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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative review of legislative reform of electronic contract formation in South Africa

Snail, Sizwe 09 May 2016 (has links)
Electronic contracts in the new technological age and electronic commerce have brought about world-wide legal uncertainty. When compared to the traditional paper-based method of writing and signing, the question has arisen whether contracts concluded by electronic means should be recognised as valid and enforceable agreements in terms of the functional equivalence approach. This study will examine the law regulating e-commerce from a South African perspective in contrast to international trends and e-commerce law from the perspective of the United States. The research investigates various aspects of contract formation such as time and place, validity of electronic agreements, electronic signatures, attribution of electronic data messages and signatures, automated transaction as well as select aspects of e-jurisdiction from a South African and United States viewpoint. / Mercantile Law / LLM

Accountability of multinational corporations for human rights violations under international law

Mnyongani, Freddy 25 July 2016 (has links)
Jurisprudence / LL. D.

Sobre a motivação da sentença no processo civil: Estado constitucional democrático de direito, discurso justificativo e legitimação do exercício da jurisdição / About the motivation of the judgment in civil proceedings: Democratic constitutional State of law, justificative discourse and legitimation of the exercise of jurisdiction

Francesco Conte 01 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho, plasmado em metodologia jurídica, reflete criticamente sobre o problema da motivação da sentença civil como elemento de organização e de funcionamento do Estado Constitucional Democrático de Direito. A motivação é condição essencial de jurisdicionalidade, no sentido de que sem motivação não há exercício legítimo da função jurisdicional. O trabalho faz uma abordagem da natureza da motivação como discurso justificativo, jurídico e racional, da validade dos critérios de escolha ou de valoração empregados pelo juiz em sua decisão. O raciocínio do juiz é apresentado sob dupla feição: raciocínio decisório interno (contexto de descoberta ou deliberação) e raciocínio justificativo externo (contexto de justificação ou de validação). O conjunto das funções técnico-instrumental (endoprocessual) e político-garantística (extraprocessual) é objeto de investigação. A motivação, nos planos teórico e prático, exerce também a função de garantia do garantismo processual. A tese da inexistência jurídica da sentença tem três eixos teóricos: omissão total da motivação gráfica; falta de motivação ideológica, equiparada à hipótese de ausência de motivação gráfica; incompatibilidade lógica radical entre as premissas ou entre as premissas e a conclusão final, que também equivale à ausência total de motivação. O trabalho retrata um modelo de injustiça atemporal vivificado pelo juiz Crono, oposto à motivação como inestimável fator de legitimação argumentativa da jurisdição. A obrigatoriedade de motivação pública é o traço característico da jurisdição de nossa contemporaneidade e representa a maior conquista civilizatória do processo équo e justo. / This work, shaped in juridical methodology, critically reflects on the problem of motivation of civil judgment as an element of organization and functioning of the Democratic Constitutional State of Law. Motivation is an essential condition of jurisdiction, in the sense that without motivation there is no legitimate exercise of the jurisdictional function. The work makes an approach to the nature of motivation as a justificative discourse, juridical and rational, of the validity of choice or valuation criteria employed by the judge in its decision. The reasoning of the judge ispresented in double feature: internal decision-making reasoning (context of discovery or deliberation) and external justificative reasoning (context of justification or validation). The set of the technical-instrumental function (endoprocedural) and the political-rights assurance function (extraprocedural) is object of investigation. Motivation, in the theoretical and practical levels, also exerts the function of guarantee of the procedural right assuring mechanism. The thesis of the juridical validity of the judgment has three theoretical axes: total omission of the graphical motivation; lack of ideological motivation, equated to the hypothesis of nonexistence of the graphical motivation; radical logical incompatibility between the premises or between premises and the finalconclusion, which is also equivalent to the total lack of motivation. The work depicts a model of timeless injustice vivified by the judge Crono, opposite to the motivation as an invaluable factor of argumentative legitimacy of jurisdiction. Mandatory public motivation is the characteristic feature of the jurisdiction of our times and represents the greatest civilizing conquest of equal and fair proceeding.

Os conflitos tributários internacionais e sua possível solução pela via arbitral / The international tax conflicts and their soluctions by arbitration.

Daniel Dix Carneiro 20 August 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno da globalização teve o condão de aproximar os diversos povos, cada um com seus interesses e culturas próprios. A existência de um consenso internacional na definição de princípios a serem seguidos quando das relações externas não consegue impedir, contudo, o surgimento de possíveis conflitos e divergências, tendo em vista a pluralidade cultural das diversas nações mundiais, fato que induziu a sociedade internacional a desenvolver meios que pudessem dirimir pacificamente as controvérsias, porventura, surgidas entre elas. A adoção dos meios para solução pacífica dos conflitos internacionais encontra-se incentivada pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (art. 4., incisos VI e VII) e sua utilização não importa qualquer renúncia ao exercício da soberania, nem tampouco à imunidade de jurisdição. Para que se tenha uma eficácia maior da submissão dos conflitos surgidos no âmbito externo aos meios admitidos para resolvê-los, é importante que os países envolvidos no litígio possuam orientação interna no sentido de privilegiar o Direito Internacional frente à sua legislação infraconstitucional doméstica. A eventual primazia do direito interno pode resultar na inocuidade da adoção dos meios pacíficos de solução de controvérsias internacionais, uma vez que as autoridades dos países litigantes poderão se esquivar do cumprimento do acordo ou decisão alegando uma possível contrariedade com os ditames legais domésticos. Nesse contexto, a seara tributária tem despertado constantes divergências internacionais. As diferentes interpretações conferidas pelas diversas nações, dentre elas o Brasil, quando da aplicação dos tratados por elas firmados e que tenham vertente fiscal, em especial aqueles que visam evitar a dupla imposição fiscal da renda, ou garantir o livre trânsito de bens, pessoas e serviços, acaba trazendo grande insegurança àqueles investidores que possuem operações conectadas a dois ou mais sistemas tributários diferentes. Assim, ganham cada vez mais corpo, os debates em torno da extensão dos mecanismos pacíficos para resolução de divergências, também ao âmbito de aplicação de todo e qualquer tratado que verse sobre a matéria tributária. Tal fato propicia a busca de uma possível uniformização dos métodos hermenêuticos aplicáveis àqueles fatos geradores tributáveis que se encontrem vinculados a dois ou mais entes soberanos. É nesse contexto que se apresenta o presente estudo, o qual aborda a possibilidade de a República Federativa do Brasil submeter ao procedimento arbitral aquelas controvérsias de cunho tributário que eventualmente decorram da interpretação divergente das convenções internacionais das quais seja parte e que tratem de matéria fiscal. / The phenomenon of globalization had the power to bring together different peoples, each with their own interests and cultures. However, in view of the cultural diversity of different peoples around the world, the existence of an international consensus in establishing the principles to be followed when external relations are formed cannot prevent the emergence of external conflicts and disagreements. This led the international society to develop mechanisms that could peacefully settle the controversies that may eventually arise. The adoption of such mechanisms is encouraged by the Brazilian Constitution, whose article 4, sections VI and VII, advocates the pursuit of peace and peaceful settlement of disputes. Its use does not lead to the renunciation of the exercise of sovereignty nor to the immunity of jurisdiction. Meanwhile, in order to achieve greater efficacy in the submission of disputes arising outside of the means allowed to solve them, it is important that countries involved in the disputes have consolidated internal orientation towards favouring international law over their domestic infra-constitutional legislation. The primacy of the domestic law may result in the ineffectiveness of adopting peaceful means for solving international controversies since authorities of the countries engaged in the dispute may avoid compliance with the agreement or decision on the grounds of some contradiction with the domestic law procedures. In this context, the taxation arena has been constantly attracting international disagreement. The different interpretations conferred by various nations, including Brazil, in applying taxation-related treaties signed by themselves, particularly those attempting to avoid double income taxation or to guarantee the free flow of goods, people and services, bring a high level of insecurity to investors possessing operations connected to two or more distinct tax systems. As a result, the debates regarding the extension of the peaceful mechanisms to the solution of divergences take shape, including those related to the application of any treaty which speaks to the subject of taxation. This favors the search for the standardization of the hermeneutical methods applicable to those tax events which are linked to two or more sovereign entities. This is the context surrounding the current study, which addresses the possibility of the Federative Republic of Brazil to refer tax-related disputes, caused by divergent interpretation of the international conventions of which it is a member, to the arbitral proceedings.

Aspects juridiques et fiscaux de la mobilité des sociétés dans l’espace régional européen / Legal and Tax Aspects of European Cross-Border Mergers and Reorganizations

Zoumpoulis, Christos 13 June 2016 (has links)
La question de la mobilité des sociétés met principalement en cause deux ensembles normatifs étatiques. Tout d’abord, la société mobile rencontre en permanence la question des conflits de lois. Ainsi, la mobilité implique le passage par la question fondamentale de la reconnaissance, la mise en jeu des règles de conflit sur la loi applicable aux sociétés ainsi que, plus généralement, la nécessité de consulter en permanence toutes les règles délimitant la compétence normative de l’Etat en matière sociétaire, telles les règles de conflit (jurisprudentielles ou du droit positif) ou les lois de police susceptibles d’être mises en œuvre dans une opération de restructuration transfrontalière d’un groupe de sociétés ou dans une opération transfrontalière d’acquisition ou de prise de contrôle. Dans un second lieu, la mobilité met inéluctablement en jeu les règles formant les systèmes nationaux de fiscalité internationale des sociétés, à savoir les règles fiscales nationales ou internationales (émanant du droit fiscal interne ou des traités d’évitement de double imposition) applicables à des situations relevant des activités internationales des sociétés. Ces deux aspects de la question de la mobilité intra-communautaire des sociétés ne peuvent pas être traités indépendamment l'une de l'autre, puisque les deux corps de règles (règles de conflit et règles de compétence fiscale) obéissent plus ou moins aux mêmes impératifs hiérarchiquement supérieurs de nature politique, économique et sociale et, par conséquent, ils sont interdépendants. En outre, l’étude de leur évolution historique durant la période qui s’étend du début du XIXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours au sein des ordres juridiques analysés (français, anglais, allemand, belge) démontre qu'ils se sont réciproquement influencées pour atteindre leur état actuel. Au travers d’une analyse interdisciplinaire, nous mettons l'accent, dans une première partie, sur les points d'intersection des deux corps de règles afin d'exposer la mécanique complexe de la mobilité internationale des sociétés et afin de mettre en exergue les considérations juridiques et fiscales qui dominent la matière. Cela dit, les systèmes nationaux de fiscalité internationale et les systèmes nationaux de droit international des sociétés sont aujourd’hui en pleine transformation sous l’emprise du droit communautaire qui se veut un méta-ordre d’organisation des comportements des gouvernements nationaux et des agents économiques selon et vers un modèle nouveau de régulation du marché de nature à rendre la création d’un Marché unique au sein de l’UE possible. Dans la seconde partie de notre étude, nous explorons l’impact du droit dérivé et de la jurisprudence de la CJUE -qui agissent conjointement afin d’atteindre cet objectif- sur ces deux ensembles normatifs nationaux, afin de conclure que toutes les évolutions récentes et anticipées en matière de mobilité des sociétés, tant au niveau national qu’au niveau communautaire, s’inscrivent dans le contexte de l’évolution globale du processus de transition des ordres juridiques nationaux d’un modèle capitaliste traditionnel de régulation du marché inspiré par les travaux de M. Keynes à un modèle néo-libéral, accélérée par la pression de la vague contemporaine de la mondialisation économique. En se situant dans une perspective historique et interdisciplinaire de la question de la mobilité intra-communautaire des sociétés, nous nous efforçons d’en cerner les tendances et les configurations ainsi que d’en faire l’état des lieux des progrès effectués depuis le XIXe siècle. / Cross-border company mobility principally involves two main sets of State norms. Firstly, mobile companies continuously encounter conflict of laws questions. Therefore, mobility implies a necessary passage from the fundamental question of recognition of foreign companies, the application of conflict of laws rules determining the lex societatis and, more generally, the consultation of all the rules delineating the normative jurisdiction of the State in corporate matters, namely the conflict of laws rules (whether they stem from positive law or from judicial precedents) or the mandatory rules (lois de police) likely to be implemented in cross-border M&As, reorganizations and take-overs. Secondly, company mobility brings inevitably into play the national or international tax rules which constitute the national systems of international taxation of companies, namely tax rules emanating either from national tax legislation or from international treaties on avoidance of double taxation. These two aspects of the matter of company cross-border mobility shall not be examined separately, given that the formation of conflict of laws rules and tax jurisdiction rules that delineate a state’s tax jurisdiction depends on each State’s hierarchically superior imperatives of a political, economic and social nature, these two body of rules being, therefore, interdependent. The study of their historical evolution within the legal systems examined in our thesis (French, English, German and Belgian) from the early 19th century to date, demonstrates that their current state constitutes the result of their mutual influence. Through an interdisciplinary analysis, we emphasize, in the first part of our thesis, on the crossing points of these two sets of rules in order to explain the complex mechanics of cross-border mobility of companies and point out the legal and tax considerations that dominate the matter. We further explore their transformation by EU law which is intended as a meta-order aimed at orchestrating national government and economic agents’ behaviors according to and towards a new model of market regulation susceptible to the creation of a European single market. The second part of our thesis is dedicated to the study of the impact of secondary EU legislation and European Court of Justice jurisprudence –that act jointly to achieve the European single market objective- on the aforementioned bodies of national rules, that leads to the conclusion that the recent and anticipated developments on the mobility of companies within the EU both on national and European level, fall within the broader framework of the overall development of the transition process of national legal orders from a traditional capitalist model of market regulation inspired by the theories of M. Keynes towards a neo-liberal model which is accelerated by the pressure of the contemporary trend of economic globalization. Addressing the subject of cross-border mobility of companies within the EU both from a historical and an interdisciplinary perspective, we endeavor to identify trends and patterns and to assess the progress achieved since the early 19th century.

Os conflitos tributários internacionais e sua possível solução pela via arbitral / The international tax conflicts and their soluctions by arbitration.

Daniel Dix Carneiro 20 August 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno da globalização teve o condão de aproximar os diversos povos, cada um com seus interesses e culturas próprios. A existência de um consenso internacional na definição de princípios a serem seguidos quando das relações externas não consegue impedir, contudo, o surgimento de possíveis conflitos e divergências, tendo em vista a pluralidade cultural das diversas nações mundiais, fato que induziu a sociedade internacional a desenvolver meios que pudessem dirimir pacificamente as controvérsias, porventura, surgidas entre elas. A adoção dos meios para solução pacífica dos conflitos internacionais encontra-se incentivada pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (art. 4., incisos VI e VII) e sua utilização não importa qualquer renúncia ao exercício da soberania, nem tampouco à imunidade de jurisdição. Para que se tenha uma eficácia maior da submissão dos conflitos surgidos no âmbito externo aos meios admitidos para resolvê-los, é importante que os países envolvidos no litígio possuam orientação interna no sentido de privilegiar o Direito Internacional frente à sua legislação infraconstitucional doméstica. A eventual primazia do direito interno pode resultar na inocuidade da adoção dos meios pacíficos de solução de controvérsias internacionais, uma vez que as autoridades dos países litigantes poderão se esquivar do cumprimento do acordo ou decisão alegando uma possível contrariedade com os ditames legais domésticos. Nesse contexto, a seara tributária tem despertado constantes divergências internacionais. As diferentes interpretações conferidas pelas diversas nações, dentre elas o Brasil, quando da aplicação dos tratados por elas firmados e que tenham vertente fiscal, em especial aqueles que visam evitar a dupla imposição fiscal da renda, ou garantir o livre trânsito de bens, pessoas e serviços, acaba trazendo grande insegurança àqueles investidores que possuem operações conectadas a dois ou mais sistemas tributários diferentes. Assim, ganham cada vez mais corpo, os debates em torno da extensão dos mecanismos pacíficos para resolução de divergências, também ao âmbito de aplicação de todo e qualquer tratado que verse sobre a matéria tributária. Tal fato propicia a busca de uma possível uniformização dos métodos hermenêuticos aplicáveis àqueles fatos geradores tributáveis que se encontrem vinculados a dois ou mais entes soberanos. É nesse contexto que se apresenta o presente estudo, o qual aborda a possibilidade de a República Federativa do Brasil submeter ao procedimento arbitral aquelas controvérsias de cunho tributário que eventualmente decorram da interpretação divergente das convenções internacionais das quais seja parte e que tratem de matéria fiscal. / The phenomenon of globalization had the power to bring together different peoples, each with their own interests and cultures. However, in view of the cultural diversity of different peoples around the world, the existence of an international consensus in establishing the principles to be followed when external relations are formed cannot prevent the emergence of external conflicts and disagreements. This led the international society to develop mechanisms that could peacefully settle the controversies that may eventually arise. The adoption of such mechanisms is encouraged by the Brazilian Constitution, whose article 4, sections VI and VII, advocates the pursuit of peace and peaceful settlement of disputes. Its use does not lead to the renunciation of the exercise of sovereignty nor to the immunity of jurisdiction. Meanwhile, in order to achieve greater efficacy in the submission of disputes arising outside of the means allowed to solve them, it is important that countries involved in the disputes have consolidated internal orientation towards favouring international law over their domestic infra-constitutional legislation. The primacy of the domestic law may result in the ineffectiveness of adopting peaceful means for solving international controversies since authorities of the countries engaged in the dispute may avoid compliance with the agreement or decision on the grounds of some contradiction with the domestic law procedures. In this context, the taxation arena has been constantly attracting international disagreement. The different interpretations conferred by various nations, including Brazil, in applying taxation-related treaties signed by themselves, particularly those attempting to avoid double income taxation or to guarantee the free flow of goods, people and services, bring a high level of insecurity to investors possessing operations connected to two or more distinct tax systems. As a result, the debates regarding the extension of the peaceful mechanisms to the solution of divergences take shape, including those related to the application of any treaty which speaks to the subject of taxation. This favors the search for the standardization of the hermeneutical methods applicable to those tax events which are linked to two or more sovereign entities. This is the context surrounding the current study, which addresses the possibility of the Federative Republic of Brazil to refer tax-related disputes, caused by divergent interpretation of the international conventions of which it is a member, to the arbitral proceedings.

Aktivizující metody a techniky učení v českém jazyce na základní škole / Methods and techniques of active teaching in Czech language on the middle school

KAŠPAROVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to find out the influence of methods and techniques of active teaching on the level of essay-writing in the basic school. The theoretical part describes chosen methods and techniques of active teaching within the context of the educational process. An experiment was carried out in the practical part and it verified the influence of these methods on the development of essay-writing potential of the pupils. The popularity of the chosen methods and techniques of active teaching was being researched by a questionnaire survey. The methods of active teaching were discovered to facilitate the success rate of the essay-writing and a statistically significant increase in the number of sentences and syntactic pairs was found in the experimental group.

L'impartialité des magistrats dans la procédure pénale françaises à l'aune du droit de la convention EDH. / Magistrates impartiality in the french criminal procedure in the light of the law of the European Convention on Human Rights

Oudoul, Audrey 05 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude de l’impartialité des magistrats dans la procédure pénale française à l’aune du droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme propose une analyse renouvelée de ce principe, clé de voûte, d’un procès pénal juste.Tout d’abord, l’objet de l’étude induit de définir le principe d’impartialité grâce au droit conventionnel. Ce dernier a forgé le principe d’impartialité et est encore retentissant en la matière. Cependant, la théorisation d’ampleur des appréciations conventionnelles relatives à l’impartialité faisant défaut, la présente étude a vocation de remédier à cette carence. La définition conventionnelle de l’impartialité sert de socle à la présente étude et l’analyse de la jurisprudence conventionnelle, relative à l’impartialité, permettra de déterminer les points de convergence ou de divergence entre le droit conventionnel et le droit français. Ensuite, l’impartialité est soutenue, permise par divers principes de procédures ; l’indépendance, la collégialité, la publicité, la motivation, la séparation des fonctions, l’oralité, le contradictoire, qui n’ont pas la même intensité selon la procédure pénale envisagée. L’étude de la teneur des principes procéduraux soutiens de l’impartialité, devant les juridictions de droit commun et les juridictions spécialisées, permet de déterminer les disparités de garanties de l’impartialité dans la procédure pénale française. En outre, la question de l’impartialité des magistrats avant le jugement se pose avec beaucoup d’acuité. D’une part, le droit conventionnel s’est prononcé récemment sur l’extension ou non du principe d’impartialité en amont du jugement. D’autre part, le juge d’instruction dont la suppression est souvent envisagée comme une solution favorable à la procédure pénale, par ceux qui souhaitent le voir disparaitre, n’est pas opportune au regard du principe d’impartialité. L’étude permettra de démontrer que la phase d’instruction, bien que perfectible, apporte, une réelle plus-value à l’impartialité dans la procédure pénale et qu’au contraire, l’impartialité des magistrats du parquet est soit sporadique, soit absente. / This study about magistrates impartiality in the french criminal procedure in the light of the law of the European Convention on Human Rights focuses on a renewed analysis of this key principle during a fair trial.Firstly, the object of this study leads to the definition of the principle of impartiality thanks to the law of the ECHR that still molds it.However, the absence of theorising conventional appreciations regarding impartiality leads us to find a solution to this deficiency. The conventional definition of impartiality serves as a base to this study. The analysis of the ECHR jurisprudence regarding impartiality enables the determination of the converging and divergent elements between french and conventional law.Furthermore, impartiality is allowed thanks to various procedural principles : independance, collegiality, public disclosure, motivation, the separation between presiding judges and the prosecution services, orality, hearings in court with both parties. The study of the content of procedural principles as a support to impartiality, during proceedings in front of common and specialized jurisdictions, enables the determination of the differences of the garanties of impartiality during the french criminal procedure.In addition, the question of the magistrates impartiality before judgement has to be tackled with much acuteness. This is the reason why the suppression of the examining judge (juge d’instruction), often wanted by some, is not appropriate as far as impartiality is concerned. This study shows and proves that the inquiry, even if improvable, brings a real added-value to impartiality during the criminal procedure and that, on the contrary the prosecution services impartiality is either sporadic or absent.

L'évolution du droit pénal des mineurs délinquants en Haïti / .

Alphonse, Katiuscia 09 January 2017 (has links)
La construction du droit pénal des mineurs délinquants en Haïti a débuté avec le Code pénal de 1826, avant d’évoluer considérablement au XXe siècle. La loi du 16 juillet 1952 va marquer une première étape importante dans le traitement spécifique de la délinquance des mineurs. La loi du 7 septembre 1961 sur le mineur en face de la loi pénale et des tribunaux spéciaux pour enfants, s’inspirant de l’ordonnance française n° 45-174 du 2 février 1945 va ensuite mettre en place ce qui peut être décrit comme un véritable code fondamental de la minorité pénale, démontrant sans conteste la spécificité du droit pénal des mineurs. Cette affirmation d’une réponse pénale spécifique à la délinquance des mineurs, confirmée par l’avant projet du nouveau Code pénal de 2015, caractérise l’évolution du droit pénal des mineurs en Haïti. L’évolution du droit substantiel des mineurs délinquant se caractérise par la mise en place d’une réponse pénale spécifique. Sa spécificité s’affirme tant au niveau des conditions de sa mise en œuvre, à travers les règles de la responsabilité pénale des mineurs, que dans sa nature même, marquée par un objectif éducatif incontestable tout en conservant en parallèle un aspect répressif certain. Au niveau processuel, l’émergence d’une justice pénale des mineurs spécifique en Haïti se traduit par une adaptation des institutions, notamment par la création de juridictions spécifiques, et par l’élaboration de procédures adaptées / The construction of the criminal law of the juvenile offenders in Haiti began with the penal code of 1826, before evolving considerably in the 20th century. The law of July 16, 1952 will mark an important first step in the treatment of the juvenile delinquency. The Act of 7 September 1961 on minors facing criminal charges, inspired by the French ordinance No. 45-174 of 2 february 1945 will then establish what can be described as a real fundamental code of juvenile law, unquestionably demonstrating the specificity of the penal law of the minors. This affirmation of a specific criminal response to juvenile delinquency, confirmed by the preliminary draft of the new penal code of 2015, characterizes the evolution of juvenile justice in Haiti. The evolution of the substantive law of the juvenile delinquent is characterized by the implementation of a specific law response. Its specificity is asserted both in terms of its implementation, through the rules of the criminal responsibility of minors, and in its very nature, marked by a compelling educational goal while maintaining in parallel a certain repressive aspect. At the level of procedural, the emergence of a specific juvenile law in Haiti translates by an adaptation of institutions, especially through the establishment of specific jurisdictions, and the development of procedures that were adapted

La recevabilité des actions devant la Cour pénale internationale

Doëns, Christine 25 November 2011 (has links)
La recevabilité est le cœur de la procédure judiciaire. Elle permet d’étudier la pénalisation de la vie internationale. Elle semble pouvoir rendre compte de la réponse judiciaire à la rancœur internationale au regard des grands faits criminels ; quel qu’en fut le territoire de commission.Cette thèse porte sur la notion de recevabilité devant la Cour pénale internationale. Avec la création de la CPI, la justice pénale internationale prend une dimension nouvelle. La pratique de la Cour est encore récente. L’étude est le prétexte pour examiner le fonctionnement de la Cour pénale internationale. Les Etats ont tenté de limiter la capacité de recevoir de la Cour. Ils l’ont ainsi fondée sur le principe de la complémentarité. Elle supplée l’inaction ou l’action défaillante des Etats, qui ont le devoir de poursuivre les auteurs de crimes internationaux. L’article 17 du Statut de Rome énonce les exceptions permettant de déclarer une affaire recevable devant la CPI. Ainsi, la recevabilité d’une affaire ayant fait l’objet d’une enquête ne sera retenue que s’il est prouvé que les Etats n’ont pas l’intention de mener véritablement à bien les poursuites. Et, que par ailleurs, le seuil de gravité de l’affaire est atteint. Le caractère universel de la compétence de la CPI est battu en brèche par les conditions de recevabilité. On analyse la recevabilité comme une condition de compétence à juste titre, car c’est bien le manquement de l’Etat à assurer l’effectivité des poursuites qui justifie que l’affaire soit déclarée, par la Cour elle-même, recevable. Les conditions requises pour que la Cour puisse agir, force est de constater l’implication du système de recevabilité tant sur l’organisation de la Cour que sur ses rapports avec les Etats. Celles-ci ne sont pas négligeables. De fait, le système de recevabilité est amené à évoluer. Il se caractérise par sa capacité à influencer le droit interne. Ainsi, la décision de recevoir doit amener les Etats à adapter leur droit interne. La viabilité de la Cour, à long terme, dépend du maintien d’une synergie de coopération avec les juridictions nationales, des États parties et d'autres Etats. Le système de recevabilité tend à mettre en évidence des indicateurs émergents dans la pratique de la Cour pénale internationale. C’est notamment le réalignement frappant des rôles des acteurs internationaux et la relation nouvelle qui s’instaure entre les Etats et la Cour. Le système de recevabilité de la Cour tend à éroder le principe de la souveraineté de l'Etat, sans être elle-même balayée par l'opposition catégorique des Etats souverains. / Admissibility is the heart of the judicial process. It studies the criminalization of international life. It seems to account for the judicial response to the international resentment against the great criminal acts, whatever was the territory of commission.This thesis deals with the notion of admissibility before the ICC. With the creation of the ICC, International Criminal Justice is a new dimension. The practice of the Court is still new. The study is an excuse to investigate the operation of the ICC. States have tried to limit the ability to receive from the Court. They did so based on the principle of complementarity. It compensates the action or inaction of failing states, which have a duty to prosecute international crimes. Article 17 RS sets out exceptions to declare a case admissible before the ICC. Thus, the admissibility of a case which is the subject of an investigation will be accepted only, if it is shown that States did not intend genuinely to carry out prosecutions. And that furthermore, the threshold of gravity of a case is reached. The universal nature of the jurisdiction of the ICC is undermined by the conditions of admissibility. Analyzing the admissibility of competence as a condition rightly, for it is the failure of the state to ensure effective prosecution to justify that the case will be declared by the Court itself, admissible. The requirements for the Court to act, it is clear involvement of the system of admissibility as on the organization of the Court that its relationship with the United States. These are not insignificant. In fact, the system will evolve admissibility. It is characterized by its ability to influence the law. Thus, the decision to receive should encourage States to adapt their domestic law. The viability of the Court, in the long run depends on maintaining a synergy of cooperation with national courts of States Parties and other States. The system of admissibility tends to highlight indicators emerging in the practice of the International Criminal Court. This is especially striking realignment of the roles of international actors and the new relationship established between the States and the Court. The system of admissibility of the Court tends to erode the principle of state sovereignty, without itself being swept by the opposition of sovereign states.

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