Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INDUCTION TIME"" "subject:"[enn] INDUCTION TIME""
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This dissertation investigates the self assembly and automatic oscillation of intelligent
poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) [PNIPAM] microgel particles. The equilibrium phase
diagram as a function of temperature and concentration was constructed for the charged
PNIPAM spheres. The PNIPAM microgel particles display rhythmic size oscillations
when covalently coupled to a nonlinear chemical reaction, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky
(BZ) reaction. The nonequilibrium dynamics of PNIPAM microgels in the presence of
BZ reaction was studied by the systematic variation of substrate concentrations and
temperature. In addition, the BZ chemical reaction was modeled to reveal the existence
of upper temperature limits for nonlinear chemical systems.
The experiments employ environment sensitive PNIPAM particles that are sensitive to
temperature, pH, and ionic strength. The PNIPAM particles have been demonstrated
here to behave as hard spheres at low pH values and soft spheres at high pH. This is
done by measuring the freezing and melting boundary of fluid-crystal coexistence region
with a new technique which is simpler and quicker compared to the traditional
sedimentation method.
A novel method was developed to achieve size uniformity of PNIPAM gel particles with
covalently-bound tris(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) via the coordination chemistry between a
ruthenium complex and the monodispersed PNIPAM gel particles bearing bipyridine
ligands. The correlation between the dynamic behavior of BZ reaction induced mechanical oscillations of PNIPAM particles and substrate concentrations was presented
in a ternary phase diagram. In particular, the dependence of oscillation frequency and
induction time on the substrate concentrations was studied. The temperature dependency
of the induction time and oscillatory frequency of the BZ reaction in this polymerimmobilized
catalyst system were compared to the bulk BZ reaction with the catalyst in
the solution phase. Prolonged induction times were observed for the immobilized
catalyst, compared with free catalyst, while little difference was observed on the
oscillation frequency.
A theoretical improvement has been achieved by incorporating the temperature
dependence in the BZ Oregonator model. Bifurcation has been calculated in the phase
space spanned by initial reagents concentration ratio, stoichiometric factor and
temperature. The existence of upper temperature limits has been demonstrated.
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Avaliação da utilização de etanol com elevados teores de água em motores de combustão interna com ignição por centelhaSari, Rafael Lago January 2017 (has links)
A utilização de combustíveis fósseis é percebida, cada vez mais, de forma negativa, visto seus elevados níveis de emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Por conta disso, busca-se a ampliação do uso de combustíveis de origem renovável de forma a diminuir o impacto ambiental. Dentre esses, o etanol se destaca pelas excelentes características físico-químicas. Ao se reduzir o nível de pureza (diluição em agua) durante o processo de destilação desse combustível, obtém-se um sensível decréscimo da energia dispendida na sua produção. Isso se deve ao crescimento exponencial do consumo energético para obtenção de misturas com teor de etanol superiores à 80% v/v. Assim, a possível utilização de misturas superhidratadas, mesmo que apresentem menor poder calorífico, resultam em uma economia direta de energia no processo de obtenção. Dessa forma, esse trabalho avalia o impacto da utilização de misturas de etanol com elevadas concentrações de água em um motor monocilíndrico de testes, com volume deslocado de 0,668 L, injeção de combustível no coletor de admissão, e ignição por centelha. Inicialmente, avaliou-se via testes de bancada o efeito da substituição direta do etanol comercial por misturas com maior hidratação nos parâmetros de desempenho e emissões. Em seguida, buscou-se explorar as características anti-detonantes da água através do aumento da razão de compressão visando ao aumento de eficiência indicada do motor. Por fim, estudos numéricos foram conduzidos de forma a verificar o efeito da concentração de água sobre os valores de velocidade de chama e temperatura adiabática em uma chama livre unidimensional. Foram também determinados os valores de tempo de indução para condições de temperatura e pressão experimentais. Com isso, observou-se a possibilidade de operação com elevadas razões de compressão para maiores percentuais de água com sensível aumento da eficiência indicada e nível de emissões semelhantes ao etanol comercial. O aumento de água causou uma diminuição na velocidade de queima e na temperatura adiabática de chama, enquanto que o tempo de indução possuiu efeitos opostos dependentes da condição de operação. / The use of fossil fuels have faced several restrictions due its higher greenhouse gas emissions during the combustion process in internal combustion engines. Thus, there is an urge aiming to diversify the number of renewable fuels in order to decrease the environmental impact. Among them, ethanol is notorious, presenting excellent physico-chemical properties. Decreasing the ethanol level on ethanol-in-water mixtures after the distillation process, a lower energy expense can be achieved. This is related to the exponential growing in the energy consumption to obtain mixtures containing ethanol in water concentrations higher than 80% v/v. Therefore, the use of highly hydrated mixtures, despite the decrease in heat values, results in energy savings during its production process. This work evaluates the impact of using mixtures containing high water concentrations in a single cylinder engine, 0.668L, with port fuel injection, and spark ignition combustion. The direct replace of commercial ethanol by highly hydrated mixtures was evaluated through dynamometer tests, so performance and emissions parameters were obtained. After this, it was explored the knock resistance increase due to water addition by increasing the compression ratio, aiming at reaching higher indicated efficiency values. Finally, numerical studies were conducted in order to verify the effect of water concentration increase on laminar flame speed and adiabatic flame temperatures in a one dimensional free flame simulation software. In addition, the induction time for temperature and pressure conditions obtained from experimental results was assessed. As conclusions, the increase in water concentration enabled the use of high compression ratios resulting in higher indicated efficiency values than for commercial ethanol with the same exhaust emission concentrations. Higher water volumes resulted in lower laminar flame speeds and adiabatic flame temperatures. In addition, the induction time values presented two different behavior according to the operating conditions.
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Influence of Admixtures on Crystal Nucleation of VanillinPino-García, Osvaldo January 2004 (has links)
Admixtures like reactants and byproducts are solublenon-crystallizing compounds that can be present in industrialsolutions and affect crystallization of the main substance.This thesis provides experimental and molecular modellingresults on the influence of admixtures on crystal nucleation ofvanillin (VAN). Seven admixtures: acetovanillone (AVA),ethylvanillin (EVA), guaiacol (GUA), guaethol (GUE), 4-hydroxy-acetophenone (HAP), 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (HBA), andvanillic acid (VAC) have been used in this study. Classicalnucleation theory is used as the basis to establish arelationship between experimental induction time andsupersaturation, nucleation temperature, and interfacialenergy. A novel multicell device is designed, constructed, andused to increase the experimental efficiency in thedetermination of induction times by using 15 nucleation cellsof small volumes simultaneously. In spite of the largevariation observed in the experiments, the solid-liquidinterfacial energy for each VAN-admixture system can beestimated with an acceptable statistical confidence. At 1 mole% admixture concentration, the interfacial energy is increasedin the presence of GUA, GUE, and HBA, while it becomes lower inthe presence of the other admixtures. As the admixtureconcentration increases from 1 to 10 mole %, the interfacialenergy also increases. The interfacial energies obtained are inthe range 7-10 mJ m-2. Influence of admixtures on metastable zone widthand crystal aspect ratio of VAN is also presented. Theexperimental results show that the admixtures studied arepotential modifiers of the nucleation of VAN. Molecularmodelling by the program Cerius2 is used to identify the likelycrystal growth faces. Two approaches, the surface adsorptionand the lattice integration method, are applied to estimatequantitatively the admixture-crystal interaction energy on thedominating crystal faces of VAN,i.e., {0 0 1} and {1 0 0}. However, a simple and clearcorrelation between the experimental values of interfacialenergy and the calculated interaction energies cannot beidentified. A qualitative structural analysis reveals a certainrelationship between the molecular structure of admixtures andtheir effect on nucleation. The determination of the influenceof admixtures on nucleation is still a challenge. However, themolecular and crystal structural approach used in this thesiscan lead to an improved fundamental understanding ofcrystallization processes. Keywords: Crystallization,nucleation, vanillin, admixtures, additives, impurities,induction time, interfacial energy, molecular modelling,interaction energy.
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Influence of Admixtures on Crystal Nucleation of VanillinPino-García, Osvaldo January 2004 (has links)
<p>Admixtures like reactants and byproducts are solublenon-crystallizing compounds that can be present in industrialsolutions and affect crystallization of the main substance.This thesis provides experimental and molecular modellingresults on the influence of admixtures on crystal nucleation ofvanillin (VAN). Seven admixtures: acetovanillone (AVA),ethylvanillin (EVA), guaiacol (GUA), guaethol (GUE), 4-hydroxy-acetophenone (HAP), 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (HBA), andvanillic acid (VAC) have been used in this study. Classicalnucleation theory is used as the basis to establish arelationship between experimental induction time andsupersaturation, nucleation temperature, and interfacialenergy. A novel multicell device is designed, constructed, andused to increase the experimental efficiency in thedetermination of induction times by using 15 nucleation cellsof small volumes simultaneously. In spite of the largevariation observed in the experiments, the solid-liquidinterfacial energy for each VAN-admixture system can beestimated with an acceptable statistical confidence. At 1 mole% admixture concentration, the interfacial energy is increasedin the presence of GUA, GUE, and HBA, while it becomes lower inthe presence of the other admixtures. As the admixtureconcentration increases from 1 to 10 mole %, the interfacialenergy also increases. The interfacial energies obtained are inthe range 7-10 mJ m<sup>-2</sup>. Influence of admixtures on metastable zone widthand crystal aspect ratio of VAN is also presented. Theexperimental results show that the admixtures studied arepotential modifiers of the nucleation of VAN. Molecularmodelling by the program Cerius2 is used to identify the likelycrystal growth faces. Two approaches, the surface adsorptionand the lattice integration method, are applied to estimatequantitatively the admixture-crystal interaction energy on thedominating crystal faces of VAN,<i>i.e</i>., {0 0 1} and {1 0 0}. However, a simple and clearcorrelation between the experimental values of interfacialenergy and the calculated interaction energies cannot beidentified. A qualitative structural analysis reveals a certainrelationship between the molecular structure of admixtures andtheir effect on nucleation. The determination of the influenceof admixtures on nucleation is still a challenge. However, themolecular and crystal structural approach used in this thesiscan lead to an improved fundamental understanding ofcrystallization processes. Keywords: Crystallization,nucleation, vanillin, admixtures, additives, impurities,induction time, interfacial energy, molecular modelling,interaction energy.</p>
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ZETA POTENTIAL OF THF HYDRATES IN SDS AQUEOUS SOLUTIONSLo, C., Zhang, J., Couzis, A., Lee, J.W., Somasundaran, P. 07 1900 (has links)
In this study, Tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrates were formed in-situ in the Zetasizer Nano ZS90. With various concentrations of SDS, we attempted to characterize the SDS adsorption on the surface of the hydrate particles. In doing so, we tried to correlate the adsorption of SDS to THF hydrate induction times with respect to SDS concentration (0 – 3.47 mM), to determine whether the fast nucleation of THF hydrates is due to the adsorption of SDS. The measured ζ-potential for pure THF hydrates was -100 ± 10 mV, indicating anion adsorption. An adsorption curve was observed where there is saturation leveling. Correlating this data to the hydrate induction times, we see that when the saturation level is reached, a significant reduction in induction time can be seen.
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ZETA POTENTIAL OF THF HYDRATES IN SDS AQUEOUS SOLUTIONSLo, C., Zhang, J., Couzis, A., Lee, J.W., Somasundaran, P. 07 1900 (has links)
In this study, Tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrates were formed in-situ in the Zetasizer Nano ZS90. With various concentrations of SDS, we attempted to characterize the SDS adsorption on the surface of the hydrate particles. In doing so, we tried to correlate the adsorption of SDS to THF hydrate induction times with respect to SDS concentration (0 – 3.47 mM), to determine whether the fast nucleation of THF hydrates is due to the adsorption of SDS. The measured ζ-potential for pure THF hydrates was -100 ± 10 mV, indicating anion adsorption. An adsorption curve was observed where there is saturation leveling. Correlating this data to the hydrate induction times, we see that when the saturation level is reached, a significant reduction in induction time can be seen.
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Longevity of HDPE Geomembranes in Geoenvironmental ApplicationsEwais, AMR 28 February 2014 (has links)
With sufficient time, a high density polyethylene geomembrane will degrade and lose its engineering properties until ruptures signal the end of its service-life. This thesis examines the longevity of nine different geomembranes; five of them were of different thickness manufactured from the same resin. The degradation of properties and time to failure are investigated for geomembranes: in immersion tests; as a part of a landfill composite liner; and, exposed to the elements. The different thermal and stress histories associated with manufacturing geomembranes of different thickness are shown to affect their morphological structure; consequently, their stress crack resistance.
When immersed in synthetic leachate, it was found that: (a) thicker geomembranes have a longer antioxidants depletion time but the effect of thickness decreases with temperature and is less than expected; (b) inferences of geomembrane’s longevity based on its initial properties may be misleading because a geomembrane may chemically degrade (as manifested by the change in melt index) despite the presence of a significant amount of stabilizers (as manifested by the measured high pressure oxidative induction time); and, (c) stress crack resistance may change before antioxidant depletion or chemical degradation takes place, likely, due to changes in geomembrane morphological structure with the maximum decrease being observed at 55oC. Reductions also were measured for geomembrane immersed in air and water at 55oC.
The geomembrane aged in a simulated landfill liner at 85oC is shown to have service-life as little as three years with 30,000 to >2.0 million ruptures/hectare at failure. For exposed geomembranes in Alumbrera (Argentina), samples were exhumed from two mine facilities after ~16 years of exposure. The antioxidants in exposed samples depleted to residual and the stress crack resistance had dropped to as low as 70 hours. Samples were exhumed from a different exposed geomembrane in a test site in Godfrey (Canada) after six years of exposure. The antioxidants were partially depleted, with depletion to residual projected to take at least 20 years; however, despite no evidence of chemical ageing, the stress crack resistance had decreased from 330 to 190 hours, likely due to changes in the morphological structure of the geomembrane. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2014-02-28 04:59:20.834
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Avaliação da utilização de etanol com elevados teores de água em motores de combustão interna com ignição por centelhaSari, Rafael Lago January 2017 (has links)
A utilização de combustíveis fósseis é percebida, cada vez mais, de forma negativa, visto seus elevados níveis de emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Por conta disso, busca-se a ampliação do uso de combustíveis de origem renovável de forma a diminuir o impacto ambiental. Dentre esses, o etanol se destaca pelas excelentes características físico-químicas. Ao se reduzir o nível de pureza (diluição em agua) durante o processo de destilação desse combustível, obtém-se um sensível decréscimo da energia dispendida na sua produção. Isso se deve ao crescimento exponencial do consumo energético para obtenção de misturas com teor de etanol superiores à 80% v/v. Assim, a possível utilização de misturas superhidratadas, mesmo que apresentem menor poder calorífico, resultam em uma economia direta de energia no processo de obtenção. Dessa forma, esse trabalho avalia o impacto da utilização de misturas de etanol com elevadas concentrações de água em um motor monocilíndrico de testes, com volume deslocado de 0,668 L, injeção de combustível no coletor de admissão, e ignição por centelha. Inicialmente, avaliou-se via testes de bancada o efeito da substituição direta do etanol comercial por misturas com maior hidratação nos parâmetros de desempenho e emissões. Em seguida, buscou-se explorar as características anti-detonantes da água através do aumento da razão de compressão visando ao aumento de eficiência indicada do motor. Por fim, estudos numéricos foram conduzidos de forma a verificar o efeito da concentração de água sobre os valores de velocidade de chama e temperatura adiabática em uma chama livre unidimensional. Foram também determinados os valores de tempo de indução para condições de temperatura e pressão experimentais. Com isso, observou-se a possibilidade de operação com elevadas razões de compressão para maiores percentuais de água com sensível aumento da eficiência indicada e nível de emissões semelhantes ao etanol comercial. O aumento de água causou uma diminuição na velocidade de queima e na temperatura adiabática de chama, enquanto que o tempo de indução possuiu efeitos opostos dependentes da condição de operação. / The use of fossil fuels have faced several restrictions due its higher greenhouse gas emissions during the combustion process in internal combustion engines. Thus, there is an urge aiming to diversify the number of renewable fuels in order to decrease the environmental impact. Among them, ethanol is notorious, presenting excellent physico-chemical properties. Decreasing the ethanol level on ethanol-in-water mixtures after the distillation process, a lower energy expense can be achieved. This is related to the exponential growing in the energy consumption to obtain mixtures containing ethanol in water concentrations higher than 80% v/v. Therefore, the use of highly hydrated mixtures, despite the decrease in heat values, results in energy savings during its production process. This work evaluates the impact of using mixtures containing high water concentrations in a single cylinder engine, 0.668L, with port fuel injection, and spark ignition combustion. The direct replace of commercial ethanol by highly hydrated mixtures was evaluated through dynamometer tests, so performance and emissions parameters were obtained. After this, it was explored the knock resistance increase due to water addition by increasing the compression ratio, aiming at reaching higher indicated efficiency values. Finally, numerical studies were conducted in order to verify the effect of water concentration increase on laminar flame speed and adiabatic flame temperatures in a one dimensional free flame simulation software. In addition, the induction time for temperature and pressure conditions obtained from experimental results was assessed. As conclusions, the increase in water concentration enabled the use of high compression ratios resulting in higher indicated efficiency values than for commercial ethanol with the same exhaust emission concentrations. Higher water volumes resulted in lower laminar flame speeds and adiabatic flame temperatures. In addition, the induction time values presented two different behavior according to the operating conditions.
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Avaliação da utilização de etanol com elevados teores de água em motores de combustão interna com ignição por centelhaSari, Rafael Lago January 2017 (has links)
A utilização de combustíveis fósseis é percebida, cada vez mais, de forma negativa, visto seus elevados níveis de emissão de gases de efeito estufa. Por conta disso, busca-se a ampliação do uso de combustíveis de origem renovável de forma a diminuir o impacto ambiental. Dentre esses, o etanol se destaca pelas excelentes características físico-químicas. Ao se reduzir o nível de pureza (diluição em agua) durante o processo de destilação desse combustível, obtém-se um sensível decréscimo da energia dispendida na sua produção. Isso se deve ao crescimento exponencial do consumo energético para obtenção de misturas com teor de etanol superiores à 80% v/v. Assim, a possível utilização de misturas superhidratadas, mesmo que apresentem menor poder calorífico, resultam em uma economia direta de energia no processo de obtenção. Dessa forma, esse trabalho avalia o impacto da utilização de misturas de etanol com elevadas concentrações de água em um motor monocilíndrico de testes, com volume deslocado de 0,668 L, injeção de combustível no coletor de admissão, e ignição por centelha. Inicialmente, avaliou-se via testes de bancada o efeito da substituição direta do etanol comercial por misturas com maior hidratação nos parâmetros de desempenho e emissões. Em seguida, buscou-se explorar as características anti-detonantes da água através do aumento da razão de compressão visando ao aumento de eficiência indicada do motor. Por fim, estudos numéricos foram conduzidos de forma a verificar o efeito da concentração de água sobre os valores de velocidade de chama e temperatura adiabática em uma chama livre unidimensional. Foram também determinados os valores de tempo de indução para condições de temperatura e pressão experimentais. Com isso, observou-se a possibilidade de operação com elevadas razões de compressão para maiores percentuais de água com sensível aumento da eficiência indicada e nível de emissões semelhantes ao etanol comercial. O aumento de água causou uma diminuição na velocidade de queima e na temperatura adiabática de chama, enquanto que o tempo de indução possuiu efeitos opostos dependentes da condição de operação. / The use of fossil fuels have faced several restrictions due its higher greenhouse gas emissions during the combustion process in internal combustion engines. Thus, there is an urge aiming to diversify the number of renewable fuels in order to decrease the environmental impact. Among them, ethanol is notorious, presenting excellent physico-chemical properties. Decreasing the ethanol level on ethanol-in-water mixtures after the distillation process, a lower energy expense can be achieved. This is related to the exponential growing in the energy consumption to obtain mixtures containing ethanol in water concentrations higher than 80% v/v. Therefore, the use of highly hydrated mixtures, despite the decrease in heat values, results in energy savings during its production process. This work evaluates the impact of using mixtures containing high water concentrations in a single cylinder engine, 0.668L, with port fuel injection, and spark ignition combustion. The direct replace of commercial ethanol by highly hydrated mixtures was evaluated through dynamometer tests, so performance and emissions parameters were obtained. After this, it was explored the knock resistance increase due to water addition by increasing the compression ratio, aiming at reaching higher indicated efficiency values. Finally, numerical studies were conducted in order to verify the effect of water concentration increase on laminar flame speed and adiabatic flame temperatures in a one dimensional free flame simulation software. In addition, the induction time for temperature and pressure conditions obtained from experimental results was assessed. As conclusions, the increase in water concentration enabled the use of high compression ratios resulting in higher indicated efficiency values than for commercial ethanol with the same exhaust emission concentrations. Higher water volumes resulted in lower laminar flame speeds and adiabatic flame temperatures. In addition, the induction time values presented two different behavior according to the operating conditions.
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Étude de l’influence de l’écoulement sur la cristallisation en solution :Applications aux hydrates de dioxyde de carbone et à une substance pharmaceutiqueDouieb, Selim 14 March 2016 (has links)
La cristallisation en solution est une opération unitaire essentielle du génie chimique. Les conditions opératoires dans lesquelles cette opération est menée déterminent sa productivité et la qualité des cristaux produits, par le biais de l’influence qu’elles ont sur les cinétiques de germination et de croissance. De nombreuses études ont mis en évidence que les conditions d’écoulement influencent significativement ces deux cinétiques. Néanmoins, une compréhension profonde de la nature de cette influence n’a, à l’heure actuelle, pas encore été atteinte. Ceci cause bien souvent des problèmes tant au niveau du procédé que du produit et a également pour conséquence que l’effet des conditions d’écoulement sur les cinétiques de cristallisation est rarement exploité de manière à en tirer le meilleur avantage.La première partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l’étude de l’effet des conditions d’écoulement sur les cinétiques de cristallisation en solution (germination et croissance), avec pour cas pratique la cristallisation d’hydrates de dioxyde de carbone (CO2), une solution émergeante pour la capture et la séquestration du CO2 (gaz à effet de serre majeur).De manière à étudier l’impact des conditions d’écoulement sur le taux de formation des hydrates de CO2, des expériences de formation d’hydrates de CO2 ont été réalisées dans un réacteur de type cuve agitée de 20 L mis en œuvre de manière semi-continue dans des conditions d’écoulement variées, produites à l’aide de trois mobiles d’agitations différents (une turbine à pales inclinées, un MaxblendTM et un DispersimaxTM) opérés à différentes vitesses de rotations. Un modèle mathématique original de l'ensemble du processus de formation des hydrates de CO2 attribuant une résistance à chacune de ses étapes constitutives a été établi. Pour chaque condition expérimentale, le taux de formation est mesuré et l’étape limitante est déterminée sur base de la valeur des différentes résistances. Les trois mobiles d’agitations étudiés sont comparés relativement à leur efficacité et, pour chaque mobile, l’influence de la vitesse de rotation sur l’étape limitante est discutée. En l’occurrence, il est montré que des limitations dues aux transferts de chaleur peuvent se produire à l'échelle relativement petite utilisée dans cette étude.L’étude de l’impact des conditions d’écoulement sur la cinétique de germination des hydrates de CO2 s’est concentrée sur la caractérisation de l’effet du taux de cisaillement sur le temps d’induction associé à cette formation (proportionnel à cette cinétique). Cette étude a été basée sur la réalisation de mesure de temps d’induction au cours d’expériences de formation d’hydrates de gaz, utilisant le système CO2-H2O-tetrahydrofuran comme système modèle, réalisées dans un réacteur de type Couette-Taylor. L’application, à la phase liquide dans laquelle prend place la formation des hydrates de gaz, de différents taux de cisaillement (entre 50 et 300 s-1), maintenus constants tout au long de l’expérience de formation, a révélé que le temps d’induction moyen diminuait significativement lorsque le taux de cisaillement appliqué à la phase liquide augmentait. Il a été montré que cette diminution peut être principalement attribuée à une diminution du temps nécessaire à l’apparition de germes stables d’hydrates et à leurs croissances jusqu’à une taille macroscopiquement détectable. Il a également été montré que le temps d’induction moyen peut également être significativement réduit par l’application, à la phase liquide, d’un haut taux de cisaillement (900 s-1) durant une période relativement courte et définie.La seconde partie de ce travail a été dédiée au développement d’une stratégie permettant d’améliorer le contrôle des procédés de cristallisation de substances pouvant cristalliser sous plusieurs formes cristallines, et ce, relativement à la forme cristalline générée au cours et à l’issue de ces procédés. Le cas pratique de cette partie du travail est le développement d’un procédé de cristallisation en solution par refroidissement en mode batch d’un principe actif, récemment développé par la société pharmaceutique UCB, présentant deux formes cristallines connues. La robustesse et la reproductibilité de ce procédé vis-à-vis de la production de la forme cristalline d’intérêt et de la prévention de l’occurrence d’un phénomène de prise en masse, dû à une formation massive de cristaux de la forme cristalline indésirable, sont deux impératifs ayant guidés son développement.Le procédé qui a été envisagé dans le cadre de la deuxième partie de ce travail est basé sur la production de semences cristallines de forme I (la forme d’intérêt) par germination primaire au sein d’un réacteur tubulaire suivie d’une croissance de ces semences en milieu agité contrôlé en température. Les propriétés particulières de l’écoulement mis en œuvre au sein du réacteur tubulaire permettent d’y contrôler finement l’allure des champs de température et de concentration (et donc de sursaturation) et, de manière inédite, de circonscrire l’apparition de cristaux à la partie centrale de l’écoulement (afin de prévenir tout risque d’incrustation de la paroi interne du réacteur). Les expériences réalisées dans ce travail montrent que, associé aux conditions expérimentales utilisées, ce dispositif permet de produire des semences cristallines de forme I de manière reproductible. Elles montrent également qu’un contrôle adéquat des conditions initiales dans lesquelles les semences cristallines de forme I sont amenées à croitre ainsi que du taux de refroidissement utilisé pour entretenir cette croissance permet de garantir que celle-ci se déroule sans que le phénomène de prise en masse ne prenne place. Il est mis en évidence que ce contrôle repose sur la prévention de toute formation indésirable de cristaux de forme II par un maintient, en tout temps, d’un niveau de sursaturation ne dépassant pas une valeur critique donnée. Enfin, ces expériences montrent aussi que le type d’agitation utilisée dans ce travail n’a pas d’influence sur l’occurrence de la prise en masse mais a une influence majeure sur l’état de surface, la taille moyenne et la distribution en taille des cristaux produits. / Solution crystallization is an essential unit operation in the chemical engineering field. Through their effect on the nucleation and growth kinetics, the operating conditions of such an operation determine its productivity and the quality of the produced crystals. An important number of studies have shown that the flow conditions have a significant influence on these two kinetics. Nonetheless, a deep understanding of the nature of this effect is still lacking, which often leads to severe difficulties in the development and operation of crystallization processes and impedes the emergence of positive applications of this effect.The first part of this work has been dedicated to the study of the effect of the flow conditions on the solution crystallization kinetics (nucleation and growth). Carbon dioxide (CO2) hydrate crystallization, an emerging method for the separation and capture of CO2, was used as a practical case.CO2 hydrate formation experiments have been performed in a 20 L semi-batch stirred tank reactor using three different impellers (a down-pumping pitched blade turbine, a Maxblend™, and a Dispersimax™) at various rotational speeds to examine the impact of the flow conditions on the CO2 hydrate formation rate. An original mathematical model of the CO2 hydrate formation process that assigns a resistance to each of its constitutive steps has been established. For each experimental condition, the formation rate is measured and the rate-limiting step is determined on the basis of the respective values of the resistances. The efficiencies of the three considered impellers are compared and, for each impeller, the influence of the rotational speed on the rate-limiting step is discussed. For instance, it is shown that a formation rate limitation due to heat transfer can occur at the relatively small scale used to perform our experiments.The investigation of the impact of the flow conditions on the nucleation kinetics of CO2 hydrates was focused on the characterization of the effect of the fluid shear rate on the induction time of gas hydrate formation (proportional to this kinetics). This study was based on induction time measurements during gas hydrate formation experiments, using the CO2-H2O-tetrahydrofuran system as model system, realized in a Couette-Taylor reactor. The investigation of the effect of the application of a constant shear rate (50 to 300 s-1) to the liquid phase from which the hydrates are formed revealed that the mean induction time decreases significantly as the applied shear rate increases. This could primarily be attributed to a decrease in the time required for stable gas hydrate nuclei to be generated and to grow to a macroscopically detectable size. The induction time could also be significantly reduced by the application of a high shear rate (900 s-1) to the liquid phase for a relatively short, defined period of time.The second part of this work has been dedicated to the development of a strategy for the improvement of the control of crystallization processes involving compounds able to crystallize under several crystalline forms, relatively to the crystalline form generated during and at the end of these processes. The strategy examined in this work was applied to the development of a batch cooling solution crystallization process of an active pharmaceutical ingredient, recently developed by the pharmaceutical company UCB, exhibiting two known crystalline forms. The robustness and the reproducibility of this process relatively to production of the desired crystalline form produced and the prevention of caking, due to the massive formation of crystals of the undesired crystalline form, were the two main priorities that have driven its development.The process considered in the second part of this work is based on the production of form I (the desired form) crystalline seeds through nucleation in a tubular reactor followed by the growth of these seeds in an agitated medium controlled in temperature. The particular properties of the flow conditions in the tubular reactor enable the temperature and the concentration fields, and therefore the supersaturation field, to be finely tuned and, in an original manner, to confine the emergence of new crystals in the center part of the flow (to prevent any fouling of the inner surface of the reactor). The experiments performed in this work showed that, coupled to the experimental conditions used, this device enables to reproducibly generate form I crystalline seeds. The experiments also revealed that a proper control of the initial conditions in which these seeds are brought to grow and of the cooling rate used to sustain this growth allows ensuring that this growth takes place without caking. It is shown that such a control lies on the inhibition of the formation of undesired form II crystals by keeping, at all times, the supersaturation level under a defined critical value. Finally, the experiments showed that the type of agitation used in this work does not influence the occurrence of caking but has a significant impact on the crystals surface quality, mean size, and size distribution. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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