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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

When Friends Give Bad Advice / Analyzing Response to Recommendation Performance of Close Others

Demming, Carsten Leo 27 March 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Vokabulär – En intervjustudie om vokabulärinlärning i engelska årskurs 4-6

Bohman, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie har fyra lärare beskrivit sina upplevelser av att arbeta med vokabulär i engelska. Frågorna har handlat om hur lärare beskriver sin undervisning kring vokabulär i engelska årskurserna 4–6, samt vilka utmaningar som kan uppstå. De semi-strukturerade intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och analyserats utifrån den kognitiva teorin, med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att undervisningen vanligtvis är läromedelscentrerad, där vokabulärinlärningen kan frodas eller utmanas beroende på material och val av arbetssätt. Lärarna använde sig även av glosförhör som metod, även om några av lärarna själva ifrågasatt metoden på grund av hur den sedan vanligtvis inte följs upp i undervisningen

Hur skapas positiva platsambassadörer av invånare? : En dynamisk modell

Green, Helena, Olsson, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Abstract         Title: How to create positive place ambassadors?   Level: Final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration   Authors: Helena Green & Jessica Olsson   Supervisor: Jonas Molin & Lars-Johan Åge   Examiner:  Maria Fregidou-Malama   Date: May 2020   Aim: The aim of the study is to understand and investigate how residents can become positive place ambassadors for their place of residence. This by researching which factors that can contribute to developing positive ambassadorship of residents in a city and how the interaction between these factors relates and connects.   Method: The study has a phenomenological research philosophy with a deductive basis. The study applies a qualitative research method based on a web-based survey.   Result & Conclusions: The result of the study can be summarized in a dynamic model where the residents' experiences and opinions can be related from the theoretical frame of reference, and create an applicable view around the city of Uppsala as a place brand, this in relation to the inhabitants in the city. The results show that the residents largely act as ambassadors for their place of residence and a high degree of participation from the inhabitants gives the brand a greater complexity and dynamism, which means that the residents identify with the brand. This increases the chances of the inhabitants acting as positive place ambassadors for their place of residence.   Contribution of the thesis: The thesis contributes by developing a dynamic model for place ambassadorship that is applicable to location marketing when it comes to developing place brands and its brand-building activities.   Suggestions for future research: The study is limited to Uppsala. For future studies we propose the possibility of a deeper analysis on the impact of residents as place ambassadors and how it can be adapted into different areas.   Key words: Place marketing, place ambassadorship, word-of-mouth, place branding

Evaluation of word segmentation algorithms applied on handwritten text

Isaac, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to build and evaluate how a word segmentation algorithm performs when extracting words from historical handwritten documents. Since historical documents often consist of background noise, the aim will also be to investigate whether applying a background removal algorithm will affect the final result or not. Three different types of historical handwritten documents are used to be able to compare the output when applying two different word segmentation algorithms. The result attained indicates that the background removal algorithm increases the accuracy obtained when using the word segmentation algorithm. The word segmentation algorithm developed successfully manages to extract a majority of the words while the obtained algorithm has difficulties for some documents. A conclusion made was that the type of document plays the key role in whether a poor result will be obtained or not. Hence, different algorithms may be needed rather than using one for all types of documents.

Aplikace pro získávání názorů z uživatelských recenzí

Švec, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This paper describes some current methods for customer's opinion mining and text processing. Application architecture is created along with database structure. Based on this architecture, new application is implemented. Emphasis is placed on automated downloading and processing of customers' reviews with opinion extraction and user-friendly presentation. Part of this paper is dedicated to optimizing the application for better efficiency and speed boost.

Rethinking the African language curriculum (with special reference to SiSwati) : a theoretical and empirical study

Mahlalela, Babazile January 2005 (has links)
The field study based on a questionnaire, classroom observation and a range of interviews with government officials and teachers confirmed a deeply negative attitude towards the way SiSwati is being taught, resulting in negative attitudes towards the language itself. Other findings pointed to a resistance to the cultural content of the curriculum as dictated by the power elite in Swaziland, the outdated emphasis on linguistics rather than sociolinguistics as an informing discipline and the absence of social and negative literacy skills embedded in subject content. The field study reflects an overall climate of despondency governing the teaching and learning context.

Berättande i musik : En konstnärlig undersökning om att återspegla och förstärka text i sitt musikskapande / Storytelling in music : An artistic study of reflecting and reinforcing text in ones' music creation

Aspling, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
I detta arbete har jag undersökt hur musik kan återspegla och förstärka berättelser och budskap i fyra låttexter skrivna av fyra personer. Efter analys och tolkning av låttexterna, där färgmarkeringar baserat på olika tekniker och verktyg har använts, har musik skapats till de fyra texterna. Arbetet har kombinerat metoder som word-painting och prosodi, samt hämtat inspiration från musikparametrar tagna ur Musical Emotions Explained av Patrik N. Juslin. Arbetet har även inkluderat att pröva vilken utav tre utgångspunkter för komposition som lämpar sig bäst att starta från för respektive låt: melodi, ackord eller instrumentering/sound. Slutsatsen för arbetet är att både texternas övergripande struktur och själva innehållet i berättelserna påverkar den musikaliskt kreativa processen. Låttexterna har gett olika mycket inspiration och idéer, vilket har resulterat i unika skapandeprocesser och låtar, där jag anser att två utav låtarna har uppnått ett bättre resultat än de övriga två. Arbetet har gett en bättre och djupare förståelse för hur text och musik hänger ihop, och vidare har resultatet av undersökningen visat att text går att återspegla och förstärka i musik på såväl detaljnivå i enskilda ord, som på ett övergripande plan genom att lyfta textens djupgående tema, känslor och berättelser. Att återspegla och förstärka text i musik behöver däremot inte nödvändigtvis resultera i bättre låtar eller att åhörare blir mer berörda av texterna.

Multilattice Tilings and Coverings

Linnell, Joshua Randall 02 April 2021 (has links)
Let L be a discrete subgroup of \mathbb{R}^n under addition. Let D be a finite set of points including the origin. These two sets will define a multilattice of \mathbb{R}^n. We explore how to generate a periodic covering of the space \mathbb{R}^n based on L and $D$. Additionally, we explore the problem of covering when we restrict ourselves to covering \mathbb{R}^n using only dilations of the right regular simplex in our covering. We show that using a set D= {0,d} to define our multilattice the minimum covering density is 5-\sqrt{13}. Furthermore, we show that when we allow for an arbitrary number of displacements, we may get arbitrarily close to a covering density of 1.

Liturgiese ontwerp met die preekteks as uitgangspunt - 'n model

Van Zyl, Christiaan Frederik 28 March 2007 (has links)
Radical changes during the past century not only effected the broad global society, but also church life. Dwindeling numbers of membership and lesser church attendance show that worldwide secularization has put the church in a tight position. On the other hand, there is currently renewed interest in spiritual life. This tendency gives Christianity and the church as such the opportunity to come forward with new and creative ways to convey the message of the gospel. One of the focus points should be to rediscover and renew the worship service, as it is still the main function of the church. Post modern ways of life and thinking should together with the eternal Word of God be the prime factors of rethinking worship. With mainly these arguments in mind, this study attempts to develop a design by which creative and effective worship services can be planned. Because the Bible as Gods Word is central in reformed theological thinking as well as in the whole spectrum of such church life, that will be the basis. As far as the worship service is concerned, the text for the sermon is held to be not only the focus point but actually the source from which all the liturgical elements develop. The study starts off with an overview of current tendencies. Chapter 2 deals with the research work being an empirical survey as well as a literature study. Results of the empirical survey is dealt with throughout the study. Chapter 3 discusses the whole issue of the presence of God in the church service. After an overview of this phenomenon in different eras of church history, it concludes with the outcome that God’s presence is firstly a historical fact and secondly a means of communication during a certain event. This can be experienced because the worshiper is a person with a certain human makup who lives in a particular time and space. In Chapter 4 the issue of the hermeneutical process comes into view. It deals with the Word in context and feels in the end at home in the presence of the textual communicative approach of a person such as Paul Ricoeur. The tendencies of the post modern time is also discussed. Chapter 5 focuses on liturgy itself and leads to the point where liturgy is actually the merging of Gods message with the message of the congregation. The final chapter develops the liturgical model which we can call the liturgical design where the text for the sermon is the viewpoint. / Dissertation (MA(Teologie))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

The Homogeneity With Respect to Intelligibility of Recorded Word-Recognition Materials

Wilson, Richard H., McArdle, Rachel 01 January 2015 (has links)
Background: In developing the PB-50 word lists, J. P. Egan suggested five developmental principles, two of which were "equal average difficulty" and an "equal range of difficulty" among the lists (page 963). Egan was satisfied that each of the 20 PB-50 lists had equivalent ranges of recognition performances and that the lists produced the same average performances. This was accomplished in preliminary studies that measured the recognition performance of each word and eliminated words that were always or never correct. In preparing for studies of interrupted words, we needed to know the range of difficulty inherent in the speaker specific NU-6 and Maryland CNC materials we planned to use when those words were not interrupted. There were only a few studies in the literature that touched on the range of difficulty characteristic of the word-recognition materials in common usage. The paucity of this information prompted this investigation whose scope broadened to include the CID W-22, Maryland CNC, NU-6, and PB-50 materials spoken by a variety of speakers. Purpose: The purpose was to evaluate the homogeneity with respect to intelligibility of the words that comprise several of the common word-recognition materials used in audiologic evaluations. Research Design: Both retrospective (10) and prospective (3) studies were involved. Data from six of the retrospective studies were from our labs. The prospective studies involved both listeners with normal hearing for pure tones and listeners with sensorineural hearing loss. Study Sample: The sample sizes for the 13 data sets ranged from 24 to 1,030, with 24 the typical number for listeners with normal hearing. Data Collection and Analysis: The retrospective data were from published studies and archived data from our laboratories. The prospective studies involved presentation of the word-recognition materials to the listeners at a comfortable level. An item analysis was conducted on each data set with descriptive statistics used to characterize the data. Additionally, skewness coefficients were calculated on the distributions of word performances and the interquartile range was used to determine minor and major outliers within each set of 200 words and their component 50-word lists (300 words for the Maryland CNCs). Results: For listeners with normal hearing the majority of performances on the words within a 50-word list were better than the mean performance, which produced negatively skewed distributions with outlier performances in every list. For listeners with sensorineural hearing loss the performances on the words within a 50-word list were evenly distributed above and below the mean performance, which yielded essentially normal distributions with few outliers. There were a few words on which performances were better by the listeners with hearing loss. Conclusions: Every list of word-recognition materials has a few words on which recognition performances are noticeably poorer than performances on the majority of the remaining words. If the intention of an experiment is to evaluate performance at the word level, then identifying these "outliers" becomes a necessity. Although not evaluated in this report, the implications for 25-word lists are they should be based on recognition-performance data and not compiled arbitrarily.

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