Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INNOVATION MANAGEMENT"" "subject:"[enn] INNOVATION MANAGEMENT""
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Capabilities for managing project alliancesHietajärvi, A.-M. (Anna-Maija) 02 May 2017 (has links)
The infrastructure and construction industry has for decades suffered from problems such as cost overruns, delays, disputes and low productivity. To transform old adversarial practices and industrial culture into more collaborative and innovative ways of working, new operational models for project delivery have been introduced. A project alliance is among the models developed to improve infrastructure and construction project performance by addressing problems of fragmentation and lack of integration. However, the growing body of conceptual and empirical research on project alliances within the field of project management does not include any in-depth investigation of the capability requirements and relevant processes for managing alliance projects. The goal of this dissertation is to contribute to the project alliance literature within the field of project management by exploring the capabilities needed by an inter-organizational alliance project organization and participating organizations to manage project alliances in the infrastructure and construction context.
The research adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing the case study method and in-depth interviews as research methods. The empirical results, which relate to the first project alliances in the Finnish infrastructure and construction industry, highlight the importance of the alliance project organization’s collective capabilities for managing project alliances. Among these capabilities, inter-organizational integration management, collaborative project identity formation and opportunity management are of particular importance. In addition, each participating organization requires specific project alliance capability, which comprises both the ability to implement key activities over the project life cycle and the skills required by project-based organizations and participating individuals. Together, these organizational and project network-level capabilities form the basis for managing such projects. / Tiivistelmä
Infrastruktuuri- ja rakennusteollisuus on kärsinyt kustannusten ylityksistä, myöhästymisistä, erimielisyyksistä ja heikosta tuottavuudesta jo kymmenien vuosien ajan. Jotta vanhat, vastakkainasetteluun perustuvat käytännöt ja toimintakulttuuri voitaisiin muuttaa, uusia projektien toteutusmalleja on otettu käyttöön. Projektiallianssi on yksi yhteistoiminnallisista malleista, joka on kehitetty vähentämään toimialan sirpaloitumista ja edistämään integroitumista tavoitteena infrastruktuuri- ja rakennusalan projektien suorituskyvyn parantaminen. Lisääntyvästä konseptuaalisesta ja empiirisestä tutkimuksesta huolimatta, projektiallianssiin kohdistuva tutkimus ei ole tarkastellut organisaatioiden kyvykkyysvaatimuksia ja keskeisimpiä allianssin johtamiseen liittyviä prosesseja riittävän syvällisesti. Väitöskirjan tavoite on edistää projektiallianssin tutkimusta tuottamalla uutta tieto allianssihankkeisiin osallistuvien organisaatioiden kyvykkyysvaatimuksista sekä yhteisistä kyvykkyyksistä, joita projektiorganisaatio tarvitsee allianssiprojektin hallintaan infrastruktuuri- ja rakennusalalla.
Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tapaus- ja haastattelututkimuksena. Suomen ensimmäisistä infrastruktuuri- ja rakennusalan allianssihankkeista saadut empiiriset tulokset korostavat allianssiprojektiorganisaation yhteisten kyvykkyyksien merkitystä. Kyvykkyysvaatimukset kohdistuvat erityisesti organisaatioiden välisen integraation johtamiseen, yhteistyötä korostavan projekti-identiteetin muodostamiseen ja mahdollisuuksien hallintaan allianssiprojektissa. Näiden yhteisten kyvykkyyksien lisäksi jokainen organisaatio tarvitsee projektiallianssikyvykkyyden, joka koostuu allianssihankkeiden käynnistämiseen ja hallintaan tarvittavista taidoista ja kyvystä toteuttaa eri elinkaaren vaiheen kannalta keskeisiä toimintoja. Hankkeeseen osallistuvan organisaation projektiallianssikyvykkyys ja yhteiset projektiverkoston kyvykkyydet luovat perustan allianssihankkeen hallinnalle.
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高級中學校長正向領導、教師專業學習社群與學校創新經營關係之研究 / A Study on Relationship among Positive Leadership of Principals, Teacher Professional Learning Community, and School Innovation Management in High Schools孫宏禮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採問卷調查法,針對雙北(臺北市、新北市)高級中學教師就校長正向領導、教師專業學習社群與學校創新經營之關係進行探討。寄發 650位教師樣本,回收問卷491份,回收率為 75.54%。有效問卷 461 份,有效問卷回收率為 71 %。首先以平均數、標準差等來描述雙北高級中學校長正向領導、教師專業學習社群與學校創新經營的現況;另以平均數差異考驗(t-test)和單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)來檢定不同背景變項的雙北高級中學校長正向領導、教師專業學習社群與學校創新經營之知覺反應差異情形;再以Pearson 積差相關檢視其相關性;最後再採逐步多元迴歸分析法,考驗校長正向領導與教師專業學習社群之各分層面對學校創新經營的預測力。最後,將研究發現,提出建議,以供未來相關研究作參考。
關鍵詞:校長正向領導、教師專業學習社群、學校創新經營 / Abstract
In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted to explore the relationship among the positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management in high school teachers of Taipei City and New Taipei City. 650 samples were sent and 491 samples were collected. The recovery rate was 75.54%. There was a total of 461 valid questionnaires and a valid response rate of 71%. First, using the average, standard deviation and etc. to describe the current status of positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management in high schools of Taipei City and New Taipei City; second, use t-test and One-Way ANOVA to examine the perceptual response differences among positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management in the high schools of the two cities with background variables; then, use Pearson product difference to review the correlations; last, with multiple stepwise regression analysis to test the predictability of positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management. Finally, the study results will make recommendations for future reference.
I. The current perceptual situation of positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management in high schools is in good condition.
II. Different background variables are found in positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management
III. The positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management show a positive correlation
IV. The positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers and school innovation management have a predictive effect, the level of “sharing teaching practice” has the highest predictability.
1. A level of four variables in school innovation management “Administrative Management Innovation” has reached a predictability of 65.5%.
2. A level of four variables in school innovation management “Curriculum Instruction Innovation” has reached a predictability of 67.3%.
3. A level of three variables in school innovation management “Student Activities Innovation” has reached a predictability of 64.7%.
4. A level of five variables in school innovation management “Resource Utilization Innovation” has reached a predictability of 68.1%.
5. A level of four variables in school innovation management “Campus Environment Innovation” has reached a predictability of 62.1%.
6. A total of five variables in school innovation management has reached a predictability of 80%.
According to research study, it is hoped that the findings of this study can lead to substantial suggestions for the reference of educational administration, school administrative unit, high school personnel and further studies.
Keywords: positive leadership of principals, professional learning community of teachers, school innovation management
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Essai d'un modèle d'activité d'un Centre de Compétences Technologiques : application au Cétim pour le secteur de la Mécanique / Test of the activity model of a centre of technological competence : application to Cetim for mechanical industrySouquet, Pascal 13 October 2011 (has links)
Le Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques constitue l’un des centres de compétences technologiques des Industries Mécaniques. Sa problématique est de déterminer le processus de management de la technologie nécessaire à sa mission d’appui à l’innovation.Après avoir caractérisé la mécanique dans une approche méso-économique, nous proposons un modèle d'activités du Centre de Compétences Technologiques, illustré par le modèle du Cetim. Sur cette base, le management de l'innovation est analysé comme la formalisation opérationnelle de la mission d’appui à l’innovation technologique du territoire technologique et géographique du Centre de Compétences Technologiques, à partir de l'outillage et des processus du management de la technologie.Le processus conduisant de l’idée au produit est décrit par 3 étapes : la formalisation de l’idée à l’objet, la faisabilité de l’idée vis-à-vis d’une première cible de marché et l’industrialisation. Ce modèle séquentiel a été complété par une modélisation globale reliant la stratégie avec la mise en oeuvre des projets d’innovation qui la concrétisent.Le processus de R&D comporte 4 étapes d’un cycle itératif : marketing technologique, gestion du portefeuille technologique, production de R&D et valorisation. Des indicateurs permettent d’évaluer les performances sur les 4 axes du modèle d’activités en s’appuyant sur la codification des projets d’innovation. Cette dernière peut être aussi utilisée pour suivre les évolutions du coeur de compétence. / The Technical Centre of Mechanical Engineering is one of the centres of technological competence in the Mechanical Industry. Its objective is to identify the process of management of the technology needed for its activity in innovation support.After having characterised mechanical industry in a meso economic approach, we propose a model of activity of the technological competence centre, illustrated by the Cetim example. On this basis, innovation management is analysed as a formalised operational process of the innovation support activity in the geographical and technological territory of the technological competence centre, using tools and processes of technology management.The process from idea to finished product is split into 3 steps: idea to object conception, feasibility regarding a first market target and industrialisation. This sequential model was completed by a global model which linked strategy to the implementation of an innovated project.R&D process is composed of 4 steps of a repeated cycle: technological marketing, management of the project portfolio, R&D production and enhanced value. Indicators help in evaluating performance on the 4 axes of the activity model using codification of innovation projects in the information system. This can be also used to follow core competence evolution.
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Modeling Manifest and Latent Structures in a University: Understanding Resources and Dissent DynamicsZaini, Raafat Mahmoud 23 January 2017 (has links)
Using modeling and computer simulation, this research focuses on studying two different views to organizational design and their implications for performance in the context of academic institutions. One view represents the manifest structure that includes resources (students, faculty, administration, facilities, finances, partners, donors, etc.); the other view represents the latent structure that focuses on dissent. The dissertation addresses the following two questions; 1. What are the tangible dynamic interdependencies constituting the manifest structure within academic institutions and their impact on performance? 2. What is the impact of the latent structures composed of intangible organizational processes, especially dissent, on performance? The dissertation proposes generic system dynamics simulation models untangling the complexity of the topic by tackling various slices of the problem in separate papers. The models are based on three different theoretical frameworks addressing resources and their composition, dissent, and stakeholder engagement. It is observed that while both the manifest and the latent parts of the university organization impact its performance, the latent part, being invisible, is often ignored. In the long run, the influence of the latent part of the organization can slowly but seriously compromise intangible performances components like quality, reputation, and attractiveness. When the manifest part of the organization is dysfunctional, its tangible performance rapidly suffers. The damage control policies will often impact the latent organizational performance leading the institution into a vicious cycle. The presence of time delays in this framework may create an oscillatory behavior that might modulate a growth or decline trend. Performance measures addressing intangible performance components must be factored into the organizational design since faculty, students, and other stakeholders are not only driven by financial rewards, but also by the organizational environment. The research, besides addressing the important question of the role of latent elements in organization design and demonstrating this can be done using system dynamics modeling and computer simulation, should also be of value to the design and management of higher education institutions.
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Internetbasierte Ideenwettbewerbe als Instrument der Integration von Kunden in das Innovationsmanagement von Software-UnternehmenBretschneider, Ulrich, Ebner, Winfried, Leimeister, Jan Marco, Krcmar, Helmut January 2007 (has links)
Insbesondere für kleine und mittlere Softwareunternehmen stellen die Erhöhung der eigenen Innovationskraft und -geschwindigkeit entscheidende Überlebensfragen dar. Der heute als hierfür wichtig hervorgehobene Ansatz der „Open Innovation“ hat sich in der Softwareentwicklungsbrache bislang jedoch kaum durchgesetzt, obwohl den Kunden bzw. Anwendern von Softwareprodukten wegen ihres im Umgang mit den Softwareprodukten gewonnenen Erfahrungswissens ein großes Innovationspotenzial nachgesagt werden kann.
Die Durchführung von Ideenwettbewerben stellt in diesem Zusammenhang eine leicht adaptierbare und kostengünstige Methode der Kundenintegration dar. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist, IT-gestützte Ideenwettbewerbe als ein vielversprechendes theoretisches Konzept zur Integration von Kunden in das Innovationsmanagement von Softwareunternehmen vorzustellen.
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Idea Mirrors – Einsatz großer Wandbildschirme zur Förderung diskontinuierlicher Innovation in der SoftwarebrancheKoch, Michael, Ott, Florian January 2008 (has links)
Die Nutzbarmachung des in den Köpfen von Mitarbeitern und Kunden schlummernden, disruptiven Ideenpotenzials stellt Unternehmen weiterhin vor eine große Herausforderung. Der Ansatz des Idea Mirrors verfolgt in diesem Zusammenhang das Ziel, die Möglichkeiten großer Wandbildschirme zu nutzen, um das kreative Ideenpotenzial von Unternehmen insbesondere in den frühen Phasen des Innovationsprozesses besser sichtbar zu machen und so die Motivation zur Ideengenerierung, zur kommunikativen Ideenvernetzung und zur späteren gemeinschaftlichen Ideennutzung zu fördern. Die Einbettung der Benutzungsschnittstelle in den normalen Geschäftsalltag an halböffentlichen Orten wie Empfangshallen, Cafeterien oder in Gruppenräumen soll die Hemmschwelle zur Interaktion herabsetzen und gleichzeitig die Wahrnehmung der dargestellten Inhalte durch eine breite Nutzerbasis garantieren.
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Open Innovation: Grundlagen, Akteure, Werkzeuge und WirkungsweisenMöslein, Kathrin M. January 2010 (has links)
Open Innovation bezeichnet Innovationsprozesse, die nicht an den Grenzen von Unternehmen oder deren Innovationsabteilungen enden, sondern Akteure unabhängig von deren institutioneller Zugehörigkeit als Ideengeber, Konzeptentwickler oder auch Innovationsumsetzer in die Gestaltung von Innovationen einbinden. Dieser Beitrag skizziert Grundlagen der Open Innovation, stellt die einzubindenden Akteure und ihre Rollen im Innovationsgeschehen vor und führt ein in die fünf zentralen Werkzeugklassen, auf die Unternehmen zur Implementierung von Open Innovation heute zurückgreifen können. Herausforderungen und Spannungsfelder, die sich bei der Nutzung von Open Innovation zeigen, werden abschließend aufgezeigt.
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Integration von e-Learning Systemen und Groupware-Anwendungen am Beispiel von „Group-based Management Training“Dornberger, Utz, Krause, Dirk January 2005 (has links)
Basierend auf den Erfahrungen der Mitarbeiter der confuture Innovationssysteme GmbH auf den Gebieten der Entwicklung von internetbasierten Anwendungssystemen und Groupware-Anwendungen sowie den Mitarbeitern des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität Leipzig (IWi) bei der Entwicklung, Einführung und Betrieb von e-Learning-Systemen im Projekt „Winfoline“ wurde im Jahre 2003 der Prototyp eines modularen, frei konfigurierbaren e-Learning Systems entwickelt.
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Sharing Isn't Caring? : A Qualitative Study Focused on How Industry Incumbents Can Successfully Compete with Sharing Economy BusinessesAspebo, Philip, Kriegel, Luisa January 2021 (has links)
Sharing economy businesses have increasingly began to inhibit the competitive landscape of many different industries. Their growth can be primary connected to general digitalization developments. At its core, the sharing economy concept is built around efficiently using excess resources. In this thesis, it is argued that sharing economy businesses should be considered disruptive innovations, partly because they present incumbent firms with significant challenges. While the sharing economy business concept facilitates effective peer-to-peer exchange, and in the process provides new possibilities of employment, customer-centric innovation and market development, it can also be tied to a decreasing demand for goods and services offered by incumbents in the same marketplace. Examples of businesses built around the sharing economy concept include – but are not limited to – Airbnb, Vrbo, Uber, Lyft, Zilok, and Hygglo. Prior to the beginning of this research project, very little research regarding potential strategic countermeasures for incumbent firms to employ against sharing economy competitors had been conducted. As a result, this thesis serves the purpose of investigating the impact of sharing economy businesses from the perspective of incumbents and theorizing about potential responses. In order to facilitate this purpose, the hospitality industry was chosen as a representative of an industry that has experienced sharing economy business entrances and sharing economy business competition to a researchable extent. Through this thesis and its accompanying qualitative data collection process, several challenges that are presented to incumbents as a result of sharing economy business entrances were identified. Additionally, a focus was placed on evaluating both tried and prospective strategic measures, using existing theory and insights from the data collection to discover the key aspects needed for the development of potential responses to sharing economy businesses. A similar process was undertaken regarding business models, as the crucial and core elements of a perceived successful business model needed to be identified. The findings generated by the data collection process were then analyzed using a thematic analysis, centered on the themes of: Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry; Current Trends in the Hospitality Sector; Fundamentals of a Successful Hotel Business; and Future Strategy Suggestions and Industry Prospects. After conducting the three identification and analyzation stages, the findings were discussed in the penultimate chapter of the thesis, where the findings’ relation to existing theory was explored. Following the discussion, the possibility to answer the main research question of this thesis appeared. After discussing our findings, our analysis, and the connection to existing theory, we were able to conclude that incumbent firms can successfully compete with sharing economy businesses. Specifically, they could ensure this through strategic changes and business model innovations built around efficiently exploiting the incumbents’ internal strengths and advantages that are currently not easily imitable by sharing economy businesses. As such, they should look to create, deliver, and communicate unique value to its customers, and suggestions on how this could be achieved by both incumbent hospitality managers and others are provided.
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Přístupy ke zvyšování inovační výkonnosti výrobních podniků / Approaches of Innovation Performance Increasing in Manufacturing CompaniesŽižlavský, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
Innovation is one of the most important elements concerning higher performance in company efficiency. This methodical definition takes a look at the main benefits of on innovation on efficiency and hence on the efficiency and performance on the company as a whole, presenting the possibility of measurement of innovation efficiency and establishing defined methods for its improvement exploiting the development of innovation potential This particular issue is topical not only by reason of competitiveness of our companies but also maintaining share market and surviving the current economic crisis. Well managed and successfully introduced innovation into the market represents the tool for the companies, by means of which they can reach competitive advantages, enabling their prosperity in this slump. Every company has a certain innovation potential which should be explored, supported, utilized and systematically developed. The doctoral thesis focuses on the achievement of two basic goals, the cognitional and the inventive goal as well as confirmation or disconfirmation of set hypothesis. The first cognitional goal analyzes the present situation of solved questions, where current opinions and theories of our local and foreign experts are presented concerning innovation and company development. Basic definitions dealing with solved problems are described here as well. Various factors of innovation performance development are being carried out with the help of secondary and finally also primary research in Czech companies. The second related inventive goal is focused on design of methodical approach of increasing innovation performance that can be used in Czech companies. Contributions of the academic dissertation for theory and its contribution for corporation development and managerial practice are emphasized in the end part thesis.
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