation doit mettre en tension l'Europe pour passer de la crise à la métamorphose. La vertu est le chaînon manquant entre déclin et vitalité historique. Elle permet à la tension de revenir à un point d'équilibre. L'accomplissement de la vertu met en pratique la potentialité, la réponse au défi, l'engagement et la vitalité historique. La survie de la civilisation européenne tient en cette ligne de crête fragile mais tremplin vers un renouveau. / The decline of Europe in the twentieth century is an indisputable fact. Can or should we go ahead and say that Europe, as a civilization, is doomed to decadence? Raymond Aron analyzed for more than 50 years the evolution of Europe through its various facets: idea, institutional building, feeling. He assures the crisis in Europe, as a crisis of civilization, to better fight it. Europe has a future. This is about thinking History. History is not the promise of some progress nor the final sentence to decadence. The realism of Aron wants to avoid two extremes: moralism and cynicism. The proposal of this thesis is the introduction of the word "oscillation" between decline and historical vitality: from decadence to decline, from decline to crisis, from crisis to conflict, from conflict to vitality, from vitality to creativity, and from creativity to action. The oscillation should literally energize Europe so as to transform crisis and conflict. Virtue is the missing link between decline and historical vitality. It allows energy to become harmonious again, to its point of equilibrium. The fulfillment of virtue puts into practice potentiality, the answer to challenge, commitment and historical vitality. The survival of the European civilization lies in this delicate edge that is a springboard to a revival.

"Do melhor possível ao sempre alerta": Disciplinando corpos e construindo identidades no Escotismo em Campina Grande - PB (1980-1990). / "From The Best to the Always Alert": Disciplining bodies and building identities in scouting in Campina Grande-PB (1980-1990).

LEANDRO, Andressa Barbosa de Farias. 09 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-09T14:15:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRESSA BARBOSA DE FARIAS LEANDRO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGH 2014..pdf: 6317371 bytes, checksum: 3e67250e7bed6b958831bfad5d66be6b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-09T14:15:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRESSA BARBOSA DE FARIAS LEANDRO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGH 2014..pdf: 6317371 bytes, checksum: 3e67250e7bed6b958831bfad5d66be6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / O presente estudo tem como objetivo problematizar as práticas escoteiras vivenciadas, na cidade de Campina Grande-PB, nas décadas de 1980-1990, refletindo sobre o disciplinamento dos corpos e a construção de identidades nos Grupos de Escoteiros (General Sampaio, Santos Dumont e Baturité). Deste modo, com base, na análise de fontes orais, na documentação dos arquivos dos referidos Grupos de Escoteiros, nos registros da União dos Escoteiros do Brasil, fotografias e jornais, buscamos refletir como um movimento educativo pensado para a realidade dos jovens ingleses do início do século XX, conseguiu atrair tantas crianças para as suas fileiras na cidade de Campina Grande, na década de 1980-1990, quase cem anos depois de sua criação? Partindo da premissa de que os Grupos de Escoteiros são espaços disciplinares, cujo objetivo é a formação do jovem educado, cumpridor dos seus deveres e útil para a sociedade, refletimos sobre a aplicação do Método Escoteiro, entendido em nosso trabalho como um mecanismo que cumpre a função de disciplinar o corpo, a mente e as emoções dos escoteiros. Analisamos ainda as práticas simbólicas que perpassam o escotismo, responsáveis por estabelecerem a coesão e o sentimento de pertença entre os membros escoteiros, buscando a construção de uma identidade comum. Para a concretização desta pesquisa dialogou-se como alguns autores, a exemplo de FOUCAULT (1987) e suas reflexões teóricas sobre o poder disciplinar, BOSI (1994) e HALBWACHS (1990) acerca da memória, HALL (2005) que nos deu subsídio para discutir a produção de identidades, CHARTIER (1990) e sua análise sobre as representações sociais, CERTEAU (1994) sobre as táticas de resistência, dentre outros. / The following study has as objective to problematize the scouts practices lived, in the city of Campina Grande - PB, in the decades of 1980-1990, reflecting about the discipline of the bodies and the building of identities in the scout groups (General Sampaio, Santos Dumont and Batiruté). Thus, based on the analysis of oral sources, in the files documentation of the referred scout groups, in the records of the Union of Scouts Brazil, photographs and newspapers, we reflect as an educational movement thought to the reality of young Englishmen of the early twentieth century, has attracted many children to their ranks in the city of Campina Grande, in the decade of 1980-1990, nearly a hundred years after its creation? Assuming that the Scout Groups are disciplinary spaces, whose goal is the formation of an educated young, aware of their duties and availabilities to society, we reflected on the implementation of the Scout Method, seen in our work as a mechanism whose function is to discipline the body, mind and emotions of the scouts. We also analyzed the symbolic practices that pervade the scouting, responsible for establishing cohesion and sense of belonging among scouts members seeking the construction of a common identity. To achieve this research, it was discussed as some authors, like FOUCALT (1987) and his theoretical reflections on disciplinary power, BOSI (1994) and HALBWACHS (1990) on the memory, HALL (2005) who gave us allowance to discuss the production of identities, Chartier (1990) and his analysis of the social representations, Certeau (1994) on resistance tactics, among others.

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