Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PARADIGM"" "subject:"[enn] PARADIGM""
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Prakties-teologiese teorie vir leierskap vanuit 'n kerkgroei perspektiefBasson, Gert Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk, in sy bree gesien, is tans in 'n 'nie-groei-kultuur' vasgeval. Daar is by min gemeentes 'n opregte las vir verlorenes te bespeur. Leiers het 'n gemaksone van professionalisme en instandhouding betree waar die groei van gemeentes me hoog op hul agenda geplaas word nie. Hierdie instandhoudingsingesteldheid en derhalwe 'n uitsluitlik na-binne-gerigte bedieningsfilosofie, het grootliks tot geringe groei en soms ook agteruitgang bygedra. Die omvangryke veranderinge in die samelewing gaan nie deur die kerk vrygespring word nie. Vandag kan kerke nie meer vanselfsprekend op die tradisionele ondersteuning en lojaliteit van mense sowel as die
samelewing aanspraak maak nie. Die kerk is in 'n groot mate uitgeskuif en geniet nie meer dieselfde kollig as in die verlede nie. Groot 'kerklike grondgebied' is reeds afgestaan.
Leiers is deel, en gevolglik ook 'n produk, van die huidige kerklike situasie waar belangeloosheid ten opsigte van gemeentegroei dikwels 'n algemene verskynsel is. Vanwee strukture soos die herder-kudde-model, is lidmate vir jare buite bedieningsgeleenthede gehou. Die bediening was as die verantwoordelikheid van leiers beskou. Die rol van lidmate is tans besig om groot veranderinge te ondergaan, aangesien gewone lidmate toenemend in dienswerk opgeneem word. Vrae wat reeds gevra word, is: Wat gaan die unieke rol van leiers in die toekoms wees? Wie is vir groei-inisiatief verantwoordelik?
Die probleem waarmee leiers tans te make het, is hul behendigheid om die uitdagings en eise van 'n nuwe kerklike paradigma te ontmoet, veral in 'n mondering wat vir 'n uitgaande paradigma bedoel is. Baie kritiek word teen opleidingsmodelle gerig, maar wesenlik is die probleem in 'n gevestigde "mind-set" gesetel.
Groeiende gemeentes wereldwyd toon dat hul leiers 'n sleutelrol in die groeipotensiaal van die gemeente speel en leiers van hierdie gemeentes het die voortou geneem om nuwe moontlikhede en modelle van leierskap uit te stal. Daar sal totaal nuut oor leierskap gedink moet word indien ons die groei van gemeentes ten doel het. In hierdie navorsing word leierskaptendense in die algemeen, asook leierskaptendense spesifiek in groeiende gemeentes, ondersoek. 'n Teorie vir 'groei-leierskap' word dan hieruit ontwikkel en aangebied. / The church is not experiencing a lot of growth at the moment. A number of congregations have no urge to find the lost ones. Growth is not a priority, due to leaders maintaining instead of expanding the congregation. This philosophy to maintain resulted into an inward practice which contributed to little growth, more seriously even a decline in total membership. The numerous changes experienced by the community at large will also fall the church to victim. The church has lost support simply because of a total lack in the so-called traditional loyalty and support. The church is no more the focus
as in the past, it has been side-lined. The church has already lost greatly.
Church leaders, as such products of the present day situation in the church, have been part of this culture of non-interest in the growth of the congregation. The typical evangelistic model of shepherd and flock left the ordinary members of the congregation out in the cold. The ministry was the responsibility of the church leaders, however the role of the ordinary members of the congregation is changing as they too are becoming more involved in ministry. Questions such as the following come to the fore: What is the unique role of church leaders going to be in future? Who's going to be responsible for growth inisiatives in the church in future?
The problem facing church leaders of the day, is their total lack to meet the challenges and demands. The new evangelistic paradigm especially calls for an outgoing approach. Criticism has been given against the training of leadership but most probably the problem lies within their established mind-set".
Globally, congregations which are experiencing large growth, has proved their leaders to play a paramount role in exploiting their growth potential. Such leaders were in the forefront of new leadership exhibiting the same qualities. If the growth of the various congregations is of importance, then the whole issue around leadership will have to be adapted and renewed. This research contains leadership tendencies in general, as well as leadership
tendencies in growing congregations. A theory for "growth-leadership" will be developed and presented from this. / Practical Theology / Th.D. (Practical theology)
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Ekonomisk tillväxt och utländska direktinvesteringar i Sub-SaharaGleizer, Valeria, Özturk, Volkan January 2012 (has links)
The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI.
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Etude des mécanismes d'encodage, de mémorisation et d'apprentissage lexical chez les enfants présentant des troubles développementaux du langage oral via le paradigme du monde visuel / Study of encoding, memorization and lexical learning processes in children suffering from specific language impairment through visual world paradigmFleurion, Delphine 20 December 2017 (has links)
Chez les enfants souffrant de troubles spécifiques du langage oral (TSLO), des déficits demémoire à court terme verbale et d’acquisition lexicale sont fréquemment décrits. Ces capacités sont évaluées par des tâches de répétition et plus généralement de production verbale, mettant en jeu demultiples composants susceptibles d’être altérés dans les TSLO. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif généralde cette thèse était l’examen de mécanismes de mémorisation verbale à l’aide du paradigme dumonde visuel. L’oculométrie consiste à analyser les mouvements oculaires des participants sur desimages, à la suite de stimulations verbales. La reconnaissance et la mémorisation à court terme demots parlés familiers ont été examinées à travers quatre études, auxquelles les participants avec etsans TSLO âgés de 5 et 6 ans, ont obtenu des résultats comparables. Seules des différences enfonction de l’âge ont été révélées, reflétant les changements développementaux du traitement lexical.Dans un second temps, le paradigme d’appariement rapide pour l’acquisition de nouveaux mots(« fast mapping »), nécessitant peu de présentations, a été proposé à trois groupes d’enfants. Leurscapacités d’acquisition lexicale ont à nouveau été évaluées via le paradigme du monde visuel à unetâche de reconnaissance de mots parlés. Les groupes TSLO présentant des déficits en répétitionverbale, ont néanmoins reconnu et apparié les nouvelles étiquettes lexicales aux images référentes,comme leurs pairs au développement typique. Les études menées ont permis de mettre en évidenceque le maintien à court terme de l'information verbale ainsi que l’encodage de nouvelles informationssont efficients chez les enfants avec TSLO, lorsque la production verbale n’est pas sollicitée. / In children suffering from specific language impairment (SLI), verbal short term memory disorders and lexical learning inability are frequently described. These skills are assessed through repetition tasks and more generally, with verbal output modality which variety of components can be impaired in SLI. In this context, the general aim of this research work was the examination of verbal memorization processes through visual world paradigm. This eye-tracking tasks consist in analyzing eye movements of participants on pictures, consecutively to verbal stimulations. Recognition and short term retention of familiar spoken words were investigated through four studies, in which participants aged 5 and 6, with and without SLI, shown similar patterns of result. Only age differences were revealed, suggesting developmental changing of lexical processing. In a second phase, the fast mapping word learning paradigm requiring few occurences of new words, was proposed to three groups of children. Their lexical learning abilities were again assessed within the visual world paradigm and a spoken word recognition task. SLI groups with poor performances in verbal repetition tasks, have nevertheless associated the new lexical label with referent picture, as their peers with typical development. These studies suggest that verbal information retention in short term memory and encoding of new information are efficient in SLI children, when the tasks do not require any verbal output.
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Um estudo de caracterização e avaliação de critérios de teste estruturais entre os paradigmas procedimental e OO / A characterization and evaluation study of structural testing criteria between procedural and OO testingPrado, Marllos Paiva 18 May 2009 (has links)
O Teste de software é uma atividade de garantia da qualidade que tem por finalidade diminuir o número de defeitos do software. Esta atividade contribui para redução do custo de manutenção e para a melhora da qualidade do software, durante o processo de desenvolvimento. Isso tem motivado a investigação e proposta de estratégias, técnicas, critérios e ferramentas de teste para diferentes paradigmas de desenvolvimento, tais como procedimental, orientado a objetos e orientado a aspectos. Vários estudos experimentais têm sido desenvolvidos para avaliar e comparar critérios de teste. Grande parte desses experimentos foram realizados com programas construídos sob um mesmo paradigma ou desconsiderando a influência do mesmo sobre os resultados. Entretanto, é importante avaliar o impacto de um paradigma específico sobre a atividade de teste uma vez que alguns defeitos podem estar relacionados ao seu uso. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental realizado para caracterizar e avaliar o custo de aplicação e a dificuldade de satisfação de critérios de teste, comparando dois paradigmas: o orientado a objetos e o procedimental. O estudo considera critérios de teste funcionais e estruturais e utiliza um conjunto de programas do domínio de Estrutura de Dados. Os termos e fases do processo de experimentação controlada foram usados, à medida em que estes se mostraram adequados, para definir e executar o presente estudo. Os objetivos com a execução dessa pesquisa foram obter resultados iniciais sobre as questões investigadas bem como gerar artefatos que sirvam de base para a definição e condução de futuros experimentos e a criação de pacotes de laboratório. Além disso, pretende-se apoiar, por meio dos materiais gerados, o treinamento e o ensino da atividade do teste de software / Software Testing is a quality assurance activity that aims at reducing the number of software faults. This activity contributes for the reduction of maintenance costs and for software quality improvement during the development process. These factors have motivated the investigation and proposal of several testing strategies, techniques, criteria and tools for different programming paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented and aspect-oriented. Regarding testing criteria, many experimental studies have been performed to evaluate and compare them. In general, these experiments comprise programs developed under the same paradigm or this influence over the results. However, some faults can be paradigm-related and it is important to evaluate its impact on the testing activity. This work presents an experimental study developed to characterize and evaluate the application cost and strength of testing criteria, comparing two programming paradigms: object-oriented and procedural. This study considers functional and strutural testing criteria and uses a set of programs from the data structure domain. Terms and phases from controlled experimentation process were used, as long as they showed to be adequated, to define and execute the present study. The research aims at obtaining initial results about the questions investigated as well as generating artifacts which support the definition and conduction of future experiments and the creation of laboratory packages. In addition, it intends to support, through the materials generated, the training and teaching of software testing activity
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Corporate Philanthropy Practices in K-12 Education in the U.S. and GermanyKennedy-Salchow, Shana 11 July 2018 (has links)
In Deutschland und den USA engagiert sich die unternehmerische Philanthropie zunehmend in der Allgemeinbildung, während der letzten Dekade vor allem in den „MINT“ und den „STEM“ Fächern. Hierzu gibt es bisher kaum systematische Studien. Diese vergleichende Arbeit untersucht, warum und wie sich Unternehmen in diesen Bereichen engagieren, und wie sich ihre Rolle in der Bildung verändert. Die Studie beruht auf einer historischen Analyse der Rolle von Unternehmen in der Bildung seit 1945 und auf Interviews mit Experten aus dem MINT- und STEM-Bereich.
Die wichtigsten Befunde der Studie sind: (1) Zuvor überwiegend in der dualen Bildung aktiv, begannen deutsche Unternehmen in den frühen 2000er Jahren u.a. als Reaktion auf den PISA-Schock, sich philanthropisch in der allgemeinen Schulbildung zu engagieren. (2) Unternehmerische Philanthropie führten die MINT und STEM Bildungsbewegung an. Aufgrund ihrer etablierten, gut vernetzten und vielfach finanzkräftigeren Stiftungen gelang es US-amerikanischen Unternehmen besser als deutschen, das Thema ins öffentliche Bewusstsein zu rücken, Ressourcen zu erschließen und Änderungen in der Bildungspolitik zu erwirken. (3) Unternehmen und deren Stiftungen wurden in erster Linie durch Entwicklungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, langfristige ökonomische Überlegungen und die Notwendigkeit zur Innovation motiviert, sich zu engagieren; aufgrund unterschiedlicher demographischer Aspekte und Entwicklungen in der Bildung fanden sich Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Ländern. (4) In Deutschland und den USA agiert die unternehmerische Philanthropie zunehmend strategisch, d.h. sie handelt ergebnisorientiert und achtet auf Skalierbarkeit ihrer Aktivitäten. Dies hat das Engagement von Unternehmen in der Bildungspolitik verstärkt und die Anforderung der Wirtschaft in den Fokus gerückt. Manche US-amerikanische Unternehmen haben begonnen, Berufsbildungswege zu schaffen, was bisher nicht die Regel war. / Corporate philanthropy is active in K-12 education in Germany and the U.S. but there is minimal research about it. Over the last decade corporate philanthropic actors in both countries have become active in STEM* education (in Germany, MINT). This comparative study is about why and how they decided to invest in these initiatives and how that is tied to their traditional roles in education. It leans on the history of company involvement in education since 1945 and on interviews with experts active in the STEM and MINT education scenes.
The main findings are: (1) As a result of the PISA shock and other factors, German companies that traditionally engaged only in vocational education have become active in general K-12 education. (2) Corporate philanthropy led the STEM and MINT education movements. However, U.S. companies and their foundations, with decades of philanthropic experiences and networks in education, were more successful in raising awareness, organizing resources, and achieving policy changes at the federal level. (3) Companies and their foundations were driven to invest in STEM and MINT education largely by workforce, long-term innovation, and economic concerns but there were key differences because of the differing demographic and education trends in the two countries. (4) In the U.S. and Germany, corporate philanthropy is attempting to be more strategic. This has resulted in a focus on outcome-based measurements and scalability but has also led to more investments in nonprofit and policy organizations instead of schools or their booster clubs. It has also resulted in corporate philanthropy better aligning with company competencies and needs, which made STEM and MINT ideal. In the case of the U.S., this has also resulted in some companies creating vocational programs, an area of education most companies avoided in the past.
*STEM= Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
MINT= Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik
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[pt] Pretende-se propor um paradigma ecológico alternativo ao paradigma da modernidade que, estruturado sob uma racionalidade instrumental, produziu um conhecimento mecanicista e fragmentado, a partir de um pensamento disjuntor e reducionista, baseado na concepção da natureza como ser inanimado e pronto para
a dominação do homem. Tal visão de mundo, validada pela ciência, legitimou o uso insustentável dos recursos naturais e a ideia mitológica de progresso ilimitado, responsáveis pela deflagração, no século XX, de grave crise ambiental, que produziu sérias injustiças socioambientais entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, bem como no próprio âmbito interno das nações. Embora tenha sido atribuído ao meio ambiente uma perspectiva integrada da relação homem-natureza, com a conscientização ambiental iniciada na década de 1970 e consolidada com a constitucionalização brasileira do Direito Ambiental, ocorrida em 1988 - que abraçou um olhar antropocêntrico alargado -, a estrutura jurídica como um todo ainda se revela fundamentalmente arraigada na doutrina positivista, amparada no pensamento simplificador, possuindo como fundamentos a certeza, a previsibilidade, a segurança e a ordem. Sucede que o Direito Ambiental se baseia em aspectos como incerteza, imprevisibilidade, insegurança e desordem e, por isso, não consegue dialogar com o sistema jurídico em si, que valoriza aspectos opostos àqueles concernentes ao meio ambiente e à sua tutela. Além de promover a baixa efetividade do Direito Ambiental, a disparidade mencionada induz e legitima movimentos de retrocesso ambiental, haja vista que a legislação ambiental, embora contenha em si elementos finalísticos de tutela ao meio ambiente, é de difícil implementação na prática, caracterizando, assim, a função simbólica do direito ambiental. É preciso, pois, romper com o paradigma moderno em favor do paradigma da complexidade, ecologizando todo o sistema jurídico,
de modo a transformar a racionalidade dominante em uma racionalidade ambiental, por meio da inserção de regras, princípios e valores que modifiquem as mentalidades e ideologias das instituições, governos, estabelecimentos de ensino e paradigmas de conhecimento, com o intuito de construir um futuro sustentável, equitativo, plural e democrático. / [en] This dissertation intends to propose an alternative ecological paradigm to the paradigm of modernity that, structured under an instrumental rationality, produced a mechanistic and fragmented knowledge, starting from a breaker and reductionist thinking, based on the conception of nature as an inanimate being and ready for the domination of the men. This world-view, validated by science, legitimized an unsustainable use of natural resources and a mythological idea of unlimited progress, responsible for the emergence, in the twentieth century, of a serious environmental crisis, that produced serious socio-environmental injustices between developed and developing countries, as well as within the internal realm of nations. Although an integrated perspective of the human-nature relationship with an environmental awareness has begun in the 1970s and has been consolidated with the brazilian constitutionalization of Environmental Law in 1988 - which embraced a broad anthropocentric view -, the legal structure as a whole still remains fundamentally rooted in the positivist doctrine, supported by simplistic thinking, having as its foundation certainty, predictability, security and order. It turns out that environmental law is based on aspects such as uncertainty, unpredictability, insecurity and disorder and, therefore, it can not dialogue with the legal system itself, which values aspects opposed to those concerning the environment and its protection. Besides promoting the low effectiveness of Environmental Law, such disparity induces and legitimizes environmental backtracking movements, given that environmental legislation, although it contains in itself final elements of protection of the environment, it is difficult to be implemented in practice, thus characterizing the symbolic function of environmental law. It is necessary, therefore, to break with the modern paradigm in favor of the paradigm of complexity, greening all the legal system, in order to
transform the dominant rationality into an environmental rationality, through the insertion of rules, principles and values that modify mentalities and ideologies of institutions, governments, educational establishments and knowledge paradigms, with the aim of building a sustainable, equitable, plural and democratic future.
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Grounding na análise Bioenergética: Uma proposta de atualização. / Grounding in Bioenergetic Analysis. An update.Weigand, Odila Quartim Barbosa 19 May 2005 (has links)
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Dissertacao Odila Weigand.pdf: 1845061 bytes, checksum: ec8f3a6a9ad23bd2662db8fa5b42b0e2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005-05-19 / The purpose of this study was to deepen and update the concept of grounding in Bioenergetic Analysis. This approach combines fundamental principles of psychoanalysis with direct work on the organism, seen from the viewpoint of its emotional, energetic and relational development. Both paradigms of psychoanalysis, pulsion and object-relations, were studied within the context of the historical development of Bioenergetics Analysis, in terms of their influence on the theory as well as on the practice. Brazilian Bioenergetic Analysis therapists have been building their own identity over the last 25 years. This should not be seen as a split from Alexander Lowen's ideas, as it actually means a differentiation born out of those therapists maturity. The integration of the object-relations paradigm, indicates the pathway for a model of psychotherapy which associates the construction of functional and integrative internal organizations with the phase, in psychotherapy, of dismantling repressive and defensive structures. In this study, a group of third-age women participated in Bioenergetics exercise classes for a period of four months. This research may be considered a social project with the objective of demonstrating an application of Bioenergetic Analysis that would preserve its healing potential, at the same time respecting the principles of intersubjectivity, of social inclusion, citizenship and ethics, and also that would be compatible with Brazilian social reality. The work with the group was conducted intending to create resources that might make possible for chronic primary defenses gradually to become unnecessary. Body work and level of excitation were adequated to the developmental level and physical possibilities of the participants. The changes observed in the group were verified by the subjective observation of the coordinators, as well as by verbal manifestations of participants, and by the analysis of the HTP test. In short, those verified changes were: improvement in vitality and flexibility, self-perception, social contact, increased maturity and ego strength, along with possible emergence of unconscious pulsional and traumatic contents. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi aprofundar e atualizar o conceito do grounding na Análise Bioenergética. Esta abordagem combina os princípios fundamentais da psicanálise com o trabalho direto no organismo visto do ponto de vista do seu desenvolvimento energético, emocional e relacional. Os dois paradigmas da psicanálise, pulsional e objetal, foram discutidos no contexto da evolução histórica da Análise Bioenergética, em termos de suas influências na teoria e na prática. Os terapeutas brasileiros vêm criando uma identidade própria ao longo dos últimos 25 anos. Não se trata de uma cisão em relação às idéias de Alexander Lowen, mas de uma diferenciação resultante do amadurecimento dos mesmos. A introdução do paradigma objetal indica o caminho para um modelo de psicoterapia no qual se agregam a construção de organizações internas funcionais e integradoras e a fase de desmonte das estruturas repressivas e defensivas. Neste estudo, mulheres da terceira idade participaram de um grupo de exercícios de Análise Bioenergética por um período de quatro meses. A pesquisa pode ser considerada um projeto social, com o objetivo de demonstrar uma aplicação da Análise Bioenergética que preservasse seu potencial curativo, ao mesmo tempo respeitando princípios de intersubjetividade, inclusão social, cidadania e ética, e também fosse compatível com a realidade social brasileira. O trabalho com este grupo foi conduzido com a intenção de criar recursos para que as defesas primitivas crônicas pudessem tornar-se gradualmente desnecessárias. Trabalhou-se corporalmente com níveis de excitação e técnicas adequadas ao estágio de desenvolvimento e capacidade física das participantes. As mudanças ocorridas no grupo foram constatadas por observação subjetiva das coordenadoras, por manifestações verbalizadas pelas participantes e pela análise do teste HTP. Em síntese caracterizam-se essas mudanças como: melhora na vitalidade e flexibilidade, na auto-percepção, no contato social, maior maturidade, fortalecimento do ego e possibilidade de emergência de conteúdos pulsionais e traumáticos inconscientes.
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As novas ruralidades no debate paradigmático: estudo de caso sobre os neo-rurais em Juquitiba, São Paulo / The new ruralities in the paradigmatic debate: a case study on the neo-rural in Juquitiba, São PauloPafunda, Rosana Akemi [UNESP] 18 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ROSANA AKEMI PAFUNDA null (akemi.jp@gmail.com) on 2017-02-07T02:12:54Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO FINAL.pdf: 5122601 bytes, checksum: 6beaeb1b8ae96e3ca65800b184958c61 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-09T18:24:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
pafunda_ra_me_ippri.pdf: 5122601 bytes, checksum: 6beaeb1b8ae96e3ca65800b184958c61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-09T18:24:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-18 / Em diálogo com os paradigmas da questão agrária e do capitalismo agrário o presente trabalho procurou analisar a migração do meio urbano para o rural conhecido como fenômeno neo-rural ou novo rural que culminou na formação da Cooperativa dos Produtores Rurais de Juquitiba e Região (COOPJUQUI). Trabalhadores urbanos, alguns com raízes no campo, pois seus pais ou avós eram camponeses, mas, sobretudo, pessoas sem qualquer vínculo com o meio rural, isto é, que nasceram e viveram em grandes cidades, tem migrado para o campo com o objetivo buscar a satisfação pessoal e a qualidade de vida não proporcionada pelo espaço urbano. A vontade de viver com tranquilidade, de se reencontrarem consigo mesmos e com o outro, além do anseio por controlar o próprio tempo, tem motivado muitos habitantes citadinos a abandonar o meio urbano e suas profissões na cidade para trabalhar no campo em sintonia com a natureza como agricultores familiares. Estes novos rurais ou neo-rurais vem ocupando uma pequena área do Vale do Ribeira. Neste contexto, investigou-se como o processo vislumbrado na Europa, sobretudo a partir dos anos 80, tem se desenvolvido em Juquitiba, município com a maior área de Mata Atlântica preservada da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. A metodologia empregada na pesquisa foi, sobretudo, empírica, associada ao levantamento de dados e bibliografias. Na realização da pesquisa de campo foram entrevistados 11 neo-rurais que se dedicam à fungicultura, uma das sete cadeias produtivas da cooperativa e a que compreende a maior parcela de seus cooperados. Inicialmente, o trabalho se ateve a contextualizar a região a partir de suas características geofísicas e históricas. Relacionando os relatos dos entrevistados com as referências bibliográficas analisou-se como as noções de pluriatividade e de multifuncionalidade da agricultura estão presentes nas práticas dos neo-rurais e resgatam a essencialidade da atividade agrícola enquanto modo de vida para o campesinato perfazendo, por conseguinte, as novas ruralidades. As etapas no modo de produzir o cogumelo também são descritas, pois se reconhece o processo de transição agroecológica. A conclusão deste trabalho é a de que os neo-rurais se posicionam em ambos os paradigmas. Filiam-se ao PCA na medida em que atendem a um nicho de mercado que os integra à agricultura empresarial. Por outro lado, se afastam da agricultura capitalista porque não se organizam a partir do trabalho assalariado. Compartilham do PQA, pois a estrutura produtiva é sustentada fundamentalmente pela família. / In dialogue with the paradigms of the agrarian question and the agrarian capitalism this study was to analyze the migration from urban to rural known as neo-rural or new rural phenomenon that culminated in the formation of the Cooperativa dos Produtores Rurais de Juquitiba e Região (COOPJUQUI). Urban workers, some with roots in the field, because their parents or grandparents were farmers, but above all people without any link with the countryside, that is, who were born and lived in large cities, have migrated to the country in order to seek personal satisfaction and quality of life is provided by the urban space. The desire to live in peace, to rediscover themselves and with each other, beyond the desire to control time itself, has motivated many inhabitants townspeople to leave the urban and their professions in the city to work in the field in tune with nature as farmers. These new rural or neo-rural is occupying a small area of the Vale do Ribeira. In this context, we investigated how the envisaged process in Europe, especially since the 80s, has been developed in Juquitiba, municipality with the largest Atlantic Forest preserved area of Greater São Paulo. The methodology used in the research was mainly empirical, associated with data collection and bibliographies. In conducting the field survey respondents were 11 neo-rural engaged in fungicultura, one of the seven production chains of the cooperative and comprising the largest share of its members. Initially, the work is adhered to contextualize the region from its geophysical and historical features. Reconnecting the reports of respondents with references analyzed how the notions of pluriactivity and agriculture multifunctionality are present in the neo-rural practices and rescue the essentiality of agricultural activity as a way of life for the peasantry making therefore the new ruralities. The steps in order to produce the mushroom are also described, as it recognizes the agroecological transition. The conclusion of this work is that the neo-rural position themselves in both paradigms. They are affiliated to the PCA in that cater to a niche market that integrates the agriculture business. On the other hand, move away from capitalist agriculture because they are organized from wage labor. They share the PQA as the productive structure is fundamentally supported by the family. / En diálogo con los paradigmas de la cuestión agraria y el capitalismo agrario este estudio fue analizar la migración de urbano a rural conocida como fenómeno neo-rural o nueva rural que culminó con la formación de la Cooperativa de Produtores Rurais de Juquitiba e Região (COOPJUQUI). Los trabajadores urbanos, algunos de ellos con raíces en el campo, debido a que sus padres o abuelos eran agricultores, pero por encima de todas las personas sin ningún vínculo con el campo, es decir, que han nacido y vivido en grandes ciudades, han emigrado al país con el fin de buscar satisfacción personal y calidad de vida es proporcionado por el espacio urbano. El deseo de vivir en paz, para redescubrir a sí mismos y entre sí, más allá del deseo de controlar el tiempo mismo, ha motivado a muchos habitantes gente del pueblo para salir de la urbana y sus profesiones en la ciudad para trabajar en el campo, en sintonía con la naturaleza como agricultores. Estos nuevos rural o neo-rural está ocupando un área pequeña del Vale do Ribeira. En este contexto, se investigó cómo el proceso previsto en Europa, sobre todo desde los años 80, se ha desarrollado en Juquitiba, municipio con la mayor área de bosque atlántico conservado de la Gran Sao Paulo. La metodología utilizada en la investigación fue principalmente empírica, asociado con la colección y en las bibliografías de datos. En la realización de los encuestados eran de campo 11 neo-rurales dedicadas a fungicultura, una de las siete cadenas de producción de la cooperativa y que comprende la mayor parte de sus miembros. Inicialmente, el trabajo se adhiere a contextualizar la región a partir de sus características geofísicas e históricos. Volver a conectar los informes de los encuestados con referencias analizadas cómo están presentes en las prácticas Neorrural las nociones de pluriactividad y multifuncionalidad agricultura y rescatar a la esencialidad de la actividad agrícola como una forma de vida para los campesinos haciendo, por tanto, la nuevas ruralidades. También se describen los pasos en orden para producir el hongo, ya que reconoce la transición agroecológica. La conclusión de este trabajo es que la posición neo-rural a sí mismos en los dos paradigmas. Están afiliados a la PCA en que atienden a un nicho de mercado que integra el negocio de la agricultura. Por otra parte, alejarse de la agricultura capitalista porque están organizados del trabajo asalariado. Comparten la PQA como la estructura productiva se apoya fundamentalmente por la familia.
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Um estudo de caracterização e avaliação de critérios de teste estruturais entre os paradigmas procedimental e OO / A characterization and evaluation study of structural testing criteria between procedural and OO testingMarllos Paiva Prado 18 May 2009 (has links)
O Teste de software é uma atividade de garantia da qualidade que tem por finalidade diminuir o número de defeitos do software. Esta atividade contribui para redução do custo de manutenção e para a melhora da qualidade do software, durante o processo de desenvolvimento. Isso tem motivado a investigação e proposta de estratégias, técnicas, critérios e ferramentas de teste para diferentes paradigmas de desenvolvimento, tais como procedimental, orientado a objetos e orientado a aspectos. Vários estudos experimentais têm sido desenvolvidos para avaliar e comparar critérios de teste. Grande parte desses experimentos foram realizados com programas construídos sob um mesmo paradigma ou desconsiderando a influência do mesmo sobre os resultados. Entretanto, é importante avaliar o impacto de um paradigma específico sobre a atividade de teste uma vez que alguns defeitos podem estar relacionados ao seu uso. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental realizado para caracterizar e avaliar o custo de aplicação e a dificuldade de satisfação de critérios de teste, comparando dois paradigmas: o orientado a objetos e o procedimental. O estudo considera critérios de teste funcionais e estruturais e utiliza um conjunto de programas do domínio de Estrutura de Dados. Os termos e fases do processo de experimentação controlada foram usados, à medida em que estes se mostraram adequados, para definir e executar o presente estudo. Os objetivos com a execução dessa pesquisa foram obter resultados iniciais sobre as questões investigadas bem como gerar artefatos que sirvam de base para a definição e condução de futuros experimentos e a criação de pacotes de laboratório. Além disso, pretende-se apoiar, por meio dos materiais gerados, o treinamento e o ensino da atividade do teste de software / Software Testing is a quality assurance activity that aims at reducing the number of software faults. This activity contributes for the reduction of maintenance costs and for software quality improvement during the development process. These factors have motivated the investigation and proposal of several testing strategies, techniques, criteria and tools for different programming paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented and aspect-oriented. Regarding testing criteria, many experimental studies have been performed to evaluate and compare them. In general, these experiments comprise programs developed under the same paradigm or this influence over the results. However, some faults can be paradigm-related and it is important to evaluate its impact on the testing activity. This work presents an experimental study developed to characterize and evaluate the application cost and strength of testing criteria, comparing two programming paradigms: object-oriented and procedural. This study considers functional and strutural testing criteria and uses a set of programs from the data structure domain. Terms and phases from controlled experimentation process were used, as long as they showed to be adequated, to define and execute the present study. The research aims at obtaining initial results about the questions investigated as well as generating artifacts which support the definition and conduction of future experiments and the creation of laboratory packages. In addition, it intends to support, through the materials generated, the training and teaching of software testing activity
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Dynamique, fragmentation et diversité végétale des paysages forestiers en milieux de transition forêt-savane dans le Département de Tanda (Côte d’Ivoire). / Dynamic, fragmentation and diversity of forest landscape in a forest-savannah transition zone in the department of Tanda (Ivory Coast).Barima, Yao S. S. 23 November 2009 (has links)
Dans cette étude, les relations entre la structure forestière à l’échelle du paysage d’une part, la composition et le fonctionnement des forêts d’autre part, ont été analysées dans un écosystème de transition forêt-savane (Département de Tanda, Est Côte d’Ivoire). L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de tester l’hypothèse centrale de l’écologie du paysage, connue sous le vocable pattern-process paradigm, selon laquelle les trois composantes du système écologiques à savoir la structure, la composition et le fonctionnement, sont interdépendantes, et qu’en analysant l’une d’elle, des déductions utiles peuvent être faites sur les autres.
Nos résultats ont montré que l’équilibre écologique des forêts de la zone d’étude était fortement perturbé. L’agriculture itinérante sur brûlis, l’exploitation forestière et les feux de végétation ont été identifiés comme étant les principaux agents de ces dynamiques. La matrice du paysage, qui était initialement constituée d’une couverture continue de forêt dense, a été substituée par une mosaïque de savanes, de champs et de forêts exploitées, présentant des niveaux variables de dégradations anthropiques. L’utilisation de données multi-spectrales a permis de quantifier ces dégradations. Premièrement, sur base de l’information spectrale, nous avons distingué deux sous-types de forêts, différents entre eux en termes de densité, de composition, de stratégie dominante et de niveau de dégradation. Deuxièmement, une corrélation significative a été obtenue entre la dégradation et le degré de fragmentation des forêts, quantifiable à partir d’indices structuraux basés sur le nombre de taches, la proportion de forêts et le périmètre des taches forestières dans le paysage. La fragmentation semble avoir produit deux effets distincts sur la composition forestière ; elle détermine la taille et l’isolation des fragments aussi bien que les lisières forestières. Les dynamiques temporelles de la structure et de la composition du paysage forestier dans notre région d’étude a montré que la déforestation était plus sensible dans la partie Sud de la zone d’étude, en dépit du climat favorable, alors que dans la partie Nord, proche des savanes Guinéennes, la simulation des dynamiques à partir de la chaine de Markov a montré une tendance à la reprise forestière.
En définitive, notre étude a mis en évidence que la zone de transition forêt-savane étudiée était fortement dynamique. Dans une région où aucune réserve forestière n’existe réellement et où le front forestier régresse ou se dégrade rapidement, notre approche permet de poser les bases d’une politique rationnelle de protection des forêts, en établissant des seuils structuraux minimaux des fragments nécessaires à la préservation du biotope originel.
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