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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värmeböljor i urbana miljöer : Hur kan planeringsverktyg användas för att mildra konsekvenserna av ökande temperaturer? / Heatwaves in urban environments : How can planning solutions be used to mitigate the consequences of rising temperatures?

Stål, Anna, Kokkalis, Natalie January 2024 (has links)
Denna rapport utforskar effekterna av värmeböljor i urbana miljöer och utforskar användningen av olika stadsplaneringsverktyg för att mildra dessa effekter. Värmestress och värmerelaterade sjukdomar är betydande risker som orsakas av stigande temperaturer i städer, därmed analyseras gröna, blå och gråa lösningar i syfte att minska uppkomsten av värmeböljor i stadsmiljöer och därmed även minska dessa risker. Studien bygger på en omfattande litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie av Hornsbergskvarteren i Stockholm där en intervju även genomfördes med viktiga nyckelpersoner. Resultaten från studien pekar på att en kombination av gröna, blåa och gråa lösningar kan samverka för att minska temperaturen i stadsmiljöer. Gröna lösningar som parker, trädplanteringar, gröna tak och väggar kan bidra till att sänka temperaturen men också förbättra luftkvaliteten i städer, vilket skapar hälsosammare levnadsmiljöer. Blåa lösningar inkluderar olika vattenfunktioner i städer där denna studie främst fokuserat på effekterna av sjöar, dammar, kanaler och bäckar. Blåa lösningar har visat sig ha varierande effekter för temperaturregleringen i urbana miljöer, vilket indikerar att ytterligare undersökning är nödvändig för att förstå dess fulla effekt. Två aspekter som inte togs i beaktning under litteraturstudien men som uppkom som potentiella blåa lösningar under fallstudien var fontäner samt potentiella lösningar för fördröjning av regnvatten. Effekterna av dessa kan vidare utforskas i framtida studier för att ge en helhetsbild av blåa lösningars effekter i urbana miljöer. Gråa lösningar, såsom användningen av reflekterande material har visat sig bidra till att skapa svalare städer. Sammantaget pekar resultaten på att en tillämpning av gröna, blåa och gråa lösningar är viktiga för att hantera värmeböljor och mildra dess effekter, främst risken för hälsorelaterade problem. Dessa planeringsverktyg är viktiga för att främja hållbar utveckling och skapa resilienta städer. / This report explores the effects of heatwaves in urban environments and examines the use of various urban planning tools to mitigate these effects. Heat stress and heat-related diseases are significant risks caused by rising temperatures in cities, therefore, green, blue, and gray solutions are analyzed to reduce these risks in urban areas. The study is based on a literature review and a case study of the Hornsberg area in Stockholm, on which an interview was also conducted. The results from the study suggest that a combination of green, blue, and gray solutions can work together to reduce temperatures in urban environments. Green solutions such as parks, trees, green roofs and walls can help to lower temperatures but also improve air quality in cities, creating healthier living environments. Blue solutions include various water features in cities, where this study primarily focused on the effects of lakes, ponds, canals and streams. Blue solutions have shown varying effects on temperature regulation in urban environments, which means that further investigation is necessary to understand their full impact. Two aspects not considered during the literature review but which emerged as potential solutions during the case study, were fountains and rainwater retention basins. For these solutions, further studies need to be reviewed. Gray solutions, such as the use of reflective materials, have proven to contribute to cooler cities. Overall, the results indicate that the integration of green, blue, and gray solutions is important for managing heatwaves and mitigating their effects, primarily the risk of health-related issues. These planning tools are important for sustainable development and creating resilient cities.

A reinserção dos cursos de água em áreas urbanas. Estudo de caso: Microbacia do Córrego Jataí - Uberlândia /MG / The reinsertion of the watercourses in urban areas. Case study: the Stream watershed Jataí - Uberlândia/MG

Calderari, Elaine Saraiva 18 January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to promote the reinsertion of urban water in the context of physical and territorial planning, in the cities, through the study of the watershed of Jataí stream in Uberlândia-MG. Pursuiting the rebalancing of the waters with the urban environment, this work promote the connectivity and physical strengthening of the relations between man and environment / nature. The study analyzed the environmental impacts generated in the watershed with the process of urbanization and infrastructure works carried out in the stream and surrounding areas. Simulation of 4 (four) scenarios were proposed and hydrological parameters were raised in a natural conditions (before the urbanization process), as far as current urbanization, complete urbanization and ideal urbanization. To develop this ideal scenario, direct and preventive urban interventions were proposed, through the inclusion of an ecological and sustainable urban design, with the use of green infrastructure, such as parks and green areas, based on the principles of an environmental planning and structured in an Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ) of the watershed of Jataí stream. The results were compared and evaluated in an integrated manner, with the use of remote sensing techniques and the guidelines adopted showed a positive result in the hydrological simulations, with the significant increase in permeability, time of concentration and reduction of peak flows, showing, respectively, in the scenarios A, B, C and D the following values: 2,81 m3/s, 19,70 m3/s, 51,24 m3/s, and 15,15 m/3s.Thus, it is understood that, through the control of the permeation rates, considering only the areas of public use, such interventions are sufficient to promote significant effects on the control of direct runoff and flooding, allowing the minimization of environmental impacts. / O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi promover a reinserção das águas urbanas no contexto do planejamento físico-territorial nas cidades, por meio do estudo da microbacia do córrego Jataí, na cidade de Uberlândia-MG, com a busca do reequilíbrio das águas com o meio urbano, promovendo a conectividade e o fortalecimento das relações físicas e ambientais entre homem/natureza. O estudo analisou os impactos ambientais gerados na microbacia com o processo de urbanização e as obras de infraestrutura realizadas no córrego e no entorno. Foram propostas as simulações de 4 (quatro) cenários e levantados os parâmetros hidrológicos na condição natural (anterior ao processo de urbanização), urbanização atual, urbanização completa e urbanização ideal. Para elaboração do cenário ideal, foram propostas diretrizes para intervenções urbanas preventivas e diretas, por meio da inserção de um desenho urbano ecológico e sustentável, com a inserção de parques e áreas verdes e a utilização de infraestruturas verdes, baseadas nos princípios de planejamento ambiental e estruturadas em um Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico (ZEE) da microbacia do córrego Jataí. Os resultados foram comparados e avaliados de forma integrada com a utilização de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, e as diretrizes adotadas apresentaram um resultado positivo nas simulações hidrológicas, com o aumento significativo das taxas de permeabilidade, aumento no tempo de concentração e a diminuição dos picos de vazões, apresentando respectivamente nos cenários A, B, C e D, os seguintes valores: 2,81 m³/s, 19,70 m³/s, 51,24 m³/s e 15,15 m³/s. Assim entende-se que por meio do controle da taxa de permeabilidade considerando apenas as áreas destinadas ao uso público, são suficientes para promoverem efeitos significativos no controle do escoamento superficial direto e inundações, permitindo a minimização dos impactos ambientais. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Urbanistická opatření pro efektivní hospodaření s povrchovou vodou v zastavěných územích / Urban measures of effective surface water management in urban areas

Vacková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
One of the main challenges in promoting rainwater management into practise is the fact that it was not recognized as an interdisciplinary issue. We should seek ways how to open the problem to other professions, specially for architects and urban planners, who are the key element of its farther development. This work analyzes the reasons of this unsatisfactory state of rainwater management in the Czech Republic and it defines the possible ways how to remedy this state and outlines scenarios of its further development. The default document of the work is czech technical standard "TNV 75 9010 Hospodaření se srážkovými vodami". The new methodological guide, which is part of this work, is based on it. The work extends the range of measures which are mentioned in the standard. It brings new ways for assessing the benefits of the various measures to streamline the application of rainwater management measures in urban space.

Sustainable urban agriculture and forestation : the edible connected city

Durant, Valerie A. 12 July 2013 (has links)
Current global agricultural practices are recognized as unsustainable. The increase in overall human population as well as the global trend of rural to urban migration, partially as a result of historically and continual unsustainable agricultural practices, exacerbates the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger in developing countries. Furthermore, cities and regions in developed countries practice unsustainable food production, distribution and consumption patterns, and as a result, exceed their global ecological footprint (Rees 2009). Consequently, the world is facing a global food (FAO 2009) and water crisis (UN Sick Water 2010). Cities and Regions must learn to feed themselves to address local food insecurity as well as protect from the climate effects of increased urbanization, including the Urban Heat Island effect (UHIe) by optimizing and fully integrating the local ecosystem services of food, water and forest within a tightly woven compact urban form through the implementation of strategic urban and regional food system planning. Cities can mitigate climate change and reduce the UHIe, by implementing sustainable intensive urban agriculture approaches through policy and zoning interventions that include concepts such as intensively productive urban agriculture that includes green roofs, vertical farming and greenways as continuously productive and edible urban landscapes, referred to in this paper as continuously productive urban agriculture and forestation (CPUAF) in the private and public realm. A highly participative, adaptive systems approach is explored as the key to sustainability within an economic world order that included corporate social responsibility and social enterprise as the foundation for the integration of multiple synergies. An increasing body of evidence often links urban forestation with urban greenery initiatives, as a carbon sink to reduce UHI effects, to reduce GHG emissions and as a tool for urban beautification and place making (ISDR: 2009,109). Urban agriculture, through the production of local food is increasingly recognized as a means to reduce fossil fuel emissions by reducing transportation and production outputs, to provide a secure local food source, enhance biodiversity and educate the public regarding food source while fostering a sense of community, environmental awareness and stewardship. This thesis explores the links between intensive urban agriculture and forestation, and the relationship between climate change, and the UHI’s as an adaptation and mitigation process in global cities, implemented as a interconnected, integrated, holistic urban management approach that has a further benefit of providing food security and a sustainable and local urban food source. / Dissertation (MTRP)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Town and Regional Planning / unrestricted

Omvandla Malmö till en "svampstad"? : En studie om sponge city-konceptet / Transform Malmö into a sponge city? : A study about the sponge city-concept

Dracic, Melisa January 2021 (has links)
Förekomsten av vattenrelaterade problem som extrem nederbörd, översvämningar, torka och vattenbrist kommer att öka i urbana områden till följd av de globala klimatförändringarna. Sponge city-konceptet är ett urbant dagvattenhanteringssystem som lanserades i Kina och syftar till att förbättra vattenhanteringen i städer genom att återställa stadens kapacitet att absorbera, infiltrera, lagra och rena vatten. Den här studien syftade till att undersöka om sponge city-konceptet hade kunnat implementeras i Malmö genom att besvara frågeställningen ” Vilka möjligheter respektive hinder finns det för Malmö att implementera sponge city-konceptet?”. Genom en systematisk litteraturstudie och innehållsanalys i kombination med det teoretiska ramverket som baserades på konceptet sårbarhet för klimatförändringar visade resultatet på att det både finns en del möjligheter men också hinder. Det huvudsakliga hindret som identifierades är att en stor del av marken i Malmö består av täta moränleror vilket utgör ett hinder för de infiltrationsåtgärder som ingår i sponge city-konceptet. Några möjligheter som identifierades är att sponge city-konceptet kan minska känsligheten för skada som uppstår i förhållande till exponeringsnivån, samt att Malmös anpassningskapacitet är relativt hög. På grund av att den här studien enbart undersökte specifika fysiska/miljömässiga aspekter inom sponge city-konceptet krävs däremot fler studier som tar hänsyn till fler aspekter om en implementering av konceptet skulle bli aktuell. / The occurrence of water related problems such as extreme precipitation, floods, drought and water scarcity will increase in urban areas as a result of global climate change. The sponge city-concept is an urban stormwater system launched in China and aims to improve the water management in cities by restoring the city’s capacity to absorb, infiltrate, store and purify water. This study aimed to investigate if the sponge city-concept could be implemented in Malmö by answering the question “What possibilities and obstacles exist for Malmö to implement the sponge city-concept?”. Through a systematic literature review and content analysis in combination with the theoretical framework, which was based on the concept climate change vulnerability, the results showed that there are some possibilities but also obstacles. The main obstacle that was identified is that the ground in Malmö largely consists of dense moraines which forms an obstacle for the infiltration measures that are included in the sponge city-concept. Some possibilities that were identified is that the sponge city-concept can decrease the sensitivity to harm that occurs in relation to the exposure level but also that Malmö’s adaptation capacity is relatively high. However, because this study only investigated specific physical/environmental aspects within the sponge city-concept, more studies that consider more aspects are required if an implementation of the concept would become prevailing.

Greening practices in Swedish municipal planning : A comprehensive analysis of Upplands Väsby’s Detailed Development Plans / Förgröningspraktiker i svenska kommunala planeringsprocesser : En övergripande analys av Upplands Väsbys detaljplaner

Laterrade, Mariana January 2022 (has links)
Increasing urbanization is pressing and degrading our ecosystems and compromising future generations. This scenario is expected to worsen unless significant action is scaled up. At the same time, the urban areas have the opportunity to be part of the solution, leading to a more resilient and sustainable future. Bringing nature back to cities is a powerful instrument that provides the opportunity to address sustainability challenges and benefit people and the environment. Hence, the aim of this study, framed on the REPLAN project, was to explore the integration of greening practices in the planning process in Upplands Väsby municipality during the last decade. Through a systematic literature mapping, this study investigated the integration of greening concepts in the municipality’s Detailed Development Plans. Furthermore, in-depth analysis and interpretation of the relevant Detailed Development Plans were conducted to explore which green and blue elements and structures were integrated, the drivers and instruments that foster its implementation and the actors involved in their planning process. The results show that the integration of greening concepts in the Detailed Development Plans presents a turning point in 2016, coincident with the introduction of Upplands Väsby’s Development plan for Ecosystem Services, revealing that political support at the municipal level enables the integration of greening concepts. Likewise, ecosystem services was the most integrated greening concept, pointing out a strong focus of the planning practice on ecosystem services. The most planned green and blue elements and structures are yards, courtyards and street trees and plants, whilst parks are generally integrated from the nearby environment. Moreover, the most protected green and blue elements and structures are street trees and plants. Water management, public health and well-being and biodiversity conservation are the main drivers for planning and protecting green and blue elements and structures, being also addressed by both the highest quantity and diversity of green and blue elements and structures. However, climate change mitigation and adaptation is barely the driver for planning green and blue elements and structures. Thus, this calls for the inclusion of a climate perspective in the planning processes. The key actors in planning green and blue elements and structures are the municipality, the developers and consulting companies. Besides, an innovative planning process that includes neighbours and other stakeholders in the early stages and financial incentives for implementing green and blue elements and structures was studied. The findings indicate that regulatory frameworks and binding instruments foster the integration of green and blue elements and structures in the planning practice. The outcomes also suggest that collaborative planning processes and hybrid market-driven approaches may contribute positively to integrating green and blue elements and structures.

Hur urban grön infrastruktur kan utvärderas med hjälp av multikriterieanalys och rumsliga analyser : Två fallstudier i Stockholmsområdet / How urban green infrastructure can be evaluated using multi-criteria analysis and spatial analyses

Donoso, Andrés, Kjellström, Emmie January 2023 (has links)
Mångfunktionell grön infrastruktur har en betydande roll för städers resiliens tackvare de ekosystemtjänsterna de bidrar med. På grund av den snabba expansionen avstäder skapas ofta målkonflikter gällande markanvändning vilket har lett till att dengröna infrastrukturen i många fall bortprioriterats. För att motverka denna utvecklingär det viktigt att beakta den gröna infrastrukturen och dess ekosystemtjänster tidigt iplaneringsskedet. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa en modell för att utvärderamångfunktionalitet samt hur ekosystemtjänster påverkas vid förändring i urban miljö.Metoden som legat till grund för arbetet har varit analyser av öppna rumsliga datakombinerat med multikriterieanalys. Arbetet har avgränsats till endast inkluderamiljömångfald, konnektivitet, klimatreglering, samt rekreation. Resultatet av arbetetvisar att genom kombinationen av rumsliga analyser och multikriterieanalys kan fleraekosystemtjänster och ekologiska funktioner analyseras samtidigt. Vidare kanmodellen användas som planeringsunderlag för att identifiera styrkor och utmaningarvid förändring av den gröna infrastrukturen i urbana miljöer. / Multifunctional green infrastructure (GI) is central for the resilience of cities, due tothe ecosystem services (ES) it provides. The rapid expansion of cities often createsconflicting interests regarding the land use, which has led to the undermining of theurban green infrastructure (UGI). It’s, therefore, important to consider GI and ES inthe early stages of urban planning. The aim of this study is to develop a model for GImultifunctionality and ES evaluation. The method used to accomplish this is acombination of a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and spatial analyses. This study’sscope only incorporates environmental variety, connectivity, climate regulation andrecreation. The results of this study show that the combination of MCA and spatialanalyses allow the evaluation of several ES and ecological functions simultaneously.Furthermore, the model can be used as a basis for the urban planning process throughthe identification of strengths and challenges of the UGI.

Расчёт системы дождевого сада : магистерская диссертация / Calculation of the rain garden system

Русинова, А. Д., Rusinova, A. D. January 2024 (has links)
Исследование посвящено вопросу применения в комплексном инженерном благоустройстве городских территорий компенсационных систем водно-зелёной инфраструктуры, а именно систем дождевых садов для решения проблемы затопления городских территорий в периоды интенсивных дождей. Автором предложена оценка уровня опасности затопления мест в городе Екатеринбурге для определения приоритета внедрения компенсационных мероприятий. Классификация мест затопления определена в зависимости от количественных показателей. Дано определение «системы дождевого сада», рассмотрены функции, назначение и принципы размещения на городских территориях. Раскрываются методы определения значений основных показателей водного баланса таких сооружений. / The research is devoted to the issue of the use of compensation systems of water-green infrastructure in the integrated engineering improvement of urban areas, namely rain garden systems to solve the problem of flooding of urban areas during periods of intense rains. The author offers an assessment of the level of danger of flooding of places in the city of Yekaterinburg to determine the priority of implementing compensatory measures. The classification of flooding sites is determined depending on quantitative indicators. The definition of a "rain garden system" is given, the functions, purpose and principles of placement in urban areas are considered. The methods of determining the values of the main indicators of the water balance of such structures are revealed.

Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space

Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria 11 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La infraestructura verde urbana ha surgido como un instrumento de excelencia del campus, que puede mejorar la calidad de las funciones y servicios suministrados, y fortalecer las relaciones entre el campus y la comunidad universitaria, y entre el campus y la ciudad. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria interactúan a menudo con el paisaje del campus y experimentan un cierto nivel de satisfacción con los beneficios derivados de la gestión de los espacios abiertos. En la literatura, estos beneficios se conocen como servicios del paisaje. El perfil del usuario y los parámetros físicos del espacio juegan un papel crucial en la determinación de las funciones y servicios percibidos, lo que se refleja en la preferencia y en el uso del espacio por parte del público. Esta tesis contribuye al conocimiento de las relaciones entre las personas y su entorno exterior cercano en el contexto del paisaje del campus universitario de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la funcionalidad de la infraestructura verde urbana en el entorno del campus. Además, la tesis tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la percepción y la satisfacción están mediadas por el perfil de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, y cómo se relacionan los servicios con la satisfacción. Esta investigación examina si las tipologías actuales de los espacios abiertos del campus satisfacen las preferencias de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se ha diseñado una encuesta online. Se ha construido un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las relaciones entre la oferta percibida de servicios del paisaje, el perfil de los encuestados y la satisfacción. Se han realizado regresiones lineales y análisis de rutas para analizar las preferencias de los encuestados por los espacios abiertos y explorar las relaciones entre los servicios del paisaje. Los resultados revelan que los encuestados perciben los espacios abiertos del campus principalmente por sus beneficios como proporcionar un espacio para relajarse, socializar con amigos y transitar. La edad, el género, la rama de conocimiento, la frecuencia de uso y la preferencia por el espacio abierto son factores que influyen en la calidad percibida de los servicios de paisaje. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria prefieren usar espacios abiertos más grandes que se encuentren cerca de las áreas comunes y que brindan fácil acceso a los servicios e instalaciones del campus. Las características que principalmente condicionan la preferencia del espacio son la topografía variada del espacio, la diversidad de árboles y el mobiliario urbano bien equipado. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento sobre cómo las variables psicosociales, como la preferencia, la percepción y el uso, se pueden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificación y el diseño de espacios abiertos. Además, los resultados son útiles no solo para las universidades, sino también para todos los elementos de la infraestructura verde urbana que aún no tienen un diseño de paisaje multifuncional y se están adaptando a las necesidades de sus usuarios. / [CA] La infraestructura verda urbana ha sorgit com un instrument d'excel·lència del campus, que desitja millorar la qualitat de les funcions i serveis subministrats, i enfortir les relacions entre el campus i la comunitat universitària, i entre el campus i la ciutat. Els membres de la comunitat universitària interactuen sovint amb el paisatge del campus i experimenten un cert nivell de satisfacció amb els beneficis que brinda la gestió dels espais oberts. En la literatura, aquests beneficis es coneixen com a serveis del paisatge. El perfil del públic i els paràmetres físics de l'espai juguen un paper crucial en la determinació de les funcions i serveis subministrats percebuts, la qual cosa es reflecteix en la preferència i en l'ús de l'espai per part del públic. Aquesta tesi contribueix al coneixement de les relacions entre les persones i el seu entorn exterior pròxim en el context del paisatge del campus universitari de la Universitat Politècnica de València. L'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar la funcionalitat de la infraestructura verda urbana a l'entorn del campus. A més, la tesi té com a objectiu comprendre com la percepció i la satisfacció estan mediades pel perfil dels membres de la comunitat universitària, i com es relacionen els serveis amb la satisfacció. Aquesta investigació examina si les tipologies actuals dels espais oberts del campus satisfan les preferències dels membres de la comunitat universitària. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, s'ha dissenyat una enquesta en línia. S'ha construït un model d'equacions estructurals per a identificar les relacions entre l'oferta percebuda de serveis del paisatge, el perfil dels enquestats i la satisfacció. S'han realitzat regressions lineals i anàlisis de rutes per a analitzar les preferències dels enquestats pels espais oberts i explorar les relacions entre els serveis del paisatge. Els resultats revelen que els enquestats perceben els espais oberts del campus principalment pels seus beneficis com proporcionar un espai per a relaxar-se, socialitzar amb amics i passar. L'edat, el gènere, la branca de coneixement, la freqüència d'ús i la preferència per l'espai obert són factors que influeixen en la qualitat percebuda dels serveis de paisatge. Els membres de la comunitat universitària prefereixen usar espais oberts més grans que es troben prop de les àrees comunes i que brinden fàcil accés als serveis i instal·lacions del campus. Les característiques rellevants per a la preferència de l'espai són la topografia variada de l'espai, la diversitat d'arbres i el mobiliari urbà ben equipat. Aquesta investigació contribueix al coneixement sobre com les variables psicosocials, com la preferència, la percepció i l'ús, es poden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificació i el disseny d'espais oberts. A més, els resultats són útils no sols per a les universitats, sinó també per a tots els elements de la infraestructura verda urbana que encara no tenen un disseny de paisatge multifuncional i s'estan adaptant a les necessitats dels seus usuaris. / [EN] Urban green infrastructure has emerged as a campus excellency instrument, which is desired to improve the quality of provided functions and services, and strengthen the relationships between campus and university community, and between campus and city. The university community members often interact with the campus landscape and experience a certain level of satisfaction with the benefits provided by the management of open space. In the literature, these benefits are known as landscape services. The public¿s profile and space physical parameters play a crucial role in determining the functions and perceived supplied services, which echoes in the public¿s preference and use of space. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the relationships between people and their close outdoor environment in the context of the university campus landscape of Universitat Politècnica de València. The aim of the study is to assess the functionality of urban green infrastructure within the campus setting. Furthermore, the thesis aims to understand how perceptions and satisfaction are mediated by the university community profile, and how services and satisfaction are related. This research examines whether the current typologies of campus open spaces meet the preferences of university community members. To conduct this research, an online survey has been designed. A structural equation model has been built to identify the relationships between the perceived supply of landscape services, respondents¿ profile and satisfaction. Linear regression and path analysis have been conducted to analyse respondents' preferences for open space and explore the relationships among landscape services. Results highlight that respondents perceive campus open spaces mainly for its benefits such as providing a space for relaxation, socialising with friends and passing through. Age, gender, branch of knowledge, frequency of use and preference for open space are factors influencing the perceived quality of landscape services. University community members prefer using larger open spaces that are placed close to common areas and provide easy access to campus services and facilities. When it comes to preference, varied space topography, diversity of trees and well-equipped urban furniture, are relevant features. This research contributes to the knowledge on how psychosocial variables such as preference, perceptions and use, can be effectively applied in open space planning and design. Moreover, the results are helpful not only for universities, but also for all elements of urban green infrastructure that have yet to have a multifunctional landscape design and are adapting to the needs of their users. / I am grateful for the support of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the European Commission through the funding provided for the H2020 GrowGreen Project / Tudorie, CA. (2024). Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206193

Small remnant habitats : Important structures in fragmented landscapes

Lindgren, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
The world-wide intensification of agriculture has led to a decline in species richness due to land use change, isolation, and fragmentation of natural and semi-natural habitats in agricultural and forestry landscapes. As a consequence, there is a current landscape management focus on the importance of green infrastructure to mitigate biodiversity decline and preserve ecosystem functions e.g. pollination services and pest control. Even though intensification in agriculture has been ongoing for several hundreds of years, remnant habitats from earlier management practices may still be remaining with a surprisingly high plant richness. Preserving these habitats could help conserving plant species richness in agricultural landscapes, as well as other organisms that are dependent on plants for food and shelter. In this thesis I focus on two small remnant habitats; midfield islets and borders between managed forest and crop field in southeastern Sweden. In the past, both habitats were included in the grazing system and therefore often still have remnant population of grassland specialist species left today. I have used these two remnant habitats as model habitats to investigate the effect of landscape factors and local factors on species richness of plants, flower morphologies and plants with fleshy fruits. Additively, I analysed the effect of surrounding landscape and local openness on the functions; pollination success, biological pest control of aphids and seed predation on midfield islets. One of my studies showed that spatial distribution and size of the habitat affected plant species richness. Larger habitat size and higher connectivity between habitats increased species richness of plants in the habitats. Openness of the habitats was shown to be an important factor to increase species richness and richness of flower morphologies, both on midfield islets and in forest borders. Even though midfield islets had the highest species and morphology richness, both habitat types are needed for habitat complementary as forest borders have more plants with fleshy fruits and a higher richness of plant species that flowers in spring/early summer. It was also shown that a more complex forest border, not just with gaps in the canopy, but also with high variation in tree stem sizes increases plant species richness in the field layer. The conclusion is that by managing small remnant habitats to remain or become more semi-open and complex in their structure, would increase species richness of plants, grassland specialist species, and flower morphologies. It would also increase some ecosystem functions as seed predation and biologic pest control of aphids are more effective close to trees. If both midfield islets and forest borders would be managed to be semi-open, the area and connectivity of semi-open habitat would increase in the agricultural landscape, which may also improve pollination success as the connectivity between populations has a possibility to increase. Grassland specialist species are clearly abundant in the small remnant habitats. As the decline of semi-natural grasslands is causing a decline in grassland specialists’ species, not only plants, I recommend that small remnant habitats are included in conservation and management plans and strategies to improve habitat availability and connectivity for grassland species in agricultural landscapes. / <p>Research funder Ekoklim. Project:4339602.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

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