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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A proactive water supply shortage response plan focusing on the Green Industry in the Rand Water supply area

Hoy, Leslie Higham 01 1900 (has links)
Water is a symbol of life. It affects all organisms on earth and its importance is emphasised in times of drought. The human population growth places more demands on our natural resources. As pressures on the available water increases, more measures are required to utilise water sustainably. South Africa is classified as a water stressed country with less than 1700 cubic meters of water available per person per year. Rand Water supplies water to approximately 11 million people in Gauteng. During times of drought, restrictions imposed are aimed mainly at the broader Green Industry. This research investigated international strategies, existing restrictions in Gauteng, and undertook a survey within the Green Industry to determine the most appropriate response. This research proposes a new water supply shortage response plan for Rand Water in Gauteng with a total of four levels of restrictions implemented at different stages of water stress in the system. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

The role of capacity-sharing in South African water policy

De Lange, Willem Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A vast literature on the incompatibility of socio-economic development and environmental conservation (also referred to as sustainable development) has developed over the past few years. This study takes on the form of a critical, problemdriven discussion and evaluation of the applicability and viability of the concept of capacity-sharing to the current South African water management regime. Within the study, the complexities involved in the shift from a supply- to demandoriented management strategy are examined in depth. This transition in strategy proves to be problematic for water policy makers and managers because of past management regimes and structures, measurement related problems, incorrect or insufficient definition of criteria needed for demand-oriented approaches and the emotional complexities regarding water use. Developments in water policy are currently at a point where problems are experienced regarding the practical implementation of proposed water demand-oriented policy. The concept of capacity-sharing is explained and discussed in detail, leading to the identification of the applicability to three of the most important problems (basic contradiction within the 1998 National Water Act, initial allocation for market adoption and equity within the market) faced within the transition towards a demand-oriented approach. This study found that the concept of capacity-sharing does hold applicability in addressing the above-mentioned three problems towards the transition to a demand-side management approach. Capacity-sharing, therefore, should be part of this timely transition and the state should make use of the advantages of this concept. To support this view, seven studies are proposed for further research to address the problems as mentioned in section 5.2 of the thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Uitgebreide literatuur aangaande die onversoenbaarheid van sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en omgewingsbewaring (ook volhoubare ontwikkeling genoem) het oor die afgelope paar jaar ontwikkel. Hierdie studie neem die vorm van 'n kritiese, probleemgedrewe bespreking ten opsigte van die toepasbaarheid en relevansie van die konsep van kapasiteitsdeling binne die orde van huidige Suid Afrikaanse waterbestuur, aan. Die vele aspekte van die klemverskuiwing van 'n aanbod- na 'n vraag-georiënteerde waterbestuur-strategie, word ook beklemtoon. Hierdie oorgang is problematies vir waterbeleid-formuleerders en bestuurders as gevolg van vorige waterbestuur-ordes en strukture, meetbaarheid georiënteerde probleme, foutiewe of onvoldoende definieering van watergebruik-regte en die emosionele kompleksiteite van water. Tans, word probleme rakende die praktiese implementering van voorgestelde vraag-georienteerde waterbeleid ervaar. Die konsep van kapasiteitsdeling word in detail verduidelik en bespreek waarvandaan die toepasbaarheid op drie van die belangrikste probleme (basiese kontradiksie binne die 1998 Nasionale Waterwet, aanvanklike verdeling van water gebruik regte vir opname binne die mark en die kwessie van regverdigheid binne die mark) vir die oorgang na 'n vraaggeoriënteerde strategie geïdentifiseer word. Die studie het bevind dat die konsep van kapasiteitsdeling wel relevansie ten opsigte van die bogenoemde drie probleme tydens die oorgang na 'n vraag-georiënteerde strategie, inhou. Kapasiteitsdeling behoort dus deel te vorm van die oorgangsfase na 'n vraag-georiënteerde water bestuur strategie en die staat behoort gebruik te maak van die konsep se voordele. Ter ondersteuning hiervan word sewe studies voorgestel vir verdere navorsing ten opsigte van die probleme soos geïdentifiseer in afdeling 5.2 van die tesis.

Domestic water demand for consumers with rainwater harvesting systems

O Brien, Olivia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of the study is to theoretically assess tank-water demand and employ methods to establish the actual tank-water demand at selected houses in a case study area. This study also examines the influence of domestic rainwater harvesting systems when used in combination with a municipal water distribution system. The case study comprises of 410 low cost housing units in the Western Cape. The system demand patterns of low cost housing units are uncharacteristic, when compared with suburban system demand patterns, and cannot be defined by traditional models. Similarly, the use of rainwater harvesting systems in these areas follows an unconventional routine that is yet to be defined. A stochastic end-use model for water demand is developed which produces temporal profiles for water supplied from both sources, namely the water distribution system and the rainwater harvesting system. The model approximates a daily system and tank-water demand pattern for a single domestic household, using @RISK software. The demand estimation methodology is clarified through application on a particular case study site where harvested rainwater is frequently utilized. Estimates of the parameter values are based on consumer surveys and previous studies on the case study area, where the household size was defined in the form of a probability distribution. The results confirm the atypical system demand patterns in low cost housing units units. Although two clear peaks exist in the morning and in the evening, a relatively constant average flow is present throughout the day. A sensitivity analysis of all the model parameters verified that the household size has the most substantial influence on the tank-water demand pattern. The system and tank-water demand patterns were compared to published average daily water demand guidelines, which confirmed that increased water savings could be achieved when the rainwater source is accessible inside the household with minimal effort. The stochastic demand profiles derived as part of this research agree with the metered system demand in the same area. The results of this study could be incorporated into the future development of national standards. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van die studie is om die tenkwater-aanvraag teoreties te ontleed en metodes in werking te stel om die werklike tenkwater-aanvraag vas te stel by geselekteerde huise in ‘n gevallestudie area. Hierdie studie ondersoek ook die invloed van plaaslike reënwater-herwinningstelsels wanneer dit gebruik word in kombinasie met ‘n munisipale waterverspreidingstelsel. Die gevallestudie bestaan uit 410 laekoste behuisingseenhede in die Wes-Kaap. Die stelsel-aanvraagpatrone van laekoste behuisingseenhede is verskillend wanneer dit met voorstedelike stelsel-aanvraagpatrone vergelyk word en kan nie gedefinieer word deur tradisionele modelle nie. Soortgelyk volg die gebruik van reënwater-herwinningstelsels in hierdie areas ‘n onkonvensionele roetine. ‘n Stogastiese eindgebruikmodel vir water-aanvraag is ontwikkel, wat tydelike profiele genereer vir water wat van beide bronne verskaf word, naamlik die waterverspreidingstelsel en die reënwater-herwinningstelsel. Die model bepaal by benadering ‘n daaglikse stelsel- en tenkwater-aanvraagpatroon vir ‘n enkele plaaslike huishouding, deur @RISK sagteware. Die aanvraag-beramingstegnieke word verduidelik deur toepassing op ‘n spesifieke gevallestudie, waar herwinde reënwater gereeld gebruik word. Die parameter waardeberamings is gebaseer op verbruikers-opnames en vorige studies oor die gevallestudie-gebied, waar die grootte van die huishoudings bepaal was in die vorm van 'n waarskynlikheidsverspreiding. Die resultate bevestig die atipiese stesel aanvraagpatrone in laekoste behuisingseenhede eenhede. Alhoewel twee duidelike pieke in die oggend en die aand voorkom, is ‘n relatiewe konstante vloei dwarsdeur die dag teenwoordig. ‘n Sensitiwiteitsanalise van al die modelparameters bevestig dat die grootte van die huishouding die grootste beduidende invloed op tenkwater- aanvraagpatrone het. Die stelsel- en tenkwater-aanvraagpatrone was vergelyk met gepubliseerde gemiddelde daaglikse water-aanvraag riglyne wat bevestig dat meer waterbesparings bereik kan word waar die reënwaterbron binne die huishouding beskikbaar is met minimale moeite. Die stogastiese aanvraagprofiele, wat as deel van hierdie navorsing afgelei was, stem saam met die gemeterde stelsel-aanvraagpatroon van dieselfde area. Die resultate van hierdie studie kan in die toekomstige ontwikkeling van nasionale standaarde opgeneem word.

Modellierung von Wasser und Energieverbräuchen in Haushalten

Pflugradt, Noah Daniel 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell für die Simulation des Verbraucherverhaltens in Haushalten entwickelt. Das Ziel ist die Erstellung von Lastprofilen für den Strom- und Wasserverbrauch. Das Modell wird in einem Programm implementiert. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend validiert und verschiedene Kenngrößen mit Literaturwerten verglichen. Abschließend wird eine Parameterstudie durchgeführt, um den Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren wie z.B. das Arbeitszeitmodell oder die Feiertagsmodellierung auf Lastprofile zu quantifizieren. Das Modell basiert auf einem Bedürfnismodell aus der Psychologie und ermöglicht den Verzicht auf die Errechnung von Aktivitäts-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen. / In this thesis a model for the simulation of the behaviour of people in residential households is introduced. The goal is to generate load profiles for residential electricity and water consumption. The model is implemented as a Windows program. The results are validated and various metrics are compared with literature values. A parameter study is performed to quantify the influence of various factors such as the working hours or the influence of holidays on the load profile. The model is based on a desire model from the field of psychology and makes it possible to avoid calculating any probabilty distributions.

La gestion, l'utilisation, la consommation et la représentation de l'eau en Chine / The management, usage, consumption, and representation of water in China

Ma, Jingjing 07 November 2017 (has links)
Nous analysons cette thèse au travers de quatre grandes échelles d'observation : macrosociale, mésosociale, microsociale et micro-individuel. Dans le premier temps, pour comprendre le contexte de la gestion et l'utilisation de l'eau potable, nous allons présenter d'abord le contexte environnemental pour rappeler l'importance géopolitique par rapport à l'eau au niveau internationale, montrer progressivement le développement du pays accompagnant « une crise de l'eau » au niveau national, et au niveau régional notre exemple de Guangzhou, ainsi que les solutions et les conflits de cette crise dans une échelle macrosociale. « La maîtrise de l'eau » en quantité et en qualité est toujours un enjeu particulièrement important au niveau national et international. En second, nous allons montrer une évolution de la qualité et de la gestion de l'eau courante à Guangzhou. Dans cette partie, nous allons rappeler d'abord la cause principale d'une pollution importante nuisant à la qualité de l'eau courante à cause d'un développement d'urbanisation très rapide, pour comprendre comment l'eau courante est devenue non potable. Dans l'échelle d'observation mésosociale, nous pouvons observer les réactions et les coopérations des différents secteurs publics et privées autour de la production et de la distribution de l'eau courante. Dans la troisième partie, nous allons mobiliser notre perspective à l'échelle d'observation microsociale. Ici nous nous intéresserons particulièrement à l'usage de l'eau dans la vie quotidienne chez les individus, notamment dans le cadre de l'alimentation. Nous allons présenter d'abord une évolution et une diversité de l'eau dans la famille chinoise citadine contemporaine, de manière plus ancienne comme l'eau des puits vers plusieurs types d'eau commerciale. En face des choix, comment les individus expertisent et choisissent leur(s) eau(x) ? Comment les individus utilisent et transforment les sens de l'eau dans l'espace domestique ? Ensuite, nous analyserons les occasions de consommation et les représentations des eaux potables (l'eau courante, ainsi que des autres eaux sans goût ou avec du goût (des boissons non alcoolisées) dans les familles chinoises dans quatre grandes villes (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou et Chengdu) en Chine à l'échelle d'observation microsociale et micro-individuel. C'est dans cette partie que nous voyons les différentes pratiques entre les chinois les plus traditionnels qui pratiquent la philosophie chinoise du qi, du yin et du yang dans la consommation des eaux dans leur vie quotidienne et les chinois plus modernes qui ne pratiquent pas du tout la tradition, ou bien entre les deux. C'est aussi dans cette partie, où nous voyons le lien interrelationnel dans la société chinoise au travers de la consommation des eaux. À la fin, nous avons travaillé sur le goût, surtout le sucré dans les boissons non alcoolisées en montrant les occasions, les pratiques et les représentations et la gestion du corps par rapport au sucre et au sucré. / We will analyze this topic based on four major scales of observation: macrosocial, mesosocial, microsocial and micro individual. Firstly, in order to understand the context of drinking-water usage and management, we will present the environmental context and the geopolitical importance of water at the international level. We will then demonstrate China's development following a "water crisis" at the national level. Finally, we will present the regional-level example of Guangzhou, along with the solutions to and conflicts within this crisis on a macrosocial scale. "Water management", in terms of quantity and quality, continues to be a particularly important issue on the national and international stage. Secondly, we will examine the changes in the quality and management of running water in Guangzhou. In this second section, we will first show that running water in the region has become undrinkable due to severe pollution stemming from rapid urbanization. On a mesosocial level, we can observe the reactions of and cooperation between various segments of the public and private sector with respect to the production and distribution of running water. In the third section, we will examine the issue on the microsocial scale. Here, we will be focusing on water usage in individuals' daily lives, especially in the context of food and eating habits. We will first describe the changing role and diversity of water usage in the modern urban Chinese household, from historic usage of well-water to various types of commercially produced water. How do individuals select their preferred water source(s) based on the available options? How do they use and transform the meaning of water within the domestic realm? Next, we will analyze the forms of consumption and the representations of drinking water (including running water as well as other types of non-alcoholic water beverages, both flavored and unflavored) within Chinese households in four major Chinese cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu on the microsocial scale and micro individual. In this section, we outline the differences between the habits of more traditional Chinese, adherents of the Chinese philosophy of qi, yin, and yang, and those of more modern, non-traditional Chinese, as well as those in between the two extremes. This section also explores the relationships inherent in Chinese society though the lens of water consumption. Lastly, we address the issue of flavor, especially sugar in non-alcoholic drinks, by outlining the forms, practices, representations, and management of the body in relation to sugar and sweet drinks.

Modélisation et contrôle des ballons d'eau chaude sanitaire à effet Joule : du ballon individuel au parc / Modeling and control of electric hot water tanks : from the single unit to the group

Beeker-Adda, Nathanaël 13 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse au développement de stratégies de décalage de charge pouvant être appliquées à un parc de chauffe-eau Joule (CEJ).On propose une modélisation entrée-sortie du système que constitue le CEJ. L'idée est de concevoir un modèle précis et peu coûteux numériquement, qui pourrait être intégré dans un CEJ intelligent. On présente notamment un modèle phénoménologique multi-période d'évolution du profil de température dans le CEJ ainsi qu'un modèle de la demande en eau chaude. On étudie des stratégies d'optimisation pour un parc de CEJ dont la résistance peut être pilotée par un gestionnaire central. Trois cas de figures sont étudiés. Le premier concerne un petit nombre de ballons intelligents et présente une méthode de résolution d'un problème d'optimisation en temps discret. Puis, on s'intéresse à un parc de taille moyenne. Une heuristique gardant indivisibles les périodes de chauffe (pour minimiser les aléas thermo-hydrauliques) est présentée. Enfin, un modèle de comportement d'un nombre infini de ballon est présenté sous la forme d'une équation de Fokker-Planck. / This thesis focuses on the development of advanced strategies for load shifting of large groups of electric hot water tanks (EHWT).The first part of this thesis is dedicated to representing an EHWT as an input-output system. The idea is to design a simple, tractable and relatively accurate model that can be implemented inside a low-power computing unit embedded in a smart EHWT, for practical applications of optimization strategies. It includes in particular a phenomenological multi-period model of the temperature profile in the tank and a realistic domestic hot water consumption model.The second part focuses on the design of optimal control strategies for a group of tanks. Three use-cases are studied. The first one deals with a small number of smart and controllable EHWT for which we propose a discrete-time optimal resolution method. The second use-case adresses a medium-scale group of controllable tanks and proposes a heuristic which keeps the heating period undivided to minimize thermo-hydraulic hazards. Finally, we present the modelling of the behavior of a infinite population of tanks under the form of a Fokker-Planck equation.

Da cidade das águas à cidade sem água: o regime jurídico das águas e o Município de São Paulo

Koetz, Vanessa 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-06-13T12:27:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanessa Koetz.pdf: 936294 bytes, checksum: e0e7f3aee5827014853ec7ce819d37a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-13T12:27:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanessa Koetz.pdf: 936294 bytes, checksum: e0e7f3aee5827014853ec7ce819d37a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / São Paulo suffered in 2014 a water collapse. Given this, would there be something that the Municipal Government could do to counter this water collapse? What could the Municipal Government have done to avoid reaching the unsustainable environmental situation that the city lives in? What can the Municipal Government do to contribute to the environmental and also the ecological balance of the city and to reverse a century of destruction of the ecosystems in which the city was erected? These are the questions that guide the dissertation. In order to answer them, we first look at the urbanization history of the Municipality of São Paulo. Next, we cover the juridical dimension of the water regime and soil management in Brazil. In the third chapter, we situate the water problem worldwide and investigate the main international documents related to water security and the right to the city. Finally, we seek to understand the specific role of the Municipal Executive of São Paulo in the management, preservation and recovery of water, for the purpose of supplying the population of São Paulo, based on the study of the main normative instruments and public policies of water resources management in the State of São Paulo and municipal urban land planning / São Paulo conheceu no ano de 2014 um colapso hídrico. Diante disso, haveria algo que o Poder Público Municipal pudesse fazer para combater este colapso hídrico? O que poderia ter feito o Poder Público Municipal para não se chegar a situação ambiental insustentável que vive a cidade? O que poderá fazer o Poder Público Municipal para contribuir para o equilíbrio ecológico ambiental, e também hídrico, da cidade e para reverter um século de destruição dos ecossistemas nos quais a cidade foi erguida? São estas as questões que orientam a dissertação. A fim de responde-las, primeiramente, percorremos a história de urbanização do Município de São Paulo. Em seguida, percorremos a dimensão jurídica do regime das águas e do ordenamento do solo no Brasil. No terceiro capítulo, situamos a problemática da água em nível mundial e procedemos à investigação dos principais documentos internacionais relacionados à segurança hídrica e ao direito à cidade. Por fim, procuramos compreender o papel específico do Poder Executivo Municipal de São Paulo na gestão, preservação e recuperação das águas, para fins de abastecimento da população paulistana, a partir do estudo dos principais instrumentos normativos e políticas públicas da gestão dos recursos hídricos no Estado de São Paulo e do ordenamento do solo urbano municipal

Satisfação quanto aos serviços de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário prestados em Goiás e a influência da qualidade da água na saúde da população / Satisfaction with the water supply and sewage services provided in Goiás and the influence of water quality on public health

Arruda, Poliana Nascimento 24 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-03-07T11:27:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Poliana Nascimento Arruda - 2015.pdf: 2671904 bytes, checksum: 0ccd127461223a3858ff55187eeb2597 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-03-07T11:30:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Poliana Nascimento Arruda - 2015.pdf: 2671904 bytes, checksum: 0ccd127461223a3858ff55187eeb2597 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-07T11:30:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Poliana Nascimento Arruda - 2015.pdf: 2671904 bytes, checksum: 0ccd127461223a3858ff55187eeb2597 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The existence of basic sanitation, as well as its quality is essential to the composition of a healthy environment. Several factors influence the search for quality services as fair tariffs, satisfaction of users of services, the management and the management sanitary actions among other attributes that basic sanitation of the municipality must contain and influence in achieving satisfactory index under health, education, economy, etc. This study aimed conduct a survey the characteristics of the Water Supply Systems (SAA) and System Sewage (SES), covering the management of services, collection and control, user satisfaction and the quality of the water distributed, and as the contents of Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases (DDA) in 21 municipalities in the state of Goiás in the management of sanitation services are performed by public bodies, or by municipalities through local authorities, departments and offices. The characteristics of the systems were obtained through on-site visits with application forms for healthcare managers, as well as forms of satisfaction for consumers in the period 2012 to 2014. The water quality data and DDA incidence come from respectively the Ministry of Health programs, Environmental Health Surveillance related to Water Quality for Human Consumption (Vigiagua) and Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases Monitoring (MDDA) for the year 2014. It was observed that in ten municipalities systems are managed by local authorities, four by departments and offices and seven without specific organ. The absence of water treatment was found in seven counties, six without specific organ, explaining the relationship with the management. In sewage noticed a deficiency in the presence of black tanks fully in 57,1% of the municipalities. The satisfaction of the population is related to economic, cultural and political factors, the latter being the predominant on the situation of public water and sewage, wherein the way management influences the existence of better infrastructure conditions. In the 21 municipalities tariff revisions occur in different ways and there is not a specific regulatory entity, the collection was observed in 67% of these municipalities. It was observed that in 21 municipalities there is a greater need as investment in infrastructure and the Goiana Agency Regulation, the regulatory body of the 225 remaining municipalities in the state of Goiás, while not complying with the law in all its spheres, contributes effectively in quality the services offered. As for water quality, it was found that the municipalities that do not have treated water levels above 70% of samples outside the potability standard were found, not being a correlation between the incidence of DDA and this aspect. Compliance with the guidelines Vigiagua is unsatisfactory, particularly for fluoride parameter and turbidity. It needs to occur an interaction between environmental and health sectors for the data to be analyzed together in order to be practical preventive, educational and corrective actions. / A existência de saneamento básico, assim como sua qualidade é essencial para a composição de um ambiente salubre. Diversos fatores influenciam na busca por serviços de qualidade, como tarifas justas, a satisfação dos usuários dos serviços, a gestão e o gerenciamento das ações sanitárias entre outros atributos que o saneamento básico do município deve conter e que influenciam no alcance de índices satisfatórios no âmbito da saúde, educação, economia e etc. Esse estudo objetivou realizar um levantamento das características dos Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água (SAA) e Sistema de Esgotamento Sanitário (SES), abrangendo a gestão dos serviços, a cobrança e a regulação, a satisfação dos usuários e a qualidade da água distribuída, bem como os índices de Doenças Diarreicas Agudas (DDA) em 21 municípios do estado de Goiás em que a gestão dos serviços de saneamento são realizadas por entidades de direito público, ou seja, pela prefeituras por meio de autarquias, departamentos e secretarias. As características dos sistemas foram obtidas por meio de visitas in loco com aplicação de formulários para os gestores dos sistemas, além de formulários de satisfação para os consumidores no período de 2012 a 2014. Os dados da qualidade da água e da incidência de DDA são oriundos respectivamente dos programas do Ministério da Saúde, Vigilância Ambiental em Saúde relacionada à Qualidade da Água para Consumo Humano (Vigiagua) e Monitoramento de Doenças Diarreicas Agudas (MDDA) referentes ao ano de 2014. Observou-se que em dez municípios os sistemas são geridos por autarquias, quatro por departamentos e secretarias e sete não possuem órgão específico. A ausência de tratamento de água foi encontrada em sete municípios, sendo seis sem órgão específico, explicitando a relação com a gestão. No esgotamento sanitário notou-se uma deficiência com a presença de fossas negras integralmente em 57,1% dos municípios. A satisfação da população está relacionada a fatores econômicos, culturais e políticos, sendo esse último o preponderante para a situação dos serviços públicos de água e esgoto, sendo que a forma de gestão influencia na existência de melhores condições de infraestrutura. Nos 21 municípios as revisões tarifárias ocorrem de diferentes formas não havendo um ente regulador específico, sendo observada a cobrança em 67% desses municípios. Foi observado que nos 21 municípios há uma maior carência quanto aos investimentos em infraestrutura e que a Agência Goiana de Regulação, órgão regulador dos 225 municípios restantes do estado de Goiás, mesmo não cumprindo com a legislação em todas as suas esferas, contribui efetivamente na qualidade dos serviços oferecidos. Quanto a qualidade da água, foi verificado que nos municípios que não possuem água tratada índices acima de 70% de amostras fora do padrão de potabilidade foram encontradas, não sendo verificada correlação entre a incidência de DDA e esse quesito. O cumprimento das diretrizes do Vigiagua encontra-se insatisfatória, principalmente para o parâmetro flúor e turbidez. É necessário que ocorra uma interação entre os setores ambientais e de saúde para que os dados sejam analisados em conjunto no intuito de haver práticas de ações preventivas, educativas e corretivas.

Consumo de ?gua e de energia: uma an?lise sob a ?tica do licenciamento ambiental na ind?stria de abate de animais do estado da Bahia

Souza, Anderson Carneiro de 29 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-10-08T22:34:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o PPGECEA - Versao Final.pdf: 1221901 bytes, checksum: e87ef19103280149b784bab62da0ced2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-08T22:34:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o PPGECEA - Versao Final.pdf: 1221901 bytes, checksum: e87ef19103280149b784bab62da0ced2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-29 / Brazil is nowadays one of the largest producers and exporters of meat in the world. Despite this positive result, the environmental impacts which were caused by those production activities need to be analyzed. Thus, this paper aimed to evaluate the consumption of water and energy, informed in the environmental licensing processes in Bahia, spent for animal slaughtering activity. For that, data from 13 slaughterhouses and 12 refrigerators recorded in INEMA, from 2006 up to 2012 were used. The results have showed that 75% of the industries that slaughter cattle have high rates of water consumption, with average scores of 1.663 L/animal in slaughterhouses and 1,216 L/animal in cold storage chamber, reaching this figure to 100% in pig slaughtering industries, with an average consumption of 1,093 L/animal in slaughterhouses and 1,125 L/animal in refrigerating chambers. In chicken slaughtering, the average water consumption was 16 L/animal in slaughterhouses and 18 L/animal in cold storage chamber, compatible to benchmark data in the industry. In the energy aspect, it was not possible to quantify the total consumption due to the absence of electricity consumption data. Related to thermal energy, both cattle slaughter industries, which consume on average 241.9 kWh/animal, such as chicken slaughter, with an average consumption of 1.8 kWh/animal in slaughterhouses and 1.6 kWh/animal in refrigerators, they have showed high values, emphasizing the lack of data from that nature for the pigs slaughtering. The absence of such data indicates that this approach is not yet part of the Environmental Agency initiatives and that the concept of eco-efficiency is also not incorporated in the analysis of environmental licensing. / O Brasil atualmente ? um dos maiores produtores e exportadores de carne no mundo. Apesar deste enfoque positivo, agrega-se a esta atividade impactos ambientais que necessitam ser analisados. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetivou avaliar o consumo de ?gua e de energia informados nos processos de licenciamento ambiental do estado da Bahia para a atividade de abate de animais. Para isso, utilizou-se de dados de 13 abatedouros e 12 frigor?ficos protocolados no INEMA no per?odo de 2006 a 2012. Os resultados indicaram que 75% das ind?strias que abatem bovinos possuem altos ?ndices de consumo de ?gua, com resultados m?dios de 1.663 L/animal nos abatedouros e de 1.216 L/animal nos frigor?ficos, chegando esse ?ndice a 100% nas ind?strias de abate de su?nos, com consumo m?dio de 1.093 L/animal nos abatedouros e 1.125 L/animal nos frigor?ficos. No abate de frango, o consumo m?dio de ?gua foi de 16 L/animal nos abatedouros e 18 L/animal nos frigor?ficos, compat?vel com dados de benchmark do setor. No aspecto energia n?o foi poss?vel quantificar o consumo total devido ? inexist?ncia de dados de consumo de energia el?trica. Quanto ? energia t?rmica, tanto as ind?strias de abate de bovinos, consumindo em m?dia 241,9 kWh/animal, como a de frango, com consumo m?dio de 1,8 kWh/animal nos abatedouros e 1,6 kWh/animal nos frigor?ficos, apresentaram valores elevados, ressaltando-se a falta de dados desta natureza no abate de su?nos. A inexist?ncia tais dados indica que esse tipo de abordagem ainda n?o ? uma iniciativa do ?rg?o Ambiental e que o conceito de ecoefici?ncia n?o est? incorporado nas an?lises do licenciamento ambiental.

Mise en place d'un modèle de fuite multi-états en secteur hydraulique partiellement instrumenté / Mastering losses on drinking water network

Claudio, Karim 19 December 2014 (has links)
L’évolution de l’équipement des réseaux d’eau potable a considérablement amélioré le pilotage de ces derniers. Le telérelevé des compteurs d’eau est sans doute la technologie qui a créé la plus grande avancée ces dernières années dans la gestion de l’eau, tant pour l’opérateur que pour l’usager. Cette technologie a permis de passer d’une information le plus souvent annuelle sur les consommations (suite à la relève manuelle des compteurs d’eau) à une information infra-journalière. Mais le télérelevé, aussi performant soit-il, a un inconvénient : son coût. L’instrumentation complète d’un réseau engendre des investissements que certains opérateurs ne peuvent se permettre. Ainsi la création d’un échantillon de compteurs à équiper permet d’estimer la consommation totale d’un réseau tout en minimisant les coûts d’investissement. Cet échantillon doit être construit de façon intelligente de sorte que l’imprécision liée à l’estimation ne nuise pas à l’évaluation des consommations. Une connaissance précise sur les consommations d’eau permet de quantifier les volumes perdus en réseau. Mais, même dans le cas d’une évaluation exacte des pertes, cela ne peut pas suffire à éliminer toutes les fuites sur le réseau. En effet, si le réseau de distribution d’eau potable est majoritairement enterré, donc invisible, il en va de même pour les fuites. Une fraction des fuites est invisible et même indétectable par les techniques actuelles de recherche de fuites, et donc irréparable. La construction d’un modèle de fuite multi-états permet de décomposer le débit de fuite suivant les différents stades d’apparition d’une fuite : invisible et indétectable, invisible mais détectable par la recherche de fuite et enfin visible en surface. Ce modèle, de type semi-markovien, prend en compte les contraintes opérationnelles, notamment le fait que nous disposons de données de panel. La décomposition du débit de fuite permet de fait une meilleure gestion du réseau en ciblant et adaptant les actions de lutte contre les fuites à mettre en place en fonction de l’état de dégradation du réseau. / The evolution of equipment on drinking water networks has considerably bettered the monitoring of these lasts. Automatic meter reading (AMR) is clearly the technology which has brought the major progress these last years in water management, as for the operator and the end-users. This technology has allowed passing from an annual information on water consumption (thanks to the manual meter reading) toan infra-daily information. But as efficient as AMR can be, it has one main inconvenient : its cost. A complete network instrumentation generates capital expenditures that some operators can’t allowed themselves. The constitution of a sample of meters to equip enables then to estimate the network total consumption while minimizing the investments. This sample has to be built smartly so the inaccuracy of the estimator shouldn’t be harmful to the consumption estimation. A precise knowledge on water consumption allowsquantifying the water lost volumes on the network. But even an exact assessment of losses is still not enough to eliminate all the leaks on the network. Indeed, if the water distribution network is buried, and so invisible, so do the leaks. A fraction of leaks are invisible and even undetectable by the current technologies of leakage control, and so these leaks are un-reparable. The construction of a multi-state model enables us to decompose the leakage flow according to the different stages of appearance of a leak : invisible and undetectable, invisible but detectable with leakage control and finally detectable. This semi-Markovian model takes into account operational constrains, in particular the fact that we dispose of panel data. The leakage flow decomposition allows a better network monitoring but targeting and adapting the action of leakage reduction to set up according to the degradation state of the network.

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