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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Making of Soviet Chernivtsi: National 'Reunification', World War II, and the Fate of Jewish Czernowitz in Postwar Ukraine

Frunchak, Svitlana 13 August 2014 (has links)
The Making of Soviet Chernivtsi: National “Reunification,” World War II, and the Fate of Jewish Czernowitz in Postwar Ukraine Doctor of Philosophy Svitlana Frunchak Graduate Department of History University of Toronto 2014 Abstract This dissertation revisits the meaning of Soviet expansion and sovietization during and after World War II, the effects of the war on a multiethnic Central-Eastern European city, and the postwar construction of a national identity. One of several multiethnic cities acquired by the USSR in the course of World War II, modern pre-Soviet Chernivtsi can be best characterized as a Jewish-German city dominated by acculturated Jews until the outbreak of World War II. Yet Chernivtsi emerged from the war, the Holocaust, and Soviet reconstruction as an almost homogeneous Ukrainian city that allegedly had always longed for reunification with its Slavic brethren. Focusing on the late Stalinist period (1940–1953) but covering earlier (1774–1940) and later (1953–present) periods, this study explores the relationship between the ideas behind the incorporation; the lived experience of the incorporation; and the historical memory of the city’s distant and recent past. Central to this dissertation is the fate of the Jewish residents of Czernowitz-Chernivtsi. This community was diminished from an influential plurality to about one percent of the city’s population whose past was marginalized in local historical memory. This study demonstrates a multifaceted local experience of the war which was all but silenced by the dominant Soviet Ukrainian myth of the Great Patriotic War and the “reunification of all Ukrainian lands.” When the authors of the official Soviet historical and cultural narratives represented Stalin’s annexation as the “reunification” of Ukraine, they in fact constructed and popularized a new concept of “historical Ukrainian lands.” This concept—a blueprint for the Soviet colonization of the western borderlands in the name of the Ukrainian nation—tied ethnically defined Ukrainian culture to a strictly delineated national territory. Applied to the new borderlands and particularly to their urban centres characterized by cultural diversity, this policy served to legitimize the marginalization and, in several cases, the violent displacement of ethnic minorities, bringing to an end Jewish Czernowitz.

O texto e o contexto : do projeto à construção da paisagem da Vila Assunção

Gessinger, Roseli Pantaleao January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação aprofunda a pesquisa histórica sobre o bairro-jardim Vila Assunção, enquanto resultado de um projeto urbanístico e as transformações da paisagem urbana decorrentes do uso e da apropriação dos espaços projetados no bairro. Neste sentido, o objeto de estudo é o bairro-jardim Vila Assunção, localizado na zona sul de Porto Alegre, projetado em 1937, pelo Engº Ruy de Viveiros Leiria. Tomando como ponto de partida o projeto original, tem como objetivo compreender, através do projeto implantado no passado e da memória afetiva de seus moradores, as dinâmicas de apropriação e de ocupação do espaço, como processo histórico e determinante na formação da paisagem. Desta maneira, entende-se como problema central desta pesquisa compreender os motivos que levaram a escolha do modelo cidade-jardim, para a elaboração do projeto urbano da Vila Assunção e como se deu a sua ocupação. / This dissertation deepen the historical research about the neighborhood-garden Vila Assunção, as a result of urban design and the urban landscape changes arising from the use and appropriation of spaces designed in the neighborhood. In this sense, the object of study is the neighborhood-garden Vila Assunção, located on the South zone of Porto Alegre, designed in 1937 by Eng. Ruy de Viveiros Leiria. Taking as a starting point the original project, aims to understand, through the project deployed in the past and the affective memory of its residents, the dynamics of appropriation and occupation of the space, as historic and decisive process in the formation of the landscape. In this way, one understands as the central problem of this research to understand how and why the choice of a Garden City model, for the elaboration and of the urban design of the Vila Assunção and how its implementation occurred.

Que nossas vistas se voltem para os ônibus: a implantação dos auto-omnibus em Fortaleza (1926-1953)

Silva, Ana Carla Pereira da January 2016 (has links)
SILVA, Ana Carla Pereira da. Que nossas vistas se voltem para os ônibus: a implantação dos auto-omnibus em Fortaleza (1926-1953). 2016. 197f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em História, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-31T11:43:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_acpsilva.pdf: 5133494 bytes, checksum: bbef7112132f00be9a93d81cd565b9be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-31T11:44:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_acpsilva.pdf: 5133494 bytes, checksum: bbef7112132f00be9a93d81cd565b9be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-31T11:44:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_acpsilva.pdf: 5133494 bytes, checksum: bbef7112132f00be9a93d81cd565b9be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Used by most of the population, the public transport bus service is a striking element in Fortaleza’s quotidian nowadays. The importance of this vehicle in Fortaleza, however, was being built over time. This research investigates the bus deployment process in Fortaleza over the years 1926 and 1953. The year 1926 marks the time of the appearance of the first private transport bus company, Matadouro Modelo, very important project for widespread use of these vehicles in the city. The year of 1953 refers to the time of approval of a set of laws that provided for the restructuring of the public transport service in the city. Based on the analysis of sources such as local newspapers, urbanization plans, minutes of City Hall, criminal cases, statistical book, this research makes it possible to understand the implications of the introduction of this technical object in the city and the daily lives of its citizens. It also allows to understand how, amid attempts to build a modern Fortaleza, the buses were affected by the intervention of public policies in the urban space. Investigating this modality of transport can therefore contribute to a better understanding of the role of the bus in Fortaleza nowadays, in order to deconstruct its dominance. / Usado por grande parte da população, o transporte coletivo de ônibus é elemento marcante no cotidiano de Fortaleza nos dias atuais. A importância desse veículo na capital cearense, no entanto, foi sendo construída ao longo do tempo. A presente pesquisa investiga o processo de implantação dos ônibus em Fortaleza entre os anos de 1926 e 1953. O ano de 1926 marca o momento do aparecimento da primeira empresa privada de transporte de ônibus, a Matadouro Modelo, empreendimento muito importante para a difusão do uso desses veículos na cidade. Já 1953 se refere ao momento de aprovação de um conjunto de leis que previa a reestruturação do serviço de transporte coletivo na cidade. Com base na análise de fontes como periódicos locais, planos de urbanização, atas da Câmara Municipal, processos criminais, livro de estatística, essa pesquisa possibilita compreender as implicações da introdução desse objeto técnico na cidade e na vida cotidiana dos fortalezenses. Permite entender ainda como, em meio às tentativas de construção de uma Fortaleza moderna, os ônibus foram afetados pelas políticas públicas de intervenção no espaço urbano. Investigar essa modalidade de transporte, portanto, pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do papel dos ônibus na capital cearense atualmente, de modo a desnaturalizar seu predomínio.

Histoire politique, patrimoniale et festive de la mémoire napoléonienne à Ajaccio ,1806-1969 / Study of the Napoleonic memory in Ajaccio, including political, patrimonial and festal history

Renucci, Charles 11 December 2012 (has links)
Travailler sur la thématique de la mémoire napoléonien à Ajaccio du Consulat jusque sous la Cinquième République suggère qu’il existe un lien particulier entre ce personnage historique et ce cadre géographique. Ce lien, hormis les traces multiples et visibles aujourd’hui (dans le domaine des arts, de l’urbanisme et de la toponymie), repose sur le fait que Napoléon est né à Ajaccio, le 15 août 1769. La cité ajaccienne ne fut pas un lieu d’exercice de pouvoir, ni un lieu de résidence impériale, ni encore un lieu revêtant une forte charge symbolique (lieu de victoire ou de défaite militaire par exemple), elle est simplement la ville natale de Napoléon et cette donnée fait que leur rapport n’est pas uniquement indexé sur la destinée de ce personnage. Ce lien clairement établi met ainsi en relation un lieu, Ajaccio, avec un homme, Napoléon, et l’enjeu principal de son analyse est de savoir par quels biais le mythe, la légende ou encore le culte napoléonien ont réussit à investir sur le temps long le quotidien des habitants de cette ville. Une telle étude se mène sur différents fronts, histoire politique, patrimoniale et festive afin d’observer les ressorts les plus agissants qui favorisent localement l’élaboration d’une mémoire napoléonienne. Dès lors, plus l’étude de cette mémoire s’affine, plus il apparait clairement qu’elle est porteuse d’une dimension identitaire, permettant à la fois aux Ajacciens de revendiquer fièrement leurs origines et de se sentir pleinement Français, comme pour le reste des Corses. Tangible dès le Consulat, cette dimension identitaire sous-tend la perpétuation de cette mémoire napoléonienne à Ajaccio qui, par bien des aspects, marque durablement l’histoire de cette cité. / This study of the Napoleonian memory in Ajaccio from the time of the Consulate to the Fifth Republic shows that a specific bond exists between the historical figure and the city. Beyond the various and highly visible marks that can nowadays be noticed in the fields of arts, urbanism or toponymy, it rests plainly on the fact that Napoleon was born in Ajaccio on 15 August, 1769.The city has never been a governing place, nor an Imperial residence or a place of highly symbolic value (such as military victories or defeats) ; it is simply is Napoeon's hometown and this implies that their relationship does not rest exclusively on Napoleon's destiny. To study this relationship, it is necessary to see how the myth, the legend or the cult of Napoleon have in the long run invaded the everyday life of the inhabitants of the city. Such a study must be conducted at various levels, including political, patrimonial or festal history, in order to find out how a Napoleonian memory grew out locally. The more we refine the study, the clearer it is that this memory bore a distinctive identitarian dimension ; Ajaccians could thus proudly proclaim their origins and at the same time feel fully French, just like the rest of the Corsicans. This identitarian dimension was palpable right from the time of the Consulate, and it was the ground on which this Napoleonian memory developed in Ajaccio, and became a long standing trait in the history of this city.

A greve de inquilinos de 1907 em Buenos Aires e o fenômeno do conventillo como metáfora de uma sociedade em transformação

Silva, Henrique De Aro January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de analisar a Greve de Inquilinos de 1907 em Buenos Aires, movimento grevista de cunho anarquista que obteve grande repercussão. Organizado por moradores dos Conventillos (cortiços), o movimento reivindicava melhores condições de moradias, além da redução do preço dos aluguéis. Ao nos aprofundarmos nesse contexto percebemos que por trás de um verniz glamourizado de cidade rica e européia Buenos Aires escondia uma face em ebulição, repleta de pobreza e conflitos políticos. De modo que as condições adversas desse meio excludente e seus implicadores acabaram por dar origem à uma cultura política de caráter marginal junto à população mais pobre. Passando pela análise de periódicos, documentos oficiais, da verificação das transformações urbanas de Buenos Aires, enxergamos na mobilização dos inquilinos, e no surgimento dos conventillos, o ponto de partida para uma percepção mais profunda daquele projeto de sociedade, que privilegiava, sobretudo, a manutenção de um status quo. Nosso referencial teórico abrange três eixos principais, que passam pelas teorias da marginalidade de Aníbal. Quijano, José. Nun e Lucio Kowarick, pela análise dos discursos políticos de J. G. A. Pocock, e chegando aos estudos culturais urbanos, de Angel Rama e Beatriz Sarlo. / This work analyzes the Huelga de Inquilinos of 1907 in Buenos Aires, an anarchist strike movement of great repercussion. Organized by residents of the conventillos (tenement houses), the movement demanded better housing conditions, besides the reduction of rents price. When we delve deeper into this context we realize that behind a glamourized varnish of rich and European city Buenos Aires hid a boiling face, full of poverty and political conflicts. Thus, the adverse conditions of this exclusionary medium and its implicators eventually gave rise to a marginal political culture among the poorer population. Going through the analysis of periodicals, official documents, the verification of the urban transformations of Buenos Aires, we see the mobilization of the tenants, and the emergence of the conventillos, the tip of an iceberg that allows us to have a deeper perception of that project of society, which privileged , Above all, the maintenance of a status quo. Our theoretical reference encompasses three main axes, which pass through the marginality theories of Anibal Quijano, José Nun and Lucio Kowarick, by the analysis of political discourses of J. G. A. Pocock, and arriving at the urban cultural studies, of Angel Rama and Beatriz Sarlo.

La construction de la forme urbaine : approche archéologique et archéogéographique du processus urbain de Reims du début du Moyen Age à la ville préindustrielle. / The construction of the urban shape : archaeological and archaeogeographical approach of the urban fabric from the Middle Ages until the preindustrial city.

Pichard, Claire 15 December 2014 (has links)
Fouillée depuis une trentaine d'années, Reims est surtout connue pour son passé antique. Cette étude porte sur l'urbanisation de la ville de la fin du IVe siècle au XIXe siècle. Dans cette perspective la trame parcellaire est à la fois une source et un objet d'étude. La démarche a été pensée comme une démarche archéologique. Il s'agissait d'abord de confronter les formes de l'urbain avec les données matérielles, pour renseigner des éléments qui dynamisent et structurent la ville sur la longue durée.Trois volets ont été abordés. Le premier est d'ordre méthodologique. Il interroge les outils à utiliser et mettre en place pour traiter l'ensemble de l'espace urbain Le second volet consiste en une analyse mutliscalaire de certains objets urbains pour mettre en avant des lieux structurants de la ville médiévale et moderne : réseau viaire, zone humide, quartiers à dominante ecclésiastique ou économique. Dans la lignée des Documents d'Evaluation du Patrimoine Archéologique des Villes Française, la thèse se proposait avant tout de faire un état des lieux des phases d'évolution de la ville. Un chapitre conclusif de modélisation chrono-chorématique permet de faire le point sur les informations traitées et l'évolution des éléments structurants de la ville. / Excavated for about thirty years Reims is chiefly known for its ancient past. This work is focused on the city urbanisation from the end of the 4th century until the middle of the 19th century. In this perspective the plot frame is both a source and object of study. In an archaeological approach, I compare the urban forms first with material data, then with ecological data and archieves, to inform elements that drive and structure the city over the long term.Three main approaches were followed. The first one is methodological. It questions tools to create to threat all of the urban space. The second line consists of analysing urban objects from diferent scales to highlight structuring spaces : road network, wet zone, economic or ecclesiastical areas. Like Documents d'Evaluation du Patrimoine Archéologique des Villes Française, the purpose of this study was to the evolution of the city phases. A concluding chapter of chrono-chorematic modeling allows to review the data threated and the evolution of structural elements of Rheims.

Une cour à l'épreuve de la conquête : la société curiale et Naples, capitale d'Alphonse le Magnanime (1416-1458) / A court in a Time of Conquest : Court Society and Naples, capital city of King Alphonso the Magnanimous (1416-1458)

Chilà, Roxane 29 November 2014 (has links)
Ma thèse porte sur l'entourage institutionnel d'Alphonse le Magnanime en Italie méridionale, suite à la conquête de Naples par ce roi d'Aragon en 1442. Il s'agit de proposer une étude approfondie d'un groupe social et de l'institution curiale. L'hôtel royal a fait l'objet d'ordonnances en Aragon en 1344 sous le règne de Pierre IV. Mais l'arrivée sur le trône aragonais des Trastamare en 1412, avec l'élection de Ferdinand Ier, le père d'Alphonse le Magnanime, puis la conquête par ce dernier du Regno, pose la question des transformations de cette institution. La principale est l'interruption de la tradition des ordonnances, qui prive l'historien de sources normatives pour l'étude de cette période de bouleversements. La cour est restée jusqu'à présent un point aveugle de l'historiographie de la dynastie et de cet État impérial et composite qu'est la couronne d'Aragon au XVe siècle, alors qu'elle en est le rouage administratif essentiel.Les officiers appartenant à la société curiale sont présentés comme un ensemble cohérent du point de vue national et sociologique par les chroniques napolitaines. De plus, l'historiographie extrêmement fragmentée des Aragonais de Naples reproduit les puissants clivages régionaux contemporains entre les entités qui composaient la couronne d'Aragon au XVe siècle. En conséquence, l'entourage d'origine ibérique des rois de Naples n'a fait l'objet que de quelques travaux partiels, adoptant un filtre régional. Au-delà de la cour, il importe aussi de saisir ce groupe dans le contexte de migration massive depuis le royaume d'Aragon vers le le royaume de Naples. Nombreux sont les migrants qui appartiennent aux élites administratives ou marchandes ; ils ont des liens forts avec l'institution domestique, comme le révèle l'étude des réseaux sociaux dans lesquels ils sont insérés. Mais d'autres individus, d'origine sociale plus modeste, affluent également à Naples à partir de la conquête du Magnanime.L'arrivée à Naples et l'installation en ville des officiers curiaux et de ceux qui arrivent dans le sillage du roi et de ses armées pose la question de leur insertion en ville et dans la société politique de la capitale italienne. La migration au service du prince est-elle constitutive d'une quelconque solidarité ou identité ? Selon quelles modalités ces élites migrantes tissent-elles des relations avec les Napolitains ? On constate que le roi incarne une figure médiatrice indispensable au dialogue entre les différentes composantes politiques et sociale de la capitale, tandis que les Catalans accèdent difficilement à la citoyenneté. Ils sont regroupés dans les quartiers bas de la ville, en dehors des circonscriptions administratives disposant d'une représentation politique.L'enquête mobilise des sources diverses : documentation normative inédite, chroniques, production des humanistes stipendiés par le Magnanime, correspondances d'ambassadeurs et registres de la chancellerie conservés à l'Archivo de la Corona de Aragón à Barcelone. La démarche fondamentale de ce travail réside dans le repérage des individus concernés, selon les principes éprouvés de la prosopographie. L'analyse diachronique des données obtenues permet d'apporter des éléments significatifs à l'histoire du premier roi aragonais de Naples, et au règne contesté de son successeur Ferrante. Cette étude sociale et institutionnelle révise en profondeur les approches locales marquant habituellement l'historiographie de la couronne d'Aragon et de Naples, en révélant les usages politiques et militaires de la société curiale, combien la culture politique aragonaise influe sur la pratique du nouveau roi et le tournant démographique et économique que cette période a représenté pour la capitale méridionale. / This PhD dissertation focuses on institutional and social aspects of a 15th century court, the court of Alfonso the Magnanimous, king of Aragon and Naples, between 1416 and 1458. The household of Aragon's kings regulated by court ordinances, the last ones being promulgated in 1344. Since this date, a change of dynasty and the conquest of the Kingdom of Naples has deeply affected the institutional structure of the court and the government's practices chosen by King Alfonso. Moreover, there are no longer court ordinances, and consequently, its structure has been neglected by historical research. In order to fill this gap, this dissertation studies the royal household using documentation issued by the royal chancellery, which provides useful data, showing how the Aragonese household is also the beating heart of the royal administration. As Pietro Corrao described it, the Aragonese household is an efficient “household system of government”.After the conquest of southern Italy, their Italians contemporaries consider the royal officers who came with king Alphonso as a hole (they call them “the Catalans”), but an in-depth study shows that they come from different regions and social background. Their massive arrival in Naples after many years of war for the kingdom caused tensions and xenophobia among the Italians. The royal officers settled down in the harbour neighbourhood, under the royal jurisdiction, whereas the Neapolitan nobility and people lives in the upper city, under the city's jurisdiction. This social and political gap leave its mark upon the failed process of urban integration of the newcomers. However, Alfonso uses his capital city as his favourite stage in order to show himself as an up to date Renaissance king, and display many ceremonial events. His antiquity-inspired triumph is the most famous example of this practice.Career analysis applied to Aragonese officials underlines how they had poor futures prospects in the household hierarchy, but also real opportunities to obtain financial reward and above all a very protective legal status. Indeed every member of Alfonso's household enjoys the legal privilege of being under the seneschal's jurisdiction only. The king may choose to additionally grand this privilege to anyone, through the titles of “counsellors” and “familiars”, the later title being lesser than the first.Since the destruction of the medieval archives in Naples during World War II, many of the sources of this work are from Spanish archives that hold Aragonese royal documents, mainly in Barcelona and Valencia. The ancient humanistic historiography about king Alfonso and letters from diplomatic envoys sent in Naples also provided many information, that have been analysed using prosopographical methods. This data supplies many new facts and allows social analysis, which both contribute to deepen our understanding of the history of the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Naples.

O texto e o contexto : do projeto à construção da paisagem da Vila Assunção

Gessinger, Roseli Pantaleao January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação aprofunda a pesquisa histórica sobre o bairro-jardim Vila Assunção, enquanto resultado de um projeto urbanístico e as transformações da paisagem urbana decorrentes do uso e da apropriação dos espaços projetados no bairro. Neste sentido, o objeto de estudo é o bairro-jardim Vila Assunção, localizado na zona sul de Porto Alegre, projetado em 1937, pelo Engº Ruy de Viveiros Leiria. Tomando como ponto de partida o projeto original, tem como objetivo compreender, através do projeto implantado no passado e da memória afetiva de seus moradores, as dinâmicas de apropriação e de ocupação do espaço, como processo histórico e determinante na formação da paisagem. Desta maneira, entende-se como problema central desta pesquisa compreender os motivos que levaram a escolha do modelo cidade-jardim, para a elaboração do projeto urbano da Vila Assunção e como se deu a sua ocupação. / This dissertation deepen the historical research about the neighborhood-garden Vila Assunção, as a result of urban design and the urban landscape changes arising from the use and appropriation of spaces designed in the neighborhood. In this sense, the object of study is the neighborhood-garden Vila Assunção, located on the South zone of Porto Alegre, designed in 1937 by Eng. Ruy de Viveiros Leiria. Taking as a starting point the original project, aims to understand, through the project deployed in the past and the affective memory of its residents, the dynamics of appropriation and occupation of the space, as historic and decisive process in the formation of the landscape. In this way, one understands as the central problem of this research to understand how and why the choice of a Garden City model, for the elaboration and of the urban design of the Vila Assunção and how its implementation occurred.

A greve de inquilinos de 1907 em Buenos Aires e o fenômeno do conventillo como metáfora de uma sociedade em transformação

Silva, Henrique De Aro January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de analisar a Greve de Inquilinos de 1907 em Buenos Aires, movimento grevista de cunho anarquista que obteve grande repercussão. Organizado por moradores dos Conventillos (cortiços), o movimento reivindicava melhores condições de moradias, além da redução do preço dos aluguéis. Ao nos aprofundarmos nesse contexto percebemos que por trás de um verniz glamourizado de cidade rica e européia Buenos Aires escondia uma face em ebulição, repleta de pobreza e conflitos políticos. De modo que as condições adversas desse meio excludente e seus implicadores acabaram por dar origem à uma cultura política de caráter marginal junto à população mais pobre. Passando pela análise de periódicos, documentos oficiais, da verificação das transformações urbanas de Buenos Aires, enxergamos na mobilização dos inquilinos, e no surgimento dos conventillos, o ponto de partida para uma percepção mais profunda daquele projeto de sociedade, que privilegiava, sobretudo, a manutenção de um status quo. Nosso referencial teórico abrange três eixos principais, que passam pelas teorias da marginalidade de Aníbal. Quijano, José. Nun e Lucio Kowarick, pela análise dos discursos políticos de J. G. A. Pocock, e chegando aos estudos culturais urbanos, de Angel Rama e Beatriz Sarlo. / This work analyzes the Huelga de Inquilinos of 1907 in Buenos Aires, an anarchist strike movement of great repercussion. Organized by residents of the conventillos (tenement houses), the movement demanded better housing conditions, besides the reduction of rents price. When we delve deeper into this context we realize that behind a glamourized varnish of rich and European city Buenos Aires hid a boiling face, full of poverty and political conflicts. Thus, the adverse conditions of this exclusionary medium and its implicators eventually gave rise to a marginal political culture among the poorer population. Going through the analysis of periodicals, official documents, the verification of the urban transformations of Buenos Aires, we see the mobilization of the tenants, and the emergence of the conventillos, the tip of an iceberg that allows us to have a deeper perception of that project of society, which privileged , Above all, the maintenance of a status quo. Our theoretical reference encompasses three main axes, which pass through the marginality theories of Anibal Quijano, José Nun and Lucio Kowarick, by the analysis of political discourses of J. G. A. Pocock, and arriving at the urban cultural studies, of Angel Rama and Beatriz Sarlo.

Do Santo? Ou de quem... Ribeirão Preto: gênese da cidade mercadoria / Does it belong to the patron saint? If not, whose land is it... Ribeirão Preto: the city as real estate invention

Valéria Eugênia Garcia 18 October 2013 (has links)
Trata da formação e desenvolvimento de Ribeirão Preto sob a perspectiva da organização fundiária pós-Lei de Terras e sua conexão com o desenvolvimento do mercado de terras urbanas. A pesquisa realizada em documentos primários do Arquivo do Fórum de Ribeirão Preto tem sua base em litígios que circunscrevem a propriedade de datas urbanas: nunciação de obra nova, força nova e outros embargos. No contexto inicial, a Fábrica da Matriz foi o eixo comum entre estruturação fundiária e processo de urbanização. Naquele momento os fabriqueiros tiveram participação relevante nas estratégias jurídicas de legalização das posses territoriais, contudo, foram excluídos do gerenciamento da concessão de datas no patrimônio religioso, conduzidas pela Câmara Municipal. Confusão de instâncias e competências amplamente discutidas em juízo que em meio à falta de clareza sobre procedimentos de aforamento, ausência de regras, concessões dúbias ou em duplicidade, no limite expressaram a má fé de fabriqueiros, foreiros e vereadores, atestando claramente uma única coisa, tais terrenos possuíam valor de mercado, caso contrário sua posse, propriedade, forma de concessão e titulação não estariam em litígio. O amadurecimento paulatino do mercado de terras urbanas segue paralelo à ampliação do aparelho judiciário e aos desdobramentos jurídicos das formas de titulação de domínio. A expansão imobiliária que acompanha a sentença judicial de 1856, que ratificou a doação de uma gleba ao santo padroeiro, excede no final do século XIX sua delimitação física e passa a integrar um conjunto de ações coordenadas que atravessam as cadeias de circulação de capital ligado à economia agroexportadora, entre esses a concessão de privilégios para exploração de serviços de melhorias e infraestrutura urbana. Trata-se de uma faceta de grande dinâmica de organização capitalista da economia que demandou o apoio em investigações complementares. O estudo dessas pesquisas associado aos dados que os litígios judiciais forneceram sobre o objeto nos levou a exceder a hipótese de que os terrenos do patrimônio da matriz eram dotados de valor comercial. A conclusão é que se trata de um quadro maior que a existência de um mercado imobiliário precoce configurado pela negociação paralela de terrenos encoberta pelas praxes de aforamento. Nesse grande quadro de processos que se articulam destacamos as inúmeras engrenagens componentes, desde a produção e transporte de gêneros de subsistência e abastecimento que gravitou em torno da Corte e de áreas mineradoras, do ciclo açucareiro e cafeeiro, das tecnologias ligadas ao vapor, das infraestruturas, da organização da circulação de moeda e títulos, da política de imigração, dos fazendeiros formadores de fazendas, do movimento pró-imigração, dos loteadores urbanos, dos empresários de serviços de infraestrutura e ainda as astúcias de sujeitos anônimos que agindo isoladamente tentam de várias formas tirar proveito dessa conjuntura. É em meio a essa dinâmica que se inscreve a forma e as direções do crescimento da cidade. Nessa lógica, a tese contribui para o debate sobre o processo de urbanização da cidade de Ribeirão Preto analisado sob a ótica das relações de posse, propriedade do solo e a pré-existência de condições para a constituição de um mercado de terras urbanas. / The thesis addresses Ribeirão Pretos formation and development under the perspective of the Land Act of 1850 (Lei de Terras) that bonds ownership juridical organization process and the increase of an urban land market. The investigation, sustained in primary sources from The City of Ribeirão Preto Judicial Archives (Arquivo do Fórum de Ribeirão Preto), is based in disputes that comprehend urban property embargoes known as: Nunciação de Obra Nova and Força Nova. At first, the parochial church fabric (trusteeism) was the common axis amidst land regulation and urbanization process. At that moment churchwardens had relevant stake in strategies to legalize territorial possessions, however, were excluded from the religious grounds management taken hold by the City Council. Confusion of instances and jurisdiction widely discussed in court those amongst the lack of clarity on the aforamento procedures, the absence of rules, dubious and duplicate concessions, at the end clearly expressed the bad-faith of lay administrators, lessees and councilors, stating clearly a sole thing such land had market value, otherwise its possession, estate, modes of concession and title deed would not be in query. The gradual maturation of the urban land market runs parallel to the expansion of the judiciary branch and the legal deployment of property entitlement. The real estate expansion that begun after 1856s court judgment, which granted a glebe to the patron saint, by the end of the nineteenth century exceeded its physical boundaries and became part of a set of coordinated actions that traversed the chains of capital circulation linked to agro-export economy, among these the granting of urban services of infrastructure operating privileges. This facet shows a broader capitalist dynamic of the economy that demanded investigation support. The study of these support surveys associated with data provided by the judicial proceedings led us to surpass our initial hypothesis, that the parochial fabric grounds had commercial value traded in a parallel market disguised by the aforamento formalities. The conclusion is that there is more than the premature existence of a real estate market. In the wider picture of articulated progressions we feature the numerous gear components; from the production and transportation of genres of subsistence and supplies that gravitated around the Royal Court and mining areas to the sugar and coffee cycles, around technologies related to steam machinery, transportation infrastructure, economic organization for the circulation of money and bonds, across \"farmers\" specialized in growing farms, through the pro-immigration plans and policies, to the urban land, infrastructure and services entrepreneurs alongside anonymous individuals that acted in various forms to take advantage of this situation. The growth directions and shape of the city is tailored within this dynamic. In this sense, the thesis contributes to the debate on the early urbanization of the city of Ribeirão Preto analyzed analyzed from the perspective of the relations of ownership, land property and pre-existing conditions for the establishment of an urban land real estate market.

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