Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ION BEAM"" "subject:"[enn] ION BEAM""
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Darstellung eines Referenzmaterials für die ortsaufgelöste Wasserstoffanalytik in oberflächennahen Schichten mittels KernreaktionsanalyseReinholz, Uwe 10 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Obwohl Wasserstoff omnipräsent ist, ist seine Analytik anspruchsvoll und es stehen nur wenige analytische Verfahren zur Auswahl. Unter diesen nimmt die auf einer Kernreaktion von Wasserstoff und Stickstoff basierende N-15-Methode einen herausragenden Platz ein. Sie liefert eine ortsaufgelöste Wasserstoffkonzentration bis in den ppm-Bereich in oberflächennahen Schichten (kleiner 2 µm). Gegenstand der Arbeit sind die Darstellung der Theorie der N-15-Kernreaktionsanalyse (NRA), des experimentellen Aufbaus des entsprechenden Strahlrohrs am Ionenbeschleuniger der BAM und der Auswertung der Messergebnisse. Ziel ist die erstmalige Charakterisierung eines Referenzmaterials für die H-Analytik auf Basis von amorphen Silizium (aSi) auf einem Si[100]-Substrat. International wird von den metrologischen Instituten NIST [REE90] und IRMM [VAN87] je ein Referenzmaterial für die Heißextraktion in Form von Titanplättchen angeboten. Diese sind aber für die oberflächennahen Verfahren (NRA, ERDA, GDOES, SIMS) nicht nutzbar, da die oberflächennahe Konzentration von Wasserstoff in Titan nicht konstant ist. Die Homogenität der mittels CVD abgeschiedenen aSi:H-Schichten wurde untersucht. Dazu wurden pro Substrat für ca. 30 Proben die Wasserstofftiefenprofile gemessen, mittels eines innerhalb der Arbeit entstandenen Programms entfaltet und der statischen Auswertung unterzogen. Das Ergebnis waren Mittelwert und Standardabweichung der Wasserstoffkonzentration, sowie ein Schätzer für den Beitrag der Inhomogenität zur Meßunsicherheit. Die Stabilität des potentiellen Referenzmaterials wurde durch die Konstanz der Ergebnisse von Wiederholtungsmessungen der Wasserstoffkonzentrtion während der Applikation einer hohen Dosis von N-15 Ionen bewiesen. In einem internationalen Ringversuch wurde die Rückführbarkeit der Messergebnisse nachgewiesen. Teilnehmer waren 13 Labore aus 7 Ländern. Eingesetzt wurden N-15 und F-19 NRA, ERDA und SIMS. Besonderer Beachtung wurde der Bestimmung der Messunsicherheiten gewidmet. Für die Charakterisierung der aSi:H-Schichten wurden neben der NRA die Weißlichtinterferometrie, Ellipsometrie, Profilometrie und Röngenreflektometrie, sowie die IR- und Ramanspektroskopie genutzt. Die Stöchiometrie des eingesetzten Standardmaterials Kapton wurde mittels NMR-Spekroskopie und CHN-Analyse überprüft. [VAN87] Vandendriessche, S., Marchandise, H., Vandecasteele, C., The certification of hydrogen in titanium CRM No318, Brüssel-Luxembourg,1987 [REE90] Reed, W.P., Certificate of Analysis SRM 352c, Gaithersburg, NIST, 1990
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Phase separation in carbon:transition metal nanocomposite thin films / Phasentrennung in dünnen Kohlenstoff-Übergangsmetall-NanokompositenBerndt, Markus 08 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The structural evolution of carbon:transition metal (C:TM) nanocomposite thin films is investigated in two regimes: (i) surface diffusion governed regime occurring during the film growth and (ii) bulk diffusion dominated regime occurring during the post-deposition thermal annealing. C:V, C:Co, and C:Cu nanocomposite films were grown by ion beam co-sputtering. The influence of the metal type, metal content (15-40 at.%), substrate temperature (RT-500°C), and annealing temperature (300-700°C) on the structure and morphology of the composite is studied by the means of elastic recoil detection analysis, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.
Vanadium (copper) is in carbidic (metallic) state in the whole temperature range of the study. In contrast, cobalt is in carbidic state up to 300°C and becomes metallic at higher growth temperatures. The nanoparticles in C:V films exhibit a globular shape at RT-500°C, whereas in C:Co and C:Cu films a growth transition from globular to elongated nanoparticles occurs around 300°C. The comparison of the Raman spectroscopy results from carbon reference and C:TM thin films shows that the presence of the metal during growth significantly enhances the formation of sixfold ring carbon clusters at temperatures as low as RT. The enhancement occurs independently of the nanoparticle size, shape, and phase, and metal content, and is related to processes taking place on the nanoparticle surface of the growing film rather than in the bulk. The degree of enhancement depends on the TM type and content.
Post-deposition annealing of C:Co and C:Cu films at 700°C causes the metal segregation at the film surface, while no changes upon annealing occur in C:V films. In addition, cobalt brings about the carbon graphitization by a dissolution-diffusion-precipitation mechanism, similar to the metal-mediated crystallization of amorphous silicon or germanium. No graphitization upon annealing occurs in C:V, C:Cu, and carbon reference films. / Die Strukturentwicklung in Kohlenstoff-Übergangsmetall-Nanokompositschichten wird in zwei Bereichen untersucht: (i) im oberflächendiffusionsgesteuerten Bereich während des Schichtwachstums und (ii) im bulkdiffusionsdominierten Bereich während des nachträglichen Temperns. C:V, C:Co und C:Cu Nanokompositschichten wurden durch Ionenstrahl Co-Sputtern hergestellt. Der Einfluss des Metalltyps, des Metallgehalts (15-40 at.%), der Substrattemperatur (RT-500°C) und der Temperatur beim Tempern (300-700°C) auf die Struktur und Morphologie des Komposits wird mittels elastischer Rückstoßteilchen-Analyse, Röntgenbeugung, Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und Ramanspektroskopie untersucht.
Vanadium (Kupfer) ist im gesamten Temperaturbereich der Studie in karbidischem (metallischen) Zustand. Im Gegensatz dazu befindet sich Kobalt bis zu einer Temperatur von 300°C in karbidischem Zustand und wird bei höheren Abscheidetemperaturen metallisch. Die Nanopartikel in C:V Filmen besitzen eine runde Form im Temperaturbereich von RT bis 500°C wohingegen bei den C:Co und C:Cu Filmen ein Übergang von runden zu länglichen Partikeln bei etwa 300°C zu beobachten ist. Der Vergleich der Ramanspektroskopieresultate der Kohlenstoffreferenzproben und der Nanokompositschichten zeigt, dass die Anwesenheit des Metalls während des Schichtwachstums die Bildung von sechsatomigen Kohlenstoffringclustern bei Temperaturen so niedrig wie Raumtemperatur deutlich fördert. Die Erhöhung tritt unabhängig von der Partikelgröße, -form und phase und unabhängig vom Metallgehalt auf, und betrifft eher Prozesse, die auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel während des Schichtwachstums stattfinden als im Bulk. Der Grad der Erhöhung hängt vom Metalltyp und -gehalt ab.
Nachträgliches Tempern der C:Co und C:Cu Filme bei 700°C führt zur Segregation des Metalls an der Schichtoberfläche während in den C:V Filmen keine Veränderungen durch das Tempern auftreten. Des weiteren kommt es in den C:Co Filmen zur Graphitisierung des Kohlenstoffs durch einen „Lösungs-Diffusions-Ablagerungs“ Mechanismus ähnlich der metallvermittelten Kristallisierung in amorphem Silizium und Germanium. In den C:V, C:Cu und Kohlenstoffreferenzfilmen findet keine Graphitisierung während des Temperns statt.
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Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals in InP-based MaterialsMulot, Mikaël January 2004 (has links)
<p>Photonic crystals (PhCs) are structures periodic in thedielectric constant. They exhibit a photonic bandgap, i.e., arange of wavelengths for which light propagation is forbidden.Engineering of defects in the PhC lattice offers new ways toconfine and guide light. PhCs have been manufactured usingsemiconductors and other material technologies. This thesisfocuses on two-dimensional PhCs etched in InP-based materials.Only recently, such structures were identified as promisingcandidates for the realization of novel and advanced functionsfor optical communication applications.</p><p>The primary focus was on fabrication and characterization ofPhC structures in the InP/GaInAsP/InP material system. Thedemands on fabrication are very high: holes as small as100-300nm in diameter have to be etched at least as deep as 2µm. Thus, different etch processes had to be explored andspecifically developed for InP. We have implemented an etchingprocess based on Ar/Cl<sub>2</sub>chemically assisted ion beam etching (CAIBE), thatrepresents the state of the art PhC etching in InP.</p><p>Different building blocks were manufactured using thisprocess. A transmission loss of 10dB/mm for a PhC waveguide, areflection of 96.5% for a 4-row mirror and a record qualityfactor of 310 for a 1D cavity were achieved for this materialsystem. With an etch depth of 4.5 µm, optical loss wasfound to be close to the intrinsic limit. PhC-based opticalfilters were demonstrated using (a) a Fabry-Pérot cavityinserted in a PhC waveguide and (b) a contra-directionalcoupler. Lag effect in CAIBE was utilized positively to realizehigh quality PhC taper sections. Using a PhC taper, a couplingefficiency of 70% was demonstrated from a standard ridgewaveguide to a single line defect PhC waveguide.</p><p>During the course of this work, InP membrane technology wasdeveloped and a Fabry-Pérot cavity with a quality factorof 3200 was demonstrated.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>photonic crystals, photonic bandgap materials,indium phosphide, dry etching, chemically assisted ion beametching, reactive ion etching, electron beam lithography,photonic integrated circuits, optical waveguides, resonantcavities, optical filtering, finite difference time domain,plane wave expansion.</p>
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Growth and Characterization of Carbon-Metal-Nanocomposite-Thin-Films and Self-Organized Layer Growth / Wachstum und Charakterisierung von Kohlenstoff-Metall-Nanokompositdünnfilmen und selbstorganisiertes LagenwachstumZutz, Hayo 29 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Application of Ion Beam Methods in Biomedical ResearchBarapatre, Nirav 28 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The methods of analysis with a focused ion beam, commonly termed as nuclear microscopy, include quantitative physical processes like PIXE and RBS. The element concentrations in a sample can be quantitatively mapped with a sub-micron spatial resolution and a sub-ppm sensitivity. Its fully quantitative and non-destructive nature makes it particularly suitable for analysing biological samples. The applications in biomedical research are manifold.
The iron overload hypothesis in Parkinson\\\'s disease is investigated by a differential analysis of human substantia nigra. The trace element content is quantified in neuromelanin, in microglia cells, and in extraneuronal environment. A comparison of six Parkinsonian cases with six control cases revealed no significant elevation in iron level bound to neuromelanin. In fact, a decrease in the Fe/S ratio of Parkinsonian neuromelanin was measured, suggesting a modification in its iron binding properties.
Drosophila melanogaster, or the fruit fly, is a widely used model organism in neurobiological experiments. The electrolyte elements are quantified in various organs associated with the olfactory signalling, namely the brain, the antenna and its sensilla hairs, the mouth parts, and the compound eye. The determination of spatially resolved element concentrations is useful in preparing the organ specific Ringer\\\'s solution, an artificial lymph that is used in disruptive neurobiological experiments.
The role of trace elements in the progression of atherosclerosis is examined in a pilot study. A differential quantification of the element content in an induced murine atherosclerotic lesion reveals elevated S and Ca levels in the artery wall adjacent to the lesion and an increase in iron in the lesion. The 3D quantitative distribution of elements is reconstructed by means of stacking the 2D quantitative maps of consecutive sections of an artery.
The feasibility of generating a quantitative elemental rodent brain atlas by Large Area Mapping is investigated by measuring at high beam currents. A whole coronal section of the rat brain was measured in segments in 14 h. Individual quantitative maps of the segments are pieced together to reconstruct a high-definition element distribution map of the whole section with a subcellular spatial resolution. The use of immunohistochemical staining enhanced with single elements helps in determining the cell specific element content. Its concurrent use with Large Area Mapping can give cellular element distribution maps.
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Phase transformation in tetrahedral amorphous carbon by focused ion beam irradiation / Phasentransformation in tetraedrisch amorphem Kohlenstoff durch fokussierte IonenbestrahlungPhilipp, Peter 05 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ion irradiation of tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin films induces a carbon phase transformation from the electrically insulating sp3 hybridization into the conducting sp2 hybridization. In this work, a detailed study on the electrical resistivity and the microstructure of areas, irradiated with several ion species at 30 keV energy is presented. Continuous ion bombardment yields a drastic drop of the resistivity as well as significant structural modifications of the evolving sp2 carbon phase. It is shown that the resistivity lowering can be attributed to the degree of graphitization in the film. Furthermore, the structural ordering processes are correlated with the ion deposited energy density. It is therefore revealed that the ion-induced phase transformation in ta-C films is a combination of sp3-to-sp2 conversion of carbon atoms and ion-induced ordering of the microstructure into a more graphite-like arrangement. All experiments were done with focused ion beam (FIB) systems by applying FIB lithography of electrical van-der-Pauw test structures. FIB lithography on ta-C layers is presented as a fast and easy technique for the preparation of electrically active micro- and nanostructures in an insulating carbon matrix.
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Estabilidade de filmes de GeOxNy crescidos termicamente sobre GeCopetti, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
A instabilidade térmica do óxido de germânio (GeO2) é um obstáculo à utilização de germânio (Ge) como material semicondutor em dispositivos MOSFET. Essa instabilidade é induzida por vacâncias de oxigênio originadas de uma reação interfacial entre o óxido e o substrato. Essas vacâncias são responsáveis pela dessorção de GeO da superfície do óxido e pela deterioração das propriedades elétricas do transistor. Estudos sugerem que a incorporação de nitrogênio no GeO2 aumenta a sua estabilidade. Nesta dissertação, filmes de oxinitreto de germânio (GeOxNy) foram crescidos termicamente sobre Ge, utilizando gás óxido nítrico (NO), em um forno aquecido resistivamente. Técnicas de análise por feixe de íons, como espectrometria de retroespalhamento Rutherford e análise por reações nucleares, foram utilizadas para investigar o transporte atômico durante o crescimento dos filmes e o papel do nitrogênio na estabilização do óxido. Para a determinação da espessura, da densidade e da rugosidade de alguns filmes, foram realizadas medidas de reflectometria de raios X. Os resultados mostram que a incorporação de uma pequena quantidade de nitrogênio resulta em uma diminuição substancial na dessorção de GeO e na formação de uma barreira eficiente contra a oxidação adicional do substrato. Átomos de nitrogênio incorporados na estrutura do óxido podem reduzir a difusividade das vacâncias de oxigênio, levando ao aumento da estabilidade térmica. / The thermal instability of germanium oxide (GeO2) hinders the use of germanium (Ge) as the semiconductor material in MOSFET devices. This instability is induced by oxygen vacancies originated from the interfacial reaction between the oxide and the substrate. These vacancies are responsible for GeO desorption from the oxide surface and deterioration of the device’s eletrical properties. Previous studies suggest that nitrogen incorporation increases the oxide’s stability. In this dissertation, germanium oxynitride (GeOxNy) films were thermally grown on Ge using nitric oxide (NO) gas, in a conventional resistively heated furnace. Ion beam analysis tecniques, such as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis, were used to investigate atomic transport during thermal growth and the role of nitrogen in the improved stability. Film thickness, density and roughness were obtained through X-ray reflectometry. Results show that the incorporation of a small amount of nitrogen yields a substantial decrease in GeO desorption and the formation of a strong barrier against further oxidation of the substrate. Nitrogen atoms incorporated into the oxide structure may decrease oxygen vacancy diffusivity, leading to enhanced thermal stability.
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Estabilidade de filmes de GeOxNy crescidos termicamente sobre GeCopetti, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
A instabilidade térmica do óxido de germânio (GeO2) é um obstáculo à utilização de germânio (Ge) como material semicondutor em dispositivos MOSFET. Essa instabilidade é induzida por vacâncias de oxigênio originadas de uma reação interfacial entre o óxido e o substrato. Essas vacâncias são responsáveis pela dessorção de GeO da superfície do óxido e pela deterioração das propriedades elétricas do transistor. Estudos sugerem que a incorporação de nitrogênio no GeO2 aumenta a sua estabilidade. Nesta dissertação, filmes de oxinitreto de germânio (GeOxNy) foram crescidos termicamente sobre Ge, utilizando gás óxido nítrico (NO), em um forno aquecido resistivamente. Técnicas de análise por feixe de íons, como espectrometria de retroespalhamento Rutherford e análise por reações nucleares, foram utilizadas para investigar o transporte atômico durante o crescimento dos filmes e o papel do nitrogênio na estabilização do óxido. Para a determinação da espessura, da densidade e da rugosidade de alguns filmes, foram realizadas medidas de reflectometria de raios X. Os resultados mostram que a incorporação de uma pequena quantidade de nitrogênio resulta em uma diminuição substancial na dessorção de GeO e na formação de uma barreira eficiente contra a oxidação adicional do substrato. Átomos de nitrogênio incorporados na estrutura do óxido podem reduzir a difusividade das vacâncias de oxigênio, levando ao aumento da estabilidade térmica. / The thermal instability of germanium oxide (GeO2) hinders the use of germanium (Ge) as the semiconductor material in MOSFET devices. This instability is induced by oxygen vacancies originated from the interfacial reaction between the oxide and the substrate. These vacancies are responsible for GeO desorption from the oxide surface and deterioration of the device’s eletrical properties. Previous studies suggest that nitrogen incorporation increases the oxide’s stability. In this dissertation, germanium oxynitride (GeOxNy) films were thermally grown on Ge using nitric oxide (NO) gas, in a conventional resistively heated furnace. Ion beam analysis tecniques, such as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis, were used to investigate atomic transport during thermal growth and the role of nitrogen in the improved stability. Film thickness, density and roughness were obtained through X-ray reflectometry. Results show that the incorporation of a small amount of nitrogen yields a substantial decrease in GeO desorption and the formation of a strong barrier against further oxidation of the substrate. Nitrogen atoms incorporated into the oxide structure may decrease oxygen vacancy diffusivity, leading to enhanced thermal stability.
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Filmes de SiO2 depositados e crescidos termicamente sobre SiC : caracterização físico-química e elétrica / SiO2 films deposited and thermally grown on SiC: Electrical and physicochemical characterizationPitthan Filho, Eduardo January 2013 (has links)
O carbeto de silício (SiC) é um semicondutor com propriedades adequadas para substituir o silício em dispositivos eletrônicos em aplicações que exijam alta potência, alta freqüência e/ou temperatura. Além disso, um filme de dióxido de silício (SiO2) pode ser crescido termicamente sobre o SiC de maneira análoga a sobre silício, permitindo que a tecnologia já existente para a fabricação de dispositivos utilizando Si possa ser adaptada para o caso do SiC. No entanto, filmes crescidos termicamente sobre SiC apresentam maior densidade de defeitos eletricamente ativos na região interfacial SiO2/SiC que no SiO2/Si. Assim, compreender a origem e os parâmetros que afetam essa degradação elétrica é um importante passo para a tecnologia do SiC. A primeira parte deste trabalho teve como objetivo compreender o efeito de parâmetros de oxidação (pressão de oxigênio e tempo de oxidação) no crescimento térmico de filmes de dióxido de silício sobre substratos de carbeto de silício. As oxidações foram realizadas em ambiente rico em 18O2 e a influência na taxa de crescimento térmico dos filmes de Si18O2 e nas espessuras das regiões interfaciais formadas entre o filme dielétrico e o substrato foram investigadas utilizando análises por reação nuclear. Para correlacionar as modificações nas propriedades investigadas com as propriedades elétricas das amostras, estruturas metal-óxidosemicondutor foram fabricadas e levantamento de curvas corrente-voltagem e capacitânciavoltagem foi realizado. Com isso, pretendeu-se melhor compreender a origem da degradação elétrica gerada pela oxidação térmica no SiC. Observou-se que a taxa de crescimento térmico dos filmes de SiO2 depende de um parâmetro dado pelo produto do tempo de oxidação e da pressão de oxigênio, para as condições testadas. O deslocamento da tensão de banda plana com relação ao valor ideal mostrou-se igualmente dependente desse parâmetro, indicando que uma maior degradação elétrica na região interfacial SiO2/SiC ocorrerá conforme o filme fica mais espesso devido ao aumento dos parâmetros investigados. Não observaram-se modificações nas espessuras da região interfacial SiO2/SiC e na tensão de ruptura dielétrica dos filmes de SiO2 atribuídas aos parâmetros de oxidação testados. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, visando minimizar a degradação elétrica da região interfacial SiO2/SiC gerada pela oxidação térmica do SiC, propôs-se crescer termicamente, em uma condição mínima de oxidação, um filme muito fino e estequiométrico de SiO2, monitorado por espectroscopia de fotoelétrons induzidos por raios X. Para formar filmes mais espessos de SiO2 e poder fabricar estruturas MOS, depositaram-se filmes de SiO2 por sputtering. As espessuras e estequiometria dos filmes depositados foram determinadas por espectrometria de retroespalhamento Rutherford com ou sem canalização. As estruturas MOS em que o filme fino de SiO2 foi crescido termicamente antes da deposição apresentaram menor deslocamento da tensão de banda plana com relação ao valor ideal e maior tensão de ruptura dielétrica do que as amostras em que o filme foi apenas crescido termicamente ou apenas depositado, confirmando a minimização da degradação elétrica da região interfacial SiO2/SiC pela rota proposta. O efeito de um tratamento térmico em ambiente inerte de Ar nas estruturas também foi investigado. Observou-se uma degradação elétrica na região interfacial SiO2/SiC devido a esse tratamento. Análises por reação nuclear indicaram que o filme fino crescido termicamente não permaneceu estável durante o tratamento térmico, perdendo oxigênio para o ambiente gasoso e misturando os isótopos de oxigênio do filme crescido termicamente com o do filme depositado. / Silicon carbide (SiC) is a semiconductor with adequate properties to substitute silicon in electronic devices in applications that requires high power, high frequency, and/or high temperature. Besides, a silicon dioxide (SiO2) film can be thermally grown on SiC in a similar way to that on Si, allowing that technology already used to fabricate devices based on Si to be adapted to the SiC case. However, the oxide films thermally grown on SiC present higher density of electrical defects at the SiO2/SiC interfacial region when compared to the SiO2/Si. Thus, the understanding of the origin and what parameters affect the electrical degradation is an important step to the SiC technology. The first part of this work aimed to understand the effect of oxidation parameters (oxygen pressure and oxidation time) in the thermal growth of silicon dioxide films on silicon carbide substrates. The oxidations were performed in an 18O2 rich ambient and the influence on the growth rate of the Si18O2 films and on the interfacial region thickness formed between the dielectric film and the substrate were investigated using nuclear reaction analyses. To correlate the modifications observed in these properties with modifications in the electrical properties, metal-oxide-semiconductors structures were fabricated and current-voltage and capacitancevoltage curves were obtained. The aim was to understand the origin of the electrical degradation due to the thermal oxidation of silicon carbide. It was observed that the growth rate of the Si18O2 films depends on the parameter given by the product of the oxygen pressure and the oxidation time, under the conditions tested. The flatband voltage shift with respect to the ideal value was also influenced by the same parameter, indicating that a larger electrical degradation in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region will occur as the film becomes thicker due to the increase of the values of the investigated parameters. No modifications were observed in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region thickness and in the dielectric breakdown voltage of the SiO2 films that could be attributed to the oxidation parameters tested. In the second part of this work, in order to minimize electrical degradation due to thermal oxidation of silicon carbide, a stoichiometric SiO2 film with minimal thickness was thermally grown, monitored by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. To obtain thicker films and to fabricate MOS structures, a SiO2 film was deposited by sputtering. The thicknesses and stoichiometries of the deposited films were determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry using or not the channeling geometry. The MOS structures in which a thin film was thermally grown before the deposition presented smaller flatband voltage shift and higher breakdown voltage when compared to SiO2 films only thermally grown or only deposited directly on SiC, confirming that the electrical degradation in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region was minimized using the proposed route. The effect of one thermal treatment in argon in the structures was also investigated. An electrical degradation in the SiO2/4H-SiC interface was observed. Nuclear reaction analyses indicated that the thin film thermally grown was not stable during the annealing, loosing O to the gaseous ambient and mixing O isotopes of the thermally grown film with those of the deposited film.
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Efeitos da interação de vapor d’água, de nitrogênio e de hidrogênio com estruturas dielétrico/SiC / Effects of the interaction of water vapor, of nitrogen and of hydrogen with dielectric/SiC structuresCorrêa, Silma Alberton January 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho, foram investigados os efeitos de tratamentos térmicos em vapor d’água, em óxido nítrico e em hidrogênio nas propriedades físico-químicas e elétricas de filmes dielétricos crescidos termicamente e/ou depositadas por sputtering sobre lâminas de carbeto de silício. A caracterização foi realizada antes e após tratamentos térmicos nesses ambientes através de técnicas que utilizam feixes de íons. Em alguns casos, a caracterização elétrica também foi realizada. A investigação da incorporação e distribuição em profundidade de hidrogênio e oxigênio após tratamentos de SiO2/SiC e SiO2/Si em vapor d’água mostrou que há diferenças marcantes na interação da água com as duas estruturas. Observou-se maior incorporação de oxigênio no filme pré-existente de SiO2 sobre o SiC do que em SiO2/Si, evidenciando uma maior concentração de defeitos nos filmes sobre SiC. A incorporação de hidrogênio também foi maior nas estruturas SiO2/SiC, sendo observada em todas as regiões do filme de SiO2 crescido sobre SiC. Nos filmes crescidos sobre Si, no entanto, a incorporação deuse, principalmente, na região da superfície do filme de óxido. A interação do vapor d’água com estruturas SiO2/SiC e SiO2/Si com filmes depositados por sputtering também foi investigada. Foi constatada uma incorporação distinta da observada para essas estruturas quando seus óxidos foram crescidos termicamente. A incorporação de hidrogênio do vapor d’água em estruturas com filmes de SiO2 depositados por sputtering sobre SiC e sobre Si ocorre, principalmente, na interface SiO2/substrato. A distribuição em profundidade de oxigênio após a exposição a vapor d'água a 800°C revelou que ele é incorporado em toda a espessura dos óxidos depositados sobre ambos os substratos, evidenciando a alta mobilidade dos átomos de oxigênio nesses filmes de óxido. O crescimento térmico antes da deposição de SiO2 sobre o SiC levou à incorporação de menores quantidades de hidrogênio, quando comparadas com as estruturas relativas a filmes apenas depositados. No entanto, à medida que o tempo de oxidação térmica foi aumentado, observou-se maior incorporação de hidrogênio, o que foi atribuído à formação de defeitos no filme de óxido susceptíveis à interação com o mesmo. O crescimento térmico por um tempo curto seguido pela deposição de SiO2 e o crescimento térmico não seguido de outro tratamento levaram a menores incorporações de D do que a deposição não seguida de outro tratamento, o que pode ser correlacionado com as melhores características elétricas observadas nessas estruturas. Outro tema abordado foi a incorporação de hidrogênio através de tratamento térmico em 2H2, com e sem a presença de um eletrodo de platina, em filmes dielétricos crescidos em atmosfera de O2, NO e via tratamento térmico sequencial nesses dois gases. Quando o crescimento térmico em O2 foi seguido de tratamento em NO, foi observada uma forte troca isotópica entre o oxigênio da fase gasosa e o oxigênio do filme de SiO2, evidenciando a alta mobilidade dos átomos de oxigênio nesses filmes. A incorporação de hidrogênio mostrou-se fortemente dependente da rota utilizada no crescimento do filme dielétrico. Sem a presença do eletrodo de platina, o crescimento do filme dielétrico direto em NO foi a rota que apresentou a maior incorporação de hidrogênio. A presença de platina, por sua vez, promoveu um aumento na incorporação de hidrogênio nos filmes dielétricos obtidos através das três rotas de crescimento. Em todos os casos, observou-se que a incorporação de hidrogênio ocorre, principalmente, na região da interface entre o filme dielétrico e o SiC. A incorporação de maiores quantidades de hidrogênio foi associada com a presença de N previamente incorporado. A atmosfera reativa utilizada no crescimento térmico dos filmes dielétricos também mostrou influência nas características elétricas das estruturas analisadas. A caracterização por curvas C-V mostrou um aumento no deslocamento da tensão de banda plana após tratamentos térmicos em 2H2, indicando o aumento e/ou formação de carga positiva. Por fim, a interação de vapor d'água em estruturas de SiO2/SiC e de SiO2/Si com filmes crescidos termicamente e tratadas em NO foi investigada. Observou-se que as estruturas SiO2/SiC que foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em NO apresentaram menor incorporação de hidrogênio, devido à exposição a vapor d'água. Esse efeito também foi observado em estruturas SiO2/SiC quando o pós-tratamento em NO foi substituído por um póstratamento em argônio na mesma temperatura e tempo, indicando que a temperatura de tratamento é a responsável pelas menores incorporações de hidrogênio, não a reatividade do gás empregado. / In the present work, effects of thermal treatments in water vapor, in nitric oxide, and in hydrogen in the physicochemical and in the electrical properties of dielectric films thermally grown and/or deposited by sputtering on silicon carbide were investigated. The characterization was performed using ion beam analyses before and after thermal treatments in these atmospheres. In some cases, the electrical characterization was also performed. The investigation of the incorporation and depth distribution of hydrogen and oxygen after annealing of SiO2/SiC and SiO2/Si in water vapor evidenced that there are striking differences regarding water interaction with these two structures. It was observed larger oxygen incorporation in the pre-existent SiO2 film on SiC than in the SiO2/Si, which evidences higher concentration of defects in oxide films on SiC. The incorporation of hydrogen was also larger in SiO2/SiC structures, being observed in all regions of the dielectric film. In oxide films grown on Si, however, the incorporation occurred mainly in the surface region of the oxide. The interaction of water vapor with SiO2/SiC and SiO2/Si structures, whose films were deposited by sputtering, was also investigated. A distinct incorporation was observed when comparing results from structures whose oxides were thermally grown. The incorporation of hydrogen from water vapor in structures in which SiO2 films were deposited by sputtering on SiC and on Si, occurred mainly in the SiO2/substrate interface. The oxygen depth distribution after exposure to water vapor at 800°C revealed that it was incorporated in all depths of the oxides that were deposited on both substrates, evidencing the high mobility of oxygen atoms in these oxide films. The thermal growth prior to SiO2 deposition on SiC led to the incorporation of smaller amounts of hydrogen, compared with structures with films that were only deposited. Nevertheless, as the thermal oxidation time increases, a larger incorporation of hydrogen was observed, which was attributed to the formation of defects in the oxide film that are more likely to interact with hydrogen. The thermal growth for short time followed by the deposition of SiO2 and the thermal growth not followed by any other treatment led to lower amounts of hydrogen, when compared with the deposition not followed by another treatment, which can be correlated with the improvement in the electrical characteristics observed in these structures. Another subject investigated was the incorporation of hydrogen by 2H2 anneal, with and without the presence of platinum, in dielectric films thermally grown in O2, NO, and in sequential thermal treatments in these two atmospheres. In the case of thermal growth in O2 followed by NO anneal, it was observed a notable isotopic exchange between oxygen from the gas phase and oxygen from the SiO2 film, evidencing that oxygen atoms are highly mobile in these films. The incorporation of hydrogen was showed to be highly dependent on the route employed in the dielectric film growth, being the direct growth of dielectric films in NO the one that presented larger incorporation without the presence of Pt electrode. The presence of this metal increases the incorporation of hydrogen in all dielectric films. In all cases, it was observed that the incorporation of hydrogen occurred mainly in the interface region between the dielectric film and the SiC. The incorporation of larger amounts of hydrogen was associated with the presence of N that was previously incorporated. The reactive atmosphere employed in the thermal growth of dielectric films also was observed to affect electrical characteristics in analyzed structures. The characterization by C-V measurements evidenced an increase in the flatband voltage shift after annealing in 2H2, indicating the increase and/or the formation of positive charge. Finally, the interaction of water vapor in SiO2/SiC and SiO2/Si structures with dielectric films thermally grown and annealed in NO was investigated. It was observed that SiO2/SiC structures that were submitted to NO anneal presented less hydrogen incorporation due to exposure to water vapor. This behavior was also observed in SiO2/SiC structures when the NO anneal was replaced by an annealing in Ar at the same temperature and time, indicating that the temperature of the annealing was responsible by the less incorporation of hydrogen instead of the reactivity of the gas employed.
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