Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIAL PARTICIPATION"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIAL PARTICIPATION""
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Seniorers upplevelser av digitala möten för social delaktighet : En kvalitativ studie baserad på en digital intervention / Seniors' experiences of digital meetings for social participation : A qualitative study based on a digital interventionTamm, Michaela, Örnbielke, John January 2021 (has links)
Utvecklingen av teknik sker i snabb takt och på grund av Covid-19 ökades kraven på ytterligare ökad digitalisering. En utsatt grupp i detta sammanhang är seniorer, som drabbas av den digitala klyftan. Med åldern isoleras människor alltmer socialt och därmed finns det ett behov av ökad social delaktighet. Samhället bidrar med goda digitala förutsättningar men alla kan inte använda digitala lösningar av diverse anledningar. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka seniorers upplevelser av arrangerade digitala möten och dess potential för att främja social delaktighet. Metoden för studien var en kvalitativ ansats bestående av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och en fokusgruppsintervju baserat på den digitala interventionen 11 e-fika. Analysen genomfördes med innehållsanalys för både intervjuer och fokusgrupp. Studien genomfördes med fyra kvinnor i åldrarna 70–87 år boendes i en mellanstor kommun. Interventionen är ett pilotprojekt i samarbete med en kommun. Resultatet visade på att digitala träffar som 11 e-fika kan främja social delaktighet men seniorerna upplevde osäkerhet samt behov av stöd vid användning. Seniorerna uppgav att de föredrar fysiska träffar men att digitala är ett bra komplement som underlättar för träffar utan fysisk närvaro. Individens inställning till användning har även en påverkan. Slutsatsen var att digitala träffar kan vara fördelaktigt för social delaktighet men visar tydligt att behovet av stöd finns för att kunna använda digitala verktyg. Därför krävs fortsatt mer forskning inom området. / The digital society is evolving fast and the demand on digitalization has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. A vulnerable group in this context is seniors whom been affected by digital divide. With age, people become more and more socially isolated and there is a need for increased social participation. Society contributes with good digital conditions, but not everyone knows how to handle digital solutions for various reasons. The aim of the study was therefore to investigate seniors' experiences of arranged digital meetings and their potential to promote social participation. The method for the study was a qualitative content analysis of four semi-structured interviews and a focus group interview after a digital intervention (11 e-fika). The study was conducted with four women aged 70–87 years living in a medium-sized municipality. The intervention was also a pilot project in collaboration with a municipality. The results showed that digital meetings such as 11 e-fika can promote social participation, but the seniors experienced insecurity and need for support during use. The seniors stated that they prefer physical meetings, but that digital is a good complement that facilitates meetings without a physical presence. The individual's attitude to use also has an impact. The conclusion was that digital meetings can be beneficial for social participation, but the need for support when using digital tools is clear. Therefore, further research in the field is required.
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[pt] A tese em questão versa sobre a análise dos impactos da instalação do Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico de Simplício e suas implicações sociais, ambientais e econômicas vivenciadas pela população residente no município de Sapucaia, estado do Rio de Janeiro, por ser a cidade sede do empreendimento, assim como as áreas do seu entorno. Partiu-se para investigação, tomando como pressuposto que a implantação de uma Usina Hidrelétrica, impulsiona uma importante guinada no processo de desenvolvimento local, e tal aspecto, interfere diretamente na dinâmica da vida da população residente. Sendo assim, busca-se saber quais os mecanismos de escuta foram efetivados para garantir a participação popular na época de implantação do empreendimento, e qual a relação estabelecida até os dias atuais com os munícipes, na garantia de uma prática democrática e de participação social, considerando que os impactos promovidos na vida dos sujeitos afetados, são inúmeros, em função das mudanças econômicas, sociais, ambientais, culturais, políticas entre outras na realidade local. O estudo além da continua pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, pautou-se na investigação de cunho qualitativo que permitiu melhor compreender e explicar a dinâmica das relações sociais, e com isto aproximar o pesquisador da realidade investigada. Como coleta de dados, utilizou-se a aplicação de questionários com os sujeitos eleitos e envolvidos com o objeto da pesquisa. O quadro teórico do estudo, foi pautado na perspectiva crítica que permitiu análise, interpretação e descrição dos dados, considerando que tanto os aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais presentes a partir do empreendimento hidrelétrico, são decorrentes da estratégia capitalista, que concorre para o desmantelamento e retrocesso das conquistas democráticas, com o alijamento das instâncias de controle social e de incipientes meios de participação popular, elementos que estiveram presentes e impactaram a realidade investigada. / [en] The thesis in question deals with the analysis of the impacts of the installation of the Simplício Hydroelectric Plant and its social, environmental and economic implications experienced by the population living in the municipality of Sapucaia, state of Rio de Janeiro, as it is the host city of the enterprise, as well as the surrounding areas. We started to investigate, assuming that the implantation of a Hydroelectric Plant, drives an important turn in the local development process, and this aspect, directly interferes in the dynamics of the life of the resident population. Therefore, we seek to know which listening mechanisms were put in place to guarantee popular participation at the time of the project s implementation, and what relationship has been established up to the present day with citizens, in guaranteeing a democratic practice and social participation, considering that the impacts promoted in the lives of the affected subjects are numerous, due to the economic, social, environmental, cultural, political changes, among others in the local reality. The study, in addition to the continuous documentary and bibliographic research, was based on a qualitative investigation that allows a better understanding and explanation of the dynamics of social relations, thereby bringing the researcher closer to the investigated reality. As data collection, questionnaires were used with the elected subjects and involved with the research object. The theoretical framework of the study, was based on the critical perspective that allowed analysis, interpretation and description of the data, considering that both the economic, social and environmental aspects present from the hydroelectric enterprise are due to the capitalist strategy, which contributes to the dismantling and retrogression of democratic conquests, with the elimination of instances of social control and incipient means of popular participation, elements that were present and impacted the investigated reality.
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[pt] A presente dissertação visa analisar no âmbito municipal de Cachoeiras de Macacu, o processo de participação social do Grupo de Acompanhamento da Despoluição do Rio Macacu, frente à gestão pública, tanto na formulação, como na implementação de políticas públicas. A pesquisa realizada foi de cunho qualitativo e o percurso metodológico que a ancorou, apoiou-se em pesquisa de cunho documental e bibliográfico, objetivando ampliar o conhecimento tanto do ponto do vista da legislação, bem como por meio dos documentos produzidos internamente pelo Grupo sujeito da pesquisa, a fim de compreender a dinâmica empreendida através das atas de reuniões, resoluções, dentre outros documentos produzidos, o que nos permitiu identificar qual a forma utilizada por eles para contribuir na dinâmica de formulações de políticas, além de outras ações. Já a pesquisa de campo, inicialmente efetivada pela observação direta, favoreceu identificar as ações cotidianas do Grupo, o que auxiliou nas análises. Foi aberto também um canal de escuta por meio da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com os sujeitos envolvidos, tanto da sociedade civil como do poder público, que permitiu melhor aproximação da realidade, bem como compreender vários aspectos desenvolvido pelo Grupo a partir das falas. O conjunto de instrumentos utilizados contribuiu para sistematização dos dados coletados e análises das falas permitindo desenhar um panorama composto de resultados e propostas advindos da ação desenvolvida pelo Grupo, revelando que a efetivação do processo participativo demanda um conjunto de esforços a serem desempenhados tanto pela sociedade civil quanto aos sujeitos envolvidos no interior das agências públicas no desenvolvimento da gestão democrática. Espera-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para fortalecer outras práticas democráticas tão importantes para defesa dos direitos da população, incluindo o direito de participar diretamente da administração pública, assim como ampliar o conhecimento através da produção
acadêmica que revele pontos importantes da prática cidadã que chancela a sociedade civil, em ações voltadas para formulação de políticas públicas, que neste estudo, em especial, estão voltadas também, para as questões socioambientais. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze in the municipal scope of Cachoeiras de Macacu, the social participation process of the Macacu River Depollution Monitoring Group, in front of public management, both in the formulation and in the implementation of public policies. The research carried out was of a qualitative nature and the methodological path that anchored it, was supported by documentary and bibliographic research, aiming to expand the knowledge both from the point of view of the legislation, as well as through the documents produced internally by the Group subject of the research , in order to understand the dynamics undertaken through the minutes of meetings, resolutions and other documents produced, which allowed us to identify which form they used to contribute to the dynamics of policy formulation in addition to other actions. The field research, initially carried out by direct observation, favored the identification of the Group s daily actions, which helped in the analyzes. A listening channel was also opened by conducting semi-structured interviews with the subjects involved, both from civil society and the government, which allowed for a better approximation of reality, as well as understanding various aspects developed by the Group based on the speeches. The set of instruments used contributed to the systematization of the data collected and the analysis of the speeches, allowing to draw a panorama composed of results and proposals arising from the action developed by the Group, revealing that the effectiveness of the participatory process requires a set of efforts to be performed both by society civil society regarding the subjects involved within public agencies in the development of democratic management. It is hoped that this research can contribute to strengthen other democratic practices so important to defend the rights of the population, including the right to participate directly in public administration, as well as expand knowledge through academic production that reveals important points of the citizen practice that seal civil society, in actions aimed at formulating public policies, which in this study, in particular, are also focused on socio-environmental issues.
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[pt] A dissertação pretende investigar elementos da tensão entre burocracia e
democracia, tendo por base a sociologia de Max Weber e perspectivas críticas da
filosofia contemporânea, como é o caso das reflexões sobre o princípio político
do Comum – que, na literatura de Christian Laval e Pierre Dardot, propõe uma
revisitação da participação social na organização dos serviços públicos. Parte-se
inicialmente da percepção de que, se de um lado a burocracia ainda é entendida
como um imperativo de técnica, racionalidade e impessoalidade para a execução
estatal das atividades e dos serviços públicos, de outro, é inerente e necessária à
sua modelagem uma alienação social e popular. A organização estatal em um
aparelho administrativo estruturalmente burocrático, composto em sua maioria
por especialistas e técnicos (não eleitos), afasta a coisa pública dos cidadãos - e,
assim, convive com o permanente risco de desqualificação da política e de
dissipação da legitimidade democrática dos processos de implementação das
escolhas relacionadas à gestão dos interesses, utilidades e serviços públicos.
Identificado o problema, a pesquisa busca demonstrar que as principais oposições
democráticas ao fenômeno da burocratização tecnocrática (sejam elas de matriz
liberal/gerencial, no viés da democracia diárquica, da democracia monitória ou da
defesa das reformas gerenciais no aparato estatal; sejam as de matriz crítica/social,
no viés autogestão anárquica ou da mera abertura de canais participativos dentro
da própria burocracia estatal), não trazem propostas suficientemente aptas a
contornar o desafio antes descrito. Ao final, defende-se como alternativa para o
enfrentamento da disputa entre burocracia e democracia o referencial
epistemológico do princípio político do Comum - que, embora também inserido
na genealogia do pensamento crítico/social, assenta proposições mais
revolucionárias e originais para o problema da participação social nos serviços
públicos, sobretudo a partir da práxis instituinte e do autogoverno democrático,
como arranjos possíveis para a radicalização de uma estrutura decisória e coletiva
fora da esfera estatal. / [en] The thesis intends to investigate elements of the tension between
bureaucracy and democracy, based on the sociology of Max Weber and critical
perspectives of contemporary philosophy, as is the case of reflections on the
political principle of the Common – which, in the literature of Christian Laval and
Pierre Dardot, proposes a revisitation of social participation in the organization of
public services. It starts, initially, with the perception that, if on the one hand
bureaucracy is still understood as an imperative of technique, rationality and
impersonality for the state execution of public activities and services, on the other
hand, a social and popular alienation is inherent and necessary to its moulding.
The state organization in a structurally bureaucratic administrative apparatus,
composed mostly of (non-elected) specialists and technicians, distances public
affairs from citizens - and, thus, coexists with the permanent risk of political
disqualification and dissipation of the democratic legitimacy in the
implementation processes of choices related to the management of public
interests, utilities and services. Once identified the problem, the research seeks to
describe that the main democratic oppositions to the phenomenon of technocratic
bureaucratization (whether they are on the liberal/managerial side, defending the
diarchic democracy, the watchdog democracy or the managerial reform of the
state apparatus; whether they are on the critical/social side, advocating an anarchic
self-management system or the mere creation of participatory mechanisms within
the state bureaucracy itself) does not present proposals that are sufficiently apt to
avoid the challenge described above. In the end, the epistemological framework
of the political principle of the Common is defended as an alternative for
confronting the dispute between bureaucracy and democracy - which, although
also inserted in the genealogy of critical/social thought, establishes more
revolutionary and original propositions for the problem of social participation in
public services, based, especially, on the instituent praxis and the institution of
democratic self-government, as possible arrangements for the radicalization of a
decision-making and collective structure out of the state sphere.
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Активизация гражданского участия населения в деятельности органов местного самоуправления : магистерская диссертация / Activation of civil participation of the population in the activities of local self-government bodiesКурищев, А. М., Kurishchev, A. M. January 2020 (has links)
The object of the research is civil participation of the population in the activities of local self-government bodies. The purpose of the work is to develop recommendations for enhancing civil participation of the population in the activities of local self-government bodies of the Nevyansk city district. The main methods of research were statistical methods, methods of theoretical analysis and resource planning, document analysis, questionnaire method, interviewing method, project management method. During execution of the qualification work was theoretical and legal aspects of participation of citizens in activities of local governments, the analysis of the participation of citizens in activities of local self-government in Nevyansk urban district based on which recommendations were developed to enhance social participation in the activities of local authorities. Because the recommendations are non-commercial in nature, no economic effect was predicted. As a result of the implementation of the recommended measures, a significant increase in the level of participation of the population in the activities of local self-government bodies of the Nevyansk city district is expected. / Объектом исследования гражданское участие населения в деятельности органов местного самоуправления. Цель выпускной квалификационной работы – разработка рекомендаций по активизации гражданского участия населения в деятельности органов местного самоуправления Невьянского городского округа. Основными методами проведения исследования стали статистические методы, методы теоретического анализа и ресурсного планирования, анализ документов, метод анкетирования, метод интервьюирования, метод проектного управления. В процессе выполнения выпускной квалификационной работы были исследованы теоретические и правовые аспекты участия граждан в деятельности органов местного самоуправления, выполнен анализ участия граждан в деятельности органов местного самоуправления в Невьянском городском округе, на основе чего разработаны рекомендации по активизации социального участия населения в деятельности органов местного самоуправления. В связи с тем, что рекомендации носят некоммерческий характер, прогнозирования экономического эффекта не производилось. В результате осуществления рекомендуемых мер ожидается существенное повышение уровня участия населения в деятельности органов местного самоуправления Невьянского городского округа.
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Social delaktighet på lekplatser - Erfarenheter från föräldrar till barn med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar / Social participation on playgrounds - Experiences from parents of children with physical disabilitiesElimä, Malin, Ågren, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter om social delaktighet på lekplatser för barn med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer, där 12 föräldrar till barn med fysiska funktionsnedsättning intervjuades. Vid analysen av intervjuerna använde författarna en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilket resulterade i 2 kategorier. Resultat: Utifrån föräldrarnas erfarenheter visade resultaten att otillgängliga lekplatser begränsade eller hindrade deras barn att vara socialt delaktiga. Det framkom också att tillgängliga lekplatser kunde möjliggöra barn med fysiska funktionsnedsättningars sociala delaktighet om de tillgängliga delarna inte separerades från resterande lekredskap. Föräldrarnas erfarenheter var att framkomligheten på lekplatserna var av stor vikt för att möjliggöra deras barns lek med andra. Resultatet visade även att föräldrarna hade erfarenhet att bemötas av negativa attityder, oförståelse och bristande kunskap från hemkommuner och lekplatsskapare. Barnens beroende av föräldrarnas stöd för att ta sig runt på lekplatser fick föräldrarna att känna sig som ett hinder för deras barn att leka och umgås med andra barn. Slutsats: Slutsatser från studien är att involvera föräldrar till barn med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar och deras barn i skapandet av lekplatsmiljöer för att främja social delaktighet. Vidare diskuteras behovet av arbetsterapeutisk kompetens om meningsfulla aktiviteter samt kunskap om att anpassa miljöer utifrån barns behov kan utgöra ett bra stöd till skaparna av lekplatser för att möjliggöra social delaktighet genom att utforma tillgängliga lekplatser för alla oavsett förmåga. / Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parents experiences of social participation in playgrounds for children with physical disabilities. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study with semi-structured interviews, where 12 parents of children with physical disabilities were interviewed. When analyzing the interviews, the authors used a qualitative content analysis, which resulted in 2 categories. Results: Based on parents experiences, the results showed that inaccessible playgrounds limited or prevented their children from being socially involved. It also emerged that accessible playgrounds could enable children's social participation if the accessible parts were not separated from the rest of the play equipment. Parents experiences were that the accessibility of playgrounds was of great importance to enable their children to play with others. The results also showed that parents experienced negative attitudes, incomprehension, and lack of knowledge from local authorities and playground designers. Children's dependence on parental support to get around playgrounds made parents feel like a barrier to their children being able to play and socialize with other children. Conclusion: Conclusions from the study is to involve parents of children with physical disabilities and their children in the creation of playground environments to promote social inclusion. It further discusses the need for occupational therapy skills on meaningful activities and knowledge on adapting environments based on children's needs can provide good support to playground designers to enable social inclusion by designing accessible playgrounds for everyone regardless of ability.
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The effectiveness of Integrated Development Planning as a tool to promote community participation : case study of Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality, Limpopo ProvinceMkabela, Serofe Magdeline January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (MPAM.) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The study sought to assess the effectiveness of Integrated Development Planning as a tool to promote community participation in Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality, Limpopo Province. A qualitative approach was used for data collection from a sample size of 20 municipal officials. An interview schedule was the chosen research instrument. Data was analyzed through thematic analysis. Measures were taken to ensure that the study results were credible, transferable, dependable, and confirmable. The study findings revealed that the effectiveness of the IDP as a tool for enhancing community participation was being hampered by loss of confidence in the IDP by the community; the COVID-19 pandemic; poor participation and lack of leadership commitment. In addition to the fact that community participation within the municipality was affected by challenges such as low literacy levels in the community the municipality also failed to deliver on past promises and logistical challenges. It was recommended that the municipality put plans into action to regain public confidence; introduce ward-level participation; use social media to reach wider audience and form an oversight committee to oversee the municipality’s financial accountability issues.
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Diagnóstico do dano físico e social após a alta medicamentosa das pessoas que tiveram hanseníase.Nardi, Susilene Maria Tonelli 09 November 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-09 / Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic infectious, contagious, insidious, but treatable disease that causes dermatoneurologic disorders. The complications resulting from neurological involvement cause sequelae that often affect the eyes, nose, hands and feet and if not treated early, evolve to physical disabilities that are sometimes irreversible and disastrous for the functionally of the individual. In Brazil, the coefficient of severe and visible physical disabilities (Grade 2) at diagnosis is considered high (≥ 10) by the Ministry of health. The drug treatment that eliminates the bacillus does not guarantee the end of the progression of the disability. Thus, ex-patients with severe or mild physical disabilities should remain under the care of a rehabilitation team. Aim: To assess physical disabilities, social participation and activity limitations of individuals affected by leprosy after completing multidrug therapy, describing their relationship with the socio-demographic characteristics of these individuals and estimate the distances between their homes and rehabilitation services. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out of all leprosy patients from 1998 to 2006 who were residents and treated in São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil. A specific questionnaire was applied to obtain general and clinical data. The physical disabilities were assessed using the Degree of Disability score of the WHO and the Eyes-Hand-Feet score. The Screening of Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness scale (SALSA) and the scale of participation (version 4.6) were applied to measure social participation. Results: Of the 335 people treated in the period, 223 (66.6%) were contacted and evaluated. Of these, 51.6% were women, the mean age was 54 years (SD 15.7), 66.4% had up to 6 years of schooling, 43.5% worked and 26.9% were retired, and the dimorphous form of the disease predominated (39.9%). The mental and physical healths were considered good in the previous month by 50.2% and 59.2% of the participants, respectively. Pain was reported by 54.7% of respondents; 54.3% suffered from some disease. Disabilities occurred in 32% and limitations of activities as evaluated by the SALSA scale affected 57.8% the participants. Restrictions in social participation occurred in 35.4% of the ex-patients. The presence of disabilities was higher with increasing age, in cases of multibacilar disaease and when individuals considered their physical health was bad. Those who needed preventive measures/rehabilitation travelled a mean distance of 5.5 km to the rehabilitation service. There were significant associations of social restriction with family income of less than 3 minimum wages, associated diseases, hospitalization within the previous year and physical disabilities. There were also associations of activity limitations with being female, household income ≤ 3 minimum wages, reports of significant injury, pain, associated diseases and physical disability. Conclusions: Disabilities are common and were associateed with increasing age, the multibacilar form of the disease and the feeling that the physical health was bad. Social restriction was also common and influenced by the presence of deficiencies, associated diseases, recent hospitalization and low income. The limitation of activities was more common than physical disabilities, and was associated to low incomes, being female, presence of injury, disability, disease and pain. Rehabilitation services are far from patients residences. / Introdução: A hanseníase é uma doença crônica, infecto-contagiosa, insidiosa, tratável e crônica que provoca afecções dermatoneurológicas. As complicações decorrentes do comprometimento neurológico provocam seqüelas que freqüentemente atingem olhos, nariz, mãos e pés e se não tratados precocemente, evolui para deficiências físicas, por vezes irreversíveis e funcionalmente desastrosas para o indivíduo. No Brasil, o coeficiente de deficiências físicas graves e visíveis (Grau 2) no diagnóstico é considerado alto (≥ 10%) pelo Ministério da Saúde. O tratamento medicamentoso que elimina o bacilo, não garante o fim da progressão das deficiências. Assim, ex-pacientes com deficiências físicas graves ou leves devem permanecer sob os cuidados da equipe de reabilitação. Objetivo: Avaliar deficiências físicas, participação social e limitação de atividades em indivíduos afetados pela hanseníase após o término do tratamento medicamentoso com a poliquimioterapia, descrever sua relação com as características sociodemográficas desses indivíduos e estimar as distâncias entre suas residências e serviços de reabilitação do município. Casuística e Métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal que incluiu todas as pessoas acometidas pela hanseníase, residentes e tratadas em São José do Rio Preto-SP no período de 1998 a 2006. Aplicou-se protocolo próprio para obtenção de dados gerais e clínicos. As deficiências físicas foram medidas pelo Grau de Incapacidades da OMS (GI) e pelo Eyes-Hand-Feet (EHF). Aplicou-se a escala Screening of Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness (SALSA) e a escala de Participação (EP) versão 4.6, para medir a participação social. Resultados: Das 335 pessoas tratadas no período, foram localizadas e avaliadas 223 (66,6%). Destes, 51,6% eram do gênero feminino, com idade média de 54 anos (dp15,7), 66,4% tinham até 6 anos de estudo, 43,5% trabalhavam e 26,9% estavam aposentados, a forma dimorfa (39,9%) predominou. A saúde física e mental foi considerada boa no último mês por 50,2% e 59,2%, respectivamente. Dores foram relatadas por 54,7% dos entrevistados; 54,3% sofrem de alguma doença. As deficiências físicas ocorreram em 32% e a limitação de atividades avaliada pela escala SALSA em 57,8% dos participantes. A restrição social ocorreu em 35,4% dos ex-pacientes. A presença de deficiências físicas foi maior com aumento da idade, em casos multibacilares e com julgamento ruim sobre sua saúde física. Os que necessitam de prevenção/reabilitação percorreram distancia média de 5,5 km até o serviço de reabilitação. Houve associação significante da restrição social com renda familiar menor que 3 salários mínimos; doenças associadas; hospitalização no último ano e presença de deficiência física. Houve associação entre limitação de atividades e gênero feminino, renda familiar ≤ que 3 salários mínimos, relato de lesão significante, dores, doenças associadas e presença de deficiência física. Conclusões: As deficiências foram frequentes e associaram-se a aumento da idade, formas multibacilares e julgamento ruim sobre sua própria saúde física. A restrição social foi frequente e influencida pela presença de deficiências, outras doenças associadas, hospitalização recente e baixa renda. A limitação de atividades foi mais frequente que as deficiências físicas, associou-se aos fatores de baixa renda, gênero feminino, presença de lesão, deficiência física, doenças e dores. Os serviços de reabilitação no município estão distantes das residências dos pacientes.
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Community empowerment and sustainable livelihoods : transforming social capital into entrepreneurship in rural Southern EthiopiaTefera Talore Abiche 25 July 2013 (has links)
The past decades witnessed that neither the private sector nor the government could
provide an adequate socio-economic safety net for the poorest of the poor in the Third
World. The community-based self-help approaches were hence widely used as
alternative means to help the poor and marginalised to cope with livelihood shocks. This
study examined the extent to which indigenous iddirs (local neighbourhood
associations) and the externally-funded self-help groups (SHGs) could transform social
capital into entrepreneurship thereby enhancing sustainable livelihoods. The study was
conducted in three Southern Nation and Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR)
rural districts, namely, Shebedeno, Wonago and Humbo. Mixed (quantitative and
qualitative) methods were used to collect field data. Accordingly, closed and openended
questionnaires and interview schedules were developed in English and then
translated into Amharic (the national language). Instruments were field tested for validity
and thereafter adjusted. A total of 220 (166 male and 54 female) people participated in
the study. Data were entered into an Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
database, and analysed by using basic descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were
transcribed and analysed using Microsoft Office tools.
The findings indicate that the SHGs’ members were relatively better educated
than the rest of the population and some of them used this opportunity to pursue
employment in government and the private sector. With regard to poverty status, iddirs
members were poorer than those of SHGs (15.5% of the iddirs members reported that
they are destitute compared to others in the community, as opposed to 3.3% of SHGs
members). The study reveals that the livelihoods of some members of iddirs and SHG
(particularly the latter) improved as a result of their involvement in these institutions
although, at this point, the impact is insignificant. With regard to socio-economic
decision making, more SHG members were involved in participatory decision making.
However, iddirs leaders were still the dominant decision makers. The SHG level of
participatory decision making could be the result of capacity building efforts by the
promoting organisation, particularly, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC). The study also shows that some of the iddirs and SHGs members were involved
in informal rural entrepreneurial activities. However, their involvement did not indicate
the utilisation of micro loan taken from the iddirs and SHGs for business purposes (97%
of the iddirs and SHGs respondents utilised microcredit loans for consumption and other
related purposes). On the other hand, the empirical evidence reveals that the amount of
loan that iddirs and SHGs respondents received was very small. The general practice is
giving small loans particularly to SHG members with repayments expected to begin as
quickly and frequently as possible.
Transforming social capital into entrepreneurship requires a cooperative
approach, i.e. the involvement of development actors so as to enhance communities’
endeavour to achieve their livelihood objectives. Despite the wide prevalence of social
capital in Ethiopia, this study indicates that its effective utilisation in community
empowerment and sustainable livelihoods remains a challenge. Social capital is found
to have a limited role in social entrepreneurship development and promotion not
because it does not have potential, but because of the limited role of promoting
organisations. The study shows lack of strong linkage between iddirs and promoting
organisation (NGOs and Government). The study thus underlines the need for
improving network and links with iddirs and SHGs and promoting organisations so as to
create an enabling environment for sustainable livelihoods in the three rural districts
under scrutiny. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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The role of civil society organisations/non-governmental organisations (CSOs/NGOs) in building human capability : the case of Africa Community Publishing Development Trust (Zimbabwe)Manyuchi, Raymond Freddy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study represents an analysis of the role of civil society organisations/non‐governmental
organisations (CSOs/NGOs) in building human capabilities through knowledge construction. It assesses
the effectiveness of community publishing in building human capabilities under challenges they face in
the environment they are operating in. The complex environment CSOs/NGOs are operating in is dealt
with. It will be demonstrated that CSOs/NGOs give marginalised communities, especially women,
children and the disabled, a platform where they can organise themselves and give them an
opportunity to influence policy and development of their community.
Community development has many interpretations. This study focuses on communities as central
agents responsible for their own development. When communities participate in their own
development, they are engaging in an educational process which is both formal and informal in nature.
The education process helps them to understand their situations better. This type of education called
‘popular education’, is based on the belief that people involved in the process have important
knowledge that they have acquired from their experiences in life and the education they receive
mainly consists of dialogue between different knowledge sets that they possess. In the process, when
people participate actively in the development of their communities, a sense of ownership is
For the purpose of designing the study, observation of the direct involvement of staff from local
government, Africa Community Publishing Development Trust and partner organisations as well as
working with communities from Shamva, Umzingwane and Buhera provided the basis. It is noted that
party politics affects the development of a CSO/NGO sector that is capable of building human
capabilities. It is, therefore, clear that government should create an enabling environment that is free
from violence and rule of law should be respected as this helps CSOs/ NGOs to implement capability
building programmes conducive for all communities to participate in the development of their areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ontleed die rol van burgerlike organisasies/nie‐regeringsorganisasies (BOs/NRO's) in die bou
van menslike vermoëns deur middel van kennis konstruksie. Die studie beoordeel die effektiwiteit van
die gemeenskap uitgewery in die bou van die menslike vermoëns en die uitdagings wat hulle in die
gesig staar in die omgewing waar hulle hul bevind. Die komplekse omgewing waarin BOs / NRO’s hul
bevind word inmiddels behandel. BOs/NRO's gee gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe veral vroue,
kinders en gestremdes 'n platform waar hulle hul self kan organiseer en gee hulle ' n geleentheid om
beleid te beïnvloed en hul gemeenskap te ontwikkel.
Ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap het baie interpretasies. Die studie fokus op die gemeenskappe as
sentrale agente wat verantwoordelik is vir hul eie ontwikkeling. Wanneer gemeenskappe betrokke is in
hul eie ontwikkelings proses, neem hulled deel aan ’ n opvoedkundige proses wat van nature beide
formeel en informeel is. Die opvoedkundige proses help hulle om hul situasies beter te verstaan.
Hierdie tipe van Onderwys genaamd "gewilde onderwys", is gebaseer op die oortuiging dat mense wat
betrokke is in ‘n proses belangrike kennis besit as gevolg van persoonlike lewenservaringe, die
opvoeding wat hulle ontvang bestaan hoofsaaklik uit dialoog tussen die verskillende kennis stel dat
hulle besit. Wanneer mense aktief deelneem in die ontwikkeling van hul gemeenskappe, word 'n
gevoel van eienaarskap ontwikkel.
In terme van die ontwikkeling van die studie het die direkte betrokkenheid van die personeel van
plaaslike regering, ACPDT en vennoot organisasies asook die werk met die gemeenskappe van Shamva,
Umzingwane en Buhera die basis gevorm van die studie. Politieke partye beinvloed die ontwikkeling
van die BO/NRO‐sektor en dit stel hulle in staat om menslike vermoëns op te bou. Die regering moet 'n
instaatstellende omgewing skep wat vry is van geweld en waar die oppergesag van die reg
gerespekteer word. Dit sal BO’s/NRO's help om vermoëns bouende programme te implementeer
wat gemeenskappe die geleentheid sal gee om deel te hê aan die ontwikkeling van hul gemeenskap.
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