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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lansering av smink med sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal : En kvalitativ studie om hur konsumenter påverkas att sprida marknadsföringsbudskap

Ahnemark, Nathalie, Ranggård, Moa January 2015 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har den globala kosmetikaindustrin genomgått en enorm ekonomisk tillväxt. Sminkföretagen lägger stora summor på marknadsföringsinsatser för att upprätthålla konsumtionsmönstret bland konsumenter. Då människors förtroende för traditionell marknadsföring sinar och alternativa kanaler samt personliga rekommendationer genom Word of Mouth värderas högre, blir detta allt viktigare för företag att beakta i utformningen av marknadsföring. Detta utgör mycket viktiga implikationer för sminkföretag. Då sminkföretag årligen lanserar stora mängder smink och då marknadsföring är avgörande för en ny produkts framgång på marknaden, innebär det att alternativa marknadsföringskanaler måste nyttjas och Word of Mouth måste uppmuntras för att därigenom stimulera köp bland konsumenter och uppnå en marknadsacceptans av nya produkter. Historiskt sett har ingen forskning bedrivits som utforskar samband och relationer mellan områdena sminkföretag, sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal samt produktlanseringar. Detta leder oss till vår problemformulering som lyder: ”Hur påverkas konsumenter i Sverige vid en lansering av en ny sminkprodukt att sprida positiv Word of Mouth?” Studien främsta syfte är att agera en brygga mellan samhällsutvecklingen inom de berörda studieområdena och akademisk forskning. Dessutom vill vi skapa en förståelse för konsumenters beteende med avseende på spridning av Word of Mouth på sociala medier för att därigenom formulera praktiska rekommendationer för ledningen i sminkföretag i Sverige. I studien har vi valt att anta ett företagsperspektiv och nyttja en kvalitativ insamlingsmetod med en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn och en konstruktionistisk verklighetssyn. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som utgör grunden i denna studie har delats in i två huvudsakliga sektioner. Den första sektionen består av teorier och forskning kring produktlanseringar och den andra sektionen av teorier och forskning inom fenomen på sociala medier. Vi har med hjälp av tre fokusgrupper motsvarande 13 respondenter insamlat det empiriska materialet. Samtliga respondenter i studien är kvinnliga användare av såväl smink som sociala medier. Valet av dessa respondenter gjordes genom ett icke-sannolikhetsurval med inslag av en så kallad snöbollseffekt. Vid analysen av det empiriska materialet framkom att konsumenter, trots en stark negativitet mot flera av de alternativa marknadsföringskanaler som nyttjas av sminkföretag, påverkas inför köp. Emellertid har vissa kanaler och marknadsföringsinsatser en större positiv inverkan på såväl konsumenters köpbeteende som benägenhet att sprida Word of Mouth. En av de viktigaste slutsatserna utifrån analysen är det samband som återfunnits mellan konsumenters spridningstendens av marknadsföringsbudskap och förtroende, ärlighet, transparens, humor, genuinitet och igenkänningsfaktorer.

Hype inför produktlanseringar : En studie om konsumentbeteende hos Generation Y / Hype : En studie om konsumentbeteende hos Generation Y

Venegas Carrasco, Diego, Eriksson, Stefan January 2014 (has links)
Hype är inte ett nytt fenomen. Historiskt sett kan man identifiera flera produktlanseringar som lyckats skapa en hype bland människor. Vare sig det handlar om en spontan reaktion eller skicklig marknadsföring återstår det faktum att vissa produkter sprids betydligt mer än andra. Detta tycks leda till ett speciellt beteende hos konsumenterna.

Discourse functions of Old English passive word order variation

Hong, Hyo-chang January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine discourse and functional motivation for passive word order variation as shown in three of the major Early Old English prose texts, Orosius, Pastoral Care, and Ecclesiastical History of the English People. The main variation of Early Old English passive word orders are of three types, which this study showed to be distinct in the extent to which passive subjects represent information structure. This study further shows that, while thematicity functions as a main motivating factor for the use of passives, positional variation of passive verbal elements is also an important determinant of the degrees of information structure of passive main clause subjects. / Department of English

Sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal : En fallstudie i resebranschen

Bergkvist, Madeleine January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att studera hur mindre företag i resebranschen kan använda sociala medier som en framstående marknadsföringskanal för att öka kännedomen om företagets varumärke, samt skapa ett gemensamt värde för både kund och företag. De huvudsakliga teorier som ligger till grund för den här studien är sociala medier, sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal, varumärket, segmentering, strategi, krishantering, marknadsföring och kundservice, kundrelationer och värdeskapande, word of mouth, samt framtid. / The purpose with this thesis is to study how smaller companies within the travel industry can use social media as a prominent marketing channel, in order to create increased awareness of the corporate brand and create joint value for both the customer and the company. The major theories that form the basis for this study are; social media, social media as a marketing channel, the brand, segmentation, strategy, crisis management, marketing and customer service, customer relationship and value creation, word of mouth and the future.

The role of the host community in marketing arts festivals / Z. Roodt

Roodt, Zanelle Dorothy Anne January 2008 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to determine the role of the host community in the marketing of arts festivals with reference to the Grahamstown National Arts Festival. This goal was achieved firstly by analysing the relationship between the events industry and the community. Secondly, a literature study was conducted to explore the role of the community in tourism marketing. Thirdly, a survey was done to determine the perceptions of the community in terms of the marketing of the Festival as well as the social impact thereof. From previous studies it was found that the local community can be seen as a group of people of different gender, race, age and different race and social groups living together in a certain geographic area. The local community is the main suppliers of an event; they provide many of the businesses, public places and hospitality services used by tourists and visitors at an event. Staff, volunteers and many other resources come from the local community. The attitude of the local community towards the Festival is proven to be important. Positive attitudes are associated with economic and social benefits gained from the event. The attitude of the local community can influence their behaviour towards tourists as well as their message spread concerning the event, through word-of-mouth communication. They can influence the buying behaviour of tourists and visitors. Research was undertaking at Grahamstown National Arts Festival to determine the perceptions and attitudes of the local community towards the Festival and the marketing thereof. This was determined by means of a questionnaire as adopted from Fredline, Jago and Deery. It was distributed among the local community according to a stratified random sampling procedure. A total of 265 questionnaires were completed by residents. Firstly, the data was used to compile tables and graphs with a view to interpret the descriptive data: demographic information as well as perceptions and attitudes of the local community towards the Festival and the marketing thereof. It was found that the Festival has a positive impact on their personal lives as well as on the community as a whole. Positive and negative social impacts were identified, which indicates that the community are aware of the impacts: positive, including the range of things to do in Grahamstown has improved (80%), the number of people in the area has increased (80%) and there are more opportunities to meet new people (80%). The highest rated negative social impacts include the fact that the availability of parking has decreased (79%), that the public money spent on the Festival would be better spent on other things (43%) and that ordinary residents get no say in the planning and management of the Festival (50%). In terms of the marketing, the local community markets the Festival verbally by telling friends and family about it and also by attending the Festival themselves. However, the local community feel that they should be more involved in the planning and marketing of the Festival. Secondly, a factor analysis was performed with a view to synthesise the large amount of data concerning the perceptions and marketing of the Festival in smaller, more descriptive factors. These factors were used to determine the role of the community in the marketing of the Festival. The factor analysis yielded a 2-factor solution and the factors were labelled: Factor 1: Verbal marketing of the Festival; Factor 2: Action marketing of the Festival. Thirdly, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to explore the impact of the variables: age, gender, race, income, level of education, attitudes towards continuation of the Festival, attendance of the current festival, attendance of previous festivals, level of interest in the Festival, length of stay in Grahamstown, attitudes towards living in Grahamstown on the dimensions Verbal and Active marketing, as determined in the factor analysis. It was found that a medium effect exists between the middle-aged group and the older-age group on the Verbal marketing dimension. A medium effect also exists between the black and Asian respondents on the dimension Verbal marketing. There is a large effect between attendance of the Festival and Verbal marketing but a medium effect on the dimension Action marketing. A large effect was determined between avid fans and those that are not interested but attend occasionally, between avid fans and those who have no interest in the Festival, between those that are interested and attend some aspects of the Festival and those that are not interested but attend, those that are interested and attend and those that are not interested, on the Verbal marketing dimension. A medium effect was discovered between avid fans of the Festival and those that attended some of the aspects of the Festival, and those that are not interested but attend some aspects, and those that are not interested at all, on the Verbal marketing dimension. On the Verbal marketing dimension a medium effect was determined between the following: A medium effect was determined between avid fans of the Festival and those that attended some of the aspects of the Festival, avid fans and those that are not interested but attend occasionally, those that are interested and attend and those that are not interested, on the Action marketing dimension. This study contributes to the information that already exists concerning the role of the community in the marketing of arts festivals and on marketing communication research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Kommunikation i restaurangbranschen : - en studie om kommunikation i en expansiv bransch

Mannerfelt, Nanna January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker jag kommunikationen i restaurangbranschen i Stockholm idag (2013) och avgränsar mig till fyra restauranger i två segment, de etablerade och de nyetablerade, expanderande restaurangerna. Grunden till uppsatsen är det föränderliga restaurangklimatet i Stockholm stad, och hur restaurangbranschens kommunikation ser ut. Det har det senaste året öppnat fyrahundra procent mer restauranger än 2000.  Det tycks finnas en kutym att man inte genom klassisk annonsering i tidningarna kommunicerar inom restauranger av högre kvalitet och ambition. De restauranger jag har granskat faller alla inom ramen för högkvalitativa restauranger. Jag ställde mig frågan hur de då kommunicerar ut restaurangens varumärke? Hur de befintliga restaurangerna skulle klara sig på marknaden och hur arbetet kring kommunikationen ser ut, hur kommunicerar man sitt varumärke? Jag har också frågat om det har skett en förändring i restaurangernas kommunikation och om det är något man funderar kring.   Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserat svaren med hjälp av olika teorier rörande relationsmarknadsföring, Service Management, varumärkeskvalitet och Word-of-Mouth.   De slutsatser jag kommit fram till är att restaurangerna i dagsläget har en större förståelse för att kommunikation och varumärke än innan, samt en förståelse för att man måste arbeta med aktivt och skapa en tydlig restaurangkommunikation. Konkurrensen är hård och det gäller att hänga med i det föränderliga klimatet, att hela tiden vara aktuell. Man börjar se sig om efter hjälp med att kommunicera ut sitt varumärke och göra sig intressant för gästen genom exempelvis public relations-, reklam-byråer och digitala medier. Det är ett outforskat territorium och en ny marknad för kommunikationsbyråer.

Marknadsföring på sociala medier : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ fallstudie om två svenska livsmedelsföretags kommunikation på Facebook

Bråneryd, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet är att belysa hur ICA och Lidl kommunicerar och marknadsför sig via Facebook, samt att se huruvida de även använder det för att skapa mer symmetriska band med sin publik. Frågeställningar berör vilka mönster som finns i kommunikationen och hur interaktionerna mellan företagen och de som kommenterade ser ut. Metod och teori: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och en kvalitativ textanalys har använts i uppsatsen. Materialet består av Facebook-inlägg från respektive företag, samt tillhörande kommentarer. Dessa har analyserats med hjälp av teorier inom kommunikation, marknadsföring, retorik samt tidigare forskning kring inlägg företag lägger upp på Facebook och hur det påverkar läsarens beteende. Resultat: Facebook användes främst som ett marknadsföringsverktyg av bägge företagen. Innehållet i en viss del av inläggen som lades upp tydde på en vilja att bjuda in till dialog. Lidl och ICA verkade dock vara selektiva angående vilka inlägg de besvarade. Negativa kommentarer fick i flera fall inget svar Rent retoriskt präglades både ICA och Lidl:s språk främst av logos. Utifrån urvalet som studerades gick det inte att säga att de bedrev symmetrisk tvåvägskommunikation. Intentionerna finns dock där till viss del – men i sådana fall behöver både ICA och Lidl ställa fler öppna frågor till läsarna och även bemöta de mer negativa kommentarerna mer konsekvent. Dålig eller utebliven respons ökar risken för negativ word-of-mouth – vilket potentiellt kan försämra relationen med deras kunder.

Local stakeholders’ perspectives of WHS status: a case study

Du, Jiayun 04 January 2012 (has links)
It is recognized that the World Heritage Site (WHS) status is a strong brand with exceptional quality and excellent reputation that attracts tourists to visit. This study applies and adapts the brand knowledge model to examine local stakeholders’ understanding of the WHS status as a brand. A case study approach was applied and a WHS in China was selected as the case. In total, 13 interviewees from local government, private business owners and residents participated in the study. The study showed that the three local stakeholders were familiar with the WHS status and shared the importance of the WHS status as intended by the WHS program to tourists. However, local stakeholders over emphasized the economic importance of the WHS status, and conservation became a tool to fulfill economic benefits. The results challenged the standpoint of the WHS program and showed that the WHS status was not a strong brand.

The role of the host community in marketing arts festivals / Z. Roodt

Roodt, Zanelle Dorothy Anne January 2008 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to determine the role of the host community in the marketing of arts festivals with reference to the Grahamstown National Arts Festival. This goal was achieved firstly by analysing the relationship between the events industry and the community. Secondly, a literature study was conducted to explore the role of the community in tourism marketing. Thirdly, a survey was done to determine the perceptions of the community in terms of the marketing of the Festival as well as the social impact thereof. From previous studies it was found that the local community can be seen as a group of people of different gender, race, age and different race and social groups living together in a certain geographic area. The local community is the main suppliers of an event; they provide many of the businesses, public places and hospitality services used by tourists and visitors at an event. Staff, volunteers and many other resources come from the local community. The attitude of the local community towards the Festival is proven to be important. Positive attitudes are associated with economic and social benefits gained from the event. The attitude of the local community can influence their behaviour towards tourists as well as their message spread concerning the event, through word-of-mouth communication. They can influence the buying behaviour of tourists and visitors. Research was undertaking at Grahamstown National Arts Festival to determine the perceptions and attitudes of the local community towards the Festival and the marketing thereof. This was determined by means of a questionnaire as adopted from Fredline, Jago and Deery. It was distributed among the local community according to a stratified random sampling procedure. A total of 265 questionnaires were completed by residents. Firstly, the data was used to compile tables and graphs with a view to interpret the descriptive data: demographic information as well as perceptions and attitudes of the local community towards the Festival and the marketing thereof. It was found that the Festival has a positive impact on their personal lives as well as on the community as a whole. Positive and negative social impacts were identified, which indicates that the community are aware of the impacts: positive, including the range of things to do in Grahamstown has improved (80%), the number of people in the area has increased (80%) and there are more opportunities to meet new people (80%). The highest rated negative social impacts include the fact that the availability of parking has decreased (79%), that the public money spent on the Festival would be better spent on other things (43%) and that ordinary residents get no say in the planning and management of the Festival (50%). In terms of the marketing, the local community markets the Festival verbally by telling friends and family about it and also by attending the Festival themselves. However, the local community feel that they should be more involved in the planning and marketing of the Festival. Secondly, a factor analysis was performed with a view to synthesise the large amount of data concerning the perceptions and marketing of the Festival in smaller, more descriptive factors. These factors were used to determine the role of the community in the marketing of the Festival. The factor analysis yielded a 2-factor solution and the factors were labelled: Factor 1: Verbal marketing of the Festival; Factor 2: Action marketing of the Festival. Thirdly, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to explore the impact of the variables: age, gender, race, income, level of education, attitudes towards continuation of the Festival, attendance of the current festival, attendance of previous festivals, level of interest in the Festival, length of stay in Grahamstown, attitudes towards living in Grahamstown on the dimensions Verbal and Active marketing, as determined in the factor analysis. It was found that a medium effect exists between the middle-aged group and the older-age group on the Verbal marketing dimension. A medium effect also exists between the black and Asian respondents on the dimension Verbal marketing. There is a large effect between attendance of the Festival and Verbal marketing but a medium effect on the dimension Action marketing. A large effect was determined between avid fans and those that are not interested but attend occasionally, between avid fans and those who have no interest in the Festival, between those that are interested and attend some aspects of the Festival and those that are not interested but attend, those that are interested and attend and those that are not interested, on the Verbal marketing dimension. A medium effect was discovered between avid fans of the Festival and those that attended some of the aspects of the Festival, and those that are not interested but attend some aspects, and those that are not interested at all, on the Verbal marketing dimension. On the Verbal marketing dimension a medium effect was determined between the following: A medium effect was determined between avid fans of the Festival and those that attended some of the aspects of the Festival, avid fans and those that are not interested but attend occasionally, those that are interested and attend and those that are not interested, on the Action marketing dimension. This study contributes to the information that already exists concerning the role of the community in the marketing of arts festivals and on marketing communication research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Identifying Romanness : virtus in Latin historiography during the late Republic and early Empire

Balmaceda, Catalina January 2005 (has links)
This thesis deals with the role of the concept of virtus in Roman historiography of the late Republic and early Empire. I shall argue throughout the study that analysing and tracing this concept in the works of the historians of this period take us to the very heart of the question of their appraisal both of political change and Roman identity. Understanding this moral appraisal does not mean just a better comprehension of their concept of virtus, but a new approach to their concept of history as magistra vitae. In the first chapter, I shall introduce some characteristics of the nature of historical writing and the approaches of ancient and modern historians. I shall be challenging some currents views on the complexity of evaluating ancient history by rhetorical and moral standards. In chapter II, I shall consider the concept of virtus in terms of its etymology and usage; I will then attempt to show the particular connection between virtus and Romanness. I will also develop and explain the concepts of virilis-virtus and humana-virtus and place them in their philosophical context. Chapters III, IV, V and VI will form part of what I have called 'Virtus in History', and in these chapters I shall deal with four historians. The first section is dedicated to Sallust and his analysis of political decline in relation to virtus. I shall attempt to assess Sallust's influential creation of moral language in the writing of history. Then, I will consider the connection of virtus as a means to preserve libertas in Livy's work, especially considering the author's time. Chapter V is concerned with Velleius' history and his view that the principate has re-established virtus in Rome. I shall concentrate on Tiberius for my analysis of virtus and challenge some traditional approaches to this author and his prince. Finally, in chapter VI, I will examine Tacitus' perception of the nature of the political change that Rome has undergone. I will show how the transformations in politics have a deep influence on the very idea of Romanness and how the disturbance of this concept leads to a more profound and internal interpretation of it.

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