Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS""
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Regards croisés sur l’Euromaïdan : de la « crise ukrainienne » à « une nouvelle guerre froide » / Intersecting Views of Euromaidan : from the “Ukraine Crisis” to a “new Cold War”.Kis-Marck, Alexia 08 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis le 21 novembre 2013, l’Ukraine est touchée par une crise politique majeure qui a déclenché dans les médias internationaux un certain nombre d’interprétations antagoniques. Ce travail de recherche interroge les mots qui ont été posés sur le conflit et se penche sur les représentations qui ont été mises en scène dans les médias en France. À partir de concepts théoriques en relation avec les représentations sociales, l'analyse du discours et la communication médiatique, notre analyse explore l'imaginaire de la crise ukrainienne, également appelée Euromaïdan. Elle s'appuie sur l'étude d’articles de presse tirés des principaux organes d’information nationaux français et se focalise sur la période du 21 novembre 2013 (date du refus de signature de l’accord d’association avec l’UE par Viktor Ianoukovitch et début d’Euromaïdan) au 28 février 2014 (constitution d'un gouvernement provisoire). Ce travail soulève ainsi des interrogations quant au traitement médiatique de la crise ukrainienne, à la mémoire collective qu’elle sollicite et aux enjeux idéologiques et identitaires qu'elle a fait naître. En nous appuyant sur une démarche à la fois quantitative et qualitative, nous tenterons d’identifier les principaux aspects et les particularités de la représentation de l’Euromaïdan dans le discours médiatique français. En croisant les regards et confrontant ces représentations au discours médiatique russe, ce travail étudiera également le jeu des représentations en marche et adoptera, ainsi, une démarche comparative. / Since 21 November 2013, Ukraine goes through a major political crisis which has triggered several conflicting interpretations in the international media coverage. This research investigates the words used to describe the conflict, as well as the social representations staged by the French media. Based on theoretical concepts such as social representations, discourse analysis and media communication, this study aims at exploring the collective imagination of the Ukrainian crisis, also referred as “Euromaidan”. The French articles published in the main daily information newspapers are investigated for the period from 26 November 2013 (when Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement agreements with the European Union, triggering the Euromaidan protest) to 28 February 2014 (when a provisional government was established). Consequently, this work raises questions about how media handled the Ukrainian crisis, recalling specific parts of the collective memory, as well as the ideological and identity-related stakes in France. Build on both quantitative and qualitative approaches, this research highlights the main features and characteristics of the Ukrainian crisis representation in French media discourses. Finally, by confronting the Russian media discourses with the French one, this study reflects the interplays of representation in action, embracing a comparative approach.
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Representaciones sociales sobre las relaciones de pareja en la comunidad Amazónica Asháninka / Social representations about the relationships of the Amazon Asháninka community.Alzamora Alvarado, Mireya Stefany 09 September 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las representaciones sociales sobre las relaciones de pareja en la Comunidad Amazónica Asháninka. Se optó por la metodología de investigación cualitativa tomando como diseño la teoría fundamentada y fenomenología. Participaron cinco mujeres y seis hombres líderes y comuneros de seis comunidades Amazónicas Asháninkas del Distrito de San Ramón en el departamento de Junín, que se encuentran en una relación de pareja. La validez del estudio se dio con el uso de entrevistas semi-estructuradas y notas de campo, bajo la inserción a la comunidad.
Entre los principales hallazgos se encontró una fuerte influencia familiar y social-cultural para relacionarse. Existe una notable diferencia entre el cargo ocupado dentro de la comunidad, ya sea de Apu o comunero. Además, una distinción de género, donde la mujer tiene poca autoridad sobre sus decisiones, a comparación del género masculino. Se concluye que las nociones de relación de pareja involucran aspectos culturales, dejando de lado las manifestaciones psicológicas emergentes durante una relación. / The objective of this study is to explore the social representations of couple relationships in the Asháninka Amazon Community. The qualitative research methodology was chosen and grounded theory and phenomenology were the design. Participates five women and six men leaders and communal people of the Amazonian communities Asháninkas of San Ramón district in the department of Junín, which is in a relationship. The validity of the study was given with the use of semi-structured interviews and field notes, under insertion into the community.
Among the main findings was a strong family and social-cultural influence to relate. There is a notable difference between the position held within the community, whether that of leader or community member. Also, a distinction by gender, where women have little authority over their decisions, compared to men. It is concluded that the notions of a couple relationship involve cultural aspects, leaving aside the emerging psychological manifestations during a relationship. / Tesis
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From the Trenches to Europe: Do Memories of the Great War Shape Contemporary Pacifist Attitudes?Bouchat, Pierre 26 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent travail se propose d’investiguer dans une perspective psychosociale, les relations entre l’événement historique majeur qu’a constitué la Première Guerre mondiale et les attitudes pacifistes actuelles des jeunes Européens. Celui-ci s’élabore en deux parties adoptant chacune une perspective théorique, méthodologique et contextuelle particulière. La première s’ancre dans le champ théorique des représentations sociales et s’attache, à travers une enquête menée dans vingt-deux pays d’Europe, à mettre en évidence les liens existant entre indicateurs objectifs de victimisation durant la guerre, représentations du conflit et attitudes pacifistes actuelles. Dans la seconde partie, une attention particulière est portée aux effets des commémorations du centenaire du conflit, sur les attitudes pacifistes des jeunes Belges. Un ensemble d’études menées sur la visite d’expositions et le visionnage de films documentaires, met en évidence les effets paradoxaux de la participation aux activités commémoratives. Ces dernières, considérées comme pourvoyeuses de récits, amènent dans un certain nombre de cas à une diminution du niveau d’attitudes pacifistes des participants. A la fin de ces deux parties, deux constats semblent s’imposer. Ces constats sont ceux de la nécessaire prise en compte du temps long dans l’étude des attitudes et de la valeur ajoutée que constitue pour la psychologie de la mémoire, l’adoption d’une perspective interdisciplinaire où l’histoire joue un rôle de premier plan. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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[pt] Este estudo pretende analisar as transformações ocorridas no espaço urbano da cidade do Rio de Janeiro - RJ a partir da implementação do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC). O rebatimento espacial é o complexo de favelas denominado Manguinhos, que a partir do ano de 2008 recebeu as intervenções do PAC. O objetivo é analisar as estratégias de produção do espaço, suas sustentabilidades e/ou insustentabilidades que foram produzidas durante as intervenções, tendo como eixo a ação dos atores sociais envolvidos no processo, visando à perspectiva de construção do direito à cidade. Os principais referenciais teóricos utilizados na pesquisa foram: Lefebvre (1974, 1986, 1991, 2002); Massey (2008); Ferreira (2007, 2011); Rua (2007) , Morin (2002), Castoriadis (1987). Gohn (1997, 2008), Pogrebinschi (2009). No que tange ao método, caminhamos através do materialismo histórico dialético e tivemos como procedimentos de pesquisa: revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa de campo, aplicação de questionários, além de acompanhamento de reuniões promovidas tanto pelo poder público quanto pelos representantes dos movimentos sociais. Ressalta-se que a produção do espaço pauta-se por modelos cujos ideários estigmatizam as favelas, percebendo-as como se não pertencessem às cidades. Partimos do pressuposto de que o espaço produzido das cidades caracteriza-se por intensas desigualdades, pois essa é a lógica do desenvolvimento capitalista. Recorre-se ao conceito de espaço com o propósito de entender sua produção. Sendo o espaço um produto social, as relações sociais interferem na sua dinâmica, revelando, portanto, intencionalidades. A ação do poder público e dos atores sociais em Manguinhos está na esteira dessa discussão, constituindo-se em representações que definem e redefinem a produção desse espaço cotidianamente. / [en] This study aims to characterize the changes in the urban city of Rio de Janeiro- RJ from the implementation of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). The space studied is the complex of slums called Manguinhos, that since 2008 has received assistance from the PAC. The goal is to identify strategies for the production of space sustainability and / or (in)sustainability that were produced during the intervention, with its central action of social actors involved in the process, aimed at building the right perspective of the city. The main theoretic frameworks used in the research were: Lefebvre (1974, 1986, 1991, 2002); Massey (2008); Ferreira (2007, 2011); Rua (2007), Morin (2002), Castoriadis (1987), Gohn (1997, 2008), Pogrebinschi (2009). Regarding the method, we walk through the historical dialectic materialism had to research procedures: a literature review, field research, questionnaires, and follow-up meetings organized by both the government and the representatives of social movements. It is noteworthy that the production of space is guided by models whose ideals stigmatize slums, perceiving them as if they belonged to the cities. We assume that the space produced in the cities is characterized by intense inequality, because this is the logic of capitalist development. Appealing to the concept of space in order to understand its production; the space being a social product, social relationships influence the dynamics, thus indicating intentions. The action of public authorities and social actors in Manguinhos is in the wake of this discussion, being representations that define and redefine this space production daily.
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A representação social de perfeição na memória das personalidades do espiritismoAlbuquerque, Tiago P. January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho aproxima as contribuições da teoria das representações sociais e dos estudos em memória social para a compreensão do campo religioso, especificamente o Espiritismo, reconhecendo a importância da recordação de personalidades para a dinâmica religiosa. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o conteúdo da representação social de perfeição, o conteúdo e estrutura da memória de personalidades do Espiritismo e a relação entre ambos. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, desenvolvido em duas etapas. Participaram 75 participantes auto-declarados espíritas - 38 na primeira etapa e 37 na segunda, sendo entrevistados 24 desses. Os participantes, em média, possuíam 37,3 anos de idade e 16,7 anos como espíritas. Na primeira fase aplicou-se, através da Internet, a técnica de evocações livres com o termo indutor “espíritos superiores”, na qual os participantes respondiam que pessoas se associavam ao termo. Na segunda, prosseguiu-se com as evocações livres e questionário, para caracterização dos participantes. A partir das doze personalidades mais lembradas, realizou-se entrevista semi-estruturada, com questões sobre características, virtudes, lembranças, hierarquia das personalidades, e questões sobre o significado da perfeição e como alcançá-la. Os dados das evocações foram analisados através das técnicas do quadro de quatro casas e construção de árvore máxima de similitude. As entrevistas foram analisadas mediante análise categorial temática. Assim, verificou-se que as personalidades mais recordadas foram: Chico Xavier, Jesus, Allan Kardec, Emmanuel, Bezerra de Menezes, Madre Teresa de Calcutá, Joanna de Ângelis, Gandhi, André Luiz, Francisco de Assis, Maria de Nazaré e Divaldo P. Franco. A representação social de perfeição foi expressa, de modo simplificado, na sentença: um caminho, difícil e longo, em que o ser humano sai da sua condição de inferioridade para a perfeição, através do conhecimento (proveniente do trabalho, do estudo e do auto-conhecimento), livrando-se do seu egoísmo e expressando o amor, tal como demonstrado e vivido por Jesus. Verificou-se, ainda, que essas memórias se organizam, principalmente, em dois modelos de valores complementares no Espiritismo: 1) conhecimento, inteligência, razão, estudo, livro e 2) amor, vivência, fé, trabalho, exemplo. Eles se constituem nas duas condições essenciais para se alcançar essa perfeição. O primeiro modelo está principalmente personificado na figura de Allan Kardec e o segundo, em Jesus. Nesse sentido, o Espiritismo opera na mente dos fiéis, uma síntese entre ambos os modelos, tendo em Chico Xavier a personificação dessa síntese, constituindo-se como tipo ideal de espírita. /// [en] This work resorts to the contributions of both social representations theory and the studies about social memory in order to understand the religious field – Spiritism in particular – considering the importance to remind personalities in religious practices. This survey aims to analyze the contents of social representation of perfection, the contents and structure of Spiritism personalities’ memory as well as their relation. This is a descriptive study carried out in two sessions involving 75 self-declared Spiritism subjects with 38 people in the first session and 37 in the sec ond, being 24 of them interviewed. The participants are, on average, 37.3 years old who have been engaged in Spiritism for 16.7 years. A free-evocation technique with an inducing term “Superior Spirits” was applied in the first session through the Internet as the participants claimed that people were associated with the term. In the second session, we used free evocations and questionnaires in order to characterize the participants. Based on the 12 most reminded personalities, we had a semi-structured interview with questions about characteristics, virtues, memories, personality hierarchy, and questions on the meaning of perfection and how to reach it. The evocation data were analyzed through the four-housed chart techniques along with the EVOC 2003 software and the construction of the maximum similitude tree. Analyzing the interviews through the thematic categorial analysis, we figured out that the most reminded personalities were Chico Xavier, Jesus, Allan Kardec, Emmanuel, Bezerra de Menezes, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Joanna de Ângelis, Mohandas K. Gandhi, André Luiz, Francis of Assisi, Mary (mother of Jesus), and Divaldo P. Franco. The social representation of perfection was simplified and expressed in the sentence: the hard and long way human being follow when leaving his inferiority condition to reach perfection through knowledge (obtained from labor, study, self-knowledge), getting rid of selfishness and expressing love, as demonstrated and experienced by Jesus. We also concluded that these memories are mainly organized into two complementary value patterns in Spiritism: 1) knowledge, intelligence, rationality, study, literature and 2) Love, experience, faith, labor, example. They comprise two basic conditions to reach that perfection. The first pattern is mainly personalized in Allan Kardec’s image, and the second in Jesus. According to this view, we can ascertain that Spiritism operates in the faithfull’s mind, a synthesis between both patterns, being Chico Xavier its personification and thus regarded as the ideal type of spiritist. / CAPES
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Representações sociais de professores e gestores sobre “ser professor” no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia / Social representations of teachers and managers on “being a teacher” at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and TechnologyJardim, Anna Carolina Salgado 04 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-08-17T13:18:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-07-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / There have been many transformations through the history of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (EPCT). One of the most significant was the creation in 2008 of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IFs). It is necessary to consider that, at the same time that institutional changes occurred, there were also changes in the profile and performance of teachers. In this sense, to construct management strategies it is necessary to consider the transformation of the institution comprising the people who lead the institution in its daily life. As it is an institution that acts specifically in the EPCT, the IF confronted with the continuous reconstruction of its image and its institutional identity, presenting dilemmas and contradictions in the constitution of teaching professionalism. The central problem of this thesis is to understand the social representations of teachers and managers of an IF about the meaning of “being a teacher”, considering the historical-social context in which such representations were constituted. In this perspective, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the social representations of managers and teachers of an IF about “being a teacher” in the institution, considering their performance in different levels of education, research, extension, management and articulating the analyzes carried out in such a way as to allow an understanding of how the teaching professional in the institution is revealed. The perspective of this study is psychosocial, with theoretical-methodological basis of Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici (1961), privileging the procedural approach (or sociogenetic). The method in question involved a three-dimensional analysis of social representations considering the field of representation, information and attitude. The research was developed in three phases of production and analysis of interdependent data, the first exploratory phase and the other phases of deepening. We used multiple methodological strategies, such as: verification of the technical literature of the topic, documentary analysis, free association of words, questionnaire of diverse format, focus groups and semistructured interviews for the production of data, and the technique of natural semantic networks, analysis of similarity and content analysis as analysis procedures. The research participants are 63 teachers and managers of a Campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP). The results demonstrate that the figurative nucleus of social representations about “being a teacher” in the IFSP is centered on the word “challenger”. The field of representation is marked by affections whose connotation is predominantly positive, revealing that “being a teacher” in the IF refers to the image of quality. The affectivity present in the verbal and written discourses of the teachers and managers leads to the responsible and committed attitude of the studied group towards their professional work in the IF, demonstrating with clarity the identity function of the social representations unveiled. We note that in this study, information is tied to knowledge, which is sometimes uneven in terms of the objective aspects constituting the professionalism of Teacher of Basic, Technical and Technological Education (EBTT). In investigating the dimensions of the social representations of managers and teachers about being a teacher at the Federal Institute, conducting the analysis of its content and structure, as well as its objectification and anchoring processes, we unveil important aspects of the professionalism of the EBTT teacher, paving the way for new research and reflection on the demands of continuing teacher training / Ao longo da história da Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica (EPCT) foram muitas as transformações. A criação dos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFs), em 2008, foi uma das mais significativas. Simultaneamente às mudanças institucionais, houve alterações no perfil e na atuação docente. Nesse sentido, construir estratégias de gestão que considerem a transformação da instituição exige compreender os sujeitos que conduzem a instituição em seu cotidiano. Como instituição que atua especificamente na EPCT, o IF se confrontou com a contínua reconstrução da sua imagem e de sua identidade institucional, apresentando dilemas e contradições na constituição da profissionalidade docente. O problema desta tese é compreender as representações sociais de professores e gestores de um IF sobre “‘ser professor”, considerando o contexto histórico-social em que tais representações foram constituídas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo é analisar as representações sociais dos gestores e dos professores de um IF sobre ser professor na instituição, levando em conta sua atuação em diversos níveis de ensino, na pesquisa, na extensão, na gestão e articulando as análises realizadas de forma a permitir a compreensão de como se revela a profissionalidade docente na instituição. A perspectiva deste estudo é psicossocial, com embasamento teórico-metodológico da Teoria das Representações Sociais, de Moscovici (1961), privilegiando-se a abordagem processual (ou sociogenética). O método envolveu uma análise tridimensional das representações sociais considerando o campo de representação, a informação e a atitude. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se em três fases de produção e análise de dados interdependentes, sendo a 1.ª fase exploratória e as demais de aprofundamento. Utilizamos múltiplas estratégias metodológicas, a saber: revisão de literatura, análise documental, associação livre de palavras, questionário de formato diversificado, grupos focais e entrevistas semiestruturadas para a produção de dados e, técnica das redes semânticas naturais, análise de similitude e análise de conteúdo como procedimentos de análise. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são 63 docentes e gestores de um Câmpus do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP). Os resultados demonstram que o núcleo figurativo das representações sociais sobre “ser professor” no IFSP é centrado na palavra desafiador. O campo de representação é marcado por afetos cuja conotação é predominantemente positiva, revelando que “ser professor” no IF remete à imagem de qualidade. A afetividade presente nos discursos verbais e escritos dos professores e gestores conduz à atitude responsável e comprometida do grupo estudado para com a sua atuação no IF, evidenciando com clareza a função identitária das representações sociais desveladas. Observamos que a informação, neste estudo, é atrelada ao conhecimento, que, por vezes, mostra-se desnivelado nos aspectos objetivos constituintes da profissionalidade do professor do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico (EBTT). Ao investigar as dimensões das representações sociais dos gestores e dos professores sobre ser professor no Instituto Federal, analisando seu conteúdo e estrutura, bem como seus processos de objetivação e ancoragem, desvelamos importantes aspectos da profissionalidade do professor EBTT, abrindo caminho para novas pesquisas e para a reflexão sobre as demandas de formação continuada de docentes
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Les migrations de l'Afrique occidentale au Cap-Vert: attitudes et représentations / West Africa migrations in Cape Verde: attitudes and representationsFurtado, Clémentina 11 September 2012 (has links)
D’un pays d'émigrants, le Cap-Vert a commencé dans les années 90, en particulier dans la seconde moitié, à recevoir les étrangers, en particulier ceux des pays voisins de la CEDEAO, suite à l'accord de la libre circulation des personnes inscrites dans le Protocole de la libre circulation ratifié par le Cap-Vert. Le pays est devenu un pôle d'attraction de travailleurs étrangers suite à l'essor du tourisme et des activités connexes, notamment la construction civile et les travaux publics, le commerce, l´hôtellerie et la restauration.<p>L´objectif de ce travail vise à analyser la construction des images de l'immigration en provenance de pays membres de la CEDEAO au Cap-Vert, les représentations et les attitudes réciproques à l´égard de ce phénomène et les contextes dans lesquels elles se produisent. L'hypothèse de base est qu´on est dans un pays où les autochtones ont toujours vécu avec des étrangers, pas dans leur pays d´origine, mais dans des nombreuses destinations d'émigration. De même, cette coexistence, que fut la plupart du temps avec les Européens et les Américains blancs, commence à s´établir avec les voisins du continent, non pas dans un pays tiers mais au Cap Vert. Par conséquent, l'objectif est de comprendre les relations entre les groupes sociaux, nationaux et immigrés, à la suite de la fixation et l'insertion des immigrés dans les secteurs socio-économiques nationaux, particulièrement dans le marché du travail, où on trouve un taux de chômage élevé.<p>Cette étude est fondée sur un dialogue avec les théories des migrations internationales et les théories des représentations sociales et qui soutiennent la thèse.<p><p>From a country of emigrants, Cape Verde transformed into a country of immigrants during the 90’s, mainly in the second half of that decade. The country started receiving immigrants especially from the neighbourhood countries of the ECOWAS region, due to the free movement of people subscribed in the Protocol of movement of people ratified by Cape Verde. The country has been a focus of attraction of labour workers following the boom in tourism and related activities, including construction and public works, commerce, hotels, and restaurants services. <p>This work has the main objective to analyse the construction of the images of the people coming from the ECOWAS countries members in Cape Verde, the representations and reciprocal attitudes in relation to this phenomenon and the contexts in which they occur. It is assumed that we are in a country where the local population always interacted with foreigners not in their origins but in the various migratory destinations. Similarly, this coexistence that happened mainly with white Europeans and Americans is happening with the neighbours of the continent. Consequently, it is intended to understand the relationships the social groups, nationals and immigrants establish among them as a result of establishment and insertion in the national socioeconomic sectors, mainly at the labour market, where, along with high unemployment rate, it is, verified a massive inclusion of the ECOWAS foreigners. <p>The current study is based on a dialogue with the international migration theories and the social representation theories that will support the thesis. <p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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De som inte kan simma kommer nog att dö! : En studie om barns tankar och känslor rörande klimatförändringarnaPettersson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
This study has investigated the thoughts and the emotions concerning climate change among children. The main purpose of the thesis is to study how the children cope with the threat of climate change and if they see it as something concerning their on lives. The theoretical roots of the study are to be found within appraisal theory, social representations, coping and self-efficacy. The children who are included in this study are 12-13 years old and live in the western part of Sweden. The data collection is based on the interviews with 27 children. The interviews have been thematically analysed and the aim was to get a deeper understanding of how the children think and feel concerning climate change. In the analysis four main themes emerged which focus on: how the children perceive and relate to climate change, the contexts in which the children face the discussions on climate change, how they cope with the emotions that are awakened and how they feel that they can influence issues related to climate change and the environment. It can be stated that the results have many nuances. The majority of the children see climate change as something abstract and distant that doesn’t affect their own lives. Regarding the future of the planet the children express both hope and worry, but also ambivalence. They mean that we, the humans, have the decision in our hands. The children meet the discussion of climate change in different places like: in media, in school, at home and through own experiences. They use several different strategies to cope with their emotions; problem –focused coping, emotion-focused coping and meaning-focused coping. Most of the children feel that they can affect the environment positively through small, simple everyday actions, bur there are also children that feel that there is nothing they can do. The children’s own experiences affect how they think and feel regarding climate change It can be concluded that many of the interviewed children are involved in issues concerning the environment and climate change and that they possess knowledge that adults don’t have, but also that climate change must be transformed into something tangible and seen as a personal responsibility for a change to occur.There, the community, the adult world and the school have a great responsibility
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Finalités de l'enseignement de l'histoire et nation dans les représentations sociales des enseignants d'histoire du Québec au secondaireLanoix, Alexandre 10 1900 (has links)
L’enseignement fait l’objet de nombreux débats au Québec et à travers le monde, pratiquement depuis qu’il existe. L’implantation du nouveau programme de formation au Québec durant les années 2000 a donné lieu à des débats particulièrement vigoureux. En effet, ceux-ci ont mené à la révision des programmes d’histoire du Québec au secondaire moins de dix ans après leur mise en application. Au cœur de ces discussions se trouvait la place de la nation et de la mémoire collective. Pour plusieurs, le nouveau curriculum négligeait de transmettre aux élèves les principales connaissances historiques liées aux origines et à l’évolution de la nation québécoise. Notre recherche tente de mieux comprendre le rôle que joue l’identification à la nation dans l’enseignement de l’histoire et l’impact que peut avoir le programme de formation sur cet aspect de la pratique enseignante.
Pour apporter des éléments de réponse à cette question, nous avons mis en place deux dispositifs méthodologiques : un qualitatif et un quantitatif. Nous visions ainsi à cerner les représentations sociales des enseignants à propos des finalités de l’enseignement de l’histoire et de la place que doit y tenir l’identification à la nation. Pour ce faire, nous avons situé les réponses des participants à l’aide des finalités de l’enseignement de l’histoire évoquées par Audigier (1995): patrimoniales et civiques, intellectuelles et critiques ainsi que pratiques.
La phase qualitative de notre étude consiste en des entrevues avec huit enseignants d’histoire du Québec au secondaire. Fondées sur les écrits à propos des représentations sociales, les entrevues présentent le profil de huit enseignants qui intègrent, à leur façon, la nation dans leur enseignement. Les données recueillies lors de cette phase de la recherche nous ont permis de créer un sondage à l'aide duquel nous avons recueilli des données pour la phase quantitative de la recherche. Ce sondage, mené auprès de 36 enseignants d’histoire du Québec au secondaire, montre que les finalités patrimoniales
et civiques de l’enseignement de l’histoire sont toujours bien présentes dans les représentations sociales des enseignants, malgré le changement de programme. / History education has been the object of many debates in Québec and around the world almost since it was introduced in schools. The adoption of a new history curriculum in Québec in recent years sparked a particularly intense debate. These discussions even triggered a revision of the new curriculum, not even ten years after it was put into place. Nation and collective memory are at the heart of the discussions. For many, the new curriculum does not adequately transmit basic historical facts about the origins of the nation to students. Our research tries to better understand the place of national identification in Québec history education and the impact that the curriculum can have on that aspect of teaching.
We have put into place two different methodologies to try to find answers to that question: one qualitative and one quantitative. We thus aim to identify the history teachers' social representations about the objectives of history education and the role national identification plays in it. To do that, we have analyzed the subjects' responses according to Audigier's (1995) framework, which identifies three types of objectives to history education: national and civic, intellectual and critic as well as practical.
The qualitative phase of our research consists of height interviews with history teachers at the secondary level. These interviews present the profiles of height teachers who integrate the national past in their own way into their teaching practices. The data collected during that phase of the research allowed us to create a survey that served as the main tool of the quantitative phase. In total, 36 history teachers took the survey and the results show that national and civic objectives of history education remain at the forefront, despite the curriculum change.
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Les représentations de l'identité communale : psychosociologie d'un village re-composé, Gigouzac / The representations of the township identity : a psychosociology of a re-composited village, GigouzacBour, Edith 22 February 2013 (has links)
Après plusieurs décennies de désertification, certaines campagnes bénéficient aujourd’hui d’un réinvestissement croissant par des populations urbaines. Aussi, la restructuration des sociétés rurales interroge. Le paysage social change, transformant ainsi le rural en un monde social avant tout. Le village fait-il encore sens pour ses habitants ? La thématique de ce travail s’intéresse alors à l’évolution et à la transformation relationnelle de l’espace rural français, avec un intérêt tout particulier pour les communes de moins de 500 habitants et leur identité communale singulière. Le village de Gigouzac dans le Lot, 239 habitants, est mon terrain d’étude depuis plus de 10 ans. Ce choix n’est pas sans raisons et sans conséquences puisque j’habite mon terrain et mon objet d’étude, familialement, personnellement, et scientifiquement.La propriété essentielle de cette recherche est son caractère longitudinal, impliquant une mise à distance et une observation constante et participante. Ces différentes postures « du dedans » mêlent la sociologie et l’audiovisuel à une approche psychosociale. Le concept d’identité doit être défini en le signifiant. Cette thèse tente de saisir l’identité communale. Afin d’observer les effets que peut avoir l’arrivée de nouveaux habitants de culture urbaine sur cette identité, j’ai choisi de la considérer du point de vue de la psychologie sociale et de la dynamique de ses représentations. Les différentes méthodes de recueil de données employées, tour à tour quantitatives, comparatives, qualitatives, et audiovisuelles, montrent les permanences et les dynamiques de la ruralité. Le village évolue, se modernise, se réinvente, mais reste un territoire pertinent et cohérent, une réponse à l’individualisme grandissant de la société moderne. / After several decades of desertification, some countryside areas benefit today from an increasing reinvestment by urban populations. The restructuration of rural societies is also questioning. The social landscape is changing, turning above all the rural into a social world. Does the village make still sense for its inhabitants ? The field of this research deals with evolution and the relational transformation of the French rural space, with a special emphasis on townships (in the north-american sense) of less than 500 inhabitants and their singular identity. The village of Gigouzac (Lot), of 239 inhabitants, is my fieldwork since more than 10 years. This choice is not without reasons and without consequences, as I live my fieldwork and my research topic, personally, with my family, and scientifically.The essential property of this research lies in its longitudinal character, implying a distance to take as well as constant and participating observation. These various « in situ » postures are combining sociology and audiovisual techniques with a psychosocial approach. The concept of identity have to be defined by its meaning. This Ph-D thesis is trying to understand the township identity. In order to observe the effects the new inhabitants of urban culture could have on the township identity, I choiced to consider it under an angle of social psychology and its representation dynamics. The different methods used in the data collection, being quantitative, comparative, qualitative and audiovisual, show the permanencies and the dynamics of the rurality. The village is evolving, is modernizing, is reinventing itself, but it remains a pertinent and a coherent territory, a reply to the increasing individualism of the modern society.
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