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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural memory and myth in Seamus Heaney's bog poems, and Antjie Krog's Country of my skull and Down to my last skin.

Dix, Brett Gavin. January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to compare and contrast the functions of cultural memory and myth in both Heaney and Krog's work. By doing so, I look at what it means for both writers to work within a culture or tradition, and how they both mediate their religious or racial identity within a fractured and divided society. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Tautinės kultūros puoselėjimas Airijos lietuvių bendruomenėje / Fostering National Culture in the Ireland’s Lithuanian community

Račinskienė, Dovilė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami klausimai, kurie susiję su tautinės kultūros puoselėjimu Airijos lietuvių bendruomenėje. Aptariamos kultūros, tautinės kultūros sampratos jos raiška ir vaidmuo išsaugojant lietuvių tautinį identitetą emigracijoje, šiuo atveju Airijoje. Tyrimo dalys skirtos tautinio tapatumo išsaugojimo svarbai intensyvios migracijos sąlygomis. Magistro darbo tikslas – atskleisti tautinės kultūros puoselėjimo galimybes Airijos lietuvių bendruomenėje. Tyrimo objektas yra tautinės kultūros puoselėjimas emigracijoje. Tyrimas atliktas Airijos lietuvių bendruomenėje. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie uždaviniai: apibrėžti tautinės kultūros sampratą; atskleisti tautiškumo esmę; charakterizuoti tapatybės bruožus; identifikuoti tautinės kultūros vertybių svarbos suvokimą visuomenėje; nustatyti tautinės kultūros puoselėjimo galimybes; atlikti tyrimą, siekiant atskleisti, kokios yra galimybės puoselėti tautinę kultūrą Airijos lietuvių bendruomenėje; išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti gautus tyrimo duomenis. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą ir apibendrinus gautus tyrimo duomenis galima teigti, kad ne tik žmogus, bet ir kiekviena tauta sau kelia uždavinius: siekti tobulesnio žmoniškumo, puoselėti tai, ką per šimtmečius sukūrė protėviai. Kad visa tai išsaugotume, žmogus turi deramai įgyvendinti siekiamus tikslus, uždavinius. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog puoselėti tautinę kultūrą Airijoje emigrantai siekia stengdamiesi išlikti lietuviais, bendraudami su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper analyzes the issues related to fostering of national culture in the Irish Lithuanian community. The work discusses the definitions of culture, national culture and its expression, and the role in preserving the Lithuanian national identity in exile, in this case, in Ireland. Sections of the research are dedicated for the importance of preservation of the national identity in the conditions of intensive migration. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to reveal the opportunities for fostering ethnic culture in the Irish Lithuanian community. The object of research is fostering national culture in emigration. The study was conducted in the Irish Lithuanian community. The following tasks were raised to achieve the main objective of the final work: to define the concept of national culture; to reveal the essence of national identity; to characterize the features of identity; to identify national awareness of the importance of cultural values in the society; to identify opportunities for enhancement of national culture; to carry out a research in order to reveal what are the options to cherish the culture in the Lithuanian community in Ireland; to analyze and summarize the research data. The analysis of the scientific literature and summarized data obtained during the research indicate that not only every human, but also every nation poses challenges for itself: seeking for advancement of humanity, by cherishing the traits that have been developed over... [to full text]

The picture of Dorian Gray and Celtic magic

Upchurch, David A. January 1977 (has links)
This thesis has explored Irish influences on the author of The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde. The study explored early family and peer influences on the author and has traced his Irish roots to reveal a knowledge of Irish folk lore which is apparent in this novel.In addition, the thesis has analyzed the novel with respect to characteristics of Irish folk lore which are called, in this study, Celtic magic. The paper also has presented the case that Oscar Wilde should be placed with Anglo-Irish writers instead of British authors.

"Never forget" and "Never unite" : commemorating the Battle of the Somme in Northern Ireland, 1985-1997

Stone, Aaron H. January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines Protestant unionist commemorations of the Battle of the Somme in Northern Ireland during a phase in which they exhibited marked popularity and politicization. Filling a gap in the scholarship and building upon it, this thesis pays closer attention to the historical context and development of these commemorations and takes into account a broader swath of forms and locations of commemoration. It argues that, in the face of the perceived threat of Irish unification posed by the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985, unionists employed the memory of the Somme as a political tool on two different but overlapping fronts. On one front, they used it against their collective opponents, who supported or supposedly supported Irish unification. On a second front, conflicting groups within the unionist community, namely unionist politicians, Orangemen, Protestant youths, and loyalist paramilitaries, interpreted the Somme differently to satisfy their partisan agendas. Analyzing Somme commemoration at the Belfast cenotaph, in parades, and in murals, this thesis provides explanations for why the Somme was remembered differently in various mediums and locales of commemoration, with particular attention to the differing degrees and manners in which Protestant commemorators recognized the Catholic contribution in the Somme campaign. / Department of History

Poor choices : An empirical study of terrorism in Europe during the economic crisis

Frisk, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This study deals with empirical collection and analysis regarding terrorist attacks in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain during the Economic crisis and the effects of the economic crisis on certain types of terrorist groups. The aim of the study is to contribute empirically to the “root causes” debate within Terrorism studies. It also contributes by making certain adjustments to existing categorisation of terrorist groups. The research methods used are both quantitative and qualitative and the research strategy is of a hypothetical-deductive nature. Findings conclude that the Puritanical Anarchist type of terrorism has seen an increase during the crisis, but only the Social Revolutionary type shows a propensity for using the crisis as a reason behind attacks. The study contributes to the barren empirical and theoretical landscape within Root causes.

Perceptions of justice, identity, and political processes of forgiveness and revenge in early post-conflict transitions : case studies, Northern Ireland, Serbia, South Africa

Hartwell, Marcia Byrom January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

The mediation of market-related policies for the provision of public second level education : an international comparative study of selected locations in England, Ireland and the USA

Griffin, Catherine Rosarii January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is entitled The Mediation of Market-Related Policies for the Provision of Public Second Level Education: An International Comparative Study of Selected Locations in England, Ireland and the USA. The two key words in this thesis title are 'mediation' and 'comparative'. The focus of this thesis is on the phenomenon of mediation. The market-related policies that are being examined in the light of mediation are choice policies or open enrolment policies for the provision of second level public schooling. However, this is not a thesis about school choice but rather on the factors and stakeholders that affect the mediation of a policy. As the focus is on mediation, and not on policy analysis, this study is therefore, of necessity, a qualitative one. The researcher used semi-structured interviews, combined with documentary evidence, to understand both the contexts and the interactions in which mediation of various kinds takes place. The second notable feature is that this study is a comparative one. The researcher chose three countries where market related policies were being implemented, albeit to different effect. The countries chosen were England, Ireland and the USA (Massachusetts). The comparative dimension enabled the researcher to challenge ethnocentric assumptions about the modus operandi of policy at the grass- roots level. In order to understand the operation of the market, the researcher selected comparable locations in all three countries. As 'markets' are intrinsically local, the researcher examined how policy is mediated at the local level. The three conurbations were selected on the basis of their comparability, none of which are capital cities. Research was conducted in all three locations in three separate phases: pre-pilot to ascertain their suitability; pilot work to prepare the groundwork and then the main study. In all, over sixty interviews were held at local, regional and national levels, although the focus was primarily on the local. Documentary sources were collected simultaneously. The analysis of the data was ongoing during the entire research process and progress was presented at conferences in the host research countries where useful feedback was obtained. The researcher used Bereday's comparative methodology and, by taking a factor approach, insights were gained into the cultures and contexts affecting the mediation of policy. The researcher hopes to add to comparative methodological theory through the use of multiple cross-national studies. The insights gained from the research questions: how, if at all, do the factors and stakeholders identified affect the mediation of policy, confirmed that this was indeed an area worthy of study. The outcomes, displayed in matrices in chapters 8 and 9, show that different combinations of factors affect how policies are mediated by the stakeholders and indirect factors involved in the immediate implementation of open enrolment policy. The cases also yielded idiosyncratic variants based on their particular educational histories and current circumstances. However, similar features were noted in all three countries in relation to enrolment issues. In brief, these were: increased political interaction at the local level; demographic changes on the rolls of high schools; de facto social segregation; differential funding mechanisms relating to enrolment; and different attitudes to public education on the part of interest groups in each location; and the significance of regulated space. This area is ripe for research, and there is a call in the literature for more in-depth analyses on such social interactions at the local level that affect different policy outcomes. It is hoped that this study will contribute to understanding the factors at work, both direct and indirect, which mediate policy in such a way that explain the potentially different outcomes of similar policies.

The discipline and morale of the British Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders 1914-18, with particular reference to Irish units

Bowman, Timothy January 1999 (has links)
During the Great War many European armies (most notably the Russian) collapsed due to major disciplinary problems. However, the British Expeditionary Force avoided these problems up until the Armistice of November 1918. This thesis examines how the discipline and morale of the RE.F. survived the war, by using a case-study of the Irish regiments. In 1914 with Ireland on the brink of a civil war, serious questions had been raised relating to the loyalty of the Irish regiments, particularly in the aftermath of the Curragh Incident. Indeed, intelligence reports prepared for Irish Command suggested that some reserve units would defect en masse to the U.V.F. if hostilities broke out in Ireland. As the Great War progressed, the rise of Sinn Fein produced further concern about the loyalty of Irish troops, seen most vividly in the decisions not to reform the 16th. (Irish) Division following the German Spring Offensive of 1918 and to remove Irish reserve units from Ireland in 1917-18. Nevertheless, a detailed study of courts martial (studied comprehensively in a database project) recently released by the P.R.O., demonstrates that many of the fears relating to Irish troops were groundless. Certainly Irish courts martial rates tended to be high, however, these figures were inflated by cases of drunkenness and absence, not disobedience. Likewise, while a number of mutinies did occur in Irish regiments during the war, this study has revealed that mutinies were much more common in the B.E.F. as a whole, than has been previously believed. This study has also considered the discipline and morale problems caused by the rapid expansion of the British army in 1914 and the appointment of many officers, especially in the 36th. (Ulster) Division, on the basis of their political allegiances rather than professional knowledge. Nevertheless, in general it appears that the discipline and morale of the Irish units in the B.E.F. was very good. Incidents of indiscipline appear to have been caused by the practical problems facing units during training and on active service rather than by the growth of the Sinn Fein movement in Ireland.

Women (Re)incorporated : a thesis examining the application of feminist theory to corporate structures and the legal framework of corporate law / Women reincorporated

Egan, Sara Patricia. January 1999 (has links)
The thesis is about the re-incorporation of women, on feminist terms, in corporate law and structure. Working from the idea of feminism as a theory about exclusion, the thesis endeavours to include women's voices in how the dominant discourse shapes corporations and the securities markets. Moreover, it attempts to capture the feminist continuum and use it as a critique of the existence of the separate entity of the corporation and limited liability. The thesis also joins the corporate governance debate on feminist terms, reshaping its scope to include feminist aspirations. The market for securities and insider trading are also subject to a feminist analysis and the problems in policing and preventing insider trading are rethought through a feminist lens.

Potential Effects Of Eu Membership On Turkish Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Implications Of Experiences Of Ireland, Spain And Poland

Ersoy, Mahmut Burak 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to analyse the implications of European Union (EU) membership on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows to Turkey by applying a comparative methodology. The effects of EU accession on FDI inflows to three present member states, Ireland, Spain and Poland, is investigated in order to draw conclusions for Turkish case. The attractiveness of each country in terms of locational determinants of FDI are evaluated. Application of our findings in Ireland, Spain and Poland on Turkish case signifies implications of these determinants on attractiveness of Turkey in terms of FDI inflows. The results of the comparative analysis indicated that &ldquo / distance&rdquo / and &ldquo / market size&rdquo / are going to be essential determinants together with the other four determinants, namely &ldquo / infrastructure and human resources&rdquo / , &ldquo / macroeconomic stability&rdquo / , &ldquo / openness and business environment&rdquo / and &ldquo / incentive schemes&rdquo / , which will have positive consequences on FDI inflows on the condition that appropriate policies are implemented. EU membership is found to have positive implications on FDI inflows by indirectly affecting the other determinants. In general, it is concluded that sustainability of FDI inflows in the long-term is again related to the improvements in the other determinants of FDI rather than EU membership.

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