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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laboratorní výzkum reakcí iontů s molekulárním i atomárním vodíkem při teplotách relevantních pro astrochemii / Laboratory studies of ion-molecule reactions with molecular and atomic hydrogen at temperatures relevant to astrochemistry

Mulin, Dmytro January 2015 (has links)
The results of the laboratory study of reaction rate coefficients of several ion- molecule reactions with atomic and molecular hydrogen and molecular deuterium at low temperatures are presented in the thesis. The reaction rate coefficients of the N+ and H+ reaction with H2 were measured with respect to the nuclear spin configuration and rotational excitation of H2. The reactions of anions were a subject of the isotope exchange and isotope effect study. The measurements of the rate coefficients of H2O and D2O formation in the reaction of O- with H2 and D2, isotope exchange reactions OH- + D2 and OD- + H2, and associative detachment and charge transfer channels of D- + H interaction were performed. Experiments were carried out using an AB-22PT instrument with an ion trap. It has producing, guiding, trapping, and detecting systems for ions and a separate source of atomic H. The cooling system allowed to measure the temperature dependencies of the reaction rate coefficients at temperatures relevant to astrochemistry (10 K - 300 K)

Reakce kladných iontů s atomárním a molekulárním vodíkem při nízkých teplotách / Reactions of cations with hydrogen atoms and molecules at low temperatures

Tran, Thuy Dung January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned about ion-molecular reactions at low temperatures, which are important the fully understand the chemical evolution in interstellar medium. For realization of experimental part of thesis has been used the apparatus of 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap, which allows study the rate constant of reactions at temperatures 10 - 100 K. Thesis contains measuring results of reaction NH+ + H → N+ + H2, which follows the previous study of reaction N+ + H2 → NH+ + H on the same apparatus, description of the apparatus and the general introduction.

Formování vody reakcemi aniontů i kationtů s molekulárním vodíkem při nízkých teplotách / Water formation in reactions of anions and/or cations with molecular hydrogen at low temperature

Tran, Thuy Dung January 2020 (has links)
In the present work, the results of the experimental study of reactions of ions with molecular hydrogen in the temperature range 15 - 300 K using a 22-pole ion trap apparatus are presented. The reaction of OD- with para-enriched hydrogen was studied using a combination of the 22-pole ion trap apparatus with a para-hydrogen generator. Also reactions of O- with H2, D2, and HD were studied. These reactions have a channel of water production and a channel of hydrogen or deuterium transfer. Another field of study was a sequence of reactions of oxygen hydride cations with H2 and D2 which leads to the production of H3O+ or its isotopic variant, specifically reactions OH+ with H2, H2O+ with H2, D2O+ with H2, and D2O+ with D2. This reaction chain can be followed by the electron recombination of H3O+ or its isotopologue, which has a channel of water production.

Electrical Characterization of Organic Devices and Solar Cells by Impedance Spectroscopy

Burtone, Lorenzo 19 December 2013 (has links)
In this work, the capacitive response of organic electronic devices is analysed. Particular attention is given to small-molecule organic solar cells, with the purpose of deriving an equivalent circuit for the small-signal response of these devices. The different components characterising the solar cells electrical response are individuated and discussed and a specific physical meaning is associated with each element of the equivalent circuit. In the experimental section, the capacitive elements of the equivalent circuit are characterised by analysing organic diodes and solar cells. It is found that the capacitance of an organic solar cell is a combination of four components: the dielectric response of the materials, the depletion regions formed at the interfaces, the accumulation of free and trapped charge carriers. The depletion regions formed in organic doped semiconductors are characterised by analysing organic p/n homojunction diodes composed of Zinc-Phtalocyanine (ZnPc). The results demonstrate that the mechanisms involved in the formation of depletion zones in organic semiconductors can be described by the classical Mott-Schottky theory. This allows to estimate the free charge carrier density of doped layers with capacitance measurements. In addition, the current-voltage characteristics of organic p/n homojunctions are found not to obey the classical Shockley theory. It is demonstrated that charge carrier tunnelling is the cause of this discrepancy and an analytic model is used to describe the current-voltage characteristics. The accumulation of free charge carriers is found to induce capacitance effects typical of relaxation semiconductors. In presence of unbalanced charge carriers injection, negative capacitance values are observed. It is shown that in different organic semiconductor devices, the injection of minority charge carriers induces a depletion in the majority concentration, resulting in a negative value of the accumulation capacitance. Finally, the capacitance associated to trap states in ZnPc:C60 organic solar cells is analysed. The spatial position and occupation mechanisms of the traps are estimated. The trapping mechanism in small-molecule organic solar cells is clarified and the energetic distribution of these trap states is estimated being a Gaussian function with 55 meV width, a density of 3.5 × 1016 cm−3 and centred 0.458 eV below the electron transport level. Trap states are also found to act as recombination centres, limiting the efficiency of organic solar cells.:1 Introduction 1.1 The energetic problem 1.2 The role of renewables 1.3 Photovoltaic energy 2 Basics 2.1 Organic Semiconductors 2.1.1 Molecular Orbital Theory 2.1.2 Conjugated Molecules 2.1.3 From Molecules to Solids 2.1.4 Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors 2.1.5 Molecular Doping 2.2 Conventional Solar Cells 2.2.1 The Shockley Diode Equation 2.2.2 Solar Cells Characteristic 2.2.3 Non-idealities in Real Devices 2.3 Organic Solar Cells 2.3.1 Working principle of Organic Solar Cells 2.3.2 Exciton Dissociation and Charge Carriers Separation 2.3.3 Recombination in Organic Solar Cells 2.3.4 The p-i-n Concept 3 Impedance Spectroscopy 3.1 Introduction to Impedance Spectroscopy 3.1.1 Impedance Measurement Techniques 3.1.2 Impedance-Derived Functions 3.1.3 Graphical Representation of the Impedance 3.1.4 Fitting techniques for EIS Data 3.2 Impedance of Fundamental Circuits 3.2.1 Series RC circuit 3.2.2 Parallel RC circuit 3.2.3 The R(RC) circuit 3.3 Equivalent circuits for organic solar cells 3.3.1 The equivalent circuit of solar cells without defects 3.3.2 Equivalent circuits in presence of non-idealities 4 Organic p/n Homojunction Diodes 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Experimental 4.3 Asymmetrical Junction Diodes 4.3.1 n-doping of ZnPc 4.3.2 Capacitance Measurements 4.4 p/n Organic Diodes 4.4.1 Depletion Region Analysis 4.4.2 Current-Voltage Characteristic of Organic p/n Diodes 4.4.3 Tunnelling Current in Organic p/n Diodes 4.5 Conclusions 5 Negative Capacitance 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Experimental 5.3 Results and Discussion 5.3.1 Organic p/n homojunction diodes 5.3.2 Metal/ZnPc/Metal devices 5.3.3 Small-molecule organic solar cells 5.4 Conclusions 6 Trap States 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Experimental 6.3 Trap states impedance 6.3.2 Distributed element equivalent circuit 6.3.1 Physical model of the traps impedance 6.3.3 Steady-state simulations 6.4 Experimental Results 6.4.1 Variation of Active Layer Thickness 6.4.2 The Effect of Doped Transport Layers 6.4.3 Response to the Bias Voltage 6.4.4 Trap Response under Illumination 6.4.5 Impedance Spectra Fitting 6.5 Conclusions

Synergy of decay spectroscopy and mass spectrometry for the study of exotic nuclides

Stanja, Juliane 12 April 2013 (has links)
With only two ingredients, atomic nuclei exhibit a rich structure depending on the ordering of the different proton- and neutron-occupied states. This ordering can give rise to excited states with exceptionally long half-lives, also known as isomers, especially near shell closures. On-line mass spectrometry can often be compromised by the existence of such states that may even be produced in higher proportion than the ground state. This thesis presents the first results obtained from a nuclear spectroscopy setup coupled with the high-resolution Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, at CERN’s radioactive ion beam facility ISOLDE. The isomerism in the neutron-deficient thallium isotopes was investigated. The data on 184,190,193−195 Tl allow an improvement of existing mass values as well as a mass-spin-state assignment in 190,193,194 Tl. Due to the presence of the ground and isomeric state for 194 Tl the excitation energy of the latter was determined for the first time experimentally. Systematic trends in the vicinity of the Z = 82 shell closure have been discussed.

Molekulare Analyse des probiotischen Stamms Escherichia coli Nissle 1917

Schmidt, Dorothea 15 May 2009 (has links)
Der probiotische Stamm E. coli Nissle 1917 ist ein Fäkalisolat, das in der Medizin traditionell zur Behandlung verschiedener gastrointestinaler Erkrankungen eingesetzt wird. Durch erfolgversprechende klinische Studien zur Remissionserhaltung bei Colitis ulcerosa, bei denen EcN als therapeutische Alternative zur Standardmedikation eingesetzt wird, ist das Interesse an den Wirkmechanismen von Probiotika stark gestiegen. EcN gehört derzeit zu den am besten untersuchten Probiotika. Einige Wirkmechanismen konnten dadurch schon aufgeklärt werden. So sind vermutlich Strukturkomponenten und stammspezifische Syntheseleistungen an der Ausprägung des probiotischen Phänotyps von EcN beteiligt. Schlüssige Konzepte, die über Gene, Genprodukte und molekulare Mechanismen den probiotischen Effekt von EcN erklären, fehlen bislang. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird das Genom von EcN analysiert und auf der Basis der Genomsequenz mit anderen E. coli-Stämmen verglichen. Mit Hilfe einer Promotor-Reporter-Fusionsbibliothek (Promotorbank) werden intestinal in vivo regulierte Gene identifiziert und dadurch neue Ansätze zur Untersuchung der probiotischen Eigenschaften von EcN geschaffen. Die Grundlage für die molekulare Analyse von EcN ist die manuelle Nachannotation seines sequenzierten Genoms. Die EcN-Sequenz wird mit 13 weiteren annotierten E. coli-Sequenzen verglichen. Nach dieser Analyse kodiert EcN derzeit 121 stammspezifische Gene. Die Genomstruktur ist mit den enthaltenen genomischen Inseln und Prophagen dem Genom des uropathogenen E. coli CFT073 sehr ähnlich. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen kodiert EcN alle in E. coli CFT073 vorhandenen Virulenz- und Fitnessfaktoren, so dass auf der Nukleotidebene die nahe Verwandschaft dieser beiden Stämme bestätigt werden kann. Zudem kann gezeigt werden, dass EcN in artifiziellen Systemen wie der Zellkultur oder gnotobiotischen Mäusen ein pathogenes Potenzial hat, obgleich die Kolonisierungsfähigkeit pathogener Bakterien durch Inkubation mit EcN herabgesetzt wird. Eine wichtige Rolle bei der Besiedlung des Intestinaltrakts und der Immunstimulation von Darmepithelzellen spielt auch die globale Regulation der Genaktivität bei EcN durch den alternativen Sigma-Faktor RpoS, der im Gegensatz zu rpoS-Deletionsmutanten zu einer gesteigerten mRNA-Expression des Tight-junction Proteins ZO-1 führt. Des Weiteren führte die Untersuchung von EcN-Deletionsmutanten zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass einige genomische Inseln für Eigenschaften, die das probiotische Verhalten erklären können, eine Rolle spielen. Durch den Einsatz einer Promotorbank von EcN in konventionellen und gnotobiotischen Mäusen werden erstmalig Sequenzen von intestinal in vivo aktiven Promotoren identifiziert. Der Aufbau eines Promotor-Reportergen-Assays mit dem Biolumineszenz erzeugenden luxCDABE-Operon ermöglichte die Untersuchung ausgewählter Promotoren in vitro. Mit einem In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS) kann in weiteren Experimenten die Aktivität dieser Promotoren in lebenden Mäusen untersucht werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass EcN kein vollkommen harmloser probiotischer Stamm ist. Weitere Informationen über EcN sind dehalb wichtig für eine optimierte Anwendung als Therapeutikum. Die molekulare Analyse ist somit eine unbedingt notwendige Grundlage für weiterführende Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften von EcN, die für seinen probiotischen Charakter verantwortlich sind. / The probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 is a fecal isolate which is traditionally used for treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders. In clinical trials where EcN was used as therapeutic alternative for remission maintenance of ulcerative colitis compared to standard medication, promising results led to an increased interest in probiotics. Today, EcN is one of the best studied probiotics. Therefore, several mechanisms of action could be enlightened. Structural components and strain-specific products are responsible for its probiotic effects. But conclusive concepts about genes, gene products and molecular mechanisms that really contribute to the probiotic character of EcN have not been offered so far. In order to create new possibilities to elucidate the probiotic traits of EcN the genome is analysed by taking this as a basis for comparison to other E. coli genomes and identification of intestinal in vivo regulated genes using a promoter-trap-library. The sequenced EcN genome is annotated and compared to 13 other so far annotated E. coli genomes. Concerning these analyses EcN encodes 121 strain-specific genes. The genome structure including the genomic islands and prophages is highly homolog to the uropathogenic E. coli CFT073. EcN encodes most of the virulence and fitness factors that are present in E. coli CFT073. Therefore, the close relationship of these two strains is confirmed at nucleotide level. Furthermore, it is shown that in artificial systems like cell culture assays and gnotobiotic mice EcN reveals a pathogenic potential although EcN is able to decrease colonization efficiency of pathogenic bacteria. The alternative sigma factor RpoS that is responsible for global regulation and activity of several genes seems to play an important role during colonization of EcN in the intestine and its immunostimulatory effects on intestinal epithelial cells. Investigation of EcN-deletion mutants lacking genomic islands and prophages lead to the conclusion that some genomic islands may play a role for specific probiotic traits. This is the first time where a promoter-trap-library was used in conventional and gnotobiotic mice for collection of intestinal in vivo active promoters. Constructing and establishing a promoter-reporter gene assay with the bioluminescent luxCDABE operon made the investigation of selected promoters in vitro possible as well as establishing a bioluminescence assay using an In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS) for investigation of promoter activity in living mice. In this research project was shown that EcN is not a completely harmless probiotic. The genome structure and regulatory mechanisms of gene expression are the strain’s molecular traits that lead to probiotic activity and immunostimulatory effects. Therefore, the molecular analyses presented here, together with the complete genome sequence, are a basis for further investigations of mechanisms that are responsible for the probiotic effects of EcN.

Sezónní variabilita aktivity a promořenosti patogenem v populacích raka pruhovaného / Seasonal variation of activity and pathogen prevalence in populations of the spiny-cheek crayfish

Matasová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The most widespread of invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic is the spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus). It is a major disease carrier of crayfish plague, caused by the pathogen Aphanomyces astaci. The infection is lethal to European native species of crayfish. Transmission of this disease is usually associated with the spread of crayfish, which is dependent on their movement. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the differences in crayfish migratory activity in the Pšovka brook among seasons, and assess the factors that may affect it, by the use of radiotelemetry and trapping. We tested the hypothesis that crayfish use brook in the period from spring to autumn and then return back into a pond to overwinter. Furthermore, we evaluated how far from the pond crayfish migrate, and whether there is any relationship between migration and the season or water temperature. The results demonstrate that the activity varies among seasons (being strongly affected by breeding season) but in most studied periods did not significantly depend on water temperature. According to our monitoring, the spiny-cheek crayfish does not spread substantially to upstream parts of the Pšovka. Seasonal migration between the pond and the brook was monitored using two-way flow-through traps installed at the mouth of...

A Smart Surveillance System Using Edge-Devices for Wildlife Preservation in Animal Sanctuaries

Linder, Johan, Olsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
The Internet of Things is a constantly developing field. With advancements of algorithms for object detection and classification for images and videos, the possibilities of what can be made with small and cost efficient edge-devices are increasing. This work presents how camera traps and deep learning can be utilized for surveillance in remote environments, such as animal sanctuaries in the African Savannah. The camera traps connect to a smart surveillance network where images and sensor-data are analysed. The analysis can then be used to produce valuable information, such as the location of endangered animals or unauthorized humans, to park rangers working to protect the wildlife in these animal sanctuaries. Different motion detection algorithms are tested and evaluated based on related research within the subject. The work made in this thesis builds upon two previous theses made within Project Ngulia. The implemented surveillance system in this project consists of camera sensors, a database, a REST API, a classification service, a FTP-server and a web-dashboard for displaying sensor data and resulting images. A contribution of this work is an end-to-end smart surveillance system that can use different camera sources to produce valuable information to stakeholders. The camera software developed in this work is targeting the ESP32 based M5Stack Timer Camera and runs a motion detection algorithm based on Self-Organizing Maps. This improves the selection of data that is fed to the image classifier on the server. This thesis also contributes with an algorithm for doing iterative image classifications that handles the issues of objects taking up small parts of an image, making them harder to classify correctly.

Finanční gramotnost jako nástroj pro snížení zadluženosti českých domácností / Financial literacy as a tool for reducing the debt overburden of the Czech households

Zítková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
In current time we experience deeper and deeper indebtedness of Czech households and their deterioration into insolvency on one side, on the other side among Czech population was identified a very low rate of financial literacy in the last few years. As a result of these two findings a hypothesis was created that behind the high indebtedness stands the low financial literacy of population and that it is possible to fight indebtedness by increasing financial literacy. The thesis main target is to analyze approach of Czech Republic to financial literacy, particularly as to a tool of prevention of indebtedness of households. Simultaneously its target is to reveal relation between financial literacy and indebtedness. According to these reasons the thesis is based on several theoretical outcomes - the theory of prevention of risky behavior, the theory of financial education as a prevention from hazard and from the theory of implementation as a part of public policy cycle. Examined problem is defined using analysis of indebtedness of Czech households, determines the occasions and results of this risky behavior; and through delimitation issue of financial literacy. Thesis provides a synthesis of knowledge as options and limits of financial literacy in the fight with increasing indebtedness. Empirical part...

Dluhová past - možnosti řešení dluhové problematiky / Debt trap: possible solutions of debt problems

Juppová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Debt trap - the possibility of resolving the debt issue " is concerned with how the public policy of the state responds to the increasing indebtedness of Czech society and that address the causes and consequences of this debt. Features a history of borrowing money and significant impact on society interest in history and in the present. It also shows what causes can lead to debt and the consequences of over-indebtedness bears. Specific cases of clients with debt issues provides a chapter on the social counseling (Občanská poradna Plzeň - Citizens Advice Bureau Plzeň), which among other increasingly engaged in consultancy in the field of debt. The main part is the analysis of public policy events - it is a holistic approach to policy examined, the selected aspects, events, actors, goals. The analysis traces the development of indebtedness of Czech citizens and state intervention and non-state actors in this issue. Also evaluates the actors in this issue shows the complexity of the process of recognition of a social problem and highlights the influence of public interest and political culture of the state in the implementation of public policy. In conclusion, given the public attitude to the issue of debt in the Czech Republic.

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