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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit in modern u-processors

Deb, Abhishek 03 May 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we have explored the co-designed paradigm to show alternative processor design points. Specifically, we have provided HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit for modern processors. We have implemented a co-designed virtual machine monitor that binary translates x86 instructions into RISC like micro-ops. Moreover, the translations are stored as superblocks, which are a trace of basic blocks. These superblocks are further optimized using speculative and non-speculative optimizations. Hardware mechanisms exists in-order to take corrective action in case of misspeculations. During the course of this PhD we have made following contributions. Firstly, we have provided a novel Programmable Functional unit, in-order to speed up general-purpose applications. The PFU consists of a grid of functional units, similar to CCA, and a distributed internal register file. The inputs of the macro-op are brought from the Physical Register File to the internal register file using a set of moves and a set of loads. A macro-op fusion algorithm fuses micro-ops at runtime. The fusion algorithm is based on a scheduling step that indicates whether the current fused instruction is beneficial or not. The micro-ops corresponding to the macro-ops are stored as control signals in a configuration. The macro-op consists of a configuration ID which helps in locating the configurations. A small configuration cache is present inside the Programmable Functional unit, that holds these configurations. In case of a miss in the configuration cache configurations are loaded from I-Cache. Moreover, in-order to support bulk commit of atomic superblocks that are larger than the ROB we have proposed a speculative commit mechanism. For this we have proposed a Speculative commit register map table that holds the mappings of the speculatively committed instructions. When all the instructions of the superblock have committed the speculative state is copied to Backend Register Rename Table. Secondly, we proposed a co-designed in-order processor with with two kinds of accelerators. These FU based accelerators run a pair of fused instructions. We have considered two kinds of instruction fusion. First, we fused a pair of independent loads together into vector loads and execute them on vector load units. For the second kind of instruction fusion we have fused a pair of dependent simple ALU instructions and execute them in Interlock Collapsing ALUs (ICALU). Moreover, we have evaluated performance of various code optimizations such as list-scheduling, load-store telescoping and load hoisting among others. We have compared our co-designed processor with small instruction window out-of-order processors. Thirdly, we have proposed a co-designed out-of-order processor. Specifically we have reduced complexity in two areas. First of all, we have co-designed the commit mechanism, that enable bulk commit of atomic superblocks. In this solution we got rid of the conventional ROB, instead we introduce the Superblock Ordering Buffer (SOB). SOB ensures program order is maintained at the granularity of the superblock, by bulk committing the program state. The program state consists of the register state and the memory state. The register state is held in a per superblock register map table, whereas the memory state is held in gated store buffer and updated in bulk. Furthermore, we have tackled the complexity of Out-of-Order issue logic by using FIFOs. We have proposed an enhanced steering heuristic that fixes the inefficiencies of the existing dependence-based heuristic. Moreover, a mechanism to release the FIFO entries earlier is also proposed that further improves the performance of the steering heuristic. / En aquesta tesis hem explorat el paradigma de les màquines issue i commit per processadors actuals. Hem implementat una màquina virtual que tradueix binaris x86 a micro-ops de tipus RISC. Aquestes traduccions es guarden com a superblocks, que en realitat no és més que una traça de virtuals co-dissenyades. En particular, hem proposat mecanismes hw/sw per a la fusió d’instruccions, blocs bàsics. Aquests superblocks s’optimitzen utilitzant optimizacions especualtives i d’altres no speculatives. En cas de les optimizations especulatives es consideren mecanismes per a la gestió de errades en l’especulació. Al llarg d’aquesta tesis s’han fet les següents contribucions: Primer, hem proposat una nova unitat functional programmable (PFU) per tal de millorar l’execució d’aplicacions de proposit general. La PFU està formada per un conjunt d’unitats funcionals, similar al CCA, amb un banc de registres intern a la PFU distribuït a les unitats funcionals que la composen. Les entrades de la macro-operació que s’executa en la PFU es mouen del banc de registres físic convencional al intern fent servir un conjunt de moves i loads. Un algorisme de fusió combina més micro-operacions en temps d’execució. Aquest algorisme es basa en un pas de planificació que mesura el benefici de les decisions de fusió. Les micro operacions corresponents a la macro operació s’emmagatzemen com a senyals de control en una configuració. Les macro-operacions tenen associat un identificador de configuració que ajuda a localitzar d’aquestes. Una petita cache de configuracions està present dintre de la PFU per tal de guardar-les. En cas de que la configuració no estigui a la cache, les configuracions es carreguen de la cache d’instruccions. Per altre banda, per tal de donar support al commit atòmic dels superblocks que sobrepassen el tamany del ROB s’ha proposat un mecanisme de commit especulatiu. Per aquest mecanisme hem proposat una taula de mapeig especulativa dels registres, que es copia a la taula no especulativa quan totes les instruccions del superblock han comitejat. Segon, hem proposat un processador en order co-dissenyat que combina dos tipus d’acceleradors. Aquests acceleradors executen un parell d’instruccions fusionades. S’han considerat dos tipus de fusió d’instructions. Primer, combinem un parell de loads independents formant loads vectorials i els executem en una unitat vectorial. Segon, fusionem parells d’instruccions simples d’alu que són dependents i que s’executaran en una Interlock Collapsing ALU (ICALU). Per altra aquestes tecniques les hem evaluat conjuntament amb diverses optimizacions com list scheduling, load-store telescoping i hoisting de loads, entre d’altres. Aquesta proposta ha estat comparada amb un processador fora d’ordre. Tercer, hem proposat un processador fora d’ordre co-dissenyat efficient reduint-ne la complexitat en dos areas principals. En primer lloc, hem co-disenyat el mecanisme de commit per tal de permetre un eficient commit atòmic del superblocks. En aquesta solució hem substituït el ROB convencional, i en lloc hem introduït el Superblock Ordering Buffer (SOB). El SOB manté l’odre de programa a granularitat de superblock. L’estat del programa consisteix en registres i memòria. L’estat dels registres es manté en una taula per superblock, mentre que l’estat de memòria es guarda en un buffer i s’actulitza atòmicament. La segona gran area de reducció de complexitat considerarada és l’ús de FIFOs a la lògica d’issue. En aquest últim àmbit hem proposat una heurística de distribució que solventa les ineficiències de l’heurística basada en dependències anteriorment proposada. Finalment, i junt amb les FIFOs, s’ha proposat un mecanisme per alliberar les entrades de la FIFO anticipadament.

Algorithms for efficient VM placement in data centers : Cloud Based Design and Performance Analysis

Atchukatla, Mahammad suhail January 2018 (has links)
Content: Recent trends show that cloud computing adoption is continuously increasing in every organization. So, demand for the cloud datacenters tremendously increases over a period, resulting in significantly increased resource utilization of the datacenters. In this thesis work, research was carried out on optimizing the energy consumption by using packing of the virtual machines in the datacenter. The CloudSim simulator was used for evaluating bin-packing algorithms and for practical implementation OpenStack cloud computing environment was chosen as the platform for this research.   Objectives:  In this research, our objectives are as follows <ul type="disc">Perform simulation of algorithms in CloudSim simulator. Estimate and compare the energy consumption of different packing algorithms. Design an OpenStack testbed to implement the Bin packing algorithm.   Methods: We use CloudSim simulator to estimate the energy consumption of the First fit, the First fit decreasing, Best fit and Enhanced best-fit algorithms. Design a heuristic model for implementation in the OpenStack environment for optimizing the energy consumption for the physical machines. Server consolidation and live migration are used for the algorithms design in the OpenStack implementation. Our research also extended to the Nova scheduler functionality in an OpenStack environment.   Results: Most of the case the enhanced best-fit algorithm gives the better results. The results are obtained from the default OpenStack VM placement algorithm as well as from the heuristic algorithm developed in this simulation work. The comparison of results indicates that the total energy consumption of the data center is reduced without affecting potential service level agreements.   Conclusions: The research tells that energy consumption of the physical machines can be optimized without compromising the offered service quality. A Python wrapper was developed to implement this model in the OpenStack environment and minimize the energy consumption of the Physical machine by shutdown the unused physical machines. The results indicate that CPU Utilization does not vary much when live migration of the virtual machine is performed.

Proposal of a strategy for monitoring and management of virtual networks based on open standard openflow

Damalio, Douglas Brito 31 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:58:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo3252_1.pdf: 2382561 bytes, checksum: c2a06bbc48d03850db39ab0f6ef2859e (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para gerenciamento e monitoramento de redes virtuais através da adaptação do Nagios, uma ferramenta de gerência e monitoramento amplamente utilizada em datacenters por administradores de rede. Esta adaptação foi implementada através da criação de um plug-in que coleta dados relevantes de switches virtuais realizando inferências de estados de disponibilidade destes switches. Para verificação da usabilidade do plug-in, foi criada uma rede virtual utilizando o software de padrão aberto Openflow e OpenvSwitch em conjunto com o NOX, além da criação de máquinas virtuais sobre o virtualizador KVM com o auxílio da biblioteca libvirt para criação das máquinas virtuais e interfaces virtuais

Indirect branch emulation techniques in virtual machines / Técnicas para emulação de saltos indiretos em máquinas virtuais

Gomes, Gabriel Ferreira Teles, 1985- 07 July 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Borin / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T09:40:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gomes_GabrielFerreiraTeles_M.pdf: 1568441 bytes, checksum: b0b5fb8e25907bd153706a27a9b597ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Tradução dinâmica de binários é uma técnica de emulação comumente utilizada na implementação de máquinas virtuais. Neste contexto, a emulação de saltos indiretos é uma das principais fontes de perda de eficiência, o que atrapalha a aplicabilidade de tradutores dinâmicos de binários. Essa dissertação descreve diversas técnicas que tentam melhorar o desempenho e a eficiência da emulação de saltos indiretos em máquinas virtuais eficientes. O DynamoRIO é uma máquina virtual que se enquadra nessa categoria e que utiliza características de diversas dessas técnicas. Nessa dissertação, nós apresentamos a implementação atual do DynamoRIO, modificamos seu código para incluir duas novas técnicas de emulação de saltos indiretos (Inline Caching e IBTC) e as comparamos com outras técnicas descritas na literatura / Abstract: Dynamic binary translation is an emulation technique commonly employed in the implementation of virtual machines. One of the main sources of overhead that hinder the applicability of dynamic binary translators is that caused by the emulation of indirect branch instructions. This master thesis describes several techniques that try to improve the performance and efficiency of indirect branch emulation in efficient virtual machines. DynamoRIO is one of such machines and it implements features used by several of those techniques. In this master thesis, we present current implementations of DynamoRIO, modify its code to include two new techniques (Inline Caching and IBTC) and compare it with other techniques described in the literature / Mestrado / Ciência da Computação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Replacing Virtual Machines and Hypervisors with Container Solutions

Alndawi, Tara January 2021 (has links)
We live in a world that is constantly evolving where new technologies and innovations are being introduced. This progress partly results in developing new technologies and also in the improvement of the current ones. Docker containers are a virtualization method that is one of these new technologies that has become a hot topic around the world as it is said to be a better alternative to today's current virtual machines. One of the aspects that has contributed to this statement is the difference from virtual machines where containers isolate processes from each other and not the entire operating system. The company Saab AB wants to be at the forefront of today's technology and is interested in investigating the possibilities with container technology. The purpose with this thesis work is partly to investigate whether the container solution is in fact an alternative to traditional VMs and what differences there are between these methods. This will be done with the help of an in-depth literature study of comperative studies between containers and VMs. The results of the comparative studies showed that containers are in fact a better alternative than VMs in certain aspects such as performance and scalability and are worthy for the company. Thus, in the second part of this thesis work, a proof of concept implementation was made, by recreating a part of the company’s subsystem TactiCall into containers, to ensure that this transition is possible for the concrete use-case and that the container solution works as intended. This task has succeeded in highlighting the benefits of containers and showing through a proof of concept that there is an opportunity for the company to transition from VMs into containers.

Improving the Response Time of M-Learning and Cloud Computing Environments Using a Dominant Firefly Approach

Sekaran, Kaushik, Khan, Mohammad S., Patan, Rizwan, Gandomi, Amir H., Krishna, Parimala Venkata, Kallam, Suresh 01 January 2019 (has links)
Mobile learning (m-learning) is a relatively new technology that helps students learn and gain knowledge using the Internet and Cloud computing technologies. Cloud computing is one of the recent advancements in the computing field that makes Internet access easy to end users. Many Cloud services rely on Cloud users for mapping Cloud software using virtualization techniques. Usually, the Cloud users' requests from various terminals will cause heavy traffic or unbalanced loads at the Cloud data centers and associated Cloud servers. Thus, a Cloud load balancer that uses an efficient load balancing technique is needed in all the cloud servers. We propose a new meta-heuristic algorithm, named the dominant firefly algorithm, which optimizes load balancing of tasks among the multiple virtual machines in the Cloud server, thereby improving the response efficiency of Cloud servers that concomitantly enhances the accuracy of m-learning systems. Our methods and findings used to solve load imbalance issues in Cloud servers, which will enhance the experiences of m-learning users. Specifically, our findings such as Cloud-Structured Query Language (SQL), querying mechanism in mobile devices will ensure users receive their m-learning content without delay; additionally, our method will demonstrate that by applying an effective load balancing technique would improve the throughput and the response time in mobile and cloud environments.

Container overhead in microservice systems / Container overhead i microservice-system

Friðriksson, Vilhelm January 2018 (has links)
Containers have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their ability to provide higher flexibility, higher reliability and dynamic scalability to enterprise software systems. In order to fully utilize containers, software developers aim to build their software using microservice architecture, meaning that instead of working on a single large codebase for the whole project, the software is split into smaller units. These microservices can be deployed in their own container instead of the traditional virtual machine setup where a server has to configured with all necessary dependencies. Moving away from the monolithic software architecture to containerized microservices is bound to bring performance penalties due to increased network calls between services and container overhead. The integration must therefor be carefully planned in order to fully utilize the container setup while minimizing the overhead. The purpose of this thesis project was to measure how much overhead can be expected due to containers in an enterprise environment. By using a combination of virtual machines and Docker containers, a microservice system was deployed with four different deployment strategies and the system’s performance was measured by analyzing request response times under various loads. The services were made to run on a single server and on multiple servers, with and without Docker. The performance measurements showed that the system performed worse in every case when Docker was used. Furthermore, the results showed that Docker can have significant negative impact on performance when there is a heavy load on the system. / Containers har blivit populärare under de senaste åren tack vare deras förmåga att ge högre flexibilitet, högre tillförlitlighet och dynamisk skalbarhet för företagsprogramvarusystem.  För att fullt ut kunna använda containers har programutvecklarna för avsikt att bygga sin programvara med hjälp av mikroservicearkitekturen, vilket innebär att programvaran delas upp i mindre enheter istället för att arbeta på en enda stor kodbas för hela projektet. Dessa mikroservices kan distribueras i sina egna containers istället för den traditionella virtuella maskininstallationen, där en server måste konfigureras med alla nödvändiga beroenden.  Att flytta sig från monolitisk mjukvaruarkitektur till containeriserade microservices kommer att få prestandaförsämringar på grund av ökade nätverksanrop mellan tjänster och container-overhead. Integrationen måste därför noggrant planeras för att fullt ut utnyttja containeruppsättningen och minimera overhead. Syftet med detta avhandlingsprojekt var att mäta hur mycket overhead kan förväntas på grund av containers i en företagsmiljö. Genom att använda en kombination av virtuella maskiner och Dockercontainers, implementerades ett microservices-system med fyra olika implementeringsstrategier och systemets prestanda mättes genom att analysera anropens svarstid under olika belastningar. Tjänsterna gjordes för att köras på en enda server och på flera servrar, med och utan Docker.  Prestandamätningarna visade att systemet var sämre i alla fall när Docker användes. Dessutom, visade resultaten att Docker kan ha signifikant negativ inverkan på prestanda när det är tung belastning på systemet.

HoloGo: um modelo de mobilidade de código orientado ao holoparadigma / Hologo: a strong code mobility model focused on the holoparadigm

Lermen, Gustavo 15 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:58:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 15 / Nenhuma / A rápida popularização de dispositivos computacionais cada vez mais poderosos está trazendo a computação móvel para um grande número de pessoas. Na medida em que os dispositivos ganham mais poder computacional, diferentes aplicações podem ser desenvolvidas de modo a atender as necessidades de um número cada vez maior de usuários. Esta evolução, entretanto, não é livre de desafios. Com o aumento do número de usuários, a demanda por customização torna-se uma questão chave. Entre as soluções que oferecem a customização encontra-se a mobilidade de código. Neste sentido esta dissertação apresenta um modelo de mobilidade forte de código orientado ao Holoparadigma. Até então somente a mobilidade lógica era suportada, estando à mobilidade de código apenas na especificação. Este modelo é chamado HoloGo e foi desenvolvido tendo como base a HoloVM, uma máquina virtual com suporte a blackboards e programação concorrente. A validação deste modelo ocorreu através da implementação de um protótipo que foi utilizado no desen / The rapid popularization of increasingly powerful computational devices is setting the mobile computing into daily life of a great number of people. As devices evolve along with its computational power, many applications can be developed in order to accomplish the different needs of a growing number of users. This evolution, however, it is not free of challenges. As the number of users increase, the need of customization becomes a major concern. Among the solutions that offer customization to software applications is code mobility. In this way, this dissertation presents a strong code mobility model focused in the Holoparadigm. Until now only logical mobility was provided, being the code mobility only in the specification. This model is called HoloGo and was developed on top of HoloVM, a virtual machine with blackboards and concurrent programming support. HoloGo was validated through the implementation of a prototype used in the development of applications that use code mobility. In this context, the main con

Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS '10)

January 2010 (has links)
Aspect-oriented programming, component models, and design patterns are modern and actively evolving techniques for improving the modularization of complex software. In particular, these techniques hold great promise for the development of "systems infrastructure" software, e.g., application servers, middleware, virtual machines, compilers, operating systems, and other software that provides general services for higher-level applications. The developers of infrastructure software are faced with increasing demands from application programmers needing higher-level support for application development. Meeting these demands requires careful use of software modularization techniques, since infrastructural concerns are notoriously hard to modularize. Aspects, components, and patterns provide very different means to deal with infrastructure software, but despite their differences, they have much in common. For instance, component models try to free the developer from the need to deal directly with services like security or transactions. These are primary examples of crosscutting concerns, and modularizing such concerns are the main target of aspect-oriented languages. Similarly, design patterns like Visitor and Interceptor facilitate the clean modularization of otherwise tangled concerns. Building on the ACP4IS meetings at AOSD 2002-2009, this workshop aims to provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and developers to discuss the application of and relationships between aspects, components, and patterns within modern infrastructure software. The goal is to put aspects, components, and patterns into a common reference frame and to build connections between the software engineering and systems communities.

CSOM/PL : a virtual machine product line

Haupt, Michael, Marr, Stefan, Hirschfeld, Robert January 2011 (has links)
CSOM/PL is a software product line (SPL) derived from applying multi-dimensional separation of concerns (MDSOC) techniques to the domain of high-level language virtual machine (VM) implementations. For CSOM/PL, we modularised CSOM, a Smalltalk VM implemented in C, using VMADL (virtual machine architecture description language). Several features of the original CSOM were encapsulated in VMADL modules and composed in various combinations. In an evaluation of our approach, we show that applying MDSOC and SPL principles to a domain as complex as that of VMs is not only feasible but beneficial, as it improves understandability, maintainability, and configurability of VM implementations without harming performance. / CSOM/PL ist eine Softwareproduktfamilie (software product line, SPL), die erstellt wurde, indem Techniken der mehrdimensionalen Belangtrennung (multi-dimensional separation of concerns, MDSOC) auf die Domäne der virtuellen Maschinen (VM) für höhere Programmiersprachen angewendet wurden. Dazu wurde CSOM, eine in C implementierte Smalltalk-VM, mittels VMADL (virtual machine architecture description language) in Module zerlegt. Etliche Eigenschaften von CSOM wurden in VMADL-Module gekapselt und auf unterschiedliche Weisen komponiert. Die Auswertung des Ansatzes zeigt, dass die Anwendung von MDSOC- und SPL-Prinzipien auf die komplexe VM-Domäne nicht nur machbar ist, sondern darüber hinaus auch Vorteile mit sich bringt, da die Verständlichkeit, Wartbarkeit und Konfigurierbarkeit von VM-Implementierungen ohne Beeinträchtigung der Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit verbessert werden.

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