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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rethinking the history of Cypriot art : Greek Cypriot women artists in Cyprus

Photiou, Maria January 2013 (has links)
This thesis brings together women artists art practices situated in five key periods of Cyprus socio-political history: British colonial rule, anti-colonial struggle, 1960 Independent, the 1974 Turkish invasion and its aftermath of a divided Cyprus, which remains the case in the present day. Such study has not been done before, and for this, the current thesis aims to provide a critical knowledge of the richness and diversity of Greek Cypriot women's art practices that have frequently been marginalised and rarely been written about or researched. As the title suggests, this thesis engages in rethinking the history of Cypriot art by focusing on the art produced by women artists in Cyprus. By focusing primarily on the work of Greek Cypriot women artists I am interested to explore the conditions within which, through which and against which, women negotiate political processes in Cyprus while making art that is predominantly engaged in specific politicised patterns. The meeting point for the artists is their awareness of being women artists living in a colonised, patriarchal country under Greek Cypriot nationality. While these artists assumed very different positions in their experience of the several phases of Cyprus history, they all negotiate in their practice territorial boundaries and specific identity patterns. Significant to my thesis are a number of questions that I discuss in relation to women artists professional careers and private lives: nationalism, militarism, patriarchy, male dominance, social and cultural codes, ethnic conflict, trauma, imposed displacement through war, memory and women's roles, especially as mothers, in modern and contemporary Cyprus. Thus, I address questions of how women artists in Cyprus experienced such phenomena and how these phenomena affected both their lives and their art practices.

Gendering Organizational Learning| Describing Gendered Patterns in Formal and Informal Organizational Learning

Hunter, Kierstyn 22 July 2016 (has links)
<p> This study explored organizational learning from a feminist perspective, similar to feminist critiques of organizational culture, and offers an analysis of individual&rsquo;s perceptions of gender dynamics in organizational learning. Mainstream literature on organizational learning is based upon gender-blind assumptions in theory and practice. This study examined those assumptions with a feminist lens. Constructivist epistemology, a feminist interpretive lens, and phenomenological and feminist methodologies guide this research, which asks, what does gender equal organizational learning look like? Fourteen senior leaders of a small New England college were interviewed to better understanding their experience of gender and collective learning at a small liberal arts college. Feminist analysis of the in-depth interviews revealed patterns of gender dynamics and a distinction between informal and formal organizational learning. Informal learning affected elements of formal organizational learning, raising questions about the ways culture is enacted in organizations. Gendered experiences of voice, participation, and power are among the key findings that problematize mainstream organizational learning theory and suggest that different genders have dissimilar experiences of the participatory and strategic development of their organization. This research sheds light on the emancipatory potential of organizational learning, showing the ways organizational learning is both aa reflection of the culture and a means to change culture and advance gender equality.</p>

General health condition, living arrangements, and socioeconomic status as contributing factors of depression among the elderly population

Avalos, Carmen 26 July 2016 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between general health condition, living arrangements, socioeconomic status, and depression among elderly adults. The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) 2011-2012 dataset was utilized in order to conduct the secondary analysis of variables for this study. This study found that there is a significant relationship between general health condition, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, and depression among the sample of elderly adult participants. The results from this study found that elderly participants who reported a poor general health condition (self-rated health) had higher levels of depression, and elderly adults who reported an excellent general health condition had lower levels of depression. A low socioeconomic status was correlated to higher levels of depression among elderly adults. This study also found that elderly minorities have higher levels of depression when compared to their counterparts. Female elderly adults were found to have higher levels of depression than males in this study. The results of this study serve to raise awareness and contribute knowledge of significant contributing factors correlated to depression among the elderly population.</p>

Gender Glossar

28 July 2016 (has links)
Das Gender Glossar ist ein Online-Nachschlagewerk, in dem Wissen um Geschlecht und Sexualität multiperspektivisch, inter- und transdisziplinär sowie diskurskritisch dargestellt und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht wird. Ziel des Gender Glossars ist es, ein kostenloses, fundiertes und zitierfähiges Nachschlagewerk aufzubauen, in dem allen Interessierten aus der Wissenschaft – Forschenden, Lehrenden, Studierenden – und aus der Gesellschaft insgesamt – z. B. Politiker_innen, Journalist_innen, Aktivist_innen – wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Begriffen, Themen, Personen und Organisationen aus den Gender Studies online zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

African American gay male entrepreneurs| A study of enabling and inhibiting factors impacting entrepreneurial success

Hardin, Floyd H., III 19 July 2016 (has links)
<p> Minority and Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) businesspersons are carving out for themselves leadership roles in the world of business as entrepreneurs and CEO&rsquo;s. As they are experiencing much success, and are sought after to help provide unique and necessary perspectives regarding best practices in the areas of inclusion, diversity and strategic planning; they are yet underrepresented in mainstream media and in the business community. This qualitative study explores the enabling and inhibiting factors that select African American Gay Male Entrepreneurs (AAGME) experience throughout their career and ascent into entrepreneurship. The qualitative research includes interviews from ten African American Gay Males, who live in the metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia area and have owned/operated their organizations for three or more years. The accounts obtained of the AAGME are the primary data reviewed and reported. </p><p> Qualitative research methods are used to analyze the data, and the findings are presented in narrative format. The findings are consistent with the literature review and examined elements of enabling and inhibiting factors experienced by other LGBT professionals. The findings suggest that African American gay men considering starting their own organizations may benefit from utilizing a collaborative leadership approach, inclusive decision-making practices, personal and professional flexibility, and expressing humility and authenticity. AAGME aspiring to begin their own enterprises may also benefit from mentorship from an established LGBT businessperson and/or living in, or establishing their company in a geography that is supportive of LGBT persons and conducive to holistic identity expression.</p>

Ideology and clothes : the rise and decline of socialist official fashion

Bartlett, Djurdja January 2006 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the relationship between the socialist system and fashion in four countries: Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the Soviet Union during seventy-two years of communist rule. From its beginning in 1917, the socialist system had an antagonistic relationship with fashion, which eventually turned into a grudging acceptance by the end of the 1980s. I identify two main types of sartorial official codes within socialism: utopian dress and socialist official fashion. I analyse these ideological constructs through the concepts of time, class, taste and gender. The symbolic production of utopian dress was informed by the initial Bolshevik rejection of the past and the search for a totally new type of clothes. Socialist official fashion reflected the regimes' ontological fear of change and discontinuity, and in the later phases of socialism their need to dress up their new middle classes in civilian clothes. The socialist regimes failed to invent a new socialist dress. Instead, they embraced the most traditional aesthetics in dress and the most conventional notion of gender. I demonstrate that similarities and differences in socialist official fashion were informed by ideological shifts within the master narratives in the respective countries. I conclude that the problematic relationship between socialism and fashion was caused by their ontological differences.

Varför blir inte fler kvinnor chefer - kan nätverk hjälpa till?

Bäckman, Eija, Severinsson, Katarina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Fastän vi lever på 2000-talet, finns många hinder som håller tillbaka kvinnor i deras karriärer. Fortfarande kan kvinnliga ledare upplevas som en stor förändring, och för vissa människor upplevs förändring som ett hot. Ett verktyg, eller kanske snarare en arena för att åstadkomma upplysning, jämställdhet och bana vägen för kvinnor till chefskapet, kan vara nätverket. Vi vill med denna uppsats undersöka om de med nätverkens hjälp lättare kan nå en chefsposition. Kan nätverken bidra till förändring och jämställdhet av organisationsstrukturer? Finns det någon konkret koppling till nätverket och att kvinnor har lyckats nå en chefsposition? Har nätverket givit dem något speciellt stöd på vägen till chefsposition? Till vår empiri har vi intervjuat ett antal kvinnor som är medlemmar i något karriärrelaterat nätverk och som är i en chefsposition. Frågorna har kretsat runt ämnen som vi i vår teori har studerat. De teorier vi behandlar problematiserar varför det inte finns så många kvinnor på chefposter. Dessa ämnen är genusteori för att få en bakgrund, ledarskap och nätverk. Jämställdhetsfrågor finns hela tiden med i bakgrunden. Det är det som nätverket ska hjälpa oss med – att fördela chefsposter jämlikt.</p><p>I resultat och slutsatser kan vi se att nätverken och nätverkandet bidrar till någon sorts förändring, och därmed i förlängningen också fler kvinnor på chefsposter i framtiden.</p>

Man nog för jämställdhet? : en studie av Järva Mansmottagning och omvandlingar av hegemonisk maskulinitet i jämställdhetsdiskursernas tidevarv

Sandberg, Linn January 2006 (has links)
<p>Equality between men and women has as an ideal won an increasing impact on the contemporary Swedish society and has established as a factor influencing all areas of society from politics to business and private life. The focus of this essay is to explore the impact of equality on hegemonic masculinity and relations of masculinities. The aim of the essay has moreover been to investigate the consequences of an increased focus on men and critique of masculinity due to a growing influence of feminism and women’s movement in Sweden. The study is based on interviews with four members of staff working in a men’s clinic for sexual and reproductive health in Stockholm, Järva Mansmottagning. The clinic is an interesting object of study since it is the only one of its kind in Sweden and furthermore because of its explicit focus on the problems of masculinity and work with equality.</p><p>The main questions of the study have been: what forms of hegemonic masculinity are constructed in dialogue with discourses on equality; what make up counter images and deviating masculinities and how are these positioned in relation to hegemonic masculinity; and last what kind of complicity with hegemonic masculinity are the men visiting the clinic considered to have?</p><p>The theoretical framework of the essay has been social constructionist theories on masculinity as presented by Connell among others and theories on intersectionality, i.e. how masculinity interacts with other asymmetries of power such as ethnicity and sexuality. Closely linked to the theoretical stances are the methodological stances of discourse theory developed by Foucault and Laclau and Mouffe and dialogism developed by Bakhtin. These standpoints have guided my analysis of the material.</p><p>To sum up the most important conclusions of the study hegemonic masculinity in relation to equality is constructed from significants such as modernity, change and responsibility over oneself as well as in relation to partners and children. Non-Swedish and masculinities of an older generation are depicted as the counter images of hegemonic masculinity and are conceived as unsuccessful masculinities. Non-Swedish masculinity is expected more patriarchal and dependent on traditional and stereotype masculine ideals and masculinities of older generations are presumed isolated, irresponsible and unable to change. These contrasting masculinities are depicted as frustrated, fearful and worried due to loss of power and losers in relation to femininity. Equality is enforced as the solution to these masculinities and what constitutes hegemonic masculinity is the appreciation, understanding and conduct of equality by men. Marginalisation of masculinities is thus a consequence of establishment of hegemonic masculinity in relation to equality and heteronormativity is moreover reinforced in hegemonic masculinity. Firstly, as a consequence of the constant focus of men and women in relation in discourses on equality, secondly since heterosexuality is described as men’s complicity in masculinity. Nor is the dominance of masculinity threatened as traditionally feminine traits such as caretaking now are connoted as indisputably masculine. One interesting conclusion is how discourses on masculinity are employing discourses from feminism and women’s movement claiming status as individuals and subjects beyond sexroles. Being a man is no longer a guarantee for being considered an individual. Another interesting conclusion is that in spite of the male body remaining an important fundament in masculinity there is however an extensive critique of traditional conceptions on male sexuality as active, conquering and constant. The interviewed present alternative discourses on masculinity and sexuality with significant potential destabilising hegemonic masculinity.</p>

"Hon är undantaget som bekräftar regeln" : Om hur bekönandets mekanismer påverkar utrymmet för kvinnor och män på ett medelstort företag i Sverige

Grünbaum, Rita January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This paper is based on a research conducted in a medium sized company, situated in Sweden, with the intent to study possible connections regarding views of gender and the existing sex segregation within the company. How is gender constructed, and does it exist representational ideas of the sexes, that leads to restrictions for men and women to be working within different areas of the company? Why are there such few women working within the company? Through five interviews with employees within the company, three women and two men, I found answers to these questions. My thesis and the specific questions were categorized into three different themes. The first theme aims to understand the interviewees’ discussions of gender and labour. In the next theme I focus on situations described by my interviewees, where acts of differentiating and favouritism based on gender have occurred. The third theme consists of the interviewee’s standpoints of why there is a minority of women in the company. To understand how gender is created and carried out in the company I utilize a theory called the gender system, developed by Yvonne Hirdman, which is a system where the sexes are divided, separated and the higher value is given to the male. I also use a combination of different theories of genderization of phenomenons, which is the process where a phenomenon is imprinted with a certain gender as a way to naturalize the order of the gender system. The process of genderization becomes visible when labour, occupational tasks, qualifications and behaviour are being discussed by the interviewees. For example; technical interests are genderized as male qualities, while tasks performed in the reception desk is seen as female qualities. Through the genderization of different phenomenons, women are excluded from male gendered spheres and women who trespass those spheres encounter suspicions due to the fact that her sex does not imply the qualities that are needed for the occupational tasks. The management within the company is also affected by the process of genderization, which becomes evident when the interviewees discuss different events that have taken place where management is involved. As a consequence, women who apply for occupations are probably less likely to get employed compared to that of men. Women are also held back at the company whereas men are more likely to have jobs assigned to them. Clearly, males are being favoured in this company and views on gender are one consequence of that favouritism, as well as the male dominance of the company as a whole. Male dominance will exist as long as both sexes are being held, separated and differentiated with genderization.</p><p>Keywords: genderization, sex segregation, gender and organizations, gender systems and work</p> / <p>Denna studie baseras på en undersökning utförd på ett medelstort företag i Sverige, med syfte att undersöka om det finns någon koppling mellan attityder till kön och den könssegregering som existerar på arbetsplatsen. Hur skapas kön, och finns det attityder som begränsar mäns och kvinnors möjligheter att arbeta inom olika delar av företaget? Hur kommer det sig att det finns så få kvinnor på företaget? Mina svar söker jag genom fem intervjuer med anställda på företaget, varav tre är kvinnor och två är män. Mina tre frågeställningar har delats in i varsitt tema, där det första temat problematiserar de könsattityder som uppkommer och kopplas till arbete. I tema två ligger fokus på särbehandling och beteende kopplat till kön, medan tema tre innehåller informanternas förklaringar och mina tolkningar till den rådande könssegregeringen. Med hjälp av Yvonne Hirdmans teorier om genussystemets isärhållande av könen och mannen som norm, samt med diskussioner om de processer som vanligen kallas könsmärkning, könskodning, eller beköning försöker jag förstå hur kön görs och används på företaget. I mitt arbete att använder jag ordet beköning när jag vill förklara processen då kön kopplas samman med ett fenomen som sedan uppfattas som naturlig. Beköningsprocessen skymtar upprepade gånger då informanterna talar om yrke, arbetsuppgifter, kvaliteter och beteende, exempelvis bekönas teknik och elektronik som manliga intressen och kunskaper, medan expeditionssysslor bekönas som kvinnliga uppgifter. Genom beköningen av kvaliteter, intresse, arbetsuppgifter och yrke utestängs kvinnor från det som bekönats som manligt. Exempelvis uppstår misstänksamhet då en kvinna rekryteras till ett område som bekönats manligt, där misstänksamheten består i att hennes kön inte förväntas ha de kvaliteter som tjänsten kräver. Även i beskrivningar kring ledningen framkommer hur beköningen påverkar även deras föreställningar, vilket leder till att kvinnor som söker troligtvis har svårare att få tillträde till tjänster än män, och arbetsuppdrag har tilldelats män i högre grad än kvinnor. Här blir det tydligt att det pågår en särbehandling på arbetsplatsen, till mäns fördel och till kvinnors nackdel. Sammantaget kan också konstateras att attityder om kön har betydelse för upprätthållandet av mansdominansen på företaget. Könssegregeringen kvarstår så länge könen hålls isär och ges bekönade kvaliteter, och männen särbehandlas.</p>

Female Empowerment and HIV : Fighting Gender Roles and a Deadly Disease

Josefsson, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to investigate the role of female empowerment and NGOs in HIV-prevention. A case study from Babati, northern Tanzania, is presented as part of my investigation and will affiliate theory with reality. Further the study is based on feminist and postcolonial theory as well as gender perspectives on HIV and AIDS.</p><p>A persons gender determines how vulnerable that person is to HIV and related consequences; I will claim that HIV and AIDS threaten women to a greater extent then men and that women’s abilities to empowerment are negatively affected as well. I will also claim that female empowerment is a necessary mean to prevent HIV and that this involves a more profound change than solely equal distribution of resources.</p><p>My study will show how female subordination permeates all societal structures and how this is perceived by NGOs and others in Babati when addressing the HIV- pandemic and its effect on women. I will describe the grass-root actions taken by the NGOs to deal with this and what obstacles they encounter.</p>

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