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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of the public library towards a knowledge economy of Namibia

Iilonga, Selma January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Access to knowledge and information is found to be the cornerstone in the road to knowledge economy transformation whereby the utilization of knowledge is the key engine of economic growth, where knowledge is acquired, created, disseminated and used effectively to enhance economic and social development. This means that the more people acquire knowledge, the more they will begin producing new products or improving systems and existing products, thus adding value to local products and improving the GDP of the country, as well as improving their social livelihood. Therefore, the primary role public libraries have is being the knowledge hubs, to make provision of higher quality knowledge and to make information accessible to the public to equally contribute to all NDPs towards achieving the Namibia Vision 2030 for a knowledge economy. This research study discusses “The contribution of the Public Library services towards a knowledge economy transformation readiness which is envisaged by the Namibia Vision 2030. In achieving that, the study has investigated the state of the Namibia legislative and policy framework reflections of access to knowledge and information as provided by libraries. The study further examines the availability and accessibility of knowledge and information resources, including ICT infrastructure at public libraries in remote rural areas. Moreover, it discusses the types of education and training programmes conducted by public libraries in ensuring that users have the necessary information and retrieval searching competencies and skills for accessing and navigating available information infrastructural resources. Finally, it explores innovation systems, technologically and non-technologically initiated by librarians for library services enhancement, and how library users have tapped into the growing stock of knowledge and information, and adapted them to local needs for economic and social development. The study has employed the four pillars of the World Bank Knowledge Economy Framework, namely an economic and institutional regime; information, knowledge and ICT infrastructure; education and training, and an innovation system as the lenses through which to investigate the research questions understudied.

Indigenous knowledge in the National Curriculum statement - from policy to practice for environmental education

Naidoo, Nirvashnee 06 March 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Within the National Curriculum Statement, Principle 8 refers to the value of indigenous knowledge systems. This represents the move towards a culturally appropriate curriculum as part of South Africa’s post-Apartheid changes to the education system, in line with the Constitution. Neither environmental education nor indigenous knowledge exist as independent learning areas within the National Curriculum Statement. However, given that indigenous knowledge systems has been included as a principle underpinning the entire National Curriculum Statement, this study examined its potential in contributing to environmental education and the development of environmentally responsible citizens. What has emerged is a plethora of challenges associated with policy translation, South Africa’s colonial legacy, teacher training and the dearth of resource materials, among others, that are effectively coalescing to militate against the effective implementation of Principle 8. Consequently, not only is the country faced with the continued devaluing and loss of indigenous knowledge systems but also with missed opportunities for its enrichment of environmental education and environmental management.

The integration of indigenous knowledge systems into the environmental impact assessment process in South Africa: perspectives of local communities in Mapela, Limpopo province.

Moyo, Bekezela 01 February 2013 (has links)
The participation of indigenous communities and use of indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) in environmental governance is provided for in several international and national environmental legislation and policies. In South Africa, the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA) in Chapter 1, Principle 4g requires that decisions must take into account the interests, needs and values of all interested and affected parties, and this includes recognising all forms of knowledge, including traditional and ordinary knowledge. This study investigated the Environmental Impact Assessment process (EIA) in mining developments in three rural communities in Limpopo Province, South Africa with regards to the effectiveness of public participation in fostering the incorporation of IKS. The qualitative research design used in this study employed several research methods through the utilisation of 3 villages as a case study. Semi-structured interviews, a focus group discussion and document analysis were used to collect information regarding the public participation process and the integration of IKS into EIAs. This report illustrates that IKS exists in rural communities and some of it is relevant to be incorporated in EIAs. This research study has shown that while expert knowledge dominates the EIA process, there is no indication that this is done deliberately to exclude IKS. This study has also revealed that the public participation process has a number of weaknesses such as in the selection and composition of community stakeholders and communication procedures. Suspicions also developed amongst the villagers of community representatives being bribed by the mine, and infighting started within community committees resulting in some community members losing trust in the committees. The disagreements with regards to the integrity of community committees created divisions and this negatively impacted on the public participation process. However, despite these weaknesses, if capacity building for both EIA experts and rural communities is done, the public participation process has potential as a tool to aid the integration of IKS into EIAs.

Settlement and Growth of the Marine Bryozoan Schizoporella japonica, and Epifaunal Development in the South Slough Estuary

Treibergs, Kira, Treibergs, Kira January 2012 (has links)
The pre-metamorphic behaviors and settlement preferences of larvae can have significant effects on the success of adult invertebrates. This study describes various aspects of pre-metamorphic and post-metamorphic life stages of the bryozoan

Aspecto verbal na língua Dâw / Verbal aspect in the Daw language

Carvalho, Mauricio Oliveira Pires de 13 April 2016 (has links)
Este projeto tem o objetivo de descrever e analisar a morfologia de aspecto no idioma indígena amazônico Dâw (aprox. 100 falantes, pertencente à família Nadahup, anteriormente conhecida como Makú) em relação à descrição dada na única gramática disponível do idioma, Gramática e Fonologia Dâw, publicada por Silvana Martins em 2004. Naquela obra, a autora descreve 15 morfemas pós-verbais que chama de marcadores de aspecto, atribuindo funções aspectuais a cada um. Neste trabalho, analisamos a fundo essa afirmação, pondo em dúvida e reanalisando os 15 morfemas ditos aspectuais pela autora, com o intuito de verificar se a descrição da autora está correta. Os novos dados e análises confirmaram apenas parcialmente a análise de Martins, revelando na maioria dos casos que os morfemas desempenham funções bastante divergentes das propostas pela autora. Neste trabalho propomos uma nova classificação para a função desses morfemas, mediante à realização de trabalhos de campo junto aos falantes nativos do idioma no município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, noroeste da Amazônia. As novas amostras dos trabalhos de campo e análise de outros materiais revelaram que alguns morfemas caíram em desuso, outros não possuem valor aspectual apreciável e outros são morfemas port-manteau tempo-aspecto-modais. Ainda outros possuem outras características, como quantificação dos argumentos do verbo (categoria que como veremos está bastante associada a aspecto) ou função adverbial. Os morfemas com valor aspectual revelaram ter efeitos diferentes com classes de verbos diferentes, como o morfema perfectivo, que com verbos ativos possui função perfectiva de ação concluída no passado, mas com verbos estativos possui valor de aspecto perfeito, ou seja, estado atual causado por transformação no passado. Também incluímos comparações com os sistemas aspectuais de outras línguas do Alto Rio Negro e com línguas tipologicamente similares do mundo inteiro. / This project aims to describe and analyze aspect morphology in the Amazonian indigenous language Dâw (approx. 100 speakers, belonging to Nadahup family, formerly known as Makú) in relation to the description found in the only available grammar on the language, Gramática e Fonologia Dâw, published by Silvana Martins in 2004. In that work, the author describes 15 post-verbal morphemes which she calls aspect markers assigning distinct aspectual functions to each of them. In this paper, we tested that assertion, questioning and eventually reanalyzing the alleged aspectual morpheme, in order to verify whether the description provided by that author is correct. The new data confirmed Martins analysis only partially, revealing in most cases that the morphemes play roles that diverge quite significantly from the authors description. In this paper we propose a new classification for these morphemes, based on the data collected during a field work in July 2015 with native Dâw speakers in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, in the northwestern Brazilian Amazon. The new field work samples and an in-depth analysis of other source materials revealed that some morphemes have become obsolete, others have no discernible aspectual value, and others are port-manteau time-aspect-modal morphemes. Some display features such as quantification of verbal arguments (as we shall see, quantifications is intertwined with aspect) or play adverbial roles. The morphemes with aspectual value were shown to behave differently depending on verbal classes, such as the perfective morpheme, which with active verbs has a perfective function, indicating action completed in the past, but with stative verbs it indicates perfect aspect, i.e., current state caused by transformation in the past. A comparison with the aspectual systems of other Upper Rio Negro languages as well as with other typologically similar languages worldwise is also provided.

Zapatista Women Warriors: Examining the Sociopolitical Implications of Female Participation in the EZLN Army

Del Balso, Amanda January 2008 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Jennie Purnell / The Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacint of the Zapatista platform. It will demonstrate that external conditions have influenced and frustrated realistic improvements in Zapatista gender relations. Finally, this thesis will assess the future of female participation within the Zapatista movement, and illustrate the limited social and political changes in indigenous communities. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2008. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Political Science. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

O cuidado à saúde da população indígena Mura de Autazes-Amazonas: a perspectiva das enfermeiras dos serviços / Health Care of Indigenous Population Mura de Autazes-Amazonas: The Nurses\' Perspective of Services

Pina, Rizioléia Marina Pinheiro 15 August 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A pesquisa analisa em uma perspectiva etnográfica o cotidiano de cuidado de enfermeiras à população indígena Mura do município de Autazes-Amazonas. Objetivo: Analisar a perspectiva das enfermeiras sobre o cuidado à saúde da população indígena Mura do município de Autazes-Amazonas. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo etnográfico, realizado com dez enfermeiras que atuavam no cuidado à população indígena Mura no Município de Autazes, nos cenários do Hospital de Autazes e dos Polos- Base das aldeias de Pantaleão e Murutinga. O trabalho de campo foi realizado no período de agosto de 2015 a janeiro de 2016, sendo coletados os dados por meio da observação participante, com anotação sistemática em diário de campo, e de entrevistas semi- estruturadas, seguindo um roteiro com aspectos relacionados ao perfil das participantes e perguntas voltadas ao conhecimento sobre saúde indígena, experiência do cuidar do indígena e formação do enfermeiro para atuação em contexto indígena. A coleta e a análise de dados foram realizadas concomitantemente durante toda a realização do trabalho de campo, que foram agregados em temas, elaborados com base nas observações de campo e nos dados das entrevistas, sendo discutidos segundo o referencial da antropologia da saúde, das Políticas de Saúde Indígena, dos conceitos de cuidar/cuidado em um sentido mais amplo no campo da Enfermagem e, em particular, na perspectiva do cuidado transcultural. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de São Paulo. Resultados: Foram elencados seis temas que discorrem sobre os cuidados de enfermagem à saúde indígena, envolvendo os desafios e as dificuldades vivenciadas pelas participantes do estudo. Os temas que emergiram foram: Práticas de cuidado de enfermeiras à população indígena Mura de Autazes; O contexto hospitalar e o cuidar do indígena Mura; Cuidados diferenciados e atenção diferenciada: entre modos de olhar e de cuidar da população indígena Mura; Aspectos culturais que envolvem o cuidado ao indígena Mura: dificuldades e desafios para enfermeiras; Fragilidades estruturais dos serviços: dificuldades e desafios para as ações de saúde junto à população indígena e Fragilidades na formação do enfermeiro para atuação em contexto intercultural. Conclusão: Os resultados revelam a necessidade premente de mudanças estruturais no processo de trabalho e melhores condições para realização das ações de cuidados da enfermeira à população indígena; de formação continuada que contemple as especificidades culturais da população indígena; de ação interdisciplinar que promova o diálogo entre saúde, antropologia e cuidado transcultural para minimizar atitudes etnocêntricas dos profissionais de saúde à população assistida no contexto investigado. Recomenda-se fortemente que as Instituições de Ensino Superior em regiões geográficas com população indígena reorientem seus currículos para a formação do enfermeiro para atuar em contexto intercultural e com competências para prestar atenção diferenciada à população indígena. Novas pesquisas precisam ser desenvolvidas para preencher lacunas nessa área de conhecimento. / Introduction: The research analyzes, from an ethnographic perspective, the daily care of nurses to the indigenous Mura population of the municipality of Autazes-Amazonas. Objective: To analyze the nurses\' perspective on the health care of the indigenous Mura population of the municipality of Autazes-Amazonas. Method: This is an ethnographic study carried out with ten nurses who worked in the care of the indigenous Mura population in the municipality of Autazes, in the settings of the Hospital of Autazes and the Base Poles of the villages of Pantaleão and Murutinga. Field work was carried out from August 2015 to January 2016, and data were collected through participant observation, with systematic annotation in field diaries, and semi-structured interviews, following a script with aspects related to the profile of the participants and questions related to knowledge about indigenous health, indigenous care experience, and nurse training to work in an indigenous context. Data collection and analysis were performed concomitantly throughout the field work. Data were aggregated into themes, elaborated based on field observations and interview data, discussed according to the anthropology of health, the Indigenous Health Policies, the concepts of care/caring in a broader sense in the field of Nursing and, in particular, from the perspective of cross-cultural care. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Nursing of São Paulo. Results: Six themes were named that discuss nursing care for indigenous health, involving the challenges and difficulties experienced by the study participants. Themes that emerged were: Practices of care of nurses to the indigenous population Mura de Autazes; The hospital context and the care of the indigenous Mura; Differentiated care and differentiated attention: between ways of looking and caring for the indigenous Mura population; Cultural aspects that involve care for the indigenous Mura: difficulties and challenges for nurses; Structural weaknesses of services: difficulties and challenges for health actions with the indigenous population and Fragilities in the training of nurses to work in an intercultural context. Conclusion: The results reveal the urgent need for structural changes in the work process and better conditions for carrying out nursing care actions to the indigenous population; Continuing education that contemplates the cultural specificities of the indigenous population; Interdisciplinary action that promotes the dialogue between health, anthropology and transcultural care to minimize ethnocentric attitudes of health professionals to the population assisted in the investigated context. It is strongly recommended that Higher Education Institutions in geographic regions with indigenous populations reorient their curricula to the training of nurses to act in an intercultural context and with competencies to give differentiated attention to the indigenous population. New researches need to be developed to fill gaps in this area of knowledge.

O management e o índio: um estudo sobre o programa de sustentabilidade socioambiental e cultural na terra indigena Apucaraninha, Paraná / The management and the indian: a study on the environmental and cultural sustainability program in indigenous land Apucaraninha , Paraná

Rampazo, Adriana da Silva Vinholi 21 March 2016 (has links)
O Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Socioambiental e Cultural da Terra Indígena Apucaraninha foi criado como condicionalidade para que a comunidade pudesse receber parte dos recursos oriundos da compensação pela construção e operação da Usina Hidrelétrica de Apucaraninha, instalada dentro das terras indígenas. Teoricamente criado para ser um programa em que os índios participassem de forma ativa e igualitária na sua construção e implementação, já nasce contraditório frente à hegemonia da ideologia da sociedade envolvente imersa na ideologia do management. É assim que tenho como objetivo compreender como o management, enquanto ideologia que se materializa em discurso, atua sobre o Programa de Sustentabilidade Socioambiental e Cultural na Terra Indígena Apucaraninha, Paraná. Para isso, faço uma pesquisa qualitativa em que os discursos, coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e grupo focal, aplicados aos indígenas e aos não-indígenas participantes do programa, foram interpretados sob a perspectiva dos elementos da Análise do Discurso na Linha Francesa. Como apoio, ainda analisei documentos do programa e os emitidos pelo Ministério Público Federal. Os principais resultados mostram que, como eu já desconfiava, o programa exclui a participação dos indígenas de fato, uma vez que eles são considerados pelos \"brancos\", de maneira estereotipada, como irracionais, indolentes e atrasados e, assim, incapazes de escolher o \"melhor caminho\" para a sustentabilidade do programa que, neste momento, passa se orientar por uma visão economicista e materialista, contrário a lógica dos índios Kaingang. Ao discurso do management, sustentado pelo discurso capitalista, que promete a felicidade, se junta o discurso do colonizador, que trabalha desclassificando o modo de vida dos indígenas, os colocando em uma situação de vulnerabilidade que pode, assim, promover o seu extermínio, mesmo que não seja físico / The Environmental and Cultural Sustainable Development Program of the Indigenous Land Apucaraninha was set as conditionality for the community be able to receive part of the proceeds from the compensation for the construction and operation of hydroelectric power plant Apucaraninha, located on the indigenous lands. Theoretically designed to be a program in which the Indians where to participate actively and equally in its construction and implementation, is begins contradictory against the hegemony of the ideology of the surrounding society immersed in the management ideology. That\'s how I aim to understand how the management, as an ideology that is embodied in discourse, acts on the Environmental and Cultural Sustainability Program in the Indigenous Land Apucaraninha, Paraná. Therefore, I make a qualitative research in the discourses, collected through semi-structured interviews and focus groups applied to indigenous and non-indigenous participants in the program, were interpreted from the perspective of the elements of Discourse Analysis on the French Line. As support, it was also analysed program documents and those issued by federal prosecutors. The main results show that, as I suspected, the program excludes the participation of the fact that indigenous people, since they are considered by the \"white\" of stereotypical way, as irrational, lazy and backward and thus unable to choose \"best way\" for program sustainability at the moment passes be guided by an economistic and materialistic view, contrary to the logic of the Kaingang. The discourse of management, supported by capitalist discourse, which promises happiness, joins the discourse of colonizer, working disqualifying the way of life of indigenous people, putting them in a vulnerable situation which can thus promote their extermination even than physical.

O controle da tuberculose no Parque Indígena do Xingu: protagonismo dos profissionais indígenas e vulnerabilidade / The Tuberculosis Control in the Xingu Indigenous Park: Protagonism of the Indigenous Professionals and Vulnerability

Rabelo, Vânia Fernandes 17 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Há inúmeros documentos que confirmam o papel da tuberculose na depopulação de vários povos indígenas no mundo. No Brasil a disseminação da doença foi atribuída aos portugueses e missionários jesuítas, a partir de 1500. Há algumas particularidades no cenário sociocultural da Saúde Indígena que acabam se configurando facilitadoras para o adoecimento por tuberculose, desafiando o seu controle. No Brasil, pode-se encontrar incidência até 10 vezes maior que a população não indígena. Objetivo: A investigação teve como objetivo analisar o trabalho dos profissionais indígenas de saúde, que atuam nos territórios do Médio, Baixo e Leste Xingu, nas ações de controle da tuberculose e propor medidas para o aperfeiçoamento do Programa de Controle da Tuberculose do Distrito Sanitário Especial Indígena Xingu (DSEI Xingu). Método: Para a realização do estudo optou-se pela utilização da abordagem metodológica qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas, utilizando um instrumento não estruturado para coleta dos dados. A análise do material empírico foi feita à luz do marco teórico da vulnerabilidade e do Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose, através da técnica de análise de discurso que permitiu a definição das categorias analíticas. Resultados: Os resultados evidenciam protagonismo dos profissionais indígenas nas ações de controle da tuberculose, influenciado pela experiência de formação profissional ofertada no local de estudo. Por outro lado, identificam-se aspectos de vulnerabilidade programática no processo de trabalho das equipes locais e da gestão do DSEI Xingu no que se refere às atividades do programa de controle da tuberculose. Conclusões: Os resultados mostram que há necessidade de reestruturação do programa através de intervenções no âmbito gerencial e assistencial, possibilitando a integralidade das ações. Nesse contexto, torna-se essencial o foco na organização do processo de trabalho, nas necessidades do território e na educação permanente para os profissionais indígenas e para os demais membros da equipe de saúde. / Introduction: There are numerous documents that confirm the role of tuberculosis in the depopulation of various indigenous peoples in the world. In Brazil, the spread of the disease has been attributed to the Portuguese and Jesuit missionaries from 1500. There are some particularities in the socio-cultural setting of the Indigenous Health that end up setting itself as facilitators to illness for tuberculosis, challenging its control. In Brazil, it can be found incidence up to 10 times greater than the non-indigenous population. Objective: The research aimed to analyze the work of indigenous health professionals who work in the Medium, Low and East Xingu territories, in the control actions of tuberculosis and propose measures to improve the Tuberculosis Control Program of the Special Indigenous Sanitary District Xingu (DSEI Xingu). Method: For the study it was chosen the use of the qualitative methodological approach. Interviews were conducted using a non-structured instrument for data collection. The analysis of the empirical material was performed in the light of the theoretical framework of vulnerability and the National Program for Tuberculosis Control, through the discourse analysis technique, which allowed the definition of analytical categories. Results: The results showed the protagonism of the indigenous professionals in control actions of tuberculosis, influenced by the training experience offered at the study site. On the other hand, aspects of programmatic vulnerability are identified in the work process of the local teams and in the management of the DSEI Xingu with regard to the activities of the tuberculosis control program. Conclusions: The results show that there is necessity to restructure the program through interventions in the management and care framework, enabling integrality of actions. In this context, it is essential the focus on the organization of the work process, the needs of the territory and permanent education for indigenous professionals and other members of the health team.

Interpretações do papel, valor e significado da formação do professor indígena do estado de São Paulo / Interpretations of role, value and significance of the indigenous teacher\'s formation in the state of São Paulo

Domingues, Katia Cristina de Menezes 26 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo compreender e analisar o desenvolvimento do Curso de Formação dos Professores Indígenas do Estado de São Paulo - MagIND, uma parceria entre a Secretaria de Estado da Educação e a Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo, FE-USP, realizado em 2002 e 2003. Os indígenas que concluiram o curso estão aptos a serem professores de Educação Infantil e das quatro séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental I. Para a pesquisa, foram considerados os pontos de vista dos professores indígenas e dos professores/formadores não-indígenas, partindo do pressuposto de que a escola é um espaço de diálogo e conflito entre os conhecimentos indígenas e aqueles da escola não-indígena. O recurso de entrevista foi o procedimento básico da pesquisa cujas categorias de análise que emergiram das respostas às entrevistas são: (a) duração do curso, ritmos docentes e discentes; (b) oralidade, leitura e escrita; (c) o preconceito vivido e o poder alcançado pelos professores indígenas, (d) a matemática escolar e os professores indígenas. No âmbito dos fundamentos, procurei contribuições na Antropologia Social e na Etnomatemática para entender os limites e as possibilidades da educação escolar indígena e, de modo especial, para compreender as contradições e os progressos que ocorrem no processo ensino-aprendizagem quando são tomadas como objetivos e valores a interculturalidade e a Etnomatemática. / This work of inquiry intends to understand and to analyze the development of the São Paulo State indigenous teachers\' formation program - MagIND, a program developed through a partnership between the São Paulo State Secretary of Education and the College of Education at the University of São Paulo, FE-USP, Brazil, carried in 2002 and 2003. The indigenous people that have concluded the course have been qualified to be k - 4/ kindergarten and elementary education teachers. This research has been devised according to the point of view of the indigenous teachers and non-indigenous teachers and teacher educators, starting from the assumption that the school is a space of dialogue and conflict between the indigenous people knowledge and the non-indigenous school one. The resource of interviewing was the basic research procedure whose categories of analysis that emerged from the answers to the interviews are: (a) duration of the course, teacher and student rhythms; (b) speaking, reading and writing; (c) the living prejudice and the power achieved by the indigenous teachers (d) the school mathematics and the indigenous teachers. In regards to the background theory I have looked for contributions in the Social Anthropology and Ethnomathematics to understand the limits and the possibilities of indigenous school education and, more specifically to understand the contradictions and the progress in the teaching-learning process when interculturality and Ethnomathematics are considered as objective and values.

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