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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Repenser la théologie du mariage africain : la célébration du mariage dit « chrétien », est-elle nécessaire en Afrique?

Kabwit Mbind, Jean-Désiré 08 1900 (has links)
Trois types de mariage (africain, civil, chrétien), trois célébrations (en famille, à la mairie, à l’Église), trois officiants différents (anciens des familles de futurs mariés, officier de l’État civil, prêtre), trois consentements (en famille, à la mairie, à l’Église), trois droits (coutumier, civil, canonique), deux registres (à la mairie, à l’Église), trois types de dépenses financières (en famille, à la mairie, à l’Église), trois enquêtes prénuptiales (en famille, à la mairie, à l’Église) pour une même personne baptisée catholique africaine pour être reconnue comme mariée par l’Église catholique. Cela semble trop demander pour une action réputée libre par excellence. La personne baptisée est exclue, temporairement ou définitivement, de l’accès aux autres sacrements ou de certains services paroissiaux, dès l’instant où elle célèbre le mariage africain, considéré comme un péché public et comme du concubinage, depuis le début de l’évangélisation de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Seule la célébration du mariage chrétien lui permet de se réconcilier avec Dieu et avec l’Église. Préoccupé par cette situation, l’épiscopat africain appela, au Synode de 1994, à des recherches approfondies, pouvant permettre d’éviter la superposition des trois types de mariage et émit le vœu d’en avoir qu’un. Jusqu’aujourd’hui, les solutions initiées n’y ont jamais remédié. Basées sur les conditions de fond et de forme, les célébrations du mariage religieux au Québec et du mariage africain en République démocratique du Congo produisent des effets civils. Notre étude s’en est inspirée pour proposer une compréhension du mariage fondée sur la théologie baptismale qui incorpore la personne à l’Église, la régénère en enfant de Dieu et la configure au Christ, par un caractère indélébile. Par ce caractère juridique baptismal, la célébration du mariage africain produirait des effets religieux, ce qui ne rendrait plus nécessaire la célébration du mariage dit « chrétien » pour des baptisés catholiques africains. Pour une mise en œuvre réussie de cette perspective, nous considérons indispensable la contribution du pouvoir civil. / Three types of marriage (African, civil, Christian), three celebrations (in family, at the town hall, the Church), three different officiants (old of the families of future grooms, registrar, priest), three consents (in family, at the town hall, the Church), three rights (usual, civil, canonical), two registers (with the town hall, the Church), three types of financial expenditure (in family, with the town hall, the Church), three premarital investigations (in family, at the town hall, the Church) for the same African catholic person baptized to be recognized as married by Catholic church. That seems too much to require for an action considered free par excellence. The baptized person is excluded, temporarily or definitively, of the access to the other sacraments or certain parochial services, as of the moment when it celebrates the African marriage, considered a public sin and as cohabitation, since the beginning of the evangelization of sub-Saharan Africa. Only the celebration of the Christian marriage enables him to be reconciled with God and the Church. Worried by this situation, the African episcopate called, with the Synod of 1994, with deepened research, being able to allow to avoid the superposition of the three types of marriage and expressed the wish to have some that one. Until today, the initiated solutions never cured it. Based on the basic conditions and of form, the celebrations of the church wedding in Quebec and the African marriage in democratic Republic of Congo produce civil effects. Our study was inspired some to propose a comprehension of the marriage based on the baptismal theology which incorporates the person in the Church, regenerates it as a child of God and configures it with Christ, by an indelible character. By this baptismal character legal, the celebration of the African marriage would produce religious effects, which would not make necessary the celebration of the marriage says “Christian” for baptized catholic African. For an implementation successful of this prospect, we consider essential the contribution of the civil capacity.

Die Kreuzessucht ward Kreuzesfluch(t): Die größte evangelische Auswanderungsbewegung Sächsischer Altlutheraner nach Missouri, unter Führung des Geistlichen Martin Stephan, wurde Ausgangspunkt für die Gründung der heute zweitgrößten Kirche Amerikas durch Pfarrer Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther, der „Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod“

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 14 December 2021 (has links)
Mit den revolutionären Dresdner Unruhen 1830 änderte sich die staatliche Situation im Königreich Sachsen und der Kirche grundlegend. Es kam zum Sturz und zur Amtsenthebung des bisherigen Förderers pietistischer Ideen, des Grafen Detlev von Einsiedel als Kabinettsminister im Sächsischen Ministerium. Mit der Einsetzung des aus Altenburg stammenden liberalen Bernhard August von Lindenau (1779-1854) in dieses Amt veränderte sich die Gesamtsituation durch Re-formen und neue Gesetzgebungen grundlegend. Für konservative Theologen und Anhänger der Erweckten erschien es durch die Einflussnahme des Staates auf das Schulsystem und die kirchliche Agende immer unerträglicher, in der Heimat zu leben, zu arbeiten und ihre Auslegungen ihres lutherischen Glaubens in alter Form zu praktizieren. Unter Führung Martin Stephans erfolgte 1838 die sächsische Lutherische Auswanderung mit über 700 Anhängern aus Sachsen und Thüringen in die Vereinigten Staaten. Damit wurde der Grundstein für die heutige „Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod“ gelegt, die heute zweitgrößte lutherische Kirche der USA, die sein Nachfolger, Pfarrer C.F.W. Walther, gründete und die heute über 2,3 Millionen Mitglieder in den USA verzeichnen kann.

The possible influence of crucial Pauline texts on the role of women in the Nkhoma synod of the Central African Presbyterian Church

Gondwe, Hawkins Chepah Tom 11 1900 (has links)
In the Central African Presbyterian Church (C.C.A.P.) women are marginalised in its synods. The Nkhoma Synod has taken the strictest measures in marginalising women in the sense that, unlike the other synods, at the time of writing this dissertation, they did not allow women to be deacons, elders or ministers. The dissertation is a quest to find out the root cause of this marginalisation. The main focus has been on finding out to what extent the Pauline writings influenced this marginalisation. Chapter 1 describes the extent of women marginalisation in the C.C.A.P. Synods in Malawi, focusing especially on the Nkhoma Synod. Chapter 2 deals with the unparalleled contribution of women to the success of the Nkhoma Synod’s work. The position of women in Malawi and within the Chewa society is discussed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 deals with various interpretations of 1 Corinthians 11:2–16; 14:34, 35. These are Pauline texts which seem to support the marginalisation of women. Chapter 5 presents the results of the research, while in chapter 6 suggestions are made with regard to the future improvement of the position of women. / New Testament / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

A glorious and salutiferous Œconomy ...? : an ecclesiological enquiry into metropolitical authority and provincial polity in the Anglican Communion

Ross, Alexander John January 2018 (has links)
For at least the past two decades, international Anglicanism has been gripped by a crisis of identity: what is to be the dynamic between autonomy and interdependence? Where is authority to be located? How might the local relate to the international? How are the variously diverse national churches to be held together 'in communion'? These questions have prompted an explosion of interest in Anglican ecclesiology within both the church and academy, with particular emphasis exploring the nature of episcopacy, synodical government, liturgy and belief, and common principles of canon law. However, one aspect of Anglican ecclesiology which has received little attention is the place of provincial polity and metropolitical authority across the Communion. Yet, this is a critical area of concern for Anglican ecclesiology as it directly addresses questions of authority, interdependence and catholicity. However, since at least the twentieth century, provincial polity has largely been eclipsed by, and confused with, the emergence of a dominant 'national church' polity. This confusion has become so prevalent that the word 'province' itself is used interchangeably and imprecisely to mean both an ecclesial province in its strict sense and one of the 39 'member- churches' which formally constitute the Anglican Communion, with a handful of 'extra-provincial' exceptions. The purpose of this research project is to untangle this confusion and to give a thorough account of the development of provincial polity and metropolitical authority within the Communion, tracing the historical origins of the contemporary status quo. The scope of this task is not in any way intended to be a comprehensive history of the emergence of international Anglicanism, but rather to narrowly chart the development of this particular unit of ecclesial polity, the province, through this broader narrative. The historical work of Part One in itself represents an important new contribution to Anglican Studies; however, the project aims to go further in Parts Two and Three to identify from this context key questions concerning the problems facing contemporary Anglican polity as the basis for further theological and ecclesiological reflection. Part Two examines how provincial polity has given way to an assumption of the 'national church' as the building block of the Communion. To what extent is it consonant with Anglican tradition? How is it problematic? What tensions exist with a more traditional understanding of the province? How might all this relate to wider political understandings and critiques of the 'nation- state' in an increasingly globalised world? Along with the emergence of a 'national church' ecclesiology, so too has the role of the 'Primates' been magnified. Part Three charts this development, culminating in a critique of the recent 2016 Primates' Meeting. What is the nature of primacy within Anglicanism and how does it relate to metropolitical authority? What is the right balance of honour and authority as it relates to primacy? How do Anglican understandings of primacy correspond to those of the Roman and Orthodox Communions? Finally, Part Four attempts to give some concrete focus to the preceding discussion through the illustrative example of the Anglican Church of Australia, which is frequently cited as being analogous to the Communion in having a loose federal system and resolutely autonomous dioceses. The prevalence of this 'diocesanism' has recently been criticised by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. However, there has been a recent revival of provincial action within the Province of Victoria in response to these issues which will be evaluated to discern what the Australian example might offer toward a theologically robust and credible ecclesiology for Anglicanism into the twenty-first century.

The possible influence of crucial Pauline texts on the role of women in the Nkhoma synod of the Central African Presbyterian Church

Gondwe, Hawkins Chepah Tom 11 1900 (has links)
In the Central African Presbyterian Church (C.C.A.P.) women are marginalised in its synods. The Nkhoma Synod has taken the strictest measures in marginalising women in the sense that, unlike the other synods, at the time of writing this dissertation, they did not allow women to be deacons, elders or ministers. The dissertation is a quest to find out the root cause of this marginalisation. The main focus has been on finding out to what extent the Pauline writings influenced this marginalisation. Chapter 1 describes the extent of women marginalisation in the C.C.A.P. Synods in Malawi, focusing especially on the Nkhoma Synod. Chapter 2 deals with the unparalleled contribution of women to the success of the Nkhoma Synod’s work. The position of women in Malawi and within the Chewa society is discussed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 deals with various interpretations of 1 Corinthians 11:2–16; 14:34, 35. These are Pauline texts which seem to support the marginalisation of women. Chapter 5 presents the results of the research, while in chapter 6 suggestions are made with regard to the future improvement of the position of women. / New Testament / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Église-Famille de Dieu et protection sociale des prêtres en Côte d’Ivoire : contribution à l’ecclésiologie africaine et perspectives pastorales / Church, God's family and social willfare of the priesis in Côte d'Ivoire : contribution to african ecclesiology and pastoral prospects

Toure, Amany Jean-Rostand 31 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse montre que l’ecclésiologie de l’Église-Famille de Dieu peut se construire en articulation avec la question de la protection sociale des prêtres, et que corrélativement la problématique de la protection sociale des ministres sacrés peut se penser par rapport à la théologie de l’Église-Famille de Dieu. Le repérage des failles dans les pratiques ecclésiales de protection sociale des prêtres en cours en Côte d’Ivoire et leur divergence avec les textes du magistère de l’Église m’amènent à considérer un principe : l’organisation d’une protection sociale des prêtres vise à libérer ces derniers des inquiétudes pour l’avenir, qui peuvent nuire à leur ministère et à leur disponibilité dans le temps présent. De plus, lorsqu’elles sont resituées dans le contexte théologique et pastoral de la nouvelle évangélisation, et qu’elles sont mises en dialogue entre elles, la problématique ecclésiologique de l’Église-Famille et celle de la protection sociale des prêtres évoquent l’enjeu majeur de l’engagement social des chrétiens. Si la réception d’une théologie de l’engagement contribue à l’émergence d’un engagement chrétien authentique, l’ecclésiologie entrepreneuriale propose l’entrepreneuriat pastoral comme une autre façon d’entreprendre en Église-Famille pour réussir le pari de la protection sociale des prêtres, conformément au vœu des Pères du Concile repris dans le Code de droit canonique de 1983. / This thesis demonstrates that the ecclesiology of the Church-God’s family can be built in relation to the issue of the social welfare for the priests, and linked to that, the issue of the social welfare for the sacred ministers can be thought about with regard to the theology of the Church as Family of God. The finding of weaknesses in the ecclesial practices of the social welfare for the priests which exists in Côte d’Ivoire and their difference with the Church magisterium texts makes me consider a principle: the organization of a social welfare for priests aims at making them free from worries in the future, which can harm (endanger) their ministry and their availability in the present time. In addition, when they are restored in the pastoral and theological context of the new evangelization, and if they are in connection, the ecclesiological issue of the Church-Family and that of the social welfare for the priests evoke the major stake of the Christians’ social commitment. If the reception of a theology of commitment contributes to an emergence of an authentic Christian commitment, the entrepreneurial ecclesiology suggests the pastoral entrepreneurship as another way to undertake in Church-Family to make a success of the bet of the social welfare for the priests in accordance with the wish of the Council Fathers taken back in the Code of Canon law of 1983.

Filosofiese analise van aspekte van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk se Geloofsleer / A philosophical analysis of aspects of the articles of faith of the Dutch Reformed Church

Crouse, Johan Theodor 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with abstracts in Afrikaans, English and Zulu. Translated title in English supplied / Die hoofdoel van die verhandeling is om die fundamentele aanspraak van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk aan te spreek dat sy belydenisskrifte, met spesifieke verwysing na daardie leerstellings wat met die vraag oor die ontstaan van die mensdom en die oorsprong van sonde handel en wat in 1619 deur die Sinode van Dordrecht aanvaar is, waar is. Hierdie leerstellings word (teologies) as waarhede voorgehou dat dit op die Bybel as die Woord van God gegrond is. Die vertrekpunt van die verhandeling is dat die betrokke leerstellings vanuit ’n toepaslike historiese konteks benader moet word wanneer die vraag van hulle geldigheid aangespreek word. Nog meer, betoog die verhandeling dat dit vandag epistemologies geregverdig is om te glo dat die betrokke leerstellings deur hedendaagse wetenskaplike bevindings en ander tersaaklike bewyse onwaar gemaak is. Die kwessie van waarheid moet daarom (her-)aangespreek word vanuit ’n perspektief wat moderne wetenskaplike bevindings insluit. Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk het egter in 2010 suggereer dat sy fundamentele leerstellings met daardie (wetenskaplike) bewyse wat dit onwaar maak, kan medebestaan. Die verhandeling demonstreer dat dit nie moontlik is nie. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Philosophy)

Analýza závěrečného dokumentu Plenárního sněmu katolické církve / Analysis of the final document Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Church

KANDĚROVÁ, Alena January 2013 (has links)
The thesis discusses the Plenary Assembly of the Czech Catholic Church, which took place in the years 2003 ? 2005 in Velehrad. The work consists of six chapters, an introduction and conclusion. The first charter focuses on the history of the synod assemblies and not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the world. The largem part is devoted II. Vatican, which significantly influenced the whole Christian world. The sekond and the third charter is devoted to the Plenary Assembly of himself with us. Capture congress here since its publication. Through the work of parliamentary circles, the Preparatory Commission, all contributions to the Assembly to important natepals and message from I. and II. session of this parlament. The fourth charter presents a few selected topics from the final document PS ? ?Life and mission?? In the fifth chapter, your can already find the final analysis of that document, together with the specifically selected conciliar documents and one, which took care of the Germanem Joint Synod of Bishops. The sixth charter already Rouge Post-Synodal development, including vision and plans of the Czech Catholic Church in the future.

Spuk im Rödertal oder die Rettung armer Seelen aus (vor) dem Fegefeuer…

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 01 July 2021 (has links)
Es handelt sich um die Forschungen zu der Auswanderungsbewegung der sog. Altlutheraner unter Führung des Dresdner Pfarrers Martin Stephan nach Missouri/USA. Ein zufällig gefundener Vermerk des Radeberger Superintendenten Martini 1839 wurde zum Ausgangspunkt der Recherchen zu Martin Stephan, der sich mit seinen Vertrauten im Radeberger Bad /Augustusbad aufgehalten hatte. Ein Großteil der Vorbereitungsarbeiten für die Auswanderung, einschließlich der konkreten und abschließenden Auswanderungspläne entstanden hier im Augustusbad. Der Spuk fand ab Frühjahr 1838 rund um das „Radeberger Bad“, Lotzdorf und Liegau statt, argwöhnisch beobachtet von der Dresdner Polizei. Unter Führung Stephans erfolgte 1838 die sächsische Lutherische Auswanderung mit über 700 Anhängern aus Sachsen und Thüringen in die Vereinigten Staaten. Damit wurde der Grundstein für die heutige „Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod“ gelegt, die heute zweitgrößte lutherische Kirche der USA, die sein Nachfolger, Pfarrer C.F.W. Walther, gründete und die heute über 2,3 Millionen Mitglieder in den USA verzeichnen kann.

Perspective vol. 16 no. 3 (Jun 1982)

Valk, John, Sweetman, Roseanne Lopers, VanderVennen, Robert E., Jordet, Judy 30 June 1982 (has links)
No description available.

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