Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LOCUS"" "subject:"[enn] LOCUS""
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Crash: identidades em colisão. O percurso do olhar na esfera do medo, do preconceito e da violência / Crash: Identities in Collision. The Journey of look in the sphere of fear, prejudice and violenceSilva, Andréa Antonieta Cotrim 05 October 2010 (has links)
As características da conclamada identidade norte-americana transfiguraramse após os ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro de 2001 nos Estados Unidos. As construções identitárias ressaltam o nacionalismo e as virtudes do povo estadunidense em oposição às de um Outro imaginado como perigoso e infiel. A profusão na mídia de notícias de ataques terroristas por toda parte faz com que a violência adquira uma aura onipresente, em especial, no horizonte das grandes cidades. Essas narrativas também produzem preconceito e medo que são representados em filmes como Crash - no limite. Diferentes articulações estéticas funcionam como estratégias na construção fílmica que traduz um país abalado e que necessita (re)constituir e (re)afirmar-se para, então, (des)construir e restabelecer narrativas e identidades. Neste sentido, nosso trabalho objetiva semear novos olhares sobre as narrativas que são enunciadas pelos norte-americanos após os eventos de 11 de setembro de 2001, ao invés de assentar verdades ou realidades de forma tácita, uma vez que as identidades estão atreladas ao contexto de sua produção. O panorama muda de acordo com as contingências que o sujeito, pertencente a várias comunidades simultaneamente, vivencia ao longo de sua história. Seja esta representação alegórica ou documental, posto que o diretor também se baseie em fatos reais do seu cotidiano para lançar-se na ficção, o projeto justifica-se pela tentativa de esboçar uma significação de pertencimento, levando-se em conta o loci de enunciação dos interlocutores. Logo, procuramos imprimir uma tradução de Crash como representação dessa teia de significados, na qual é possível estabelecer a interconexão entre identidade, medo, preconceito, violência e reflexão crítica. / The so-urged American identity has changed since September 11, 2001 in the United States. Constructions of identity emphasize the virtues and the nationalism of the American people, as opposed to an Other imagined as dangerous and disloyal. The profusion of news of terrorist attacks in the media everywhere makes that violence acquire a ubiquitous aura, especially in the horizon of big cities. These narratives also produce prejudice and fear represented in films like Crash. Different aesthetic joints function as strategies in building a film that translates an upset country and that needs to (re)build and (re)affirm itself, and then (de)construct and (re)constitute their narratives and identities. In this sense, this work aims to sow new perspectives on the narratives that are enunciated by the Americans after September 11th, instead of stating truths or realities tacitly. After all, concepts such as identity are tied to its production environment. The picture changes according to the contingencies that the subject, belonging to several communities simultaneously, experiences throughout his history. Whether it is an allegorical or a documentary representation, since the director has also based the story on real facts of his everyday life to embark on fiction, the project is justified by the attempt to establish a sense of belonging, taking into account the interlocutors´ loci of enunciation. Thus, we tried to print a translation of Crash as a representation of this web of meaning, in which it is possible to establish the interconnection between identity, fear, prejudice, violence and critical reflection.
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The Role of Epigenetics in Regulating V(D)J Recombination and Allelic ExclusionKondilis-Mangum, Hrisavgi Demetrios January 2011 (has links)
<p>As members of the adaptive immune response, T- and B- cells express unique antigen receptors generated from antigen receptor loci. These loci encode multiple Variable (V), Diversity (D), and Joining (J) gene segments. Through a process known as V(D)J recombination, genomic rearrangements occur to generate a unique antigen receptor proteins. During each stage of lymphocyte development, antigen receptor loci are epigenetically regulated. The epigenetic regulation promotes and inhibits V(D)J recombination through different mechanisms. To generate an antigen receptor protein, the substrates for rearrangement (recombination signal sequences, RSSs) must be made accessible to the recombination machinery. Moreover, once an antigen receptor locus has rearranged and produced a successful in-frame protein, a mechanism known as allelic exclusion prevents further recombination.</p><p>The nucleosome can positively and negatively regulate V(D)J recombination. Therefore, we defined the in vivo nucleosome organization of accessible and inaccessible RSSs on the Tcr loci. We used Tcrb and Tcra alleles which lack various cis-elements (e.g. enhancers and promoters) and terminate transcription. By comparing nucleosome organization and histone octamer occupancy, we found that accessible alleles are characterized by lower histone octamer occupancy and in some cases movement of nucleosomes. Also, we found that some these changes are mediated by transcription through the RSS. We concluded that one mechanism by which cis-elements epigenetically regulate RSS accessibility is by histone octamer loss and nucleosome repositioning and that some of these changes are mediated by transcription.</p><p>In addition, we further investigated how allelic exclusion prevents Tcrb locus recombination in CD4, CD8 double positive (DP) thymocytes. A previous study had introduced the Tcra enhancer (Eα) into the middle of the Tcrb locus to test if allelic exclusion was mediated solely by RSS accessibility. That study found that Eα could force RSS accessibility in DP thymocytes, but Vβ RSS accessibility did not overcome additional mechanisms involved in allelic exclusion. One potential mechanism that has been suggested in the literature is changes in locus conformation. Thus, we tested if RSS accessibility and locus conformation together mediate allelic exclusion. We generated two alleles that overcome changes in RSS accessibility, due to the presence of Eα and that overcome changes in locus conformation, due to a decrease in distance between Vβ and DJβ RSSs. We found that both alleles are accessible in DP thymocytes and we detected Vβ to DJβ recombination in DP thymocytes. Therefore, the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate Tcrb allelic exclusion consists of changes in RSS accessibility and changes in locus conformation.</p> / Dissertation
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Ung och arbetslös idag : Några arbetslösa ungdomars upplevelse av arbetslöshet / Young and unemployed today : Some unemployed young people´s experience of unemploymentBonli, Hanna, Ahrneteg, Amelia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande undersökning är att få kunskap om hur några arbetslösa ungdomar upplever sin situation som arbetslös, vilket studeras med fokus på framtidstro, sin egen förmåga/kompetens till att påverka möjligheterna att få jobb samt vilka faktorer de upplever är viktiga när det gäller att få ett jobb inom en snar framtid. Detta studeras utifrån teorierna om locus of control och self-efficacy. Två tjejer och fem killar i åldrarna 16-24 år, samtliga arbetslösa och inskrivna på Ungdomskraft, deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av ungdomarna har en hög tilltro till sina egna resurser och upplever att de själva har kontroll över sin situation som arbetslös. Vidare visade resultaten på ett mönster mellan intern locus of control och hög self-efficacy i samband med en positiv framtidstro med avseende på att få ett jobb. / The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge intohow some unemployed young people perceive their situation as unemployed,which is studied with a focus on their faith in the future, their ownability/competence to affect thechances of getting a job, and whichfactors they feel is importantwhen it comes to getting a jobin the near future. This is studied from theories of locus of control and self-efficacy. Two girls and five boys in the age between 16-24, all unemployed and enrolled in Ungdomskraft, participated in semi structured interviews. Theresults showed that the majority of young people have a high confidence in their own resources and feel that they have control overtheir situation as unemployed. Furthermore,the result showed patterns between internal locus of control and high self-efficacy in relation to a positive faith of the future when it comes to getting a job.
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En studie av sambanden mellan locus of control, self-efficacy, socialt stöd och positiv feedbackGouranios Nycander, Mikael, Hermansson, Tobias January 2011 (has links)
Organisationspsykologi kan ibland upplevas allt för problemorienterad med stort fokus på just problem och konflikter i organisationer. Det finns dock en inriktning på de förhållanden och processer som bidrar till att människor, grupper och organisationer kan frodas och fungera optimalt. Denna studie syftade därför till att undersöka eventuella samband mellan positiv feedback, self-efficacy, locus of control och socialt stöd. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med ett webbaserat frågeformulär bestående av en av författarna konstruerad skala avseende att mäta positiv feedback. Vidare användes Work Locus of Control Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale och subskalan Socialt Stöd ur QPS Nordic. Respondenterna i undersökningen var anställda vid tre grundskolor i en medelstor stad i mellansverige. Studien omfattade 58 deltagare varav 47 kvinnor och 11 män. Stickprovet var representativt för populationen enligt jämförelse med kommunens personalstatistik. Resultatet av denna studie visade att det fanns samband mellan positiv feedback och self-efficacy samt intern locus of control. Resultatet tydde på att positiv feedback spelade en signifikant roll i en arbetskontext. Positiv feedback är därför en variabel att beakta vid studier av arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsprestation. / Organizational psychology can sometimes appear too problem-oriented emphasizing only the problems and conflicts within organizations. Though there is some focus on studying of the relationships and processes that contributes to people, groups and organizations working well. The purpose of this study was so to explore possible relationships between positive feedback, self-efficacy, locus of control and social support. Data was collected through a web-based questionnaire. The scales that were used were Work Locus of Control Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale and the Social Support subscale from QPS Nordic. To measure positive feedback the authors constructed a scale specifically for the task. The participants of this study were employees at three different elementary schools in a middle-sized town in Sweden. The sample size was 58 persons (47 women and 11 men). The result of this study showed significant correlations between positive feedback, self-efficacy and locus of control. Conclusions made from the result are that positive feedback plays a significant role in the workplace and is a variable to consider for further investigation.
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Conscientiousness, Locus of Control och ArbetsmotivationPetersson, Kristina, Suvanto, Mikaela January 2010 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka om det finns samband mellan conscientiousness, Locus of Control och arbetsmotivation samt om ålder och anställningslängd predicerar en del av ar-betsmotivation. Studien omfattade 63 anställda (28 kvinnor och 35 män) på ett telekommuni-kationsföretag i Sverige. För att studera conscientiousness användes ett egenformulerat test med god intern homogenitet, Cronbachs alfa = 0,85. För att mäta Locus of Control och ar-betsmotivation användes redan konstruerade test med god validitet och reliabilitet, skapade av Rotter (1966) och Cammann, Fichman, Jenkins och Klesh (i Bowling & Hammond 2008). I den statistiska prövningen användes både bivariat korrelation i form av Spearmans rho och MRA-standard och hierarkisk. Spearmans rho visade ett signifikant samband mellan consci-entiousness och arbetspsykologisk motivation. Standard MRA visar att endast conscientious-ness förklarar en del av arbetspsykologisk motivation. Varken ålder eller anställningslängd predicerade delar av arbetspsykologisk motivation, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. I diskussionen förs resonemang om resultatet i relation till tidigare forskning. / The study aimed to investigate whether there are correlations between conscientiousness, Lo-cus of Control and job motivation, and if age and length of service predict job motivation. The study comprised 63 staff (28 women and 35 men) at a telecommunications company in Swe-den. To study conscientiousness, we used a self-constructed test with good internal homo-geneity, Cronbach's alpha = .85. To study Locus of Control and job motivation we used al-ready developed tests, with high validity and reliability, created by Rotter (1966) and Cam-mann, Fichman, Jenkins and Klesh ( in Bowling & Hammond 2008). Statistical tests, using both bivariate correlations such as Spearman's rho and standard and hierarchical MRA showed significant relationship between conscientiousness and job motivation. Using stan-dard MRA shows that only conscientiousness predicts aspects of motivation. Neither age nor length of service predicted aspects of motivation, which is not consistent with previous re-search. The discussion is carried on effect on the outcome in relation to previous research.
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Privačių asmenų locus standi teisėtumo priežiūros procedūrose / Locus standi for private persons in legality review proceduresJarmalavičiūtė, Justina 22 January 2009 (has links)
Europos Bendrija nuo įkūrimo, kuriuo buvo siekiama išimtinai ekonominių tikslų, žymiai pasikeitė. Dabar ji yra įvardijama kaip savita teisinė sistema, sukurianti teisies ir pareigas ne tik valstybėms narėms, bet ir privatiems asmenims. Europos Bendrijoje, paremtoje teisės viršenybės principu, turi būti numatytas Bendrijos teisės aktų teisėtumo priežiūros procedūrų mechanizmas. Privačių asmenų teisė inicijuoti teisėtumo priežiūros procedūras bei locus standi (teisės į ieškinį) sąlygos yra tiesiogiai numatytos Sutarties 230(4) straipsnyje.
Lietuviškoje literatūroje privačių asmenų teisė pateikti ieškinį yra aptarta labai glaustai. Apsiribota tik trumpu kliūčių pateikti ieškinį dėl panaikinimo aprašymu bei pagrindinių bylų paminėjimu. Ir nors užsienio literatūroje privačių asmenų locus standi sąlygos yra plačiai išnagrinėtos, dar nėra atlikta tyrimų dėl naujoje Lisabonos sutartyje numatytų pakeitimų.
Šiame moksliniame tiriamajame darbe siekiama atskleisti privataus asmens sąvoką, išanalizuoti reikalavimus teisės aktams, dėl kurių yra galimi ieškiniai dėl panaikinimo, išnagrinėti locus standi sąlygas, kurias turi atitikti privatus asmuo pateikiantis ieškinį dėl Bendrijos teisės akto panaikinimo. Taip pat aptariama 234 ir 241 straipsnių, kaip papildančių teisėtumo priežiūros Bendrijoje sistemą, reikšmė bei 230(4) straipsnio pakeitimų, numatytų Lisabonos sutartyje prasmė.
Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti privačių asmenų galimybes inicijuoti teisėtumo priežiūros procedūras... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The European Community (EC) since its establishment as a pure economic community with the goal to bring about economic integration between few European countries now has created a platform for international corporation and evolved in having influence on private persons. As based on the rule of law, the Community must have a mechanism for testing the substantial and procedural legality of measures, adopted by Community institutions. The legal basis for bringing an action for annulment is the 230 article of the EC Treaty. The fourth paragraph of this article determines the circumstances under which natural and legal persons may bring an action for annulment.
In foreign literature the question of standing of private applicants is often analysed, though no studies are yet made on the amendments of Lisabon treaty. As for Lithuanian literature, the standing of private parties is not much discussed, so the analysis made in this paper is practicable for Lithuanian individuals.
The master’s thesis seeks to analyse what is a private person, the measures, that may be challenged and the conditions a private applicant must fulfill in order to have locus standi (a right to bring an action). It also studies the purpose and importance of articles 234 and 241 EC, as these are also measures for initiating a review procedure in the Court of Justice.
The purpose of this paper is to settle weather the obstacles and difficulties a private person meets in order to bring an action for annulment... [to full text]
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Vad gör vissa medarbetare mer nöjda än andra? : En studie om hur medarbetares upplevelse av kontroll och välbefinnande påverkar uppfattningen om den interna kommunikationen i organisationer. / What makes some employees more satisfied than others? : A study on how employees’ sense of control and well-being affects the perception of internal communication in organizations.Malmsten, Christine, Gutö, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
Dagens samhälle ställer höga krav på individer att vara sociala, kommunikativa och inneha en förmåga att hantera ett ökande informationsflöde. Samtidigt som det ligger mycket ansvar på den enskilde individen att sålla bland stora mängder information har olika individer skilda förutsättningar att möta dessa krav. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om upplevelse av kontroll och välbefinnande hos medarbetarna påverkar kommunikationstillfredsställelse och föredragna kommunikationskanaler. Som teoretisk referensram har teori om kommunikation och subjektivt välbefinnande samt Rotters (1966) teori om Locus of Control använts. En kvantitativ enkätstudie genomfördes på en förvaltning i Tidaholms kommun i Västra Götalands län där de upplevt kommunikationsproblem i sin internkommunikation. Resultatet visade signifikanta samband mellan upplevd kontroll på arbetsplatsen och kommunikationstillfredsställese (β = -.98) samt mellan välbefinnande och kommunikationstillfredsställelse (β = 1.43). De med hög upplevelse av kontroll föredrog elektroniska och skriftliga kommunikationskanaler mer än de med låg upplevelse av kontroll. Resultatet indikerade därmed på att upplevelse av kontroll och välbefinnande inte bara påverkar hur man kommunicerar, vilket tidigare studier har visat, utan att det även påverkar hur man uppfattar kommunikation. / Today’s society places high demands on individuals to be social, communicative and to have the ability to process an increasing flow of information. While there is a lot of responsibility on the individual to screen large amounts of information, different individuals have various abilities to meet these requirements. The purpose of this study was to examine if the experience of control and well-being of the employees affect their communication satisfaction and preferred communication channels. As a theoretical framework, theories of communication and subjective well-being and Rotters (1966) theory of Locus of Control were used. A quantitative survey was conducted in Tidaholm municipal administration in Västra Götaland county, Sweden, where they had experienced problems in their internal communication. The results showed a significant correlation between Work Locus of Control and communication satisfaction (β = -.98) and between well-being and communication satisfaction (β = 1.43). The employees with internal Locus of Control preferred written and electronic communication channels more so than the employees with external Locus of Control. The results indicate therefore that Locus of Control and well-being not only affects how individuals communicate, which previous studies have shown, but it also affects how individuals perceive communication.
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Arterial baroreceptor regulation of vasopressin releaseGrindstaff, Ryan Jerrod, January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 2000. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 166-187). Also available on the Internet.
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Föräldrars upplevelse av att stå på väntelista till deras barns utredning inom BUPIsberg, Hanna, Karlsson, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
Väntelistor till barnpsykiatrisk vård är vanligt förekommande och tiden på väntelista har visats vara påfrestande för familjerna som väntar. Denna studie har undersökt hur föräldrar upplever tiden på väntelista till Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP), samt vilka behov av stöd de upplever sig ha under tiden de väntar. Sju föräldrar vars barn väntade på utredning inom BUP intervjuades. Data bearbetades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna upplevde brist på kontroll och hopplöshet, delvis på grund av att de befann sig i ovisshet under väntetiden. Vidare visar resultatet att stödinsatser som innefattar information, konsultation, avlastning och behandling efterfrågades. Resultatet diskuteras med hjälp av teorin om Locus of Control (LOC) och begreppet ovisshetsdiskrepans. Vidare forskning behövs för att öka förståelsen för hur information gällande väntetiden påverkar upplevelsen av väntetiden. Därtill behövs forskning som undersöker om och hur upplevelsen av väntetiden påverkar kommande utredning eller behandling. / Waiting lists in child and adolescent psychiatry are common and waiting for mental health services has been shown to be challenging for the families involved. This study aimed to explore how parents of children on a waiting list for an assessment experienced the wait. The study also explored what kind of support the parents felt that they needed during this period. Interviews were conducted with seven parents of children on waiting lists and data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Results showed that the parents experienced a lack of control and hopelessness during the wait, partly because of the uncertainty that characterized the waiting time. Results concerning parental support showed that information, consultation, social support and treatment were requested. Results were discussed using the theoretical framework Locus of Control (LOC) and uncertainty discrepancy. Future studies exploring how information about the waiting time affects the waiting list experience are needed. In addition, future studies that explore if and how the waiting list experience affects the coming assessment or treatment are needed.
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The relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control sense of coherence in a market research organisationFeldman, Janine 02 1900 (has links)
The primary objective was to determine whether there is a relationship between emotional
intelligence, locus of control and sense of coherence in a market research organisation. A
secondary objective was to determine whether individuals from various biographical groups
differed significantly in terms of emotional intelligence, locus of control and sense of coherence. A
sample of 179 participants completed the Bar-On EQ-i, Locus of Control Inventory and Sense of
Coherence Scale.
There was a statistically significant relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control
and sense of coherence. No significant gender differences were found. Furthermore, the findings
showed differences between occupational levels in terms of both internal locus of control and
sense of coherence, but not for emotional intelligence. No significant differences were evident
between education, work experience or age in terms of the three constructs.
An emotional intelligence intervention programme was recommended, as well as the use of an
emotional intelligence assessment instrument. Recommendations for future research included
broadening the relevance of the results. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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