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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Um estudo de caso sobre gestão do conhecimento em uma empresa de prestação de serviços de TI

Hilario, Gilmar Lima 24 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gilmar Lima Hilario.pdf: 4391683 bytes, checksum: 9b2bffb0c354d5d73021c08c4604cee2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-24 / The recognition that internal factors of the organization, among them knowledge, can act much more on its performance than the external factors, is collaborating to consolidate the use of new approaches for enterprise administration. Among these, are pointed out in this paper the Knowledge-Based View (KBV) and the Resource-Based View (RBV). In the information technology (IT) sector, in which the knowledge is used in an intensive way, the adoption of those approaches can be expressed through the increasing of the knowledge to the condition of an important asset for the company. Consequently, the adoption of knowledge management practices aims at producing better performance results and quality in the processes of products generation and services offerings. In this paper - drewed out from a Case Study with a Research-Action carried through in a business unit of a company supplier of specialized IT services the evaluation was focused on the potential contributions and main challenges for the adoption of knowledge management practices. As result, a knowledge management method was produced, whose application can contribute for knowledge mapping and dissemination in projects of same scope / O reconhecimento de que fatores internos da organização, entre eles o conhecimento, exercem uma influência significativamente maior sobre seu desempenho do que os fatores externos estão colaborando para consolidar a utilização de novas abordagens para gestão empresarial. Entre estas abordagens destacam-se neste trabalho a Visão da Empresa Baseado no Conhecimento (KBV Knowledge-Based View) e a Visão da Empresa Baseada em Recursos (RBV Resource-Based View). No setor de tecnologia da informação TI, em que o conhecimento é utilizado de maneira intensiva, a adoção dessas abordagens podem se traduzir na elevação do conhecimento à condição de importante ativo da empresa. Por conseqüência, a adoção de praticas de gestão do conhecimento tem como objetivo produzir melhores resultados de desempenho e qualidade nos processos de geração de produtos e prestação de serviços. Neste trabalho a partir de um estudo de caso com pesquisa ação - realizada em uma unidade de negócios de uma empresa prestadora de serviços especializados de TI busca-se avaliar as potenciais contribuições e principais desafios inerentes a adoção de práticas de gestão do conhecimento. Como resultado, produziu-se um método para gestão do conhecimento cuja aplicação pode trazer contribuições para mapeamento e disseminação de conhecimentos em projetos de mesmo teor


張俊揚, Chang, Chun-Young Unknown Date (has links)
公共組織長期以來給人一種浪費、效率不彰及態度傲慢的負面印象,在處於複雜多變的環境下,一般民眾莫不期待政府能提昇行政績效,以增加組織的學習力,掌握人民(顧客)的偏好,並迅速回應環境的變化。本研究即基於民眾對政府感到失望卻又渴望的情愫,而擬探究資訊科技如何應用於公共組織,進而探討公共組織網絡化的可能性,以做為公共組織因應時代潮流變遷的對策。 為了降低公共組織對資訊科技衝擊的適應不良,及確保能永續發展,本研究以為公共組織當就組織的管理與結構面進行調整,就管理面而言,善用資訊科技工具是其可行的途徑之一;就結構面而言,或可調整科層結構為網絡式組織。換言之,即希望藉由引進資訊網路科技,以建構一個網絡式的公共組織。其理想的運作模式是組織的成員、團隊或是整個組織的運作都彷彿是一個獨立的節點,可以突破時空的屏障而形成多重連結,以構成一個網絡。每個節點的權力來源,不是來自階級,而是自身擁有的技術和知識,彼此相互支援與分享資訊,為共同的價值觀與目標而努力。使它不再是一種政治結構,而是近似於一種生活方式。 植基於新公共行政(New Public Administration)與後官僚組織(post-bureaucratic organization)等觀點的影響,研究中從反思科層型政府為濫觴,並在「資訊科技」與「網絡式組織」兩者間釐探其互動互補的關係,期望這良性的互動能賦予公共組織變革時一個新的思考方向。基於這樣的邏輯思考,而於理論面上發現可以資訊科技為核心技術,提出建構理想型「網絡式公共組織」的三大願景方向-「再造的政府」、「虛擬式政府」及「團隊型政府」,並分別擬定其運作的可行性策略如後: (一)以「便民服務」、「資訊與知識流通」及「流程改造」等策略形塑「再造的政府」。 (二)以「即時通訊,傳遞正確資訊」、「擴大參與,共享民主政治」及「相互信賴,以求共存共榮」等策略形塑「虛擬式政府」。 (三)以「搭起開放便捷的溝通管道」、「培養合作共享專業知識的組織文化」及「建立工作績效評估制度」等策略形塑「團隊型政府」。 在實務面上,以我國電子化/網路化政府政策為例,從官方文獻資料的閱讀,瞭解到該政策的規劃內涵及未來願景與本研究所建構的網絡式公共組織之策略內涵有相通互補之處;另外對相關官員與洽公民眾進行一系列的深度訪談,得知該政策在實際運作上均分別引發了政府再造、虛擬政府及團隊政府的產生,所以本研究建構網絡式公共組織的構念,似乎可以在該實例的政策執行上獲得有力的註腳。 總而言之,本研究從理論與實務的探究中發現,網絡式組織無論在理論上的引介或實務上的應用,似乎均可藉由資訊科技的力量,讓公共組織走向一個較為具開放、動態與彈性的組織型態。惟目前公共組織在進行網絡化的過程中,本研究擬建議政府當持續應用資訊網路科技,在策略聯盟共享資源的原則下,達成「以客為尊」的服務宗旨。另外政府對於組織「知識管理」的概念與作為,及建立一套「客觀公正的績效評估辦法」是較為不足的。若期望公共組織能發揮最大效用,則需加強這兩面向的建置,因為強化知識管理與建立客觀公正的績效評估辦法,有利於絡網式公共組織的建立。

Information Technology Application on Customer Relationship Management for Steel Industry, an example of Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd.

Huang, Nelson 18 April 2001 (has links)
The procedures of the study are mainly through the review on the relevant reference documents related to the subject of those have been published domestically and internationally, meanwhile to get a better understanding on the most recent development on Information Technology and its associated models which are being applied to the customer relationship management by the organizations and/or business units in the world. Then, through the investigation and review on steel industries to understand the real situations domestically and internationally, specifically to focus on the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. As an example, for which to plan the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by using Information Technology, what problems it will be faced and how is the best strategyfor this implementation. Then after the completion of the study, to make a constructive recommendation to the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd as an useful reference when the Extranet system to be planned and implementedfor. In Chapter-1 ¡©Introduction¡ª¡Ato descibe the backgroud, purposes, procedures and the limitation related to the study¡Fin Chapter-2, the major is concentrate on the review and understand on the relevant documents of the subject related¡Fin Chapter-3, specifically to focus on the existing situations of the steel industries and the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. how it is the current situation to the subject issue¡Fin Chapter-4, to have further investigation on recent situations for the use of Information Technology in Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. to make a recommendation for their reference whn they plan for the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management¡Fand finally, in Chapter-5, to describe the findings and issues for whicht to be expected to have further study in the future to come up a generalized model for which can be applied to all companies not only for steel industies but also to all conventional enpterprises as an important and valuable reference guideline.

Att lära, att göra, att klara : Förmedling av datortekniska hjälpmedel till barn med synnedsättning. Från förskrivning till vardaglig användning i skola och hem / Learning, doing, becoming self sufficient : Mediation of assistive computer technologies for children who are blind or partially sighted. From prescription to everyday use in school and at home.

Åström, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Förmåga att använda informations- och kommunikationsteknik framhålls numeraofta som en förutsättning för delaktighet på lika villkor i samhällslivet. Näraförknippat med detta är de insatser som görs för att överbrygga digitala klyftor isamhället. IKT har gjort deltagandet i samhällslivet mer möjligt för personer medsynnedsättning. Tillgång till teknik innebär dock inte alltid att den kan användas ivardagen. I denna avhandling analyseras den förmedlingsprocess som sker när barnmed grav synnedsättning, genom förskrivning på syncentraler, får tillgång tilldatortekniska hjälpmedel, samt hur barnen därefter tillägnar sig tekniken genom att,med olika stödpersoners hjälp, använda den i skolan och hemmet. Åtta barn (mellan7-18 år) från två syncentralers upptagningsområden deltog i studien, tillika medderas föräldrar, stödpersoner i skolan samt personal (datortekniker och anpassningslärare)från syncentralerna. Undersökningsmaterialet har samlats in genom intervjuer,samtal och observationer. Barnen har skrivit aktivitetsrelaterade dagböcker. Förmedlingsprocessen involverar många personer från flera organisationer och ärutsträckt i tid och rum. Olika rationaliteter ställs mot varandra när professionelltverksamma från syncentral och skola, tillsammans med föräldrar ska möjliggöra förbarnen att ta tekniken i bruk. Med utgångspunkt från datorn som hjälpmedel diskuterastre projekt vars mål är viktiga för barnet att nå: att lära sig, att bli socialtdelaktig och att bli självständig. Dessa projekt står ofta i konflikt med varandra, tillexempel barnens önskan att träna på datorn samtidigt som de vill leka med sinakamrater. Med en tidsgeografisk ansats analyseras situationer där konflikter uppstår,samt vilka avvägningar och försök till samordning som görs av de inblandadeparterna. Skolan utgör ett område där den övergripande samhälleliga ambitionen omett liv på lika villkor ska konkretiseras. Analysen pekar på att uppmärksamhet börriktas såväl mot den individcentrerade kompensatoriska användningen av tekniskahjälpmedel, som mot skolans uppläggning av undervisningen (strukturell förändring förtillgänglighet). Ett helhetsperspektiv på förmedlingsprocessen möjliggör långsiktigplanering där tidsrumsliga dimensioner betraktas och dess fragmentering minskas. / The ability to use information and communication technology is regarded today as acondition for participation in society. Closely associated with this are measurestaken to reduce the digital divide in society. Computer technology is accepted asmaking it possible for people with disabilities to manage most things on their ownthat previously required some help of others. However, access to technology doesnot necessarily equal usability. This thesis explores and analyses the mediationprocess that occurs when children with visual impairment, access assistive computertechnologies, and how these, by the help of support persons, are used in home and atschool. Eight children (between seven and eighteen years of age) were included inthe study, as well as their parents, support persons in school and professionals fromthe Low Vision Clinics. Research data have been collected through interviews,conversations, observations and activity oriented diaries. The mediation processinvolves a number of persons and organisations and is both organisationally complexand extended in time and space. Different rationalities are set against eachother, when professionally active persons from the Low Vision Clinics and schools,together with parents make it possible for the children to use the assistive devices.From the standpoint of the computer as an aid, three projects are discussed whosegoals are important for the child to achieve to be able to, in the short and long run,live life to the full. These projects are ‘learning’, ‘becoming socially involved’ and‘becoming independent’. The projects can often be in conflict with each other; forexample the children’s desire to practice on the computer against their wanting toplay with their friends at the same time. With a time-geographic approach,situations in which conflicts and trade-offs arise, as well as the coordination effortsmade by those involved, are analysed. The school constitutes an area in which theoverreaching societal ambition of a life on equal terms is realised. This studydiscusses how compensation for the individual as well as structural change foraccessibility manifests itself in organisation, structures and supportive efforts.

Decisões do uso da tecnologia da informação: um estudo sobre o efeito das capacidades dinâmicas

Silva, Brivaldo André Marinho da 09 May 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-06-10T16:45:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100692.pdf: 3539597 bytes, checksum: 49a2150b74e5119c2d61894e84192a6f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-06-10T17:13:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100692.pdf: 3539597 bytes, checksum: 49a2150b74e5119c2d61894e84192a6f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-06-10T17:15:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100692.pdf: 3539597 bytes, checksum: 49a2150b74e5119c2d61894e84192a6f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-06-10T18:56:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100692.pdf: 3539597 bytes, checksum: 49a2150b74e5119c2d61894e84192a6f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-09 / The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of the information technology (IT) usedecisions over IT performance. There is a great need to justify the investments in this area and an expectation to promote superior performance from the use of IT resources and capabilities. Therefore, it is important to clarify the IT value and role in the firms. Changes and high velocity marketing contexts are major challenges to environmental organizations. In this sense, the IT use decisions should be able to mobilize IT resources and capabilities to respond to organizational environment changes and IT performance should be evaluated for their contribution to business processes, rather than to try linking on a direct relationship to overall performance in which many variables obscure the real IT value. This study is based on resource-based view of the firm (RBV), dynamic capabilities and complementarities of organizational resources. Two guidelines are proposed for IT use decisions. The first one is driven by IT reconfigurability and complementary capabilities. The second one is driven by IT infrastructure, personal and partnerships assets. The performance is evaluated by the IT use competences in terms of aspects of their functionality and market requirements relative to IT process. This empirical investigation assessed its goal considering a sample of professionals responsible for IT decision making and planning in Brazilian organizations. Datas were analyzed through partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM). The main results indicated strong and significant effects of capabilities-oriented IT use decisions over their assets-oriented. It was revealed that personal assets-oriented IT use decisions are the ones that influence the performance of IT funcionality competences. Finally, it was evident the importance of IT use decisions treatment as a dynamic capability even without the influence of the moderating effect of the turbulence of organizational environment. The main scholarly contributions are filling the gap of decisions involving the use of IT, its performance on process level within the organizational context of Brazil, and theoretical use of the resource-based view of the firm and dynamic capabilities as background able to promote IT value. Among the main contributions to professional practices stands out to take in account of reconfigurability and complementarity capability of IT resources in their use decisions along with other organizational resources so that they can get a better process performance. The study shows promising future researches in assessing the IT value and development of measures and constructs more appropriate to its evaluation. / O objetivo principal do estudo é verificar os efeitos das decisões do uso da tecnologia da informação (TI) no seu desempenho. Existe uma grande necessidade de justificar os investimentos realizados nessa área e uma expectativa de promover um desempenho superior com o uso dos recursos e capacidades da TI. Portanto, é importante esclarecer o seu valor e o seu papel nas organizações. Mudanças e contextos mercadológicos de rápidas transformações são grandes desafios ao ambiente das organizações. Nesse sentido, as decisões do uso da TI devem ser capazes de mobilizar os recursos e capacidades da TI para responder às mudanças do ambiente organizacional e o desempenho desse uso deve ser avaliado pela contribuição aos processos de negócio, ao contrário de insistir numa relação direta ao desempenho geral em que muitas variáveis ofuscam o real valor da TI. O estudo fundamenta-se na visão baseada em recursos da firma, nas capacidades dinâmicas e na complementaridade dos recursos organizacionais. São propostas duas orientações para as decisões do uso da TI. A primeira orientada pelas capacidades de reconfigurabilidade e complementaridade da TI. A segunda orientada pelos ativos de infra-estrutura, pessoal e parcerias. O desempenho é avaliado pelas competências do uso da TI em relação aos aspectos de sua funcionalidade e de mercado, em nível das exigências do seu processo. O estudo avaliou empiricamente seu objetivo numa amostra de profissionais responsáveis pela tomada de decisão e planejamento de TI em organizações brasileiras. Os dados foram analisados através da modelagem de caminhos por mínimos quadrados parciais. Os principais resultados apontaram fortes e significantes efeitos das decisões do uso da TI orientadas pelas capacidades sobre as decisões orientadas pelos ativos de TI. Revelou-se que as decisões orientadas pelos ativos de pessoal são as únicas que influenciam o desempenho das competências de funcionalidades da TI. Por último, foi evidenciado a importância do tratamento das decisões do uso da TI como uma capacidade dinâmica mesmo sem influência do efeito moderador da turbulência do ambiente organizacional. As principais contribuições acadêmicas são o preenchimento da lacuna que envolve as decisões do uso da TI, seu desempenho em nível de processo dentro do contexto organizacional brasileiro e o usoteórico da visão baseada em recursos da firma e das capacidades dinâmicas como pano de fundo capaz de promover o valor da TI. Dentre as principais contribuições para a prática profissional destaca-se a consideração das capacidades de reconfigurabilidade e complementaridade dos recursos de TI nas decisões do seu uso junto aos demais recursos organizacionais para que se possa obter um melhor desempenho dos processos. O estudo aponta pesquisas futuras promissoras na avaliação do valor da TI e no desenvolvimento de medidas e construtos mais apropriados para sua avaliação.

Development of a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model for Continuous Evaluation of Employees to Offer Reward And Recognition

Sreejith, S S January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In today’s dynamic global environment, organizations need to be agile and adaptive by practicing innovative strategies in order to sustain and remain competitive. One indicator of organizational sustainability is its productivity, which translates into the productivity and performance of employees in the organization. Performance evaluation of employees is an important step in measuring the employee productivity. Such evaluations are in general conducted annually using a performance appraisal system (PAS). The annual appraisal using PAS has two major drawbacks. The first drawback is the long frequency of the appraisal process. As it is an annual affair, the errors such as subjectivity, recency error, bias, halo effect, stereotyping etc. creeps in, and as a result the evaluations will not be proper. The second drawback is with respect to fixation of target/goal achievement. While achieving the targets/goals which are fixed at the beginning of the appraisal period are important, any steps towards achieving such goals are equally important. These drawbacks can be addressed to an extent by having an ongoing or continuous method for performance evaluation of employees. Hence there is a need for continuous performance evaluation of employees (CPEE). Although the importance of CPEE has been highlighted in the literature, we are not aware of any process by which CPEE could be operationalized. In order to implement and sustain, any organizational process, it should produce certain periodic outputs, which is meaningful to its administrators and beneficiaries. In the case of CPEE one such output could be to provide a proper and timely rewards and recognition (R&R). R&R is a motivational tool used for appreciation which could boost employee performance and productivity. Research underline that R&R is strongly and positively correlated to the performance of employees. As defined in thesis, Reward is the materialistic part of the appreciation (such as memento, certificate etc.), while Recognition is the feeling of being appreciated (such as a pat on the back or a public applause). Both Reward and Recognition is considered in unison and considered as mutually inclusive in this thesis. There is some variation of R&R practiced in organizations, known as employee awards. Such awards are motivating enough for the employees. In general, the employee awards are based on nominations from the managers, which are scrutinized by an individual committee and one among the nominated employees is offered the award. Nevertheless employees are often clueless about what performance fetched them the award. In other words the criteria for such awards are often unknown. Similar to PAS, the criteria for such evaluations are developed mostly by the employers with hardly any input from the employees. Additionally the employee awards are heavily dependent upon the PAS and it is mostly an annual affair. Hence the drawbacks for PAS are also applicable for the existing employee awards process. In order to address these drawbacks, R&R should be given in an ongoing and continuous manner. Although the importance and the positive correlation between R&R and employee performance has been established, it has not known to be widely practiced in organizations. This could be due to a lack of proper framework to implement such programs. The CPEE process could be the basis for providing R&R. Therefore this thesis is aimed at developing a comprehensive framework for CPEE to offer R&R. Performance of employee is a sum total of the performances across various dimensions (such as knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours). As the performance for employees is a multi-dimensional concept, the criteria for evaluation using CPEE process should also be based on multiple criteria. Therefore in order to effectively address the operational process of CPEE to offer R&R, a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method based model needs to be developed. A focused review of the existing literature on performance evaluation of employees substantiated the research problem that there is a lack of proper framework for CPEE to offer R&R. In order to address this research problem, the main objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive, formal and objective method to evaluate the employee performance in a continuous manner based on multiple evaluation criteria from the perspectives of employees as well as employers to offer proper and timely reward and recognition to the best performing employee(s). In order to address the main objective of the research, the following objectives are envisaged: 1. To identify the set of variables/criteria with respect to both employees’ and employers’ perspectives and to propose an initial framework for CPEE to offer R&R. 2. To develop a final framework for CPEE to offer R&R based on the initial proposed framework and descriptive research 3 To develop a multi-criteria-decision-making (MCDM) method for the proposed framework for CPEE to offer R&R The scope of this research is limited to Information Technology (IT) organizations due to the alarming rate of attrition and the presence of younger population who are knowledge workers. They expect frequent appreciation and continuous feedback regarding their performance. In this thesis, employees are represented by Software Engineers (SEs) and the employers are represented by Project Managers (PMs). Research Objective 1: In order to address the first research objective a six phased approach is planned. In the first phase, the available literature on existing performance evaluations in general and employee motivations are reviewed to identify the possible variables/criteria for CPEE to offer R&R. This resulted in 51 variables for performance evaluation. As it cannot be confidently asserted whether these variables are applicable to employees of IT organizations, a set of unstructured interviews are conducted with Software Engineers to prepare Case-lets. This Case-let approach with Software Engineers is carried out in the second phase and 7 Case-let reports are prepared. From the analysis of the 7 Case-let reports, 27 variables are identified. As the variables identified from Case-let approach may not represent the entire IT employees, a series of semi structured interviews are conducted among 58 Software Engineers in the third phase to identify further variables/criteria and accordingly 35 variables are identified. In order to obtain the list of variables/criteria based on employers’ perspectives and to validate the set of variables/criteria suggested by Software Engineers, 31 Project Managers are interviewed following semi structured interview method in the fourth phase and 33 variables are identified. In the fifth phase, the variables identified from second to fourth phases are triangulated with those identified from literature (i.e. first phase) which resulted in 33 unique variables that could be used for CPEE of Software Engineers to offer R&R. The final set of 33 variables/criteria are appropriately grouped into variables relating to Demographic Characteristics of Software Engineers (DCSE) and Performance of Software Engineers (PSE). Accordingly, 5 variables related to DCSE and 28 variables related to PSE out of the 33 variables finalized for CPEE to offer R&R, are grouped. Utilizing these grouped sets of variables in DCSE and PSE, an initial framework for CPEE to offer R&R is proposed in the sixth phase. Research Objective 2: In order to validate and to statistically finalize the proposed initial framework, a descriptive research is conducted. For this the importance of each of the identified 33 variables are sought from 443 Software Engineers from 12 IT organizations. A bivariate analysis is planned to analyse the significance of variables of DCSE with the variables of PSE. As there are 28 variables in PSE, they are further grouped with respect to the latent structure using a factor analysis. The factor analysis yielded six factors for measuring PSE. The factors (called as main criteria) are Proactive, Prompt, Resourceful, Responsible, Diagnostic and Dynamic. Based on the bivariate analysis among variables in DCSE and the six main criteria, only three variables, out of five variables of DCSE emerged as significant. Based on the factor analysis and bivariate analysis, the proposed initial framework is modified. Appropriate hypotheses are proposed to indicate the relation between DCSE, PSE and R&R in the modified framework. The modified framework is validated by developing suitable Structural Equation Model (SEM) to verify the hypotheses. The relative influence of DCSE, PSE and R&R are identified based on statistical validation and the framework is finalized. Research Objective 3: As there are six main criteria identified in PSE for CPEE to offer R&R, the proposed framework could be appropriately modelled using MCDM method(s)/models(s). As CPEE is a continuous process, the performance evaluation using CPEE should take only a minimum time for completion of evaluation process, and it should be easy to implement and administer and also should be flexible to accommodate any changes in the criteria or alternatives. These are the preconditions to select the suitable MCDM method(s)/model(s) to operationalize the process of CPEE to offer R&R. In order to select a suitable MCDM method from the available methods, various MCDM methods are screened based on the expected preconditions of the framework. Pugh Matrix Method (PMM) is selected for the CPEE process and is modified to address the basic drawbacks of PMM so as to utilize in this thesis. Accordingly, the MCDM methods: AHP and a Modified Pugh Matrix Method (MPMM) (which are meeting the expected preconditions of the framework such as minimum time, maximum easiness and maximum flexibility) are considered to model the proposed framework for CPEE to offer R&R. The AHP is used to calculate the relative weights and the MPMM is used to compare the performance of employees to provide a relative score. Accordingly, the proposed MCDM based modelling framework for CPEE to offer R&R is demonstrated by developing a suitable example. The MCDM method for CPEE to offer R&R developed in this thesis provides a performance score for every employee for every performance-cycle of CPEE. This score could be stored in a database which could be appropriately utilized during the periodic performance appraisal process using PAS. Overall, the contributions of the research are: (i) a new research problem on CPEE to offer R&R is identified (ii) a set of variables/criteria are identified from both employees and employers perspective, particularly for IT Organizations and an initial framework for CPEE to offer R&R is proposed (iii) a statistically finalized framework for CPEE to offer R&R is presented with the variables/ criteria identified (iv) simple MCDM methods are developed for the operationalization of the proposed framework for CPEE to offer R&R and a possible integration with the organization’s existing PAS is also conceptually presented. (ii) Although the research has accomplished its objectives, there are certain limitations such as (i) the focus of research is limited only to IT organizations, and hence cannot necessarily be generalized, the sampling is based on convenience and assumed to represent the entire IT population in the country and (iii) other MCDM methods are not explored so as to develop the proposed framework. Addressing these could be some of the future research directions in this area.

eModeration requirements: a case study in private secondary schools in South Africa

Rajamany, Vanitha 10 1900 (has links)
Despite the increasing importance of digitization in all facets of teaching and learning, digital moderation (eModeration) has received little attention in research and practice. No evidence-based requirements on the secondary school environment could be found for the development of a digital moderation system. This finding provided the rationale for an investigation into the requirements for an efficient eModeration system for IT and CAT assessments at grade 12 level in South Africa. A critical literature review was employed to explore eModeration and the requirements for a digital moderation system. This study is novel in exploring the applicability of post-adoption technology acceptance models to a pre-adoption system. The inquiry was guided by the overarching research question of: What are the requirements for an efficient eModeration system for IT and CAT SBA assessments at grade 12 level in SA? This dissertation concludes that there is currently no dedicated eModeration system in use in the secondary school environment. This study draws on the eModeration literature, the technology adoption literature and empirical research in the private secondary school environment of IT and CAT assessments at grade 12 level in South Africa to provide an evidence-based contribution to the requirements for an efficient eModeration system. The findings serve as a theoretical basis for future research into eModeration systems and can make a practical contribution to future practices and policies within schools and assessment bodies. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Measuring Mobile Collaborative Learning and academic achievement : whatsapp and students in South Africa

Nyembe, Bangisisi Zamuxolo Mathews 01 1900 (has links)
Mobile learning has developed into an essential component within the education landscape and, with two billion users worldwide, the social media platform WhatsApp has become a prominent feature in this domain. Nevertheless, with ambiguity in the literature about the effects of WhatsApp on teaching and learning and especially a paucity of research measuring collaboration on WhatsApp in relation to students’ academic achievement. The purpose of the study was to explain and predict WhatsApp’s effect on academic achievement using a quantitative questionnaire. The results suggest that increased collaboration on WhatsApp may improve academic achievement. Additionally, improving other aspects, such as active learning, trust, support, formality, interaction and interdependence, may enhance collaboration and, in turn, improve academic achievement. The study has value by providing measurable scientific evidence about the effects of WhatsApp on learning that can be incorporated into the design of teaching and learning activities with WhatsApp to improve academic achievement. / Uhlelo lokufunda uhamba (Mobile learning) selikhule ladlondlobala laba yisigaba esibalulekile ngaphansi komkhakha wemfundo kanti, lolu hlelo selunabasebenzisi abangamabhiliyoni amabili emhlabeni wonke jikelele, uhlelo lwenkundla yezokuxhumana komphakathi lwe-WhatsApp seluyinkanyezi egqamile kulesi sizinda. Yize-kunjalo, kukhona okungacaci kahle mayelana nombhalo wobuciko kwimiphumela yohlelo lwe-WhatsApp mayelana nokufundisa kanye nokufunda, kanti ikakhulu, uhlelo lwezocwaningo olulinganisa izinga lokusebenzisana kohlelo lwe-WhatsApp okumayelana nokuphumelela kwabafundi kwizifundo zabo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwaye kuwukuchaza kanye nokuhlahla umphumela wohlelo lwe-WhatsApp kwezemfundo, ngokusebenzisa uhlelo locwaningo lwemibuzo egxile kumanani (quantitative questionnaire) . Imiphumela iphakamisa ukuthi izinga lokusbenzisana ohlelweni lwe-WhatsApp lungathuthukisa umphumela wezemfundo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lungathuthukisa ezinye izinhlaka, ezinjengohlelo lokufunda olumatasa. Lungaletha ukwethembana, ukuxhasana, ukwenza izinto ngendlela esemthethweni, lungaletha ukuxoxisana kanye nokusebenzisana kwangaphakathi, lungaqinisa ukusebenzisana, kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi, lungaletha impumelelo kwezemfundo. Ucwaningo lubalulekile ngoba lunikeza ubufakazi bezesayensi obulinganisekayo mayelana nemithelela yohlelo lwe-WhatsApp ohlelweni lokufunda, okuwuhlelo olungafakwa ngaphansi kohlelo lokudizayina imisebenzi yohlelo lokufunda nokufundisa ku-WhatsApp ukuthuthukisa ukwenza ngcono imiphumela yezemfundo. / Mobiele leer het in ’n noodsaaklike komponent van die onderwyslandskap ontwikkel en met twee miljard gebruikers wêreldwyd, het die sosiale mediaplatform WhatsApp ’n prominente kenmerk van hierdie domein geword. Nogtans bestaan daar dubbelsinnigheid in die letterkunde oor die uitwerking van WhatsApp op onderrig en leer, en is daar veral ’n gebrek aan navorsing wat die samewerking op WhatsApp in verhouding tot die studente se akademiese prestasies meet. Die doel van hierdie studie was om WhatsApp se uitwerking op akademiese prestasie aan die hand van ’n kwantitatiewe vraelys te verduidelik en te voorspel. Die resultate stel voor dat ’n groter mate van samewerking op WhatsApp akademiese prestasie kan verbeter. Dit kan ook ander aspekte soos aktiewe leer, vertroue, ondersteuning, formaliteit, interaksie en onderlinge afhanklikheid verbeter en kan samewerking verhoog, wat op sy beurt akademiese prestasie kan verbeter. Die studie is waardevol in die sin dat dit meetbare, wetenskaplike bewyse oor die uitwerking van WhatsApp op leer verskaf het, wat by die ontwerp van onderrig- en leeraktiwiteite geïnkorporeer kan word om akademiese prestasie te verbeter. / School of Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)


Shawn Na (17889074) 06 February 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Historically, CIOs have struggled to realize IT investment values and planning involved. In the IT industry, these issues have become a critical C-level topic (Haffke, 2016). Since the establishment of the position of the State Chief Information Officer (CIO), CIO roles have expanded and evolved tremendously as new modern technologies became a part of organization’s information technology (IT) enterprise infrastructure. Multiple State CIOs struggled with modern IT technologies, but successfully completed projects to meet customer business needs and requirements and furthermore, IT investments involved an arduous effort to prepare, execute, complete, and assess for return on investment (ROI) and value realization (NASCIO, 2021). During the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of remote collaboration technology allowed the workforce to perform at remote locations to prevent spread of the virus. Academic research on the topic of State CIO’s involvement in IT strategic planning is limited and yields scarce search results compared to other subject areas. State CIOs’ involvement in IT strategic planning was further researched for enabling remote collaboration for the new remote workforce. Scholarly databases and more than 100 various sources of articles were reviewed for search results that addressed the problem and purpose of this research.<b> </b>Grounded theory research, data triangulation, and Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis software (CAQDAS) were used to analyze the resulting articles. The research deliverables included a document analysis of State CIO involvement in IT strategic planning to enable remote collaboration. There were significant involvements of State CIOs in IT strategic planning to enable remote collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic across the analyses. This study developed a course of actions (COAs) for State CIOs, and recommendations for future research.</p>

Analytisk CRM för beslutsstöd : Faktorers påverkan på förmågan för beslutsfattande, samt dess genererade sociotekniska förändringar / Analytical CRM for decision support : Factors' impact on decision-making capability, and its generatedsociotechnical changes

Salloum, Alexander, Yousef, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Dagens samhälle genomgår förändringar av betydande karaktär som i stor utsträckningdrivs av digitalisering. En av de mest påtagliga förändringarna som påverkar företagenär förändringarna i konsumentbeteendet. Dessa dramatiska förändringar utgör enbetydande utmaning för företag då traditionella metoder för kundhantering inte längre ärtillräckliga.Betydelsen av Customer Relationship Management (CRM), utifrån ett analytiskttillvägagångssätt, blir då avgörande för att bättre hantera kundrelationer i dagens högtkonkurrerande arbetsmiljö. Analytisk CRM är ett IT-beroende arbetssystem däranvändaren av data och analys utför processer och aktiviteter som gör att erbjudnaprodukter och tjänster i högre grad möter kundernas behov. Studiens övergripande målär att genom insikter förstå hur beslutsfattare upplever olika faktorers påverkan påderas förmåga att använda analytisk CRM för att stödja deras beslutsfattande samt desociotekniska förändringar som genereras av det. För att uppnå detta antogs enkvalitativ forskningsmetod där djupintervjuer genomfördes. Sju respondenter, medvarierande roller som Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marknadschef och CRMansvarig intervjuades för att få deras insikter och erfarenheter om analytisk CRM.Studiens resultat och slutsats visar på att beslutsfattare anser kundcentrering ochinformationsteknik som avgörande faktorer för användningen av analytisk CRM.Kundcentreringen skapar en datadriven miljö som främjar datadriven beslutsfattandegenom användningen av data och analys. Det genererar sociotekniska förändringar påbåde djupare och ytmässiga nivåer. Informationstekniken spelar en avgörande roll iinsamling, hantering och analys av data. Detta påverkar beslutsprocesserna till att blidatadrivna och stärker beslutsfattarnas förmåga att fatta välgrundade beslut.Sociotekniska förändringar som generades av informationstekniken var på ytliga nivåer. / Society today is undergoing significant changes largely driven by digitalization. Onetangible change that impacts businesses is the shift in consumer behaviour. Thesedramatic changes pose a significant threat for companies as traditional methods forcustomer management are no longer sufficient.The significance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), based on an analyticalapproach, therefore becomes crucial to better manage customer relationships in today’shighly competing work environment. Analytical CRM is an IT-reliant work system whereparticipants of data and analysis perform processes and activities that enable offeredproducts and services to better meet the needs of customers. The overall goal of thestudy is to understand through insights how decision-makers' experience variousfactors' impact on their ability to utilize analytical CRM to support their decision making,as well as the sociotechnical changes generated by it. To achieve this, a qualitativeresearch method was adopted, where in-depth interviews were conducted. Sevenrespondents, with varying roles as Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marketing Managerand CRM Manager, were interviewed to get their insights and experiences on analyticalCRM.The study’s results and conclusion show that decision-makers consider customercentricity and information technology (IT) as a pivotal factors' influencing the use ofanalytical CRM. Customer centricity fosters a data-driven environment that promotesdata-driven decision-making through the utilization of data and analysis. It generatessociotechnical changes on both deeper and surface structures. IT plays a critical role inthe collection, management, and analysis of data. This impacts decision-makingprocesses to become data-driven and enhances the decision-makers' ability to makedata-driven decisions. Sociotechnical changes generated by information technologywere at surface structures.

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