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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variables que influyeron en las exportaciones de colas de langostinos congelados del departamento de Tumbes en el marco del APC Perú-Estados Unidos entre los años 2010-2019

Orccotoma Cantu, Linda Yoseline, Luyo Fernández, Gabriela Francesca 26 June 2020 (has links)
En los últimos diez años, el Perú ha mostrado un crecimiento en las exportaciones de langostinos congelados desde la región de Tumbes con destino a Estados Unidos, esta investigación analiza las variables que influyeron en dichas exportaciones bajo el contexto del APC Perú- Estados Unidos. Las variables que se analizan son las medidas sanitarias, precio FOB y aranceles. La industria acuícola ha ido ganando mayor participación en el conjunto de actividades económicas en el Perú, siendo sus principales mercados destino Estados Unidos, España y Canadá. Esta actividad se ha visto favorecida por el APC Perú- EE.UU., ya que en este se trataron y suprimieron temas relacionados a barreras arancelarias y no arancelarias. La exportación de langostinos congelados peruanos ha presentado fluctuaciones en los últimos años debido a las variaciones en el precio internacional, variable que afecta directamente a los productores acuícolas pues impacta en la cantidad exportada tanto en volumen como en valor FOB, aplicación de medidas sanitarias estadounidenses y la desgravación arancelaria que nació con el TLC. Esta investigación propone que las exportaciones peruanas de colas de langostinos congelados se ven influenciadas por el precio FOB, la desgravación arancelaria y las medidas sanitarias. Estas variables fueron analizadas bajo un enfoque mixto que combina la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. En cuanto a lo cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas a especialistas y expertos en la materia y la información obtenida se procesó en Atlas.ti para identificar los puntos más relevantes. En cuanto a lo cuantitativo, se tomó data histórica de fuentes secundarias confiables, las cuales fueron analizadas en el programa SPSS bajo regresión lineal y con ello se validó que, entre otros resultados, el R2 ajustado demuestra que existe un alto grado de correlación entre la variable dependiente y las variables independientes. En síntesis, las variables precio, medidas sanitarias y desgravación arancelaria sí influyen en las exportaciones de cola de langostinos congelados del departamento de Tumbes a Estados Unidos, ya que, en la investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas, los expertos coincidieron en que las variables son influyentes, al igual que en el análisis estadístico donde el R2 para la regresión lineal fue optimista, reflejando una estimación certera. / In the last ten years, Peru has shown growth in exports of frozen prawns from the Tumbes region to the United States, this research analyzes the variables that influenced these exports under the context of the Peru-United States APC. The variables analyzed are the sanitary measures, FOB price and tariffs. The aquaculture industry has been gaining greater participation in the set of economic activities in Peru, with its main destination markets being the United States, Spain and Canada. This activity has been favored by the Peru-US APC, since this topic dealt with and suppressed issues related to tariff and non-tariff barriers. The export of frozen Peruvian prawns has fluctuated in recent years due to variations in the international price, a variable that directly affects aquaculture producers as it impacts the quantity exported both in volume and FOB value, application of US sanitary measures and the tariff reduction that was born with the FTA. This research proposes that Peruvian exports of frozen shrimp tails are influenced by the FOB price, the tariff reduction and the sanitary measures. These variables were analyzed under a mixed approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research. Regarding the qualitative, interviews were conducted with specialists and experts in the field and the information obtained was processed in Atlas.ti to identify the most relevant points. Regarding the quantitative, historical data was taken from reliable secondary sources, which were analyzed in the SPSS program under linear regression and with this it was validated that, among other results, the adjusted R2 shows that there is a high degree of correlation between the dependent variable and independent variables. In summary, the variables price, sanitary measures and tariff reduction do influence the exports of frozen shrimp tail from the department of Tumbes to the United States, since, in the qualitative research based on interviews, the experts agreed that the variables are influential , as in the statistical analysis where the R2 for the linear regression was optimistic, reflecting an accurate estimate. / Tesis

Déterminants de la demande d'électricité des ménages au Vietnam entre 2012 et 2016 / Exploring the determinants of household electricity demand in Vietnam in the period 2012–16

Nguyen, Hoai-Son 24 June 2019 (has links)
Pays en développement avec une demande d’électricité croissante, le Vietnam a instauré la tarification progressive de l’électricité résidentielle. La fixation du tarif de l’énergie est toujours une question délicate, entre gestion de la demande, lutte contre la pauvreté, effets sur l’inflation, besoins d’investissement pour assurer la sécurité énergétique et le développement des technologies vertes. Cette action nécessite une maîtrise très profonde du comportement des consommateurs ainsi que la demande des ménages. La thèse a pour but d’explorer les facteurs qui impactent la demande d’électricité Vietnamienne au niveau résidentielle en se basant sur : les prix, les revenus, la démographie (comprenant la taille et la composition des foyers) et les vagues de chaleur. Les données de « pool et panel » sont collectées à partir des trois micro enquêtes sur le niveau de vie des foyers vietnamiens en 2012, 2014, 2016.Cette thèse estime économétriquement la demande d’électricité des ménages. Elle innove sur deux points de méthode.Premièrement, elle utilise les données individuelles issues des enquêtes nationales, avec le détail de la structure des tarifs et des factures d’électricité des ménages répondants. Cela dépasse donc les limites de beaucoup de recherches passées qui étaient basées soit sur données nationales agrégées, soit sur données individuelles mais avec une quantité et un prix imputés, soit sur données individuelles avec le détail de la structure des tarifs et des factures d’électricité mais au niveau régional seulement. Cette innovation est possible car le marché de l’électricité au Vietnamien est monopolistique, avec un seul vendeur – Electricité de Vietnam (EVN), à qui le gouvernement commande d’utiliser une grille tarifaire homogène pour tout le pays.Deuxièmement, la thèse propose une nouvelle façon d’explorer l’impact des hautes températures sur la demande d’électricité. La méthode propose d’ajouter une variable muette qui représente l’occurrence d’une vague de chaleur. Cette variable est complémentaire de la notion « Degrés-jours de refroidissement » qui représente la température dans la plupart des études précédentes.Les conclusions principales sont que: (i) Les ménages réagissent aux prix marginaux, la demande est élastique par rapport au prix. (ii) Il existe un seuil de revenu à partir duquel la consommation d'électricité des foyers augmente quand le revenu augmente : la consommation d'électricité des foyers ayant ce revenu peut être considérée comme le niveau de besoin fondamental, un seuil de pauvreté pour l’électricité. (iii) La progressivité de la tarification ne pénalise pas les familles nombreuses : le tarif progresse moins vite que les d’économies d'échelle des dépenses d'électricité. (iv) Nous n’observons pas d’effet de la composition du foyer en termes enfants / adultes / personnes âgés sur la dépense d'électricité. (v) Les vagues de chaleur - un phénomène lié au changement climatique - impactent la demande d’électricité et devraient être mieux prises en compte dans l’estimation de la demande. / As a developing country with surging demand in electricity, Vietnam has implemented demand-side management in the residential electricity market, such as increasing block tariffs to balance the tension between energy security and the development of clean technology. The implementation of demand-side management requires a deep understanding of customer behaviors and household demand. The thesis aims to explore the factors impacting on Vietnamese residential electricity demand in the period of 2012–16. The exploration focuses on four main factors: prices, income, demographics (including household size and composition), and heatwaves. The data are a pool data set and a panel data set which have been constructed from the three rounds of the micro survey Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) in 2012, 2014 and 2016.The thesis has two novel points in estimating household electricity demand function.First, it uses micro survey data at national level, with detailed tariff structures and private electricity billing. In the past, researches have often used national aggregate data or national micro survey data with imputed quantity or price. Researches that use micro survey data with detail tariff schedules and electricity bills are often at a regional level rather than at a national level due to the absence of national data on tariff structures. The residential electricity market in Vietnam is a monopoly with a single seller, Vietnam Electricity (EVN). Electricity tariff schedules are proposed by EVN and set by the Government and are thus uniform in national scale. This provides a chance to estimate demand function from national micro survey data, with full detail of electricity prices and billings.Second, the thesis proposes a new way to capture the impact of high temperature on electricity demand. That is, to include an additional dummy variable to represent the extreme distribution of temperature. The additional dummy variable is a complement to the concept of cooling degree days which is a popular representation of temperature in previous researches.The estimate results lead to five main conclusions. (i) Households do respond to marginal prices and demand is elastic to price. (ii) There exists an income threshold from which household electricity consumption increases as income increases. The electricity consumption of households in the income group is the reference level of electricity poverty threshold. (iii) The increasing block tariff does not cancel out economies of scale in electricity expenditure of households. (iv) There is no difference in electricity expenditure across children, adults and elders. (v) Heatwaves – a climate change related phenomenon – do have impacts on electricity demand and need to be addressed carefully in estimating electricity demand in the future.

The Impact of Trade Liberalization on R&D Investments in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector

ARNÖR, NIKLAS January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the relatively small pool of literature on the relationship between import competition and research and development (R&D). Understanding the effects of increasing competition from abroad may help policymakers pursue regulatory actions to protect industries who have lost their competitiveness. At the same time, high-technological firms should me more inclined to compete with foreign competition than low-technological firms, given that the former exhibit a more elastic demand curve and absorptive capabilities. We investigate the issue by looking at nine U.S. manufacturing industries from 1991 through 2014, using publicly available R&D data from the Business R&D and Innovation Survey and tarifflevel data from World Integrated Trade Solution. We use a long, balanced panel estimated with both OLS and GMM. Results show that increased import competition forces high-tech industries to respond with increased levels of R&D. Findings also suggest a positive, but smaller, increase in R&D spending among low-tech industries as well. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att bidra till den växande skaran av litteratur gällande förhållandet mellan importkonkurrens och forskning och utveckling (FoU). Genom att förstå effekterna av ökad utländsk konkurrens kan beslutsfattare arbeta mot att implementera policyer med syftet att skydda industrier som har tappat sin konkurrenskraft. Samtidigt borde högteknologiska industrier vara mer angelägna att konkurrera med utländska företag än lågteknologiska, bland annat med anledning av att efterfrågan på högteknologiska produkter oftast har en högre elasticitet. Vi undersöker problemet genom att fokusera på nio amerikanska tillverkningsindustrier mellan åren 1991 till 2014. Data angående FoU hämtas från Business R&D and Innovation Survey och tariffnivåer från World Integrated Trade Solution. Vi använder oss av paneldata som skattas via både OLS och GMM. Resultaten visar att ökad importkonkurrens leder till högre resurser åt FoU bland högteknologiska industrier. Resultaten visar dessutom att även lågteknologiska industrier lägger mer pengar på FoU till följd av ökad importkonkurrens, dock mindre än den förstnämnde.

Grid Tariff Design for Efficient Utilisation of the Distributor Grid : A qualitative study with actors on the Swedish electricity market

Haikola, Matilda, Söderberg, Malin January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish electricity system is transitioning due to the establishment of climate policy goals and trends related to technology and demographics. The transition has resulted in an increased demand for electricity. The increased demand for electricity in combination with lack of forecasts, planning and coordination between actors in the electricity sector has led to the occurrence of grid congestion. Extending the network is time-consuming and requires substantial investments. Instead, an alternative is to utilise the available grid capacity more efficiently by implementing flexibility solutions. Flexibility can be achieved by implementing incentives such as grid tariffs. This solution has recently gained much attention in Sweden, but it is not apparent how grid tariffs should be designed. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how distribution grid tariffs could be designed to incentivise different actors to contribute to flexibility in a way that results in an efficient use of the electrical grid. A qualitative study was performed, collecting empirical data through semistructured interviews with actors in the Swedish electricity market. The aim is that the results from this thesis will act as a basis for DSOs planning to design grid tariffs with the purpose to utilise the grid more efficiently. The findings present a ToU capacity charge with off-peak periods that are free of charge as the preferable main price signal in the tariff to achieve efficient utilisation of the grid. It is further argued that other structural elements can complement the ToU capacity charge. A small fixed charge could be added in order to contribute to the cost reflectiveness of the grid tariff. A small energy charge could be incorporated in order to provide consumer with incentives to be flexible below the current metered maximum power and strengthen the signal from the ToU capacity charge. A small energy charge can avert difficulties related to providing incentives below the current metered maximum, as it still can provide some incentives to be flexible, or strengthen the signal from the ToU capacity charge. Further, the energy charge can ensure sustainability if customers respond well to a ToU capacity charge and to compensate solar PV customers. Furthermore, recommendations to further enable the grid tariffs potential to provide price signals include shifting the focus of the revenue cap from CapEx to OpEx and exploring the hampering signals of the energy tax as well as contradicting price signals from the wholesale electricity price. / Det svenska elsystemet genomgår en förändring till följd av införandet av klimatmål och trender relaterade till teknik och demografi. Denna förändring har resulterat i ett ökat effektbehov. Ett ökat effektbehov i kombination med bristande prognostisering, planering och samordning mellan aktörer inom elsektorn har lett till uppkomsten av kapacitetsbrist. Att bygga ut elnätet är tar tid och kräver större investeringar. Ett alternativ är att istället utnyttja det befintliga elnätet mer effektivt genom att implementera flexibilitetslösningar. Flexibilitet kan uppnås genom att införa incitament i form av elnätstariffer. Denna lösning har nyligen fått mycket uppmärksamhet i Sverige, men det är inte klart inte hur dessa elnätstariffer ska utformas. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur distributionsnätets tariffer kan utformas för att stimulera olika aktörer att bidra med flexibilitet på ett sätt som resulterar i en effektiv användning av det befintliga elnätet. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där empiriska data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer på den svenska elmarknaden. Syftet är att resultaten från detta arbete ska fungera som ett underlag för nätägare som planerar att utforma elnätstariffer med syftet att utnyttja nätet mer effektivt. Resultaten visar att en ToU-effektavgift med gratis off-peak perioder bör vara den huvudsakliga prissignalen i en elnätstariff som ämnar att utnyttja det befintliga nätet mer effektivt. Det visar även att andra strukturella element kan komplettera ToU-effektavgiften. En mindre fast avgift kan adderas i syfte att göra elnätstariffen mer kostnadsriktig. En mindre energiavgift kan införas för att ge kunder incitament att vara flexibla även under den nuvarande uppmätta maximala effekten och stärka signalen från ToU-effektavgiften. Vidare kan energiavgiften säkerställa tillräckliga intäkter för nätägaren om kunderna svarar bra på en ToU-effektavgift och för att kompensera kunder med solceller. Ytterligare rekommendationer för att möjliggöra prissignaler genom elnätstariffer inkluderar att skifta fokus på intäktsramen från CapEx till OpEx och utforska de hämmande prissignalerna från energiskatten och de motstridiga prissignalerna från elhandelspriset.

Assessing industrialisation in South Africa with special reference to textile and clothing trends during the 1990s

Qobo, Simon Z. T. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the wave of globalisation sweeps across the countries of the world, the economies of these countries are increasingly opening. The industrial and trade strategy approach is shifting to greater openness due to the pressures of international competitiveness. This means that domestic economic activity alone cannot sustain the national economy. One of the features of this openness is trade liberalisation. Trade between various countries is becoming more important as a way of earning foreign currency to address balance of payment problems and as well as to boost the domestic economy. This has great potential, in the long run, to generate employment opportunities. Immediately after South Africa ushered in a democratic dispensation in 1994 it had to contend with global pressure to liberalise its trade and put in place economic fundamentals that synchronize with the global economic order. The political economy of global trade structure is characterized by bargaining power inequalities amongst the developed countries (North) and the developing countries (South). Trade relations between the developed and developing countries has ~ element of power-play that advantage developed countries and the terms of trade are still skewed in favour of developed countries due to the power that developed countries wield in the global economic system. This study uses the structuralist development theoretical perspective (dependency theory) and the combination of qualitative and quantitative paradigms in understanding the trade relations between the developed countries. The study, through this theoretical paradigm, seeks to examine the degree of success or failure of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations in particular with regard to tariff reduction commitments, and opportunities or constraints created thereof. A case study oftextile and clothing industry will be used, and this will highlight some of the negative implications of the Uruguay Round commitments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Namate die globaliseringsgolf oor die lande van die wereld spoel, word die ekonomiee van die lande meer toeganklik vir ander state. Die industriele en handelsstrategie benadering het, as gevolg van intemasionale mededinging, 'n klemverskuiwing na meer openheid meegebring. Dit het tot gevolg dat huishoudelike ekonomiese aktiwiteit nie alleen 'n ekonomie kan onderhou nie. Een van die kenmerke van hierdie openheid is die liberalisering van handel. Handel tussen state word toenemend belangrik vir die verdien van buitelandse valuta om betalingsbalans probleme aan te spreek, asook om plaaslike ekonomiee te stimuleer. Oor die lang termyn hou dit groot potensiaal in om werksgeleenthede te skep. Onmiddelik na demokratisering in 1994 was Suid-Afrika geforseer om sy handel te liberaliseer en sy ekonomiese grondslag te sinchroniseer met die globale ekonomiese orde, Die struktuur van die politieke ekonomie van intemasionale handel word gekenmerk deur ongelykhede tussen die ontwikkelde Noorde en die ontwikkelende lande van die Suide. Handelsbetrekkinge tussen ontwikkelde- en ontwikkelende lande bevat 'n element van magspel waarin eersgenoemde bevoordeel word. Hierdie studie maak gebruik van die strukturalistiese ontwikkelingsperspektief en 'n kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe paradigmas, ten einde 'n beter begrip te verkry van handel tussen ontwikkelde lande. Deur middel van die teoretiese paradigma, probeer die studie om die werkbaarheid van die Uruguay Ronde, spesifiek · met betrekking tot tarief verlagings en die geleenthede of beperkings wat daardeur geskep word, aan te toon. 'n Gevallestudie van die tekstiel en klerebedryf sal gebruik word om die negatiewe implikasies van die Uruguay Ronde te belig.

Analys och vidareutveckling av marknadsstyrd effekttariff inom eldistribution : En fallstudie av Sandviken Energi Elnät AB:s effekttariff / Analysis and development of market-driven power tariff in the electricity distribution

Alenius, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis evaluates the incentives of a newly implemented market controlled network tariff by analyzing consumption data and constructing a time-differentiated debiting model. The tariff was implemented by Sandviken Energi Elnät AB and the thesis evaluates its customers consumption data compared to data provided by Sundsvall Elnät AB. The differences in data is evaluated by statistical tests of Students t-test, Bayesian t-test and χ2-test with the result that no statistically significant change in user pattern can be found and thus an elucidation of the incentives must be made in the form of a hourly time-differentiated debating model. The thesis also evaluates the cost incentives of the model compared to spot prices where it is shown that the tariff model can benefit much from the spot prices hourly incentives in its hourly time-differentiated model. Five time-differentiated models were constructed and presented where three uses a color coding scheme. The conclusion is that a color coded time-differentiated tariff should give the costumers clear and cost-effective incentives.

Modelo Regulatório e risco de mercado: uma comparação entre as empresas de distribuição de gás e energia elétrica norte americanas e suas congêneres no Brasil, Chile e Argentina / Regulatory model and market risk: a comparison between the distribution companies of gas and electricity and their North American counterparts in Brazil, Chile and Argentina

Pauperio, Marco Antonio Luz 17 April 2012 (has links)
A legislação brasileira estabelece que o Estado tem a obrigação de preservar o equilíbrio econômico financeiro das concessões de serviços públicos. Assim o Estado deve garantir que as tarifas dessas concessões sejam capazes de cobrir os seus custos operacionais e ainda ofereçam um retorno justo para os agentes privados que nelas investiram. Nas concessões de distribuição de gás natural canalizado e de energia elétrica os reguladores brasileiros optaram por aplicar uma regulação baseada em incentivos, que se inspira no modelo inglês de regulação por preço teto. Esta opção regulatória fez com que a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica adicionasse à remuneração dos acionistas das concessionárias um prêmio de risco regulatório refletindo a diferença entre o risco das distribuidoras inglesas e o risco das norte americanas, pois as inglesas praticam uma forma de determinação de tarifas considerada mais arriscada que as norte americanas. Tal adição de retorno encontra amparo na teoria econômica, mas é questionada por estudos empíricos que mostram que a diferença entre os graus de risco do regime inglês e norte americano não é estatisticamente significativa. Nesta dissertação é testada a hipótese de que o grau de risco de mercado da regulação por preço teto é maior do que o da regulação por custo de serviço. Para tanto são usados dados de distribuidoras de gás natural e energia elétrica da Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Estados Unidos, sendo que apenas neste último país se pratica regulação por custo de serviço e nos demais é adotada a regulação por preço teto de inspiração inglesa. Os testes aqui realizados indicam que não há evidências de que o risco de mercado seja maior em países com regulação por preço-teto do que em países com regulação por custo de serviço. Mais do que isso, esta dissertação conclui que o principal determinante do diferencial entre o risco de mercado das concessionárias brasileiras e o risco de mercado das empresas norte americanas comparáveis de distribuição de energia elétrica e de gás natural é a volatilidade do índice IBOVESPA e não o modelo tarifário adotado pelos reguladores. / Brazilian Law establishes that preservation of the economic balance of utilities is an obligation of the Brazilian State. Thus the State must set tariffs that not only cover utilities operational costs but also cover its capital cost, giving a fair return for utilities investors. In tariff setting, Brazilian regulators estimate a weight average cost of capital, of which market risk is one of the components. Brazilian regulators of natural gas and electricity distribution utilities choose an incentive based model of regulation, inspired in the English regulatory model of price cap, or RPI X. This regulatory model is considered riskier than the American model of cost of service, or (fixed) rate of return regulation. Thus, the choice for a price cap model made Brazilian electricity regulator (ANEEL) add a regulatory risk premium in the equity component of WACC to incorporate the risk differential between the English and the American regulatory models. Such regulatory risk premium is validated by economic theory, but is questioned by empiric studies that show that, across many countries, the difference between the risk of English and American models are not statistically significative. This dissertation tests the hypothesis that the market risk of price cap regulation is greater than cost of service regulation. In order to test such hypothesis data from natural gas and electric energy distributors from Argentia, Brazil, Chile and United States is used. Only the latter practices cost of service regulation and all other countries adopt the english inspired price cap regualation. The tests performed indicate that there is no evidence that the market risk is greater in countries adopting price cap regulation than in countries using cost of service regulation. Moreover, this dissertation concludes that the main aspect determining the difference between market.risk of Brazilian utilities providers and American comparable natural gas end electric energy distributors is the volatility of the IBOVESPA índex in spite of the tariff model adopted by the regulators.

Tarifas de distribuição de energia elétrica no Brasil: aperfeiçoamento da metodologia tarifária a partir de parâmetros de continuidade do serviço, sustentabilidade econômico-financeira e simplicidade regulatória. / Electricity distribution tariffs in Brasil: improving regulatory methods from quality of service and economic-financial sustainability regulation.

Brito, Erico Henrique Garcia de 03 February 2017 (has links)
A partir de revisão do histórico da regulação do segmento de distribuição de energia elétrica no Brasil, da revisão de conceitos de Teoria da Regulação, Distribuição de Energia Elétrica, Estrutura Tarifária, Regulação de Monopólios Naturais, Qualidade do Serviço Prestado, e Sustentabilidade Econômico-Financeira, assim como definições de Direito Administrativo, Teoria Geral de Concessões de Serviços Públicos e política de preço aplicada a monopólios naturais, aprende-se que o regime tarifário chamado de serviço pelo preço (price cap) foi adotado a partir da edição da Lei de Concessões, sendo abandonado o regime do custo do serviço (rate of return), praticado desde a década de 1950. Contudo, a distinção entre os dois regimes de regulação tarifária fica prejudicada devido às práticas do regulador, fato que ocorre não apenas no Brasil. Conforme estabelecem os contratos de concessão, as tarifas deveriam ser preservadas pela equação de equilíbrio inicial \'RPI +/- X\', sendo previstas revisões tarifárias periódicas, observadas as alterações na estrutura de custos e de mercado, os níveis de tarifas observados em empresas similares no contexto nacional e internacional, e estímulos ao ganho de eficiência e à modicidade tarifária. Passadas duas décadas da implantação do price cap, observa-se que o regulador incorporou práticas do rate of return, criando instrumentos de reposicionamento das tarifas de acordo com critérios e trajetórias de custos operacionais eficientes e componentes discricionários de cálculo do ganho de produtividade, dotando o processo de reajuste e revisão das tarifas de excessiva complexidade. Assim, buscando-se maior simplicidade e clareza nos processos tarifários, de modo a incentivar de forma mais adequada o investimento na melhoria da qualidade do serviço e na sustentabilidade da concessão, o presente trabalho propõe aperfeiçoamentos na metodologia tarifária com base em parâmetros de eficiência em relação à qualidade do serviço prestado, discutido no âmbito do Mecanismo de Incentivo à Melhoria da Qualidade (MIQ) por meio do componente \'Q\' do Fator X, e de eficiência em relação à gestão econômico-financeira (sustentabilidade), aferida por parâmetros utilizados amplamente no setor financeiro, tratados como elementos de uma política de incentivos para assegurar a trajetória de sustentabilidade da concessão. A partir do princípio contratual de que os processos tarifários consideram como receita da distribuidora a soma de uma parcela não gerenciável (VPA) e de parcela gerenciável (VPB), a busca por maior simplicidade e clareza diz respeito ao estrito cumprimento dos critérios contratuais, com retorno à prática da regulação de serviço pelo preço, como estabelecido pela Lei de Concessões. A aplicação dos aperfeiçoamentos propostos é realizada mediante estudos de caso de duas distribuidoras de energia elétrica em situações de qualidade e sustentabilidade distintas. O resultado ilustra que a qualidade e sustentabilidade do serviço podem ser parâmetros importantes para introdução de uma metodologia menos complexa e mais objetiva para reajuste e revisão das tarifas de fornecimento no Brasil. / The Tariff Regulation for public service distribution of electrical energy, called \"price cap\" was adopted in Brazil from the publication of Law 8.095/1995 (the Law of Concessions), therefore abandoning the \"return rate\" remuneration system practiced since the late 1950s. However, the distinction between price cap and return rate regulation was negatively affected due to practices of the regulatory agency (National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL), which occurs not only in Brazil. As established in concession contracts, the tariffs should be preserved by the equation of initial balance \'RPI +/- X\', forecasting tariff reviews periodically by observing changes in the structure of the licensee\'s costs and market share, the levels of rates observed in similar businesses in the national and international context, as well as stimulating efficiency gains and controlling tariffs. After two decades of implementation of the system of price cap in Brazil, and after four cycles of periodic review of tariffs, it is observed that the regulator has incorporated practices of rate of return throughout the process, creating instruments of repositioning of tariffs in accordance with criteria of operational costs considered efficient and discretionary components of calculating the productivity gains (X Factor), giving the process of readjustment and revision of rates of excessive complexity. In search of greater simplicity and clarity in the tariff process in order to encourage more adequately the investment in improving the quality of service and sustainability, this Thesis presents proposals for the improvement of tariff methodology based on parameters efficiency in terms of quality of service, objectively measured by global indicators of continuity and efficiency in relation to the economic and financial management (sustainability), measured by parameters used widely in the financial sector. The improvement of the efficiency of quality is discussed under the Incentive to Quality Improvement Mechanism (MIQ) of the Brazilian tariff regulation through the \'Q\' component of Factor X. The improvements on the extent of economic and financial sustainability are treated as elements of an incentive policy to ensure a path of sustainability of the concession, given that the Brazilian regulator has not adopted explicit mechanisms of sustainability, except those specifically defined in the process of renewal of distribution concessions, pursuant to Presidential Decree n. 8.461/2015. From the contractual principle that tariff processes consider the distribution company Requested Revenue as the sum of an unmanageable portion (VPA) and manageable portion (VPB), the search for greater simplicity and clarity with respect the strict compliance with the contract criteria, returning to the practice of price cap regulation, as established by the Concessions Law. The implementation of improvements for the proposed tariff mechanisms is carried out through case studies relating to two electricity distribution companies in different quality and sustainability situations. The result of the study shows that the quality and sustainability of the service in the electricity distribution segment can be important parameters for introducing a less complex and more objective methodology for adjustment and review of electricity tariffs in Brazil.

Os países em desenvolvimento e os mecanismos de solução de controvérsias no comércio internacional

Cavalhero, Lirian Sousa Soares 10 April 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-24T04:09:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Folha de Rosto.pdf: 1353106 bytes, checksum: 418e6e605676f643e0d1b2afc719794e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04-10 / With the development of the international trade, the quarrels became constant around the forms of regulation and the solution of conflicts between the nations, in this context appears the World Trade Organization (WTO). Before entering the study of the OMC and of its methods of solution of conflicts, it is necessary investigate the history of the development of the international trade before and after the Second World War I, and the multilateral organisms with emphasis in the General Agreement of Commerce and Tariffs (GATT). The ways of solution of international conflicts are object of the study, as much its historical part, as the current one, having as main focus the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the WTO. As much in the historical part as in the part of the methods of international solution of conflicts, the participation of the developing countries is studied. And, is made studies of cases of the performance of the developing countries in some demands proposal before the DSB. Of this form, the work demonstrated as it was the participation of the developing countries in the development of the international trade and in the DSB of WTO / Com o desenvolvimento do comércio mundial, às discussões em torno das formas de regulação do mesmo e da solução de conflitos entre as nações tornou-se uma constante, neste contexto surge a Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) Antes de ingressar no estudo da OMC, propriamente dito, e de seus métodos de solução de conflitos, é necessário perquirir a história do desenvolvimento do comércio internacional antes e após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, e os organismos multilaterais criados, com ênfase no Acordo Geral de Comércio e Tarifas (GATT). Os meios de solução de conflitos internacionais são objeto do estudo, tanto sua parte histórica, como a atual, tendo como foco principal o Órgão de Solução de Conflitos (OSC) da OMC. Tanto na parte histórica como na parte dos métodos de solução de conflitos internacional, a participação dos países em desenvolvimento (PED) é objeto de análise. E, são feitos estudos de casos da atuação dos países em desenvolvimento em algumas demandas proposta perante o OSC. Desta forma, o trabalho demonstrou como foi a participação dos PED no desenvolvimento do comércio internacional e no OSC da OMC

Podnikání v mezinárodním prostředí - Podnikatelský plán / International Business - Business Plan

Tseveenbayar, Munkhtuya January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes a business plan in an international environment. The work includes analysis of the international environment which an entrepreneur wants to enter, some risks to handle with, possibilities of entering foreign markets and options for types of a business entity. And the main part of the thesis presents a business plan.

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