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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fracture Growth Kinematics in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs

Alzayer, Yaser Abdullah 27 October 2014 (has links)
Opening-mode fractures—joints and veins—are widespread structures in sedimentary rocks even in slightly deformed and flat-lying sequences. Understanding the growth and connectivity of fractures in low permeability sandstone reservoirs is essential for optimal hydrocarbon exploitation. In a linear elastic fracture mechanics framework, it is generally assumed that fractures widen in aperture while they propagate in length or height. However, it is also conceivable that a phase of proportional aperture to length or height growth is followed by a phase of aperture growth with relatively slow or arrested tip propagation. Slow propagation relative to aperture opening can occur by non-elastic deformation processes or if the material elastic properties change over time. Fracture propagation in length or height can be halted by material strength heterogeneities. To test for concurrent length versus aperture growth of these fractures, I reconstructed the crack-seal opening history for multiple cement bridges sampled at different distances from the tip of three opening-mode fractures in Travis Peak Sandstone of the SFOT-1 well, East Texas. Crack-seal cement bridges have been interpreted to form by repeated incremental fracture opening and subsequent precipitation of quartz cement that bridges the fractures. Crack-seal cement textures were imaged using a scanning electron microscope with a cathodoluminescence detector, and the number and thickness of crack-seal cement increments determined. Trends in crack-seal increments number and thickness are consistent with fast initial fracture propagation relative to aperture growth, followed by a stage of slow propagation and pronounced aperture growth. Cumulative fracture opening displacement based on palinspastic reconstruction of two cement bridges was compared to analytical solutions for a stationary and a propagating fracture aperture as a function of position relative to the fracture tip in an elastic medium. Based on this comparison, I conclude that the crack-seal cement record reflects largely the phase of dominant aperture growth and subcritical fracture propagation under constant loading stress. / text

Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in discrete fractures using Rayleigh-Ritz finite element method

Kaul, Sandeep P. 30 September 2004 (has links)
Spontaneous imbibition plays a very important role in the displacement mechanism of non-wetting fluid in naturally fractured reservoirs. We developed a new 2D two-phase finite element numerical model, as available commercial simulators cannot be used to model small-scale experiments with different boundary conditions as well as complex boundary conditions such as fractures and vugs. Starting with the basic equation of fluid flow, we derived the non-linear diffusion saturation equation. This equation cannot be put in weighted-integral weak variational form and hence Rayleigh-Ritz finite element method (FEM) cannot be applied. Traditionally, the way around it is to use higher order interpolation functions and use Galerkin FEM or reduce the differentiability requirement and use Mixed FEM formulation. Other FEM methods can also be used, but iterative nature of those methods makes them unsuitable for solving large-scale field problems. But if we truncate the non-linear terms and decouple the dependent variables, from the spatial as well as the temporal domains of the primary variable to solve them analytically, the non-linear FEM problem reduces to a simple weighted integral form, which can be put into its corresponding weak form. The advantage of using Rayleigh-Ritz method is that it has immediate effect on the computation time required to solve a particular problem apart from incorporating complex boundary conditions. We compared our numerical models with the analytical solution of this diffusion equation. We validated the FDM numerical model using X-Ray Tomography (CT) experimental data from the single-phase spontaneous imbibition experiment, where two simultaneously varying parameters of weight gain and CT water saturation were used and then went ahead and compared the results of FEM model to that of FDM model. A two-phase field size example was taken and results from a commercial simulator were compared to the FEM model to bring out the limitations of this approach.

Neural network analysis of sparse datasets ?? an application to the fracture system in folds of the Lisburne Formation, northeastern Alaska

Bui, Thang Dinh 01 November 2005 (has links)
Neural networks (NNs) are widely used to investigate the relationship among variables in complex multivariate problems. In cases of limited data, the network behavior strongly depends on factors such as the choice of network activation function and network initial weights. In this study, I investigated the use of neural networks for multivariate analysis in the case of limited data. The analysis shows that special attention should be paid when building and using NNs in cases of limited data. The linear activation function at the output nodes outperforms the sigmoidal and Gaussian functions. I found that combining network predictions gives less biased predictions and allows for the assessment of the prediction variability. The NN results, along with conventional statistical analysis, were used to examine the effects of folding, bed thickness, structural position, and lithology on the fracture properties distributions in the Lisburne Formation, folded and exposed in the northeastern Brooks Range of Alaska. Fracture data from five folds, representing different degrees of folding, were analyzed. In addition, I modeled the fracture system using the discrete fracture network approach and investigated the effects of fracture properties on the flow conductance of the system. For the Lisburne data, two major fracture sets striking north/south and east/west were studied. Results of the NNs analysis suggest that fracture spacing in both sets is similar and weakly affected by folding and that stratigraphic position and lithology have a strong effect on fracture spacing. Folding, however, has a significant effect on fracture length. In open folds, fracture lengths in both sets have similar averages and variances. As the folds tighten, both the east/west and north/south fracture lengths increase by a factor of 2 or 3 and become more variable. In tight folds, fracture length in the north/south direction is significantly larger than in the east/west direction. The difference in length between the two fracture sets creates a strong anisotropy in the reservoir. Given the same fracture density in both sets, the set with the greater length plays an important role for fluid flow, not only for flow along its principal direction but also in the orthogonal direction.

Applicability of pH-triggered polymers to increase sweep efficiency in fractured reservoirs

Lalehrokh, Farshad 09 November 2012 (has links)
Fractures make both opportunities and problems for exploration and production from hydrocarbon reservoirs. It is always difficult to predict how to optimally produce a fractured reservoir due to the complexity and heterogeneity of fluid flow paths. The following behavior is seen in fractured reservoirs: early water breakthroughs, reduced tertiary recovery efficiency due to channeling of injected gas or fluids, dynamic calculations of recoverable hydrocarbons that are much less than static mass balance and dramatic production changes due to changes in reservoir pressure as fractures close down as conduits. These problems often lead to reduced ultimate recoveries or higher production costs. Polymer gels, in particular in-situ gels that can be placed deep into the reservoir, have been widely used for improved conformance control. In this dissertation, we aim to block the high-permeability zones, fractures in particular, with the microgels to increase the sweep efficiency by diverting the waterflood water to the low permeability zones that still contain unswept oil. vii Polyacrylic acid microgels can swell a thousand fold as the pH of the surrounding solution changes, with an accompanying large increase in viscosity. This pH trigger is simpler than chemical cross-linking and thus offers operational advantages. The ability of pH-sensitive polymers to block high permeability fractures is studied by performing several coreflood and batch experiments. The effect of different rock and salt minerals, polymer concentration, polymer salinity, and temperature on polymer performance is studied in this dissertation. Polymer microgels show excellent consistency in the presence of various salt minerals and in contact with different rock minerals. The placement of microgels into the fractures lowered the overall core permeability in all cases. In addition, polymer microgels were stable after being in reservoir for a month with conditions at 58°C. Consequently, using pH-triggered polymers for conformance control and reducing the permeability of high permeability areas in fractured reservoirs merit further investigations. These polymers are inexpensive and are easy to prepare. The polymer concentration, salinity and shut-in time could be set according to the desired PRF value, injectivity, propagation distance and reservoir mineralogy. / text

Modeling and simulation of fluid flow in naturally and hydraulically fractured reservoirs using embedded discrete fracture model (EDFM)

Shakiba, Mahmood 03 February 2015 (has links)
Modeling and simulation of fluid flow in subsurface fractured systems has been steadily a popular topic in petroleum industry. The huge potential hydrocarbon reserve in naturally and hydraulically fractured reservoirs has been a major stimulant for developments in this field. Although several models have found limited applications in studying fractured reservoirs, still more comprehensive models are required to be applied for practical purposes. A recently developed Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (EDFM) incorporates the advantages of two of the well-known approaches, the dual continuum and the discrete fracture models, to investigate more complex fracture geometries. In EDFM, each fracture is embedded inside the matrix grid and is discretized by the cell boundaries. This approach introduces a robust methodology to represent the fracture planes explicitly in the computational domain. As part of this research, the EDFM was implemented in two of The University of Texas in-house reservoir simulators, UTCOMP and UTGEL. The modified reservoir simulators are capable of modeling and simulation of a broad range of reservoir engineering applications in naturally and hydraulically fractured reservoirs. To validate this work, comparisons were made against a fine-grid simulation and a semi-analytical solution. Also, the results were compared for more complicated fracture geometries with the results obtained from EDFM implementation in the GPAS reservoir simulator. In all the examples, good agreements were observed. To further illustrate the application and capabilities of UTCOMP- and UTGEL-EDFM, a few case studies were presented. First, a synthetic reservoir model with a network of fractures was considered to study the impact of well placement. It was shown that considering the configuration of background fracture networks can significantly improve the well placement design and also maximize the oil recovery. Then, the capillary imbibition effect was investigated for the same reservoir models to display its effect on incremental oil recovery. Furthermore, UTCOMP-EDFM was applied for hydraulic fracturing design where the performances of a simple and a complex fracture networks were evaluated in reservoirs with different rock matrix permeabilities. Accordingly, it was shown that a complex network is an ideal design for a very low permeability reservoir, while a simple network results in higher recovery when the reservoir permeability is moderate. Finally, UTGEL-EDFM was employed to optimize a conformance control process. Different injection timings and different gel concentrations were selected for water-flooding processes and their impact on oil recovery was evaluated henceforth. / text

Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in discrete fractures using Rayleigh-Ritz finite element method

Kaul, Sandeep P. 30 September 2004 (has links)
Spontaneous imbibition plays a very important role in the displacement mechanism of non-wetting fluid in naturally fractured reservoirs. We developed a new 2D two-phase finite element numerical model, as available commercial simulators cannot be used to model small-scale experiments with different boundary conditions as well as complex boundary conditions such as fractures and vugs. Starting with the basic equation of fluid flow, we derived the non-linear diffusion saturation equation. This equation cannot be put in weighted-integral weak variational form and hence Rayleigh-Ritz finite element method (FEM) cannot be applied. Traditionally, the way around it is to use higher order interpolation functions and use Galerkin FEM or reduce the differentiability requirement and use Mixed FEM formulation. Other FEM methods can also be used, but iterative nature of those methods makes them unsuitable for solving large-scale field problems. But if we truncate the non-linear terms and decouple the dependent variables, from the spatial as well as the temporal domains of the primary variable to solve them analytically, the non-linear FEM problem reduces to a simple weighted integral form, which can be put into its corresponding weak form. The advantage of using Rayleigh-Ritz method is that it has immediate effect on the computation time required to solve a particular problem apart from incorporating complex boundary conditions. We compared our numerical models with the analytical solution of this diffusion equation. We validated the FDM numerical model using X-Ray Tomography (CT) experimental data from the single-phase spontaneous imbibition experiment, where two simultaneously varying parameters of weight gain and CT water saturation were used and then went ahead and compared the results of FEM model to that of FDM model. A two-phase field size example was taken and results from a commercial simulator were compared to the FEM model to bring out the limitations of this approach.

Geostatistics for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Niven, Eric B Unknown Date
No description available.

Etude de la récupération de bruts lourds en réservoir carbonaté fracturé par le procédé de combustion in situ / Study of heavy oil recovery from a fractured carbonate reservoir using in situ combustion

Fadaei, Hossein 04 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse présente l'étude du procédé de combustion in situ (CIS) dans un réservoir carbonaté fracturé. Afin de modéliser et de simuler les processus à grande échelle, deux axes principaux sont distinguées, qui correspondent aux petites et grandes échelles. Pour traiter les problèmes à petite échelle, un simulateur commercial de réservoir est utilisé afin d’étudier le processus à l'échelle de la carotte. Tout d'abord, le simulateur est validé pour des procédés simples pour lesquels des solutions analytiques sont disponibles. La validation plus poussée est effectuée en utilisant des résultats expérimentaux publiés dans la littérature. Puis, quelques simulations du système fracturé à l'échelle de la carotte sont effectuées. Le but de ces simulations est d'aborder, la faisabilité du processus CIS dans le système fracturé et de distinguer l'importance relative des divers mécanismes de production pétrolière. Dans l'étape suivante, les tests de tube de combustion et de cellule cinétique sont réalisés, afin de mieux comprendre la physique du processus mais aussi la cinétique de combustion dans un système carbonaté fracturé. Les simulations sont également menées à échelle d'un bloc métrique. Afin d'obtenir la connaissance nécessaire pour le changement d'échelle, des simulations sur plusieurs bloc sont menées et les moyenne des certains paramètres sont estimées. Dans la dernière partie, les conclusions sont présentées et la technique de prise de moyenne est utilisée sur un processus simple (combustion du solide-gaz) afin de donner quelques pistes quant aux enjeux futurs de ce genre de problème. / The aim of the present work is to study the in situ combustion (ISC) process at inter-well scale in a fractured reservoir. Due to the complexity associated with the ISC process, highly heterogeneous nature of the fractured reservoirs and some unsuccessful attempts in the past to put the process into practice, the subject of ISC in fractured systems has been receiving little interest and there are still many essential open questions in this area. It is very challenging to answer the question whether the ISC process could be applied in a heavy oil fractured reservoir or not. And if the answer is positive, what is (are) the dominant oil recovery mechanism(s) and finally, how can we model and simulate this process, at least, at inter-well scale. This work tries to give answers to some of these questions. In this regard, we followed a step by step procedure. In the first step, general literature concerning the combustion process in porous media and particularly that related to the combustion process in an oil reservoir was reviewed. Some other references about the modeling of fracture reservoirs were also reviewed. This led us to distinguish some of the main challenges in this area and define a methodology for the rest of the work. Based on this methodology, the first target was to understand and to characterize the behavior of a combustion front at small (Darcy) scale. The second target was to apply the knowledge of the first part to propose a suitable model for ISC at larger scale. To this end, a commercial thermal reservoir simulator (STARS) was used. The simulator was validated for both simple process for which an analytical solution is available and for a more complex process where the laboratory results are on hand. Then, after the validation part, the numerical tool has been used to widely investigate the conditions where a reaction front can propagate in a fractured core. This allowed us to understand some of the leading mechanisms (oxygen diffusion coefficient for extinction/ propagation of combustion front and matrix permeability for oil production). Some other numerical studies provided us with some understanding about the most important mechanism(s) of oil production. Thereafter, some single block simulations were done to investigate the two-dimensional behavior of the ISC process, based on which the underlying process was found to be diffusion dominated both for heat and mass transfers. These results also helped us to distinguish the characteristic length scale of some important parameters (temperature, coke concentration, combustion front, etc.) which can give useful information about the large scale model. After that, an experimental part has been performed to find propagation conditions of ISC at laboratory scale. This was done by varying both the operational conditions (flowrate, pressure and oxygen concentration) and the characteristics of the fractured system (aperture, surface area, permeability). This permitted us to find that in some suitable conditions there is a possibility to generate a combustion front in a fractured system containing heavy oil. To give an idea about the modeling of the process at larger scale, some fine grid simulations are also performed using a multi-block model. By analyzing the results of this model some guidelines are proposed for the large scale model. At the end, a short discussion about the upscaling of an easy system (solid-gas combustion using an Arrhenius law as a function for the mass sink term in a conductive system) is presented based on an upscaling using the volume averaging method.

Numerical Modeling of Fracture Permeability Change in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using a Fully Coupled Displacement Discontinuity Method.

Tao, Qingfeng 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Fractures are the main flow channels in naturally fractured reservoirs. Therefore the fracture permeability is a critical parameter to production optimization and reservoir management. Fluid pressure reduction caused by production induces an increase in effective stress in naturally fractured reservoirs. The change of effective stress induces fracture deformation and changes fracture aperture and permeability, which in turn influences the production. Coupled interactions exist in the fractured reservoir: (i) fluid pressure change induces matrix deformation and stress change; (ii) matrix deformation induces fluid volume change and fluid pressure change; (iii) fracture deformation induces the change of pore pressure and stress in the whole field (the influence disappears at infinity); (iv) the change of pore pressure and stress at any point has an influence on the fracture and induces fracture deformation. To model accurately the influence of pressure reduction on the fracture permeability change in naturally fractured reservoirs, all of these coupled processes need to be considered. Therefore, in this dissertation a fully coupled approach is developed to model the influence of production on fracture aperture and permeability by combining a finite difference method to solve the fluid flow in fractures, a fully coupled displacement discontinuity method to build the global relation of fracture deformation, and the Barton-Bandis model of fracture deformation to build the local relation of fracture deformation. The fully coupled approach is applied to simulate the fracture permeability change in naturally fracture reservoir under isotropic in situ stress conditions and high anisotropic in situ stress conditions, respectively. Under isotropic stress conditions, the fracture aperture and permeability decrease with pressure reduction caused by production, and the magnitude of the decrease is dependent on the initial effective in situ stress. Under highly anisotropic stress, the fracture permeability can be enhanced by production because of shear dilation. The enhancement of fracture permeability will benefit to the production of oil and gas.

Simulating water tracer test in naturally fractured reservoirs using discrete fracture and dual porosity models

Lalehrokh, Farshad 15 November 2012 (has links)
A naturally fractured reservoir (NFR) is a reservoir with a connected network of fractures created by natural processes such as diastrophism and volume shrinkage (Ordonez et al. 2001). There are two models to simulate this kind of reservoirs: the discrete fracture model and the dual porosity model. In the dual porosity model, the matrix blocks occupy the same physical space as the fracture network and are identical rectangular parallelepipeds with no direct communication between isotropic and homogeneous matrix blocks. However, each fracture and matrix property is defined separately in the discrete fracture model. Another feature of this thesis is tracer testing. In this process, a chemical or radioactive element is injected to the reservoirs, and then it can be traced using the devices, which are designed to detect the tracers. Tracer tests have several advantages such as determining residual oil saturation, identifying barriers or high permeability zones in reservoirs, and providing the information on flow patterns. Limited number of research studies has been done on performing tracer tests in naturally fractured reservoirs. Also because there is not enough information about the advantages and disadvantages of the discrete fracture and the dual porosity models, researchers and engineers lack the expertise to confidently select either the discrete fracture or the dual porosity models to simulate the different types of NFRs. In this thesis, we compared the oil and water productions, and tracer concentration curves in various reservoir conditions, using both the discrete fracture and the dual porosity models. We used the ECLIPSE, which is a commercial software package in the area of petroleum industry, to model a naturally fractured reservoir. We performed a simple waterflooding with two conservative tracers on the reservoirs. The results presented in each section include the graphs of the oil production rate, water production rate, and tracer concentration. In addition, we presented the oil saturation profiles of a cross-section, which includes the production and injection wells. The results illustrated that both the discrete fracture and the dual porosity models are in good agreement, except for a few special cases. Generally, the oil production using the dual porosity model is more than in the discrete fracture model. The major disadvantage of the dual porosity model is that the fluid distribution in the matrix blocks is changing homogenously during the waterflooding period. In other words, ECLIPSE shows a constant value of the oil and water saturations in each time step for the matrix blocks. However, the dual porosity model is 3 to 4 times faster than the discrete fracture model. In the discrete fracture model, the users have complete control in defining the reservoirs. For example, the fracture aperture, fracture spacing, and fracture porosities can be set by the user. The disadvantage of this model is that millions of grid blocks are needed to model a large reservoir with small fracture spacing. / text

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