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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Project Managers' Capacity-Planning Practices for Infrastructure Projects in Qatar

Ojo, Emmanuel Opeyemi 01 January 2019 (has links)
Infrastructure project delays and cost overrun are caused by ineffective use of organizational skills, processes, and resources by project managers in the construction industry. Cost overrun and schedule delay in Qatari infrastructure projects have had damaging effects on the national economy by way of claims and litigation, contractual disputes, delays in dependent projects, and project abandonment. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perceptions of project managers regarding how they utilize capacity-planning practices to mitigate project schedule delay and cost overrun in government-funded infrastructure projects in Qatar. This study was framed by three conceptual models developed by Gill to outline the capacity management needs within a construction company: (a) the time horizon model, (b) the individual-organization-industry levels model, and (c) the capacity development across components model. Date were collected from semistructured interviews with 8 participants, observational field notes, and archival data regarding Qatari infrastructure project managers' experiences in capacity-planning practices. Thematic analysis of textual data and cross-case synthesis analysis yielded 5 conceptual categories that encompassed 15 themes. The conceptual categories were (a) resources to meet performance capacity, (b) knowledgeable and skillful staff, (c) short- and long-term planning strategy, (d) cost overrun issue, and (e) time management. Findings may be used to promote timely completion of infrastructure projects, which may benefit citizens, construction companies, and the economy of Qatar.

Návrh projektu síťové infrastruktury společnosti / Design of Project for Company Network Infrastructure

Cieluch, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concentrated on the use of project management methods to create a new company network infrastructure. In the first part is a description of project management, project phases and other useful knowledge needed for the practice of project management. The next part is focused on the analysis of the company in which the network infrastructure will be introduced. Subsequently, the knowledge gained from the previous parts of the thesis is used to create a project proposal to build a new network infrastructure.

Cirkulär masshantering inom infrastrukturprojekt : Potentialen av BIM för cirkularitet / Circular Mass Haul in Infrastructure Projects : The Potential of BIM for Circularity

Akkurt, Lukas, Thorbiörnson, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
I en alltmer globaliserad värld där behovet av transport och kommunikationer ökar, ställs högre krav på infrastrukturprojekt och deras resursanvändning. Kraven på hållbar utveckling påverkar särskilt dessa projekt och deras masshantering. Ett initiativ som adresserar dessa hållbarhetskrav är konceptet cirkularitet där massor cirkuleras inom ett kretslopp i syfte att främja återanvändning och återvinning. Idag möjliggör digitala verktyg såsom Building Information Modeling (BIM) en plattform för aktörer att få en översikt av projektet. Trots detta återstår det utmaningar med att integrera BIM-teknologi inom masshantering för att effektivt främja cirkulär materialanvändning. Studien grundar sig på en explorativ forskningsdesign med syftet att undersöka aktuella utmaningar för cirkulär masshantering samt potentialen hos BIM inom infrastrukturprojekt för att främja cirkularitet. Studien fokuserar på att identifiera de faktorer som aktörer inom masshantering upplever som hinder för cirkulär masshantering samt på vilket sätt BIM kan bidra till att motverka dessa hinder. Studien visar hur dessa uppfattningar relaterar till cirkularitet genom att undersöka hur dessa faktorer påverkar ekonomisk, social och ekologisk hållbarhet i enlighet med Elkingtons Triple Bottom Linemodell. Arbetet grundar sig på en litteraturöversikt och semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter i form av beställare, entreprenörer och konsulter verksamma inom svensk masshantering. I studien identifierades att flera faktorer utgör hinder för en cirkulär masshantering inom svenska infrastrukturprojekt. Resultatet tyder på hinder i form av brist på kompetens, otillräcklig samordning, logistikproblem, oklar ansvarsfördelning, svårigheter med klassificering samt inkonsekvent beräkning av massor. Dessa faktorer ger upphov till negativa konsekvenser på de ekonomiska, sociala och ekologiska hållbarhetsaspekterna inom organisationerna. Trots detta betraktar respondenterna att implementeringen av BIM inom masshanteringsprocesserna har potential att motverka dessa hinder genom att främja förbättrad samordning, informationsdelning och resursanvändning. Dessa åtgärder möjliggör förbättringar inom alla tre hållbarhetsdimensioner och kan därmed underlätta övergången mot en mer cirkulär masshantering inom svenska infrastrukturprojekt. Trots detta indikerar resultaten att den fulla potentialen av BIM begränsas av utmaningar såsom bristande erfarenhet och oenhetliganvändning inom branschen. / In an increasingly globalized world where the demand for transportation and communication is rising, higher demands are placed on infrastructure projects and their resource utilization. Sustainable development requirements particularly affect these projects and their mass haul. An initiative addressing these sustainability demands is the concept of circularity, where materials circulate within a loop to promote reuse and recycling. Today, digital tools such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) enable stakeholders to gain an overview of the project. However, challenges remain in integrating BIM technology into mass haul to effectively promote circular material usage. The study is based on an exploratory research design aimed at investigating current challenges in circular material management and the potential of BIM within infrastructure projects to promote circularity. The study focuses on identifying the factors that stakeholders in mass haul perceive as barriers to circular material management and how BIM can help mitigate these barriers. The results illustrate how these perceptions relate to circularity by examining how these factors affect economic, social, and environmental sustainability in accordance with Elkington's Triple Bottom Line model. The report is based on a literature review and semi-structured interviews with respondents such as clients, contractors, and consultants active in Swedish mass haul operations. The study identified several factors that constitute barriers to circular material management in Swedish infrastructure projects. The results suggest barriers such as lack of expertise, inadequate coordination, logistical problems, unclear responsibility allocation, difficulties in classification, and inconsistent calculation of materials. These factors lead to negative consequences on the economic, social, and environmental sustainability aspects within organizations. However, respondents consider that the implementation of BIM within mass haul processes has the potential to counteract these barriers by promoting improved coordination, information sharing, and resource utilization. These measures enable improvements in all three sustainability dimensions and can thus facilitate the transition to a more circular mass haul within Swedish infrastructure projects. Nevertheless, the results indicate that the full potential of BIM is limited by challenges such as lack of experience and inconsistent usage within the industry.

Omfattningsändringar i infrastrukturprojekt : En fallstudie med fokus på ett tunnelbaneprojekt i tidiga skeden / Scope changes in infrastructure projects : A Case Study with Focus on an Underground Metro Project in Early Phases

Saad, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Transportinfrastruktursystem spelar en viktig roll i stadsutvecklingen. Nyttjandet av underjordiska utrymmen för transportsystem ökar alltmer och används som potentiella lösningar för att lösa urbaniseringsproblem. För att möta den snabba befolkningstillväxt som Stockholm står inför initierade regeringen Stockholmsöverenskommelsen 2013 som innebar en omfattande utbyggnad av tunnelbanenätet samt en ökad bostadsbebyggelse. Tunnelbaneutbyggnaden är i Sverige den första att genomföras på trettio år och projektet har i det tidiga skedet redan ändrats i omfattning i två etapper.  Syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad förståelse inom området inför framtida projekt av samma karaktär. Målsättningen är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar projektets benägenhet att ändras och hur dessa faktorer i sin tur påverkar projektledarens möjligheter att leda projektet. Problemet avgränsas till ett beställarperspektiv i tidiga skeden och studeras i en svensk kontext.  Forskningen har genomförts som en kvalitativ fallstudie. Fallstudien består av dels en intervjustudie dels en dokumentstudie. Det studerade fallet representerar projekt Akalla-Barkarby som är ett av de delprojekt som ingår i Stockholmsöverenskommelsen.  Studien har identifierat ett antal faktorer som antas påverka projektomfattningen till en större benägenhet att ändras. Dessa faktorer är relaterade till dels de förutsättningar som låg till grund för projektet i och med investeringsbeslutet dels komplexiteten i projektsystemet. Dessa faktorer skapar osäkerheter och begränsar projektledarens möjligheter att leda projektet. / Transportation infrastructure systems play an important role in urban development. The use of underground spaces for transport systems is increasing and is viewed as a potential solution to solve urbanization problems. To meet the rapid population growth that Stockholm is facing, the government initiated the Stockholm Agreement in 2013, which entailed an extensive expansion of the metro system and an increased housing development. The metro system expansion in Sweden is the first to be completed in thirty years and the project has in the early stages already changed in scope twice.  The purpose of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding in the field for future projects of the same nature. The aim is to investigate the factors that affect the project's propensity to change and how these factors in turn affect the project manager's opportunities to lead the project. The problem is limited to a Client perspective in the early stages and is studied in a Swedish context. The research has been carried out as a qualitative case study. The case study consists partly of an interview study and partly of a document study. The case represents the Akalla - Barkarby project, which is one of the sub-projects included in the Stockholm Agreement.  The study has identified several factors that are assumed to influence the project scope to a greater tendency to change. These factors are related partly to the preconditions of the project based in the investment decision and partly to the complexity of the project system. These factors create uncertainties and limit the project manager's opportunities to lead the project.

Contribution à la définition d’un modèle d’ingénierie concourante pour la mise en oeuvre des projets d’infrastructures linéaires urbaines : prise en compte des interactions entre enjeux, acteurs, échelles et objets / Contribution to the definition of a concurrent engineering model for the implementation on urban linear infrastructure projects : taking into account the interactions between issues, stakeholders, scales and objects

Tolmer, Charles-Edouard 07 November 2016 (has links)
Le BIM est actuellement en pleine explosion. Il s'appuie sur la progression des outils informatiques. Toutefois, la gestion de l'information au sein d'un projet d'infrastructure nécessite également l'utilisation de méthodologies et de concepts spécifiques comme les notions de « niveau de détail », de « niveau de développement » ou de « niveau d'abstraction ». Ils servent à décrire l'information pertinente à échanger entre acteurs, selon des objectifs de modélisation, en vue de répondre à des exigences identifiées. Dans le contexte spécifique des projets d'infrastructures, ces outils ne sont mal définis, insuffisants et amènent parfois à des modélisations contradictoires.Dans une optique de progression vers une conception en ingénierie concourante, notre travail de recherche apporte une contribution en deux parties. En se basant sur les principes de l'ingénierie système, la première partie consiste en une méthodologie d'identification des exigences à satisfaire et de l'information pertinente pour y répondre et contrôler cette réponse. La seconde partie décrit le modèle conceptuel de données. Il traite de la structuration des objets qui modélisent le projet en lien avec la structuration des exigences. Cette proposition s'accompagne d'une redéfinition de plusieurs types de niveaux existants (de détail, de développement, d'information, d'abstraction, etc.). Ces éléments sont éprouvés sur un projet d'autoroute en milieu urbain.Les échanges d'informations sont au cœur du BIM. Leur précision ainsi que la qualité des informations échangées participent à la réussite tant technique que managériale du projet.Notre proposition méthodologique permet de faire évoluer les pratiques et le regard que le secteur de la construction porte sur l'information qu'il crée. Elle participe également à la numérisation du secteur de la construction / However, the information management within an infrastructure project (road, rail, airport and other civil engineering works) also requires the use of specific methodologies and concepts like the concepts of ”level of detail” , ”level of development” or ”level of abstraction”. They are used to describe the relevant information that have to be exchanged between stakeholders, according to the modeling objectives in order to meet the project requirements. In the specific context of infrastructure projects, these tools are poorly defined, insufficient and sometimes bring to contradictory models.With a view to progress towards concurrent engineering design, our research is a contribution in two parts. Based on the principles of systems engineering, the first part is about to provide a methodology for requirements and relevant information identification to respond and control this response. The second part describes the project conceptual data model : it deals with the structure of the objects that model in connection with the requirements identification. This proposal is accompanied by a redefinition of several types of existing levels (detail, development, information, abstraction, etc.). These inputs are tested on a project of urban freeway in an industrial context.The exchange of information is at the center of BIM. The accuracy and quality of exchanged information participate in both technical and managerial project success. Our proposed methodology allows to change practices and the vision that the construction sector looks forward to the information it creates. It also participates in the digitalization of the construction sector

Projets d'infrastructure, conflits d'usages des terres et impacts socio-économiques : Etude du projet de barrage Diamer Bhasha, au Pakistan / Infrastructural Projects, Land Use Conflicts and Socioeconomic Impacts Nexus : A Case Study of Diamer Bhasha Dam Project, Pakistan

Sabir, Muazzam 22 February 2018 (has links)
Les changements d’usage des terres à des fins de développement s'accompagnent toujours de conflits entre les différentes parties prenantes, en particulier dans le cadre de la construction ou de l'expansion de projets de développement dans les pays en voie de développement. C’est le cas des projets d'infrastructure comme les barrages hydrauliques et de leurs conséquences à la fois positives et négatives. Dans ces projets les conflits émergent en raison des problèmes liés aux attentes foncières, ainsi qu’aux intérêts divergents des différentes parties prenantes. En fonction de leur intensité, ils apparaissent alors sous différentes formes, avec des impacts importants sur les populations locales.La thèse traite des conflits qui surgissent entre les différents acteurs liés au projet de construction du barrage Diamer Bhasha au Pakistan, ainsi de leurs impacts socioéconomiques sur les personnes affectées. Ce projet a commencé à faire face à des oppositions concernant les acquisitions de terres et provoqué des manifestations, des actions en justice, le blocage des routes et des menaces à l’égard des promoteurs du projet.Afin d'analyser les conflits et d'évaluer les impacts socioéconomiques du projet, nous avons utilisé différentes sources de données primaires et secondaires. 61 entretiens ont ainsi été réalisés avec des experts et des parties prenantes appartenant à différents domaines.De plus, 289 articles de différents quotidiens nationaux et régionaux concernant les conflits et les impacts socioéconomiques du barrage ont été étudiés afin de vérifier et de corroborer ces informations. En outre, certains documents publiés par des organisations, publiques et privées, ont également été consultés. Les résultats révèlent différents conflits entre les personnes affectées et le Gouvernement, ainsi qu’entre différents groupes locaux d’acteurs, au sujet des compensations foncières et des droits de propriété. L’étude met en évidence les problèmes posés par le projet au niveau socio‐économiques, qui concernent en particulier un plan de réinstallation inefficace et la perte massive d'emplois. En outre, il explore les causes profondes des conflits, dues à la mauvaise planification, la mauvaise gouvernance, la mauvaise gestion, la corruption et le népotisme dans les différentes activités du projet. L’absence de participation de toutes les parties prenantes et la diffusion inexistante de l'information sur les activités du projet, sont également de très importantes sources de conflits entre les différents acteurs. Enfin, le travail présente des mesures de politiques et des recommandations pour une meilleure gouvernance, en termes de renforcement des capacités des populations locales dans différents domaines et de participation de toutes les parties prenantes à l’ensemble des composantes du projet. / Land use change for the purpose of development always comes with conflicts among different stakeholders, especially under the construction or expansion of developmental projects in developing countries. Thus, infrastructural projects like dams have both positive and negative consequences in this regard. The conflicts in such projects emerge with view of issues associated with the superposition of land expectation, as well as different stakeholders' interests. They appear in different forms, depending upon their intensity, with severe impacts on local people. The article deals with conflicts arising among different actors and their socioeconomic impacts on affected people, due to construction of Diamer Bhasha Dam project in Pakistan. This project started facing opposition from land acquisition and encouraged protestations, legal action in court, road blockage, threatening the project contractor, and violation.In order to analyze the conflicts and to assess the socioeconomic impacts of the project, we used both primary and secondary data sources. About 61 interviews with experts and stakeholders of different backgrounds were conducted.Moreover, under the secondary source about 289 articles from different national and regional dailies on conflicts and socioeconomics impacts of the Dam were studied in order to cross check the information. Further, some literature published by public and private organizations was also consulted.Preliminary results show different conflicts between affected people and Government and also among different groups of locally affected people, over land compensations and property rights. This study further highlights the socioeconomic issues of the project in the form of ineffective resettlement plan and loss of employment opportunities. It further, explores the root causes of conflicts, due to poor planning and governance, mismanagement, corruption and cronyism in different project activities. Lack of participation of all stakeholders and proper information dissemination about all project activities are also main source of conflicts among different actors. Finally, it provides policy measures and recommendations for better governance in the form of capacity building of local people in different areas and participation of all stakeholders in all project activities.

Финансово-экономическое обоснование проекта создания ледового дворца с применением smart-технологий (г. Заречный) : магистерская диссертация / Financial and economic justification ice palace project using smart technologies (Zarechny)

Мезенцева, Т. В., Mezenceva, T. V. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В работе рассмотрено обоснование финансово-экономического проекта создания ледового дворца с применением smart-технологий в городе Заречный, Свердловская область. Проанализирована территория расположения рассматриваемого объекта, рассмотрены smart-технологии, применяемые в сфере спорта и разработаны концепция и финансово-экономическая модель проекта по созданию ледового комплекса с применением механизма государственно-частного партнерства при финансировании проекта. Сформирован бюджет проекта, рассчитаны интегральные показатели экономической эффективности проекта. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The Master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list and appendices. The paper considers the rationale for the financial and economic project of creating an ice palace using smart technologies in the city of Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region. The territory of the location of the object under consideration is analyzed, smart technologies used in the field of sports are considered, and the concept and financial and economic model of the project for the creation of an ice complex using the mechanism of public-private partnership in financing the project are developed. The project budget has been formed, integral indicators of the economic efficiency of the project have been calculated. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.


LILIANA DENNIS MEJIA SANCHEZ 23 July 2024 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese estuda as Concessões e Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPPs) realizadas no Brasil. Para analisar os problemas, riscos, incertezas e fatores que afetam os projetos de infraestrutura e propõe uma estratégia para resolver um dos principais riscos que afetam os projetos: risco de demanda. Na primeira parte é realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura acadêmica sobre projetos de infraestrutura pública e a aplicação de abordagens de avaliação que incorporam flexibilidade, como a Abordagem de Opções Reais. Esta revisão centra-se nos principais avanços alcançados na área, tendências atuais, formas de incorporar flexibilidade e sua avaliação. A segunda parte analisa as principais características dos contratos de concessão no Brasil e os fatores que geraram problemas nas concessões. Esta análise identifica os principais problemas, semelhanças e diferenças entre os setores e exibe as estratégias utilizadas para enfrentar as dificuldades. A terceira parte mostra as tendências em relação às PPPs na América Latina e no Caribe. Destaca também um modelo de concessão utilizado nos Portos. Diferentemente de outros modelos, a construção é realizada de acordo com a demanda por meio de gatilhos. Uma vez acionado o gatilho, o investimento passa a ser obrigatório. Portanto, é conhecido como uma opção obrigatória. Por fim, na quarta parte é desenvolvido um modelo para mitigar o risco de demanda e não gerar passivos contingentes para o poder concedente. Esta estratégia é denominada mecanismo MRG/GL, pois combina a Garantia de Receita Mínima (MRG) com o Mecanismo de Contas. Os resultados mostram que é possível reduzir o risco de demanda, tornar os projetos atrativos e, simultaneamente, reduzir a possibilidade de carga orçamental e passivos para o governo. / [en] This thesis studies concessions and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) carried out in Brazil. To analyze the problems, risks, uncertainties, and factors that affect infrastructure projects and proposes a strategy to solve one of the main risks that affect projects: demand risk. In the first part, a systematic literature review on public infrastructure projects and the application of evaluation approaches that incorporate flexibility is carried out. This is the case with the Real Options Approach. This review focuses on the main advances made in the area, current trends, ways to incorporate flexibility, and its evaluation. The second part analyses the main characteristics of concession contracts in Brazil and the factors that generated problems in concessions. This analysis identifies the main problems, similarities, and differences between sectors and displays the strategies used for facing the difficulties. The third part shows trends regarding PPPs in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also highlights a concession model used in ports. Unlike other models, construction is carried out according to demand through triggers. Once the trigger is activated, the investment becomes mandatory. Therefore, it is known as a mandatory option. Finally, a new model is developed in the fourth part to mitigate demand risk and not generate contingent liabilities for the granting authority. This new strategy is called the MRG/GL mechanism, as it combines the Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG) with the Accounts Mechanism. The results show that it is possible to reduce demand risk, make projects attractive, and simultaneously reduce the possibility of budgetary burden for the government.

Modelování ekonomické efektivnosti projektů silniční inftrastruktury / Modelling of Economic Efficiency of Transport Infrastructure Projects

Michalik, René January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a cost-benefit analysis of investments in road infrastructure. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part includes a description of the cost-benefit analysis procedure and a deeper description of evaluating investments in road and highway constructions. The practical part deals with the specific investment for the construction of highway. This involves applying information from the theoretical part to this specific investment and evaluating the economic efficiency, including risk analysis. The main indicator of the economic efficiency is the net present value.

Styrning i vägprojekt: Med fokus på förutsättningar och risker : En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie inom Trafikverket / Managing road projects: focusing on conditions and risks : A qualitative multi-case study within Trafikverket

Johnsson, Julia, Olin, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Projekt präglas vanligtvis av en otillräcklig måluppfyllelse, exempelvis gällande tid, kostnad och kvalitet. Detta går även att finna vid anläggnings- och infrastrukturprojekt, vilka dessutom är betydande för samhällets möjligheter för kommunikation och transport. Att infrastrukturprojekt, vilka bedrivs av den offentliga verksamheten Trafikverket, inte uppnår sina mål resulterar i förseningar och att skattepengar inte nyttjas maximalt. Detta tyder även på att projekten är svårstyrda utifrån de föränderliga förutsättningar och risker som präglar projekttypen, vilket gör det relevant att studera ämnet vidare.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur styrningen går tillväga vid vägprojekt med fokus på förutsättningar och risker. Detta utförs genom att beskriva hur Trafikverkets process styrs i vägprojekt och identifiera samt analysera förutsättningar och risker som kan påverka projekten. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie inom Trafikverket. Det teoretiska materialet har erhållits från vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och rapporter. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom ett snöbollsurval där åtta respondenter inkluderades. Totalt genomfördes elva semistrukturerade intervjuer. Webbsidor och dokument är också en del av det empiriskt insamlade materialet. Vid genomförandet av studien har vi utgått ifrån forskningsetiska överväganden och kvalitetskriterier, i syfte att öka dess pålitlighet, trovärdighet, konfirmering och överförbarhet.  Slutsats: Studien konstaterar att vägprojekt styrs utifrån en version av stage-gate-modellen och att det även finns inslag av den agila metoden angående riskhanteringen. Styrtriangelns tre dimensioner tid, kostnad och kvalitet utgör ett fokus inom vägprojekt, dimensionen kvalitet beskrivs däremot som innehåll. Förutom att styrtriangeln består av ett inre beroende finns även en yttre påverkan gentemot andra projekt. Detta innebär att ett projekts styrtriangel har en inverkan på ett annat projekts dimensioner, vilket är ett teoretiskt bidrag som studien belyst. Det identifierades även totalt åtta förutsättningar, sex risker och åtta faktorer som betraktas vara både förutsättningar och risker inom vägprojekt. Samtliga av dessa förutsättningar och risker styrs samt hanteras. Det redogörs för att dessa påverkar varandra, vilket styrningen av dem bör ta hänsyn till. Sammantaget fastställs det att styrningen av vägprojekt är komplext på grund av dessa samband och uppkomsten av oförutsägbara händelser. Detta bidrar till en praktisk och teoretisk kunskap angående styrningen med hänsyn till förutsättningar och risker eftersom dessa har studerats i samband med varandra. / Background and problem: Projects are usually characterized by insufficient goal fulfillment, regarding time, cost and quality for example. This can also be found in construction and infrastructure projects, which are important for society's opportunities for communication and transport. The fact that infrastructure projects, which are carried out by the public authority Trafikverket, do not achieve their goals, results in delays and that tax money is not used to the maximum. This also indicates that the projects are difficult to manage on the basis of the changing conditions and risks that characterize the project type, which makes it relevant to study the subject further. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of how management is used in road projects with a focus on conditions and risks. This is accomplished by describing how Trafikverkets process is managed in road projects and identifying and analyzing conditions and risks that can affect the projects. Method: The study is a qualitative multi-case study within Trafikverket. The theoretical material has been obtained from scientific articles, literature and reports. The empirical material was collected through a snowball selection in which eight respondents were included. In total, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted. Web pages and documents are also part of the empirically collected material. In conducting the study, we included research ethical considerations and quality criteria, with the aim of increasing its reliability, credibility, confirmation and transferability. Conclusion: The study finds that road projects are managed based on a version of the stage-gate model and that there are also elements of the agile method regarding risk management. The three dimensions in the iron triangle time, cost and quality are a focus within road projects, but the quality dimension is described as content. In addition to the iron triangle consisting of an internal dependency, there is also an external influence on other projects. This means that one project's control triangle has an impact on another project's dimensions, which is a theoretical contribution that the study illustrated. A total of eight conditions, six risks and eight factors were also identified, which are considered to be both conditions and risks in road projects. All of these conditions and risks are managed. It is stated that these affect each other, which their management should take into account. Overall, it is determined that the management of road projects is complex due to these relationships and the occurrence of unpredictable events. This contributes to a practical and theoretical knowledge of the management with regard to the conditions and risks as these have been studied in conjunction with each other.

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