Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LENGTH OF STAY"" "subject:"[enn] LENGTH OF STAY""
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Caracterização do perfil epidemiológico do paciente com câncer de reto no Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo: determinação dos fatores associados ao tempo de internação hospitalar do paciente cirúrgico / Epidemiological characterization of the Rectal Cancer Patient at the \"Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo\": Determination in Surgical Patient of the Factors Associated with Length of StayDaiane da Silva Oliveira 15 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A despeito de todos os avanços no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer, ainda existem fatores complicadores para a adequada evolução no pós-operatório. Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo em uma população de pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico oncológico eletivo para o câncer retal, a fim de caracterizá-los epidemiologicamente e determinar quais variáveis estão associadas a maior morbimortalidade tais como aumento de permanência hospitalar, utilização de unidade de terapia intensiva, reoperações, óbito em 30 dias e custos hospitalares totais. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados todos os pacientes submetidos a cirurgias retais eletivas para o tratamento oncológico no período de 01 de outubro de 2008 a 31 de dezembro de 2012, resultando numa amostra de 405 pacientes de idade adulta e ambos os sexos. Realizou-se análise univariada para cada desfecho e análise multivariada através de regressão logística com ajustamento para as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade, índice massa corpórea, estadiamento TNM, procedimento realizado, escore ASA, via de acesso, realização de QRT neoadjuvante, intervalo entre a neoadjuvância e a cirurgia e tempo cirúrgico, com validação interna através da técnica de bootstrap. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados como fatores de risco para aumento de permanência hospitalar a obesidade classe II e III (OR 15,44; IC95% 1,05 - 227,52; p = 0,05) e anestesia combinada - regional associada à geral (OR 5,38; IC95% 1,08 - 29,95; p = 0,04); amputação abdominoperineal foi fator de risco para reoperação em 30 dias (OR 4,54; IC95% 1,15 - 17,90; p = 0,03); amputação abdominoperineal (OR 5,38; IC95% 1,21 - 23,73; p = 0,03) e exenteração pélvica (OR 19,98; IC95% 0,99 - 401,32; p = 0,05) foram fatores de risco para utilização de UTI; idade acima de 79 anos (OR 13,99; IC95% 1,51 - 128,95; p = 0,02) foi fator de risco para complicação pós-operatória; idade acima de 79 anos (OR 0,07; IC95% 0,01 - 0,39; p = 0,01) foi fator de proteção para tempo cirúrgico elevado, obesidade classe II e III (OR 12,87; IC95% 1,54 - 107,67; p = 0,02) e via de acesso laparoscópica com transição para aberta (OR 8,7; IC95% 2,67 - 28,36; p < 0,001) foram fatores de risco para tempo cirúrgico elevado. CONCLUSÕES: Obesidade classe II e III e anestesia combinada são fatores de risco para tempo de permanência hospitalar prolongado para pacientes submetidos a cirurgia para tratamento de câncer retal. Outros estudos se fazem necessários para entender quais são os mecanismos que levam a anestesia combinada, eventualmente, a este aumento de permanência hospitalar / INTRODUCTION: Despite all the developments in the surgical treatment of cancer, there are still complicating factors for a correct postoperative evolution. There were conducted a retrospective study in a population of patients submitted to surgical rectal cancer treatment to characterize them epidemiologically and determine which variables are associated with increased morbimortality such as increased hospital length of stay, use of intensive care unit, reoperations, 30-day mortality and total hospital costs. METHOD: All patients submitted to colorectal surgery treatment for cancer during the period October 1st, 2008 to December 31th, 2012, resulting in a sample of 405 patients of both genders. Univariate analysis was conducted for each outcome and multivariate analysis through logistic regression with adjustment for the following variables: sex, age, body mass index, TNM stage, procedure performed, ASA score, laparoscopic or open surgery, neoadjuvant treatment, interval between the neoadjuvant therapy and the surgery, and operative time, with internal validation by the bootstrap technique. RESULTS: there were identified as risk factors for increased hospital stay, the obesity class II and III (OR 15.44; 95% CI 1.05-227.52; p = 0.05) and combined anesthesia - regional and general (OR 5.38; 95% CI 1.08-29.95; p = 0.04); abdominoperineal amputation was a risk factor for 30-day reoperation (OR 4.54; 1.15 95% CI-17.90; p = 0.03); abdominoperineal amputation (OR 5.38; 95% CI 1.21-23.73; p = 0.03) and pelvic exenteration (OR 19.98; 95% CI 0.99-401.32; p = 0.05) were risk factors for ICU use; age over 79 years (OR 13.99; CI 1.51-128.95; p = 0.02) was a risk factor for postoperative complication; age over 79 years (OR 0.07; CI 0.01-0.39; p = 0.01) was protective factor to prolonged operative time , obesity class II and III (OR 12.87; CI 1.54-107.67; p = 0.02) and laparoscopic approach with transition to open (OR 8.7; CI 2.67-28.36; p 0.001) were risk factors to prolonged operative time. CONCLUSIONS: Obese class II and III and combined anesthesia are risk factors for prolonged hospital stay for patients undergoing surgery for rectal cancer treatment. Further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms that lead combined anesthesia to increase hospital stay
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"O transplante de medula óssea alogênico de curto período de internação" / Outpatient allogeneic bone marrow transplantationJosé Eduardo Nicolau 28 July 2004 (has links)
Foram analisados os resultados retrospectivos do transplante de medula óssea alogênico em 100 pacientes portadores de leucemia mielóide crônica, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I, de 49 pacientes que recebeu alta hospitalar após a pega medular, e grupo II, de 51 pacientes, que recebeu alta precocemente, antes da pega medular, para acompanhamento ambulatorial. Foram comparados os dias de ocupação de leitos hospitalares, a morbidade e a mortalidade entre os grupos de alta até o dia 100 pós transplante. Verificou-se que, no grupo de alta precoce, houve, significativamente, menos dias de ocupação de leitos hospitalares, sem aumento da morbidade e da mortalidade / We analyzed the results of a retrospective study of 100 patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia submitted to allogeneic stem cell transplantation in one of two settings: Group I, with 49 patients, transplanted in the traditional inpatient and group II, with 51 patients, in partial outpatient. We compared the median number of days spent in hospital, morbidity and mortality within 100 after bone marrow transplantation. We concluded that there was a significant reduction in the median of hospital length of stay in the partial outpatient group, without increasing morbidity and mortality
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Prognostički značaj venoarterijskog gradijenta ugljen-dioksida u teškoj sepsi / Prognostic value of venoarterial carbon-dioxide gradient in patients with severe sepsisBatranović Uroš 08 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Veno-arterijski gradijent ugljen-dioksida (Pv-aCO2) se smatra pokazateljem adekvatnosti microcirculatornog venskog protoka. U stanjima usporenog protoka dolazi do povećavanja Pv-aCO2 zbog fenomena zadržavanja CO2. Vrednost Pv-aCO2 predložena je kao dodatni cilj rane usmerene terapije kod pacijenata sa septičnim šokom. Cilj rada bilo je utvrditi postojanje korelacije promene Pv-aCO2 s promenom SOFA (“Sequential Organ Failure Assessment”) skora (delta SOFA) nakon primene rane ciljane terapije, kao i korelacije vrednosti različitih pokazatelja krvnog protoka unutar prvih 12 sati od početka lečenja pacijenata sa sepsom. Sekundarni cilj bilo je utvrditi postojanje korelacije Pv-aCO2 6 sati nakon početka rane ciljane terapije (T6) s dužinom boravka u intenzivnoj jedinici i ishodom lečenja. Prospektivnim, neintervencijskim ispitivanjem obuhvaćeno je 150 pacijenata sa sepsom ili septičnim šokom. Merenja serumskog laktata, saturacije kiseonikom mešane venske krvi (ScvO2) i Pv-aCO2 vršena su na početku rane ciljane terapije (T0), posle 6 i 12 sati (T6, T12). Pv-aCO2 se računao kao razlika između parcijalnog pritiska ugljen dioksida arterijske i mešane venske krvi. Vrednost SOFA skora određivana je u vremenu T0 i nakon 48 časova (T48). Pacijenti su za potrebe analize podeljeni u dve grupe na osnovu promene SOFA skora [(1) pacijenti kod kojih je došlo do smanjenja SOFA skora (delta SOFA < 0); (2) pacijenti kod kojih je smanjenje SOFA skora izostalo (delta SOFA ≥ 0)] i na osnovu vrednosti Pv-aCO2 u vremenu T6 [(1) pacijenti sa visokim Pv-aCO2 (≥ 0.8 kPa); (2) pacijenti sa normalnim Pv-aCO2 (< 0.8 kPa)]. Između dve grupe pacijenata, sa normalnim i visokim Pv-aCO2, statistički značajne razlike uočene su samo u odnosu na najvišu vrednost respiratorne komponente SOFA skora (p=0.01). Uočena je statistički značajna korelacija između vrednosti Pv-aCO2 i laktata u vremenu T6 (r=0.2), Pv-aCO2 i ScvO2 u vremenu T0 (r=-0.4) i T12 (r=-0.24) kao i laktata i ScvO2 u vremenu T0 (r=-0.26) i T12 (r=-0.18). Analizom ponavljanih merenja nije utvrđena statistički značajna korelacija između promene vrednosti Pv-aCO2 unutar prvih 6 sati s promenom SOFA skora unutar prvih 48 sati nakon početka rane ciljane terapije (p=0.12). Utvrđeno je da su vrednosti Pv-aCO2 u vremenu T6 bile loš prediktor smrtnog ishoda. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u dužini boravka u intenzivnoj jedinici i ishodu lečenja u zavisnosti od vrednosti Pv-aCO2.</p> / <p>Central venous-arterial CO2 difference (Pv-aCO2) reflects adequacy of microcirculatory venous flow. Widening of Pv-aCO2 due to CO2-stagnant phenomenon is described in the low flow states. Pv-aCO2 was proposed as an additional resuscitation target for patients with septic shock.The aim of this study was to examine correlation between changes in Pv-aCO2 and SOFA score as well as different blood flow indices (lactate, mixed venous oxygen saturation) 12 hours after onset of resuscitation in patients with sepsis or septic shock. Secondary aim was to evaluate association of delta CO2 6 hours after onset of resuscitation and patient outcomes (length of stay in the ICU, mortality). Prospective observational study included 150 patients with sepsis. Simultaneous measurements of lactate, mixed venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) and delta PCO2 were performed at onset of resuscitation (T0) and after 6 hours (T6). Delta PCO2 was calculated as a difference between arterial PCO2 and PCO2 from mixed venous blood. Organ dysfunction was evaluated with the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score at T0 and after 48 hours (T48). Mortality was assessed after 28 days. For data analysis purposes two groups were created based on delta SOFA [(1) patients with SOFA score decrease (delta SOFA <0); (2) patients without SOFA score decrease (delta SOFA ≥ 0)] and based on Pv-aCO2 [(1) patients with high Pv-aCO2 (≥0.8 kPa); (2) patients with normal Pv-aCO2 (<0.8 kPa). Patients with high and normal Pv-aCO2 differed only with respect to highest respiratory SOFA score (p=0.01) Change in Pv-aCO2 between T0 and T6 was not in correlation with change in SOFA score between T0 and T48 (p=0.12). Moderate statistically significant correlation was found between Pv-aCO2 and lactate at T6 (r=0.2), and moderate inverse correlation between Pv-aCO2 and ScvO2 at T0 (r=-0.4) and T12 (r=-0.25) and ScvO2 and lactate at T0 (r=-0.27) and T12 (r=-0.18). Pv-aCO2 at T6 was not associated with 28-day mortality and length of stay in the ICU.</p>
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Improving the Performance of Clinical Prediction Tasks by Using Structured and Unstructured Data Combined with a Patient NetworkNouri Golmaei, Sara 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / With the increasing availability of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and advances in deep learning techniques, developing deep predictive models that use EHR data to solve healthcare problems has gained momentum in recent years. The majority of clinical predictive models benefit from structured data in EHR (e.g., lab measurements and medications). Still, learning clinical outcomes from all possible information sources is one of the main challenges when building predictive models. This work focuses mainly on two sources of information that have been underused by researchers; unstructured data (e.g., clinical notes) and a patient network. We propose a novel hybrid deep learning model, DeepNote-GNN, that integrates clinical notes information and patient network topological structure to improve 30-day hospital readmission prediction. DeepNote-GNN is a robust deep learning framework consisting of two modules: DeepNote and patient network. DeepNote extracts deep representations of clinical notes using a feature aggregation unit on top of a state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique - BERT. By exploiting these deep representations, a patient network is built, and Graph Neural Network (GNN) is used to train the network for hospital readmission predictions. Performance evaluation on the MIMIC-III dataset demonstrates that DeepNote-GNN achieves superior results compared to the state-of-the-art baselines on the 30-day hospital readmission task. We extensively analyze the DeepNote-GNN model to illustrate the effectiveness and contribution of each component of it. The model analysis shows that patient network has a significant contribution to the overall performance, and DeepNote-GNN is robust and can consistently perform well on the 30-day readmission prediction task. To evaluate the generalization of DeepNote and patient network modules on new prediction tasks, we create a multimodal model and train it on structured and unstructured data of MIMIC-III dataset to predict patient mortality and Length of Stay (LOS). Our proposed multimodal model consists of four components: DeepNote, patient network, DeepTemporal, and score aggregation. While DeepNote keeps its functionality and extracts representations of clinical notes, we build a DeepTemporal module using a fully connected layer stacked on top of a one-layer Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to extract the deep representations of temporal signals. Independent to DeepTemporal, we extract feature vectors of temporal signals and use them to build a patient network. Finally, the DeepNote, DeepTemporal, and patient network scores are linearly aggregated to fit the multimodal model on downstream prediction tasks. Our results are very competitive to the baseline model. The multimodal model analysis reveals that unstructured text data better help to estimate predictions than temporal signals. Moreover, there is no limitation in applying a patient network on structured data. In comparison to other modules, the patient network makes a more significant contribution to prediction tasks. We believe that our efforts in this work have opened up a new study area that can be used to enhance the performance of clinical predictive models.
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Final Scholarly Project: A Systematic Record Review of a Local Quality Improvement Impacts on Anesthesia Provider Knowledge and Attitudes Following a Presentation of Current Evidence-Based Practices Involving Intrathecal Mepivacaine Use in Total Joint Arthroplasty Surgical PatientsMcClellan, Kevin 02 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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A Deep Learning Approach to Predicting the Length of Stay of Newborns in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit / En djupinlärningsstrategi för att förutsäga vistelsetiden för nyfödda i neonatala intensivvårdsavdelingenStraathof, Bas Theodoor January 2020 (has links)
Recent advancements in machine learning and the widespread adoption of electronic healthrecords have enabled breakthroughs for several predictive modelling tasks in health care. One such task that has seen considerable improvements brought by deep neural networks is length of stay (LOS) prediction, in which research has mainly focused on adult patients in the intensive care unit. This thesis uses multivariate time series extracted from the publicly available Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III database to explore the potential of deep learning for classifying the remaining LOS of newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at each hour of the stay. To investigate this, this thesis describes experiments conducted with various deep learning models, including long short-term memory cells, gated recurrentunits, fully-convolutional networks and several composite networks. This work demonstrates that modelling the remaining LOS of newborns in the NICU as a multivariate time series classification problem naturally facilitates repeated predictions over time as the stay progresses and enables advanced deep learning models to outperform a multinomial logistic regression baseline trained on hand-crafted features. Moreover, it shows the importance of the newborn’s gestational age and binary masks indicating missing values as variables for predicting the remaining LOS. / Framstegen inom maskininlärning och det utbredda införandet av elektroniska hälsoregister har möjliggjort genombrott för flera prediktiva modelleringsuppgifter inom sjukvården. En sådan uppgift som har sett betydande förbättringar förknippade med djupa neurala nätverk är förutsägelsens av vistelsetid på sjukhus, men forskningen har främst inriktats på vuxna patienter i intensivvården. Den här avhandlingen använder multivariata tidsserier extraherade från den offentligt tillgängliga databasen Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III för att undersöka potentialen för djup inlärning att klassificera återstående vistelsetid för nyfödda i den neonatala intensivvårdsavdelningen (neonatal-IVA) vid varje timme av vistelsen. Denna avhandling beskriver experiment genomförda med olika djupinlärningsmodeller, inklusive longshort-term memory, gated recurrent units, fully-convolutional networks och flera sammansatta nätverk. Detta arbete visar att modellering av återstående vistelsetid för nyfödda i neonatal-IVA som ett multivariat tidsserieklassificeringsproblem på ett naturligt sätt underlättar upprepade förutsägelser över tid och gör det möjligt för avancerade djupa inlärningsmodeller att överträffaen multinomial logistisk regressionsbaslinje tränad på handgjorda funktioner. Dessutom visar det vikten av den nyfödda graviditetsåldern och binära masker som indikerar saknade värden som variabler för att förutsäga den återstående vistelsetiden.
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Effect of a patient blood management programme on preoperative anaemia, transfusion rate, and outcome after primary hip or knee arthroplasty: a quality improvement cycleKotze, A., Carter, L. A., Scally, Andy J. January 2012 (has links)
No / There are few data on the associations between anaemia, allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT), patient blood management, and outcome after arthroplasty in the UK. National agencies nevertheless instruct NHS Trusts to implement blood conservation measures including preoperative anaemia management. Internationally, blood management programmes show encouraging results. METHODS: We retrospectively audited 717 primary hip or knee arthroplasties in a UK general hospital and conducted regression analyses to identify outcome predictors. We used these data to modify previously published algorithms for UK practice and audited its introduction prospectively. The retrospective audit group served as a control. RESULTS: Preoperative haemoglobin (Hb) concentration predicted ABT (odds ratio 0.25 per 1 g dl(-1), P<0.001). It also predicted the length of stay (LOS, effect size -0.7 days per 1 g dl(-1), P=0.004) independently of ABT, including in non-anaemic patients. Patient blood management implementation was associated with lower ABT rates for hip (23-7%, P<0.001) and knee (7-0%, P=0.001) arthroplasty. LOS for total hip replacement and total knee replacement decreased from 6 (5-8) days to 5 (3-7) and 4 (3-6) days, respectively, after algorithm implementation (P<0.001). The all-cause re-admission rate within 90 days decreased from 13.5% (97/717) before to 8.2% (23/281) after algorithm implementation (P=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that preoperative Hb predicts markers of arthroplasty outcome in UK practice. A systematic approach to optimize Hb mass before arthroplasty and limit Hb loss perioperatively was associated with improved outcome up to 90 days after discharge.
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Evidence of methodological bias in hospital standardised mortality ratios: retrospective database study of English hospitalsMohammed, Mohammed A., Deeks, J.J., Girling, A.J., Rudge, G.M., Carmalt, M., Stevens, A.J., Lilford, R.J. January 2009 (has links)
No / To assess the validity of case mix adjustment methods used to derive standardised mortality ratios for hospitals, by examining the consistency of relations between risk factors and mortality across hospitals. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of routinely collected hospital data comparing observed deaths with deaths predicted by the Dr Foster Unit case mix method. SETTING: Four acute National Health Service hospitals in the West Midlands (England) with case mix adjusted standardised mortality ratios ranging from 88 to 140. PARTICIPANTS: 96 948 (April 2005 to March 2006), 126 695 (April 2006 to March 2007), and 62 639 (April to October 2007) admissions to the four hospitals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of large interaction effects between case mix variable and hospital in a logistic regression model indicating non-constant risk relations, and plausible mechanisms that could give rise to these effects. RESULTS: Large significant (P<or=0.0001) interaction effects were seen with several case mix adjustment variables. For two of these variables-the Charlson (comorbidity) index and emergency admission-interaction effects could be explained credibly by differences in clinical coding and admission practices across hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: The Dr Foster Unit hospital standardised mortality ratio is derived from an internationally adopted/adapted method, which uses at least two variables (the Charlson comorbidity index and emergency admission) that are unsafe for case mix adjustment because their inclusion may actually increase the very bias that case mix adjustment is intended to reduce. Claims that variations in hospital standardised mortality ratios from Dr Foster Unit reflect differences in quality of care are less than credible.
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Integrace Vietnamců v České republice / Integration of the Vietnamese in the Czech RepublicKučera, Petr January 2014 (has links)
KUČERA, Petr. Integration of the Vietnamese in the Czech Republic. Prague, 2014. Dissertation. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication. This thesis deals with the integration of the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic which has its specifics and significantly differs from the integration of other foreigners living in the Czech Republic. The characteristics of the Vietnamese community are for example the high percentage of those who live here on the permanent residence permit, then very low unemployment and at last the majority of the community is doing their own business on the trade licence. The other important part is the issue of the acquisition of knowledge of the Czech language. The theoretical part of the thesis firstly defines the number of Vietnamese living in the Czech Republic, historical development of this community and their characteristics. Then the thesis deals with the term of integration; this term is properly defined and the particular dimensions of integration are described as well. The end of the theoretical part describes the particular types of residences, which foreigners can obtain. The empirical part of this thesis attempts to answer the question concerning the integration of Vietnamese living in the...
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Impacto da assistência fisioterapêutica em unidade de terapia intensiva no tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de internação e custos do paciente cirúrgico / Impact of physiotherapy assistance in intensive care unit in length of mechanical ventilation, length of intensive care unit stay and costs of surgical patientsSilva, Janete Maria da 30 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos baseados em parâmetros fisiológicos tem mostrado que a fisioterapia tem papel imperativo na assistência de pacientes pré e pós-operatórios. Os efeitos da assistência fisioterapêutica na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) sobre o tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI), tempo de internação e mortalidade do paciente crítico não foram elucidados. Tampouco, estudos sobre o impacto do turno diário da assistência fisioterapêutica nestes desfechos tem sido realizados. A despeito disto, e, possivelmente, baseadas na experiência clínica, as UTIs brasileiras adotarão turnos de 18 horas de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI para atender a uma regulamentação governamental. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito da assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI em turno diário de 24 horas (Fisio-24) ao turno diário de 12 horas (Fisio-12), sobre o tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos de pacientes pós-operatórios. Este estudo observacional, prospectivo, de coorte incluiu 114 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-12 e 152 pacientes de UTIs com Fisio-24 em condição pós-operatória, idade 18 anos, submetidos a VMI por 24 horas e admitidos na UTI para rotina pós-operatória. Foram coletados dados demográficos e cirúrgicos. Os desfechos primários deste estudo foram tempo de VMI, tempo de internação na UTI, complicações respiratórias relacionadas a VMI e custos indiretos. O desfecho secundário foi o dia-livre de ventilação (VFD). Os custos foram avaliados através do Omega French Score que compreende três categorias (Omega 1, 2 e 3). Um modelo de regressão linear múltipla (MRL) foi construído para verificar a associação entre o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI e o tempo de VMI. A despeito dos pacientes Fisio-24 serem mais velhos (p=0,002), possuírem maior número de comorbidades (p=0,001), maior frequência de risco cirúrgico moderado a alto (p=0,003), maior frequência de complicações intra operatórias (p=0,012) e insuficiência renal aguda dialítica (p<0,001), comparados aos pacientes Fisio-12, apresentaram melhores desfechos clínicos, tais quais, menor mediana de tempo de VMI (4 dias versus 6 dias; p=0,002), maior mediana de VFD (24 dias versus 21 dias; p=0,004) e menor mediana de tempo de internação na UTI (10 dias versus 15 dias; p=0,015). Não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre os dois grupos (p=0,704), embora pacientes Fisio-24 tenham recebido mais sessões de fisioterapia respiratória durante a internação na UTI (25 versus 20 sessões; p=0,014). Pacientes Fisio-24 apresentaram menor pontuação do Omega 2 (p=0,007). O MRL manteve como variáveis explicativas o número de sessões de fisioterapia respiratória, APACHE II, realização de Neurocirurgia e o turno diário de assistência fisioterapêutica na UTI. Mantidas constantes as outras variáveis explicativas, a presença de Fisio-24 na UTI reduziu o tempo de VMI em 2,80 unidades. Concluí-se que pacientes pós-operatórios admitidos em UTIs com Fisio-24 apresentaram menores tempo de VMI e tempo de internação na UTI, maior VFD, contudo, não foi encontrada diferença na frequência de complicações respiratórias relacionadas à VMI entre Fisio-12 e Fisio-24. A redução da pontuação de Omega 2 nos pacientes Fisio-24 não foi suficiente para promover diferenças no custo indireto entre os grupos / According to studies based on physiologic parameters, physiotherapy plays an imperative role on pre and postoperative patients. The effects of physiotherapy assistance (PTA) in the intensive care unit (ICU) on length of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), length of ICU stay, frequency of ventilator-associated pneumonia and mortality remain unclear. Moreover, studies about impact of PTA shifts have not been conducted. Despite this fact, and possibly based on clinical experiences, Brazilian ICUs are going to adopt 18 hours of PTA shifts in order to attend a governmental regulation. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 24-hour PTA (Physio-24) to 12-hour PTA (Physio-12) daily shifts in the ICU on length of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs of postoperative patients. This observational, prospective and cohort study included 114 patients from ICUs with Physio-12 and 152 patients from ICU with Physio-24. Patients presented postoperative conditions, were aged 18 years, who underwent IMV 24 hours and were admitted on ICU for postoperative routine. We collected demographical and surgical data. Our primaries end-points were duration of IMV, length of ICU stay, frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV and indirect costs. The secondary end-point was ventilator-free days (VFD). Indirect costs were assessed by Omega French Score which comprises three categories (Omega 1, 2 and 3). In addition, a multiple linear regression model (MLR) was constructed to verify the association between daily shifts of PTA in ICU and length of IMV. Despite of the fact that Physio-24 patients were older (p=0.002), with more severe conditions such as higher number of co morbidities (p<0.001), higher presence of moderate to severe surgical risk (p=0.003), higher frequency of intraoperative complications (p=0.012) and dialytic acute renal failure in ICU (p<0.001), compared to Physio-12 patients, they presented better clinical outcomes such as fewer median days spent in IMV (4 versus 6 days; p=0.002), higher median of VFD (24 versus 21 days; p=0.004) and shorter median of ICU stay (10 versus 15 days; p=0.015). No differences were found concerning respiratory complications related to IMV between groups (p=0.704), although Physio-24 patients had received more sessions of chest physiotherapy during ICU stay (25 versus 20 sessions; p=0.014). Physio-24 patients presented lower scores of Omega 2 (p=0.007). The number of chest physiotherapy sessions, APACHE II, Neurosurgery, and daily shifts of PTA in ICU remained as independent variables to length of IMV in the MLR model. According to this model, Physio-24 may reduce 2.80 units from length of IMV if the other independent variables are constant. We concluded that postoperative patients admitted in ICUs with daily shifts of 24-hour PTA showed shorter length of IMV and length of ICU stay and increased VFD; however, no reduction in frequency of respiratory complications related to IMV was found between groups. Despite the fact that Physio-24 patients had lower score of Omega 2, it was not enough to provoke a difference on indirect costs between Physio-12 and Physio-24 patients
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